Monday, April 4, 2011

Guest Blogger Rainbow Rowell : A woman writing in a man's POV

I’d been working on my book for almost three years before I realized that the main character was a man.

That sounds idiotic, I know. But it’s true.
If you’d have asked me what Attachments was about when I first started it, I would’ve said, “Oh, it’s about these two women. Beth and Jennifer. They work at a newspaper, and they e-mail each other constantly. It’s about their friendship. About e-sisterhood!”
I knew that there would be a guy in the book – there’s always a guy – but I didn’t put much thought into him. He was just “the IT guy who reads their e-mail” or “the guy who falls for Beth.”

The plan was to alternate chapters between my girls’ e-mails and a more traditional narrative from the point of view of the IT guy who gets hired to police the newspaper’s employee e-mail.

I was so taken with Beth and Jennifer that I wrote their chapters first.
Long conversations about love and life – Beth’s boyfriend cares more about his guitar than her, Jennifer’s husband is desperate for kids – conversations that I hoped were as funny and real as the e-mails I exchanged with my own friends at work.
The guy chapters were an afterthought. When I got to the end of the women’s e-mails (after a few years of undisciplined writing), I matter-of-factly opened a new document. “Now it’s time to write Lincoln.”

That’s when I panicked.
I realized (late, but all of a sudden) that this guy, Lincoln – this sketch of a character, this placeholder – was actually the heart of my book.

Nothing appears in the book that Lincoln doesn’t see. He’s the structure. He’s the hero. He’s the person readers would have to connect to and root for, especially if I wanted them to care about my love story.

I’d written myself into a narrative corner, and the only way out was to think – and write – like a man. Something I was sure I couldn’t do.

So I set the book aside. I metaphorically shoved it under my bed and busied myself with the girliest of girl stuff. Pregnancy, motherhood, hanging out with my sister.
Abandoning my novel was easy – isn’t that what most people do, anyway?

I probably would have left it for dead, if my sister would have let me. She’d read what I’d written so far, and she kept sending me pestering e-mails. “You have to finish! I want to know what happens next!” (E-sisterhood, after all.)
Sitting down with Lincoln again was like walking into the O.K. Coral. This was serious. I’d had to get a babysitter and everything.

I sat down and made myself write him.

He’s just a man, I told myself. Not a mystery.

Hadn’t I read enough books written by men? Hadn’t I listened to enough of them singing in my ears? Wasn’t my life full of men? Brothers, friends, husband.
I didn’t know what it was like in their heads, but I knew their voices. And they were just people, after all. Not animals or minerals. Not aliens.
I’d always loved science fiction and comic books, stereotypically boy things, so I used that as a crutch at first. Lincoln loves Isaac Asimov because I love Isaac Asimov. Lincoln loves “Quantum Leap” and the X-Men. Me, too.

But after a few chapters – and this shocked me – I didn’t need any crutches.
I found myself getting lost in Lincoln in a way I never got lost in my female characters. I adored Beth and Jennifer, but I never got inside their heads, narratively speaking.
When I wrote Lincoln, I lived inside of him.

And I kind of fell in love with him.

I’d always intended to write a love story, but most romances that I read are written from the woman’s point of view – so that’s how I’d been approaching it.
I realized, through Lincoln, how romantic it is to think about falling in love through a man’s eyes.

When my husband and I were first dating, I always wanted to know what he was thinking when he smiled at me. When he said he loved me, I wanted to know why.

Lincoln let me answer those questions … as I romantically as I cared to.

I tried not to worry about whether Lincoln would seem like a man to a male reader – and that approach seems to have worked in my favor.

My agent is a man, and all the men who have read Attachments so far have been supportive. (One said that “a guy as cute as Lincoln should be more confident in myself,” but that came from a knows-he’s-cute, confident type. Lincoln is charming because he doesn’t know.)

The only trouble, now, with having written a romantic comedy about a man is that people don’t know how to describe it.

Is it chick lit if the main character isn’t a chick? Can a man even be the hero of a romantic comedy?

I hope so.

After spending so many years trying to figure Lincoln out, I want readers to love him as much as I do.

