Saturday, August 14, 2010

Seekerville Weekend Edition -Relax!

Sunday, August 15th is National Relaxation Day!

The Seekers are hanging out on Unpubbed Island enjoying the holiday.

What are you doing to relax?

We Have Winners!

And don't forget to check out our contest rules in the lower right hand column of Seekerville.

Romance Matters, and we hope you didn't miss Janet Dean's post. Winner of winner a copy of all three of Janet's released books: The Substitute Bride, Courting the Doctor’s Daughter and Courting Miss Adelaide is Sarah Forgrave.

More Highlights from RWA
with Myra Johnson. Winner of Where The Dogwoods Bloom is Angela Bell.

GASP!! A PASSION UNDAUNTED … and Book Giveaway! Winner of their choice of the Julie Lessman's Daughters of Boston books or A Hope Undaunted is Kelly Freestone.

Thursday was Ice Cream Social Day in Seekerville, hosted by Ruthy and the Life Ladies of Holy Trinity. Winner of Made to Order Family is Edwina Cowgill. Pepper Basham wins the lovely could-be-stolen-but-maybe-not scarf.

Seekerville's Top Ten From the Archives winners are:

1. Mary Connealy's, Doctor in Petticoats- Susan Mason

2. Cara Lynn James', Love on A Dime-
Patricia W

3. Janet Dean's, The Substitute Bride-
Kirsten Arnold

4. Glynna Kaye's, Dreaming of Home-

5. Ruth Logan Herne', Made To Order Family-Renee SteelerGirl

6. Julie Lessman's, Winners Choice of one of the Daughters of Boston books or A Hope Undaunted- Debbie Kaufman

7. Myra Johnson's, Where The Dogwoods Bloom-
Helen Gray

8. Missy Tippens', Book of Choice-
K.C. Frantzen

Please drop an email to Seekerville here with your snail mail address to collect your prize from Friday's post.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Bell Bridge author Maureen Hardegree. is our guest today.

Tuesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author Cheryl Wyatt isgoing to talk more about the results of her two year long agent/editor poll and what their MOST common reason for rejection is. Hint: over 70% of them gave the same exact answer...and it will probably surprise most people.

Wednesday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti bring you Gadgets Writers Love. Stop by for a chance to win a $10 Starbucks gift card the book your choice from Debby's collection.

Thursday: Zondervan and Love Inspired Suspense author Camy Tang is posting on Writer's Show and Tell. Stop by for some examples.

Friday: Our guest blogger is Harlequin Historicals author Pam Crooks. Join Pam for Covers--the Clever and the Unique. Not!

Save The Date

August 26: Valentine Series author Curtiss Ann Matlock.

August 27: Barbour Publishing author Mary Lu Tyndall.

August 31: Revell author Lorna Seilstad.

September 7: Kensington author Marilyn Brant.

September 10: Zondervan author Melanie Dickerson.

September 24: Heartsong Presents author Vickie McDonough.

Seeker Sightings

Congratulations to Pam Hillman
who is a finalist in the
2010 Maggie Awards for Unpublished Authors!

Mary Connealy Sightings:

Mary is on Petticoats and Pistols, Thursday, August 19, blogging about the Civil War.

Mary is also doing a book signing in Rochester, MN with Seeker buddy, Erica Vetsch, on Saturday, August 21st, from 12 noon to 2 pm Christian Book & Gift, 815 N. Broadway,Rochester, MN 55906
Phone: 507-289-2590

Part of Christian Book & Gift's grand re-opening. There will be a three day festival including games, refreshments and fun. If you'd like a signed book call ahead and Christian Book and Gift will be glad to sell you one and get Mary or Erica to sign it.

Author Signing 12-2 pm. Featuring:
1. Mary Connealy “Black Hills Blessing,” Montana Marriages Series, Sophie’s Daughters Series, and Lassoed in Texas Series
2. Eric Vetsch “Marriage Masquerade,” “Bartered Bride,” “Engineered Engagement,” and “Clara & the Cowboy”
3. Cheryl Ricker “A Friend in the Storm”

Debby Giusti is blogging at the Crafty Ladies of Suspense blog on Wednesday, August 18th.

Julie Lessman can be found:

Wednesday, August 11 through Sunday, August 15, 2010, you can win a signed copy of Julie Lessman's upcoming release, A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Edgy Inspirational Romance blog for their new feature, Outside the Author's Studio.

Win a signed copy of Julie Lessman's upcoming release, A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books, Thursday, August 12 through Thursday, August 26 at Writing Roseanna.

Monday, August 16 through Wednesday, August 25th: Character Spotlight on A Hope Undaunted's Katie O'Connor and Cluny McGee (with pictures!) at Relz Review blog. Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books.

