Sunday, August 21, 2011

Weekend Edition

I Yam What I Yam

However politically incorrect he is, Popeye understands
that good triumphs over evil, hard work pays off
and what you see is what you get.

We Have Winners and Finalists!

The Seekerville Read Me! Contest for Unpublished Authors is pleased to announce our finalists (ahead of schedule).

Congratulations to:

  • Jan Drexler -Love Bears All Things

  • Sherrinda Ketchersid -The Lady's Masquerade

  • Walt Mussell -The Samurai's Heart

  • Peggy Rychwa -A Cowboy in the Moonlight

  • Patty Wysong -Beyond the Rapids

These top finalists will have their entry sent to Love Inspired Editorial Assistant Rachel Burkot for final voting. The winner will be announced October 2 during our first Fourth Birthday Party Weekend Edition. More information on the contest can be found here.

Thank you to all the talented authors who entered. This was so much fun we'll do it again soon.

Our weekly winners...

Monday, Love Inspired author Missy Tippens was your hostess, with Finding Your Niche. Winner of Debbie Macomber's Knit Together: Discover God’s Pattern for your Life is Melanie Evans.

Tuesday we welcomed Bethany House author Anne Mateer. Anne will be discussing her Genesis Contest experiences and how they ended up leading to publication. Winner of her debut novel, Wings of a Dream, is KarenK.

Love Inspired Historical author, Janet Dean shared Kill those Bugaboos on Wednesday. Winner of Beginnings, Middles and Ends by Nancy Kress or a copy of Wanted: A Family, winner’s choice, is Deb H .

Friday was a Book Blast Bonanza! We had hourly giveaways as Seekerville welcomed The Bethany House Marketing Team! -brought to you by Bethany House author Mary Connealy.


8 am Mary Connealy--Out of Control -Janet Kerr
9 am Siri Mitchell--Heart Most Worthy -GShaw
10 am Karen Witemeyer--To Win Her Heart -Mary C
11 am Beverly Lewis--The Thorn (The Rose Trilogy Book 1) -John
12 pm Tracie Peterson--Hope Rekindled-Livvy
1 pm Stephanie Grace Whitson--A Most Unsuitable Match -
Esther Wysong
2 pm Laura Frantz--The Colonel's Lady -Tina Pinson
3 pm Janette Oke & Davis Bunn--Tomorrow's Dream -Courtney
4 pm Shawn Grady--Falls Like Lightning -Hope Chastain
5 pm Mary Connealy--Out of Control -Donnas

Sherri Berger was our very special guest on Saturday. Sherri is the voice artist on Mary Connealy's audio release of Out of Control. Winner of an audio copy of Out of Control is Debbie Archer.

Winner of The First Five Pages critique drawing is Pepper Basham.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Vrrrroommm!!! Going from Zero to Pubbed in 60 Days. Today's post will be brought to you by Pam Hillman, author of Stealing Jake, who'll be talking about being on the fast track to publication as one of Tyndale's Digital First authors.

Tuesday: Avalon author Sandra Leesmith will be bringing us a post on Tuesday. "Friends: Our Characters Need Them Too." A look at the importance of friendship in the lives of our characters. Sandra will be giving away your choice of her romance, The Price of Victory, or a copy of her children's books, Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog or Hector Wants to Play.

Wednesday: Glynna Kaye, whose most recent Love Inspired novel came out just last month, shares today. Come see what she has to say about "Juicy Words." And also enter for a chance to win a copy of her new release, At Home in His Heart!

Thursday: Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James, whose third Ladies of Summerhill book, Love By The Book, released in July, will be our hostess. She'll be talking about "The End," her favorite part to write!

Friday: Seekerville friend & double Genesis Finalist, Pepper Basham is our special guest! Join Pepper for "When Life Happens...WRITE On Sticky Notes." We'll have some very cool sticky prizes today as well!

Seeker Sightings

Congratulations to Seeker Sandra Leesmith, who sold
Current of Love, another romance novel to Avalon Books. Don't forget to ask your librarian for her novel The Price of Victory.

Mary Connealy is featured in Family Fiction Magazine's 10 Essential Voices in Romantic Comedy.

Join Mary at Amber Stokes huge End of Summer Bash on Wednesday, August 24, Mary is doing a giveaway of Out of Control.

Mary will also be on Shannon Vannatter's Inkslinger Blog on Friday, August 26.

Check out Pam Hillman's Interview in the Newton County Appeal.

Saturday, August 27th, join Pam at Petticoats & Pistols where she will be blogging about the Natchez Trace and Natchez, Mississippi, established in 1716 and one of the oldest European settlements in the lower Mississippi River Valley.

Also don't miss her August 27th post at Margaret Daley's Blog.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

August 14 to 20, 2011, Julie can be found on Margaret Daley's blog. Stop by for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

August 20 to September 1, 2011, Join Julie at Nora St. Laurent's blog, Finding Hope Through Fiction, for a chance to win a signed copy of any of her books including her upcoming release, A Heart Revealed.