Watch for ATTACHMENTS by Rainbow Rowell, out April 14th from Dutton.

Now a chance to win!!!

Who are your favorite men written by women? Share your favorite characters in the comments section, and you'll be entered to win an advance copy of Rainbow's book, Attachments, coming from Dutton April 14th.

Also, check out Rainbow's Web site --
her blog --
and find her on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. Perhaps it's because I'm excited that a movie is being made of one of my fave books of all time...

    "Who is John Galt?"

    Ayn Rand did an amazing job writing men in Atlas Shrugged. Galt, Rearden, d’Anconia

    Great book. Can hardly wait for the film.

    And a love story to boot!

    Thanks for the insight here. I'm glad you finished and am looking forward to Attachments! may at maythek9spy dot com

  2. Huh.

    You'd think God might be in this somewhere...

    I just started a new MS where, if I can pull it off, it's Chick-Lit from a mostly male POV. Oy.

    Talk about timing.

    So men written by women? Tom Linscott has to work in there somewhere. So does Trent Michaels. Of course, I just read those recently... ;)

    Overall... Well... I always loved Josh from the Seasons of the Heart series. And whatshisname in The Substitute Guest. I loved him too.

    [Are Grace Livingston Hill's books old enough to be public domain?! Wonder if Guttenberg or someone has them out as ebooks...]

    And since I'm up late tonight...

    Watching Survivor. It's in Nicaragua. So, I've got a Nicaraguan breakfast all set up waiting for Helen's coffee - eggs, cheese, gallo pinto, sweet plantains and corn tortillas.

    No, I don't know what gallo pinto is ;).

    Would love to be entered for the book!

    carol at carolmoncado dot com

  3. Well since I don't want hurt any feelings and pick a favorite male character written by just one of the lovely Seekerville ladies I'll go with a classic....

    Mr Bennet from Pride and Prejudice! Yeah, yeah I know Mr. Darcy is *really* my favorite but I think Mr. Bennett is terrific. He's so, well, male LOL! He's got the sarcasm down and he could care less that Netherfield Park is let but deep down he still cares about his family and those close to him. I think he's definitely a pretty good example of a man written by a woman.

    XOXO~ Renee

  4. The waiting is over, Carol. The coffee pot's ready.

    Goodness, I can't think of a favorite. Most of my favorite fictional males are law enforcement types.

  5. My favorite man right now in the book I am reading is Noah Carson by Abbie Ann MacLaren. There is so much in this story that reveals just how a man would react in situations like losing his business, his wife to his business partner, and so much more.
    jrs362 at hotmail dot com

  6. This was a fun post, Rainbow! :) And what a fun premise for a book!

    I recently finished the first draft of my first manuscript--a historical romance with the POVs of two men who fall in love with the same girl. It was certainly intriguing writing from their perspectives! And I know every romance writer probably says this, but I think I've fallen in love with my hero too. ;) And the other hero who doesn't "get the girl" this time, well, I want to give him his own story! Hopefully I can write a 3-book series for these characters. :)



  7. Welcome to Seekerville, Rainbow! Lincoln sounds dishy. :) My fav male character written by a woman is Captain Wentworth from Persuasion by Jane Austen. She did such a good job portraying a man who still loves a woman but can't forgive her.

  8. Please dont enter me.
    I think my favourite male character is Marshall Grigg (think thats his name) from the California series by Lori Wick. When I read the first book in the series I identified with Marshall he was where I was and wanted what I wanted etc. To bad he wasn't real cos he would have been great to meet.

  9. I love Ayn Rand, KC.

    Rainbow, this sounds so awesome! I can't wait to read it, chickie! And thanks for being in Seekerville today, I love these glimpses into the YA world.

    I love strong Young Adult novels. Just love 'em.

    And I can't wait to 'feel' you in his head. Wonderful.

    I love writing male POV. I've got a great book that hasn't been marketed yet that's mostly in the hero's POV...

    Love it.

    And women relate to well-written men. I think women write men way better than most men write women.

    Writing women isn't easy for men. They tend to either minimize or maximize... But writing men??? Especially with humor???

    Oh my stars, SO FUN!!!!!

