Saturday, June 11, 2011

June Contest Update

Welcome to the June contest update.

Wow, we're already six months into the year! Are you keeping up with your contest plans? What are your contest goals for the next six moths?

The prize vault is open and today we're giving away a Seeker author surprise book package, just leave a comment to be entered. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

Unpublished Contests

Heart of the Rockies. All electronic. Deadline is June 15. Nine categories with achievement awards given in each. Entries are limited to the first 215 received. Submission consisting of the first two chapters and the complete 1-5 page synopsis, saved in RTF format only, total entry is not to exceed 35 double-spaced pages.

Short Contemporary: Laura Barth, Associate Editor, Harlequin
Long Contemporary: Charles Griemsan, Associate Editor, Harlequin
Single Title: Stephany Evans, Agent, Fine Print Literary Agency
Paranormal/Time Travel/Futuristic/Fantasy: Laura Bradford, The Bradford Literary Agency
Historical: Sara Megibow, Associate Literary Agent, Nelson Literary Agency
Romantic Suspense: Laura Baumbach, Editor, Passion in Print
Inspirational Category: Julie Gwinn, Fiction Manager, B&H Publishing Group
Young Adult: Megan Records, Associate Editor, Kensington Publishing
Mainstream w/Romantic Elements: Kristin Sevick, TOR

Put Your Heart In A Book. Electronic contest. Deadline July 1. Another big bang for your buck contest. Entry fee $35. Entry consist of a SYNOPSIS and FIRST chapter ONLY, not to exceed 30 pages combined.

Final Round Judges:An agent, editor and multi-published author will judge the final entries, however not many of the final judges are listed keep your eye on their webpage. (I won't lie, no having all the judges listed is very disappointing)

Dixie Kane Memorial Contest
. Deadline July 15. You do not need to be a member of RWA. First five pages and unjudged single page synopsis. NO ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS. (because????)

Short/long series contemporary, Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief, The Wild Rose Press
Single title contemporary, Debra Dixon, Editor, Bell Bridge Books
Paranormal, Lill Farrell, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Inspirational, Nicke Martinez, Editor, White Rose Publishing
Novel w/ strong romantic elements, Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief, The Wild Rose Press
Romantic suspense, Lori Graham, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Historical romance, Nicole D’Arienzo, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Erotic Romance, Alicia Rasley, Editor, Red Sage Publishing

Indiana Golden Opportunity Contest. Electronic only. Deadline July 15. Entries are limited to the first 40 entries in each category. Each entry shall be no longer than 35 pages. The entry should include a copy of the opening of your manuscript, including prologue if there is one, and a copy of your synopsis (no more than 10 pages).

Historical Jesse Feldman, NAL
Mainstream w/ Strong Romantic Elements Paige Wheeler, Folio Literary
Paranormal Suzie Townsend, FinePrint Literary
Romantic Suspense Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
Single Title Latoya Smith, Grand Central Publishing
Young Adult* Anna Webman, Curtis Brown, Ltd. (YA doesn't have to be romance)
Best-of-the-Best Meredith Giordan, Berkley Publishing

Heart of the West. Electronic Contest . Deadline July 15. Contest is open to published and unpublished authors. Unpublished authors are ranked separately from published authors. Published authors may submit only unpublished, uncontracted manuscripts.

Contemporary: Single title; category; mainstream, inspirational in a contemporary setting.
Historical: Single title; category; Regencies; suspense, mainstream, inspirational in an historical setting.
Paranormal: Time travel, ghost, futuristic, paranormals of all other kinds.
Erotic Romance: Single title; category; mainstream.
Mystery/Suspense: Single title; category; suspense, mainstream, or inspirational.
Young Adult: Single title; category; historical, inspirational, paranormal or contemporary. Published: Single title; category; historical, inspirational, paranormal, erotic, YA, suspense or contemporary.

Published Contests

Heart of Excellence Readers Choice Awards-Deadline June 15, 2011

The 2011 Published Beacon Awards- Will start accepting entries May 1, 2011. Entries must be postmarked by June 30th, 2011.

Golden Leaf Contest. Books must be postmarked by June 25th.

Just For Fun

The Fourth Annual, Real Simple, Life Lessons Essay Contest.

