Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July From Seekerville


  1. *

    Happy Independence Day!

    Keep it Safe!
    Pray for our GIs!



  2. Amen, brother!

    Coffee's on. Praying.

    And then let the barbecues begin!

    "The day will be the most memorable in America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade...bonfires and illuminations (fireworks) from one end of this continent to the other, from this day forward, forevermore!" JOHN ADAMS

  3. There's a fabulous song written by Twila Paris called - What did He die for

    I always think of it on Independence Day and Memorial Day.

    Both our spiritual and physical freedom means sacrifice.
    Praise God for those willing to pay the price

  4. Happy 4th and very grateful for our independence and our military!

    It's my son's 26th birthday.

    I hope we all have great weather to celebrate.

  5. Happy 4th!

    We* did our celebrating yesterday, though we may go see fireworks tonight if there's no storms [like there were last night].

    And I won a 5 page critique yesterday! WOOHOO!

    Be safe!!!

    [*By we, I mean the rest of my family. I stayed home sick in bed and curled up in my chair.]

  6. Happy 4th of July to you all!

    Be safe those of you who light fireworks!

  7. Happy 4th of July to everyone!

    We celebrated Canada Day on July 1st! Hope everyone has a fantastic holiday!


  8. Flag flying high
    over my head.

    My heart swells
    with pride,

    Even as my stomach
    dips for those who died,

    Giving me the freedom
    that I now enjoy.

    Thank you to the selfless
    soldiers who gave all...

    ...for all.

  9. Beautiful reminder, Pam.

    Btw - I love the first chapter of Stealing Jake.
    Sigh...gonna like this gutsy heroine of yours :-)

  10. Ooohh, thanks Pepper!

    I'm reading Wolfsbane by Ronie Kendig and Delivery by Diana Prusik.

    Both books are awesome and I'm having a hard time deciding which one to read!

    So many books, so little time.

  11. Happy 4th everyone! I'm so thankful for our wonderful country!!

  12. Carol, hope you feel better today!

  13. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! :D

    Happy Independence day, Seekerville and friends!

  14. My two oldest boys are with their youth group on a mission trip to New Orleans to help with the rebuilding down there. Please keep them in your prayers that they will remain safe and be a blessing to all they come in contact with.

  15. Happy Independence Day!

    Let's remember to continue to pray for our military and their familes...not just today but everyday. It's because of them that we can celebrate our freedom today and everyday!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  16. Happy Canada Day, Susan, Kav, Eva Maria and all our lovely northern pals.

    Happy Fourth to you all!!

  17. Happy Canada Day for our Canadian Friends of Seekerville. Nice that your holiday coincides with ours.

    Are y'all still celebrating, or is everyone back to work today?

  18. Ruthy, cool quote!

    Tina, thanks for remembering us here in Canada! We celebrated Canada's 144th birthday on Friday!

    Pam, our official day off was Friday. But today is day one of summer vacation for kids so they are celebrating being out of school! :)

  19. Happy 4th everyone! Today's my birthday and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than being with family and eating good food! God bless! Stacey

  20. Cookout at my mother-in-laws!

    I skipped most of the goodies, but my neice assured me the sock-it-to-me cake was yummy!

    I believe her! lol

  21. Happy birthdday, Stacey!!!

    Wow, they sure do celebrate your birthday big time....

    Fireworks from coast to coast, from sea to shining sea, all in your honor!

    You rate, girl! lol

  22. Happy 4th, Seekerville!

    Such a great day to celebrate being an American!

    Praying for our military and their families, especially the guys and gals deployed far from home.

    Came home Sunday from NYC. So good to be back in GA and away from the hustle and bustle of NY. As much as I loved the conference week, there's no place like home!

    Special thanks to our military heroes.

    God bless them and God bless the USA!
