Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year From Seekerville

Happy New Year!
Thank you for making our 
'Round the Clock New Year's Eve Party a success. 
Have a great holiday, and we'll see you on Wednesday.

Here's the Winner List.
 and allow 6-8 weeks before you gently nudge us. 

 12 midnight EST From Mary Connealy-$20.13 Amazon gift card-winner -Carol Moncado

 1 am EST From Tina Radcliffe-Alicia Rasley's The Character Interviews-winner=Julie Hilton Steele

 2 am  From Captain Jack-$10.00 Amazon gift card-winner-Jenny Blake.

 3 am EST From Tina Radcliffe-The Plot Thickens-winner-Walt Mussell.

 4 am EST  From Ruth Logan Herne-$20.00 B & N gift card winner-Piper.

 5 am EST From Ruth Logan Herne-$20.00 B & N gift card winner-Virginia Munoz.

 6 am  EST From Glynna Kaye-two $10.00 B & N gift cards -three winners-Melissa Jagears, Julie Hilton Steele and Debra Marvin.

7 am EST From Sandra Leesmith-two winners-10 page critique or Seeker BOC- KAV--Price of Victory or Current of Love ebook-Paula.

8 am EST From Janet Dean-$20.00 Amazon gift card & IOU for The Bride Wore Spurs-winner is Helen Gray.

9 am EST From Melanie Dickerson-Paperback copy of The Fairest Beauty-winner is Wendy Newcomb.

10 am EST From Christian Rich -cross necklace winner-Clari Dees scarf winner-Christina Lasswell 1st chapter critique winners Jeanne T and Annie Rains.

11 am EST From Erica Vetsch- Sagebrush Knight-winner-Natalie Monk

12 noon EST From Pam Hillman-Claiming Mariah for Nook or Kingle-two winners-Vince Mooney and Christina Rich.

1 pm EST From May the K9 Spy-May the K9 Spy-May on the Way: How I Become a K9 Spy and May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris-winner is Pepper Basham.

 2 pm EST From Kathy Harris & Krista Phillips- $25 Amazon or Starbucks giftcard and copy of The Road to Mercy & Sandwiched: With a Sid of Romance-winner is Cindy W.

3 pm EST From Hallee Bridgeman-The Jewel Trilogy-winner Clari Dees.

4 pm EST From Angela Breidenbach-Creative Cooking for Simple Elegance or Creative Cooking for Colitis-winner Jasmine.

5 pm EST From Julie Lessman- A Love Surrendered or A Light In the Window or the Well--winners are Virginia from Texas and Marianne.

6 pm EST From Rose Ross Zediker- one copy of Lily of the Field, Job's Tear's and Rose of Sharon-winner is Jennifer Thompson.

7 pm EST From  Ann Lee Miller ecopy of Avra's God to winner-Ganise.

8 pm EST From Audra Harders ecopy of BOC Seekers books -winner is Jamie Adams

9 pm EST From Cara Lynn James- Heartsong Presents Mysteries-winner Lyndee Henderson

#2013 Commenter Ganise receives a surprise book package from Sandra Leesmith.

10 pm EST From Tina Radcliffe- My One Word eBook-winner is Mary Curry and an IOU of Mending the Doctor's Heart-winner-Linda  Bodenschatz and The Crime Writer's Reference Guide-winner is Jackie Layton

11 pm EST From Virginia Munoz-Season of Joy-winner Annie Rains.

12 MIDNIGHT EST !! From Mary Connealy-$20.13 Amazon gift card-Susan Mason.

12 MIDNIGHT CST !! From Missy Tippens-an IOU for Georgia Sweethearts-winner Mary Vee.

12 MIDNIGHT MST!! From Captain Jack Sparrow-an empty jug and a $10.00 Amazon gift card to winner  HELEN W.

12 MIDNIGHT PST. From Debby Giusti-The General's Daughter-winner Kara

Don't forget to download our Seekerville New Year's Eve Cookbook for all the recipes features during our party!!

Happy New Year!


  1. This had to be the best virtual party known to mankind.... I can't believe how amazingly fun it was.



    I'm just grinning ear-to-ear at how much fun it was to pop into the party room and see so many friends hangin' out, chattin' it up.

    You bless us.

    Every day.

    Happy New Year!

    And I saw that Jenny was guarding the door, but I had a key... so Jenny, thanks for the security but feel free to help yourself to the leftovers.

    And I brought a fresh bowl of Connealy Crunch because I'm pretending it's BREAKFAST CEREAL.

    Hey, on New Year's I get to stretch the truth. A bit.