When did you first understand the meaning of love? Maybe you were a child, witnessing a generous act by your father or mother. Maybe the lesson came later, as you grappled with the challenges of being a friend, a spouse, or a parent yourself. Whatever made you understand love—and yourself—better, tell us about it.

Enter Real Simple’s fourth annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could:

  • Have your essay published in Real Simple
  • Win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors
  • Receive a prize of $3,000

To enter, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a Microsoft Word document) to Contest begins at 12:01 A.M. EST on May 3, 2011, and runs through 11:50 P.M. EST on September 15, 2011. Open to legal residents of the United States age 19 or older at time of entry. Void where prohibited by law. (Entries will not be returned.)

That's it, but don't forget...

Today is the last day to be considered for our weekly critique.
More info here.


  1. Oh, dear, I hesitate to post, in case you have the need to be first again.

    But, on the other hand, coffee is necessary. Right. So here it is.

    As I said earlier, I only have one contest entry out right now. And there's only one more that I'm contemplating entering before conference.

    I've registered for ACFW, and the mailman is going to deliver me. How about that!


  2. The mailman is going to deliver you from what?

    I only need to be first occasionally. Thank you for your concern however.

    I like you.

  3. LOL, is this a deal we can all get in on?

    Does the USPS know about this?

  4. I entered the Lone first contest...this year! I'm excited but a little nervous, too. Love to have my name put into the drawing.

  5. Way to go, Stacey!!!!!!!

  6. Hi, I'm new to the world of writing contests, and I'm a little hesitant to enter. To be honest, the thought of trying to get published scares me to death, but I know it's my ultimate goal. I don't have any works completed yet, just 6 or 7 WIPs. Should I wait until I have one finished?



    There are many thoughts on that topic. I always remind folks that they need to figure how long from the time they enter until the time winners are announced (life cycle of a contest) and then figure out how fast you can write.

    Because an opportunity in this business is a horrible thing to waste.

    Start out small with a contest that is only five pages or your self up to more in depth contests.

    Also you can check out our Writer's Resources Room link above for many more article on contests.

  8. Argh, I'm tempted to enter another, but it's 3 days before I hear whether or not I won in a different one. But it's a different house, not that I was really targeting that one. Hmmm. They should coordinate these dates better just for me.;P

    rmjagears AT gmail DOT com

  9. Surprises are always fun.

    GL to all who are entering the writing contests.

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  10. Thanks for the list of contests. I'm not sure if I'll enter anything else for a few months yet. I'm still waiting to hear back from one contest this month. I did receive the results from the Frasier Contest and I'm thrilled with the feedback. I posted about it on my website.

    Please enter me for the critique.
    teaching by writing at yahoo dot com

  11. Thanks for the update, Tina.
    I'm thinking of entering one of these since I'm behind on my contest quota for the year.

    And I'd love to be entered into the critique.

    Thanks a bushel and a peck!

  12. Never hesitate to be first, Helen. We need coffee. And you brew the best!

    Tina, great contest update. Love it when you open the vault.

    I entered nine contests this year with The Substitute Bride. The book is a finalist in the Inspirational Reader's Choice Award, Faith, Hope & Love's contest. The winner to be announced at RWA. A couple other finals have yet to announce, but I missed with the rest. Still, I see entering as getting my books in the hands of new readers. So win-win. Unless they hate it of course. LOL


  13. So far this year I've only entered on contest, which is a bit unusual for me. I was interested in entering the Indiana Golden Opportunity contest, but they're missing the contemporary category. Unless I'm missing something, they only have single title, mainstream with romantic elements, and romantic suspense. Is plain old contemporary a dying breed?

    I'm planning to enter the GH this year. Hopefully in two different categories. Inspirational and whatever the sweet-traditional contemporary category is called these days.

  14. hi everyone!
    I'm sleepy and work ins't cooperating this morning - we started off BUSY and that just aint right for a weekend!

    I finally got Ruthy's newest so its up next after the one I'm about halfway through. Hope it doesnt' make me hungry!


  15. Always good posts on Seekerville!
    Hope all have a great weekend!!

  16. Pepper?
    Behind on your contest quota? With your double finals in Genesis? hehe.
    Seriously, congrats again.

    My WIP isn't a romance, so finding the right contest is key. I'm entering one this month I'm excited about through my local ACFW chapter.
    It's also all snail mail. I was shocked, but like I said, non-romance contests I have to go for. And write faster, hehe, because it's ALMOST finished. Ruthy's cracking the whip the daily word count has been helping =)

    I'd love an opportunity for the five page critique please.

