Sunday, June 12, 2011

Weekend Edition

This weekend I'm contemplating a support group of writers who are already tired of mowing their lawns. Come on, I live at an altitude of 5280. Whose bright idea was it to plant lawns in a semi arid climate?

I'd Rather Be Writing

We Have Winners

Contact Seekerville through our new web email if you are a winner and if needed, provide your snail mail address. Please note our giveaway rules in the right lower column of Seekerville. All prizes are mailed within 6-8 weeks of winner announcements. But if we goof up, holler.

Please be advised that due to the Canada Postal Strike, Seekerville is temporarily suspending snail mail prize delivery to Canada-does not include internet delivered prizes.

Avalon debut author Sandra Leesmith posted Pay It Back on Monday in Seekerville. The winner of Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog is Cathy Shouse and the winner of Hector Wants to Play is Melanie Dickerson.

Tuesday Seekerville was delighted to welcome back Revell author Dan Walsh. Hope you didn't miss Sometimes in Writing Less is More. The winner of The Deepest Waters is Christy Olesen.

Love Inspired Historical debut author Patty Hall was our Wednesday guest with Tick, Tick, Tick ... Time is Ticking Away! Winner of her debut release, Hearts in Flight is Lindi.

On Thursday Ruth Logan Herne bossed you around with "Do Not Take the Summer Off". Winners of Small-Town Hearst (the second book in the Men of Allegany County series) are Suzie Johnson and Susan Hollaway.

Saturday was the June Contest Update. The prize vault was open and the winner of a Seeker author surprise book package is Natalie. The First Five Pages Critique winner is Larissa Hoffman.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean is your hostess with Tips for Writing Novellas. Stop by to chat with Janet and for a chance to win her latest Love Inspired Historical, Wanted: A Family.

: Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe presents-Super Secret Insiders Notes on Writing When You're Stuck and a of course there's giveaway!

: Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti, author of the Military Investigation series, is your blog leader today. Do not miss it!

Our special guest today is Love Inspired author Kim Watters. Kim will also be giving away a copy of one of her backlist books.

: We're excited to welcome back Desert Breeze author K. Dawn Byrd. And check out the book trailer for her June 15 release, Mistaken Identity.

Seeker Sightings

Getting 15 Seekers to remember to submit items for this portion of the Weekend Edition is very similar to herding cats. So this weekend I went prowling and this is what I found...

By the way if you want to report your own Seeker Sighting, you can contact me here. Feel free to send previously unpublished photos of Seekers at book signings or links to blog posts they forgot to tell me about.

Mary Connealy's August release Out of Control will be available from Oasis Audiobooks. Release date is August 2011

Janet Dean's, The Substitute Bride is a finalist in the Short Historical category of the FHL 2011 Inspirational Reader's Choice Awards Contest.

Thanks for the Shout Out Joanne Sher of An Open Book -Finds for Friday!

Interview with Cheryl Wyatt, RT Booklovers Convention 2011 Panelist

Restless Writer Stirs Up Fun & Fudge! Check out this great post on Ruth Logan Herne's Small-Town Hearts at Philosophy of Romance.

Random News

  • Harlequin News — at the Harlequin spotlight at the Romantic Times convention last month, the editors stressed that they’re looking for new authors for all series lines. And Dianne Moggy said that even though the stated policy is that Mira and HQN accept agented authors only, they do read all queries from unagented authors. Send a one-page query only if you have a manuscript you think would be appropriate. (From Cindi Myers Market News Blog)

  • BIRTHDAY BASH MONDAY NIGHT JUNE 13th 9p.m. EST at The Book Club Network. Nora and Fred St. Laurent are celebrating the first birthday of The Book Club Network in a big way. This network connects book club leaders to authors, and of course, vice versa. Thanks to B & H and over 20 authors we have $200.00 gift cards, over 20 books and the grand prize a Kindle to give away Monday night. Hope you can be there to celebrate with us! Books from many of your favorite Seeker authors will be part of the giveaway.

  • Hyperbolic Coral Reef (for all you knitting writers) from Isabel Swift's ..Wouldn't You Like To Know Blog.

