Saturday, October 1, 2011

Happy Birthday To Us

Seekerville welcomes you to the launch
of our web page at
and to our fourth year birthday party.
It's a block party and YOU are our most important guest.

Plan your schedule so you don't miss a single thing this month.

Attention writers! Don't say we didn't give you fair warning. There will be plenty of writing opportunities that you do NOT want to miss.

Attention readers! Did we mention prizes every single day for a month? Visit us daily for a chance to be in our weekly drawing. Every day you visit you are entered into our monthly drawing for the big birthday prize announced on Tuesday, November 1st.

This year we're giving away books, gift cards, goodies, at least one Kindle and the big birthday present is a Toshiba Netbook loaded with Microsoft Office.

If that isn't plenty, now we'd like to unveil
our star-studded blogging guest hosts for the month:

Donna Alward
Joyce Magnin
Love Inspired Senior Editor, Melissa Endlich
Freelance Writer and Editor Jason Black
Jenny B Jones
Liz Curtis Higgs
Publisher's Weekly, Beyond Her Book, Barbara Vey
Love Inspired Associate Editor, Emily Rodmell
K. Dawn Byrd
Anne Barton and Lisa Connelly
Melanie Dickerson
Agent Natasha Kern
Jessica Nelson

Today we're starting off this party with a special giveaway of 10 Plagues by Mary Nealy and a copy of Out of Control by Mary Connealy.

So share your favorite birthday present or memory with us today or just say hi, and you'll be entered in today's drawing and this week's drawing, AND you're entered in our big birthday present giveaway drawing.

(By the way, beginning in November the Weekend Edition will
go up on Saturday and we all get to rest on Sunday!)

Today's cake is Italian Cream Cake! (And Blogger Pam has a great recipe!)


  1. Happy, happy birthday! So excited, and the website looks beautiful! Congratulations on four wonderful years together and may you have many more to celebrate!

    Favorite birthday gift...any time I got a Breyer horse or books when I was growing up. :D

  2. HI!!!!!!!! What an AWESOME way to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Seekerville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know about you guys but I love getting books or giftcards so I can buy books for my birthday. I hope you guys are around for many more years so I can keep adding your books to my wishlists. ;-)


  3. I like the idea of windows for each seeker on, could you put a snippet of a face in there? Way over my head design wise even if possible but it takes a lot of time to hover around trying to find windows with names--maybe just names under the windows that are active? K, nuf with the opinions. :)

    Favorite birthday present? I remember the worst one, a hot pink mohair sweater that I wore a total of 2 times out of guilt that shed everywhere, I looked like a muppet! Favorite one??? I started asking for household items for when I moved out on my own at 15. I enjoyed the family members that took me seriously and bought me crockpots and rocking chairs, etc. But grandma just couldn't get behind giving me practical household gifts she said it was entirely too boring......hence the pink mohair muppet sweater. :)

  4. Should have edited, I did not move out at 15, I was just preparing to by asking for practical gifts to store in my closet.

  5. Happy Birthday !! I think my most treasured Bday gift is a copy of 'Charlottes Web' I received for I think my 10th Bday. I still have it today :)

    Looking forward to the fun this month and congrats on 4 years !


  6. Happy Birthday Seekerville! I'm new around here but in just a short time I have been blessed by the knowledge and encouragement found here.

    My favorite birthday gift has always been a new book. The kids know exactly what to buy mommy for Christmas, bdays and Mother's Day. Two years ago hubby had to added two walls of bookshelves to hold my growing library. Never can have too many books.

  7. Favorite birthday present????

    The time Dave made me a silver cake with lemon filling and white mountain frosting.


    Poor man! ;)






    Speaking of birthdays, there is a brand new grandson in the "Herne" family.... Xavier Joseph made his appearance around 7:00 tonight... Well, last night if you're reading this on Saturday... Which it is...

    Gorgeous little boy, 7 lb. 3 oz.

    So there's birthday celebrating happening in upstate on multiple levels!

    TEEEENA AND TOM!!!!! Oh my stars, thank you.

    I cannot say more than that without getting jerky, but the website... the time.... the love...

    I'm feeeeeelin' the LOVE, BABY!!!



    Thank you.

  8. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! My favorite birthday memory was just this past August. Good thing it was only a couple of months ago, because they old memory keeper ain't what she used to be.

    This year my hubby, brother and daughter went together and bought a table and 2 chairs from...wait for it...BORDERS CAFE!

    Maybe it was because I wore black for a month and cried uncontrollably for days after learning that Borders Book Stores were closing, but that's normal, right?

    Anyway, I have a piece of Borders in the coffee nook in my kitchen.

    Love it! Now, if I could just afford a barista!

  9. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

    Out of curiousity - do we still need to add our email address in the body of the comment if we want to be entered? I didn't see it in the post or on the website. Huh? Huh?

    My favourite birthday gift was the pony we got the day before I turned 12. It really wasn't only my birthday gift, but because it arrived the day before, I always pretended it was mine. :D

    Love the new digs.

    Anita Mae.

  10. Just popped over to the web site and love, love, love it!

  11. Happy Birthday greetings.

    Anita, folks who have a link back to a blogger profile with a contact email are good. But you would be surprised at how many people win and then we cannot find them.

  12. I love the new site, and clicking on all the windows. And I REALLY want to know what Tina's crime fighting outfit looks like, hehe.

    Congrats on the new edition to the family Ruthy!

