Friday, August 20, 2010

Covers--the Clever and the Unique. Not!

Thank you to my long-time friend, Mary Connealy, for asking me back to Seekerville so I can let you all know about my newest book from Harlequin Historicals, THE LAWMAN’S REDEMPTION, which wraps up the Wells Cattle Company trilogy.

Here’s a quick blurb:
Jack Hollister had always wanted to be a lawman, but the night he’s forced to kill his outlaw father in self-defense, he tosses aside his badge and turns cowboy. He seeks refuge at the Wells Cattle Company, but he’s haunted by his father’s dying wish – to find the man who betrayed him and his gang.

Grace Reilly nurtures a simmering hate for the lawman she believes killed her lawless mother. She vows revenge, but her respectable life in the east is shattered by scandal. First, she must travel west to find the answers she needs to save her best friend and all they’d worked for, never dreaming she’d find Jack, too . . ..

Together, Jack and Grace learn love and forgiveness as they encounter the man who’s determined to destroy them—unless they can destroy him first.

Now, I gotta tell you, writing a book is hard work. It's stressful, time-consuming and scary. And it may--or may not--be particularly profitable. Throughout the whole months-long process, we writers will bang our heads, chew our nails and agonize over every character, plot point and word choice until at last! We type "The End" and send the whole thing to our editor.
But it's all worth it when we get our covers.
Most of the time.
Covers are the icing on the cake for us. They're the final step in the process--the one thing that makes our book a real BOOK. They're the reason why many of us write in the first place--beyond telling the stories we're compelled to tell--seeing our name in bold, colorful print and knowing the rest of the world will see our name, too.
But waiting for that first glimpse often takes several months. Sometimes we have input, sometimes we don't. Sometimes we're blessed with great art departments--or not. Sometimes the models on the cover are just who we picture how our characters should look, and sometimes----well, you get the idea.
Despite all this, getting the cover is THE most exciting thing about the book for me. I get my covers in jpg format, and when I find that email in my Inbox, my heart beats a little faster, and my finger hovers over the mouse for a sweetly agonizing moment while my brain worries ... will I like it, or won't I?
Covers are often hotly debated, sometimes collected, autographed and always promoted. They usually have a story or two behind them. Here's a few of mine:

I just had to include my very first cover in today's blog. It's so darn special for that very reason. My first four books were released by Dorchester Publishing and their Leisure books line. We must not have had jpg's back then, because the Production Assistant was kind enough to print me a color copy and mail it to me. I still remember standing in my kitchen with my jaw hanging down to the floor. I didn't know that's what the envelope held, and the surprise--and awe--at seeing my precious first cover will always stay with me. I didn't put that paper down for 3 days.
I've always loved the model. He's so-o hunky and more mature than most. The look is romantic, and the heroine is realistic and beautifully coy. My one complaint? Her gown looks like a negligee--and not a dress a woman at the time would've worn.
My third book with Leisure was HANNAH'S VOW. The same production assistant from above was a huge Titanic fan. When someone from the Art Department happened to stroll through her office, she noticed a photo of Jack and Rose tacked on the assistant's bulletin board. She pointed to the picture and said--"I want a cover just like that for a book I have coming up."
Here's what I got. Cool, eh?

Now, for those of you who think that every author's book gets oodles of special attention, or that an entire department slaves away for untold hours making each cover just perfect, well, think again. In an ideal world, I suppose, but the reality is that some covers get--ahem--recycled.
In this age of computer graphics, it's easy to do, and it saves the publisher piles of money. For the author, however, it's a bit disconcerting to see that a cover she sees and loves as her own has been used for another book.
Case in point:

My Spring Brides anthology came out in June, 2005. You can't see it well here, but there's a horse and buggy parked next to the church. And of course, the chair with the hat and wedding dress in front.

This was inside the front cover. Same church, but no horse and buggy, and of course, the chair was gone, too. I really liked the black and white shot of the bride walking toward the church. It fit well with the whole book.