  2. What a great time. I am thrilled to be one of the winners but even more thrilled to find Annie R. is practically in my neighborhood. ;-)

    Special thanks to Tina who managed to keep the whole thing going and tallied. The woman is probably sleeping the first day of the new year away.

    Blessed new year to all. May our ONE WORD keep us focused, our friends at Seekerville keep us informed and enthused, and the new year bring us surprises of the very best kind.

    Peace, Julie

  3. Happy New Years!

    I just checked out the winner list and realized I won again at 11 p.m.! How did that happen? I was fast asleep and hadn't commented for that hour. But, yay!

    Congrats to all the winners, and I agree Julie, the best part was meeting the wonderful people of the Seekerville community. I have a new friend in Raleigh and some new Gluten Free recipes to try out for my husband :)

  4. That settles it.

    I'm moving to NC!


    Annie, once you were in for the day, you were in. Didn't matter what hour it was.

    We're equal opportunity givers of fun and rewards!



    What a fun, awesome, laughing day!

  5. Tina IS amazing.

    Moving to NC? Come on. It's a wonderful place to be. Lots of beaches, lots of moody weather (my favorite). Oh, and Julie Hilton Steele and I are both here :)

  6. Happy New Year!

    For all you romantics, my niece got engaged last night. She's in college and her boyfriend showed up in Louisville from Mississippi and popped the question. (BTW-he talked to her parents first.)

    Hope you all have a great day!

    Jackie L.

  7. Hugs and standing ovation to -


    That was a great party and you soldiered us through it without a glitch! Thank for all you do!

    Happy New Year, Seekerville!

  8. You all were partying hard yesterday. *grin*
    Thank you to the winners and contributors!
    Happy New Years!!

  9. Happy New Year! I am impressed at how many comments ya'll ended up with ...2846! I'm sorry I had to leave the party early but I thank you all for the awesome party and my win! Yay!

    Have a blessed day today and throughout the coming year!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  10. This was such a blast. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of it. Happy New year!

  11. Thank you, Tina, for making this party happen!!!

  12. Wow, Jackie. Congrats to your niece!


    Thank you for hosting such a fun-filled party.

    Congratulations to all the winners.

  14. Tina-our heroic Seeker!
    Thank you!

    Happy New Year again, everyone!

    Thanks also to all of the participants and contributors.


  15. Wow, what a party! Thanks Seekerville for throwing it! It was fun to get to know people a bit better and be a part and see the conversations going on. :)

    TINA--thank you for ALL you did to keep it moving.

    Happy New Year everyone!

  16. That was one amazing party!!!!! I'm extremely proud of myself for staying awake until midnight EST even though I know there were Seekers out west who woke up before the crack of dawn (waaaay before) to keep the party going!

    Simba let me sleep in until 6:14 -- then he started caterwauling like a set of rusty bagpipes so we went for a walk. I spoofed him though, cause I just threw my coat and snow pants oveer my jammies and then crawled back into bed to read for a 'bit'. It was Clari's book though and I couldn't put it down until I finished it.

    And -- New Year miracle!!!! The little amazon gnomes delivered Claiming Mariah to my laptop while I slept. Now I'm trying to stay away from it until I get a few things done around here, which is hard because I read the first two pages!

  17. A New Year is here, May it be a Happy Healthy one for ALL~Congrats to all the winners~loved the big bash and seeing so many happy smiling faces in the group..
    Have a great day now,bet there is lot of snoozing going on....

    Paula O

  18. Man! Seekerville knows how to throw a party! Thank you, all, for such a warm, wonderful time to spend chatting it up with other like-minded folks.

    And a HUMONGOUS Thank You to Tina who kept everything moving along so smoothly. You rawk, Super Woman!

    Kav, your comment started my day with a big smile. Thank you!

  19. Congrats to ALL the winners!!!

    Way to go to Tina and other seekers for staying up so much and keeping the fun going :)

    Happy 2013 to ALL of seekerville and seekerville friends!!

    Thanks for a GREAT party, LOTS of prizes, and for allowing us to celebrate with you the new year in every time zone!!

    Big time blessings to you seekers, no one parties like you and it was a blast :)

    Looking forward to sharing more great times in 2013 with all of you!! *hugs*

  20. I'm thinking there's another ONE WORD we can all agree on for the year past and the (hopefully) many ahead:



    Thanks to all the Seekers and Seeker Villagers for a wonderful year, a fantabulous party and the promise of more to come!

    And special thanks to hostess extraordinaire, TINA!

    Wishing all the most blessed and happy of new years.