    Loving the coffee, we're doing pancake breakfast this morning. Apple, chocolate chip, potato (YUM!!!) pecan, or buckwheat.

    Syrups and toppings at NO ADDITIONAL COST!

    Great way to start a week, Rainbow!

  10. This book sounds fun. Great post. One of my fav hero's written by a woman is Rhett Butler. Swoon!
    I'm glad you stuck with the story.

  11. What a great story concept!

    Sorry, it's early and I have to leave for a work conference in a few minutes so I can't think of male character off of the top of my head.

    Good luck with your book, Rainbow!

  12. Welcome to Seekerville, Rainbow! What a great post.

    Living inside a man's head is a spooky thing to do, but not half a spooky as a man living inside a woman's head, LOL!! Can you just imagine.

    I love the entire concept of this book. So much life is spent online anymore. To think someone might be monitoring my emails??

    You send chills down my spine!

    Great thoughts for a Monday morning as I grab my stuff and head off to work--now VERY conscious of what I send as email, LOL!!

  13. Hi, Rainbow!
    No contest. Jamie from Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series.

  14. Thanks Rainbow for sharing your great tips on how to write from a man's POV:) Having some trouble with this myself:(
    Some of my favorite male characters of all time are Rhett Butler(Gone With The Wind) and of course, Mr.Darcy(Pride and Prejudice). I'm working on making my main guy real like that:)

    I'd love to be entered for a chance to win your book Rainbow!

    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  15. Guess I'll have to say Rhett Butler! Just saw GWTW ad on tv and decided I need to see it again!!! Would love to win your book!

  16. One of my favorite men is Pierre Belanger by Susan Page Davis in Finding Marie. She's running for her life and he never gives up trying to find her. I love when a guy never gives up.
    Attachments sounds like a great book, and I look forward to reading it! Hope you sell lots!

  17. Good morning!

    One writer who does male characters amazingly (in her case almost always cowboys) is Linda Lael Miller. The males are usually the main character, as you can tell by her covers!

    She gets right into the male psyche, boy! Her cowboys have a touch of bad boy with a lot of bravery, nobleness and honor. Gotta love that!

    And Rhett Butler goes without saying!

    Congrats on your book! Funny how a lot of these books that get shelved for years end up turning out great!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  18. What a great question! (and I can hardly wait for Vince or Walt to chime in with their answers!).

    I'm going with Rhett Butler, too...although Audra's Gabe and Ruthy's Trent are right in there.

    One of the things that has surprised me while working on my WIP is how much I enjoy writing in my hero's POV. Maybe it's just wishful thinking - that this how I want him to feel about the girl?

    And Carol M., I'll try the gallo pinto, whatever it is. As long as it isn't lima beans, I'm fine.

  19. the thing I try to keep in mind when writing a man is something I heard long ago.

    Women talk things through
    Men think things through

    So man tend to sort it all out inside their heads then just announce the end decision.

    Few words.

    Never a paragraph when a sentence will do.
    Never a sentence when a word will do.
    Never a word when a grunt will do.

    I am currently wildly in love with the book Mischief by Amanda Quick.
    the hero of that book Mattias, nickname? Coldblooded Colchester.

    So the heroine Imogene needs help and she sends for the man she admires wildly for his exploration of ancient ruins, she herself is obsessed with them.

    Only he comes (out of pure curiousity at her NERVE) and refused to help her in her mad scheme to catch a killer.
    From his refusal, she infers he is something of a coward, certainly a man of 'delicate sensibilities'.

    He agrees to help her because clearly she needs someone to keep her alive.

    Everytime there's trouble she gives him an encouraging pat on the back and tells him to step aside, she'll handle it.

    The idea of her handling it scares him to the very marrow of his bones, which leads her to believe even more that he's got a bit of nervous weakness.

    These two have the most perfectly drawn characters I've ever read.

  20. I dreamt of Ruthy last night.

    She was mean. Like really, really mean. Cruel even.

    Maybe I'll avoid the Seeker party...

    She didn't look like any of her pics either.

    But it was her.

    Kids are home today. They're playing happily in the other room. I'm off to write my new heroine - also named Ruthie, but she's nice - and then my hero.