When the book came out in the United Kingdom in May, 2006, they used the inside cover from the first book, but in color. Note that the sky is lighter than the North American version, and so is the grass, but the church is distinctively the same.
Imagine my surprise in February, 2008, when I found Jillian Hart's cover was an exact match. Hers was the second book to launch the Love Inspired Historical line, and she got tons of promo. I suspect the cover will be laid to rest for awhile.
Below is the front and back of THE MERCENARY'S KISS, my very first book with Harlequin Historicals. I call it my infamous sausage pizza cover, and I'll let you figure out why, but I'm told the model on the front was hugely popular with the readers, even voted Number One on eharlequin the year before the book came out.

I did find it strange that on the back of the cover they used a different model. Perhaps a cost-saving measure. Note that they're both wearing the same shirt and vest, but the one on the back is older and more rugged. One of my favorites.

He's such a cutie, I'm glad they gave him his own cover on my UK and Italian versions.
Now this one had me scratching my head bigtime. This is the cover to HER LONE PROTECTOR. I fell in love with this guy from the get-go, and so did virtually all my readers.


When HER LONE PROTECTOR came out in the UK, this is the cover they gave me:

They put the cover for UNTAMED COWBOY on HER LONE PROTECTOR. Why they didn't use my gorgeous cowboy from the North American version of HER LONE PROTECTOR is beyond me. I was um, dismayed, because not only were the covers switched, the cover had absolutely nothing to do with the story. Nothing, nothing. I was sure someone goofed since I've always been given my North American covers on foreign editions, but when my agent inquired, she was assured the cover chosen was a calculated decision to give the book a western look and feel.
You remember my newest cover from THE LAWMAN’S REDEMPTION, don’t you?


Here’s the cover for KIDNAPPED BY THE COWBOY, its sequel:
Do you notice what these 3 books have in common?
The cowboy heroes are wearing the very same shirt. Sigh . . . on KIDNAPPED, the pocket is edited out, but the fabric is the same. And oh, did you notice the belt buckle on KIDNAPPED and LAWMAN? Yep, one and the same there, too.

Let's talk covers, my friends. Those of you who are pubbed, have any cover stories to share?
Does cover mistakes bother you? Do you even notice? Or care?
Have you noticed any recycled covers lately?
Join in the discussion, and I’ll give away two copies of THE LAWMAN’S REDEMPTION!


  1. Hahaha I suddenly have the urge for pizza! I can definitely see why The Mercenary's Kiss is dubbed the sausage pizza book, the ground & shrubbery looks like my favorite food! But look at it this way readers not only get a good story but they also get a no calorie dinner to go along with the eye candy that is the hero. :-P

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Coffee timer's set.

    When I pick up a book for purchase consideration, I admit I don't usually pay a lot of attention to the front cover. I immediately flip it over and read the blurb on the BACK cover.

    If I had published books I'm sure I would pay much more attention to the FRONT covers.

    Interesting comments, especially about the recycling.


  3. I had to laugh about the sausage pizza - Yep, I see it! LOL

    Deborah Raney and I discovered not too long ago that our covers share the same heroine. Different poses, but the same model. My book is Rocky Mountain Oasis and hers is Beneath a Southern Sky.

  4. Pam, your book is wonderful. I was so glad I won it recently. And I found His Substitute Bride at the em.

    I have seen covers that are repeats and, of course, there are some lines that seem to use the same poses, the same models all the time.

    Just read another article on covers which talked about smirks on the male model, new clothes on the models, photoshopped details that look horrible etc. To which I must add the old standby, when the models' hair color does not match the characters!

    But I am wondering if those of you who are authors prefer the warm, pretty covers that may have a scene like Cheryl's or Ruthy's books. Or more model focused ones where the male or female or both are up front and center. I find I like both.

    I am attracted by the blurb and, as I told Cheryl, I pay attention to the little series tags on covers as well.

    I will say that I tend to like the American covers rather than the Mills and Boon ones, even when they have the same picture. I wonder what the cultural difference is....

