Saturday, August 28, 2010

Weekend Edition Back To School

Summer's almost over...and so is Summer Love.

We're grabbing our letter jackets and
checking our class schedules as Seekerville goes back to school
and takes time out for Flipped.

We Have Winners~

Monday the official ACFW Conference photographer for the 2010 conference, Amber Zimmerman, of The Clik Chick Photography was our guest. Winner of a free photo session at the ACFW Conference is Tamera Lynn Kraft.

Tuesday we celebrated another sale to Tau Publishing with Sandra Leesmith and she shared Mixing Work With Play. Winner of God's Spirit Calls Me, God's Spirit Within Me and an autographed copy of Debby Guisti's Killer Headline is Walt.

Wednesday was time to Do What You Are. Winner of Brian Tracy's, Feed That Frog is Christine of Driven To Distraction.

Thursday Seekerville welcomed Curtiss Ann Matlock to Seekerville with her post, Being a Writer. Winner of Little Town, Great Big Life is Patricia W.

On Friday MaryLu Tyndall was our guest with What I Learned About Great Chapter Hooks from LOST. The winner of MaryLu's latest release, Surrender the Heart, is Sandi Rog.

Next Week In Seekerville~

Monday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired author, Glynna Kaye is your hostess. Her post is Seasons of a Writer's Journey. Come visit and you might win a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card.

Tuesday: Revell author Lorna Seilstad is our guest today with her post, Excuses! Excuses! Stop by for a chance to win a copy of her debut novel, Making Waves.

Wednesday: Heartsong Presents debut author Rose Zediker stops by Seekerville today. Her post is aptly named, Answering the Call. She'll be giving away Palmer Twin Bing chocolate and we're throwing in a Seekerville book of choice. Don't miss it!

Thursday: Steeple Hill Love Inspired debut author Audra Harders is your hostess.

Friday: September Contest Update. The prize vault is open.

Save The Date~

September 7: Kensington author Marilyn Brant.

September 10: Zondervan author Melanie Dickerson.

September 16: Multiple Golden Heart finalist Anne Barton.

September 18: Today we announce the details of our October Birthday Party!

September 24: Heartsong Presents author Vickie McDonough.

September 28: Avalon Books Editor Lia Brown.

Seeker Sightings~

Sandra Leesmith will be a guest today, August 28th on Romance Writers on the Journey. She'll be featured in a Saturday Special: Sandra Leesmith Sold! Please stop by!

More congratulations to Sandra. She sold another picture book (as Sandy Wardman) This release is called God's Spirit Calls Me. The paperback version will be available for purchase next week. Order at Tau-Publishing or email Sandy for a signed copy. sandywardman at yahoo dot com.

Win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books, Thursday, August 19 through Saturday, August 26 at Patti Lacy's Blog.

Monday, August 23 through Saturday, September 4
, you can win a signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Lena Nelson Dooley's blog.

Thursday, September 2 through Saturday, September 11, stop by to win signed copy of A Hope Undaunted OR your choice of one of The Daughters of Boston books at Writing for Christ blog.

Random News~

Special News!

Seekerville is thrilled to share the good news that friend of Seekerville, Patty Smith Hall SOLD to Steeple Hill Love Inspired Historicals! Hearts In Flight will be a July 2011 release.

Congratulations to Walt Mussell!! The Samurai's Heart is a finalist in the 2010 Heart of the Rockies Contest!

Have a rocking weekend Seekerville!!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners and to Patty and Walt! Yay!!! :D

    This is a perfect theme for this Weekend Edition--at least for me. ;) My mom is driving me back up to college on Sunday. As great as my school is, I'm going to miss my family and my home so much! :(

    Anyway, it looks like there are a lot of great posts coming up! Can't wait! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


  2. The dinosaur's here with the coffee!

    Interesting articles about e-readers. I've never read---or even seen---one.

    Of course, my reading has decreased since I've been spending so much time writing. So I haven't bothered to get my hands on one.

    Congratulations to Patty Smith Hall and Walt!!!


  3. Wow I'm commenting with the late nighters tonight! LOL!

    Sorry I haven't been around much lovely ladies of Seekerville! I leave for school this FRIDAY! Ahhhhhh! Don't tell me about back to school stuff!! Don't want to think about it : D

    Anyway, congratualtions to everyone!!! It sounds like you got some really good prizes this week : ) Also, next week sounds great!

