Friday, January 25, 2013


I have a confession to make. When I began the journey to become published, I was writing non-fiction—Bible studies, general inspirational books, a book on marriage, etc. My spiritual gift is teaching, so it seemed natural to do so. But, frankly, I had a rather snobby attitude toward fiction writers. I would pass them in the halls at writers’ conferences and although I never said it out loud, I would think to myself, “They are just making up stories. I’m writing biblical truth.” Ahem, ahem—as I smiled sweetly.

I was on staff one fall at the Glorieta Christian Writers’ Conference and having a few free moments, I slipped into the back of a fiction class. What I heard in that one-hour session rocked my world, and I’ve never looked at fiction the same way since. Dave Lambert was leading the workshop, and he said that a non-believer is probably not going to pick up a Christian non-fiction book. However, they might pick up a novel and read it. He said as Christian fiction writers we can imbed the gospel in a novel in perhaps a more palatable way than in a non-fiction book, which sometimes is way too preachy for a non-believer. I walked out of his classroom reeling.

The Holy Spirit had fingered a chord in my heart. I remembered that Jesus was the Master Storyteller and taught biblical truth through stories. Why had I been so arrogant as to believe telling stories was an inferior method of spreading the gospel?

About the same time I came across a published genealogy of my French Huguenot ancestors. This treasured leather-bound volume not only held the record of the lineage of our family, but the stories and journals of these brave and courageous people. The French Huguenots were followers of John Calvin, persecuted Protestants in 17th century Catholic France. They had previously been granted amnesty by Henry of Navarre, but because of ill advice from his counselors, King Louis XIV began to send dragoons to conscript Huguenots’ homes, kidnap their children, close their colleges and churches and submit them to unspeakable torture if they refused to convert to Catholicism. Hundreds of thousands of Huguenots fled the country. Coupled with Louis’s obsessive building of Versailles, France just about went bankrupt because of the exodus. I wanted to tell their story, and I decided I would do so as historical fiction. As I began writing and submitting my chapters to my critique group, they enthusiastically encouraged me. They assured me fiction was definitely where I needed to be. The rest, as they say, is history. I procured an agent and a four-book contract with a major publisher.

What surprised me in switching to fiction from non-fiction was how much more difficult it was to write good fiction than it was to write non-fiction. Perhaps it was because I had written so many Bible studies and Sunday School curriculum for my church. Or perhaps it was because I’d grown up in a newspaper family. My father, his father and all the brothers were newspaper editors, journalists and authors. But I began to learn the skills and craft of writing fiction by going to writers’ conferences, reading good fiction, submitting everything to my critique group and writing, writing, writing.

What I learned in that initial fiction class has proven to be true—that a non-believer might be more amenable to picking up a novel than a Christian inspirational book. Recently I received word from a friend who lived and worked in France for a few years. A friend of hers, an atheist, saw one of my books on her coffee table. She picked it up and said, “What’s this? I need something to read.”
Our friend cautioned her. “Oh, a friend of mine wrote that and it’s really good, but you need to know that it’s Christian fiction.”

“That’s fine. It looks interesting.”

The fact that In The Shadow Of The Sun King was set in France was probably what initially prompted her to pick it up, but after finishing the book, her comment was, “Maybe there is something to this God thing.”

I watched an atheist professional safari guide from South Africa sit down in the den of our daughter’s home and read through In The Shadow of the Sun King in one day. He has since ordered the rest of the series for his mother. I receive emails on a regular basis of similar testimonies.

My profession is to tell stories. I am so blessed to write and just tell stories. I pray they in turn bless the readers and bring glory to God.

Golden Keyes Parsons is a popular retreat and conference speaker and author of historical novels. Her book, “In The Shadow Of The Sun King,” (Thomas Nelson Publishing), first in a three-book series based on her family genealogy, released Fall 2008, and was named a finalist in the American Christian Fiction Writer’s Book of the Year Debut Author category. Her second book, “Prisoner Of Versailles,” was released September 2009 and was named a finalist in Romance Writers of America’s prestigious Daphne contest and was also a finalist for the Advanced Writers & Speakers Association Golden Scroll Novel of the Year. The concluding book in the series, “Where Hearts Are Free” released September 2010 and is a Women of Faith Book Club selection. Her fourth novel, “His Steadfast Love,” a Civil War novel set in Texas, released November 2011 and was a finalist in the RWA’s National Readers Choice Awards for 2012.

