Monday, December 31, 2012

Seekerville's Rockin' New Year's Eve Party

Happy New Year From all of us folks in Seekerville!  

The 13 Seekers and the hundreds of Village People 
that have made us real every single day of the last 365 days.

This is actually a progressive blog post.

 Seekerville will be rockin' for 27 straight hours. We'll start with the Writing Year in Review and My One Word.

Each and every hour until 12 midnight PST Tuesday, January 1st, we'll introduce a hostess and a party server. That hour your hostess and/ or server will chat, tell you about the hour's prize and serve up a yummy treat. Recipes will be available too. 

To be entered in a drawing, simply comment. You do not need to be present to win. Every person who comments is entered into the drawing once. We keep drawing until all 27 hours are over. Giveaway winners are announced at the top of the hour. So for this hour we announce the winner at 1 a.m. EST. BTW, if you are really excited about a particular prize do mention it in the comments.

A complete list of winners will be available on Tuesday, January 1st  on the blog. It is your responsibility to contact us if you are a winner at Complete giveaway rules are available here. 

The Seeker authors debuted 23 books and/or novella's in 2012. We've also had the honor of watching many Seeker friends sale off Unpublished Island to the mainland. Congrats to the following Villagers with first sales in 2012.

Clari Dees
Jan Drexler
Melissa Jagears
Jessica Keller
Sarah Ladd
Virginia Carmichael Munoz 
Larissa ReinhartChristina Rich

We've also cheered as these friends of Seekerville obtained agent representation.

Pepper Basham
Anita Mae Draper
Jan Drexler
Lyndee Henderson
Melissa Jagears
Walt Mussell

More cheers for those (published and unpublished) who entered contests, finaled and/or won this year. And those who received requests for partial or full manuscripts. WAY TO GO!!!

We'd love to hear the terrific writing news from your 2012 Writing Year in Review. Let us celebrate with you!!

My One Word

Seekerville has been enjoying the My One Word concept as introduced on the My One Word site for several years. Now there's a book as well!

"The concept of My One Word is simple. Lose the long list of resolutions---all your sweeping promises to change---and do something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. Choose just one word that represents what you most hope God will do in you, and focus on it for an entire year. This single act will force clarity and concentrate your efforts. As you focus on your word over an extended period of time, you position yourself for God to form your character at a deep, sustainable level. Growth and change will result." 

We'll be giving away a copy of My One Word the book, during our party, and we challenge you to PICK YOUR ONE WORD and share it with us!

Now Let's Get This Party Started!!

 Your hostess this hour is Bethany House Publishing, and Barbour author, and Seeker Mary Connealy. 

 Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Carol Award winner, and a Rita, Christy and Inspirational Reader's Choice finalist. She is the author of bestselling Kincaid Brides Series: Out of Control, In Too Deep, Over the Edge, also, Lassoed in Texas Trilogy, Montana Marriages Trilogy and Sophie's Daughters Trilogy. Mary is married to a Nebraska rancher and has four grown daughters and two spectacular grandchildren.

 You can check out Mary's books, her latest release Candlelight Christmas e-novella, and Over the Edge (Book 3 of the Kincaid Brides) on Amazon.

This hour Mary is giving away a $20.13 Gift card to Amazon. (GET IT ? 2013??)

Her co-host  for the hour is our village friend and fellow writer, Helen Gray.

Be sure to grab a slice of Helen's Strawberry Dream Pie before it's gone. The recipe can be found here. 

 Tina Radcliffe is your hostess this hour. Her third Love Inspired release, Mending the Doctor’s Heart will be an April 2013 release. Recently relocated from Colorado, she can be found hiding under a tangerine tree in Arizona. Today she is sharing a never seen before photo of part of her new office with the infamous…sofa.

She's sharing Rose O'Shea's Killer Oatmeal Cookies from her first book, The Rancher's Reunion. Recipe here. 

This hour Tina is giving away a copy of Alicia Rasley’s The Character Interviews.

You can virtually locate Tina at

  This hour’s host is Captain Jack Sparrow.  

These days when not pirating, the good captain is the caretaker for our Unpublished Island Retreat. As always, Jack brings with him a round of the Chicken Dance and Coconut Cake made fresh on the island. The recipe has just been uploaded to the Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook here.

This hour Jack is giving away a ten dollar Amazon gift card to one commenter. 

BTW Jack will be returning tomorrow at 12 Midnight MST to bring in the New Year. 

Tina and Pepper Basham
 She’s ba-a-a-ck. This hour Tina Radcliffe will be sharing Walt Mussell’s recipe.

Berry Lime Shortbread Tart (Rachel Ray Recipe adapted by Walt Mussell) You can find it here in the Seekerville New Year’s Eve Cookbook.

Tina’s favorite thing to do on New Year’s Eve is to watch the “Midnight Scene” from When Harry Met Sally. What’s your New Year’s tradition??

This hour’s giveaway is The Plot Thickens: 8 Ways to Bring Fiction to Life by Noah Lukeman.

  Ruth Logan Herne is cooking and hostessing for two whole hours! 

Not only do you get her wonderful stuffed mushroom recipe but then were passing around trays of Ruthy’s Chinese Noodle cookies.  Find her recipes here.

Ruthy lives a Diane Dengel-type existence on a farm in upstate New York with her patient husband, hordes of children streaming in and out, and too many cats, dogs, puppies, kittens and chickens to possibly be healthy. An avid author, she’s completed eleven novels for Love Inspired books. She works full-time, writes in the wee-smalls and loves to boss people around but can be bought with chocolate!

Ruth’s latest release is His Mistletoe Family and her  next release is May 2013,The Lawman’s Second Chance.

Additionally she helps manage The Yankee Belle Cafe. If you haven't been to the cafe, you're missing some serious food.

  Ruth will be giving away one $20.00 Barnes and Noble gift card each hour. Stand by!

Love Inspired author and Seeker, Glynna Kaye is our hostess at the 6 am EST hour.

Award-winning author Glynna Kaye  treasures memories of growing up in small Midwestern towns--Iowa, Missouri, Illinois--and vacations spent in another rural community with the Texan side of the family. She traces her love of storytelling to the many times a houseful of great aunts and uncles gathered with her grandma to share hours of what they called 

"windjammers"--candid, heartwarming, poignant, and often humorous tales of their youth and young adulthood. Glynna now lives in Arizona, and when she isn't writing, she's gardening and enjoying photography and the great outdoors.

Glynna's latest release, Look-Alike Lawman is part of the Love Inspired Texas Twins Series.

 Glynna is passing out plates of her Molasses Crinkles. The recipe has been uploaded to our Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook.

This hour Glynna is giving away TWO $10.00 Barnes and Noble gift cards. One each to two commenters. Winner announced in the comments at the top of the hour.

 Sandra Leesmith is your hostess for the 7 am. EST hour. Sandra Leesmith began writing in the 1980s and has published in the genres of romance, contemporary fiction, children’s picture books, and teenage self-help. Sandra lives in Arizona with her husband and two dogs, a Labrador retriever and a toy poodle. During the blistering summer months, she and her brood travel cross-country in their motorhome to savor the outdoors and discover intriguing new ideas for her writing projects.

Sandra's December release from Montlake Romance is Current of Love.


Sandra is joined today by writer and Seeker friend Julie Hilton Steele. You can find Julie on Facebook here.

Julie is sharing her Cinnamon Toasted Almonds this am. The recipe can be found in the Seeker New Year's Eve Cookbook.