And finally, we've heard some REALLY exciting news...

Seekerville is waving our CONGRATULATIONS! banner high on the island to celebrate our friend Jessica Nelson's first sale. Jessica sold to Love Inspired Historical. Woo! Hoo!


  1. Congratulations to Jessica! I was sooo excited to hear the BIG news.

  2. Rock on, Jessica!!

    Have a cuppa and celebrate!

  3. WAHOOO Jessica! And congratulations Janet! And all the winners!!!

    Great WE, Tina!

    May's birthday is tomorrow so she's having a party ALL WEEKEND on her Facebook page. Hope you'll go check it out.

  4. Congratulations, Jessica! How very awesome!

  5. I know...isn't it cool? Hurray for Jessica.

    Oh, Tina you heard my complaining yesterday. I COMPLAIN about the cold and snow in winter but I have twice as much time to write than in the summer. Why did I ever plant all those flower gardens? And I really HATE MOWING. but, what, me complain? never.

    Can't wait to pop in on your list of blogs to visit.

    Congratulations to all the winners. It was a super week, ladies!

  6. Congratulations to Jessica -- I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your book but I bet it won't be published for a year or so.

    And super congrats to Janet for becoming a finalist in the FHL Inspriational Reader's Choice Awards Contest.

    Found the article: "Why Romance Novels Aren't Emotional Porn" (The Christianity Today Blog For Women)a bit alarming! Had no idea there was naysaying for the inspirational genre within the Christian community. I was quite indignant!

    The author made a good defense though. And I would add that I am often changed for the better by the inspirational threads in the books I read. They are so much more then just romance.

    Also, I think authors do a good job of creating flawed heroes (one of the complaints is that women will become dissatisfied with their own husbands if they start comparing him to fictional heroes.) That in itself is insulting to a woman's intelligence...however back to my point. As a reader I'm more apt to want to thwack a hero upside the head a time or two before the end of the book because he is acting in such an unherolike way!!!!

    And for the record my main man, Simba, in no way feels threatened by my literacy preference. In fact he snuggles up close and reads right along with me. So there!

    Ahem...sorry -- I got carried away there. I'll go do something productive now like get ready for church.

  7. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraJune 12, 2011 at 8:07 AM

    Congrats Jessica!!! Also congrats to all the winners! Looks like we are in for another awesome week in Seekerville next week. Anyone remember the predicts Madame Z made for the year 2011?? It looks like we are well on our way to making those come true!!!

  8. WOOHOO! Congratulations Jessica!!!! Will you post about "the call"? :)

  9. morning everyone..trying to wake up! waiting for 7 pm and going home to 2 days off! *yawn*


  10. WOOT!!! WAY TO GO JESSICA!!! Congratulations on your sale!

    And congratulations to all the winners.

  11. JESSICA!!! So, so happy for you! Congratulations! :)

  12. Congratulations to Jessica! Awesome news!


    Congratulations. Love Inspired. That's awesome.

    Happy dancing.

  14. Happy Sunday!!

    Congratulations to JESSICA NELSON!

    And Kav, you are a hoot!!!

  15. Congrats to Jessica! Can't wait to read her LIH. I am assuming she will be guest blogging and you will keep us informed about pub dates!

    Kav, I am going to have to check that article out. But gotta say, it can't be as entertaining as your comments.

    Peace, Julie

  16. Congrats, Jessica! SO excited for ya.

    And Tina - thanks for the blog shout-out! That's even better than winning a prize :)

    Congrats to the winners too!

  17. YAY, Jessica!!! So thrilled about your sale.

    Now you're a LI author! How fun is that? We'll be together for LI writing events and editor meetings at conferences. Whoo-hoo!!!!

    Today's Pentecost and the Spirit is a movin'!

    Who will be the next writer in our Seekerville family to sell?

  18. Happy Pentecost! And happy sale to Jessica! It's so encouraging to hear good news... Maybe she could to a psot about her road to publication?

