Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekend Edition

Brrrrr!  It's cold out there. So settle in for a nice cozy Weekend Edition!

We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner at 

(And good news from Tina! Last week I drove out of my neighborhood for the first time. I have a Garmin and know how to use it. Next stop-post office.)

On Monday Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe brought  you Seekerville Jeopardy , "Popular Publishing Culture for Fifty Points." The five Amazon gift card winners (who shared their scores ) are: Melissa Jagears, Erynn, Chaplain Debbie, Karen Schravemade, and Donna (in blue).   And our surprise package winner is POL.

 Love Inspired author Missy Tippens was your hostess today, bringing "Why Not Me?" vs "It Could've/Should've Been Me!" Winner of A House Full of Hope is Sherida Stewart.

Love Inspired debut author  Georgiana Daniels joined us  Wednesday with "Wait Like a Winner." Winner of her very first book - a January 2013 release - A Daughter's Redemption, is Cindy W.

Thursday's post was  ''Fiction Friends'' with Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James. Winner of A Path Toward Love is CatMom/Patti Jo.

 Golden Keyes Parsons, speaker, teacher, author and head of Matters of the Heart Ministry was our guest on Friday with an eye-opening blog entitled "Just Telling Stories." Winner of their choice of The Shadow of the Sun King or Golden's  latest book, Trapped! The Adulterous Woman is Pat Jeanne Davis.


 Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:Join Pam Hillman as she shares a few tips on thinking outside the box to spread the word about her latest book, Claiming Mariah.

Tuesday: Today we welcome back Harlequin author, Lynne Marshall, who shares "Revisions and the Author." And Lynne is giving away a print or e-book (the winner's choice) of either One for the Road (Single Title) or Courting His Favorite Nurse (Spec. Edition) or Dr. Tall, Dark...and Dangerous? (Medical Romance)

Wednesday:Barbour author Valerie Comer gets down and dirty about newsletters. Learn why they are an important part of an author's platform and just what newsletter providers some of your favorite CBA authors utilize. Book giveaway included.

Thursday:Today, Sandra Leesmith will discuss our role as writers in bringing forth the light of God in her post "Let Your Light Shine." She will be giving away a copy of one of her books.

Friday: It's time for another Contest Update. And you get to meet the February Contest Diva! 

Seeker Sightings

Mary Connealy's Swept Away - 4 Stars in Romantic Times Magazine!

"The first book of Connealy’s new series definitely does not disappoint. We follow Ruthy MacNeil, a self-reliant sweetheart who’s determined to go from victim to hero in her own life. Taking place in 1860s Texas, this novel not only entertains with historically based settings, but with captivating action, suspense and an uplifting love story.

And scroll down the Barbara Vey Book Review post for a great review of Mary Connealy's Over The Edge (Book 3 of the Kincaid Brides).

Julie Lessman on "What Inspires you to write?"  Video.

Sandra Leesmith who writes children's books as Sandy Wardman is happy to announce her new release, Cody the Coyote, the Coyote Who Wanted To Be a Dog. The exciting news is that all of her animal stories are now in iTunes. Look for Hector Wants to Play and Percival the Naughty Prairie Dog.


Debby Guisti  will be blogging on The Craftie Ladies of Romance, Tuesday, Jan 29. Stop by and say hello!

Debby, 2nd from the right, joined with St. Vincent volunteers in the organization’s food pantry to announce her book signing and to thank the volunteers for their outreach to those in need. Last year, the Peachtree City conference helped more than 1,000 people and gave away an estimated 18,000 pounds of non-perishable food and household items.
Debby  will sign her latest novel, The General's Secretary, at Omega Book Center, Peachtree City, GA, on Thursday, January 31, from 4 to 6:30 PM. Proceeds will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Holy Trinity Conference, which provides financial assistance and emergency food to the needy. The book signing is open to the public and includes free refreshments and a drawing for a gift basket. Books can be ordered by phone and will be mailed to the buyer after the signing. For more information, contact Omega Book Center, 100 N. Peachtree Parkway, Peachtree City, at 770-487-3977.