    Peace, Julie

  5. Good morning Pam and welcome back to Seekerville.

    Helen, thanks for the java.

    I am totally wooed by the cover. And so for a new author that's huge. It can make or break a purchase.

  6. I have to be honest (after all, this is Seekerville), but I've never thought about the concept of recycled covers. I think the day that I have a cover I'll just be falling on the floor.

  7. I'm dying laughing here.

    Pam, that's great stuff and pretty funny. At least you didn't get three arms, right?


    I gotta say, I love my covers because they're winsome, they fit the line and the feel of the books delightfully. And I know a cover is only a representation of a book, especially in category romance because those guys in the art rooms are working a LOT of books/month.

    The one thing we've laughed about is that the little girl on the cover of Waiting Out the Storm and Made to Order Family is the same kid, a year older.

    Only she's not.

    Oops. But that's okay because the 'feel' of the book is there.

    I love that you've got the UK versions for us to see the differences.

    Love that. And I can't wait to read this because that cover SUCKED ME IN.

    Totally. Remember the end of Man from Snowy River where Tom Burlinson gives the brim of his cowboy hat one tug along with a very sure of himself tiny smile?

    Oh. My. Stars. S-W-E-E-T.

    That cover reminds me of that moment, a sure-of-himself guy, comfortable in his skin, a leader, regardless of profession.

    Love it.

  8. Pam,

    I can't believe they changed the model in the UK for Her Lone Protector. The guy on the American cover is such a cutie!

    Anyway, great topic, and I can't wait for the day when a jpg arrives in my inbox. I agree with Walt, I probably won't care what or who's on the cover because I'll be on the floor.

    Great cover for the Lawman's Redemption. Made me homesick for Wyoming. :o)


  9. Hi, Pam! I love all your covers! YUM!

    My first book (and only pubbed book so far) has a wonderful cover. I love it! The model, the heroine, is perfect! Well, she's a little skinny and her hair isn't quite as thick and full as my heroine, but close enough! I love the slightly scared look on her face! Perfect.

    I did have a bit of input on the cover. My wonderful editor sent me a picture of a dress they had picked out for the model to wear and asked me what I thought of it. It fit the time period well and was very pretty, but it was a bright orange. The color threw me. Especially since I was going to have to describe that dress in the big dance scene in the book. What could I possibly call that color? My editor helped me brainstorm. We decided on "cinnamon." But then my editor emailed me and said they weren't able to get that dress! It had been rented out elsewhere! I was very relieved. Next, she sent me a picture of an unbelievably gorgeous GOLD dress with enormously long, pointed, dark red sleeves that hung to the floor. In style it didn't really fit the period quite as well as the first dress. But it was gorgeous, and I loved the sleeves! Just a couple of days later, if I remember right, they sent me the cover photo! It was gorgeous! But you couldn't really see the sleeves at all. My husband told me to tell my editor that they needed to do it over and show more of the sleeves. I just looked at him and was like, Yeah, sure, honey. (I don't think so.) As if I was in a position to be demanding! But it was really fun to be in on the process. A couple of months after that, I saw the VIDEO TRAILER they made of the same model, but wearing her "work dress," running around a castle! I found out later that the "castle" they filmed the trailer in was actually Shrove Chapel on the campus of Colorado College in Colorado Springs. But it looks just like a castle! Love it. So thankful to Zondervan for that video AND the cover!

  10. What a great post,Pam--and your books are going on my TBR list!

    I really hadn't thought about covers until last weekend when I worked through paperwork and photo sites to turn in for the cover of my book with Love Inspired Historicals. But the more I did, the more I got into it, wondering what it would eventually look like. The only thing I asked for was WWII planes so we'll have to see.

    Blessings for your Friday,

  11. Pam, I love your covers, all of them! YUM!

    I just typed out the whole story about my cover and blogger ate it. I hate blogger, I hate blogger ... GRRR!!!

    Okay, since it's such a good story, I have to tell it again.