  19. Okay, Jessica..your fans want to hear a first sale story.

  20. That's a beeeeeeaauuuuuutiful Congrats banner! *grin* Thank you so much Seekerville and Seeker friends!!!

    You guys are awesome. :-)

    And...I read that post on romance fiction and porn and am pretty appalled...I'm so upset I couldn't think of anything to write but noticed Mary C wrote a wonderful comment in that section, so go Mary!

  21. Kav, they're telling me April so it'll be a little less than a year. :-)

    Yep, K. Victoria, I'll post about it on Wednesday.

    Tina, my first sale story is exciting but unoriginal. It goes like this:
    1. Submit query and synopsis.
    2. Submit partial.
    3. Revise heroine and submit full.
    4. More revisions, resubmit full.
    5. Call, but expecting more revisions.

    *grin* I'm so happy though!

  22. Oh that's very similar to my first sale story.

    We can be revision, revision and more revision sisters.

    At least we're teachable, right?

  23. Congratulations, Jessica! Awesome news! Looks like a great week coming up. Thanks for all of the helpful info you ladies provide. :)

  24. Huge congratulations on the sale, Jessica!! Wahoo!!! I'm thrilled to share the Love Inspired Historical shelves with you! Wow, less than a year is fast!!! Are you coming to RWA? We can celebrate in person!


  25. Thanks for the congratulations on the IRCA final. I'm thrilled!


  26. Hi Tina:

    I love to cut the grass. It’s purposeful walking. You just need to change your POV. Think of cutting the grass as editing the lawn.

    BTW: That review was supposed to be a secret. Now everyone is looking at it. My wife had me wear that cowboy apron and pistol potholder as a condition of taking my picture with Ruth’s fudge.

    Congrats to Jessica!
    It seems that being a Seeker friend brings good news. Perhaps the island can become a writer’s Lourdes at sea.

    In Tulsa we say: “Expect a Miracle”.


  27. I don't mow. I'm an avid proponent of "men's work" and "women's work." Lawn mowing falls squarely in the category of "men's work" in my book. Sometimes we pay someone, which I hate to do. But I don't complain since I don't mow.

    Vince~ Editing the lawn >grin< I love it!

    I've been unplugged for over a week so I've missed a lot of great stuff. This week looks great too, so I'll have to keep up.

    Question: I can't see the "Followers" pictures on any of the Blogger sites I look at. Is this a Blogger thing, or is it me?

  28. It's you, Andrea. Try a different browser.

  29. Oh, Jessica!!!!



  30. Vince, Oral Roberts said Expect a Miracle.

    I was Director of Nurses at University Village and worked at City of Faith. I know Expect a Miracle like it was tattooed on my forehead.

  31. That post was a secret?? Are you kidding? An internet secret?

  32. Happy birthday, May! Woof!

    KAV... Oh my stars.

    You rock. 'Sall I'm sayin'. Who THINKS LIKE THAT????

    Was this written by a neanderthal, per chance? Just thinking out loud.

    And dying laughing at JULIE H.S.'s reply, oh wonderful! ;)

  33. Oops, kennel account. Must re-sign in.

  34. Oh, I'm dancin' for that Spirit! Hey, food....

    Evening food for joy.

    Oh, oh, oh, how about some delish layered taco dip and chips??? AND...

    Oh, yes!!!!

    Loaded Curly Fries!!! Cheese.... Bacon..... seasoned fries.... Ranch dressing....

    Oh dig in, I'm rustling up chocolate to go along with!

  35. Oh, Vince, what a great SECRET!!!


    I was just so glad you liked Small-Town Hearts because it's definitely "Ruthy-Lite"...

    And it's good for us authors to spread our wings... Mix it up a little.

    But so glad you loved the happy ending, DUDE!!! ;) You made my day!

    Me, too!

  36. Congrats, winners!

    Mary, I LOVE that book cover!11

  37. Yay Janet and Jessica! You both rock!

    I was appalled at that blog post too, Jessica and KAV, but mostly at the comments. I did leave a comment under "Melanie", but I just need to stay away from these things. This is the third one I've read lately on the subject, and frankly, I still think my perspective is completely the only correct one!!! LOL!

  38. Congratulations Jessica!!!!

    And Congratulations to all the winners this week :)