Random News & Information

  My One Word pdf has been updated. If your word isn't there please email us at

 BBC2 to recreate ball worthy of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy (RadioTimes)

 How I Went From Writing 2,000 Words a Day to 10,000 Words a Day (Pretentious Title)

 What Authors Want: Third of Published Authors Interested in Self-Publishing Next Book (dbw)

 How Social Media Could Land You Your Next Job Infographic (Mashable)

Amazon Launches Two Lions and Skyscape YA Imprints (Good E Reader)

Submission Guidelines for Kensington's KTeen (Kensington)

 David C Cook launches digital-first book line (Christian Retailing)

 Libraries: Good Value, Lousy Marketing (PW)

  At Tor/Forge, Melissa Frain, Kristen Sevick, and Whitney Ross have been promoted to editor from associate editor.(PW)

Check out Publishers Weekly, Beyond her Blog, Barbara Vey's new website.

The Twenty Minute Win (Writer Unboxed)

Should Writers "JUST" Write? (Writer Unboxed)

The Importance of Meta Data (Video)(PubRants)

President of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management Jane Dystel: Agents Unwilling to Adapt Won’t Last (dbw)

That's it, but before you go get your hot cocoa, we have a nice surprise to share.

 Friend of Seekerville, Melissa Jagears just got the cover for her debut release (October 2013) from Bethany House Publishing! Congratulations Melissa!

 Have a great week!


  1. I've stayed up to fix the coffee, but now that it's done I'm going to crash again.

    The flu bug that is rampant around here has caught up with me. I can't sleep for coughing, and nothing seems to stop it.

    Nite nite.


  2. Praying, Helen.

    So I guess I better wear a mask when I venture out into the world.

    But I got a flu shot. Did you get a flu sho???

  3. Tina, I've never had a flu shot in my life. Never been sick to speak of--and, of course, HATE SHOTS!

    Yep, you could use a mask.

    Several area schools have shut down for a few days due to so much flu.

  4. Congratulations to Melissa!! That cover is fabulous!!

    Gotta go share it on Twitter... :)


  5. SQUEAL!!! Melissa's cover!!! So exciting. =)

    Tina, if the voice tells you turn right and there's no street there, don't do it!

  6. Yeah, that could be a problem, Nancy.

    And I forgot to holler about Melissa's cover. It is GORGEOUS!!!!

  7. Beautiful, AMAZING Cover! Yippee Melissa!
    Congrats to all the winners. Have a great weekend everybody.

    Get well soon Helen.

  8. Melissa!!!! I love that cover so much!!!! So beautiful and I cannot wait to read this book... and the novella!

    MARY!!!!! Any book with Ruthy in it is sure to be a 4-STAR READ, RIGHT?????? Laughing out loud while I freeze (with the rest o' youse!) in upstate New York!!! Oh my stars, I loved the review in Barbara Vey's column even more.... because it's unsolicited and so honest. What a great ride you're on, my friend! So proud of you!

    Deb Giusti, I love that you're doing this fundraiser again. I stole your idea last spring for a homeless shelter for men and used the proceeds for that. You are such a good example of kindness and leadership to so many. God blesses us with you every day.

    And I'm calling to order books that way instead of through Amazon or hoping to find them at Walmart... Calling and ordering is fun! That way I feel like I'm part of the action and it's CHEAPER than driving to Georgia.


    Hey, lemon pie today, I'm trying something new... It's got a meringue crust and layers of whipped cream.

    That can't be called "BAD", right?

    But you must eat it quickly. Pies like this have no holding time in the fridge.

  9. Helen! Half the folks I know who've caught the flu had flu shots. And they didn't get the "mild" case the news talks about either.

    Bah. Bad flu!!!! Praying for your comfort, our dear friend. Prop your head up to write, honey... You can rest again when you're 1000 words are done.


    NANCY!!!! Thank you for your lovely Seekerville shout out on the ACFW loop!!!! God bless you for chattin' it up!

    Amber, long time, no see! How are you??????? Welcome back!