Sandra is giving away a surprise package. Winner announced at 8 am EST in the comments. Don't forget to click NEWEST to find the newest comments.

 Welcome to the 8 am EST hostess Janet Dean.

  Janet Dean grew up in a family who cherished the past and had a strong creative streak. Her father recounted fascinating stories, like his father before him. The tales they told instilled in Janet a love of history and the desire to write. She married Dale, her college sweetheart, and taught first grade before leaving to rear two daughters, but Janet never lost interest in American history and the accounts of strong men and women of faith who built this country. With her daughters grown, she eagerly turned to Inspirational historical romance. Today Janet spins stories for Love Inspired Historical. When she isn’t writing, Janet stamps greeting cards, plays bridge, a smidgeon of golf, and is never without a book to read. The Deans love to travel and spend time with their family.

Visit Janet at her Website: and blog:  

 Today Janet is serving up a delicious Breakfast Casserole. You can find the recipe here.

And she's giving away a $20.00 Amazon gift card and an IOU for a copy of her upcoming release from Love Inspired Historical, The Bride Wore Spurs.

Missy Tippens, Melanie Dickerson, Audra Harders
 We are delighted to have Melanie Dickerson as our 9 am hostess and she's even in the Seekerville kitchen baking this am. She's sharing her recipe for Cranberry White Chocolate Cookies and giving away a paperback copy of The Fairest Beauty!!


Here's a picture of Melly after she won the 2012 Carol Award for The Merchant's Daughter.

 Melanie Dickerson is the author of The Healer’s Apprentice and The Merchant’s
Daughter, both Christy Award finalists. Her third novel published by
Zondervan, The Fairest Beauty, released December, 2012. She has a degree in
special education from The University of Alabama and has been a teacher and
a missionary in Eastern Europe.

Melanie is a member of ACFW, teaches at writers conferences, and loves to
interact with readers on facebook, and, and readers write to her
through her website, She lives and writes
near Huntsville, Alabama with her husband and two daughters.

It's 10 am EST !!

Another treat today is having a debut author with us! Congratulations to Christina Rich on her sale to Love Inspired Historical. We're hoping for more details on her release when she hosts this hour.
Christina Rich
When she was younger, Christina tried to dig herself to China, loved Three Billy Goats Gruff, and had an obsession with maps. She gave up her dig to China but still jumps at the chance to travel even if it’s just down the road. She loves watching modern takes of fairytales and mythologies on the big screen and still has a huge obsession with maps. The older the better.


Natalie Monk
Born and raised in Kansas, where she currently lives with her husband and children, Christina loves to read stories with happily ever afters, research, take photos, knit scarves, dig into her ancestry, fish, visit the ocean, write stories with happily ever afters and talk about her family and Jesus.

Joining Christina is writer and Villager, Natalie Monk. Some of the Seekers have had the opportunity to read Natalie's work and she is on her way to a first sale! You can find Natalie at her blog, In the Sweet South.

Today Natalie is sharing Chocolate Covered Bacon with us!!! Yummmm! Recipe here.

 Christina has some fabulous giveaways for the hour.Two giveaways for readers: A wooden cross from Israel and an handmade scarf (color of scarves depend upon availability). See photos of them here.

And for writers, Christina will also be giving away two 1st chapter critiques. If you are ready for a New Year's critique, NO PAIN, NO GAIN, NO GUTS, NO GLORY, please give a shout out!!

11 am EST and all is well!! We haven't crashed Blogger yet.

Welcome to hostess is Barbour author Erica VetschErica  is a transplanted Kansan now residing in Minnesota. She loves history and reading, and is blessed to be able to combine the two by writing historical fiction set in the American West. Whenever she’s not following flights of fancy in her fictional world, she’s the company bookkeeper for the family lumber business, mother of two terrific teens, wife to a man who is her total opposite and soul-mate, and avid museum patron.

 And with Erica today is Renee Chaw. Renee "Steeler Girl" has brought piping hot Cheesy Hashbrowns. Renee is one of Seekerville's SUPER READERS! You can find her at Black 'n Gold Girl's Book Spot.

This hour's giveaway is Sagebrush Knights Erica's latest release.

Journey along with the four Gerhard sisters as they head to Wyoming Territory in search of husbands and discover that happy endings are not ready-made. Evelyn arrives in Wyoming with a secret and a grudge, only to find her prospective groom holds a secret, too. Jane vies for the attention of her workaholic husband who is bent on saving his ranch even if it means losing love. Gwendolyn’s would-be husband dies, leaving her to the will of another man. And Emmeline’s knight-in-shining-armor herds sheep instead of cattle. Will love prevail, or will their journeys have not so happy endings?

Side note: Erica is a hoot. As this picture demonstrates! 

 12 noon EST! What could be more fun than three of our favorite Peeps in one hour??



Tyndale author Pam Hillman is your hostess. And what timing. Claiming Mariah releases tomorrow!!  Pam will be giving away two copies of Claiming Mariah (for Kindle or Nook) this hour.


A favorite picture of Pam!
Pam Hillman and Tina Radcliffe

Award-winning author Pam Hillman writes inspirational fiction set in the turbulent times of the American West and the Gilded Age. Her debut novel, Stealing Jake, was a finalist in the International Digital Awards, and the 2013 EPIC eBook Awards. Claiming Mariah, her second novel releases January 2013, won Romance Writers of America’s prestigious Golden Heart. She lives in Mississippi with her husband and family. Visit her website at

Along with Pam are the delightful Debra Marvin and Anita Mae Draper.

Debra has  brought Aunt Min's Scottish Shortbread, handed down from her Scottish great grandmother.You must hum "Scotland the Brave" or "Auld Lang Syne" while preparing these cookies.


 Anita Mae Draper is bringing Coconut Macaroons. Both recipes can be found in the Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook.

Anita Mae and Debra can be found at the Inkwell Inspirations Blog. 

A favorite picture of Anita from the archives!

Anita Mae and Cara Lynn James

We in Seekerville are equal opportunity bloggers. So we take a pawful amount of pleasure in introducing May the K9 Spy, your hostess this hour.

May was kind enough to bring her friend and co-author, K.C. Frantzen with her today.

May's second book has just released, May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris from Rushjoy Press. As you can imagine, May did a tremendous amount of grueling research in the streets of Paris. We're hoping she can share.


Today May is giving away two copies of her releases to one very special commenter this hour! Those books are May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy and May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris. You can find May's books and some really cool May plush animals on her website.

Along with plenty of Milkbone treats, Abingdon Press and Heartsong author, Myra Johnson has prepared a huge bowl of Holiday Cranberry Salad. You can find Myra at Keep an eye out for Myra's January release A Horseman's Hope available from Heartsong.

 2pm EST 

We have a double dose of lovely Abingdon Press authors this hour! Please welcome Kathy Harris and Krista Phillips. 

  Kathy Harris is an author by way of a divine detour into the Nashville entertainment business. She graduated with a B.S. in Communications from Southern Illinois University and has spent the past two decades employed as a marketing director in the Nashville music industry. Kathy lives near Nashville with her husband and their two Shiloh Shepherd dogs. Her fiction debut,"The Road to Mercy", was released by Abingdon Press on September 1, 2012.

Kathy regularly interviews literary and music guests on her blog at Her author site is You can find her on Facebook at or Twitter @DivineDetour.
Krista Phillips writes inspirational romantic comedy. She believes a sprinkle of laughter (and a wee bit of chocolate) makes everything a little better! She blogs regularly about life as a wife, mother, follower of Jesus, and mother of a child with a rare congenital heart defect at Her debut novel, "Sandwich, With a Side of Romance," released in September, 2012.
Kathy and Krista have cooked up an amazing dessert today. Holiday Chocolate Ganache Cheesecake. You can find the recipe in the Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook. YUM!!

