Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Last Weekend Edition of 2012

Yes, it's true. No matter how you look at it, THE END is near!

We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner and/or at

 Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe chatted about The Last 361 days.  The winner of a Fiction is Folks is Julie Hilton Steele and the winner of Myra Johnson's A Horseman's Hope  (available January 2, 2013) is Piper.

On Thursday Montlake author Fran McNabb shared on "Using Local Color to Enhance Fiction." Winner of a print or ebook version of Windswept, Fran's latest sweet romance is Shakespeare aka Cheryl.

Friday Debby Giusti brought us her Best of the Archives post: The Write Attitude. Winner of Debby's January 2013 release, The General's Secretary, a Love Inspired Suspense is Jessica Nelson.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Seekerville presents our Rockin' 24 hour New Year's Eve Party. Starting at 12:01 until the clock strikes 12 PST  on Tuesday, we have hourly writer hosts and virtual food and real live giveaways. Winners announced live on the hour. The complete winner list will be posted on Tuesday.

Tuesday: Seekerville closes at 4 a.m. PST to clean up after the party and to celebrate New Year's Day (AKA sleep).

Wednesday: It's the January Contest Update and the prize vault IS OPEN!!

Thursday: Today join Love Inspired author, Audra Harders who just recently grasped the meaning of "bigger and better is not always as it seems," and plans to share some of her New Year's Revolutions on the subject...and of course ask for input from the audience. Since most of us have resumed some semblance of diet restrictions after the holidays, there will be no chocolate given away, instead-a chance at a $15 gift certificate to Amazon or B&N or

Friday: Every Friday during this busy Holiday Season Seekerville will be sharing a Best of the Archives post along with a giveaway. Don't miss this very last oldie but goodie of the season!

Seeker Sightings

Only 4 more days until Claiming Mariah releases and Pam's Blog Tour begins. She blows the door off the Prize Vault on January 1st!

Mary Connealy will be on Mary Vee's blog starting on Friday, January 4th and she'll be giving away a signed copy of Out of Control, book #1 of the Kincaid Brides series.

Just LOOK what we found on Amazon!

Swept Away by Mary Connealy


The Bride Wore Spurs by Janet Dean

Georgia Sweethearts by Missy Tippens

Mending the Doctor's Heart by Tina Radcliffe

Random News & Information 

Downton Abbey Season 3 Begins January 6, on PBS: Preview Clip Here (PBS)

Whatever You Do, Don't Quit (Michael Hyatt)

The Myth We Call Motivation (The [Robert] D.) 

 Tormented by Toothless Writing Goals? Try These Tools (Writer Unboxed)

 5 Things You Must do Now to Improve Your Facebook Page (Blog Schmog)

 A Simple Way to Create Suspense by Lee Child (NYT Opinionator)

Konrath's Resolutions for Writers (A Newbie's Guide to Publishing)

 How to Submit Your Romance Novel to Avon Impulse (GalleyCat)

Top Ten Most Read Books in the World (GalleyCat)

January 1st Barbara Vey of Beyond Her Blog Launches Her New Website (PW) 

MIRA Monday (Harlequin Blog)

 At Harlequin, Rachel Burkot has been named assistant editor of Harlequin Romantic Suspense; Carly Silver has been named editorial assistant of Harlequin Special Edition. (PW)

 This week GalleyCat shared some Real Life GalleyCats in their Pet Parade. Not to be undone, here's literary cat, Jesse Radcliffe, playing Scrabble. (Note the evil eye he's giving the photographer for peeking at his letters!)



That's it! See you Monday for our 27 hour New Year's Eve party.  Oh, and thanks to my previewers from December 9th, (Melissa, Julie Hilton Steele and Renee Chaw). Oopsie!



  1. LOL OMG you guys are just hilarious. This is called an accident.

  2. Congratulations to the winners! Looking forward to Monday! Rest up, Tina! We'll be sure to keep you busy then.

  3. Or it's Groundhog's Day!!!

  4. Grrrrup! Blogger ate my comment.

    I'm excited for this week. My baby turns 15 *weep, weep*, Claiming Mariah releases (whoot, whoot), a new year begins! How many first sales will Seekerville see this year?

