Friday, August 13, 2010

Seekerville Top Ten from the Archives

Seekerville would like to thank Thomas Nelson Chairman & CEO, Michael Hyatt for his post,
How To Keep Your Blog Posts From Dying In Your Archives.

Seekerville is coming up on our third birthday and we will begin our 4th year in blogosphere. As many of you know we began as competing contest divas. 15 unpublished authors on Unpubbed Island. Our journey of over 950 posts have been documented right here with you our friends.

We'd like to preview our month long October birthday bash by taking a look at our top ten posts from the last-almost-three years. Once again in October we will also set up another Seekerville survey to ask what you'd like to see.

This top ten list is not based on comments, but on unique hits the 24 hours that post was live. We have also removed the FIRST SALE parties from the mix because of course we already know those are the top ten! The results unfortunately do not consider return visits after the 24 hour posting period.

Additionally, today the Seekers are giving away eight books. If you would like a particular book, please mention it in the comments along with providing your email address.

We'd also like you to have some fun by checking out the top ten posts and telling us what you think. Are these your top ten? Which posts from the archive are your favorite?

And now in reverse order, we bring you Seekerville's TOP TEN:

10. Janet Kobobel Grant of Books & Such Literary Agency, Welcome To Seekerville!

9. The "Write" Word

8. Francine Rivers, Welcome to Seekerville!

7. Melissa Endlich, Senior Editor, Steeple Hill Books, Welcome To Seekerville!

6. Oh, My Galoshes, Noah Lukeman Was Right!

5. Margie Lawson-Welcome To Seekerville!

4. Faith, Half-Naked Men, and a Contest!

3. Joan Marlow Golan, Executive Editor, Steeple Hill Books

2. Wendy Lawton, Welcome To Seekerville!

1. Tina James, Senior Editor Steeple Hill Books, Welcome To Seekerville!

Seeker Books Being Given Away Today Include:

1. Mary Connealy, Doctor in Petticoats

2. Cara Lynn James, Love on A Dime

3. Janet Dean, The Substitute Bride

4. Glynna Kaye, Dreaming of Home

5. Ruth Logan Herne, Made To Order Family

6. Julie Lessman, Winners Choice of one of the Daughters of Boston books or A Hope Undaunted

7. Myra Johnson, Where The Dogwoods Bloom

8. Missy Tippens, Book of Choice

Winners Announced in the Weekend Edition.


  1. Probably won't be first once this is all typed. I've not even been aware of y'all for a year yet so... Not sure if I'm a good "judge" but...

    I very much enjoyed Camy's help on our one line, 25 words or less exercise. I learned a LOT.

    And up there too would be Janet's Scene and Sequel.

    There were others - Mary's 5 part-er (not sure which would be the fave - certainly the one on layering) I THINK that was Mary's... I'm sorry - it's late and I've just been on "forget" with the Internet people, trying to get my email to work again after dancing (!) with it all day...

    I personally like the ones having to do with the actual CRAFT of writing. But that reflects where I am in the journey no doubt.

    Thank you ALL and CONGRATULATIONS!!

    If I win (pick ME, pick ME!) - I'd like to try one of Missy's- maybe the Christmas one? :)

    may at maythek9spy dot com

  2. Hi Tina:

    My favorite post, that comes to mind right now, is “You Know You’re a Writer…” by Debby Giusti which went 207 posts and would have hit 300 if Debby had not been called away for the afternoon during the height of the posting ‘rush hour’.

    This post was great fun!

    BTW: I have every book shown above, except one that is not available for sale until 1 September (and I have that one pre-ordered) so please don’t enter my in this drawing. I'll save my 'luck' for another day. : )


  3. Congratulations to all you Seekers! You've come so far in such a short amount of time, and I'm so glad I've been able to really dive into the blogger world even more now that I have my own blog. :) I've loved chatting back and forth in the comment section with all of you--you're so fun, so generous, and so talented!

    I would love a chance to win Doctor in Petticoats or Made to Order Family. :D Either one of those would make me happy--but I especially need to read Ruthy's book! ;) Now that I'm hosting her on my blog next week during County Fair Week (thank you, Ruthy!!!), I think I need to actually read one of her books!