Kathy and Krista will be giving away a $25.00 Amazon or Starbucks gift card and a copy of Sandwich: With a Side of Romance and The Road To Mercy to one winner chosen at the end of the hour.

Welcome our 3pm EST guest bloggers!

Author Hallee Bridgeman lives with her husband and their three children in small town Kentucky. When she’s not writing Christian romance novels, she blogs about all things cooking and homemaking at Hallee the Homemaker.

Hallee started writing when her oldest child and only daughter was a baby, but a busy professional career and being the wife of a deployed soldier had her shelve her books for another time. Two more children, a cross country move, and God’s perfect timing brought the books off of the shelf to be dusted off and presented to you now.

Hallee loves coffee, campy action movies, and regular date nights with her husband. Above all else, she loves God with all of her heart, soul, mind, and strength; has been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ; and relies on the presence of the Holy Spirit. She prays her books are a blessing to you and would love to hear back from you. You can reach Hallee at 

Today Hallee welcomes Seekerville to visit her website and check out her Jewel Trilogy from Olivia Kimbrell Press. 

And she's giving away a copy of all three books to one commenter this hour.


Sapphire Ice, Emerald Fire , Topaz Heat all available on  Amazon, Barnes & Noble

Joining Hallee are Carol Moncado and Pepper Basham, award winning writers and friends of Seekerville.

Carol is sharing her BBQ Chicken cups. You can find Carol at her blog, and be sure to join her Facebook Writing Group 1K1Hr.

Pepper with Mary Connealy

Pepper Basham is a member of the Writers Alley Blog. Accustomed to feeding a crowd she brought us Easy 'Tater Soup.

Both recipes are available in the Seeker New Year's Eve Cookbook.

It's 4pm EST and  Angela Breidenbach is hosting and cooking up chili this hour! Cheatin' Chili from A Healing Heart, April 2013 Quilts of Love series, Abingdon Press. 

It's a simple dump it all in for lots of flavor and an easy meal for authors on deadline. Check it out in the Seekerville New Year's Eve Cook Book.

Angela Breidenbach
is Mrs. Montana International 2009, a multi-award winning inspirational speaker, and author. Look for her next book, A Healing Heart, from Abingdon Press Quilts of Love Books, April 2013. Her works include Gems of Wisdom: For a Treasure-filled Life, Creative Cooking for Simple Elegance, and on Kindle Creative Cooking for Colitis. Other works by Angela include compilation books and devotionals from The Quiet Hour, Guidepost, Group, and articles in magazines, ezines, and newspapers.

Angela also coaches television/media performance, pageant contestants, fitness/weight loss, and writing. She’s certified in mentor/peer counseling as a Stephen Minister and CTA life coach. Angela serves as an assisting minister for her congregation in Missoula, MT.

Not only did she walk the hard line of deciding to donate her mom's brain for the study of schizophrenia, but she’s also on the brain donation list at the Brain Bank-Harvard McLean Hospital. Angela is married with a combined family of six grown children and now several grand children. Funny tidbit? In high school, Angie was voted most likely to have six kids. So she did. But she and her husband have helped raise thirteen. Hers, his, and “Wait, where did that one come from? And that one, and that one, and…” Well, you get the picture.

Find Angela:

A Healing Heart, Abingdon Press, April 2013

Angie will be giving away a cook book of choice this hour, Creative Cooking for Simple Elegance or Creative Cooking for Colitis.

We're going to take a moment and pause to wish Pepper Basham a Happy Birthday!

 This clipart purchased just for you. You may have it. Enjoy.

  It's Julie Lessman time! We bring in the 5pm EST hour with
 Revell author Julie Lessman!

And she brought passion with her...CHOCOLATE CHIP PIE!!! 

( Recipe found at

Julie Lessman is an award-winning author whose tagline of “Passion With a Purpose” underscores her intense passion for both God and romance. American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Author of the Year and winner of 14 RWA awards, Julie Lessman was voted #1 Romance Author of the year in Family Fiction magazine’s 2012 and 2011 Readers Choice Awards, as well as #1 Historical Fiction Author, #3 Author, #4 Novel, #3 Series, and Booklist’s 2010 Top 10 Inspirational Fiction.

Julie resides in Missouri with her husband, daughter, son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter and is the author of “The Daughters of Boston” series—A Passion Most Pure, A Passion Redeemed, A Passion Denied and the “Winds of Change” series—A Hope Undaunted, A Heart Revealed, A Love Surrendered. You can contact Julie through her website and read excerpts from each of her books at

Julie will be giving away the book of choice-A Love Surrendered or A Light in the Window to one commenter at the end of the hour.

 6pm EST

 This hour I have the honor of standing in for Heartsong Presents author Rose Ross Zediker who wanted to join us but had to do the day job thing.

Rose Ross Zediker started penning short pieces for children’s Sunday school take home papers. During the two plus decades she’s been writing, her byline’s been found on over sixty works of fiction, non-fiction and Sunday school curriculum.  When she decided to try her hand at writing a book, it just seemed natural to write inspirational romances because that is what she reads.

Rose and her husband live in rural southeastern South Dakota where she works full-time at the University of South Dakota. Writing occupies many evenings and weekends but she balances both careers with relaxing hobbies, sewing, embroidery, quilting, reading and spoiling her granddaughters.

You can visit Rose on the web at

You can preorder Wedding on the Rocks-Coming May 2013 from Heartsong Presents.

Today Rose is giving away one copy of Lily of the Field, Job's Tear's and Rose of Sharon to one commenter.

Joining us with a healthy treat of Ricotta Fruit Parfait is award winning writer and Villager Lyndee Henderson.

Lyndee brought friends with her. Say hi to Pippa and Zoe. 

Lyndee's recipe can be found in the Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook!

7pm EST bring the dynamic duo of Sandra Leesmith and Ann Lee Miller!  Welcome!

Ann Lee Miller
earned a BA in creative writing from Ashland (OH) University and writes full-time in Phoenix, but left her heart in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, where she grew up. She loves speaking to young adults and guest lectures on writing at several Arizona colleges. When she isn’t writing or muddling through some crisis—real or imagined—you’ll find her hiking in the Superstition Mountains with her pastor husband or meddling in her kids’ lives.
Twitter: @AnnLeeMiller

Sandra Leesmith
began writing in the 1980s and has published in the genres of romance, contemporary fiction, children’s picture books, and teenage self-help. Sandra lives in Arizona with her husband and two dogs, a Labrador retriever and a toy poodle. During the blistering summer months, she and her brood travel cross-country in their motorhome to savor the outdoors and discover intriguing new ideas for her writing projects.

Sandra's December release from Montlake Romance is Current of Love.

Today Ann is graciously giving  away an e-copy of Avra's God, released Dec. 1.


Right now Kicking Eternity is free on Kindle. Don't miss this opportunity to read Ann's debut release.


And be sure to taste Ann's Salsa recipe (we brought blue chips to go with them) and Sandra's Orange Bread recipe.

Both recipes are available in the Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook.

 We're creeping, or in some of your cases, stalking closer and closer to the midnight hour!! 8pm EST and Love Inspired author Audra Harders is talking and serving...

And she is serving the most amazing Potato Nachos!!! Recipe is here.