    Happy Birthday Seekers =)

  13. I remember as a kid my grandma would come to birthday dinner with us. She always bought us pajamas. I always looked forward to it even though I knew what is was before I opened it.
    One year she bought me a long gown that had racing cars on it. I wore that gown until it came to my knees. Coolest pj's ever.

  14. Congratulations Ruthy.

    Love the name Xavier. Sounds so smart.

    And Jan that is such a cool present. I'm jealous.

  15. HI!!!

    The coffee's on.

    Wow! Nifty digs.I took a look at your source code. Did your techie write that?


  16. Thanks, Connie. I love my table. I spent many hours in Borders and wrote most of 2 books there. One is due to be released in the next week or two.

    I really did cry the first time I went to Borders after learning they were closing. I'd been going there after Friday date nights with my husband for nearly 15 years, to say nothing of my visits to Borders with my friends and writing partners.

    Sigh - I miss it.

  17. Aww...that is such a sweet story, Jan.
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. Happy Birthday Seekerville!
    This is one of my favorite websites.
    As for my birthday?...I love getting books. This year 10 Plagues is my choice! (I already have Out of Control)
    Birthday cheers!!!

  19. Jan, I love your story as well.

    Let's have tea at your table. And don't forget to send me your pages.

    Helen, Captain Jack wrote the source code.

  20. Happy Birthday, Seekerville.

    What an awesome line up. And are there rooms to let in Seekerville?

    The year I turned 16, Danny, my husband, came over to give me my first kiss. He'd been teasing me all along that he was going to be the one to kiss me and I while I didn't believe him. I had this tingle of hope. Well, he did show up. Came right to the door to give me my birthday present, and I wasn't there. My parent had taken me out for dinner.

    Danny finally gave me that kiss a couple months after we started dating. We've been married 31 years.

  21. Oh I guess it would be prudent to give ones name when telling tales.

    Or maybe I should make everyone guess.


    It was just me.

    Tina P.

  22. HAPPY happy birthday Seekers! Congratulations! Y'all have been such a PAWMAZING blessing to us. Thank you!

    We're up to celebrate with you and get this party started... :)

    (We're also up because we haveL to go meet May's fans at a Pumpkin Festival! She is soooo excited!)

    Looking forward to lingering over at the new site. WAHOOO!!

    And congrats Ruthy on the new fella!

  23. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to another great year of hanging out here.

    Headed back to the M&M conference this morning. I have two pitch appointments.

  24. Jan, I love that! Borders coffee nook. PERFECT for a writer, honey!

    Erica, I can so see you lovin' on those horses!

    Renee, we're a book crowd, aren't we??? And I still have Understood Betsy, my childhood "age of awakening" chapter book. LOVE IT!!!

    Cold and rainy here in upstate, so coffee's hot. Danish, muffins and bagels are in the warming tray.

    Toppings alongside.



    Say what?????

    Helen, you amaze me!

    Connie, Nancy, thank you! He's adorable. (well... all babies are adorable. Such miracles!)

  26. Happy Birthday! I can't wait for all the guest bloggers this month. They sound wonderful.

    Favorite birthday gift...a 3 day retreat in Wilmington, NC to learn how to oil paint. I wasn't very good at it, but we painted outdoors and I made a HUGE mess.

  27. Yeah Seekerville and Happy Birthday! What a great party and gifts you are having! This is a party not to miss. Count me in on those prizes!

    Headed for the coffee! Today is shopping day - yeah! I get to go out and have a day to myself. I don't usually buy much but just like to get out. Keeping 15 month old grandbaby every day doesn't give me much time. I'm so excited when I get a "me" day!


  28. Happy birthday! This is fun--I'll be reading!

  29. Happy Birthday Seekerville! What fun! My favorite birthday gift was on my 29th birthday. My mom and I went to the Jewelry Mart in downtown Los Angeles. I thought we were looking for something for her but she saw me eyeing a smokey Topaz ring and well...she bought it for me. I still wear that ring today and it's exactly 29 years old. :)

    Have a wonderful day!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  30. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! I love your new digs and am looking forward to cruising around town checking everything out.

    Mega congrats to Grammy Ruth! Another little boy to spoil :)

  31. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!
    And congratulations to all of you for successfully completing your stint on unpubbed island. It sort of feels like you won the ultimate Survivor.

    I love the new site. Can I move there? Seriously. This big city girl loves the small town vibe.

    My favorite birthday present that comes to my mind is my nook. My husband decided I needed one. He was right because it's so much fun to download everyone's backlists.

  32. Eeeeek!!!!
    I WANT the netbook!! lol My computer is such a turd and though I love her, I think she needs to retire. Heh.

    Also, *gulp*, my name is on that list! As star-studded!! I think you might've confused me with someone else. lol

    Happy Birthday Seekerville! I can't believe you're four. WOW.

  33. Oh, my fave present (one of them) is my spanish-english dictionary. I use it all the time and got it when I was 15. lol

  34. I'm feeling rather nostalgic and weepy at the moment. Seekerville is such a special place to me because of who is here, not the locale (though we may see less of Captain Jack).

    Thank you ladies, for four years of laughter, happy tears, support and encouragement. I've met so many friends here and I can't wait to see what the next four years bring us all!

    Best Birthday or Birthday gift? I'll go with my food processor (I know... we aren't supposed to encourage appliance gifts, but...) which was a nice surprise from my adult children. And my best birthday was my 50th, spent on vacation with my best friends in the Outer Banks of NC. From sunrise to sunset, that day rocked!

