Sunday, July 3, 2011

Post RWA Conference Weekend Edition BUZZZ

A post conference buzz can be described as a sensory overload euphoria combined with deep exhaustion. It is evidenced by swollen ankles, and babbling, along with goofy grins accompanied by blank, glazed eye balls and a twitch.

That perfectly describes those of us returning from the RWA conference in NYC.

We Have Winners!

Thanks for your patience as we get our prizes mailed out. Things have been busy around here but we hope to get all caught up this week.

Carol M is the winner of The First Five Pages critique from last weekend's Weekend Edition RWA NYC .

Avalon debut author Sandra Leesmith shared today in Seekerville with "The Library-A Writer's Delightful Friend." Winner of Price of Victory goes to Julie Hilton Steele Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog to Jodie Wolfe and Hector Wants to Play to travelingStacey.

Wednesday's prize vault winner from the July Contest Update, of Julie Lessman's A Hope Undaunted is Cathy Shouse.

Thursday we were live from RWA New York City with photos from the Tuesday Literacy Signing. Surprise book winners are CatMom and Helen.

Saturday we brought you The Best of Seekerville from the Archives with Mary Connealy's post, What's Going On in Her Head? The Five Pages Critique winners (yes two of you are winners) are Natalie and Marion.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Seekerville is closed. Happy 4th of July!

Barbour author Mary Connealy is BACK! Join her for "The Five Book Collision."

Wednesday: We welcome guest blogger and multi-published author Trish Perry to talk about Humor. And she has a special giveaway!

Love Inspired author Audra Harders is here today. You don't want to miss her fun post!

We are delighted to welcome back Love Inspired Historical author Winnie Griggs!

Seeker Sightings & Final RWA Photos

Missy Tippens is being interviewed and talking about A Family for Faith on the Splashes of Joy blog on July 6. She'll be doing a giveaway!

Pam Hillman's debut release St
ealing Jake, available for download for reviewers.

Congratulations to Debby Giusti who WON the traditional category of the National Readers Choice Awards with Killer Headline.

And now for the Awards Ceremony photos! (click to enlarge)

Debra Clopton, Darlene Bucholtz, Cara Lynn James
Fran McNabb, Debby Giusti, front, Tina R.

Donna Alward, Tina Radcliffe

Cara Lynn James, Tina Radcliffe, DebbyGiusti

Keli Gwyn

Debra Clopton & Missy Tippens

Golden Heart Winners & Cousins, Anne Barton & Lisa Connelly!

The amazing Angi Morgan
(who lost a cool 99 pounds!) My hero!!

Tina Radcliffe, Janet Dean, Mary Connealy and Anita Mae Draper.

Random News and Conference Comments

Overheard at RWA:

As Karen Templeton won her RITA for Welcome Home, Cowboy (Silhouette Special Ed.), she said, (paraphrased) "This is for all the category authors who get asked 'When are you going to write a real book?' Karen held up her RITA, "This is as real as it gets!"

Irene Hannon, RITA winner for In Harm's Way, quoted as saying, as she held her RITA, "The honor for this gift goes to the giver!"

Maire Shelley, Golden Heart winner in Historical Romance for The Dark Lady. Quoting her late father, "If a child has a dream of the stars, the least a parent can do is give them a ladder."

From the GH/RITA Awards show: "Do one thing every day that scares you."-Eleanor Roosevelt.

"The New York Public Library has the highest circulation of ebooks in the US. The number one genre is romance" Agent Steve Axelrod.

"Nobody will remember how long it took you to write (the book), they'll just remember how good it was." Jennifer Crusie.

Donna Alward (Harlequin Romance author) "Make sure your characters are down but not out. It's not the tragedy that makes characters sympathetic, but how they rise above it."

Congratulations to Sharon Sala!!

That's it, see you next year at RWA 2012 Anaheim, California July 25-28, 2012.

Have a great holiday!


  1. Coffee's on!

    And light breakfast in the covered trays this AM as our weary travelers sleep in!


    MISSED YOU!!!!!

    And Tina, I love those quotes! Oh my stars, they were wonderful. And I just finished Donna Alward's Dance with a Cowboy and this woman writes a BIG BOOK in a small bundle. Great use of words, feelings, thoughts, emotions. Just wonderful.

    We cannot tell you how much we missed you, so we're going to show you. Pam? Hit it!!!



    Where are you?

    Oh.... PAAAAAAAAM????????