    I've got some watermelon and some pizza for sometime during the day when you're hungry. :) And I'll start the coffee!



  4. There are so many favorites - it's hard to pick just one! It's very rare that I read a blog and don't glean something from it - sometimes knowledge on writing, publishing, etc., and sometimes just a much-needed laugh!

    I would love to read Doctor in Petticoats or A Hope Undaunted


  5. I'm with you Edwina. It's apples and oranges. Every post has a unique perspective.

    Coffee is on!!

  6. Two of my favorite posts that weren't mentioned in the Top 10 were mentioned in the comments, that being Debby Giusti's "You Know You're a Writer..." and Camy's 25 words or less exercise. I would also add that Julie's post this week on passion was one of my favorites.

    However, my most favorite post of all (and this one did make the Top Ten) was the visit by Melissa Endlich. It was there that I got full request.

    I'm sorry to say that I'm not as faithful as Vince. I have only most of the books, not all of them. If I'm up for it, Cara's Love on a Dime or Julie's A Hope Undaunted would be great.


  7. I agree with Edwina. Since coming to Seekerville I haven't read a post that hasn't helped me in some way--even if it is just a good laugh, or ice cream sundae. :o) The topics have been wonderful and the authors generous with their time and assistance. Also, I'm amazed at the information I find through the great comments left by the Seekers and Seeker friends. Thanks for everything!

    Janet Dean's The Substitute Bride sounds like a great read.

  8. Well, this is a great look back at some wonderful moments and it tells me that:

    A: We're doing something right and that's what we intended all along.

    B: That mixing up "CRAFT" posts with "READER" posts and "PUBLISHING" posts really works because it's touching various people at their current level, which is what a great CONFERENCE does...

    only we're WAY CHEAPER!!!

    C: This is what friends are for and giving back totally rocks the big Kahuna, no hesitation on that.

    D: That blogs helping blogs is just people helping people in a new and different and very effective way and what a wonderful use of the Internet that is.

    E: We need to line up more big editors and agents for 2010-2011 and luckily, we intend to do just that. And we are blessed that industry biggies come in, come on and talk live with folks, because that's a wonderful thing.

    F: And did I mention FREE, LOL???

    Tina, thank you so much for compiling this, I love it when we scope out the archives and see what's gathering dust. I think people could literally obtain a two-year degree in creative writing by playing in the archives regularly.

    Awesome job, Toots.

    And I brought breakfast along since we cleaned out the ice cream bins yesterday and let me add that it took a LONG TIME to scrub those vats.

    Oh my stars, where's a dishwasher when you need it?

    I've got crisp-fried frittata this morning, bacon/sausage/egg/chees/homefries blend with a hint of onion, and some of that weird bran-flake cereal stuff with fresh berries for people who don't do fried breakfast.

    I totally respect your choice. And there's low-fat yogurt, too, alongside the fruit tray. Help yourselves!

  9. TEEEENNNNAA!!!! This is SOOO much fun!!! Cannot WAIT till the birthday bash in October because this post gets me soooooo pumped!!

    I have to say that I almost NEVER miss a Seeker blog because bottom line, I always learn or laugh over something because these are some of the most inspiring, encouraging and talented women I have ever met and I thank God for the blessing of being part of this wonderful group.

    As far as my favorites, that is just too hard, but I do love the ones that deal with the editing process because I LOVE the editing process (when I do it, uh ... NOT as much when my editor does it ... :)). I especially love to see the before and afters in revising a paragraph, like makeovers, only with words! I think both Audra and Ruthy featured blogs on editing as I recall and I think I may do that in the future because there's no better way to learn for me than to see the before and afters!

    Tina, I do have to say that every single time I read a blog of yours, Weekend Editions included, my jaw drops just a little bit more at your endless supply of creativity and quirkiness. Cannot WAIT to read The Rancher's Reunion in January, my friend!


  10. I have to agree with comments on the You Know You are a Writer post.

    I realized that I hadn't discovered you all when some of the those posts were done. So glad now to catch up on the excitement.

    I am learning a lot from the Seekerville Academy of Writing that is for sure. For instance, I couldn't for the life of me figure out that line between passion and falling out of the guidelines. This week's post helped clarify that a whole bunch.