Some shots of Audra from this year. She is in the words of Ruthy stinkin' adorable and always photogenic and looks ten years younger than whatever her age is. 
Of course it could be the company she keeps.
Audra and  ??...this chick's name is on the tip of my tongue...

Myra Johnson, Missy Tippens, Janet Dean, Melly Dickerson, Audra, Debby Giusti and Mary Connealy

Audra with Pepper Hugs Basham

 This hour Audra is giving away a Seeker ebook of choice to one commenter! So stick around.

 9 pm EST And all is well!

 Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James is your hostess this hour! 

Cara Lynn James currently lives with her family in northwest Florida. She's lived in Vermont, Virginia, California, Texas, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Her three historical romances in the Ladies of Summerhill series all take place in Newport, Rhode Island during the Gilded Age. The fourth book, A Path toward Love, is set in the Adirondack Mountains of New York in 1903. It released August 2012 You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter or email her at

Cara is giving away a surprise package of Heartsong Presents mysteries to one commenter.

 Tina Radcliffe is serving up your late night snacks.   Let's talk about what you can do with a bar of cream cheese.

I like to throw a jar of salsa on top of the bar and serve with tortilla chips...or cover in raspberry preserves (the whole jar) and serve with crackers. (Let's clarify, I mean the entire contents of the jar.)

What do you serve with your cream cheese?

10 pm EST.  This is me...smiling. Me= Tina
  ( )

Only 6 hours to go. The end is near! The end is near.

I'm dishing up Colorado Cherry Bars from my friend Tara and I've got some fun to give away. The recipe is in the Seekerville New Year's Eve Book. These are irresistible.

First, as promised, a copy of My One Word- the book-ebook format. Which as someone pointed out is actually many words....hmm.

Then an IOU for the first hot off the press copy of my April 2013 release (actually available in March) Mending the Doctor's Heart, print.

And finally for a the murderously inclined writer, The Crime Writer's Reference Guide.

Three books. Three winners!! 

Now let's party and for tomorrow write.  And read alot.


Welcome to our 11pm EST hostess, Virginia Carmichael Munoz, whose debut Love Inspired release, Season of Joy, was a RT Book Reviews 4.5 Stars and a Reviewer's Choice Nominee!

Virginia was born near the Rocky Mountains and although she has traveled around the world, the wilds of Colorado run in her veins. A big fan of the wide open sky and all four seasons, she believes in embracing the small moments of everyday life. A home schooling mom of six young children who rarely wear shoes, those moments usually involve a lot of noise, a lot of mess, or a whole bunch of warm cookies. Virginia holds degrees in Linguistics and Religious Studies from the University of Oregon. She lives with her habanero-eating husband, Crusberto, who is her polar opposite in all things except faith. They've learned to speak in short-hand code and look forward to the day they can actually finish a sentence. In the meantime, Virginia thanks God for the laughter and abundance of hugs that fill her day as she plots her next book.

Virginia is giving away a coveted copy of Season of Joy to one commenter!

Tonight Virginia is serving Almond Cake with tea. Pinkies up! Recipe available in the Yankee Bell Cafe where Virginia serves up good food weekly.

12 Midnight EST  Your  hostess this hour is Bethany House Publishing, and Barbour author, and Seeker Mary Connealy. 

Mary Connealy writes romantic comedy with cowboys. She is a Carol Award winner, and a Rita, Christy and Inspirational Reader's Choice finalist. She is the author of bestselling Kincaid Brides Series: Out of Control, In Too Deep, Over the Edge, also, Lassoed in Texas Trilogy, Montana Marriages Trilogy and Sophie's Daughters Trilogy. Mary is married to a Nebraska rancher and has four grown daughters and two spectacular grandchildren.

 You can check out Mary's books, her latest release Candlelight Christmas e-novella, and Over the Edge (Book 3 of the Kincaid Brides) on Amazon.

This hour Mary is giving away a $20.13 Gift card to Amazon. (GET IT ? 2013??)

Mary's co-host is Bethany House Publishing debut author, Melissa Jagears!  

 Melissa Jagears is stay-at-home mother to two small children on a tiny Kansas farm with a fixer-upper house. She is an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher by trade and still works occasionally in that field along with being her church’s financial secretary. She’s a member of ACFW and CROWN fiction marketing, a Seekerville groupie, and writes for Bethany House Publishers. Her debut novel will be released Fall 2013. Her passion is to help Christian believers mature in their faith and judge rightly.

Melissa brings us Italian Peasant Soup--No Italian peasants are harmed in the making of this soup. (Recipe available here)

Happy New Year CST!! Missy Tippens is your host this hour. 

Born and raised in Kentucky, Missy met her very own hero when she headed to grad school in Atlanta, Georgia. She promptly fell in love and hasn't left Georgia since. She and her pastor husband have been married over twenty-five years now and have been blessed with three wonderful children. Missy is an award-winning writer and, after ten years of pursuing her dream, she made her first sale to Love Inspired in 2007. She still pinches herself to see if it really happened!

You can find Missy at And she blogs all over the place:,, and, so be sure to give her a holler.

Thank goodness Missy brought snacks. We've got Missy's Buffalo Chicken Dip. Yum!

The recipe can be seen here in the Yankee Belle Cafe where Missy is cooking up menu's each week, and its also in the Seekerville New Year's Eve downloadable cookbook.

This hour, Missy will be giving away an IOU for her April release from Love Inspired, Georgia Sweethearts.

Here's a peek from

After inheriting her great-aunt's failing yarn shop, Lilly Barnes is determined to make it a success. All she wants is stability, something she doesn't think possible in the small town of Corinthia, Georgia. Then Pastor Daniel Foreman rents space in her store to hold meetings for his growing congregation, and this proves to be her lifeline. At first Lily wants nothing to do with Daniel's big dreams, but she soon finds herself starting to share his goals. Yet trouble between her customers and his congregation make them both doubt the path they're on. That is, until practical Lily shows him that love is a risk worth taking.


Happy New Year MST!! Captain Jack Sparrow is here to bring in the New Year and we've got a $10.00 Amazon gift card for one sleepy commenter.

There's been a tad bit of discussion regarding Jack and his personal hygiene, so some of us have created a Jack Bag with items we think he could and should use:

1.  Eyeliner.Colorstay. (Please give Pepper's back to her). Studies show this product should be replaced at least every three months.

 2. Turbo Detangling Brush. Repeat after me. "Hairbrushes should not be shared among pirates."

3. Oral B. With crisscross bristles to attack plaque.

 Jack's brough us a little treat as well. Strawberry, banana and kiwi breakfast smoothies from the island. They have been screened for the absence of rum.

CHEERS SEEKERVILLE!! Here's hoping you all sail off the island in 2013.

Barbara Vey and Debby Giusti

It's Midnight PST and we're hanging until the last peep goes to bed. OR NOT.

Happy New Year.

I'm hosting for Love Inspired Suspense author Debby Giusti who's latest release The General's Secretary is a January release. Debby is giving away one copy, the final giveaway of the night.  Winner will be announced tomorrow.

Lillie Beaumont's dark past has just turned up on her porch—fatally wounded. The dying words of the man imprisoned for killing Lillie's mother suggest hidden secrets. Criminal Investigations Division special agent Dawson Timmons agrees. He has his own motive for seeking the truth, and it gives Lillie every reason to doubt him. But even as they reluctantly begin to face painful secrets together, Dawson fears that a murderer is waiting to strike again. And this time, Lillie is right in the line of fire.…

A little about Debby:

Debby Giusti is a medical technologist who loves working with test tubes and petri dishes almost as much as she loves to write. Growing up as an Army Brat, Debby met and married her husband--then a Captain in the Army--at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Together they traveled the world, raised three wonderful Army Brats of their own and have now settled in Atlanta, Georgia, where Debby spins tales of suspense that touch the heart and soul.