Her next book, “Trapped! The Adulterous Woman,” Book #1 in her series, “Hidden Faces, Portraits of Nameless Women In The Gospels,” (WhiteFire Publishing) was released in October 2012.

Golden is an ordained minister, and she and her husband, Blaine, are retired from the pastorate and reside in Waco, TX. When she isn’t writing or speaking, she is busy with their three grown daughters, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren or attending sporting and alumni events at Baylor University. You can contact Golden at her website at

Leave a comment for a chance to win your choice of either of Golden’s books — The Shadow of the Sun King OR Trapped! The Adulterous Woman.


  1. I have some family who'll read my books who'd not listen to anything I said about God. So I've always been looking forward to that. Now, to write a good enough story that they'll keep reading the rest of them....

  2. welcome Golden.
    As a reader I can vouch for the fact many non christians will read christian fiction. I use to donate fiction to the town library and they were being devoured. The librarian told me several times people would say they loved the clean books with a good message and many were asking for more. Alot of these people would not access these books if I hadn't donated them.
    I think started our church library for a similar reason. we have a friendship centre which is a craft and chat morning and one lady was reading some christian books another lent her and I was asked if i had some she could read. it was from that my goal was to start the library as an outreach and most borrowers are these ladies. several have made comment about the message and how they love them. The only one I have heard complain is a christian that said a few were to preachy. it has been a great outreach and I love seeing the books being borrowed and read. the non fiction books about 3 books in 3 years have been borrowed.

  3. I love the fact that Christian fiction can reach out and touch non-believers lives in ways I could never do. I have given some books away to readers that I know need to hear the truth and yet will not stand still long enough to hear it but they will spend hours reading. I have seen God's seed take root in one of their lives and that makes it all worth it.

    Thank you for your post today and I would love to be entered for your giveaway.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  4. I think I'm writing for one or two people in particular, just as Melissa Jaegers has mentioned.

    If any of you get a chance to meet Golden in person, please do. She's one of those people who exude peace and love and grace... (you know, like Debby Giusti does)

    Thanks for the reminder, Golden. I want a testimonial letter some day, too. The financial reward for an author can never cover the hours of work but I imagine knowing the story touched one heart makes up for it.

  5. What a great story Golden! Thanks for sharing.

    I was with my husband when he mentioned to a good friend of ours that I'd begun writing Christian fiction. She laughed and asked what that was all about.

    At the time I was so hurt I just smiled and said nothing. Now I've got a great answer.

    Jackie L.

  6. What a great Friday post! I'm so glad God led you to the back of that fiction workshop. Your novels sound wonderful.

  7. Good morning, everybody! Just getting the computer on, sitting here with my mug of steaming coffee and enjoying your comments. Yes, fiction is a wonderful vehicle to reach people. I think we'll never know until we get to heaven how many people our books have reached. I have other stories that are so very heartwarming as well.

    Melissa, to have family members blessed by your books is awesome. I have family members who do not consider that I'm a "real" author! You know, the prophet in his own country thing. LOL!

    Jenny, who knows how many people check our books out of libraries. What a wonderful ministry!

    Cindy, we can trust that God's word does take root!

    And, Debra, thank you so much for the very gracious and kind words. Are you still doing Lose It? Obviously, I'm not, though I need to be.

    Steve, Annie and Jackie, thanks for weighing in.

    Looking forward to the rest of the comments today!

  8. Golden, I love the story of how you came to write fiction. :) Obviously God had a bigger plan for your writing than you did. :) He's got a way of stirring our hearts, doesn't he?

    I hope that, if my stories ever get published they will encourage women (I write women's fiction) to a deeper relationship with God, and that they will encourage unbelievers to look at God in a new way. It's exciting to hear how your stories have drawn people to him, or have opened their eyes and hearts to consider a relationship with him.