    Congratulations to the winners.


  5. The coffee pot is ready for the thundering crowd at daybreak.

    When is Madame Zelda going to make her predictions??


  6. Congrats winners! I'm so excited about these new releases! Makes me want to squeal, but everyone is asleep as I should be. :)

    Great WE, Tina!!

  7. That's the funniest thing ever....

    I'm not even sure what day today is... Friday? Monday? Saturday?

    Do holiday weeks and vacation days mess up the entire world like they do to me?

    Or am I "one of a kind"....


    I love that you girls commented on it!


  8. I miss Madame Zelda....

    She makes me laugh.

    And dream...

    And she's such a stinkin' snark that you can't help but love her snarki-looney-ness.

  9. WowZERS! Look at all those FANTASTIC Seeker books!

    How's the wallpaper 'going'? LOL (get it?!?) Okay, bear with me, I've been sick for the holidays and am enjoying the get-well meds.

  10. I love me a good cup of hot cocoa and the WE on a leisurely Saturday morning! Especially when it's going to be another snow day!!!!

    Loved that Myth We Call Motivation blog: "Crappy ideas that don't work are the electricity needed for light bulb moments."How profound is that?!

    And Jesse Radcliffe is a handsome devil. Did he win the Scrabble game? Does he have an edge since he speaks meow and English? I mean how do you challenge Felinese?

    Burning question: What does Mira stand for over at Harlequin and what does that have to do with Mondays?

  11. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Hard to believe there's only three days left in 2012.

  12. Pepper, wall #3 is going down!!! today!!!

    And first coat of paint on walls 2 and 3....

    Then second coat tomorrow.

    And maybe wall 4 on Monday?

    We'll see. Still revising, but I think I've got my guy nailed... nicely, of course!

    Trooper Zach Harrison... Stinkin' adorable but so stubborn.



  13. Congrats to da winners!!

    It's hard to believe this is the last weekend edition of 2012.

    Where did the time go?

  14. Happy weekend everybody! Having company again today. A few wee ones (great nephews and nieces - on my husband's side - I'm much too young to be a great-aunt) among the bunch and my house is NOT baby proof! Hope the moms keep a good eye out!

    Must go prepare food, but had to stop in and say hi!


  15. Pepper. Awe, glad you're feeling better. Hope Vince is feeling better too.

  16. Christina, we are lovin' on those first sales!!!!


    But ya' gotta start somewhere and something has to go "first"....


  17. Congratulations winners! Wow, Tina, thanks for sharing the new Seeker covers!! Thanks for the awesome links and a peek at your smart scrabble playng kitty!

    Looking forward to the New Year's Eve bash. See everyone that morning for breakfast!


  18. Hi Tina:

    I think I am operating at just 20% but that does allow for a limited amount of typing and hallucinating. (I’m saving energy for the New Year’s Party.)

    Thinking about motivation has lead to a new tag line for 2013. I just love it. But should I use it or would it better suit Julie? What do you think?

    The quote:

    “Motivation is a measure of our actual desire to get something done. Just as a thermometer doesn’t cause the fever it measures, motivation doesn’t cause desire. Face it: if you are not motivated to do something, then you just don’t desire to really do it.”

    The conclusion:

    “Don’t wait for motivation. Fire your desire.”

    The Tag:

    “Fire Your Desire”

    But would this work better with Julie’s tag?

    “Passion with a Purpose -- Fire Your Desire!”

    For what is 'edgy' Christian fiction if not a way to fire your desire?

    And Now a Poem Dedicated
    to a Cruel Desert Mistress

    The Ecstasy and the Agony
    (on Being Stoned Again)

    I see four Seeker books
    some long awaited for
    all at Amazon…now
    just a click away.

    I click…I hope…I visit
    and like a mirage
    a cruel desert mistress
    reveals just enough
    to tease the parched senses
    but unquenched goes the thirst:
    all books unobtainable
    some future date
    so much desire
    dissipating between
    hot grains of sand
    what might have been
    and still may be
    lies unfulfilled
    in agony.