  10. I get ACFW main list on digest and I happened to catch some comment that made me wonder what I'd missed. Well, if anyone new wanders over... welcome to our happy place!

    We always get the latest news here, news you can use, or that make your coffee spurt out your nose, but what's not to love about that?

    WE's editor, working silently behind the scenes with her coffee cup and undiagnosed case of agoraphobia, keeps us informed. Seekerville doesn't just report the news. It is the news. so there.

  11. Helen. (Your new photo is scaring me btw.) I hope you are sleeping your flu bug away this weekend.

  12. DEB! I will use the agoraphobic silent editor line OFTEN now....

    Bless you for your layman's diagnosis, I think you nailed it!!!!

    She's a true Bronte at heart!

    Laughing (loudly) in upstate New York!!!!

  13. Yay Melissa! What a beautiful cover.

    Tina, I wish they had Garmins the year I moved to Athens, Georgia.
    I braved driving to Atlanta and got lost. It was August and my three year old son was with me. We finally arrived at our destination and had a good time. Then of course I got lost on the way home. Lot of praying occurred on that trip, and I met some good people along the way.

    Enjoy learning your new home.

    Jackie L.

  14. Helen,

    Take care. New research shows elderberry helps you get over the flu faster. You might check with your pharmacist and see if they have any. Did you tell your doctor you can't quit coughing? There are some prescription cough meds that work.
    Take care, and I hope you feel better soon!

    Jackie L.

  15. Good morning, Seekerville! Congrats to our winners! Looks like a great lineup next week.

    Melissa, love your cover!!!

    Helen, so sorry you got the flu. See a doctor if you get worse. A couple people I know had the flu and ended up with pneumonia.


  16. Helen, the new you is unnerving. Grabbing another cup of coffee.


  17. Debra, you may have nailed our WE wonder. I'm snickering.


  18. Melissa, beautiful cover. Congratulations!!!!!

    Tina great WE. I'm off to write 10K.
    Yeah Right!

  19. Congrats to the winners and guess what I am one, won the surprise pkg _Thanks a bunch
    Sorry the flu bug got ya Helen, others need to be careful if is everywhere I am hearing....
    Love the cover of the new book Melissa, I am ready to read it..
    Have a great weekend all
    see ya next week..."Good Lord willin and the Creek don't rise".

    Paula O

  20. Happy Weekend everyone. I'm especially happy because yesterday I finally cleared up all my Internet bugaboos and am now back online. hooray

    Tina, Bless you for finding a cover for Cody the Coyote. I couldn't upload a thing.

    Speaking of covers, MELISSA, love yours. How exciting to get that first cover. Oh my. I know you are happy dancing all over the place.

    Helen, rest dearheart. And all of you. Think HEALTHY. Stay healthy. hmmmm lemon meringue pie is much better than a flu shot. I'm going for that.
    My favorite pie, Ruthy. yum

  21. Praying for Helen to feel better SOON--that flu is super scary this year. ~ Great WE as always Tina, and congrats on venturing out of your neighborhood *smile*. Seriously, if I moved to a different state I would probably stay lost, LOL. ~ Congrats to all the winners and to Melissa J. on the lovely book cover--WOW!~ I am thrilled to win Cara's book--YAY!! Thank you so much! ~ Sharing some Georgia Peach pancakes this morning--hot off the griddle. Hugs, Patti Jo p.s. Love the photo of sweet Debby Giusti helping with the food pantry--great ministry!

  22. Great Cover, Melissa!

    Helen praying for you to feel better. It's taken people I know weeks to get over it, so rest, rest, rest!

    Hmmm....10,000 words a day....don't know that I'll ever make that BUT I will say I can write scenes faster when I have a chapter by chapter outline to follow!

  23. Happy weekend all! Love the WE, and MELISSA, what a gorgeous cover.


  24. Melissa, I LOVE the cover!!! No wonder you were so excited! :)

    Tina, thanks for a great WE!