    JENNY--I love your ministry. How exciting that God is giving you the opportunity to share fiction with others.

    JACKIE--I had a similar experience. A friend of mine, who knows I'm writing, told her mother about it. She, in turn, asked me about my story, and then replied, "Oh, how cute." I shoved down the hurt and pasted on a smile and said, "Thank you." I have to remember people who don't write just don't understand. :)

  9. Hello Golden, I love your name is there a story behind it you can tell us...I am an avid reader and I have found true your comments on the words of God and Christian views that some would not want to read about except in fiction.
    I enjoy so much the fiction ones that are about the women of the Bible and to think of these women -they are just like women of today and how they lived their lives in earlier times a blessing to read.
    thanks for sharing today on Seekerville. I would love to win your book to read.
    Paula O

  10. Welcome to Seekerville, Golden! And what a fascinating family history!

    Twenty years ago I read an article that quoted John Wayne: "You can tell people what they need to hear if you tell it in a good story." I have that quote at my desk to remind me that well-written fiction plays a part in God's kingdom plan, too.

  11. Jeanne, I'm sure that your writing will encourage women.

    Paula, it is my real name. "Keyes" was my maiden name and my dad was a newspaper man and author of sorts himself. He actually named me. My parents intended for me to use "Keyes" as my middle name after I married, but I never did until I started writing. I really thought publishers would want me just to use "Golden Keyes" as my pen name, but they preferred to use all three. Rather cumbersome, but doable.

  12. Welcome back, Golden! (I'd love to know the story of your name too).

    I'm surprised non-believers enjoy Christian fiction, but I know they do. If they want clean, uplifting fiction, especially in the romance genre, they don't have much choice these days. So they're reading Christian novels with good stories written from a world view they might not be getting anywhere else.

  13. I know I'm more receptive to learning through fiction, so I was nodding along with this. =) So glad you came over to the storytelling side!

  14. i loved reading your story, Golden. it is so true about reaching people through a good story - and, Jesus was the Master Storyteller.

    i love your series idea for the nameless women of the Gospels. i would love to read those. i like the "hidden" stories in the Bible.

    thank you for sharing with Seekerville.

  15. Misty, you said it well. It's the reason we write :)

    Cara Lynn, thanks for dropping in! How's the writing going?

    And, my wonderful editor, Roseanna! I'm glad I started "Just Telling Stories" as well. It's much more fun! :)

  16. GOLDEN!!! Soooo good to have you on Seekerville today and GREAT POST, my friend!!

    First of all, my humble apologies for not including "Keyes" as part of your name in the header -- I have since corrected that!

    Secondly, LOVE your story of how you came to fiction!!! I actually had a similar experience regarding romance, in general. You see, I was a career woman who had no time for "fluff" reading, mostly because I was somewhat of a literary snob who looked down on romance novels (AND romance writers!) as subgengre. So when God tapped me on the shoulder in a beauty shop (figuratively, of course) while reading a 2001 Newsweek cover article on how Christian movies, books and music were on the threshold of exploding, I was nervous. Now is the time to finish your book, the thought came, and I knew that meant the book I’d begun at the age of twelve after reading Gone With the Wind. But romance? Yes, the thought came again, write for Me. Mmm … passion for God, an interesting concept. Thus was born my tagline—Passion With a Purpose. All I can say is I am SO glad both of us heeded the nudging of the Holy Spirit. :)

    WHOO-HOO ... don't you just LOVE Fridays?? To celebrate Golden's presence with us today AND the weekend, I've brought a full-spread brunch with all of my favorites, including banana chocolate chip muffins, peach cobbler, cinnamon apple kringles, Western omelets, maple sugar bacon and thick sliced ham. The Keurig is brewing with any flavor you want, so name your beverage and dig in!!