  19. Vince, even in illness, you're amazing.

    BTW, love the tag line: FIRE YOUR DESIRE.

    And your poem.

  20. Tina,

    I had to check out Michael Hyatt's blog.

    Cutting and pasting the last verse:

    Success is failure turned inside out—
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems so far,
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
    It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

  21. Tina, great job on the Weekend Edition! Glad to be a winner and hearty congrats to all of the other winners. No big deal on the early posting; it happens. I just wish I had seen it. :)

    Looking forward to Monday,


  22. Thanks for the heads-up about Barbara Vey's new website! Can't wait to visit.

    Pepper, sorry you've been sick. Seems everyone is GA is under the weather, too. What gives? :)

  23. Fire your desire?

    Vince, makes me think of St. Augustine and his struggle with the more *ahem* earthy motivations of his life. He certainly told his desire where to get off the train.


  24. Ah, Vince. Ever the poet, even from your sick bed. Loooove it.

  25. /waving to Seekerville/ Can't wait for the shindig :D.

    And looking forward to the contest update.

    Mostly because I won't be entering any of them. ;) Entered Great Expectations yesterday and trying to finish up my Golden Heart and then I'm DONE. At least for now.

    Can't wait to see who gets first contracts and agent contracts next year! So fun!

  26. And SpeedBo. I'm looking forward to SpeedBo.

  27. Congrats to the winners, and thanks for always doing the WE, Tina. LOVE the photo of Jesse playing Scrabble *smile*. He is beautiful!! ~ Looking forward to the New Year's Eve party (oops, were we supposed to RSVP??). Holiday Hugs, Patti Jo

  28. I love Jesse!! And now I'm confused. It IS Saturday, isn't it??

    I've been out of town having a late Christmas with family. So I don't even know what day it is anyway! :)

    Did the post go up early??

  29. Yes. On December 9th I was preparing posts ahead as I knew I was moving and would be internet less. I accidentally posted for a millisecond and the Seeker Ninja's caught it. They are soooo droll.

  30. No RSVPing unless you wanted to host or serve food. Just come as you are.

  31. weird I've been trying to get into the comments section for a long time. Finally made it.

    I looked at the list of the top 10 Most Read Books in the World and I'm more than a little surprised honestly. Seriously? Twilight? What kind of list is this? I expected the Bible and considering it's endurance, Gone with the Wind, but Twilight? The Da Vinci Code? And I'd never even heard of the Alchemist. Think and Grow Rich?Okay, that's such a great title, who can resist? I just bought a kindle version of it for 99 and whoever wrote it just grew a little richer!!!!!!!
    The big show off!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Also, I think you're really onto something with the cat pictures, Tina. Keep 'em coming!!!!


  33. Oh, that's 99 CENTS, not 99 DOLLARS. I'd never get rich if I bought 99 dollar books.

  34. Thanks for the WE, Tina. Congratulations to last week's winners. Good to know Ruthy is nearing the end of wallpaper scraping and the painting is coming along. Like Ruthy I've lost track of the days. But managed to check the calendar just in the nick of time yesterday to find I had a doctor's appt. made months ago. It was a rush, but I got there. Pepper and Vince are improving, too. All good news. Wonderful weekend to everyone.

  35. Hellloooooo, Seekerville.

    Ruthy, you are not the only one who has no idea what day it is. Here's hoping I remember which one is the one on which I have to return to work.

    Looking forward to NYE with the Seekers.

    Sending good well wishes to all the ill ones. Julie, too bad you can't time travel back to the 9th and be well again.

    Debby - That verse you quoted.

    Success is failure turned inside out—
    The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
    And you never can tell how close you are,
    It may be near when it seems so far,
    So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
    It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

    It always chokes me up because of an experience I had years ago. I was using the poem with my class for an essay writing exercise. One little boy asked to keep it. I knew he was having some family problems so I made him a copy. He carried it around in his pocket all winter. I found out later that the problems were much worse than I'd known - including a bout of homelessness. The idea that he kept that poem as a reminder to hope just turns me inside out every time.