    Happy Birthday Seekerville. October is the very best month for birthdays!

    oh, yes, this is Debra E. Sorry about my pseudonym.
    I love you all!

  35. Ruthy - Congratulations on the new grandbaby, Xavier Joseph. What an exciting way to end September. Hope you have lots of cuddle time today!

    Jan, I'm so sorry about Borders. Hubby and I have the same date night tradition (except it's afternoons at B&N) so I can empathize. We occasionally strayed to Borders (which required a subway trip rather than the short walk to B&N) and were heartbroken when our Borders closed.

  36. A new precious. Congratulations.

    A table from Borders...what a lovely story.

    As a recent island friend, I was kind of worried about the Seekers' move into town. Shouldn't have been. It's another great place to visit.

    A month of celebration? Y'all know how to throw a party.

    Happy Birthday, Seekers!!!


  37. Wow, I love the look of the new cityscape. Y'all are so sophisticated now! I clicked on some windows and visited Ruth, Tina, and Audra. Very clever and fun. I love it.

    Happy Birthday! Congrats of four years of hard work that has paid off in unbelievable ways!

    My favorite birthday gift is always a book. But the big 4-0 is coming up for me and I hope my gift will be an antique dining table. That's what I've been hinting to my husband for three years now, anyway.

  38. Happy Birthday, Seekers!!!
    What a blessing you have been to so many.
    and I have both books so don't put me in the drawing
    But fav present?!?
    My parents & bro combined my birthday & Christmas (6 days apart) to give me a week long trip to England.

    Congrats, Ruthy on baby Joseph. What a wonderful 'gift'.

  39. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!!

    Hmmm my favorite birthday gift . . . This year I was givena Kindle, but last year had to top them all. I got a camera, a trip to Abilene, KS, and a ride on a steam train. Got to love those research trips.

    Renee Lynn Scott

  40. Happy Birthday Seekerville!!! Love the town, it's fantastic!

    And what a month, the list of special guests is so exciting.

    Favorite birthday memory is all the cakes my dad decorated for me. Each year's was awesome, but my favorite was the Pepe Le Pew cake.


  41. Happy Birthday, dear friends! What an exciting time!

    My favorite birthday gifts in the past were anything my children made for me when they were young Now - gift cards to Barnes and Noble or Charming Charlie's (jewelry store). That shouldn't surprise anyone!

  42. Happy Birthday!!!!! The new site looks great! :)

  43. Wow! October is going to be exciting around here! Can't wait!

  44. Happy HAPPY birthday!!! The town looks SO cool, and I'm REALLY excited about your guests! (and I'd certainly love the puter, OR the Kindle :) AND, of course, the Mary books :) joanne(at)joannesher(dot)com

    My most memorable birthday gift was actually one I got for my husband.

    One year, he'd been talking about missing working out, so I bought him a weight set. The problem was, I needed a place to hide it. Soo, there was one room in our house that we basically never went into - but it was on the second floor.

    So I carried every one of those weights up the stairs (yeah - even the 50-pound one) while he was at work and hid them in the closet. I wrapped one of the really small ones. He was TOTALLY surprised - and it was the most tiring present I've ever given to ANYONE.

    Of course, he then had to carry them down TWO flights of stairs to the workout area in the basement - but HE was the one who needed the exercies ;)

  45. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEEKERVILLE! And thank you to Tina and her hubby for the beautiful design of our new "village." We have an exciting month---and year!---ahead!

    And EXTRA BIG THANKS to all our Friends of Seekerville who make this such a fun place to hang out!

  46. Happy birthday, Seekerville! And many more!

    The new site is really cute-- all the windows with your names and "clickable" links to blogs! How does it feel to be on solid ground, in what looks to be a section of New York’s Brownstones?!

    Best wishes to you all in the upcoming year, and thanks for the invite to the month-long birthday bash.

    Happy birthday!


  47. Hi Tina:

    Happy Birthday Seekers! I hope this is really your birthday. The last time I said “Happy Birthday” it was one of those repeat posts! : )

    I love your new site but I hope you realize it’s line extension. As a marketer I worry.

    And what’s this about rest on Sunday? Didn’t you hear the president say we are getting soft? Rest! That’s for the wicked and the old. (Or is it the opposite? I can never remember.)

    I love the bookstore feature. (Are Camy and Cheryl personae non gratae?) It is very interesting to see all an author’s books at once. I just love Cara’s book covers: can you say ‘coy’? I just love the Gilded Age dresses: the more you cover those women up, the sexier they look. I’d love to see a comeback of this style.

    My best birthday gift was number 50: a trip to Greece. On my 50th birhtday we were in Delphi in a hotel built on the side of a mountain with our bedroom window looking out over the Sacred Olive Grove below and the sea in the distance. Delphi was the high holy ground of the ancient world.

    Ruth: I love the name Xavier. It makes me want to sing “Onward Christian Soldiers”! Enroll him in Fordham right now. My brother went there and it stuck! Those Jesuits are absolutely brilliant!

    I hope I covered enough. I have a ACFW chapter meeting in three hours. I can’t wait.

    Happy Birthday & Many More!


  48. Happy Birthday Seekerville!!

    Love the new website, love the birthday month line-up!

    I don't remember many birthday presents, but have some great birthday memories. My birthday is in July, and for ten years (ages 9-18) I was someplace other than at home for my birthday, usually eating a picnic lunch at a rest stop along a highway. I won't try to list them all!