  17. Good morning, Golden!

    I've only read one of your books so far - I reviewed Where Hearts Are Free early on in my blog reviewing foray, but haven't gotten to the other books in the series yet. They are definitely on my "to be obtained" list so I can add them to my "to be read" pile :)

    You mentioned reading good fiction in your list of things you did as you developed your own fiction. Someone told me once (years ago, while I was in college) that if you want to write well, you need to read well - obviously you took the advice to heart because you certainly write well!

    Thanks for stopping by Seekerville with your story! And you can add me to the list of fans of your name. It jumps off the cover of your books and draws the reader in, even before knowing what the book is about.

  18. Hi Golden and welcome to Seekerville. What a great story and testimony you have. Isn't it amazing how God reaches out to the non-believer? Love the premises of your novels. smile

    Thanks Julie for bringing her and I can attest that you cook a great spread. yum.

  19. MELISSA ... that is SUCH a true statement, girl, although I have learned to toughen up when it comes to family and friends because those are the ones you tend to expect the support from, but sometimes they're the ones that hurt you the most.

    I'll never forget how I gave my best friend and prayer partner A Passion Most Pure to read and she never said ONE WORD to me for almost eight months!!! I finally asked her about it, and she wanted to know why I had so much drama and angst in my books and couldn't write a sweet, romantic story like The Red Tent. "The Red Tent???" I said, remembering the bestseller that was anything but sweet. Turns out I just wasn't her cup of tea and I had to learn to be okay with that, especially since she was an English Comp teacher!!! Today she is writing her own novel and not only comes to me for editing and the like (a huge step), but devours all of my books now and lends them to her students as well. But it was touch and go for a while, I can tell you that. :|

    Lesson learned? Don't expect too much from family and friends -- it can set you up for the fall because like Golden eluded to, more often than not, it's the prophet in her country scenario.


  20. JENNY, YAY for you and your ministry, my friend!! You go, girl!!

    JACKIE, I sure relate with you and Golden on this. I usually get asked if I have a real publisher or did I just pay for it myself. Pay for it??? Yes, ma'am, with blood, sweat, and LOTS of tears!!! ;)

    GLYNNA SAID: "Twenty years ago I read an article that quoted John Wayne: "You can tell people what they need to hear if you tell it in a good story."

    WOW, what a GREAT quote, Glynna -- thanks for sharing!!

    And, GOLDEN ... LOVE your name, girl AND LOVE your books!!


  21. i come for the coffee and post, and stay for the comments. i am always a tad worried when i don't see Helen's name up first...but as long as she's okay, i'm okay. Welcome, Golden. Yes, i read that your dad named you, but what's the story behind Golden? i think of the era when golden meant perfect, so maybe...Great author and great post. i would love to read and review any of your books. Thanks for coming!

  22. I love all the historical background for this Golden. The Heugonauts and Versaille, pre-revolutionary France.
    What a great era to write about. I'm glad we converted you to fiction. :)

  23. How inspiring! I love reading Christian fiction. Glad you made the switch. ;)

    I'd love to win In the Shadow of the Sun King. I read the description on Amazon and it sounds so good.

  24. Welcome to Seekerville, Golden. Loved your post! What joy to know your books are impacting unbelievers. I have yet to hear that but when readers have said my stories helped with some struggle with their faith, I'm encouraged that our stories matter.

    Like Julie I was a romance snob. Until I read some. LOL I wanted to write ABA stories with a Christian worldview, but discovered that didn't work. I'm thankful God got me where He wants me.


  25. Go Baylor Bears! The Mercer Bears are coming right along behind you. We don't have an RGIII yet but give us 5 years. Loved your perspective on growing to love fiction writing after living in a nonfiction world. Thanks for a great post.

  26. Go Baylor Bears! The Mercer Bears are coming right along behind you. We don't have an RGIII yet but give us 5 years. Loved your perspective on growing to love fiction writing after living in a nonfiction world. Thanks for a great post.

  27. No idea how I posted twice. Just consider it twice as meaningful.

  28. Thanks, everybody, for your pertinent comments. Forgive me if I miss somebody. I'm sending in edits today on the second book in the "Nameless Women" series, "Alone, The Woman At The Well." My most difficult book to write so far.