You can find Debby at

We're serving chocolate and cherry Poptarts for those of you who are awake. First come, first serve. If you feel so inclined, go ahead and like the Poptart FB page.

Last one in the kitchen turns off the light.   xxx from Seekerville




    Along with a fresh coffee pot every hour, there’s hot chocolate, eggnog, tea, and Cokes for today’s party.

  2. And of course Strawberry Dream Pie!

  3. Happy New Year's Eve. Seekerville has been a blessing to me this year. Can't wait to see what 2013 holds!

    I could use an Amazon gift card to buy books for my new Kindle Paperwhite. :)

  4. My one word is PRAYER.

    That was the one I chose year before last. Last year was PATIENCE.

    But it's back to PRAYER for now.

  5. Happy New Year! I just finished Candlelight Christmas this afternoon! Linda Goodnight's novella is one I have reread several times in the collection Cowboy Christmas so I enjoyed that again as well as reading Mary Connealy's for the first time! I love all of her books (well the 16 that I've read) and so I was excited to add another to my collection!

    I love the one word concept but have never put it into practice-maybe this is the year to try!

  6. Happy New Year's Eve, Seekerville! Love this tradition.

  7. Elaine, how do you like the Paperwhite? I have a regular Kindle and the fact that it has no light is the only downer.

  8. Happy New Year's Eve!

    Last year my One Word was Vision. Wow. Every day God opened my eyes to the vision of what could happen with my writing career!

    For 2013, my One Word is DISCIPLINE. I sure need to develop the discipline to write every day, make sure I give the time to my family they deserve, and to follow through on other commitments (I recently took on the responsibility of Education Director at our church).

    Good night, everyone. See you in the morning!

  9. One word. I've been thinking on this for awhile now and I've decided my word for 2013 is persevere. I'm applying it to all parts of my life.

    It's based in part on one of my all-time favorite writing quotes from Richard Bach. “A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit.”

  10. I like this tradition, too, Anne. Makes staying home a little bit more festive on New Year's Eve.

  11. What e-reader would everyone recommend for someone (me) who hasn't stepped over into the e-book world yet?

  12. It's pure genius, God inspired, this whole My One Word thing. And now a book.

    So in 2013 I must find a pure genius, God inspired phenomenon and rock my world and on the way make a fortune to give away. Wouldn't it be cool to just be a philanthropist? Or am I seriously disturbed?

  13. If anyone is wanting something substantial before the delicious Stawberry Dream Pie, Jan has a yummy recipe for Bean Soup over at the Yankee Belle.

  14. Helen, they say that eventually Amazon is going to be giving away Kindles free. Just to ensure ebooks future. Right now the basic one is only 69 dollars.

    But now I'm dreaming of an iPad mini.

  15. Ooohhh, some hot chocolate sounds really good. And strawberry dream pie...Wonder how they'd go together.

    Don't matter.... just hand them both over. I think I can handle it. lol

    Happy New Year's Eve, Seekerville!

  16. Happy New Year!

    Let's see... Last year... two proposal requests from editors ultimately led to rejections. Two full requests [same MS - one editor, one agent] are still in the works. Finaled in 4 contests [GOTCHA, Great Expectations, Touched by Love and Seekerville's Read Me]. Took 1st, 4th, and 2nd in the first three.

    Made new friends. Found critters. Dallas. And so on.

    Someone one Facebook posted a word that I so want to steal. I know what concept I'm talking about [how it plays out in real life] but hadn't really put a word to it.

    But since it's late and I'm tired, I don't remember the word. :p I'll have to hope I remember who it was ;).

    YAY!!! Seekerville Party!!!!!


  17. YIPPY!! A New Year's Eve Party!! (and I don't even have to leave the safety of my home *grin*). ~ I'd love a slice of Helen's pie (thanks Helen). ~ I really like the concept of choosing one word for the year, and several years ago I also began doing this (like many others too!). still praying about my ONE WORD for 2013---I'd share if I had it, but am praying I'll KNOW before the clock strikes midnight and it's 2013. ~ Thanks for being the first hostesses, Mary and Helen! Hugs, Patti Jo

  18. I need to make a little disclaimer here.

    I don’t spend any more time in the kitchen than absolutely necessary, and only then because we like to eat. So my favorite recipes are ones that require little or no cooking.

  19. Must think very carefully about my one word...

  20. Woohoo at least the internet is holding up so i can leave at least one comment LOL! Congratulations to all who pubbed, entered contests and got's to a great new year! my one word will be READ, i plan to read a lot this year and hopefully complete my Goodreads challenge for once. ;-)

  21. I'm right with you Helen. If it says thermometer, soft ball stage or anything like that I toss it.

    I've got a recipe coming up in a few hours from Walt. It's more complicated than anything I make.

  22. Happy New Year!!!

    I have the kindle and the simple touch glow nook. I like them both but prefer the nook for it's glow light and touch screen. Kindle tends to have more books available though.

    I've been thinking about my one word and I've been tossing back and forth between intentional and surge. I know surge is an odd word, but it's the one God keeps giving to me. I want Him to surge through my life so I can be a testimony for Him and I want to surge in my publishing career. The end of 2012 was a stepping stone. 2013 I'm surging forward. Faith, family and writing.

  23. There it is! Tricia Goyer.


    In lots of areas.

    That's my word.

  24. I haven't come up with my word yet, either, Patti Jo.

    I am thinking "brainfry" isn't really the right "my one word."

  25. @ Helen, I just got a Kindle Fire HD and it rawks!!! I had the original Kindle Fire and A Kindle Keyboard 3g e- ink reader and they were ALL wonderful. Good luck in your search for an ereader. :)

  26. Christina, I don't like housework either. :)

    I'd rather be writing or reading.

  27. Carol, discipline is a good word. I need a lot of that and organization, but we won't bore folks. *g*

    Who's making predictions this year? How many first sales in 2013?

  28. Helen, I agree. I've kind of given up on the house work. I'd much rather be doing something writing related.

  29. Hmmmmm...i wonder if there are going to recipes to help us all or at least me with my New Year's diet? LOL I know my recipe isn't one of them.

  30. Renee, we don't use the "D" word until Tuesday after 12 midnight PST.

  31. ok, I may just be a bit cynical, but an ENTIRE book for ONE WORD....Is it full of purple prose and prancing kittens?

    I was lamenting my lack of light on my kindle on the trip back home from Christmas but hubby said he was ecstatic that I didn't have a light, he evidently thinks a lit up kindle in the passenger seat would cause innumerable crashes.

    So Glad Helen is our first server, very apropos. BUT also glad she brought more than coffee, bleck (no offense to the coffee makers/drinkers) so I'll just sniff the flavored coffees but choose the hot chocolate.

    Dare I press the "email follow up comments"? My inbox will certainly be hopping!!!

  32. Okay, girls, this is a party. Ditch the "H" word.


  33. Even though I don't like kitchen duty, I got several kitchen items for Christmas this year. My oldest son got me bacon.

    You heard me. BACON!

    You see, I like to go to a particular restaurant in the summer (it's only open during tourist season) because they put REAL bacon bits on their salads.

    I've tried buying the kind they use, but it's hard to find around here. So Derek got a A WHOLE CASE from a restaurant owner's supplier
    and gave it to me for Christmas.