  25. Helen, I'm so sorry! Get some rest. And call your doctor for some Tamiflu!

  26. "Brrr! It's cold out there!" WHAT? I DEMAND to know who ghost-wrote this post for Tina! It's shortly after 8 a.m. in Arizona and currently sixty degrees where she lives with a high of almost 70 expected for the day! Anyone want to join me in pelting her with snowballs?


    Saying a prayer, HELEN, that you can shake that flu bug quickly.

    Welcome back SANDRA!!

  27. Oh, Melissa, I LIKE your cover! How exciting! Tina, thanks for a great WE, and congratulations to all the winners!! So exciting. I'm really looking forward to Tuesday's post--I need it. :)

    Off and running. I hope to stop by later. :)

  28. Happy weekend, everyone.

    Melissa, I love the cover. So excited for you!

    Helen, Praying you'll heal fast.

    And since I'm a bit of a holistic nut, ya'll need to be taking your vitamin D3. It's the sunshine vitamin and an awesome natural flu fighter. The reason the flu isn't prominent in summer is because people are getting more sunshine and their bodies are making Vitamin D. Winter time...not so much. :-)
    And with that public service announcement, I'll climb off my soapbox now.

    My book signing went well and has lasted a lot longer than just one night since it was held at my work place. ☺ There will even be an article about it in next week's newspaper. I keep thinking about Miranda Lambert's song ♫♪♫Everybody Dies Famous in a Small Town♫♪♫. It's very true.

  29. LOVE your cover, Melissa!!!

    Thanks for all the great info in this WE, Tina!!! You are fabulous and amazing.

  30. Praying that you feel better, Helen!

    Beautiful cover, Melissa! Congrats!

    Thank you for picking me! Looking forward to Missy's book. Congrats to the other winners.

    Thanks for all the delicious treats.

    Good info in the WE, Tina. Watch that Garmin...ours freezes up when we cross state lines!

  31. In fairness, Glynna, you are right. I had a fan on. It was warm and humid last night. Raining.

    BUT, I am an empathetic sort..I keep the weather for five other cities on my iphone,(where family members live) NY 15 degrees, Colorado 30 degrees, North Carolina 27 degrees,Pennysylvania 13 degrees and Maryland 19 degrees). So it was cold everywhere else.

  32. Okay, Clari, how did you get those cute little emoticons and symbols to show up on Blogger??

  33. *GASP!!*

    Look at Sandra's and Melissa's covers!

    And congratulations on the great review, Mary...

    Good WE, Tina. Glad you are sharing your adventuresome spirit! :)

  34. Congratulations on venturing out from your new neighbourhood, Tina. Though why would anyone want to leave an oasis with your very own fruit trees? Soak up some vitamin D for me please. It's a balmy -19 up here and I say balmy because it's been in the -30's all week. Bah!

    I had the flu too, but I had vertigo with it which was kind of fun in a nauseating sort of way. Definitely something a heroine should endure when the hero is close by to help her. :-) My hero was four-legged and pointy-nosed. :-( But it meant I didn't have to go out in the dreaded cold for half the week so that was a blessing.

    Great weekend edition as always -- and LOVED seeing the sneak peek at the new covers.

  35. Hi Clari:

    That’s great news about your book signing. From a marketing POV, usually the most power that can come out of a book signing is in the publicity you can generate before and after the actual event. In Tulsa it is not unusual for only four or five people to come to a book signing. However, if the author plays the media right, there can be 5 to 10 notices of the event in the local papers. These notices have a potential of creating over 1,000,000 reader ‘impressions’. This is why your various press releases should always give your name, book title, and a few words about what kind of book it is. A book signing can get you interviews on TV and radio. Be sure to let the media know you are with a major publisher.

    BTW: How did you do this: ♪ ♫ ♪ ☺ ☻ ?


  36. Yay! Does seeing your cover ever get old? :)

    A bit of fun trivia, the male model on Fired Up, is mine too!

    Tina, I always hate venturing out in a new town, so intimidating...but that's coming from a girl who doesn't even know where half the things are in her new town though she's been her for 7 years. I don't exactly like leaving my house. :)

    And I so want to go to a regency ball, I wish I had the time and fortitude to hold one here at our local mansion.