    I have perused your wonderful website and read about your book and I am totally excited to buy it.

    What a wonderful premise!!

    Congratulations on such a unique and quirky debut.

    I too love Captain Wentworth. Even with Sally what's her name as the heroine. Love all the BBC versions of the movie. Love the book.

    Now, can we talk? Rainbow? Where did that name come from?

  22. CarolM, Ruthy is NOT mean.

    Ruthy is the sweetest person on the planet. We all know better than to ever say different. (she gets upset)

    Please ... quickly .... take that back... while there's still time.

    Waving cheerfully at Ruthy?

    (Tina, get the dart gun!)

  23. Karen Witemeyer's men are soooo good! Hunky, funny. Yeah, great hero material.

    Just finished Mary C's Sharpshooter in Petticoats this weekend, good heros there too! :D

    Julie. 'Nuff said!

    Not really, MAN those heroes are AWESOME. Plain and simple, those books are just plain not good for my heart. ;)

    Sounds like a fun premise!

  24. ACK! Sorry Mary!

    I take it back!

    Ruthy is the queen of niceness!

  25. I've loved some great male characters created by women: Atticus Finch (Harper Lee), Roarke and the Quinn brothers (Nora Roberts), Cowboy (Ronie Kendig), Job (Mesu Andrews), Jeb Nubey (Patricia Hickman), Ponyboy (S. E. Hinton), Tommy Lynley (Elizabeth George), Gilbert Blythe (L. M. Montgomery), Daniel Kaine (B. J. Hoff) . . . I'd better stop there. Maybe I'm a bit obsessed?!

    I'd like to be included in the giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

    reneeasmith61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  26. I think you were in time, CarolM. Does anyone else hear ticking? Like a bomb?

    Renee, I LOVED Atticus Finch.

  27. Hi Rainbow:

    I think the real test for doing an opposite sex POV is creating a stand-alone character who can carry a series of books. Two great examples of this are;

    1) Donna Leon’s, Commissario Guido Brunetti
    2) M. C. Beaton’s, Hamish Macbeth

    These male characters are so strong and so realistic that they each carry an on-going series of over twenty books. I have never picked up a clue that the authors are women.

    When you are doing an opposite sex POV it is very hard to always get it right. It’s like being at a symphony where everything sounds beautiful until someone accidentally drops a cymbal. It just takes one false note. I think I can catch every man who writes a romance if he does not have a woman as co-author. There’s always one or two jarring things which set off the alarm bells.

    I think Ruth is correct: women do men far better than men can do women.

    Historically, men have been more likely to give orders than try to understand women. This idea has been helped by women themselves with their talk of a ‘feminine mystique’. In fact, in how many romances has the hero said, “women!” in frustration?

    While men may not have had reason to try hard to figure women out, women have tried very hard to understand men. (When men had almost all the power in society, this made perfect sense.)

    Can any one name a great woman character who a man created that has become so popular that she is the central character in a series of books? I think women understand men much better than men, women.

    BTW: I have the same question as Tina. What about your “Rainbow” name? What wonderful potential that name has for branding! You are the only author I have heard of with the name Rainbow. I just have to ask : were your parents hippies?

    I like the idea of your book. But I have this question: Can a guy who reads other people’s mail really be a sympathetic character?


    Vmres (at) swbell (dot) net

  28. Well I think it's important to note it's his job, Vince.

    Someone has to read all the GI's mail and black out the stuff that could lead to accidently releasing sensitive information.

    Someone has to do it.

  29. Ahd I wonder if HIPPIE is still a politically correct term?

    Free spirit of the sixties. So then Rainbow is much too young to be an offspring of that era.

  30. Vince, Nicholas Sparks does good women characters. Though in fairness, he mainly creates them to KILL THEM.

    Still, I cry so he must make good women I don't WANT to die, right?

    And isn't it James Patterson that did the Murder Club?
    Those were women in that club, right?
    I will admit here that I read very few Sparks and Patterson books, though they're certainly widely adored.

  31. Woo-Hoo it's Spring Break so I get to chat with you guys today!

    Rainbow, you've got such a great story. I always struggle with writing a male POV. My hubby will read a scene for me, and then he'll say, "No man I know would say that." Then it's back to the grind.