And don't miss Julie at Amber Stokes End of Summer Blog Bash TODAY!!

Check out the Philosophy of Romance review of Glynna Kaye's release At Home In His Heart.

Random News and Information (mostly just random)

  • Fractal Planner (Recommended in the Advanced Fiction Writing Newsletter by Randy Ingermanson)

Remember, it's only when you love yourself, that you have the capacity to love someone else.

Have a great week!~


  1. Congrats to all the winners! It's about time for me to call it a day, but it's been a good one! Just got back my very first contest score sheets. The good news is...I wasn't at the bottom! : ) I've got a lot to work on, but received some encouraging comments. Thanks, Seekers and friends, for encouragment and help! Blessings~Stacey

  2. Another great week on Seekerville! I always check you guys out before heading off to bed-- generally don't comment because I live in fear of saying something stupid in my sleepy state(though I'm pretty good at saying stupid stuff most anytime.)

    Good week--plugging along with edits and looking forward to everyone being out of my house starting Monday! YAY!

    Have a blessed Sunday,

  3. Way to go, Stacey!!! No pain, no gain. No guts, no glory. I'm so proud of you!!!

  4. Hi Patty! Sweet dreams.

  5. Thank you for posting about the "End of Summer Bash" taking place on my blog this week!! Besides Julie and Mary, I'll also be hosting Laura Frantz, Leanna Ellis, Sarah Sundin, and MaryLu Tyndall. So excited!! :D

    Hope ya'll have a wonderful weekend, and congrats to all the winners! :)


  6. Tina - it's very possible I missed your answer the other day... When is this book signing in Tulsa? The one with you and Mary?

    Second - how on Earth did I miss the Seeker Read Me! Contest?! Must have been while my laptop was down. Ah well. Do it again!!!!! :D Soon!!! ;)

    Third - Congrats to all the winners!

    And Pepper Basham is your guest one day this week?!?!?! She has arrived!!!!!

    Carol [who did sleep for a couple hours then woke up and now can't go back to sleep :p]

  7. I love Popeye! Now you made my day.

    And HUGE CONGRATS to the winners of the mini-contest, oh my stars....

    You rock, but I want to tell you it was HARD....

    And that's all I'm going to say, but just let me reiterate... It was hard. Lovely talent out there. And you know that I NEVER blow sunshine at ya'. Not unless it's deserved.

    Can't wait to make fun of Pepper thi... ooops. I mean, HAVE FUN with Pepper this week. Remember, Mary's the mean one.

    Hey, Coffee's on. Hot. Ready. Fresh. Keurig is fired up. Warm peach muffins with cinnamon crumble topping and whipped cream. And I'm making pie or cobbler for later. Your choice.

    Happy Sunday, Seekerville!

  8. Congrats to everybody!

    Um... Wednesday's winner isn't listed. The sentence just runs out.

  9. Congrats to all the winners!!!

    And Pepper is going to be on Seekerville? She will be in HEAVEN that day, I'm sure! She loves the Seekers and sings your praises. I bet if you asked, she'd even whip up a song in your honor!

    What? Do I hear a challenge, Miss Pep?

    You ladies ARE fabulous, btw. (I love all the awesome links in the WE Edition, Tina!)

  10. Wow, what a great list. Congrats to all the finalists. That's soooo wonderful, and a shout out to Alley Cat, Sherrinda.

    seekerville is the place to be!

    Thanks Tina

  11. Ruthy,
    You mean your only going to make fun of me for ONE day this week?
    Sherrinda, least you forget I Have written An Ode To Seekerville...which I could set to music should anyone really need me to.

  12. Wait. No food?
    I'm making cinnamon rolls right now and a breakfast casserole I can share. Any takers?

  13. Pepper, I just pulled out two buttermilk pies from the oven. A little rich for breakfast fare, but I'd share.

  14. Oh, and Pepper, you SHOULD put the Ode to music and then put it on YouTube to share on Friday! That would be soooo much fun!

  15. Yes, put music to the Ode. Love it!!!

    And I need to know how to make buttermilk pies, and I want a piece... Like now, would be good, Sherrinda!!!

    Also, I ummm...


    Who's skimming??? Hmmm???? Peach muffins ain't nothin', you know, and with cinnamon crumble topping.

    Really. Didja even think I'd forget to feed ya???? ;)

    And have I mentioned that every time I think of you Alley Cats and your wonderfulness, the song sticks in my brain?

    Ba da da da bump bump bump bum bum bum bum, bump-ba dump bum bum bump!

    And now I'll be humming that all day.

  16. Pepper's coming? I'll make my famous (infamous) lime-berry tart.

  17. Oh boy Walt. I'll take a tart....unless you are trying to say something by it.
    In which case I will be offended ....but still eat the tart. :)

    Btw, congrats again on you amazing win!!!

  18. It's a modified Rachael Ray recipe. I'm only saying it's good.

  19. Yum!

    Sounds great, Walt.