  34. I knew I liked you Christina. I think God may have stuck us together for a reason... ;)

  35. Helen, I do believe that bacon could be the best Christmas present ever!!! lucky you. :)

  36. Melissa, the other night on a road trip back home, I read my Kindle with the little light on it.

    I let the left side of the cover block the light from hubby's range of vision. Or at least I hope it did....he never complained anyway.

  37. Whoa, can you believe that I TURNED MY COMPUTER OFF? Then I realized that the party was starting so reboot and here I am! YEAH, lovin' the strawberry pie and Mary's cowboys and I've got music going here, so who wants to dance?

    My word for the year: Believe. It has a layer of meanings for me and I have a rock with that word etched in it sitting on my desk. I look at it every day, but now I'm going to make it an action word!

    Thanks Mary and Helen and all the Seekers for this wonderful place and great start to the new year holiday!

  38. Helen, what a very thoughtful son you have. ;)

    Carol, you know he did.

    Okay, a little thick headed here, I get the 'D' word, but what's the 'H' word?

  39. I wouldn't do it, Melissa. We plan to break stats with this party.

    I had to read Helen's post twice. Bacon.

    I have a family member with a pet miniature pig. I won't let him read this.

  40. Christina, I also wondered about the H word? Helen?

  41. Lyndee, great word. I love Wordle. You should type your word in the box and create something appealing to your eye, print it off and hang it right in front of your desk.


  42. Yeah, Tina, hide the pig. I might decide to butcher!

  43. Ooohhh, bacon for Christmas.

    I like!

    Has anybody ever tried that bacon flavored ice cream? It just sounds really gross. I mean, I like ice cream, and I like bacon, but just not together.

    Years ago, we LOVED to go to Shoney's breakfast bar about 11-12 at night when they started the breakfast buffet. Do they even do that anymore? Our local Shoney's closed about 10 years ago.

    I had my favorites I put on my plate: biscuit topped with sawmill gravy, bacon, and eggs.

    And...sometimes, a piece of french toast with maple syrup. That was dessert! lol

  44. Christina, he also got me a new suitcase, the nice kind with wheels and a handle. The zipper on my old one sorta DIED on the trip to Dallas in September.

  45. That's good. A suitcase for the bacon.

  46. Tina, wordle is a program where you can put any words, phrases, quotes etc and it jumbles them up and makes art.

    Here is the link to one I've created

    image is kind of small but you get the picture. Used to save them and put them in blogs, but I'm not sure anymore.

  47. A suitcase is nice. I need one because I plan on going to ACFW this year. I'd love to go to RWA, too but I think only one will be on the menu.

  48. Hi Renee SteelerGirl,
    (Too bad about our Steelers, BTW! The pickings are getting slim for someone to cheer in the Super Bowl, but I digress...)

    Tina will be posting my healthy (in lieu of the diet word that Tina banned for a day, lol) recipe that's easy and a year-round specialty at my house. You have to wait until tomorrow around dinner time though though! ;)

  49. Wow, double thoughs! Really giddy tonight, haha...

  50. Hello, Mary, Helen, and everyone else! I have spent most of this snowy day writing and editing, and I am ready for a break. So, I thought I would stop in for a quick visit.

    Helen, I love my Kindle Fire. It is very easy to find and download great reads (maybe a little too easy). :) You can also store music and watch movies on it.

    Happy New Year to everyone!

  51. Whick is precisely why I needed a new one, Christina.

    Oh, he also got me a knife sharpener. Hmm???

  52. LOL, Helen.

    I am thinking Mary Connealy fell asleep. She's going to be sooo upset.

    No worries.

    Christina, thanks for the link.

  53. Happy New Year’s Eve!

    My one word for 2013 is “Rejuvenate”.
    In thinking.
    In learning.
    In teaching.
    In writing.
    In health.
    In attitude.
    In spirit.
    In prayer.
    In loving.
    In friendship.

    My goal is to remember my one word this year. I forgot last year’s. : (

    The prize I’d like most to win during these 27 hours is “Claiming Mariah” .


  54. Welcome to Seekerville, Tahnee.

    Congrats on the hard work you put in today!!!!

  55. I get to do over that comment. I saved my 2011 one word but lost my 2012 one word.

    I am printing it this year.

  56. Everything is better with bacon!

    Christina, I LOVE Wordle, but haven't done one lately. That's a great idea and I will make one as you suggest. Thanks!

  57. Wow, I just remembered that the party actually starts East Coast Time and I almost missed the first hour, being on the west coast for the moment.

    Happy New Year, Seekerville. This could be the most incredible day in the blog's history.

  58. Hi, Tahnee! Love the spelling of your name.

    Helen, a bunch of bacon, a suitcase and a knife sharpener. Sounds a little ominous.

  59. im late been out soaking up the sun reading. happy new years eve. just over 7 and a half hours to go for me.

  60. Tahnee: KINDLE FIRE... can store movies on it and not just use it for video streaming?

  61. And, Tina, my recipe isn't that complicated. :-)

  62. Vince, I can't remember my word for last year either! :(

  63. Happy New Year, Seekerville!

    I'm excited to be part of this celebration and am looking forward to co-hosting later today with Pam Hillman and Debra Marvin.

    Oh - and back in March 2012 I signed with agent Mary Keeley of Books & Such. :D

  64. Ooohhh, VINCE, I saw your request to win a copy of CM! :)

  65. Time to refresh your screen for the next hour. The 12 midnight to 1 am winner of a $20.13 Amazon gift card from Mary Connealy --is Carol Moncado.

  66. pam your h word is what i am missing. not being able to work (cleaning) is frustrating, while i like time off i like it when its planned not due to injury. also i have put weihgt on and i know part of it is the lack of a work out housework gives me. but on a plus side i have only had one headache in around 4 weeks and thats today.

    Helen i love my kindle but for aussies its really the only choice.

  67. Walt, it isn't because you don't leave out ingredients when you share recipes. hahaha


    Let me add you to the list!!!!

  69. Anita Mae...whoohoo...we're going to have SO much fun in the next 26 hours! lol

    And congrats ALL OVER AGAIN on signing with Books & Such!!!

  70. Oh, Jenny, so sorry you have had a headache. Praying you feel better soon, dear friend!

  71. Jenny, I'm jealous. It's cold here.

    Anita, congratulations!!! That is awesome.

  72. Jenny, hope you feel better. When will you be in the states this year??

  73. Okay, so now I'm jealous of Tina. Arizona, a tangerine tree and an office.

    Thou shalt not covet. *sigh* *g*

  74. I dont have a word for the year. I knoe looking back on this year although I nearly died, then mum did and then i hurt my wrist I learnt so much. I overcame 2 major fears, Dr and hospitals, my almost dying and have people asure mum the would always be there for me gave her the peace to say goodbye. The wrist well i have realised how much pain mum was in and why she was so unhappy and cranky. thankfully dr number 3 found a solution for me as the pain was drying me mad.
    thinking better is sounding like a good word

  75. Yeah, I'm jealous, too.
    I can't keep warm.

    Hubby got me a pair of flannel lined jeans. They feel g-o-o-o-o-d.

  76. oh the headache is not bad its almost gone.

    oh i hate typing one handed.

    i am coming in May. i leave home in 4 months and 3 day. or is that 2. may 3rd. fly out may 5th

    temp around 90 today

  77. Happy New Year's Eve. I woke up to snores from Man O and thought I would join the party early for a bit before I come back at 7AM.

    My word for 2013 is commitment.