    As for "Golden" ... my dad had a friend, a man, named "Golden Rule." So I guess it gave him the idea to name me "Golden Keyes." "Golden" and its derivatives are actually fairly common Jewish names, i.e. Golda Meier. In Hebrew it is Zahava. But as far as I know we have no Jewish background. We're French, don't you know :)

    How about some cinnamon crunch bagels from Panera? Yum!!

  29. Hi, Golden!!!!! One of the sweetest authors I know! I've been wondering what you were up to!

    Isn't fiction FUN!? I've written both fiction and non-fiction, and I have to say, I like fiction a whole lot more! It is hard work, but hard work that is FUN keeps me from being lazy! LOL!

    Golden, I absolutely love those stories about atheists enjoying your books!!! That is some testimony, girl! That is just so exciting. I'd really like to think that has happened with my books. I did hear from a girl who was engaged to my cousin. Neither of them were attending church and she and her parents were not church goers when she was growing up. But because she loved to read, her future mother-in-law suggested she read my book, The Merchant's Daughter, and after she read it, she said she was thinking her New Year's Resolution was going to be to read the Bible. I was very touched by that! I got that reaction from several readers of that book, and I like to think there were others, people who had never read the Bible, who decided to do so after reading my book. Isn't it humbling? God is amazing, and I'm so glad he uses us and our books!

  30. Hey, Melanie!

    I've been watching the success with your books and feel kind of like a proud Grandma :) I remember standing with you at break during the Donald Maas class at my first ACFW conference before you were published. You thought it would never happen for you, and I remember saying, "It'll happen. You'll see. It will happen." And it did!!

    By the way, my husband just went to Panera to pick up something from our daughter, and I casually mentioned that I wouldn't mind if he brought me a cinnamon crunch bagel ... if they had any left. Waiting patiently. Guess I need to make another pot of coffee :)

  31. Ooops, I think it's "Maass" instead of "Maas."



  33. Welcome, Golden! Your post has come at the ideal time for me. I'm preparing to give a talk about why I write Christian fiction, and you've given me some extra insights and ideas about how to present my thoughts.

    And Glynna, thanks for sharing that John Wayne quote--perfect!

  34. You know, I don't hold out much hope that they'll exactly like it since it isn't they're normal reading material (or for some, they don't read at all), but I know they'll buy it and try it. Even if they don't like it, I'm hoping they still get that little sticktight of truth stuck on them.

  35. Golden,
    Congrats on your success! So nice to have you visit Seekerville today.

    Waving to Deb Marvin and sending cyber hugs.

  36. Hi Golden,

    Thanks for sharing your story! Love reading about authors' journeys. We all travel such different paths!

    Love a chance to win a book. Always up for a new writer!

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  37. Golden, welcome back to Seekerville.

    Your covers are amazing! Just lovely.

    It's been true for me as well, fiction opens doors that I am stun me. Amazing. Especially books that deal with normal folks dealing with every day life and they just happen to be Christian.

  38. Enjoyed the interview, Golden. Thank you for telling how you became a novelist. Your story is inspiring. Until 8 yrs. ago I wrote only non-fiction. I enjoy true stories and novels having an inspirational tone, especially those that are Christian. As Julie said, I eventually needed to lower my expectations when I said I was writing an inspirational novel. Many times I'm told by women in the church they either don't or won't read Christian fiction. Some times they've come to this decision because they are uninformed about it. If they're open to giving it a try, I loan or give a book.

    I have a particular interest in the Huguenots, too. Thank you for sharing here the history on these devout people. I'd love to be included in the drawing for a copy of In The Shadow of the Sun King.

    Congratulations on your success, Golden. I enjoyed getting to know you here.

  39. Twice as much Susan Codone today. This is a good thing.

  40. Good that I am unable to string together a coherent sentence this am. Try to read between the lines. LOL.

  41. Did everyone see Melissa's book cover?? It's gorgeous!

  42. Hi Golden:

    The scene in “Midnight in Paris” at Versailles makes me want to go back there and to read all your books. What I remember about the Huguenots from history is that they are both very important and interesting. I’d love to know more about them. Fiction is a good way to do it.