    I love my cover. The model on the front is pretty much perfect, especially the slightly scared look on her face. It's gorgeous. My editor first sent me a picture of a dress they were thinking of getting for the model to wear on the cover, and what did I think of it? It was perfect for the time period and very pretty, but it was bright orange. I was going to have to describe that dress for the big dance scene in the book, and how was I ever going to describe that color? My editor helped me brainstorm and we came up with "cinnamon." Well, then she emailed me and said they couldn't get that dress, it had been rented out. I was relieved! The next dress they sent me was not quite as authentically period-looking, but it was gorgeous. It was gold with long, pointed, dark red sleeves that hung to the floor. I loved the sleeves! Then just a couple of days later, they sent me the cover photo. It was GORGEOUS! Just a couple of months later, I saw the VIDEO TRAILER Zondervan had made, with the same model running around a CASTLE with her "work dress" on. Later I found out the "castle" was actually Shrove Chapel in Colorado Springs on the campus of Colorado College. But it looks just like a castle! I was so thankful to my wonderful publisher, Zondervan, for that trailer AND the cover.

  12. I have liked all my cover art so far, and the designers have been great to work with.

    My second book, The Marriage Masquerade, was set at a lighthouse based upon Split Rock Lighthouse on the North Shore of Lake Superior. I was thrilled when the design team used Split Rock for the cover.

  13. Okay, great. I wasted all that time retyping my comment and the first one posted--AFTER BLOGGER TOLD ME IT DIDN'T. GRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! again.

    Sorry! LOL! It is a good story, right? Okay, well, it's interesting to me!

  14. Pam, I'm laughing so hard. I can see using the same model. Handsome dude. BUT THE SAME SHIRT. That is tooooooo funny.

    And I know that feeling of the first cover. I'm like Walt. I just fell out. I loved my first cover.

    But Warner did a cover (this is back in the eighties) for LOVE'S MIRACLES which was set in the redwoods of Northern California. Most people know that redwoods are the largest trees on the planet and here the cover has these tiny little firs like you find in the loratian shield. yikes. But hubby was cute. He said. "Well honey they are second growth trees"

    Thanks for joining us Pam. Loved all the comparisons.

    And I can hardly wait to see what my cover will be like for Avalon. I think they have really nice covers so am so excited to see what they do with PRICE OF VICTORY.

  15. What a fun post! :) It's great to have you with us again, Pam!

    I've been really pleased with my covers for Love Inspired. The last two were exactly what I described. Except after they added kids to the Christmas cover, it was even better than I had envisioned.

    I actually love filling out an art fact sheet! For those who may not be familiar with it, it's a form you fill out for Harlequin that gives scene ideas to use for covers and lets you describe the mood and feel of your book, plus give details about the characters.

    I also collect photos as I write to send for possible cover ideas. I have a ball doing it.

    And then, like you said, I wait and worry until I finally get to see it. :)

  16. It was a great story Melanie!

    One of my how-to writing books suggested making my own cover for my hopefully-published-one-day-book.

    My working title is Husbands May Run, but They Can't Hide (I know this is too long)and I found a great picture of a cowboy racing away on his horse. If this books ever gets published, I hope they create a similar cover because I have a hard time picturing with just a boubquet of flowers or a tough cowbow. He should be running.

    For any of you who's never tried this, it's really fun. Even write, New York Time Bestselling author before your name...


  17. I've seen the same model on covers of different books, but it doesn't really bother me. I did notice the cover model of one model didn't match the description (hair color) of the book. (Of course that didn't make me not want to read the book since I didn't know the hair color until I purchased and read the book!)

    I do something wonder what other folks think when they walk into a Christian bookstore and see a long line of forlorn looking characters.

  18. Oh, PAM, what a fun, FUN blog today, and welcome back to Seekerville, girl, we missed you!! LOVE the back cover to the Mercenary's Kiss, even more than the front, although ALL your covers are hubba-hubba!!