    But my absolute favorite memory was in 1988, when my daughter was born a week before my birthday on July 4th. It was heavenly.

    Xavier Joseph? He'll love his Grammy! Congratulations!

  49. Morning ladies. I'm off to give a speech. Prayers appreciated. It's a nice group of kind hearted ladies, I'm sure they'll be forgiving of my speaking skills (or the lack there-of)

  50. Happy Birthday, Seekerville!!!!

    What an exciting month you have planned for all of your 'community members'. I can't wait!

    Favorite birthday gift is easy...I was eight and crazy for Elvis and my parents gave me the sound track LP for Roustabout...I still have it and yes, I have a turn table to play it on!

  51. Melissa, I don't think faces in those windows is a good idea. It sounds all kinda Rear-Window to me.


    Seekerville seems like such a nice town. Why would you want to bring serial killers into our nice town?


  52. Source Code?

    We have source code?

    We can't get in trouble with Homeland Security for having that, can we?

  53. Joanne - I LOVE IT! :D

    Jan - So glad they were able to get you that table/chairs. One of these years I'm coming over to sit with you.

    Ruthy - grandbabies!!!! So wonderful! I have at least a decade before I get to grandbabies though ;).

    LOVE the new village. I can't decide who I want to stay with so I'm going to hop around from apartment to apartment.

    Such a great lineup of guests and prizes!!!!

    And so excited that all of you are published! That's wonderful!

    carolmoncado at gmail dot com :)

  54. Er favorite bday...

    Was still trying to think of it when I posted that...

    The most memorable I guess is when I was 10. Mom was very sick with cancer [a few days later she went into the hospital for a week with pneumonia]. I got 10 envelopes - each one had 10 things in it - chocolate chips, peanuts, pennies/dimes/nickels/quarters, etc. Except the last one - which was a shopping trip with mom.

    I still maintain I never got to go on that trip but at the time Dad said I did. Tells you how memorable it was :(.

    But I still have the envelopes somewhere... :)

  55. Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    My favorite birthday memories was my first surprise party when I was twenty-one years old. It was an activity with our Christian Fellowship group on SU campus.

    Would love a chance to win a kindle...or new computer. Way cool! :)

    Jodie Wolfe


    What a super job Tina and her hubby did on our brand new Web site!!!

    Okay, Helen. What's up with the source code??? You can actually READ that stuff???

    Favorite birthday present. That would have to be the "present" my hubby gave me on my own birthday just two days ago--a full day of peace and quiet and "semi-normal" so I could write-write-write on a book that I just found out is due November 15!

  57. And Anita Mae, I am so jealous that you got a pony!!!!

  58. Vince you have covered every single detail as usual. Well done!!

  59. My comments have been made to myself lately, but had to stop by today and say...


  60. Happy Birthday! Wow, this months line up of guest bloggers sounds fantastic! I will be back for sure :)

    My favorite present was a guitar my hubby got me two years ago--because I wanted to learn to play. I still have it, of course, and taught myself all sorts of fun songs. Love those thoughtful gifts. Have a great weekend!

  61. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Seekerville!! =]

    I love your site--I clicked all the buttons and oh'd and ah'd over it all. Love it. And that header with the windows? SUPER COOL! =] Way to go!

    My favorite birthday present? Man, I dunno. I used to get a box of Fruit Loops or a jar of Jif peanut butter when we lived in Ecuador and the only cereal was Mom's homemade granola.

  62. I rarely catch the weekend blogs but I'm glad I stopped by. Love the new site. Looks like a fun place to hang out. Happy birthday, Seekers!

  63. HI! Sandra! Good to see you!! Why are you talking to yourself when you can talk to us instead?

  64. Renee!! AKA Christina, you've got a new picture!! Love it!!

  65. Thank you all for stopping by for the grand opening! So wonderful to see your smiling faces. Have some cake now, because by October 31 you will be caked out.

  66. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! We share a birthday month.

    Since my birthday is on Halloween, when I was a kid, we went Trick or Treating, and when I was an adult, I took my kids Trick or Treating.

    Some of my favorite birthdays were the two years after we married and before we had kids. We got to go out and celebrate. No one was around because they were out with their kids and my husband and I had the restarant practically to ourselves.

  67. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Seekers :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  68. Unbelievable! What a line up! This is going to be such a fun month!

    Favorite birthday gift was a camera and books and CANDY. :)

  69. Congratulations, Ruthy, on the new little person to love on!

  70. Love your new digs...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Seekerville is one of my favorite blogs, so I'm happy to see you're thriving and growing and lookin' so good! I LOVE Mary Connealy (personally, AND her books!). She's just the BEST. So, many more birthdays to all of you, and have a great October!

  71. Happy Birthday Seekerville!!!! We share a birthday month. The best birthday gift is when my grandparents were able to come to my birthday dinner. I loved having the family together.

  72. Happy 4th Birthday Seekerville!

    My favorite birthday gift is, the birth of my Granddaughter. She arrived 5 days before my birthday but at least she arrived in the month of my birthday! She is such a sweetie. She just turned 9 years old. I love her little Brother too! He arrived 10 days before our anniversary. At least he arrived in our anniversary month!!

    Once again Happy Birthday and thanks for all the giveaways!!

    Judy B

  73. Tina, you did an amazing job creating our website!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday to all my 'Seeker sisters' and all our Seeker friends!