    I'm craaaaaaaazy tired right now! We went to a concert home around 11:30pm. I had 2 and half hour drive down and back because it was just sis and me. We had to stand for over 6 1/2 hours straight!! UGH! Anyway, gonna head to bead. I will talk to you all really soon, hopefully : )

    P.S. Helen! You're NOT a dinosaur : 0 I will supply a fresh fruit "bar": cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, honeydew melon, apples, bananas, you name it! And since we're being good I also brought soon delicious homemade doughnuts, courtesy of my mom! Enjoy and eat up!

    P.P.S. CONGRATS WALT AND PATTY SMITH HALL!!!! What an exciting time for you both : D

  4. So proud of Patty!!! YAY!!!! Snoopy dancing for you in upstate, sweet thing!

    And Walt, Heart of the Rockies.... Dude, super good news and huge kudos to you. You've got the heart of a lion and the roar of a pussycat. Way to stay in the game, bud.

    Teeeeeeeenster, thank you for a great WE. You rock. I see we've got a fruit bar, but it's cool in upstate this morning, the rooster's crowin' and I brought fresh, warm stuffed French Toast with fresh warm strawberry topping.

    This stuff is not Atkin's friendly, you will not ever, ever, ever find Marie Osmond hawking it on TV, and you're guaranteed Jill-whoever-she-is (she scares me almost as much as Tina) does not eat this stuff.

    Which might explain the attitude, right????

    Anyway, there's NYS real maple syrup as well. Dig in, relax, have a second cuppa.... It's Saturday.

  5. Thanks for the WE and a big Yahoooo to Patty and Walt.

    I found the e-book articles interesting though I'm not a convert. Between work and writing I spend way too much time in front of a screen as it is. Besides...I love the look, feel, smell of real books and the way they look lining my bookshelves.

  6. Wow, love the wonderful news and cool pictures in the Weekend Edition!! Thanks Tina!

    Congrats to Sandra on her sale!!! What a blessing to the older kids!

    Wahoo Patty Smith Hall!! Can't wait to read your LIH, Hearts in Flight!

    Big congrats to Walt for the final!!


  7. Love the back-to-school theme, Tina! Brings back memories for sure.

    Congrats on the sale, Patty, and welcome to Steeple Hill!!

    And Walt! Congrats on the finals! Good goin'!

    Hannah and Amber -- wishing you the best as you head off to college! So much hard work ahead--but so much fun, too!!

  8. CONGRATULATIONS Patty and Walt.

    What great news to hear on a Saturday morning with my first cup of coffee thanks to Helen and yummy fruit and donuts thanks to Hannah.

    Amber and Hannah, Best wishes at school this year. Sure hope you'll have time to drop by. We love your comments.

    So Ruthy, the rooster is crowing again. hmmmmm
    You New Yorkers are such rebels.

    Great WE Tina. You're the best.

  9. Happy Weekend. May you have a productive one.

    Congrats to Sandra, Patty and Walt.

    Amber and Hannah...remember..they have internet at college. We'll miss you.

  10. Oh, TINA, this WE takes me back, ESPECIALLY that "Summer Nights" scene from Grease -- LOVE that scene, LOVE that movie!!

    WHOO-HOO, SANDRA, PATTY HALL SMITH AND WALT -- AWESOME NEWS, ALL!! And, Walt, as many times as I entered the Heart of the Rockies contest, I NEVER finaled, so I am in awe of your success!!

    AMBER AND HANNAH ... it's so sad to think of you going back to school because I remember how melancholy I felt when my son and daughter headed back every August. We will miss you, although hopefully you won't be too buried with studying to pop in and say "hey" from time to time. I pray this is your BEST year yet!!

    HELEN!! No age remarks here, you sweet young thing ... some of us are VERY sensitive about the "age" thing, you know ... :) Besides, I just got back from a writers conference where most of the attendees were our age, and you never saw so much shakin' and movin' in your life -- both on the computer and otherwise. If you look at anything past 50 as the beginning of a new life (which I do), we're actually just teenagers or young adults, right???

    And, HANNAH, I sooooo relate to "craaaaaaaazy tired right now" because we just drove a very long 8 hours from the Dairy State! Hope you (and I) catch up on our sleep this weekend.

    Happy weekend, all!!


  11. Congrats to Patty and Walt!

    Looking forward to seeing what new clothes everyone got for the new school year! (okay, that's one thing I miss about my school years but dreaded during my children's teen years.) But I still get drawn to shopping for new school clothes.