  37. HI HELEN:

    I’ve had flu shots every year since 1971 and did not get the flu until this year. This strain of flu was not covered in the flu shot everyone was given. My doctor ordered TAMIFLU® (probably the ultimate pill) and it killed the temperature and muscle pains within 24 hours. But it cost $95 with insurance. I don’t know what it cost without insurance. And I’m not sure I would have bought it if my wife had not picked it up for me.

    TAMIFLU® did nothing for my cough. I have been fighting a cough since just before Christmas. Oddly, my mil said I should use Creomulsion cough medicine which she used to give her kids. It tried it since everything else was not working for me and the recommended dosage stopped my coughing for about two to three hours at a time. This ended the biggest of my coughing problems. Right now I control coughing by always having water nearby. It did take me three bottles of Creomulsion to quell the bad coughing so I still keep a new bottle handy.

    I hope this helps. I know how ‘not fun’ it is to be sick with this strain of flu.


  38. Hi Tina:

    Watch out for Garmin. My wife and I call her Garmina. We love her and have taken her all over the country. However, she will lie at times. This happens mostly where there are two major highway intersections too close together. (Fortunately there are not too many places where this happens.) It also happens when you need to make a turn just ahead and there are two roads just ahead which are very close to each other. In this case, you often don’t know which road is the correct one. (How easy is it to see a little sign that says, County Road 1132 -- that's not even there most of the time?)

    Garmina may tell you to turn now but really it could be the second right you need to turn at. Garmina has told us to turn into one way streets the wrong way! Twice it has missed major intersections without telling us a word.

    So with Garmina it’s important to trust but verify. What Garmina needs is the ability to say, “I’m not too sure about his but it seems like you should be turning at the next left. Just be careful and remember, I could be wrong.”


    P.S. We’ve been invited to Sedona this summer by some of my wife’s relatives I didn’t even know lived there. (Well, they lived in Denver all their lives and only moved after they retired.)

  39. Helen, I'm so sorry you're sick. It is just EVERYWHERE!!!

  40. What a fantastic cover, Melissa. I could just look at that cover all day!!!
    (except I'd need to stop so I could open it and read it)

    Is this the book I read?

    If so, it's such a fun read. You will all LOVE IT!!!!!

  41. Debby does the best booksignings. She is so generous and faithful and wise.

    I can only feel SHAME for my own self. Thanks a lot, Deb!

  42. Ruthy I couldn't help making her a lot like you. It was uncontrollable.

    She tends to ........

    well, I won't say it

  43. You know, speaking of Garmin...I asked directions to some venue to which I am supposed to go.

    And when they responded, instead of sending an address, which I would have plugged into Mapquest or my Garmin, they sent (wait for it..........) DIRECTIONS. But no address.

    I don't know how to deal with it.

    I have to reverse engineer the directions on Google maps or something.

    The world is changing much faster than we are.


    in an unrelated question....Julie? How long did you say it's been since you had the flu???

  45. Melissa, you are free to obsess over that cover until you tire of it.
    And little birdies say this is the first of a contracted three. WOOOO HOOOO!

    if it's not true. Blame me for blabbing but WOOOO HOOO for you!

    I have frozen water pipes. Looking for sympathy. I can flush my toilet but I can't do dishes. I'm down to my last skillet.

    this new heat wave (it's almost 20) and running heaters everywhere in my house should do the trick. meanwhile I'm getting a lot of editing done...

  46. Melissa's new cover is wonderful! Congrats, Melissa. And congrats, to Mary as well, for those great reviews, and to Sandra for both her new children's book and getting her stories in iTunes. Lots of awesome accomplishments to celebrate this week. Oh, and a shoutout to all last week's winners, too! WooHoo!!! :)

    Sorry you're not feeling good, Helen. I hope you can shake that bug soon. Enjoy some nice warm chicken soup and lay low. (And consider a flue shot next year... they really aren't bad, and sure do beat facing all that misery.)

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm off now to check out Ruthie's lemon pie. Meringue on the bottom, Ruthie???