  74. Happy birthday, Seekers!!

    You know, I don't remember birthday gifts very well. Ungrateful of me, I know, but it's the people I spend the day with that makes my birthday special. That's my favorite present, I guess. So glad to be here to celebrate with all of you!

    I'm still not done exploring the website, but I love what I've seen so far!

    Congratulations on your grandbaby, Ruthy! Love the name Xavier. I keep a "Favorite Names" list on my computer. I'll have to add that one. Sounds so heroic.

  75. Happy Birthday!! Looks like some awesome things going on here this month!! Thanks for a chance to be a part of it. : )

    I don't really have a favorite birthday gift -- I love them all!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  76. Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    My favorite birthday present would probably be the time my parents sent me back to my hometown. I had the chance to see a friend that I hadn't seen in eight years.

  77. Congratulations, Grandma Ruthie.

    To look at the source code, click on View, then click Source. Get a gander at Captain Jack's incredible coding talent that makes your site work.I DARE you.

    Looking forward to whole month of fun.


  78. My fsvorite gift: my first ever perfume...from my dad. Made me feel so grownup and special!

    Okay, back to the conference I'm at. I'm teaching a workshop at 3! Will be back to celebrate later...

  79. Can't wait to celebrate your 4th all month long!

    My favorite birthday gift was my last birthday present...a Kindle. I love it! I can carry all my books around with me. :)

  80. It's me again, Teenster two.


    Want to say a congratulations yay, to G-ma Ruthy.

    Making sure you all didn't miss me cause I've be anonymous.

    So did anyone say what flavor of b-day cake are we having?

  81. Tina Pinson.


    We are having Italian Creme Cake today.

  82. Helen is a html geek. Who knew? She looks so innocent.

  83. Birthday blessings.
    My favorite gifts are books or money to buy books.
    Trinity Rose

  84. I've never been over here before, but several authors that I follow sent me a link. :)

    My favorite birthday present? That's a hard one. My 18th birthday was a surprise party my mother pulled off at my high school. As far as presents go, I'll have to go with my pampered chef rectangle stone baker. I love love love it.

  85. Tina II here again.

    I love Italian Creme.

    And lemon creme and chocolate creme.

    Do you sense a pattern?

  86. Ah, my sweets, it has been brought to my wandering (or is that wanderlust) attention that you approve of my work?

    My art?

    My source code?

    Bellas, Bellisimas, Dear-hearts, I am honored to share any source of anything with my beloved Seekervillagers...

    Including my expertise as a humble barista.

    Pumpkin spice latte seems to be the seasonal beverage of choice, but I'm... ahem.... available in any capacity.


  87. Ah, Edwina, mon petite...



    And my beloved Pepper-cara-mia!

    How I've missed you all, but Helen...

    Helen makes a mean cup of coffee for a rascal pirate like myself.

    Tippin' my hat in your direction, fair ladies of the night.

  88. Ah, Teri Dawn...

    Which is much like Prairie Dawn, only older...

    More mature...

    And infinitely more lovely than an incorrigible Muppet child....

    We've missed you, Dear heart!

  89. Happy Birthday!! Hard to believe it's been 4 years.

  90. Happy Birthday!!! I always loved getting books and barbies for my birthday!! I loved it when my dad got me a Kindle for my last birthday!!! I'm now addicted! :) When I was a kid though I loved it when my birthday cake had Cinderella's horses and carriage on it!! :)

  91. JACK! You rascal you, where have you been keeping yourself? Just because we're moving to the Village, it doesn't mean we won't be hanging out on the island as often as we can. Surely you don't think we'd desert such a fine pirate as you!!

  92. When Captain Jack says he's willing to share his 'source code' it sounds really NAUGHTY.

  93. Are we supposed to have cake everyday of the month, Teenster? Cuz I hadn't planned cake for Monday, but I can make cake.

    I mean I have made cake my life. And I think I know where my cake pan is.

    I promise to knock all the dead spiders out of it before I pour in the batter.

    Can flour expire? What are the rules on that? I know I used it for Christmas....but Christmas 2010 or 2009?

  94. I mean I used the flour not the pan. Well, the pan too.

    Okay, I'm making cake. Be Afraid!!!

  95. Oh my, Mary. You made VIRTUAL cake sound VERY appealing! LoL


    Cakes are optional.

    Especially for you, Connealy.

  97. Welcome to Seekerville, Dawn. Be sure to stop by tomorrow when the week's sparkling guest list is rolled out.

    Amazing. Amazing!!!

  98. Me thinks I'm being made fun of. Oh my.

    Okay, I won't try to make cake. My pan's about as scary as Mary's.

  99. Happy birthday to you!! I love birthday parties, thanks for inviting me to yours!! My favorite birthday gifts were , of course, books! LOL Thanks for entering me in the contests!

  100. SoccerKidsMom, welcome to Seekerville.

    You didn't leave a way to contact you if you win.

    We know you have a name when the soccer ball goes to bed. Come on now you can tell us.

  101. No you are not being made fun of Helen. I personally am amazed that you have not revealed that geeky side of you before.

  102. Whew, what a relief. I'm not being made fun of. :)

    Don't know that I can claim to be a geek, although I did create my own web site, from the gorund up, with html. It's fun stuff!

  103. Happy birthday!!!! Congratulations on your fourth year. What a great lineup you have this month. I'm looking forward to the posts. And did I mention the cake? Oh my that Italian Cream Cake looks delicious.

  104. Happy Birthday Seekerville! And congrats on the new website - it's lovely!

    Aw - another little gandbaby! Ruthy you must be thrilled.