    And cover stories??? I'm not as long published as you, but I sure have the stories ... uh, maybe because I'm pretty high maintenance in that department and I'm married to an artist who I cry to whenever there something I feel needs to be tweaked. AND ... the incredibly talented and sweet artist I work with made the HUGE mistake of asking my opinion on the first cover, A Passion Most Pure! I'm sure she's been kicking herself ever since ... :)

    On A Passion Most Pure, they had Faith's hair down, which made it look like a prairie romance, so they were kind enough to accommodate me with an upsweep hairdo AND make her hair more auburn (it had been more brown).

    But the real kick was the hero, Collin. They originally had a really namby-pamby shot of this incredibly handsome model, and I was heartsick. I immediately e-mailed my artist to ask if they had any other usable shots from the photo shoot, and she said no, just one where "Collin" looked angry, and nobody thought that would work. "Can you send it to me?" I asked sweetly, and she did, and VOILA ... chemistry immediately oozed forth because Collin has this moody, belligerant look that absolutely sizzles with Faith's innocently saucy look. Because of Collin's sullen look, the cover works perfectly because he spends most of the book angry at her anyway because he can't have her.

    Then on A Passion Redeemed, the original hair on the hero Mitch was slicked down (he has curly hair), which made him look like an English dandy. I cried because Mitch is my favorite hero of the series and if you could see the head shot of the model they sent me, you would gasp! He's SO good-looking that the girls at work all gasped when they saw his picture, and I think I'm going to put it in my next newsletter just to show people what Mitch was SUPPOSED to look like!! Anyway, my husband and I searched the Internet for 30 minutes before we found blond curls on a celebrity (who shall remain unnamed) that my husband plopped on Mitch just so we could show my publisher what we were thinking, and lo and behold, they actually went with it!

    But the real kicker came when I asked my publisher artist to "endow" the heroine a little more since she was supposed to be more voluptuous than her sister and the model wasn't! Imagine my surprise when my artist sent me a "jokester" picture with Charity looking like Dolly Parton and Mitch's eyes bugging out of his head!! I laughed forever over that one, let me tell you.

    Fun topic, Pam, thanks for brightening my Friday!


  19. That may not have been clear. You're supposed to create the cover so YOU can picture your book, not for the publishing company.

  20. Hi, Pam.
    I formatted this for Pam and those strange extra boxes??? Kinda scarey. I'd see if I could fix it but I'm afraid I might ... crash the whole thing.

    I'm sorry.

    Great blog post.

    I don't really understand covers. Do people really have this as a job? I mean, I know they do, but I just envision the men...tuxedos, the women, evening dresses...
    "Okay, now pretend (to the man) that you're a CEO Billionaire with a surprise baby on the way."

    To the woman...try and look pregnant.

    I've always been fascinated by what goes into cover design. And I LOVE a great cover.

  21. Welcome back to Seekerville, Pam!Thanks for sharing your covers. Even if they were used more than once, they're wonderful! Terrific hooks to pull in readers.

    People covers are my favorites but I've loved all of my covers. The landscape on the cover of Courting the Doctor's Daughter is hilly when my setting was flat. Totally my fault for not mentioning that detail when I filled out the Art Fact Sheet online. But no one from the area complained.


  22. Good morning, everyone!--big wave!

    It's great to be back at Seekerville--always a friendly place! Love seeing those familiar names, too.

    Having a great time reading all your comments!

  23. There I deleted them. And the blog is still here. Phew!

    The greatest cover story ever has to be Christina Dodd's cover with a model with THREE ARMS.

    Her reaction to it is a classic example of someone making lemons out of lemonade.

    Three Armed Woman

  24. Susan May Warren--Taming Rafe
    Tracey Garrett--Touched by Love

    EXACT same cover except mirror image. They just flipped the negative over (I know, they probably don't have negatives anymore, but you get my meaning)

  25. I like no faces on my books.

    But I need to get over that, right? I mean most books have faces, right?

    But still, I like using my imagination to fill in the blanks.

    I remember a Jennifer Crusie book called Getting Rid of Bradley, very funny book. I've got an old copy, I think it's been re-released since then.

    But on the cover is this very pretty woman sitting on the man's lap and she's got this gorgeous brown hair full of ringlets.