Random News

  • Instead of a CHICK FLICK this weekend, how about the ultimate DUDE FLICK?The Expendables!

Have a great writing weekend, and...

Congrats to all the friends of Seekerville who finaled in the 2010 Maggies! Way to go Patty Smith Hall and Debbie Kaufman.


  1. Congrats to the winners! I have some of my grandma's chocolate bundt cake with homemade icing for all those interested. ;)

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Coffee's on. Come and get it!

    Goodness. I'm away all week and just get to drop in tonight--and what happens? I win a book!!!

    Great finish to the day.


  3. Sorry, Teenster, I'm too excited to relax, which is why I'm up in the middle of the night.

    Because as Mary would say ... AHHHGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I got my very first printed copy of A Hope Undaunted yesterday, and I am SO PUMPED because that means they've been shipped to the bookstores too!!

    Anyway, SUPER CONGRATS to Pammy for finaling in the Maggies and love, love, LOVE the pic, girl!!!

    MEGA CONGRATS to all the winners this week -- you guys ROCK!!

    And Tina, as always, great job on WE!!

    Happy Weekend, all, and dear Lord -- PLEASE help me sleep! :)


  4. Congratulations ot the Maggie finalists! How exciting!!! And to all the seekerville winners too!

    And A Hope Undaunted will be hitting the bookshelves soon?????? Be still my heart! I think I need to go haunt my bookstore.

    Great weekend links again...though I think I'll pass on the dude flick. LOL. See you next week!

  5. Congratulations to Pam and all the finalists of the Maggies! One of my FAVE contests!

    Can someone tell me the Seekerville Rule (no, not 'there are no rules') about how often you can win? A small point, but if I won something a few weeks ago (I did) when can I be eligible again?

    Looks like a great week ahead, ladies!
    PS love that photo of Pam.

  6. Great weekend ed post, Tina (as usual)
    And I got the SCARF!! No way!
    Well, that should be easy to pack for ACFW ;-)
    You got it?!? Is it BEAUTIFUL?
    So tickled about all the great news.
    Congrats Pam!!

  7. Wow - what a list! Congratulation to all - And especially to PAM!

    Julie - we're right there with you! That could be another blog post - photos of Seekers opening their boxes of books. VERY encouraging. Woot Woot!

    OOOH - I'm so excited. I'll have Forever Christmas please - Just the one I wanted too! Thank you Missy and Seekers! Very much looking forward to it...

    I don't know if I have a relaxing weekend on my schedule. Need to check.

    But that coconut with the straw looks real tempting... for enjoyment in that hammock in the water. Where's the SPF 50?

  8. What a list of winners! Congratulations to all, including the Maggie Finalists. your picture.

    Looks like another great line up what should I do OR not do tomorrow to celebrate the holiday????

  9. Oooooh, AMBER, chocolate bundt cake??? Noooooooo!!!! I just went shopping with my daughter yesterday and FINALLY found jeans that fit like a glove (literally) and I don't want to rock the boat, you know? Otherwise they'll fit like spray paint and it won't be pretty!

    HELEN, I think you and Amber should get a prize or at least paid for starting coffee and breakfast EVERY morning -- thanks, guys!

    Grin -- thanks, KAV, I SO appreciate it. A word of warning, though -- CALL before you go to make sure it's in. I have the cutest story from some Mennonite reader friends of mine, two crazy sisters (one is the mother of a darling 16-year-old reader fan of mine who introduced her mom to my books) who compete with each other to see who can get the book first, so one of them kept calling 5 or 6 bookstores everyday to see if it was in early and unbeknownst to her, her sister was calling 10 to 12 bookstores and got it first. She bought it then called her sister to taunt her. The sister screamed, told her daughter who screamed and the next thing she knew, a streak of blue shot by her house, which was her sister and niece (who live down the street) barreling by to go to the bookstore. Both of them got it about two weeks early, if I reacall correctly! :) You gotta love crazy, die-hard passion-ites like that!!! :)

    Yes, PEPPER, it IS beautiful!!! I am surprised it is not a glossy finish like the ARCS were, but even so, it is REALLY nice to finally hold another new book in my hands after a year and a half of watching Mary, Debby and Ruthy load up the bookstore shelves!! :)

    Ooooo, great idea, K.C. -- only Mary's picture would be a yawn because come on, HOW excited can you get when you have a book out every other week???


  10. YAY! I got A Hope Undaunted?!
    I'm so excited to read it!!!!

    Now I get to have a lesson in passion from Julie in a round-about way!

    Off to send my snail mail addy to you seekers.

    And then off to our softball tournament!
    Pray for our guys' safety.

    Have a good weekend, all.

  11. Congrats to all the winners!

    Since it's relaxation day, and since I finished my edits (YAY! Ecstatically jumping up and down) I think I will take it easy today. As soon as I get the million things done that I need to get done!