  47. Oh, Debra, frozen pipes. Oh, I hate that.

  48. WOW, VINCE! Sedona is within spittin distance of me 'n' Tina!

    SANDRA -- Your little kid books are so adorable!!

    Oh, dear, DEBRA! Frozen pipes! :(

    It's raining here today. YAY! Much needed moisture, but nothing to shovel (although I understand that may be changing in 24-26 hours).

  49. Ruthy,

    Thanks for the S/O - I'm sorry it's been such a long time since I've commented!! I've been around the blogosphere, but I guess I've been a bit of lurker here at Seekerville. ;)

    I'm doing well! Working on getting my freelance editing business off the ground... Gotta polish up the website and all that! :)


  50. They did good by you, Melissa. That cover is great!

    I hope you feel better soon, Helen! Make them give you cough syrup with codeine.

    Sandra, congrats on the success of your kids books! ITunes!

    Four stars, Mary!!

  51. Vince, you bragger!!!! How did you do those, you and Clari... I'm marching straight over to e-mail and ASKING HER... You big tease.

    Yes, a current flu strain is not the one covered under the current shot, so you may get it anyway. Bummer. Vince, can they still get codeine cough syrup in Canada... KAV???? Can you send Vince some contraband, please????

    Thank you.

    (I'm sure that's all quite legal as long as it's not a LITHIUM BATTERY."


    Okay, so I had the greatest talk ever with Jeanne T today, I love her THIS MUCH.... and I think that's the trick to having fun with this crazy biz is TALKING.

    And no, she barely got a word in edgewise, poor baby.

    See, Donna mentioned the cough syrup with codeine, too!!! Great druggy minds think alike!!!

  52. Vince, looks like you've figured it out. ☺

    For everybody else that doesn't know yet, they're just keyboard shortcuts.

    Hold down the Alt key while using the numbers on your number pad. (I haven't been able to make them work with the regular number keys above the letter keys.)

    Alt plus 1 = ☺
    Alt plus 2 = ☻
    Alt plus 3 = ♥
    Alt plus 4 = ♦
    Alt plus 5 = ♣
    Alt plus 6 = ♠
    Alt plus 13 = ♪
    Alt plus 14 = ♫
    Alt plus 15 = ☼

    Have fun playing holding down the Alt key while typing in different numbers for all kinds of interesting symbols. ☻

  53. Congrats to all other winners last week. I'm happy to get a copy of Golden's novel In The Shadow of the Sun King.
    Helen: So sorry to hear you're not well.
    Melissa: The cover for your novel is lovely. Congratulations. These are very exciting times for you.
    Clari: Good to know your first of many book signing went well. That's so exciting. Vince gave some great advice on publicity. Thank you, Vince.
    Thanks for all the news, Tina. So BBC2 is going all out in 2013 with a grand ball to recognize the 200th year since Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen fans everywhere must be excited.
    Wonderful weekend to all. Keep safe and warm.

  54. Clari, you're so smart. You and Vince graduated from the same blog school.

  55. You're a busy gal, Amber. Another Seeker friend just started an editing business as well...Helen W from Australia!!

  56. Gorgeous cover, Melissa - and GREAT WE, Tina! Can't wait for the posts next week :)

  57. I think we have a new sidekick pairing for Thirsday, Tina and Garmin.

  58. Ha,Walt. I go nowhere without my pal, Garmin. My moral and directional compass.

  59. Yes, Mary, it's the cover for the book you read. I think it fits the story wonderfully.

  60. Debra, it is the first of three (and there's even a freebie novella in the series!)

    So sorry about your pipes, it's been so mild the last few years of winter here that I've not even had to let my pipes drip, and as much as I like mild winter, I'm not sure years of it in a row is a very good thing at all. :(

  61. Hi Clari:

    I figured it out but I went four years without even knowing it was possible. I had to see it done to wake up to the posibility! Wonderful! I hope you keep surprising us with new opportunities.


    BTW: you have to use the Num Keys because the other keys, at the top of the letter row, require you to hold down the Shift key and that sends two codes to the computer and that double code makes no sense to the computer.