    Loved your post on your blog about kids getting back to school.
    I'm right there with you!
    All of mine are back in full swing

  20. Congratulations to all the winners and

    SANDRA for another sale to Avalon!! Way to go.


  21. Congratulations to all the winners!! Looks like another great week is in the works.


  22. I should have mentioned this before. Congrats to Sandra on her sale!!!!!!!!

  23. Congratulations to all the winners!

    And we're feasting today - pass some of that Buttermilk Pie please. Virtual food can never be too rich. I'll have a piece after I finish this breakfast casserole and a peach muffin. Yes, I would starve without Seekerville to feed me!

    It's going to be another great week - I can hardly wait!

  24. Congratulations to the winners and finalists.

    I fixed Wed. Thanks for noticing :)

    Carol M..we HIT Tulsa like a Golden Hurricane on Saturday October 22.

  25. Walt, I hesitate to ask, recipe please.

    I'd like the Buttermilk pie and the peach muffin with crumbles recipes as well.

    If you're going to taunt us folks, you have to be prepared to ante in.

  26. Sandra!!! Congrats on your sale.

    My library district keeps their shelves stocked with Avalon!

  27. Congratulations, Walt! I can't wait to read that book we've heard about!
    This was such a great contest idea, Seekerville. You guys always have the best...

  28. SO excited for the finalists ('specially Patty LOL). And SO looking forward to ALL the posts, but PEPPER here? TOOO cool! AND she won the page crit!

    Great WE, Tina!

  29. Woo-hoo love seeing Alley Cat names on the line-up! So exciting!!

    And I'm not bias but the Friday post looks pretty awesome. ;-)

  30. Ruthy,
    Duly chastised for skimming.
    I got hung up on the making fun of...having fun with... phrasing of your comments.
    Must have distracted me.
    Imagine that!

  31. What a WE!

    Love the good news Sandra. WAHOOOO! May the K9 Spy is doing backflips... :)

    Fantastic on the five finalists. What a splendid opportunity. Ruthy, y'all needed some extra work, right? But what fun work!

    And wow - the prize vault was OPEN last week - so many winners - including JOHN! YAY JOHN!!! Hope your wife will enjoy her new book!

    Looks like a great week in Seekerville, as usual. Don't know how you ladies do it, but you do. Week in/week out.

  32. Congratulations to all the winners! And good luck to the finalists in the writing contest! Can't wait to see who wins!

    Have a nice Sunday everyone!






  34. K.C, Vince did a nice review of May's first book on his site.

  35. Hi Tina:

    Thanks for the link to Glynna’s book. I really liked reviewing this book because it makes me want to move to Canyon Springs. What a great location. I’m glad there is a fourth book coming.


  36. Ruthy, Ruthy, Ruthy, your food is always sooooo tempting. Now you've got me wanting to bake peach muffins. Not good for the waistline - or the part of me that spends too much time sitting at the computer. *sigh*

    Can't wait to join in with the fun with Pepper on Friday. (Why do I always think of my father bringing home The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew when I see your name? ;( )

    All that Friday fun and I won a book on top of it, Wow! Thanks to all the Seekers and friends and to Bethany House for a great end to the week.


  37. I knew I was missing something - CONGRATULATIONS to all the Seekerville Read Me! winners. And to everyone who entered - I hope you all feel like winners because putting your writing out there to be read is a major accomplishment. Kudos to all of you!

  38. Oh MaryC,
    I can tell you how this 'little Pepper grew'...and continues to grow (unfortunately)

    It's all related to chocolate.
    and emotions.
    But mostly chocolate. :-)

  39. WOOT for the sale, Sandra! Great news! And congrats to the winners! =]

  40. Pepper, my dad brought it to me (and read it to me) when I was down sick with a bad case of Scarlet Fever (back in the old days when it knocked you out for weeks!) He had his school librarian pick out books for me each day. It's one of my favorite memories but I think your way of growing is much tastier.

  41. MaryC,
    Tastier, yes!
    But it doesn't keep you a 'little p
    pepper' for very long.

  42. Sorry it took so long. Here's a link to the recipe. Use limes instead of lemons, mixed berries instead of raspberries, and also use a water bath for the tart.

  43. Thanks, Walt! I knew you'd come thru with the goods.

  44. Thanks Tina and Julie! You gals are so encouraging. Now...if anyone is up for a late night freezer raid I've got amaretto cherry cordial ice cream! It's divine. to get a few spoonfuls! : ) Blessings~Stacey

  45. Congratulations to all the winners! Glad I stopped by Seekerville, I wasn't even aware that Popeye was politically incorrect. I mean we all knew about Yosemite Sam, but what about Bugs Bunny? This is what happens when I spend all my days playing with my imaginary friends - all of whom are totally PC of course.

  46. So glad I stopped in for the ice cream, travelingstacey!


  47. Yay, looks like I won. Thanks Seekerville.

  48. Thanks everyone. I'm really excited as I really had fun writing this story.

    Hope you all had a great weekend. I sure did.