  17. Good morning all!

    Contests galore out there. Whoo-hoo, good luck everyone.

    Helen, wow on that Special Delivery. But I am concerned that the USPS man will get a tad jealous.

    Just sayin'

  18. I'm not a writer so I don't enter writing contest. But that box of books sure sounds great!

  19. Helen, you're like the Karl Malone of Seekerville!

    He was called "The Postman" in the NBA because he always delivers!!!

    Lovin' the coffee.

    Thank you. Hugs!

    Way to go, Stacey! AND NATALIE!!!!

    Welcome, chickie!

    6 or 7 WIPS....

    I'd pick my fave and finish it and I'd do that just because I'd want to prove to myself that I CAN finish one.

    Mid-story lag is notorious, so finishing one puts you in the drivers' seat because 98% of all writers never finish a book.

    By finishing, you ACE that 2%. SUH-WEEEET! Go for it. Finish one or two.

    Then I'd enter. Because if you do well and get a request, you're ready.

    Huge stuff in the writing biz. And just so nice to have you here! Someone new to boss around!

  20. Pepper, so proud of you! Keep it goin, chica!!!

    And Janet...

    I do not want to say how many contests I've crashed and burned in.

    I've intentionally lost count. Let's just say THE PUBLISHED WORLD DIDN'T SIT BACK AND AWAIT ME WITH BATED BREATH...

    But ....

    And this is a huge but.....



    Hey, I'm leaving cookies. Chinese noodle cookies. Delicious!

  21. Not entering anything - my book is a SHAMBLES - totally fixing it up over the next few months. thanks, partly to you ladies ;)

    I'd still LOVE to be entered for both the critique (which I may or may not have already asked about!) and the surprise package.


  22. Thanks for the contest update.

    I haven't entered any book length contests this year but I did enter three short stories in a contest. Here's the link if anyone else is interested.

    I'm in for the critique.

    RRossZediker at yahoo dot com

  23. Please enter me in the Seeker author surprise book package contest.I enjoy reading all of your books.

  24. I'm at the library again today, trying to get my word count in. I shouldn't be in Seekerville. I should be writing. I need to go somewhere that doesn't have wi-fi!!! All this wi-fi is sabotaging my good intentions!

    Great contest update, Tina! You rock! The Healer's Apprentice has now finaled in three contests. The latest one is the Golden Quill. I'm so thankful! And glad I didn't have to give up contests when I got published! (Maybe one day I can afford to be like Francine Rivers and not want to final in contests. But that doesn't sound very fun.)

  25. Ruthie:

    He has tickets to take his dad to two Cardinals/Cubs games.

  26. I'm on a self-imposed sabbatical from contests until I finish my WIP.

    But then, watch out!

    Enter me in the drawing - my TBR pile is down to only one stack :)

    (I'm in the middle of the last few chapters of The Officer's Secret - I think maybe I'm getting the secret figured out...but I'm expecting a curve ball at any time!)

    I brought some bagels to share for breakfast. We don't have a Panera's here, but Black Hills Bagels are pretty good. And a selection of flavored cream cheeses - dig in!

  27. Wow, I am so proud of you guys for HAVING PLANS. If you are not contesting you have a game plan.

    Way to go. Melissa J, I just saw your name with Anita Mae and Sarah Ladd I think as a finalist in a contest. Which one was that? I was reviewing a ton of contests last night and forget which one. Congratulations on that!!!

  28. Wow that is a lot going on for the day. Thanks for the give awy chances. And helping so many unpublished authors

  29. A good Saturday morning to everyone (at least, it's morning where I am). I'm sipping orange juice. Feel free to pour yourself a glass.

    I entered the RWA Daphne du Maurier Kiss of Death contest and was pleased with the feedback. Thanks for this list of potential new contests. Not sure what direction I'll take next but I'd be happy to be entered for the critique.

    caroljgarvin [at] yahoo [dot] com

  30. Hi Super Stars! I want to win!!!! Is there extra points for findig "Grandma Cooter", Mary? Stevie sent you her picture, thought you would get a good laugh out of it! ~Cheri

  31. Carol, Hilleary, so good to see you.

    Cheri my dear, HOW AAARHHH YOU?