    Thanks for these great prizes. Would love the chance to win a 'puter since mine is old and cranky.

    I'm still in recuperation mode from conference - what a good time we all had.

    Birthdays - hmmm. My really good friends took me to the King Edward Hotel in Toronto for High Tea. It was awesome - the building and the tea!

    Just want to say thanks again for hosting such a wonderful blog full of advice, information and blessed encouragement! You ladies are awesome!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  105. Whoo - just popped over to Julie's site and found out she's got a new grandbaby, too! An adorable little girl, Rory!

    Congratulations, Julie and all the Lessman's. How wonderful to have the first grandchild arrive!

    Blessings to you all!


  106. Oops, sorry. My name is Sherri Myers and I review for a couple websites, namely Romancejunkies and In the Library and an ou can contact me at christianbookreviewer @

  107. Happy birthday! I love Seekerville:)

    Enter me, please! clp1777(at)aol(dot)com

  108. Oh Kathryn. Barbies. I loved Barbies. And they're longevity suggest there were more than the TWO OF US, although most won't admit it.

    And how about that waistline???

    Drat her.

  109. I've got Mary's cake all set.

    Carrot cake sans spiders.

    And webs.

    Runner 10, I've missed you!!!!

    I have three grandchildren here tonight. Logan, 'Lijah and Kenzie...

    One of them does not like me right now.


  110. Ah, Glynna... Did you not know the island is only a temporary stopping ground for this pirate?

    Although I love Myra's hut. It's got an appeal that's lost on most modern women.

    But in fact, the Black Pearl allows me fast, safe passage between the island and the mainland.

    Whither you goest, Glynna...

    There I am.




  111. Mary, I can help with the cake. I've got a Betty Crocker white angel food cake mix I've been meaning to make.

    You know, those are supposed to be healthy. That explains why I've made every other cake, all of them chocolate, ahead of that one. I did cut the boxtop thing off for my kids' school. Well, I just looked at the date "Better if used by Dec. 18.....2005!" That can't be right. I'm sure that's what it says, though.

    Well, it's yours if you want it.

    PLEASE put me in for all prizes. I would have made this cake if I hadn't spent so much time with Jack and you guys!

    I feel bad saying this, because I have a wonderful hubby and two terrific kids. However, my most memorable birthday was when I was 20 and studying for a college quarter (before they switched to semester) in London. Sigh.

    Oh, we can't say sigh. Linda Goodnight taught us that this week. Sometimes, a sigh really is appropriate, don't you think?

    Happy Birthday, Seekerville!


  112. Late getting over, but must wish the Seeker sisters a VERY happy 4th birthday. The website is beautiful. Thankful to be among you as a Seeker friend. Great place to hang out for support, encouragement and learn, learn. Congrats to Ruthy and Julie on the grandbabies. Love the line up of stars for next week.

  113. Today was also the new debut of Total Web Design's new web site.

    Helen, part of the source code comes directly from the content editor. The web site is designed so the customer can edit the content on any page. I built the web site and the seekers filled it in. My source code says "Insert content here"... But when you look at it with view source, you see what is generated.

    Oh, I did it again. MEGO (My Eyes Glazed Over). Talking techie. Sorry!

    I saw Tina's new book on a store shelf today! Yea!

    My best birthday was a couple a years ago, going to Vegas with Tina. We had a great time!

    Glad you all like the web page!


  114. Loves 2 Read Romance - LauraOctober 1, 2011 at 6:54 PM

    Happy Birthday!!! Congrats on 4 great years and many more to come! So I stopped by the new village and I love it. It's so cute and I really like that you can click on certain windows and be taken to a Seekers website. It's such a neat way of linking all the Seekers! I can't think of my favorite birthday gift from years past. However I always enjoy getting books for my Birthday. In fact last year my Aunt asked my Mom why she bought me books for my Birthday. My Mom said that's what she wanted. My Aunt was like doesn't she have enough. I told her there is no such thing as enough books! LOL


  115. Can you ladies get anymore creative????

    JUST say your new site and LOVE it!!! What an awesome group of people you are and I'm so thrilled to be on this end of the computer learning from you all! You keep me writing!!


    I have just one question: Will Mary do another one of her posts where every comment we make gets us an entry to win?? I've got a boatload of ideas if that is the case.

  116. I love this place. Who couldn't feel comfortable around a group with a majority that say their favorite gift was a book?

    Although I am shocked and concerned with the lack of baking that goes or I should say doesn't go on in the homes of published authors. In my house a cake mix is used within 24 hours of the purchase date.

    Come on girls ... and guys let's eat cake!

  117. Tom!!!

    If I didn't accomplish anything else, I flushed you out into the open. Rah, rah!

    Tina is now the only Seeker I haven't met--or at least seen at a distance at conference.

    Need to fix that.


  118. HI, TOM! Thank you SO MUCH for all your and Tina's hard work on the new Seekerville website! You both are terrific--but as a team, you REALLY rock!

    Your new website looks great, too!

  119. TOM!!!



    Love the website. And you, of course! We can't thank you enough for your brains and expertise.

    Or your pretty wife, for that matter.


    Love you guys! Hey, hey, hey!!! Is that Jack????

    In the cake?


    Say it ain't so. I mean, yes, it's dark here, but really...


    What were you thinking????

  120. Favorite birthday gift...I'm like all the others: BOOKS!

    Favorite birthday memory: Getting a 10-speed. It was November and muddy/snowy, so I got to go out to Grandma's cattle barn and ride it. (There weren't any cattle for me to terrorize, I promise.)