  12. Good morning, Seekerville.

    Julie, wow, congrats on the book in hand. Too cool. Can we get a picture of it in your little Scarlett hands?

    Debra Marvin, rules about repeat wins.

    Well it's like organized chaos.

    We all do it differently. Thus that item is not in the rules.

    So no rythme or reason would be the answer, as evidenced by often multiple wins by one person.

  13. Loving the t-shirt, Tina!! I'm cleaning my office this morning, so not exactly relaxing though it's a huge relief to get rid of stacks of stuff!!

    Congrats, Pam, on the Maggie final! Congrats to Patty Hall and Debbie Kaufman for finaling!! You gals rock!!!!

    Kirsten, hope you enjoy reading The Substitute Bride! Thanks for your interest!


  14. Finally got on this morning and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a ton of exciting news.

    Congrats to Pam for finaling in the Maggies! WOOHOO!

    And congrats to all the winners this week. I'm happy to be one of them.

    Janet, Thanks so much for the copy of The Substitute Bride! I can't wait to read it!

    Julie, Super! What a great feeling to see and hold all your hard work wrapped in a beautiful cover.

    Have a great weekend all!!

  15. Good morning Seekervillains.

    Or Seekervillians?

    Well, it doesn't matter, it's almost afternoon anyway.

    Congratulations on all the wins and

    that is such a fantastic picture. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

    I have also learned how to make words in BOLD type in comments.

  16. Thanks for the congratulations on the Maggie final. I'm honored to be in such talent company as Pam. And I won't fib--it's a thrill to have finaled in a contest in my home state!

    Have a wonderfully blessed weekend!


  17. HAPPY SATURDAY, SEEKERVILLE! Love the beach scenes, Tina! Fits this mellow morning to a T. :)

    Congrats on the Maggie final, Pam!!

    Debra -- I don't know how the other Seekers do it, but I just write down the names of all those who leave an email address with their comment on the day I post, then eeny-meeny-miney-mo them. Real high tech, huh?

  18. PATTY - Oooohcongratulations on the Maggie final! WOW! Talented bunch here!

    MiZ JULIE - I know how exciting that is to get a long-awaited book in your hands! Sounds ilke you have some REAL passionate readers!

    QUESTION FOR PUBBED WRITERS: Do any of you READ your book in its published form? I've yet to do that! I'm afraid I'd get out my red flair-tip pen and 'go to town' on mine. Forever editing. LOL

    MELANIE -- Congrats on getting those edits done! Great feeling!

    JANET - I cleaned my office last night, too. Feels so much more SANE here now. :)

  19. okay, so winning here is like the pirate code, more of a guideline than a rule.

    I will have no qualms about putting my name in for any book I can win, then. I won two contest entry fees here during the last year and don't want to look too greedy. And not that long ago, won Julie's latest, well her previously latest release!

    But with Seekers publishing books like crazy, it's hard to keep up.

  20. Enter away Debra,

    Sometimes the entry pool is small because folks fail to leave a valid email address we asked for in the comments. So others win by default.

    And we are the queens of random, so there is that to consider.

  21. Amber, homemade chocolate cake and icing sounds yummy!!!

    And pass me a LARGE cup of Starbucks White Mocha Cappucino while you're at it.

    I'm in the mood to splurge. lol

  22. I can't wait to read A Hope Undaunted! Yay, Julie!!!

  23. Yay to all the winners, and WOOHOO to Pam on finaling in the Maggie!

    I cannot WAIT for next Sat and the book signing with Mary.

    We'll try to stay off the police blotter while she's in town. :)

  24. Man, the weekend is almost gone already! How does that happen???

    Thanks for another great weekend edition, Teenster!

  25. KC, thanks for requesting my book! I hope you enjoy it. It's going out in the mail Monday morning. :)

  26. Rose, I agree. I love Pam's new photo!

    Pam, congrats on the Maggie final!! You better be heading to Georgia for M&M. :)

  27. Congrats to Patty and Debbie as well!! Woo hoo!

  28. Glynna, as to your question... No! I've never read one of my books in book form. I'm scared I'll find things I'll want to change. Plus, just no time. I have too many other books I want to read. :)

  29. Earlier today I tried to send a congrats to Patty & Debbie for finalling in the Maggie! Congrats ladies!

    Also, thanks everyone for the comments about my pic. Amber Zimmerman took it. She's the 2010 ACFW Conference photographer, so if you need some new pics, book her at the conference. 6 poses for $40.00 and you have all rights. It's a great deal!

    Check her out at

  30. CONGRATS!!!!! There are so many lucky winners this week and just so much news : ) Congrats Pam! I have to agree wit heveryone else, love the picture. It's really nice!