  36. Mary Curry!!!!! We miss you. Where have you been??????? That story is just so sad. Oh,my.

  37. Pat Jeanne and I have been chatting and Patti Jo. I showed off my new office today. I have a couch in it. Old couch, but still a couch.

  38. Mary Curry, that story you just told would make a foundation for a romance novel. You know that,right???????????????

  39. Mary Curry,
    Wow, what a story!
    I had something interesting like that happen during my visit with my parents this weekend. My dad inherited an OLD rolltop desk from my grandfather (who died last September). They've only had the desk for a few months, however. While Mom was cleaning it out she found all these papers hidden in a secret drawer in the back of the desk. Their dates are 1885, 1891..etc. CRAZY COOL!
    On three of them in BEAUTIFUL penmanship are poems copied from Appalachian ballads and ALL of the poems are about mourning the death of your mother.
    Now...2 reasons why this was super-interesting:
    1. My great, great, grandmother hid her grief because it was not 'proper' to openly grieve her mother's death. My great, great grandmother was very staunch and reserved, so to find these poems and letters that expressed her deep emotions was AMAZING!
    2. My mom lost her mother 2 years ago. The words to those old Appalachian ballads were incredibly timely.

    I took a picture of her report card from 1899. she was not very good in arithmetic or geography :-)

  40. Pepper, that story you just told would make a foundation for a romance novel. You know that, right???????????????

  41. PEPPER!!!!


    That story just floored me.

    MARY Curry, dearest...

    I'm am SO GLAD, SO THANKFUL that you are there for children.

    Bless you in everything you do.

    I truly believe that one day, at the beginning of our heavenly lives, we'll get to see all the small things we've done that made a huge different to someone. I'm sure that will make your list, with a billion others.

  42. Vince...

    Fire Your Desire....

    Oh my stars.

    You have me laughing at 5:00 AM.

    Love the poem THIS MUCH and I'm sorry you're still feeling poorly. 20% is not enough. We want you firing your desire on all pistons.

    You know what I mean!!!! Praying for you, dear friend and wise person.

    I brought a breakfast array from Panera... my leftovers are disappearing/have disappeared from the refrigerator. May I hear an AMEN?????

    I froze a ton of chocolate so now I can't just grab mindlessly, I must walk two rooms, hurdle a dog gate, sneak around stacks of pans, and open a freezer, then thaw the chocolate.

    Whatever works.

    This doesn't keep me from eating it, but it does keep me walking two rooms which has got to be a 5 calorie stroll....

    One way.


  43. Great WE

    VINCE love "Fire your Desire" and your poem. Even in sickness. As said, you are amazing.

    MARY CURRY AND PEPPER such touching stories. Don't you just love those gems?

    LOVE all the books showing up on Amazon. woo hoo Go Seekers and seeker friends.

    I'm on the move again. Palm Springs again after a wonderful get together with hubby's family in San Diego. Bicycled on the beach and Mission Bay. So fun. (I know-we aren't supposed to tell where we are)

    Pray our housesitters children sell their house so they can follow their dream and we can GO HOME. LOL

  44. Mare,
    almost every story could be the foundation of a romance novel!
    And yes, I've thought of it. Trying to figure out how to do some barebones outlining to put in my 'save for later' file :-)

  45. Oh, man, did I miss out coming late to THIS party -- GREAT WE, TEENSTER!!

    First of all, SOOOO excited for all the Seeker books coming out -- WHOO-HOO!!!

    Secondly, it took me a good ten minutes to figure out the first six or so comments, but then it's early in the morning after a late night, so I claim sleep deprivation.

    Thirdly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO CHRISTINA'S BABY!! Just wait till he or she turns 30 -- YIKES!!

    AND I agree with KAV ... Jesse Radcliffe IS a handsome devil ... but it's a cinch I won't be playing Scrabble with him. As a card-carrying sore loser, I refused to play Scrabble ever again after my college-aged kids beat me -- the Scrabble Queen (with anyone 16 and younger, apparently) -- years ago.