    Then there was the year I got several rainbow gifts from my friends. Don't know how I got a rep for liking rainbows, but there's worse things. :)

    Happy, birthday to you!


  121. Love the new website! Congrats and Happy Birthday, Seekers! You all are such a wonderful group of ladies. I can't imagine how many folks you've touched and encouraged through your books and blog. May God continue to bless your ministry :)

  122. OMG, Tom is here. How did I miss this. The sneak. I thought I had him locked in the computer room.

  123. Tina,

    You are too funny! Let poor Tom out of the computer room once in awhile, will ya?

    He's smart and funny :)

  124. GOOD NEWS VIA TEXT!!! Congrats to Walt Mussell who won the Maggie Awards inspy division.

    Woot To Walt!!

    Congratulations to all the finalists. The Maggies are one tough contest and Katy Lee double finaled.

  125. Happy Birthday, Seekers!
    October is also my birthday month. My favorite gifts are books. I usually give my kids hints of what books I'd like and they try to get them for me. They usually give me chocolate too. They are great kids.
    It sounds like you have great plans for this month; I'll look forward to joining you each day. Thanks for all the wonderful books you are writing to keep readers like me happy!


  126. Oh, my stars! That Italian Cream Cheese cake looks SO good!

    We're having Pastor appreciation at church tomorrow, so there should be TONS of goodies. Yum!

    Enjoy then work it off all week! lol

  127. YAY Walt!!! That's AWESOME NEWS!!

  128. CONGRATULATIONS, WALT!!!! You're making your friends in Seekerville majorly proud!!!

  129. Congrats to the new look. Congrats, also, to Ruthy & Julie L. on the new "grands"!!
    Would love to be entered for the Nealy & Connealy books.
    Looking forward to continued fun days on Seekerville!

  130. Happy birthday, my little chickadees!
    Favorite birthday: when I turned 40 and my husband turned 50, we hired a DJ and rented a hall for 75 of our closest friends and family.

  131. Oh, whee! I'm going to make every effort to check in with you every day this month. I love the blog.

    A favorite birthday memory? I'd have to say my 40th. My best friend planned a party at which 100 people attended, all dressed in black. It was hilarious - and a complete SHOCK to me.

    My NOT-SO-FAVORITE memory happened ten years later when my darling hubby and daughters forgot, yes FORGOT, my 50th birthday! Yow, that took me a coupe of weeks to get over. Now, I laugh about it because I told my hubby for years afterward he better cook up something REALLY GOOD for my 60th. He did. He took me to London, England and Paris.

  132. I just had Italian Creme Cake last week and was thinking how much I'd like to get the recipe. THANKS!

    New Grandbabies. Love it!
    And Captain Jack stopped in.
    And Tom? I think that's even more exciting.

    Mary, how did your talk go today?

  133. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEEKERVILLE!!! I'm visiting late today because my family celebrated two of my kiddos' birthdays today---LOVE when all my kiddos are at home! ~ Cannot wait to pop over and see the new website, and also the entire month of October sounds like it's going to be GREAT. Hugs to ALL the wonderful Seekers (and Seekervillagers too), Patti Jo :)
    p.s. Have lots of precious birthday memories, but one of the BEST was several years ago when I celebrated a milestone birthday. A few days later, my oldest daughter and I went to Walmart (it was a Sunday afternoon). Unbeknownst to me, while we were gone the rest of my family was home preparing a big surprise party for me (I had NO clue). So when I entered my house a little while later (wearing jeans and an older t-shirt) carrying a 16-roll package of toilet paper, I was greeted by a houseful of family and friends shouting "Surprise!". I just stood there clasping the package of tp and cried!! It ended up being a fabulous afternoon. :) And I always receive some books for my b'days, since my family knows I LOVE books!

  134. So many lovely memories. Thank you for sharing.

  135. Sooooo excited for you all! It's fun to see how God is growing you. I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned this month. :)

    I think my favorite birthday gift/celebration is when my honey took me for an overnight stay in a castle--in the middle of the week. He took off time and gave it to me. Loved it!

  136. PS--How could I forget to wish you a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Yelling with excitement for you all :))

  137. What an awesome birthday celebration! Happy, Happy Birthday, Seekerville. (The new website is lovely, BTW.)

    I think my favourite birthday gift was my first dog... an American Cocker Spaniel. He didn't have the best temperament, but I was only ten and didn't recognize it at the time. He was the start of a canine love affair that still continues. Only the breed has changed, to Shetland Sheepdogs and now Labrador Retrievers.

  138. Congratulations, Walt! That's great news!!!

  139. Happy Birthday Seekerville! My favorite present is a necklace that I received from my parents for my 18th birthday.

  140. Happy Birthday! Looks like a lot of great posts not to be missed this month.

  141. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That's really awesome! The new website looks amazing!

    Congrats to you too, Ruth! You'll have to tell me how to be a grandma! I'm going to be a first time one in February! Can't wait!

    Favorite birthday present? I've had a lot over the years because I was born on Valentine's Day and my parents always "did it up right" for me but 2 years ago my husband gave me a surprise party for my 50th birthday that was amazing! We actually lived in separate states at the time due to his work so I had no clue it was a party for me and I walked in to a friend's house, everyone yelled "surprise" and not only was my husband there (flown in) but my parents had driven 700 miles to surprise me too! Best birthday present ever!

    I'd love to win Out of Control!