    Dagnabbit. We had a song and dance routine all lined up to show you how much we love you. But I guess I missed the flash mob notification. Bummer. Love you guys.

    Welcome home!

  2. To go with Ruth's covered trays, I have brought a bowl of fresh from the farm cantalope, peaches, blueberries and blackberries. Can you tell I have been trolling farmer's markets this week?

    Everyone looks so great in the pictures. I heard the literacy signing was a grand success too.

    Loved the quotes. It may be a cliche to say "its an honor to be nominated" but truly Seekerville's nominees are winners in my book.

    Doing the happy dance as a winner. Thanks so much.

    Gotta give another plug for Pam. Loved Stealing Jake. I think her book is going to have me buying far more direct to ebooks in my future. I thank you, Pam.

    Peace, Julie

  3. Welcome home, everyone!

    Winning a book surprise package is a great treatment for the blues over not getting to go to conference.

    Since Ruthie has provided the coffee, I'll add a pot of tea and a cooler of Cokes.


  4. Ruthy!! You changed the time, again!! You know I don't have a smart phone!

    Gotta run. Iron kid's clothes. Church. Lunch. etc.

    Will read all those cool links this afternoon, but this can't wait...


    Congratulations Angi!!!

  5. Here's a hoot quote for you, Seekers.

    I was with Anita Mae and I was of course being ...ME.

    She said, I thought Ruthy was the.." Her voice trailed off, in slight embarrassment. I finished for her.

    "The bossy one?"

    Anita Mae nodded.

    "Oh, no. I'm really the bossy one."

    No truer words were ever spoken!

  6. And that sweet thing, Anne Barton, mentioned the Seekers in her acceptance speech.

    Diva crown for her, for sure.
    What a total sweetie. As was Keli Gywnn.

    And Debra Clopton!! Total deeeelight.

    Marilyn Brandt! You didn't let me down. As hilarious and bubbly in person as you are online. xoxoxo

    Oh, my and Donna Alward. Another treat! Such a sweetheart and so smart and sassy!

  7. Let's see..who else.

    Mary Curry!! Love her. Real. I love real people.

    Jean Gordon, another Western New Yorker. Lovely!!!

    Shanna Abe hugged me for commenting on her Wash. Post article. Don't you love enthusiastic people?? I do.

  8. Exclamation point people UNITE!!!!!

    Congratulations to all the winners, and thanks to the thoughful folk who let us share in the fun.

    Happy 4th everyone, so much to celebrate!

  9. The mental fog is clearing after two cups of java. Did I mention I am here in Philly? Humidity 100 almost percent. Supposed to storm today. I leave in a few hours for Denver.

    So I forgot I got to chat with Cindy Kirk at the Pasic reception at the Algonquin..

    and finally got to meet in person the lovely Sharon Sala at the Librarian Reception. Sharon referred me to her agent Meredith Bernstein in 2005. Wonderful giving gal. Today is her birthday so if you have time..stop by Facebook and wish her a happy day.

  10. I have fresh grapefruit to share... need an eye-opener this morning and nothing puckers quite like grapefruit.

    It's wonderful to have everyone back. I'm jealous of the conference experience they've had, but will live it vicariously by catching up on everyone's news, awards and photos.

    Happy Canada Day weekend from Canada, and Happy Fourth of July tomorrow to all our American cyber friends.

  11. Congrats all winners!!!
    Glad you have you lovely ladies back.
    I'm so glad you got to meet Mary Curry, Tina. I can't wait to meet her in September!

  12. Wow, those ladies sure look BEAUTIFUL! And the dresses! And the quotes and the awards. :)

  13. Good morning. Oops it's 2 pm.
    The fog hasn't cleared yet...from my head.
    I remember there were videos about heroes and one was about about inventors and there was a picture of Alexander Graham Bell with the words, "I'm the reason your purse is ringing."

  14. Jennifer Crusie did a wonderful workshop. I sat with Tina.
    One thing she said that really struck me is, "No one can write your book but you."
    Paraphrasing here, her point was...

    People say 'romance novels are all alike' but the truth is, they're are all DIFFERENT. You take the same basic plot, two people falling in love, and every author brings her experience to that book. And every author writes a book that only she can write. So you are the ONLY ONE who has your voice, your experiences, your book. Don't let anyone tell you 'romance novels are all alike.' And don't let anyone tell you there are other authors who can write what you write because there AREN'T. You are the only one.

    Take pride in that.