    Your story about a friend who told her friend that your book was good, … “but you need to know that it’s Christian fiction” just galls me!

    Why would anyone feel obligated to disclose that a book is Christian? In a way, that’s like warning a person that they may not like a book because it lacks gratuitous explicit sex, mindless violence, immoral values, and obscenities. Most people wouldn’t give this kind of warning to someone and if received, most people would feel insulted.

    Let’s face it. Christian fiction is very much about publisher guidelines and not about Christian doctrines. There are stories that have Christians in them and then there are stories that are all about being a Christian. I think the second type of book, (Christian qua Christian) is one where it might be proper to disclose to a reader beforehand since the reader might not be interested in a whole book about being a Christian. (This would include a lot of Christians).

    I just love Julie Lessman’s seven book series that takes place in Boston because it is interesting history, the stories are compelling, and the main family is made up of practicing Irish Catholics.

    I gave the first book, ”A Passion Most Pure” to my sister, who runs her church’s bookstore, and said, “ you should read this book. There is a real Catholic family in it and the priests are portrait as strong decent men”. It would not even occur to me to say “read this, it’s Christian fiction.”

    I think the only reason to disclose that a book is classified as Christian fiction (by publishers) is when you are dealing with someone who will only read Christian fiction. These readers actually do need to know this.

    About publisher guidelines: if you took Julie Lessman’s books, which are classified as Christian fiction (even if just barely hanging on the edge :)), and added a few lines of obscenities or explicit sex, they would no longer quality as Christian fiction. Yet, not one word about Christianity would have been changed. The written Christian component would be exactly the same. Thus, it would not be Christianity per se that rendered the books non Christian, it would be the publisher guidelines.

    I would say that for most of Christian Fiction there is no need to disclose that it meets Christian fiction guidelines. When I mention Mary Connealy’s books to someone, I just tell them that the book is a romantic comedy with cowboys and it takes place in the old west. Oh. yes. sometimes I do warn them that if they read the first page, they’ll be hooked. But I'd never warn them that the book was Christian.

    Anyway, that’s where I stand. I will not be indulgent about disclosing books as being Christian. I think every reader should work out for themselves how they qualify a given book.


  43. BEAUTIFUL post today, Golden. Thank you for this. What encouragement and needed reminder of how the Best Storyteller is our inspiration as authors. Humbling, powerful, and beautiful!

  44. would love to read "The Shadow of the Sun King" It sounds like such a good book.

    winterrose (at) comcast (dot) net

  45. Loving all these comments. One of my favorite workshops to teach is "What Makes Christian Fiction Christian?" I think I wrote a blog here on Seekerville a couple of years ago about that.

    For me, I'm not particularly fond of the dichotomy between Christian and secular fiction. That forces the CBA to be the gatekeeper to what is or is not "Christian" fiction and what gets published as such.

    I taught a class on this at Baylor University last winter. We, as a class, decided for us what constituted Christian fiction. Our class decided that criteria would be that it be written from a biblical worldview and God's redemption flows throughout the book. Then we read a couple of classics to determine whether or not they were "Christian." We looked at The Scarlet Letter and To Kill A Mockingbird.

    Let me ask you all. You are familiar with these two great novels. What say you - using our guidelines? Then I'll tell you what our class decided.

    Uh-oh. Got on my teacher's soap box. But this might be fun to look at. What do you think?

    The cinnamon crunch bagel was wonderful! :)

  46. What a great question for your class.

    I would classify them both as "Christian fiction" based on your guidelines -

    - and the kind of fiction I would love to write.

    Something worth striving for :)

  47. I love your name! And these books look wonderful! Can't wait to order request these for our library.

    Keep up the awesome job. :)

  48. a wonderful posting...thanks for the chance to read 'trapped.'

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  49. "I procured an agent and a four-book contract with a major publisher."

    Well, that sounds easy! ;-)

    Your story sounds just like what I tell my husband and father-in-law about writing fiction (especially my father-in-law, the devoted reader of 18th and 19th century Bible commentaries who turns up his nose at the novels I read, and hope to write someday, but I love him anyway).