  62. Hi Tina;

    Big question:

    Do you use the male voice on your Garmin?

    Will anyone else answer this? Could this be used in a romance? He has a female and she a male. Garmia and Garmino.


  63. No, I use the female voice. Ever tried the British voice or the Aussie voice. Those are fun!!

  64. My Garmin's name is Jane and she is English. But we go for months without speaking. Even when she's wrong, she's more right that I am.

  65. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    Pride and Prejudice

    First Released on
    28 January 1813
    in Three Volumes

    Big Regency Ball Tomorrow Night! The Season’s First Coming Out Party for all Debutant Authors! All the ton will be there!

  66. MELISSA -- LOVE the cover, and soooo appropriate!!! I had the privilege of reading Melissa's book and you people are gonna LOVE it!!!

    LOL, VINCE ... only you would ask the male/female question about a Garmin. I swear, I gotta feeling you are going to write some of the best romance around, the way your brain tracks!!

    TINA ... I have a girlfriend who actually doesn't like her husband using the female voice on his Garmin because she jokes she's jealous of it, but I suspect she's not joking at all ... :)

    MARY ... I assume I am the "Julie" you asked your question of when the last time I had flu was? If so, I cannot even remember when the last time I had the flu -- it's been years and years, and no, I don't get a flu shot because the last time I did (in my 40s, maybe?), I got the flu that year. But not since. Amy has been sick something awful with it and STILL has an terrible cough six weeks down the road. We've babysat a ton of times for our granddaughter, who also has a perpetual cold, and she sneezed right in Keith's face, but neither of us got anything, praise God. UNTIL this morning ... when Keith woke up with what appears to be flu symptoms. We've been babysitting for Little Girl all weekend and constantly wiping everything down with sanitizer, but now it begins ... :(

    Great WE, Teenster, as usual!!



  67. weird
    I had no idea I could do that!!!

    ♂ ◙ ○ ◘ • ♠ ♣ ♦ ♥ ☻ ☺ ☼ ► ◄ ↕ ‼ ¶ § ▬ ↨ ↑ ↓ → ← ∟ ↔ ▲ ▼ ! " # $ % & '
    ( I went up to alt plus 40!!!

  68. )*+,-./012<FPZd╚╥╙╘▄µ≡±⌡÷≈°∙·√ⁿ²■ 
    ☺ ☻♥♦
    I'm typing alt 259 now looking for a frowny face to go with sympathy for Julie's sneezy baby news and Keith's impending illness.

    God bless you all who struggle with this years cold and flu.

  69. ☺☻♫▬▬♥☻☻▬▬!!♥B♠♣♣7++│││◘XxxXXx◘◘╕╕╕88
    Oh, that's interesting. If you tap a number numerous times, it does DIFFERENT things.... Like the black face becomes a hard line.... and the spade becomes a plus sign.

    We could write in CODE and people would find us very mysterious.

    This is so much fun!

  70. My garmin's name is "Debbie"... It stands for Disembodied Enabled Bratty Bossy Irritating Entity" and my young friend Casey and I named her on our way to NYC last spring... Lawyer boy and I gave Casey her first glimpse of the Big Apple in a six hour tour...

    I gotta tell you, if you have a smart tour guide along, you can see a lot in six hours!

    I don't know how to do the British voice... I could see "Debbie" being a Brit!

  71. Clari and Vince, I think it's obvious you've created a couple of Seekerville monsters.

  72. EXCUSE ME? CREATED? I like to think I've always been a little monstrous.

    There have been independent reports from others, beyond my own observations.

  73. ♥♥♥♥♥
    I love key-board shortcut monsters!
    Between Vince, Mary, and Ruthy, I think they're capable of taking over the world.

    Wait, maybe they already have.

    Here's a symbol I like having available: Alt + 167 = º (The degree sign. Which comes in very handing when writing temperatures.)

    Click here to see...
    The list of Special Alt Characters

    This also explains how to make the special characters on a laptop that has no separate number keypad.