    I would love to read your book. I love reading comedy.

    As far as my favorite male character written by a woman, that's hard to say.

    Ausjenny- I really like Marshall Grigg too, but I fell in love with Sean Donovan, Marshall's BIL. Sean's way of dealing with his circumstances and protecting his wife even though he didn't know her, and his repentence and acceptance of his circumstances always brings a sigh and/or a tear to my eye.

    Cathy R- I loved Jamie from Outlander too.

    But, I'd have to say my all time favorite male character would be Daniel MacGregor of Nora Roberts' MacGregor series. He's not main character, but he's such a funny, sweet, crotchety, meddling man that his antics in the lives of his children and grandchildren keep me coming back. It's that can-I-love-him-and-strangle-him-at-the-same-time syndrom.

  32. Rainbow, so good to read you away from the World Herald. I don't take the paper any more so I'm not sure you're still with the WH.

    My fav male character is Josh in my current WIP. He's 18, experiencing a lot of the angst and conflict he actually had in his growing-up years. He's easy to write because he's my grandson, and I went through those years with him. He's 23 in real life, but still the same cute kid he always was.

    I sure hope I get the book.

  33. Hi Tina:

    I thought the two girls worked at a newspaper not in the military. And that ‘someone has to do it” does not a character make sympathetic.

    Someone had to be a hangman in the old west.

    But, even a hangman could be sympathetic, in fact, very sympathetic given the right characterization playing against type. I was really asking how he was made sympathetic.

    BTW: I think ‘hippie’ is a fine word. I was there when these beautiful, free love, flower children, were putting flowers in the barrels of the National Guard’s M-16s. They actually did this. Whence comes another time like it?


  34. Hi KC:

    About Atlas Shrugged!

    They just better not cast Sean Penn as John Galt! That would be infamy!


  35. First: I blow it and think that Rainbow is a YA writer...


    and then Carol dreams that I'm mean...

    Yes, sweetheart, I am. (nodding wisely) And don't you forget it.

    Ask the snake that dwelt (for a short time) in my kitchen sink cupboard....

    Stupid snakes.

    And so now I have to pretend to be NICE and suck up big time to Mary because I insulted her guest, except I DO love well done YA books, so if you ever write one, Rainbow, I'll help market it.

    Because I'm really nice.

    (There, is that better, Connealy???? Did I fix things???? What? People can SEE this??? You're kidding, right????)

  36. Hi Mary:


    I can’t read Nicolas Sparks! His heroines are obviously women written by a man. After reading many real romances by women, Sparks books often read false. I don’t believe the women in his books. I always thought that Sparks writes for people who don’t read real romances. But I don’t know if this is true.

    BTW: Does anyone know who writes the TV show “Castle”. Is he written by a woman?



    VINCE SAID I'M RIGHT!!!!!!!!!


  38. VINCE....

    That's an interesting take. I think Sparks does his men better than his women, too.

    But what about Sara Donati? Oh my stars, she and Julie Garwood create men that built a country on their shoulders.

    Nice shoulders, btw. ;)

  39. I realize as we have this talk that I don't read many men writers.

    I read Clive Cussler, or used to. It's such a male-centric book there is no woman character to discuss.

    So, I bow to Vince in this.

    Since I don't know what I'm talking usual.

  40. Rainbow, what a great premise for a novel, it's no wonder your sister cheered on your idea!

  41. Hello, Seekerville! What an excellent welcome. Thank you so much!

    I'm going to get right down to business:

    1. As far as I'm concerned, Ruthy seems perfectly nice, and I think you all need to leave her alone. (Ruth, I read so much YA, I'm surprised that I didn't write a YA book.)

    2. YES. My parents were hippies. I was born in 1973, and my first concert was a no-nukes rally. My siblings have hippie names, too: Forest, Jade, Havenbrook ...

    And I don't take any offense at the term. Better than what people used to ask me in high school: "Were your parents on drugs?"

    3. Vince is absolutely right about the challenge of making Lincoln sympathetic. I thought about it on every page. My strategy was to paint Lincoln into a corner -- to make it his job to read the e-mail, and then to have him fall in love before he realized what was happening, and THEN to make him feel appropriately guilty about it.