    MELISSA JAGEARS! You did write "a good enough story." And I'm anxiously awaiting the rest of them.

  50. Thank you for sharing your story!!!!

    And I love how you embarked on your journey too. Love how the Lord works!

    Please enter me ~ may at maythek9spy dot com

  51. Hi Golden:

    I just know I would love to take your class at Baylor. I am very interested in this topic. You can tell this by your last visit here and by all my comments back then.

    Now we have a new question.

    It is hard to say just what the definition of Christian fiction would be if defined as ”from a biblical worldview and God's redemption flows throughout the book”.

    God created the world, the Jews were the chosen people, original sin condemned man into sinners. Moral guidance came from the ten commandments. Then Christ brought the new law as demonstrated by His life, the sermon on the Mount, and the Beatitudes. Jesus redeemed man by his death and man is saved by grace. The world will end one day.

    I think from this biblical world view, if it includes the new testament, then “To Kill a Mockingbird” is Christian Fiction in that it has elements of the Beatitudes and it shows Atticus acting in a way Jesus might have acted Himself.

    However, I think “The Scarlet Letter” is un-Christian. Yes, there is the message: if you sin, you will be punished. But it is man punishing man. If the evil doers could have gotten away without being punished, they would have done it. Even after years, if Hester could have run off to England with her old lover, she would have done it. Who in the story is acting like Christ? I really think the story is intended to make Christians look bad.

    Nathaniel Hawthorne had a decedent who served on Salem Witch trials.

    Also, consider Hawthorne’s "Young Goodman Brown." If this were a Love Inspirited novel, at the end of the story the reader would discover that every wonderful Christian member of the church, actually goes out into the woods at night and worships the devil.

    No on Hawthorne!
    Yes on Lee!



  52. Correction: Hawthorne was a decedent of a judge on the Salem Witch trials. He was born many years after the trails. Vince

  53. Your view certainly gives food for thought, Vince.

    Actually we as a class decided the opposite. To Kill A Mockingbird certainly purports a moral viewpoint, but not one that reveals God's redemption. It is based upon man's ability to do and be good. The Scarlet Letter, although most assuredly dealing with an ugly side of Christianity, is written from a biblical worldview, that God created and controls the world, and puts forth God's redemption as the answer.

    Interesting to explore, but no definitive answers. Perhaps that's why this is such a difficult question to answer. Thanks for your input.

  54. Welcome Golden! I thoroughly enjoyed your post today and reading about your writing journey. How wonderful that your books are touching so many lives (especially those unbelievers). ~ I'm later joining in today, but did bring one of my Georgia Peach cobblers--straight from the oven. Enjoy! ~ Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo

  55. Good thoughts! I love that you used your family history, Golden. I love history as well as writing and have seen so many amazing stories that ought to be told. Thanks for doing it!

  56. Hi Golden,
    I read your post with particular interest because I'm a non-fiction writer, too, and I find it hard to transition between the two. I say that my non-fiction voice bleeds into my fiction. It's a challenge and your path gives me renewed hope!

  57. I really enjoy your post, Golden, and all the comments. It is wonderful to hear how Christian fiction is impacting others.

  58. It's quite amazing when a story touches you in a profound way.

  59. Thanks so much to all of you for taking time to comment. It's encouraging to hear that many of you have traveled a similar journey. May souls be added to the Kingdom and God receive the glory from our efforts!

  60. What a wonderful post, Golden! Thank you so much for sharing! It truly touched my heart and gave me inspiration to keep on writing! Blessings and best wishes, Sheila

    please enter me in your giveaway! shiggy0566 at aol dot com

  61. I love your examples of non-believers reading your books, how wonderful!

    Please enter me in your giveaway.

  62. I'm going to start Lose It again on Monday. OH HOW PAINFUL this will be to start with my new weight.

    Thanks for thinking of me, Golden!

  63. I find Christian fiction so encouraging; there's many times I'll think of a character's response to a situation and it reminds me to do the right thing; shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com