    Being introduced to new writers has also helped broaden my horizons in so many ways. Thanks for those posts as well. You have such a great community.

    If I win, I would love Love on a Dime or Hope Undaunted as I have all the others!

    Blessings to you all and looking forward to the big celebration in October.

    Peace Julie


  11. You mean the post Faith, Half-Naked Men, and a Contest wasn't #1.

    Hmmm, what's this world coming to?

    I'm all for the craft-posts, but I also enjoy the times where you guys have just had fun, like the Ice Cream Social yesterday.


  12. Time flies when you're having fun in Seekerville!! Our three years as a blog have been a total blast!! Wahoo, Julie and Cheryl for drawing visitors along with our special guests, editors and agents!!

    KC, glad the Scene and Sequel post was helpful to you. That's always my hope when I'm talking craft.

    I brought deviled eggs dusted with paprika. Love em!


  13. I'm basking in the number of visitors my guest Amanda Forester brought to Seekerville in her Faith, Half-Naked Men, and a Contest! Feels good. :-)


  14. Since I am new here - every post is a great adventure. I have so much catching up to do and I am thoroughly enjoying it!

    Since I've ordered a series by Julie, I'd love to win any of the other authors.


  15. I always love reading these blog posts. I am not necessarily a writer, but it's wonderful to read about how ideas come together and hear about new books that are coming out. I have bought several that are mentioned on this blog and love all of them! I would love to win either A Hope Undaunted.

  16. Congrats on 3 years of blogging! I know I've certainly enjoyed reading them during my time visiting Seekerville. I would love a copy of A Hope Undaunted.


  17. I always enjoy the visiting editors and agent posts but my favorite posts, and what really got my addicted to the Seekervile blog, was the Show Me The Money week!!! many books to chose from....let's see...

    Love On A Dime
    A Hope Undaunted
    A Forever Christmas

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  18. WE are working REALLY HARD to make our October Birthday Bash SO HUGE you will have to carry your computer OUTSIDE just to read teh blog everyday, it will NOT fit in the house.

    And as always, when I saw 'WE' I mean TINA.

  19. I don't know where to begin.

    I just started reading your blog regularly this year, and not only have I learned so much from the lessons Mary and Glynna and Camy have posted, but I've printed them out (I think Glynna gave me the notebook idea) for future reference.

    Like Ruthy commented, it is like a free conference.

    I think your blog shines because all of you come here with your own unique talents and let them reflect His glory, and it makes all the difference. You all live up to your own potentials.
    Encouragers, you are.
    Ruthy is pushing me to put on those big girl britches, and Missy is kicking me all the way to persist. And just when I need a break, along comes slacker Tina and bicycle Sandra (your hero that is, just like mine) and redneck Debby. And I hope Janet forgives me one day for being a Saints fan. Don't worry Janet! It'll never happen again!

    And I gotta say, I appreciate the comments too and all the info and insights the community brings here.

    And the food here is really good.

    I would love to win anything by Julie Lessman. Anything-- Anything at all.

  20. I just started tuning in this year as well and I've rarely missed a day of checking in to see what's happening in Seekerville. Love the diversity of your posts, the dynamics of the team, the whole community feel and the TONS of information you all so generously share. You've changed my mindset from a 'wannabe writer' to a 'I think I can writer'. I still have a long way to go but I'm excited to have four years of archived blog posts to check over.

    And the food -- it's to die for -- even if y'all forget to bring out the teapot and the herbal teas each morning. I think I'm the only tea tottler among you!

    I'd love a chance to win Myra Johnson's Where the Dogwood Blooms

    rowanwood (at) rogers (dot) com

  21. So hard to pick a favorite post...I love anything by Tina, because she brings her unique brand of humor and wit.

    And anything by Mary, cuz I ADORE her.

    And Myra's posts always make me think. They go farther and dig deeper into the craft and take me along with them.

    Oh, man, I knew if I started listing folks, I'd be sure to miss one, so I'm going to stop there and just say Thank You! to all the Seekers for this blog, for welcoming friends into your circle, and for all the fun.

    Any of the Seeker books would be Yay!

  22. I always love reading all of your posts!! Sometimes I don't make it over to comment but I get the email newsletter and always read through it:) And I enjoyed the ice cream social yesterday as well.