  74. Hi Tina:

    You wrote: “Clari and Vince, I think it's obvious you've created a couple of Seekerville monsters.”

    Don’t worry. Kids with new toys. After two days things will be back to normal. Do you remember when ‘you know who’ discovered how to do bold type? That lasted about two days. : )

    Update about the P&P Ball, which takes place after Seekerville closes Monday night. As I understand it Melissa is bringing her famous Cheese Grits. Not exactly Regency de reueur but served with a little on dit – what could be sweeter? Well, sweeter would be having Keira Knightley attened but she’s not sure she can make it. Be sure to bring your favorite P&P story or quote. And there will be no gambling allowed!

  75. and that Mary C's cover model is the same as Melissa J's and Mary C did a cover blurb for Melissa J...

    My mind is melting.

    Anyway, I use the Alt characters when I type in Polish because they have diacritics we don't... such as Wesołych Świąt! or wszystkiego dobrego na święta i cały przyszły rok!

    Because if you take a few of those diacritics off, you get a vastly different message. :P Sort of naughty.

    Like the Spanish ano and año .

  76. And happy Pride and Prejudice Bicentenary everybody!!!!!

    My PandP book is just a few under Jannice Hannah Thompson's 'Fools Rush In' on the Kindle free list for Christian Romance.

    That made me tear up, I was so happy!

  77. Correction.

    I read my notes wrong. It’s Virginia and not Melissa who’s known for Cheese Grits. Sorry. I’ve been plotting for two days straight on Excel charts and my mind’s fried. It’s enough to make a pantser out of someone. ☺


  78. Mercy, Vince.

    I tried Excel. I think it's actually a torture device designed to make normal people feel like idiots.

  79. I can't wait to use the degree sign in the Cafe!!!!

    OH, SWEET!!! Clari, I love you!!!!

    And, um, VINCE....

    I've been emboldened, sir!!!! :)

    Vince, do you understand what this means????? WORLD DOMINATION CAN BE OURS!!!! :)

    I have my proposal done, food made, 3 Yankee Belle blogs done because this is a crazy week coming up, and I'm jumping into an old book to tweak it.....

    All books for 2012 are IN and DONE....

    I'm happy dancing while dabbling in uncharted Ruthy waters!!!

  80. A ball for the P&P anniversary???

    VINCE!!! Will you waltz with me?

    Or polka... :)

    I've got my dancin' clogs on!

  81. Hi Ruth:

    I’d love to waltz with you but I think Jane Austen would be scandalized. While the minuet was passé at that time, the waltz was not yet considered proper.

    We could do an English country dance, a Boulanger or Cotillion. If we are into doing 360°’s, we could pull out all the stops and do the polka or my speciality: square dancing. (But remember: back then the dances were 20 to 30 minutes long each. I'm getting a little old for that.)

    I have a diploma in the fifty basic square dance steps which makes my wife smile every times she sees it. "I’m the least square-dancing person she knows" , she says. She never saw me dance. (And she doesn’t know I tried to become a caller to make extra money in college.)

    I like your One Word, GLADDEN It tends to gladden other people as well. That's like playing it forward.


  82. Vince, your knowledge always amazes me. Knowing you is like having my own personal pocket-sized encyclopedia... I like you way more than WIKI-ANYTHING!!!!!

    Okay, I can't say I'm up for a 30 minute dance, either, not without some punch or something.... I bet you were a great square dancer. And LInda would look awesome in those pretty skirts!

    ☺☻☺☻ ☺☻☺☻ ☺☻
    ☻☺☻☺ ☻☺☻☺ ☻☺

    LOOK!!! We can line dance!!!

  83. Clari, you get a crown for sending that link along.

    A chocolate one.

  84. ☺☻☺☻ ☺☻☺☻ ☺☻
    ☻☺☻☺ ☻☺☻☺ ☻☺

    I like mine a little cozier. Mmmm, snuggly.

  85. A chocolate crown?!
    ♪♫♪Heaven, I'm in Heaven...♫♪♫

  86. ooooo, Melissa!

    what an awesome book cover!!!!!