    And, YES, SUE MASON ... you are WAY too young to be a great aunt ... :)

    VINCE, VINCE, VINCE ... you said: "“Passion with a Purpose -- Fire Your Desire!” For what is 'edgy' Christian fiction if not a way to fire your desire?"

    As always, I am amazed at your fertile brain, which even at 20%, generates more vision, more creativity and more fun than most human beings!!

    Goodness, this may well become my new mantra because I am one those "unprofessional" types who has to "feel" the passion before I can write, so your new tag line for 2013 is JUST what I need. I definitely need to NOT "wait for motivation," but to "fire (my) desire.” I wonder ... will you sue me if you meander to my website one day and see the header has changed from "Passion with a Purpose" to:
    "“Passion with a Purpose -- Fire Your Desire!”??????

    P.S. Love the poem, too, my friend -- is there anything you can't write???

    MARY CURRY AND PEPPER -- BEAUTIFUL storys, both!! I agree with Mare -- there are books there waiting to be written ...



  46. Mary Curry I gave a copy of that very same poem to a struggling adolescent a long time ago. The words hit home perfectly.

    Someday that young man will pass on your kindness and wisdom. And Mary's right, that's a BOOK right there... The teacher... and the kid's uncle or the beat cop looking out for those down and out.

    We'll help you plot it, okay????


    And Pepper, oh my stars, what a treasure you guys found!

    First it's not fair that your mother is so stinkin' young and beautiful looking. I keep trying to MOVE BEYOND that, but it's hard.

    You understand.

    Egos are fragile things.

    Anyway, I love that story. And glad you're feeling better. What a bunch of nasty stuff goes round when we're trapped indoors for longer hours.

    Bring on the sun.

    But don't make me stay out in it, LOL!



    A couch.

    That's not the part that gets me. It's that you can SEE the couch. I have a couch in my bedroom. It's been buried under various STUFF for over a decade. I want to use it someday, downstairs, imagine it done over and pretty...

    But you'd have to be able to see the dang thing first.

    I love that you can see the couch.

    Does Patti Jo still love me a little?

    Ask her.

    I probably SCARED HER with my critique. Why do you peeps let me out of my cage????

  47. Hi Julie:

    I’d be honored if you would use “Fire Your Desire” on your website or with your current tag line. You can have the phrase with all rights if you’ll actually use it.

    As soon as that phrase came out of my head, and I was not trying to think of tag lines at the time, I could see your picture and your tag line: ”Passion with Purpose”. (I mean, if the passion has a purpose, then what is that purpose? Well, it’s to fire your desire.) I just knew that tag line was for you.

    But then, I could ‘see’ your husband in the background shaking his head ‘no’. I hope that vision was wrong. I don’t think it is too racy for ‘edgy’ Christian fiction. : )

    I’m sleeping most of the day today to rest up for tomorrow. When I’m up, I’m reading “Current of Love” and reliving my honeymoon when we were on a similar steam boat.


    P.S. I had to laugh at your line, “-- is there anything you can't write???” There sure is: romance to the satisfaction of most judges. But I’m working on that for 2013. : )

  48. Thanks All:

    Thanks for all your kind words and prayers. I think Oklahoma is going to need a lot of prayers. The flu has hit with a passion and much sooner than expected. (But then we are the Sooner State). My wife said the church was full of sick people (who should have stayed home in bed). They said this time their cough keeps coming back even after they think they are over it. Many have been sick for over three weeks. (I'd like to see what it feels like to even think I’m over it.)

    I’m resting up for tomorrow’s party. So happy I can stay home and still take part in all the fun. It’s a good thing I didn’t sign up to be a server.

    Got to go rest some more. Hope everyone stays well.


  49. Peeking at Jesse's scrabble letters is not cool! What a cutie. Can't wait for the New Year's Celebration. :)

  50. A couch in your office rocks, Tina!! Nice to spread out paperwork. Know you'd never nap.


  51. Hey, there Anne Barton. Good to see your smiling face.

    Debut book comes out soon, right??? Can't wait.