  23. Yay Seekerville! :)

    If I win (pretty please with sugar on top!), I'd like Made To Order Family, Love on A Dime, or Doctor in Petticoats.


  24. I love reading posts by Mary too, Erica:) She has so much funny humor:D

  25. Kav! Thanks for putting your name in the hat for my book! I was feeling kind of intimidated by our Seekerville "big guns"--namely Mary and Julie.

    Erica! Wow, I make you think??? Scary!!! I'm inspired both by your depth of research and your great storytelling!

    And I must add how GREAT it is to be a part of the Seekerville phenomenon. Who'd have thought three years ago that this would turn into such a huge party with so many wonderful guests? What fun!!!

  26. What fun to see the Top 10 posts. I can't pick a favorite. There are far too many awesome ones for me to narrow it down.

    I'm looking forward to Seekerville's third anniversary celebration. It's the place to be!

  27. Mary, you are a hoot. We=Tina=Tina kicking Seekers in buns to remind them.

    Awe, thanks, Jules.

    One thing we have all discovered is that after 5 years together. AND THIS MONTH THE SEEKERS CELEBRATE FIVE YEARS AS A GROUP,and 3 years of blogging..

    we all have a very recognisable voice.

    Pretty much across the board we can read a post now and know who wrote it.

    And Erica, thanks for the sweet comment. When I am too famous for my clothes I will remember you. :)

  28. Hard to believe it is 5 years:) I have only known about you all this past year or so. Great to get to know you ladies!

  29. I've only recently found your blog, so I have a lot to go back and read. I've enjoyed learning about new people and authors. I've made it a goal to read a book by each of the sweet ladies on here, so all of these books look great! I would like to be entered for A Hope Undaunted, though, because I have read Julie's other books and I'm dying to know what's going on with the O'Conners. :)


  30. Happy Birthday! It's been about a year since I discovered your blog and I just want to say a big THANKS! Your lessons, advice, experiences, and your humor are so valuable to the writing community.

    I think my favorite post so far was just a few weeks ago---"The Psychology of Production" by Audra Harders. It was very good writing "therapy" for me!

    If I win I would like "A Passion Most Pure" by Julie Lessman.


  31. If I won, I would like either Doctor In petticoats or one of Julie's books:)


  32. Wow! I am thrilled that my "Half-Naked Men" post, oops, I mean "FAITH, Half-Naked Men and a Contest" post made the top ten. I'm sure it was the faith part that really drew them in!

    Actually it was probably the contest sponsored by my wonderful agent Barbara Poelle. Whatever it was I had a fabulous time - thanks for inviting me!!!

  33. Tina, thanks for compiling this top ten! Very cool to see what got the most hits. Yes, we definitely need to keep having editors and agents as our guests!

    I think the craft posts are my favorites, too. I always learn from you ladies and from comments! And like Julie said, who can resist and "makeover", before and after post? Those are fun to write as well (although it can be embarrassing to show the before). :)

  34. WOW! I can't beleive it's been that long! It just seems like yesterday I started following you guys!

    I really like the top ten list and before I even saw Pepper's comment I couldn't believe Faith, Half-Naked Men, and a Contest didn't make number one! ;-) Hehehe. In my book ALL of the posts are number 1!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would love to read A Hope Undaunted or Made to Order Family.

    Thank you again for the wonderful site, I love it when we get together and chat.

    XOXO~ Renee

  35. Dab-nabit! Blogger doesn't like me today. Now to remember my post!

    I love the posts from agents and editors. They allow us a unique look inside their worlds! And tips on getting your book noticed.

    But some of the most fun I've had in Seekerville has been brainstorming story ideas and book titles. I think it was a Saturday once when you all were tossing out ideas for a book title (maybe for Ruthy). And of course the posts started off serious, but then got totally off the charts funny. LOL! I have never laughed so much. My family thought I'd lost my marbles. One funny one I remember was "My High School Oopsie!"

    Anyway, thanks for the constant source of inspiration, ladies. I think your blog deserves some kind of award - like an Oscar or a RITA!

    (I've read most of the books offered, so I'll pick Cara's, Mary's or Myra's!)