    My other strategy was to make him so noble and good that you really want to forgive him.

    4. I love hearing about all these strong male characters ... but my heart is with Cathy R. I refuse to believe that any literary man is as swoon-worthy as James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. (My ankles get weak even typing his name. Which is why I typed the whole dang thing.)

  42. Well, leavign Ruthy alone isn't really an option, Rainbow. Teasing Ruthy is pretty much our only reason for exisiting here at Seekerville.

  43. I've never read Outlander. Julie Lessman scared me away.

    She said she couldn't write for four months after reading it because she felt so inferior.

    And Julie's pretty good.

    Who knows how long it'd take me to snap out of it.

  44. I have Outlander on a Kindle or Kindle like app on my computer. I haven't read it for the same reasons Mary said... :p

    And she's Mary. She rocks. If it took Julie four months and Mary's scared, I think I best just stay away...



    Oh, girlfriend, move over!!! Nothing is better than getting inside the head of a guy! My heroes actually drive me through the books, God's truth, so I know I would absolutely LOVE your book too!!!

    My favorite men written by women??? Rhett Butler from Gone With the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, Jamie Fraser from Outlander written by Diana Gabaldon and pert near all the Seeker heroes I've read. And, if I'm going to be truthful ... all my guys from "The Daughters of Boston" and "Winds of Change" series because I live with them day in and day out and they are everything I want a hero to be.

    Fun blog today, Rainbow and Mary!!


  46. JULIE, tell that story about wanting to puke on your keyboard after reading Outlander.

    It's so charming, I never tire of hearing it.

  47. Ok, what's better than a Seekerville post? The seekerville comments!! I laughed my way through this!
    Renee Steeler girl- Mr Bennett is one of my favorites, too! YOu know why Elizabeth is so great? Becuase she's just like her dad. :)

    I'll say Roiben from Tithe (Holly Black) and Ravus from Valiant (Holly black). Now, if you've read Valiant then you know what I mean, becuase if a writer can make you fall in love with a skinny, gold-eyed, green skinned troll, then she's really GOOD. They're both YA, but the POV switch is so smooth, and it's mazing that there's a great first kiss scene and when I look back with the writer's eye, I suddenly see that it's from the male POV and I didn't even notice- in fact it's better. VERY hard to do.
    I think the male POV is funny for me because I realize the sentences start to get a whole lot shorter, even cryptic. And then I realize he sounds an awful lot like my husband, who doesn't waste a single word (unless he's singing in the shower)...
    Ruthy seems like the sweetest person on the planet, so that was a very bad dream, indeed!

  48. Diana Gabaldon ("Outlander") is unearthly. I have the "Outlander" books on audio, and I'm always in the middle of one. All of her characters are great, but Jamie is some kind of masterpiece.

    If I tried to compare myself to Diana Gabaldon, I wouldn't even be able to write grocery lists.


    I LOVED writing a love story from the male POV. It felt so much more tender ...

    My next book is about two teenagers falling in love for the first time (East Omaha misfits), and I couldn't give up the male POV. I wrote it so that the girl and the boy trade chapters. (Oh, and sorry, Ruthy, it's still not YA.)

  49. Hi Renee Steeler girl:

    I just have to know: do you like the Mr. Bennet in the book or is it really Donald Sutherland’s Mr. Bennet in the movie that you like so much? I think Donald Sutherland was so good he almost stole the movie!


  50. Hi Mary:

    My sister loves Clive Cussler! She reads all his books. Cussler’s heroes are real men’s men. You don’t need women in those books unless they need to be rescued or protected. (I think Louis L’Amour has the same kind of men’s men heroes.)

    I think a woman reader who likes alpha males can take her pick from Cussler’s books and not worry about competition from heroines.

    However, I had to stop reading Cussler when he started putting himself, as himself, in his books, as some kind of genius billionaire. I can’t suspend disbelief to that degree.

    I must say you do read books with men’s men heroes.


  51. Hi Rainbow:

    I checked Amazon and “Attachments” will be out as a Kindle book soon! (I need Kindle for the big type sizes.)