  142. Your posts are always fun and informative. Congrats on still supporting each other for 4 years! Happy bd!

  143. Oh, Katy Lee and Walt!!!!



    Although people from Brooklyn would tell me it's Bronx.



    Tom is a sneak, Tom is a sneak!!!

    Love it!

    And waving to Voni, Cathy, Pam....

    Voni, great name. Fun. Different. Note to self: Use Voni's name in book.


  144. A belated Happy Birthday to everyone at Seekerville! Thank you for bringing us great writing advice, fellowship and gifts these past four years. You've been a blessing to us. May you all be blessed for your generosity.

    Love the new website. Congrats to all for making the big move!

  145. Thanks, Kimberli!!!

  146. So is this where the chat is on Friday?

  147. Yes, Cheryl. Right here on the blog.

  148. Hi there!

    Happy Birthday!

    My favorite birthday gift was a surprise kidnapping to stay overnight and then go sailing the next day in Puget Sound on a 46-foot ketch sailboat friends built from scratch in Seattle.

    Needless to say, I'm hooked on sailing 30+ years later.

    Deb Garland

  149. Hi there!

    Happy Birthday!

    My favorite birthday gift was a surprise kidnapping to stay overnight and then go sailing the next day in Puget Sound on a 46-foot ketch sailboat friends built from scratch in Seattle.

    Needless to say, I'm hooked on sailing 30+ years later.

    Deb Garland

  150. One of my favorite birthday memories was when I was seven and my aunt got me a ballerina barbie doll that I really wanted ...

    Happy birthday Seekerville!

  151. What a party!
    Thanks for letting us share in the celebration. I'd love to win a book. Rachel at

  152. I have Mary's books, but I just wanted to stop by to say Happy Birthday to Seekerville Peops! You all have great books and I'm delighted you continue to do more. The website looks great!

  153. Ah! That cake looks great!

    It sounds like it's going to be an exciting month in Seekerville!

  154. Happy birthday. :)


  155. Love the authors at Seekerville! You guys are great! Happy 4th Birthday Seekerville!

  156. Happy Birthday - for Birthdays are a Miracle, as each of us are Miracles walking around, hopefully being the hands and fet of Christ. So enjoy your Birthday for He knew you before you were born!
    My favorite Birthday memory is the memory of my second child being born, we had a mirror, my husband caught her and then held her with one had and cut the umbilical cord with the other. She IS a miracle.
    I would love to celebrate this birthday bash with you - boks and goodies are always fun little blessings.

  157. Happy birthday Seekerville! I was notified by Julie Lessman via email about this blog. So excited to join in your conversations! Thank you for all of the hours of entertainment you all provide!

  158. I'm a wee bit late here, but just wanted to saw HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SEEKERS!!! How awesome. Y'all have been such an encouragement and help to me, as a writer. I am always looking forward to some new post from y'all. Keep up the awesome work.

    Oh, and congrats on the website! Looks super awesome! :-)

  159. Happy birthday and many happy years of successful books.

  160. Happy Birthday!!
    The website is wonderful. Sending blessings your way.

  161. Happy birthday! This is my first time here but I'll definitely be coming back!

    I think my favorite birthday memory was my sixth birthday, when I had a party at a park and then afterward my daddy and I went on the swings, just the two of us. Dads are special :)

  162. Hope you all have a wonderful birthday!!! Thank you for all the encouragement and laughs over the past 4 years, and I hope there are many more to come! My favourite birthday gift was a lap writing desk for my 5th birthday! I used to "write" novels and then give them to my mom to read. They were just random words that I had learned in school that had no meaning at all! lol

  163. Congratulations on 4 yrs. Love reading your blog.

    My fav birthday gift was my daughter who was born the day after my 21st birthday almost 48 yrs ago.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  164. My favorite birthday memory is celebrating with my pop, mom and dad, all on the same day. Our birthdays are all within 2 weeks of each other, so we always choose one Saturday to celebrate them together. We still do this presently, it just gets harder to find a day when everyone is free! As a child, I always opened my presents last because I loved the anticipation. Thanks for the chance to win prizes!


  165. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you!! The best birthday present that I have received (every year) is a Barnes and Noble gift card. It is a gift that keeps on giving. I get to spend time in BN looking at all the books, then buy one and take it home, and spend the next day happy as a clam enjoying my book :)

  166. Happy Bithrday!

    Favorite birthday gift is definitely getting gift cards so I can by books.

  167. Happy Birthday Seekerville!! I love that we can hear about what all of the authors are doing here!
    And I will be happy with anything I win!

  168. Happy Birthday Seekerville! It might sound strange but my favorite birthday gift is when people remember my birthday (other than my own family of course). For example, my ex-boyfriend still sends me birthday greetings and gifts each year and I get touch by it.

  169. Happy Birthday, Seekerville! Congratulations on four wonderful years, and we're looking forward to many, many more.

    Favorite birthday present of all times is...My first grandchild! She was born a few days before my birthday, 13 years ago. And now my sixth grandchild is due on my birthday. Pretty good birthday presents, huh? :D

  170. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! This is such a great website and I'm happy its done so well! I'd love to be entered in the contest! Best wishes!

  171. My favorite b-day was when I turned father took me to Michigan to meet one of my favorite authors.

  172. Happy B-day!! Fun, fun! Fave Birthday is celebrating with family...cousins when I was a little girl and with my hubby, children and fam now. Have a Happy!
    Birthday Blessings!