    Owning that word means I will see Jan very early on 1K1HR! Making the consistent time to write. Deepening my relationships.

    Peace, Julie

  78. Ooh, I like that Julie Hilton Steel. Meeting in the wee hours for 1KH.

    But can I do it.

    Must think on this.

  79. Christina, you can visit any time.

  80. Captain Jack Sparrow is next hour, so hang in for a bit of fun.

  81. You remember you said that when I show up on your front door. I could always use a writer's getaway.

  82. LOL. I never say what I don't mean. This is why I am always in trouble. Generally I say what folks don't want to hear.

    This is rare. I said something someone wants to hear.

  83. Wow, am I late to the party ALREADY?? It just started!

    And... last year I chose JOY. Then they named my book 'Season of Joy', which I thought was cool.

    This year, I choose HOPE. Pessimist me. I commit to hope.

    Work, plot, plan, scheme... that's all normal.

    But I'll also hope for the best.

  84. Jenny, "Better" is a good word, and there are so many different ways you can use it...not just health-wise.

    You've had a tough year, and we're all praying for a better year for you in 2013.

  85. Better. Yes, that's good. Blessings, and better, in 2012, Jenny.

  86. WHAT??

    Man O snores? oooo, and here I was thinking he was almost perfect.

    Well, I'm glad he has faults. :) What a cutie.

  87. Tina, with a house full of teens and YA and two male dogs...well you can see why I'd want to hear what you have to say. Besides, I think you're pretty wise, especially when it comes to writing advice.

    I was going to hit the pillows, but the mention of Jack has me staying up.

  88. So, Virginia, your next book might be "Season of Hope", yes? :)


  89. You've had a tough year, and we're all praying for a better year for you in 2013.

    Yes, we are, Jenny.

  90. Uh-oh...I was just thinking about getting a few hours of shut-eye. I hope there are no snorers here...

  91. Pam thats what I figure, better healthwise, emotionally, etc. i dont regret most of what happened this year except the wrist I have a much better understanding of things. I want to support people better and know have a better knowledge of grief, illness, pain to know how to support them.

    just finished my book. didn't make 100 this year but im ok with that

  92. Jenny, I like better for you too but also wish you hope, joy, comfort, healing and strength.

    Christina, that mention of Jack got me to hang around as well. I have a wee crush on the guy.

    Virginia, Man O has his faults but the moment he starts playing with the grandkidlets, they are all forgotten.

    Peace, Julie

  93. Okay, Walt, that is the word I am toying with as well.

  94. I am not going to eat all the oatmeal cookies. Somebody take the platter please and thank you.

  95. Focus

    I'm loving these words.

  96. Surge? That's an interesting word.

  97. um since Jan Drexler got on the list for book contract and agent contract, can I be doubly put on the list too???? I signed both this year. The book contact on Christmas Day, YAY!

  98. LOL! I know. I'm praying God will surge down on me. ;) I'm praying my family with surge into His will. I'm praying my writing will surge forward.

    Don't know what will happen, guess I'll know at the end of 2013. Last year our word was restoration and God has done just that. Not sure why God has laid that word on my heart, but He has.

  99. Permission granted, Melissa.

    Thank you for rebooting my brain.

  100. What an awesome Christmas gift, Melissa!

    I think I'll be searching for an agent soon.

  101. Tina, I think I used "FOCUS" last year and then didn't use it.

    Congrats to Melissa on the book contract!

  102. Hi Tina:

    Question: if you make one comment, does that put you in all 27 drawings or do you have to comment during the hour that the prize is drawn in order to win that prize?

  103. Oh? Had a hard time focusing on the focus. My greatest fear. That and pulling a Vince and forgetting my word again.


  104. To be entered in a drawing, simply comment. You do not need to be present to win. Every person who comments is entered into the drawing once. We keep drawing until all 27 hours are over. Giveaway winners are announced at the top of the hour. So for this hour we announce the winner at 1 a.m. EST. BTW, if you are really excited about a particular prize do mention it in the comments.

  105. Wow!

    At the current rate of comments this blog should come in at just over 2,700 comments. Can Blogger really do that? : )

  106. Translation: You can comment and go to bed. Just remember to come back. We'd miss you.

    Once you are in--you are in.

  107. Is there a list of prizes? because, I don't know if I'm particularly excited for one unless I well, know what it is....

  108. I guess we'll find out. I've never heard of Blogger crashing. Well except for the Julie thing. We won't talk about that.

  109. No,list of prizes. They are announced hourly.

    You don't have to get excited about them. Just pass the platters and nod and smile. Be your usual self.

  110. Yes. Your usual self.

    Dry wit. Comic relief.

  111. Alicia Rasley’s The Character Interviews winner is Julie Hilton Steele.

    Refresh your screen and welcome Captain Jack Sparrow!!!

  112. oh, good, I'd rather be droll than dull. Which passing platters and nodding my head doesn't exactly paint me in a good light....I must have bored you TO DEATH at ACFW during lunch.

    I usually read while eating, it's an incurable disease. I'll read the back of the ketchup bottle if necessary. Hubby has to clear all words off the table if he actually wants dinner conversation.

  113. Is the contest for entering the Golden Heart still open. Haven't done it yet but was making changes to my entry tonight and will submit before within time for year end.

  114. Yes. I baked a cake.

    Did everyone see that? Because I will *not* be doing it again.

  115. Theme Song for “Current of Love”

    “Cats in the Cradle” by Cat Stevens

    “And the cats in the cradle and the silver spoon
    Little boy blue and the man on the moon
    When you comin home, dad, I don’t know when,
    But we'll get together then, Son,
    You know we'll have a good time then.”


    Sandra were you thinking of this song when you wrote “Current of Love”?

    Does anyone know of any other Seeker books that have a good part of the plot sung in a popular song?

  116. The Golden Heart? Is that similar to the Black Pearl?

  117. Happy New Year Seekerville!!

    And of course, a BIG ahoy and welcome to the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow :) So glad you could be here today, Captain!

  118. Walt, yes. That is open and will be mentioned again on Wednesday for the January Contest Update.

    It's been extended since the GH didn't fill up early this year.

    Jack it is not similar to the Black Pearl. No monetary value. Only no guts no glory.

  119. I thought Cats in the Cradle was Harry Chapin, Vince.

  120. Yes!!! Thanks so much for the prize.

    But I must say I am even more excited Captain Jack is here. Be still my heart.

    And you brought cake, kind sir. Thank you.

    Peace, Julie

  121. My one word is SAVVY.

    What do you think, mate??

    [Tried the cake yet??]

  122. melissa i love money too. love gift vouchers. used some of christmas gift voucher to buy the 2013 guidepost devotional this morning.

    I know i wont make midnight!!!!


  123. "I usually read while eating, it's an incurable disease. I'll read the back of the ketchup bottle if necessary. Hubby has to clear all words off the table if he actually wants dinner conversation." -Melissa

    I have done that since I was four years old. I have clear memories of reading the menus, the sugar packets, the ketchup bottles (yes, indeed) and anything on the wall in the restaurant.

    I also spill things which means I keep the Kindle far away during meals.

    Peace, Julie

  124. Kara me love, and be still MY heart, Julie!!

    Shall we frolic on the beach??

  125. Jack, what kind of cake is it? It isn't that it doesn't look delicious but it looks a bit, shall we say, different.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. Jack,I will flirt but I will not frolic. But we can toast marshmallows and make smores.

  128. I actually gravitate to folks of few words and dry wit.

    Ruthy and Julie Lessman would be the exception to the rule. But they're sleeping so I can talkabou them.