    Amazon also associates “Attachments”, with people who enjoy reading Maeve Binchy.

    I’ve read many Binchy books. She writes about friendship, family, and places. The locale is always important. The stories are thoughtful and redeeming of the huma spirit. They are not romances or chick lit. There’re just very good reading experiences.

    The blurb said that “Attachments” was part modern epistolary novel. The last two epistolary novels I’ve read were Austen’s “Lady Susan” and Richardson’s “Pamela”.

    How in the world did you insert the hero within this framework? This is amazing. I can’t wait to read it!!!

    Just one question: Is the male POV in the first person?


    P.S. Don’t give away any surprises. Wow!

  52. Rainbow -

    Look for an email coming your way, sweetie.

    The new WIP? Omaha. I know nothing about Omaha. Except that it's fun[ish] to say. And in Nebraska. I've spent two hours looking at houses on the market there for my hero/heroine to look at ;).

    Plus well... emailing...

  53. First, I love Rainbow.

    She leapt to my defense without even knowing how totally weird I am.

    Such a blessing, a woman of rare discernment. ;)

    So Rainbow defended me (and I LOVE the names, they're so fun...)AND Vince agreed with me.

    This is a banner day in Seekerville. I'm making fresh coffee and restocking the flavored creamers because, yes... I'm in that good a mood!

  54. East Omaha misfits, honey?


    Just thinking out loud.

    Teenage hero/heroine and not YA....You know what my problem is?

    Well, ONE OF THEM??? My age. I think heroes under thirty are wet-behind-the-ears pups.

    I didn't use to be this way. What on earth has happened to me???

    And I still love Silas. And Mitch. Oh, I love Mitch. And truth to tell, I think all writers fall a little bit in love with their heroes because we can MAKE THEM BEHAVE....

    I feed Dave lines and he still messes them up.

    Such a guy thing.

  55. I loved the TV P&P version. Benjamin Whitrow as Mr. Bennett. I liked him way better than Donald Sutherland, but I think it's because the Hollywood version felt rushed to me.

    I love the subtle nuances that the BBC version offers just suck me in...

    And of course Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle were amazing.


  56. The Impossible Dream!

    To be seen
    in a dream
    to be mean
    I’ll have to grant ya
    It’s just not right:

    For in the deep dark of the night
    after the dreamer outs the light
    the truth revealed will surely be
    all’s in the mind of the dreamer
    T’is nothing to do with the dreamee.

    I’ll have to grant ya
    the dreams we weave.

  57. Oh, Gilbert Blythe! I forgot about Gilbert Blythe.

    Vince, the e-mail chapters alternate with more traditional chapters from the man's point of view. It's not first person, just told through his perspective. (What's that called -- third-person limited?)

    You're supposed to feel like you're getting to read the e-mails only because the protagonist is reading the e-mails.

    Ruth, I've always been drawn to teen characters. I love that age when every feeling, good or bad, is so big it's almost painful.

  58. Sounds awesome. For some reason I have always loved it when the main character that we saw the ramance through was a guy. I tend to write that way too! Your book sounds Awesome Rainbow! I have always really like Laramie from Janette Oke's "A Gown of Spanish Lace." He's the one that made me want to marry a cowboy!


  59. Oh, Rainbow, I hear ya'. And you're right, the perspective is very different at 18....

    Lovely time to explore feelings. and the instant reactions. Lack of verbal filters... Whole different ball game.

    Speaking of which... Minnesota had the audacity to just score two runs against my boys in pinstripes.


    Vince, I love the poem! ;) Perfect.

    Hey, I'm leaving chinese noodle cookies. Oh mylanta, I love these things!!!

  60. Can't wait to read your book, Rainbow!

  61. How sickening. Blogger ate my post. :(

    Welcome to Seekerville and what a fun post!

    I think it is very natural for writers to write from both genders POV. Take Zane Gray. He wrote about rough and tumble cowboys, but did an equally excellent job writing from the heroine's POV.

    My favorite heroes written by women? Mr. Rochester, Darcy, the lesser known Hilary Shenstone from Elswyth Thane's "Tryst" and Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot.