    Have a great weekend.

    sbmason (at) sympatico (dot) ca

  36. Friends of Seekerville, our blog wouldn't be what it is if we didn't have you...our audience. Thanks for learning, laughing, celebrating a.d commiserating with us. You are part of our journey and it is a tremendous joy and privilege to get to spend time with you all in the comments where we meet and meet again. Thank you for your all are amazing and we look forward to many more great years with you and anticipate the joy of seeing each of your careers also unfold.

  37. Hey, #4 Amanda, thanks for coming! Agent Poelle contest or not, you were a great guest! Loved how you joined in and chatted it up, making the day fun for all of us!


  38. Kirsten, thanks for asking for The Substitute Bride!

    Smiling Janet

  39. Interesting that your top posts are all from guest posters. Probably because you gals do a great job of promoting those guest posts, and others, having learned of them, share the links.

    I'd love to see another Seekerville Top 10 -- posts written by the Seekers. I've gotten some of my most cherished writing advice and craft tips from Seekerville posts. 'Cuz you ladies have a way of getting to the heart of the matter with just the right words (and an occasional poke, a la Ruthie).

    For me, Cara Lynn James or Glynna Kaye's books, or Julie's A Passion Redeemed please.

  40. These comments have only confirmed what we suspected all along:

    I'm a pain in the neck.

    Tina's bossy.

    Mary pretends to NOT be bossy.

    Myra's brilliant.

    Janet's totally sucking up to Kirsten. Gag.

    Cheryl's kindly.

    Audra's working the fair.


    And I must say you guys know your ice cream.

    I loved Deb's You Know You're a Writer When post too. Oh my gosh, that still cracks me up, including all the comments.

    And I love the reaction to editors and agents.

    And I love how Tina seamlessly puts things altogether so we look smoooooth.

    And I love coffee and need some now so I brought fresh.

    One of my faves, though, is poking fun at Mary when I'm not pestering the rest of youse to get busy. Sit down. Write.

    Poking fun at Connealy: It's what I do.

  41. Congratulations and thanks to all of you for sharing so much! Wish you all continued success!

    EvaMariaHamilton at gmail dot com

  42. Congratulations on three years. That's quite an accomplishment, ladies! I really enjoyed the Steeple Hill editor posts, and I'm not sure I can narrow it to just one!

    Again, congrats.

    I already have so many of these wonderful books, but I don't have any of the Hope series.

  43. Ah Crud. I commented this morning. Really. Do I see it? no.

    Rarely a day goes by that I don't check in to see what in the world you ladies will come up with today! Love when agents and editors visit and share their experiences.

    I hope you know how exciting First Sales Parties are for the rest of us, too!

  44. Lots of wonderful posts. I've learned so much.

    Any of the books would be great. But I'd especially like Dreaming of Home, Made to Order Family, or His Forever Love.

    bcountryqueen6 at msn dot com

  45. Congratulations! As a newbie Seeker I just spent the last hour reading your top ten and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Please count me in for Doctor in Petticoats or Julie Lessman's books.


  46. Happy Friday, Seekerville. It is officially the weekend in Colorado.

    Seriously, Amanda, you know NAKED is like a totally awesome search engine optimization word. Every person on 7 continents who typed naked into Google that day was a visitor in Seekerville. LOL.

    But seriously, seriously, it was wonderful of Barbara Poelle to visit us with such a generous offer. Thank you for inviting her and for being our guest.

  47. What a great list of wonderful blogs! I always love to check out Seekerville even if I don't leave a comment.

    I'd love to win a copy of Julie's new book Hope Undaunted.

    Thanks for all the info and encouragement!
    carrie at turansky dot com

  48. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! It's amazing to see each day what you ladies have accomplished.

    Once again, I'm here late at night, but I wanted to put in my congrats on the third birthday. And, I would have to say my favorite post since I've been visiting was the critique partner/brainstorming session with Cheryl's story. Very cool and very fun to take part in. I have loved each post where we get to see bits of other's stories for brainstorm help or for examples of different ways to accomplish a particular literary angle.

    I have read many of the books here in Seekerville, but I still have a few that I haven't had to chance to add to my library. I would love to read either Cara's or Julie's books.