    Okay, who else had a year of buying hot pants for school. yes. HOT PANTS.

    Mine were all sort of plaidsy wooly type things that had gone from skirts to skorts to just plain shorts. Micro length. We wore them with sweaters and tights and platform shoes. Oh dear. I can't be the only one...

  12. Sandra, Patty and Walt--WAY TO GO!!!!

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Great weekend edition, as always.

  13. Congratulations to Sandra, Patty, and Walt! I'm happy dancing for all of you.

    I'm delighted to have Sandra over at Romance Writers on the Journey today. In addition, Walt granted me permission to interview him on September 6, and Patty and I are busy setting a date, so we'll be able to hear more about their exciting news soon.

  14. Platform shoes I admit to. Micro mini's yes.

    Hot pants?


    I can delete your comment for a small nominal fee.

  15. Congratulations Patty and Walt!!! All the best to both of you.

    Great Weekend Edition, as always. This is the time of year when I'm glad to be old and out of school. I always feel bad as I pass those kiddos waiting for the school bus. :o)


  16. Congrats Walt and Patty, and to all the winners here in Seekerville!

    Amber and Hannah, have a great year at college. We're all praying for you.

  17. Happy Weekend to all the Seekers!!

    I've been crazed with a deadline and have been offline a lot this month, but I'm really looking forward to visiting you all again on the 7th ;). p.s. Tina, I'm emailing you!!

    Finally, HUGE congrats to Patty and Walt--yay!!

  18. Thank you, everyone, for the kind words and prayers! :) And no worries--I still hope to stop by here and hang out with you ladies when I can!

    Yay for Seekerville!


  19. Sandra:

    Didn't mean to leave you out of the congrats. Youre an old pro at this point!! But best wishes, and keep on truckin'.


    Age isn't so much the issue. It'e the technology.

    I not only am totally unfamiliar with the e-readers, but I don't have much interest. I still like the paper things. (And my TBR pile is a little out of control right now.)

    My biggest plan is to buy a laptop---after conference. All funds are designated for Indy right now.


  20. Congrats to all the winners! Can't WAIT to read next week's posts - and you have LORNA SEILSTAD coming! One of my buds!

    Happy weekend, everyone!

  21. Hey Marilyn,

    Do we know deadlines. We have a little spot on Unpubbed Island with a large cave, dedicated to deadlines.

    Can't wait for your visit in September and the release of Friday's at Nine.

    Oh and congrats on the Bookseller's Best, Golden Quill and Reviewer's Choice placements for According to Jane!!!

  22. Yeah, Regina I'm pretty excited about Lorna and Rose visiting Seekerville as pubbed authors.

    Madame Zelda was soooo right.

  23. Thanks everyone for all of your congratulations. Between finaling in Heart of the Rockies and Lone Star, I have to admit it was a blessed week. I'm still on a high.

    And Patty, though I said this to you at the GRW meeting, I'll say it here again. Congratulations. I'm very happy for you.

  24. As usual, great job, Tina!

    And thank you for all the congratulations! It's been a wild and wooly three weeks since I got the call but I'm enjoying every second of it!

    Sandra, congratulations on your new contract! You're racking up quite a few sells this year.

    And Walt, you know how excited I am for you! It's just a matter of time before some smart publisher snaps up your fantastic manuscript.

    Congratulations to all the Seekerville winners!

    Have a great weekend,

  25. Thanks for the WE, Teenster! I look forward to checking out all the links. :)

  26. Hi, Tina! Came to get (and give) a Seekerville hug. :-) Have a blessed Sunday.

  27. And almost forgot to say congrats to Walt! Congrats, Walt!
    I've already congratted Sandra and Patty, but I'll say it again: Congratulations!!!

  28. Back at cha, Melly.

  29. YAY!!!!!! Patty!!!! Congratulations!!!

    And Walt, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love all of us growing and striving toward that goal of publication.

  30. WOOHOO TO Patty and Walt! That's Splendiferous!

    Really looking forward to Rose's post this next week!

  31. Congrats Patty I got to chat with her at the love inspired chat and heard about her book.
    Congrats to Walt also.

    What I love best about your summer coming to an end is our winter is coming to an end Wed is the first day of spring! I am so over winter.

  32. Thanks for all the congrats.

    I'm in great company with Walt and Patty.

    Have a blessed weekend