  15. So thankful to have won a five page critique! A little nervous, but very excited to hear the feedback. Thanks guys!

    Welcome back from NYC! Looks like ya'll had a great time. Great post, Tina! Love all the quotes!

  16. Congrats to all the winners. Hope you have a blessed 4th of July.

    Welcome Back from the RWA Conference.

    Jodie Wolfe

  17. Tina, in Philly this morning at the airport! Just there yesterday morning to pick up a friend. Enjoyed reading this post and welcome home to you who travelled to NYC. Congratulations to all the winners.Enjoy the Independence Day celebrations and to those in Canada Happy Canada Day weekend. Loved watching William and Kate's arrival in Ottawa on the CBC on Friday.
    Pat in Philly

  18. Welcome home, all you conference goers.

    Great quotes, Tina!

    And, Tina, I mentioned the Seekers, named every single one of you, in my acknowledgements page in the National Readers Choice Award-winning The Healer's Apprentice. Just sayin'. ;-)

  19. Way to go Melanie. So proud of you and that is just the way to do it. :)

    (Mary - know the fog will clear. You still have to be sooo excited! And thanks for the order!!! Makes ME excited!)

    Ruth - great breakfast.

    Everyone have a fabulous Independence Day celebration.


    Like: pshaw.

    There's a reason we call her QUEEN TEEEEENA, Anita, darling. And I'm first in line to polish her tiara!


    I love that she said that: PERFECT!

    Oh my so good to have our RWA revelers returning. Love the comments. And Deb Clopton is adorable, darn her. So many nice, nice people in this biz.

    Late night ice cream shop is open for business.

    To get ready for early fireworks. Gotta have a double dip, right?

  21. I'm home and FINALLY back online!!! (I was too cheap to pay $16 a day in my room and too busy to go to Starbucks for free wi-fi). :)

    I missed all of you who held up the fort while we were gone!! It was great to see those in NY. Ruthy, I looked off the Empire State building and wished I could see to your house! :)

    Congrats to Debby!! And to Ann and her cousin, Lisa!! And to all the the amazing GH and Rita winners! Such outstanding speeches. (thanks for sharing quotes, Tina.)

    And oh, my. Sherrilyn Kenyon's speech made me sob. Try to listen to it if you can (or read the text later). She's an inspiration.

  22. Melanie, thank you for mentioning us!! So sweet of you!

  23. Julie, I'm still beaming that you loved Stealing Jake! Yay!

    You know why I was bummed that I didn't win the Golden Heart?

    Because Missy was supposed to accept for me, and she was supposed to mention SEEKERVILLE like, TEN times.

    Then all the Seekers were supposed to jump up and do a Flash Mob cheer yelling...

    S E E K E R V I L L E. N E T

    And Janet was going to turn cartwheels.

    AND THEN...they were going to do it ALL again when Mary won.


    Apparently RWA got wind of the ploy and put a sock in it.

  24. Anne mentioned us in her SPEECH????

    That's awesome!


  25. WELCOME BACK to all the traveling Seekers! Loved all the pics and updates---looks like an amazing time was had by all. ~ I am thrilled to be a winner this week--Thank you sooo much! :)
    Have a safe and happy 4th of July, everyone! ~ Patti Jo
    p.s. Since it's now late at night, I brought snacks in case anyone is hungry: Buttered popcorn, juicy watermelon slices, and freshly-baked cupcakes (with red, white, & blue icing of course!)--Enjoy! ;)

  26. LOL, Pam!! I'm just dying laughing, picturing Janet in her beautiful new evening gown, doing cartwheels!! LOL

  27. Tina, meeting you was so amazing and now I find all these lovely words on the blog (and comments) - Ruth, just WOW. Thank you. Just...thanks, k?

    Tina, I apologize for the "deer in the headlights" look on Friday at the Ritas. Funny story? I hit the conference "wall" after our workshop on Friday. Seriously, Fiona was getting ready, I got a salad from McD's for supper and I fell asleep HOLDING IT IN MY HAND when she was in the bathroom. All in all the pic of you and me turned out okay considering!! It was fab running into you so often during the week.

    Can't wait for my next Seekerville visit!

    And it was great meeting Mary C and seeing Anita Mae again too. AM and I go wayyyyy back. LOL

  28. Donna, I so understand.

    Being on when you are an introvert who lives in a cave is EXHAUSTING!!!

  29. Just getting around to blog surfing now, and found myself here. Love the pics although I look a little lost. LOL

    Gotta go read the rest now...