    Only trouble is, one of the running gags of the book is her hair. At first its horrible bleached blonde (getting over a bad divorce). Then she dyes it a dead, pitch black. Then it starts breaking off and the dye is fading and it turns green. Later she gets it all cut off and dyed red.

    At no point did she have long, beautiful brown curly hair. I always wondered what they were thinking. :)

  26. Didja all notice Sandra got in the title of her upcoming book???

    Good job, sweetums!!!

    And Melanie, you're a hoot. Blogger's out to get you, darlin'.

  27. And another cover pet peeve. (I'm not all THAT peeved)
    A book with a dairy farm. Well, I grew up on a dairy farm. And the book was a fair depiction of the relentless work of a dairy farm, right down to the black and white spotted Holstein cows.

    On the cover, a baby HEREFORD. A red white faced calf.

    There were no Herefords in the book. One of those things that maybe few people would notice but it made me laugh.

  28. Did they even have plaid shirts back then? I mean sure they had plaid, woven, like in scottish tartans, and they had gingham and calico, but usually sprinkled with flowers?

    I'm just wondering. I think most fabric, especially for men, was one color.

  29. Simply fascinating, Pam! I have heard lots of "cover catastrophe" stories since getting into this business. My own experiences have been mild in comparison.

    The art department at Abingdon Press did a stellar job with One Imperfect Christmas. I need to ask for a bit of tweaking with my first two Heartsong Presents titles, but the cover of my latest release, Where the Dogwoods Bloom, was perfect from the start!

    Part of it is learning from experience what helps the art department and what doesn't. I always try to search sites like Getty Images or iStock for some representative pictures of the characters and setting that I can include. Then I look for one or two very visual scenes from the book and copy them verbatim.

    I may not always agree with the choices, but in the end, we don't have much choice but to trust the art department for what they think will sell the most books.

  30. That should be "needED to ask," past tense. Too late to change anything now!!!

  31. Julie H-S - you are one busy girl on Facebook. :-)

    I agree with you - I like the American covers better than M & B, too, but they are a *very* popular publisher across the pond, and their marketing dept. knows what sells.

    Alas, American westerns are a bit remote over there.

  32. Melanie, sympathies on the blogger troubles. Me, too - had to change my password already, and I hate, hate that word verification. Ugh!

  33. Ruth - loved your perspective of LAWMAN'S cover. You make a good point that artists have so-o many covers to do every month, especially at H/S, but you'd think they'd have someone watching the artist's back, you know?

    And they should know how much a cover means to the author. It means ALOT! But I suppose they get immune to all that after awhile . . .

  34. Patty, so you're working on a WWII book? Too cool. I'm working on a new 1920s series between the wars.

    We're seeing more and more from that era, aren't we? Renee Ryan has a September LI coming out that I just have to have.

  35. Erica, congrats on your Split Rock success. That's the way it should be!!!

  36. So annoying about the redwoods, Sandra, but your hubby was right to look at it from a humorous side.

    (Easy for him, tho, huh? It's not HIS book! :-) )

  37. Missy,

    I hate the Art Facts job. I put all that time and thought into them, and the artists never, never take my suggestions.

    But they've given me a pretty consistent look over the years with a single cowboy on the cover. I've had some hunky ones, so I'm happy, Art Fact sheet or not. :-)

  38. Patty!! We need to celebrate a first sale!! Woo hoo!! Patty sold to LI Historicals! :)


  39. Julie, I'm AMAZED at all the input you have into your covers. That they even *changed* something for you boggles my mind.

    I don't get any of that. The cover is a done deal when I finally get to see it a couple of months before the book hits the shelves. By then, it's well into production.

  40. Mary, my dear, thanks for fixing the empty white boxes. I just figured that came with the way I sent everything to you.

    Funny reminder about Christina's 3-armed heroine. Totally forgot about that one - I had to check it out again. Can you imagine??