  32. Ruthy, you will be proud of me. In spite of having internet, I still managed to get in my 1,000 words this morning at the library! Yay!

  33. I submited for the Maggies yesterday and am still considering Heart of the Rockies. I've got a new WIP I'm sending out that I considred putting in LoneStar but couldn't get ready.

    Please pull me from this week's critique as I won last week.

  34. Walt, you need more hours in your day, pal.

  35. Sigh. Someday, contests, someday...

    Congrats to everyone entering, or those who have finaled, in any writing contest!

    Of course, enter me in the drawing for the book package!



  36. Thanks, Tina! I love the contest lists. Because of a little problem I had with saving a document, I've lost track of how many I entered. But, as I've said before, the feedback from each one was really helpful. What's a typical contest quota for a year? Just wondering . . .

  37. I don't think there is a typical Renee Ann.

    But the Contest Diva Yahoo loop posts divas according to finals and number of different finaling manuscripts.

  38. Oh, I love seeing this kind of action planning on a Seekerville weekend!

    Yes, if you're not entering a contest, it's just super-duper fantastic to have a PLAN...

    I don't care if it's fast...

    Or medium...

    Or tortoise.

    As long as it's not at a dead STOP.

    Melanie, I am proud dahlink! Now be a good girl and go get me that precious baby to hold, won't you???

    And how fun is it to have so many people around on a summer Saturday?

    Barbecue, anyone? I'm throwin' burgers on AND got some fresh cole slaw in the Fridgidaire. :)

  39. Thanks for the update, Tina! Still pondering the contests. I don't know much about B & H publishing. Does anyone?

    Great coffee, Helen!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  40. Ooo, Ruthy
    Adding some peach cobbler to that lovely spread.

  41. Susan,

    For you...

  42. Here's some fun! Check out these long ago Genesis Finalists and winners. I did not win (note the name at the time was Tina Novinski).

    But wow, many familiar names as finalists and winners have sold.

    2003 was the early of Genesis-we wrote our stories on cave walls and they called the contest by another name but I forgot what that was (time for my meds).