  52. Janet. Never. Ever. I do not nap on couches. Ever.EVER!!

    I am such a fibber.

  53. I'm still trying to figure out how to make room to nap on the couch.

    Too much work. My couch is unapproachable. My bad.

    Hey, Vince, I cheated on this flu/upper respiratory virus thing that knocked me for a loop in November.

    I will not tell you how long I've been on antibiotics and Guafenesin (spelling) because each time I stopped I started coughing again.



    Sinus infection?

    Don't care, I'm just determined to get better so I keep drugging myself.

    I know, that's a terrible thing, right, but whatever it takes. Mine hit in early November (November 5th) and I'm good now... but only because I keep taking the pills.

    Otherwise I get nasty stuffed up and bronchial again within days. Lose my voice and cough like a crazy person.

    You and Linda take care of yourselves. We need you here!!!!

    At any percentage.

  54. Hahahahaha. Just saw your thanks. What are friends for?

    Peace, Julie

  55. I'm wearing one of these masks - I'm not a germaphobe, but crikey, there's a lot of hacking going on.

    I now recall that moment when this post went up early by accident, which makes me realize I spend way too much time online.

    Congrats to the winners. I need to go rest up for my serving stint tomorrow when I will come out of my cave...apparently to hand out hand sanitizer and cough drops...

  56. Seekerville!!
    Great edition.
    Congrats winners and CONGRATS Seekers for your upcoming books!

    Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays.

    Happy New Year in advance! God's blessings for you and yours in 2013.


  57. GANISE !!!!

    Missed you!

    And Anne Barton, you little cutie. Where's the Kelinator????

    Are you peeps partying down with us tonight? And tomorrow?

    I'm doing stuffed mushrooms and I'm tellin' youse, they are to die for.

    Although keep Vince away from them, we want him fully recovered!

  58. Wow and double wow! Another good WE. Good, thought-provoking article about the myth of motivation -- and it's relatively short, too. And look at all those new releases. Must make room in house for more books. Somewhere.

    Congrats to all the winners. Looks like another week of interesting posts ahead.

    And please, the stories several of you are sharing -- consider working them into your novels so lots and lots of other people can be touched by them :-)

    Nancy C

  59. I heard there was a party here! I brought my mask and hand sanitizer. :-) And some chocolate too!

    Linda Bodenschatz

  60. Party starts at midnight. Go take your naps so you're ready.

  61. Hey Linda. Pass that chocolate.

  62. P.S. Season 3 of Downton Abbey -- yeehaw!

    Nancy C

  63. LOL! Passing the chocolate, and I'll be back later!

  64. Hehehe it's like I knew I was going to have problems with my internet so i left my comment on the 9th. :-P

    I loved hearing about that desk Pepper. I absolutely love antiques and old things because it's fun to imagine all the different stories of all the people who may have used it or even why or who they were purchased for. It's always great when you find things like those letters to help bring things to life. I have a grade school primer from the 1870s with all sorts of scribblings by a girl who lived in this area during that time.It's so neat that people don't really change that much. i think we all remember doodling in our books or notebooks when the teacher wasn't looking.

    I can't wait for the party tomorrow, hopefully i can participate although this internet connection stinks. :-(

  65. hoildays mess me up dont know if i'm arthur or martha. add not currently working due to wrists i cant keep up.

    in 2013 i sould be meeting at least 2 seekers, hopefully a couple of friends of seekers and hopefully a former seeker.

  66. RUTHY! Definitely will be here for the party. :-) I haven't forgotten you special peeps. :-)

    It's 11:18 PM as I'm writing this...let the countdown begin!

    See you all tomorrow. G'night.

  67. I'm not entirely sure where to post this, so I'll just post it here. I wanted to say thanks for writing such beautiful novels.

    A Love Surrendered was one of my favorite Christian fiction novels of the year.

    Thanks for sharing your talents with us.