  41. Hi, Janet! Great to see a Petticoats & Pistols guest from way back!

    I like people covers, too. Especially hero ones - who the readers really want to see anyway, and read about.

    Heroines? Who cares? (says Nora Roberts)

  42. No faces on your books is your brand, Mary . . . I LOVE your covers. They're perfect for you.

  43. One of the first "what have they done to my cover hero?" stories I heard was Suzanne Brockman talking about how the hero of her book looked like The Michelin Man, you know the big marshmallow guy. It doesn't get much worse than that!

    And I have to say that Janet Dean's Courting Miss Adelaide was the first book I bought solely based on the cover. In fact, I think it pretty much sold me on the Love Inspired Historical line.

    And, you would think they could "translate" American westerns into Australian outback stories!

  44. I don't have any book cover horror stories. I did try to be very detailed when I filled out the cover art sheet for my Heartsong but to date I haven't seen the artwork.

    Many times I pick up a book because I like the cover but I buy books based on the story blurb on the back.

    Thanks for sharing "The Three Armed Women" link. That was funny!

    Pam-I like all your covers even if the cowboy was wearing the same shirt! Does it help to know in "the olden days" people only had two changes of clothes???? Actually, unless your books were sold side by side, I wonder if most people would even notice that?

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  45. Julie, I totally remember Janet's 'Courting Miss Adelaide' cover. It was beautiful, beautiful!

  46. Rose,

    I did know that most people only had 2 sets of clothes. So that plaid shirt must've been passed around to get even more use out of it.

    Even if it *was* plaid, eh? :-)

  47. Pam, Loved seeing your covers, the repeats, the mixups.

    Too funny.

    At least I didn't see three arms on any of them!

    Loved the pizza one. ha

  48. Whoo-hoo! I see Patty, the latest LIH author, here in Seekerville.

    Yay for Patty!

  49. Oh, Patty! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    There is nothing like that first sale. It's such a huge accomplishment and incredibly satifying.

    Best wishes for a hugely successful published career!

  50. Thank you all for sharing in my joy!

    I'm loving this period of 'firsts'--getting the call, renaming the book(It's now called Hearts in Flight which I love!) and turning in the paperwork for the cover. LIH has always done a great job on their covers so I'm excited to see what they have in store.

    But right now, everything about the whole process excites me!


  51. Pam, your enthusiasm is contagious! :-)

  52. Pam doesn't 'get' how Julie managed to have input on her covers.



    Are ya' gettin' the picture, Cupcake?

    Sorry, Jules... I just had to jump in, if I can stop ROF, LOL....

    Oh my stars...

  53. Patty!!!!!!!!





  54. Fascinating topic. I never would've thought about cover mistakes. It's kind of like finding mistakes in a movie scene where the scene is cut and edited because it was shot on different days. Thanks for pointing this out. Now when my husband tries to hurry me away from the book aisle I can tell him I'm looking for cover mistakes.


  55. LOL, Ruthy. Yeah, Pam, ask Julie's hubby how she manages to get input in anything. ;)

    LOL, Dianna! We'll tell him that. :)


  56. Thanks for the interesting article about book covers. That is strange that they don't use the same cover when publishing in different countries. Yeah, I've noticed the same cover used for different books. It also bothers me when the people on front don't match the author's description. Sometimes I'd rather not have someone on the front cover then.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  57. I'm definitely missing something here . . .


  58. That's right, Dianna. Cover mistakes.

    Hello, Cynthia! Those covers should definitely match the characters and setting in the story. I think most of the time publishers try to get it right, but things get rushed, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing and so on. Even so, readers have expectations, and the book should meet them!

    Thank you for stopping by!

  59. Well, I've got my jammies on and am ready to call it a night. I just *loved* being here with you all today. I had a great time visiting about your cover experiences and getting re-acquainted with many of you.

    Thank you all for having me!!!

    Stay tuned for the announcement of my two winners for a copy of THE LAWMAN'S REDEMPTION!

  60. OH my word! I love the one with the rope. LOL!

    Great to have you here, Pam. Sorry I'm late chiming in.