    Genesis 2003 Winners
1st - Candy Gruner - SONG OF THE WESTERN WIND 

    2nd - Janet Edgar - THE INN AT CRESCENT LAKE 

    3rd - Kathleen Kovach - ONCE WAS LOST

1st - Kat Kolosieke - RUNAWAY ANGEL 

    2nd - Tina Novinski - TROUBLE IN PARADISE 

    3rd - Anne Greene - UNDERCOVER HERO

1st - Vickie McDonough - SOONER OR LATER 

    2nd - Nicole Cooper - HEART OF THE MIST 

    3rd - Jill Nelson - SHOTGUN WEDDING

1st - Robin Searle - THE AFFAIR 

    2nd - Carrie Turansky - WHEREVER LOVE TAKES US 

    3rd - Tina Pinson - TRAIL OF THE SANDPIPER

  43. Genesis 2004 Winners

    1st - Nicole Cooper - KILL ME IF YOU CAN*

    2nd - Jill Nelson - THE RELUCTANT BURGLAR

    3rd - Joy Liddy - FUGITIVE ANGEL


    1st - Audra Harder - ROUGH AND READY

    2nd - Connie Stevens - CARETAKER OF HER HEART

    3rd - Roxanne Sherwood - A PERFECT LOVE


    1st - Mary Connealy - ROOM FOR GOD’S WRATH

    2nd - Vickie McDonough - HIS BELOVED ENEMY

    3rd - Mary Connealy - CHINA DOLL


    1st - Tammy Alexander - UNSEEN WITNESS

    2nd - Margaret Mosely - SOMETIMES CRAZY

    3rd - Marcia Gruver - IMPOSTER

  44. Seekers were in SEVEN CATEGORIES IN 2005

    Genesis 2005 Winners

    1st - Cheryl Wyatt - COVENANT SEAL

    2nd - Tamara Cooper - HONOR BOUND

    3rd - Ruth Logan Herne - THE SHEPHERD


    1st - Ruth Logan Herne - THE FIRST GIFT

    2nd - Cindy Woodsmall - WHEN THE HEART CRIES

    3rd - Paula Moldenhauer - THE LITTLE CHURCH THAT WOULDN’T DIE


    1st - Sara Probasco - WINDOWS IN THE DARK

    2nd - Christina Miller - DISTANT THUNDER

    3rd - Jill Johnson - SOLEMN VOWS


    1st - Carolyn Slaughter - LOVE ON A DIME

    2nd - Audra L. Harders - PRECIOUS POSSESSIONS

    3rd - Julie Lessman - A CHASING ON THE WIND


    1st - Camy Tang - FURIOUS DRAGONS

    2nd - Rebecca L. Deel - HOME RUNS

    3rd - Robin Miller - ASSAULT OF EVIL


    1st - Margaret Mosely - UNDO THE DARK

    2nd - Suzan Robertson - VOICE OF BELLS

    3rd - Katie Cushman - BROKEN


    1st - Lynette Sowell - STAR’S DAUGHTER

    2nd - Kristine E. Pratt - RIDERS OF THE DREAM

    3rd - Ronie Kendig - LIBERTY’S SON

  45. Room for God's Wrath???
    Who did Mary write that one about? :-)


    China Doll HAS to be Montana Rose

  46. Oh wow! 2005 was wonderful for you guys.

    And Ruthy - a DOUBLE final!!

  47. Yeah, so when we talk about colliding on the road to publication we were serious.

    This woman haunted me until we decided to join forces and become the S TEAM.

  48. These woman. Plural.

  49. Neat to see so many familiar names in the finalist lists!

  50. Aw, that was so sweet to go down contest memory lane!

    You want to see some from 1997?

    I've got them.

    No kidding.

    Yes, people, the DID have 'puters back then.

  51. 1998 Touched By Love Contest

    1998 TBL Contest
    1st--Cynthia Rutledge --Faith on a Harley
    2nd--Pam Hillman--Amnesia of the Soul
    3rd--Roxanne Rustand--Rainbows and Promises
    4th--Janet Spaeth--Heaven Sent
    5th--Janet Barton--Stormy's Rainbow

    And, ALL these ladies have been published quite a while now, other than moi, but that's changed now, so the TBL 1998 is a clean sweep. lol

  52. Wow, Pammers, how cool is that???

  53. Thanks for the update! And here's wishing ya'll who enter the best!

    Please enter me for the book package!

    crazi.swans at gmail dot com

  54. Thanks for the list of contests. I was petrified to enter the Frasier, and I appreciated the feedback I received for it. So, I guess it's time to get back in the saddle. Thanks for the boost!

  55. Hi Tina, so nice to see you again. A while back you said you love my name. Feel free to use it if you ever want. My mother named me after a little girl that had cancer way back when. I see you on here so much I really need to get with it and read your book.

  56. Great contest update! Ruthy, do you still judge contests? As you remember, you judged mine entry, back in the day--Barclay, I think?

    If I weren't disqualified for being an Indiana RWA member, I would definitely enter the IGO in some category. :)

    Would love to win more books! I don't have enough. Just ask anyone, as long as they don't live with me. :)

    cathy underscore shouse at yahoo dot com

  57. LOL, yes you do, Hilleary!

    And I live here. When I go home this is where I go.

  58. I have forwarded posts from Seekerville to our Christian Writing Club that I formed and several have enrolled and love it! I've told all that it is not just helpful for people writing Christian romance but all Christian writers. Good luck to all who enter contests right now!

  59. Awesome! Contests for critiquing writing! I'd enter if I was a better writer.

  60. I'd love to win the surprise package!

  61. I'm really wondering if I should enter one of the contests?

  62. It's so great that there are all those writing contests to pick from.

  63. That's great Tina that you got second place in that writing contest.

  64. Well I was only ten years old when I entered Rose. If I was twelve I probably would have won.

  65. Thanks Kayleen!! And welcome to your Club!

  66. Maybe I'll enter one of the contests just to see what is said about my writing.

  67. It is so cool that there are so many different critiquing writing contests to enter!

  68. I guess I have entered one contest. I entered the HQ SuperRomance challenge to send in 1,000-word beginning to a story on Memorial Day with a soldier in it.

    Didn't win and the editors gave no comments, which was a bit disappointing. Sometimes they will make a comment or two. It was just 28 submissions.

    Glad I did it, though. :)

  69. Wow I forgot about that one, Cathy. Good for you!

  70. Please enter me to win a Seeker author surprise book package. Thanks so much.