  49. I can't believe none of my guest posts made the top ten! Shakes head sadly. (KIDDING! As if I could compete with editors and agents on a writers blog!!!)

    Some great books you're giving away! I want the ones I don't have!

  50. Hey Ruthie,
    You are not a pain in the neck! You are often the one who has me laughing:) I do so enjoy reading all of your comments. This whole Seekerville area is one of the humorous spots in my life. Continue on!!

  51. I am so behind. I've been on the road all week without a computer. Right now I'm at my daughter's and using her pc to catch up reading here.

    Ironically, we're making ice cream---only a day late for the party. It's the most simple recipe I ever found. We combine 2 cans of Eagle Brand milk and 8 cups of orange crush (or strawberry) soda---and freeze it. Should be done in another 15-20 minutes.

    I can't pick a top post. So often the topics that show up here fit right in with my needs at the moment. The timing is so perfect it's almost eerie.

    Re: Ruthy's critique
    I think it took about 4 weeks to get it back, but it was well worth the wait. I can't thank her enough.

    I've already read a number of the books being offered today. So if I win, I'd like a copy of Made to Order Family or Where the Dogwoods Bloom.

    helengray AT

  52. Helen, glad to know you are okay.

    We missed you. So did the coffee pot. You have a way with the beans.

  53. wow...great posting...thanks for the chance to read these FABULOUS novels...

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  54. Hey!
    I was here earlier and didn't get a chance to post, thought, oh I'll get back later. Yeah, now it's after 10 o'clock and I'm just getting back! Ugh! Anyway...

    This is so cool! It was great to get to go back and remember all the past posts. I really don't have a favorite. I know that sounds like I'm copying or something, but seriously! They're WAAAAY too good to pick just one.

    I appreciate all of the Seekers hard work. They live a full life of work/writing, family, and being amazing and still they manage to have time to be here every day. It is purely amazing, ladies. Thank you, thank you for all your time and effort. We all love you so much!

    I, like the others, have read many of the offered books! I'd love for a chance to read Made to Order Family (because come on, it's Ruthy's newest!!) or Where the Dogwood Blooms (because I don't know where these are sold around here....haven't ever seen them anywhere). Actually, I won something a while back and kept neglecting to answer you, TIna. Well, I was busy actually and kept forgetting : D So, probably you guys are like, "Bad Hannah, you can't win anything else in Seekerville!!" Ah well, we'll see! Lots of people have entered (hopefully I'm not too late, now that I think of it...) : )

    Thanks for this opportunity, ladies!!
    *big hugs*

  55. Helen, I love that recipe. Very creamsicleish.

    And thanks for the shout out on the critique. I'm glad it made sense to you. Now take the pins out of the kewpie doll with the really cute short hair cut, okay?


    And yes, the coffee pot has been gently weeping like John Lennon's guitar.

    Please don't go away again. Or at the very least, sign up a replacement. It's the least you can do, dear.

    I'm sleepy.

  56. Hannah, darling, it is never too late to claim your prize. So go back and find out what it was and send me an email to remind me and we shall ship it out.

  57. I loved rereading these articles again--especially the focus of what the Steeple Hill editors are looking for in a manuscript and what their regular work day consists of. Thanks for all the informative and fun articles.
    I'd love to win a copy of A Hope Undaunted or one of Missy Tippen's books.
    cynthiakchow (at) earthlink (dot) net

  58. Oh okay Tina! Lol...see y'all are just so understanding.

    Also, forgot to put my email:

    I'm not too picky on the! I own and have read all of Missy's and TSB by Janet. Otherwise I haven't but I didn't want to be rude!

  59. Congratulations on the success of Seekerville. I know it's one of my favorite places to visit.

  60. Congratulations to all of the Seekers, and thanks for a fun look back. I'd love to win The Substitute Bride, Love on a Dime, or Dr. in Petticoats. Keep writing, gals! susan (at) susanpagedavis (dot) com

  61. I have been reading the Seekerville blog for about a month. On your top ten list, I enjoyed the interview with Francine Rivers. I'd love to win one of Julie Lessman's Daughter's of Boston books.


  62. Thanks, Pam.

    Great to have you come out of Lurkdom. We picked the winners but check out Julie's appearances in the Weekend Edition and you'll see three more chances to win a Julie book.