  62. Wonderful and funny post, Rainbow.
    Sorry I'm late to the party. Work first, play later :-)

    Oh dear, I always struggle with making my guys sound like guys. Lucky for me, my dad and brother will read anything I write - just because they love me. They've given me great feedback to keep me on track.

    I really enjoyed reading Liz Curtis Higgs newest novel because of her hero - Jack Buchanan.
    Ruthy's hero in Reunited Hearts was really great too.
    I love Mary's 'guy' perspectives. They seem so 'real' to me - Red & Grant, Silas & Tom. Love 'em.

  63. great posting...

    my favourite men characaters are the ones from julie lessman's novels...all of them ;)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  64. Mary, you're a hoot!! A woman who never tires of my puke story!!

    In a nutshell, I was 2/3 of the way through writing A Passion Denied while I was reading Diana Gabaldon. All of a sudden, I'd go to my keyboard to work, and I couldn't 'cause all I wanted to do was puke on what I had written because it was so bad. Keith told me to go to my ms. for A Passion Most Pure and read it, because after all, that was the book that sold. I did and IT was garbage too!!!

    So I fasted some meals for a week and fasted Diana Gabaldon for six months, praying my guts out for God to help me get back on track. I begged my sister to read the 2/3 book I had so far, to tell me if I needed to start over, WHICH I fully expected her to tell me to do. Instead, she said it was the best thing I'd ever written. Go figure!!

    Moral of story: NEVER read Diana Gabaldon while writing a book ... EVER!!!


  65. Oh dear, I LOVE all Austen's heroes - especially Mr. Knightley. But you really don't get inside his head, though he's well-written, funny, and faithful by action and words alone. (no thoughts - but that would have been a fun read)

    And Julie's heroes are wonderful too. Collin! Luke! Whew....

  66. Ruthy,
    Didn't Cpt Jack say Vince was sort of crushing on you anyway?
    Doesn't he have to say you're right? ;-)

  67. Julie sez:
    Moral of story: NEVER read Diana Gabaldon while writing a book ... EVER!!!

    Now why did that make me laugh out loud.

  68. I have so many favorites...

    Julie's guys in the O'Connor family
    Dee Henderson's O'Malley men *mega swoon*
    and toss me in as a huge fan of Jamie Fraser. I've only been reading the series for about a month at the request of my Nany (my mom's mom) and I'm absolutely loving it! Although it's been a little slow moving recently.


  69. Dianna so glad to see someone else liked Marshall Grigg and yes I liked Sean Donavan also. I like Marshalls brother Gilbert also oh most of the men in this series were well written.
    recently I would have to say MaryLu's Alexander Reed from Surrender the night was really good to.

    I was thinking I guess its the reverse when a male author writes but one who does it so well is Gilbert Morris.

  70. Oh need to google Diana Gabaldon
    never heard of her sorry to say.

  71. What a fun post, Rainbow!! I LOVE writing from the man's pov. In fact, I've started at least two books in the man's pov (although I think my editor had me change one to start a bit earlier in the story).

    Two reviewers of my current release said they fell in love with my hero (the book opens in his pov) Which thrilled me! I'm sure I'll love your book and can't wait to get it. :)

    Thanks for being with us today! I'm sorry to arrive so late to the party. My internet has been in and out (mostly out!) today.

  72. Thanks again, guys! You're all so much fun. I think I need to hang out here more often.

  73. Hands down I would say my favorite male character written by a woman is Rhett Butler written by Magaret Mitchell.

    Thanks for the great post.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  74. This book sounds like a really fun read! Thanks for telling us about it tooo!

  75. Rochford from Jane Eyre. There's hardly been a man so conflicted since!

    (And if it's not too late, I would love to be entered for the book!)

  76. my favorite male character written by is woman is Dee Henderson's character, Marcus, from the O'Malley Series.
    Please enter me. kimberlyj503(at)gmail(dot)com

  77. Hahaha Vince yes Donald was a good Mr Bennet but I actually like Hugh Bonneville as Mr. Bennet. He played him in a sort of spin off movie called Lost in Austen. He's such a great actor! In answer to the other question yes I do love Mr. Bennet in the book too.

    XOXO~ Renee