    I enjoyed your company, Melissa.

  129. As I said I have heard this concept before and thought it was cool but I never did it myself. But this year I've decided to do it and the word I've chosen is Grace. God has been really challenging me with that recently and I know I need to work on it!

  130. Frolicking is off limits. Hmm.

    Well, madame, I bow to your discretion.

    Although I was looking forward to a frolic. Never the less, I shan't pout.

    [did you try the cake?]

  131. Coconut cake, lass. From coconuts on the island.

    Fresh coconuts.

  132. The cake was scrumptious. Coconut, pineapples, and a secret ingredient?

    It is off to bed for me. It is early to rise for this server at seven am.

    Peace, and Captain Jack, a fond farewell.


  133. On the other hand, perhaps my one word should be ecumenical.

    I like the way it rolls off the tongue.

  134. Farewell, lass.

    Did someone mention rum?

    Perhaps not.

  135. No secret ingredients, Jack? I don't mind coconut. Love it. I think I'll have a piece.

  136. Grace is an interesting word, Abbi.

    Seriously, it's one word but soooo deep.

  137. And I like the way savvy rolls... well, I like the way it sounds, much better than ecumenical.

  138. Grace is an excellent word. I started a blog series on uncommon grace. Something God has taken me through over the last year. Such a beautiful word.

  139. Well, Jack and Tina, I best get to bed if I'm going to make back in the morning.

    See y'all in a few hours.

  140. Farewell, Christina. I will see you on the morrow.

    Jenny, let us frolic.

  141. Jack, I'm afraid they ate all of your cake. I'm running to the island for more.

  142. Oh my.

    I am late.

    Connie Queen

  143. Since everyone has gone to sleep I can share my favorite pirate joke.

    Q. What's a pirate's favourite food?

    A. Arrrrgggghhhhhhh-tichokes

  144. It is I, your humble servant, Jack Sparrow. Just in case you wont for knighting me perchance.

  145. wish there was a like button. like the joke

  146. Just modern day woman advice for Captain Jack who'd like to frolic.

    That fur pelt you wear to attract lice away from your hair? As much as I love authentic period costume, I'd ditch it if you want to do much frolicking with the commenters. . . . they've invented this thing called Rid Lice Killing shampoo. Though the dreads might not survive....I believe you might get some more frolicking done.

  147. My one word...


    Since Virginia picked Joy last year and it was in the title of her debut book, I chose RUN. I have a RUN-book series and am entering 1/2 marathon and hope to drag my husband w/me.

    I don't figure RUN will be on anyone else's list.

    Connie Queen

  148. Jack we'll see you tomorrow night!

    The winner of Jack's $10.00 Amazon gift card is Jenny.

    Count to ten and then refresh your screen for more fun.

  149. I counted to 10. How slow am I supposed to count to 10? :)

  150. Don't you people sleep?????

    Oh my stars, it's like 3:00 AM here, but...

    Jack's here.

    And I love me some pirate time, LOL!


    Utterly fun, crazy and time to rock this party, peeps!

    I just hit print for all those recipes... and I might just make a couple today to test on family.


    First up:

    Your strawberry pie. I don't slice 'em 'cause the crust gets soggy quickly then, so I pluck the stem out (using fingers or those cute strawberry hull thingies) and set them in whole.... but I love this combo, Helen! Cream cheese, whipped topping and berries.

    I'm hungry now!!!!

  151. And wouldn't you know, as soon as I smarted off, it changed! THat's what I get.

  152. I am not snickering at Melissa. I am not. I am not.

  153. Run. I like it. Like run the race. Hebrews??

  154. Helen, I love your kid! That's a great present! A case of bacon!

    Laughing out loud over here, but in total appreciation!

  155. Yep, like run the race.


  156. I just read the lice comment. More snickering. Jack is sleeping on his fur pelts. I'll mention it in the morning.



  157. Oh wow so excited. I love amazon. (must put splint back on but boy was typing two handed fun until I hit the a.)

  158. The good thing here is that we can always come back to this post and comments and FIND OUR WORDS...

    Mine in 2011 was "forge"...

    2012 was "embrace"


    Still mulling.

    I want something warm and light for 2013 to remind me to share more smiles. More kindness. More Christ.

    Mother Theresa said that peace begins with a smile.

    I believe her.

  159. Anita, congratulations!

    Happy dancing in upstate for you!

    As I chase Jack down to refill my umm...




  160. Vince, you nailed that book "Current of Love" with the Cat Stevens theme.

    I thought of that first thing when I read the manuscript like decades ago.



    What goes around, comes around.

    She captured that so well.

    JACK!!!! No, Jack, that is NOT A TOWEL.... THAT'S MY NEW TERRY-CLOTH ROBE, YOU ROGUE! Where's the cake, you pirate, you!

    Hand it over and no one dies.

    This hour.


  161. Well mine in 2011 was Brave. Last year I sorta of blanked on. Maybe it was Blank.

  162. Ruthy its 6.50pm here too early for bed besides I had a kip this afternoon but wont make midnight.

  163. Madame, I am guilty. Apologies all around.

  164. Happy New Year Donnas.

  165. Jack's entertaining ecumenical?

    I think he means that a girl in every port is similar to embracing other's beliefs.

    Analogically he might be right.

    Darn it!

    Hey, fresh egg nog bowl in the center table... and it's on a bed of ice for chilling purposes.

    While the stuffed mushrooms for next hour are just entering the oven.

    I love the "D" word ladies: discipline.

    I'm a big believer.

  166. dont have any traditions I use to baby sit most NYE's but lately i am in bed.

  167. Jenny is frolicking with Jack?

    And Julie is flirting?

    And Teeeeena makes an exception for my verbiage.


    Good girl.

  168. My New Year's Tradition? Hanging out here!

    I get brownie points for that, right?

  169. you have to watch us aussie girls. gotta do something to liven up the place right!

    oh did i mention my dried apricots worked had a few and they taste ok.

  170. All right, as much as I want to stay up and work on this book that I'm all bummed out isn't turning out to be something I think is a shoo-in for the NYT bestseller list or divinely inspired I better turn in. The wood stove is loaded, I hung up the laundry, Seekerville has seen my lovely face a dozen or so times....

  171. Night, night, Melissa. We love you.

  172. Jenny you must talk to Virginia. She has apricots too. Dip them in chocolate.

  173. I didn't say excessive verbiage.

  174. Hi everyone! Am I seeing correctly - it's like 3am in the US? I've just got the kids in bed, wondering what I might do tonight whilst waiting for NY. I feel like cleaning out my desk but it's seriously too hot still to move.

  175. OH. MY. It's Helen W. LONG TIME NO SEE!!!!

    How are you? How hot IS it?

    Happy New Year.

  176. Hi Tina!! Happy New Year to you too :) Yes I know - I haven't been around much lately. I've been busy carving out a new career for myself :) Well actually I've just been buying the carving gear and learning how to use it, haven't got into any cutting yet, but hoping to soon (I think that all just sounded weird, but anyway!). I'm excited about what 2013 holds.

    It's not TOO hot today I guess, compared to some of our other days. It's still 34C right now, at 7:40pm. I think that translate to 93.2F. But our house is a hot one and we don't have air conditioning so we really feel it.

  177. You're going to be a lumberjack???

    Kidding. Well as soon as you're ready for your big reveal...let us know. We'd love to cheer you on.

  178. Hi to all the lurkers out there.

    Remember. Just one comment puts you in the hat for all the giveaways. You need not be present to win.