    Tina, marvelous job on the WE yet again!

    Ok, I just have to let you all know that I found out about my dorm and roommate stuff today. We've been talking for over an hour on FB, if that tells you anything!! AND her favorite color is purple *happy dance* LOL! I have a lotta faith tonight. Things seem to be going my way! I'm starting to get excited! It seems to be a reality, but it's good.

    So our room, is...drumroll please! *drumroll* A suite!!! YAY!! We will be sharing it with up to 11 other girls. There are 6 "dormrooms" connected by a common room. This also includes two private bathrooms, a kitchen, and extra storage!!! Cha-ching! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Gotta love the bathroom situation.

    Couldn't wait to tell you all!! I'm so psyched tonight! I don't know how I'm gonna sleep *grin*

    Talk to you all tomorrow (hopefully)!!

  31. Oh stop it, Missy!! You're books are fabulous! There's a reason I camp outside of Walmart the night before to buy it *wink, wink*

    In all seriousness, if you haven't read Missy's books, stop what you're doing NOW (including sleep) and get on it!!!


  32. Hannah, that's great news! I love how they do dorm suites these days. We had one bathroom on our whole dorm floor!

  33. You're too sweet Hannah. Thanks for your comments on my books. :)

  34. Missy - You have lots of fans already obviously - I'm looking forward to becoming one also (more than I am already from the blog).

    Y'all continue to outdo yourselves.

    All except for Mary - I was already doing italics. HA!
    It's the ONLY thing I was "writing" before her... (That makes me a Seekervillain I think...)

    Yippee on the dorm Hannah -


    Y'all have a good night.

  35. You got that right, KC!!

    *Duh-duh-duh-duhduh! I'm lovin' it!*

    *wink, wink*

  36. Hi Tina:

    There are many reasons for not leaving an email for a book contest besides being memory challenged. In fact, I have complied a list.

    10 Reasons Not to Leave an Email

    1. you already have the book.
    2. you feel you’ve won enough books for the time being.
    3. you’re going to buy the eBook anyway -- so why not let someone else win it?
    4. you’re a big supporter of the author, who is on your ‘auto-buy’ list, and you rather a new reader discover the author.
    5. you’re going to try and get your library to buy the book and you would lose your moral authority if you already owned it.
    6. you know the book would indefinitely reside in your TBR pile, which your spouse thinks is too big, and which now teeters like a wannabe tower of Babel.
    7. you want to read the book today and not a week or two from now – (besides you could have the book already read by Saturday when the winner is announced.)
    8. the theme of the book is on your ‘never-buy’ list.(For example, you never buy a book with the word “Sheik” in the title.)
    9. The type is too small to read because it is not at least a trade edition.
    10. You don’t want anyone to know you haven’t read the book yet. (This applies to books that have been available for a few months.)


  37. Vince. You NEVER fail to amaze me.

    Top Ten Reasons Vince Amazes me.

    10. He is a philosopher and he gets liminal space.

    9. He reads Seeker books.

    8. He reads widely in the romance genre.

    7. He lives in Tulsa and knows where Steve's Sundries is.

    6. He reviews romances and very well too.

    5. He always has a snappy come back.

    4. He has an opinion and can substantiate it too.

    3. He writes "unusual" poetry.

    2. He's a friend of Seekerville.

    And the number one reason Vince amazes me?

    1. He's a plotter and proud of it.

  38. Met another suitemate *in a sing-song voice*


  39. The bundt cake is OLD.

    That's because I'm late, it's Sunday night and my weekend disappeared in a flurry of work, wonderful writing time!!!, babies (also !!!!!!), a funeral (awwwwww....sigh) and church, church, Thank God for church.

    There are 4,000 more words done on my WIP this weekend, some people love me, some are VERY ANNOYED AT ME, and the aurora borealis is an amazing sight to see.

    I'll bring fresh food tomorrow, Renee, I'm SUPER DUPER delighted that you won my book, tell me what you think of it, Chica.

    And I'm tough. You can be honest.

    (note to all: do not ever believe someone when they say that, it's really not even close to skating the truth.)

  40. Seekerville rules????

    I see that as "Seekerville Rocks!"

    So that must mean we have no hard, fast rules, other than that people are nice to Ruthy and Ruthy does what she pleases.

    A win/win.

  41. So sorry to hear of the funeral, Ruthy. We were just at one earlier in the week. Our dear neighbor, basically our second grandma. We got home from vacation and she dies two days later....just really sad and sudden.

    I'm thinking of the family and friends in this tough time.

  42. Hi Tina:

    I just saw your post! What a surprise! I’ve printed it out and will laminate it so it can serve as my bookmark when reading Seeker books. You are too kind! Thanks.