  21. Wow...how do you all manage to find time to write and visit Seekerville (not to mention write for it AND comment so much!) and play on FB (and possibly Pinterest--which I know Julie does, LOL)????

    I didn't get to get on here at all yesterday (family circumstances don't allow it, although it's my laptop and no one else uses it--it's just tough with son, d-i-law and 17mo grandson living here to find time for meself... Why do I feel so much guilt for doing something I want to do??? Rhetorical question...), so maybe next year (actually, THIS year!).

    My ONE WORD is going to be perseverance/persevere because it's something I am not good at. (No surprise, I guess, that I have chosen a very time-consuming hobby/sometimes-job of genealogy research: unless I can trace someone back to Noah and his sons, it's a never-ending job!)

    Have a blessed 2013, everyone!




    Oh, is it over? I was still waving my arms in the air.

    *slinks away*

  23. You know it was a good party when the guests won't go home.

    The next morning they're STILL HANGING AROUND. Looking for goodies. Reveling in their gifts.

    Chatting and picking at the left overs.

  24. I wondered where I won that gift card!!!!

    It just popped up in my inbox last night!

    Thanks, Mary!!!!

    And thanks to everyone for So. Much. Fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Off to Amazon to order my bookcase... :D

  25. thanks that was so much fun!!!!!!!! good way to spend New Year's Eve.......LOVED IT!!!!!!

  26. BTW my Outlook-ie Seeker mailbox is not letting me send emails. I am receiving them however.

    Soon as my tech guy fixes it I will return all the incoming queries.

  27. Hi Melanie.

    Well I say no to a lot of other things in life at this point, so my writing world is high up there on the ranking.

    Most of us have full time jobs too. So it's about sucking every last minute out of our every last minute. LOL.

  28. I think I've decided to have my word be focused for the new year (and balanced) :)
    I won a book, all right!! Thanks Debbie and seekerville, looking forward to reading it :)

  29. It was the best virtual party. EVER! It was a lot of fun! Thank you, SEEKERVILLE!


    Thank you, TINA!!!!! Hope you're sleeping.

  30. Oh Ruthy I did enjoy the chocolate.
    I had a great time and even finished book one for the year.

    just bought Pams book.

    Now to go for a walk to get off all that food. slept in today. when i finally got sleep.

    thanks for the great time. thanks to jack for the voucher. do we send our addy?

  31. Wow, what an amazing party we had in Seekerville!!! Happy New Year this first day of 2013!!! Wishing you all countless blessings in the year ahead!

    Hugs, Janet

  32. What a fun new year's eve! Thank you all for taking part!

    And happy 2013!!

  33. Congrats to the winners! I had a great time yesterday. :)

  34. Such a great party!!!

    Thank you, Tina, for pulling everything together and for being the hostess with the mostest!!!

    Absolutely fantastic!

    And so much fun.

    Happy New Year to all!!! I know the year ahead will be filled with many blessings...hopefully we'll have many books sold too!!! YAY!!!

    Who will be the first to sell in the New Year? Hmmmmm?

    Kara, submit your snail mail addy and I'll get THE GENERAL'S SECRETARY heading your way.

    Rainy in GA today. Family has gone home. Quiet night...maybe I'll have time to read a Seeker book!

    Hugs and love!

  35. Jeanne T and Annie Rains, if you want to send me your 1st chapters you can do so at christinainspirationals at gmail dot com

    Clari and Christina if you send me your snail mail to the same addy I'll get your stuff in the mail.


  36. Jackie, what a cool story!!! Congrats to the happy couple...



    (I'm saying this as someone close to me is stretched out on the couch, watching WI and Stanford in the Rose Bowl... But he did the dishes so I could work therefore he can chill-lax now.)

  37. Melanie Pike!!! I love it when you get over here, sweet thing!!!!

    So you've spied Julie on pinterest, hmmm?????

    I avoid that one because I'd get hooked.

    But I love seeing you on facebook my friend! At least there I can bop in and out and say a quick "hi"...

    But cute ideas for whatever???? Oh, I'd be hooked. I did find some great vintage shots on pinterest that I needed for research, so it's cool what they have. What a terrible sentence that is!

  38. CONGRATS to all the winners, and again...HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the wonderful SEEKERS and SEEKERVILLAGERS!!!
    Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  39. congrads to all the winners!

  40. Oh what a great party that was here in Seekerville! Lots of great fellowship and lots of good laughs. Some delish looking recipes too!

    And I'm a winner! Thank you so much! That happened right after I left to go snuggle in with my son and my hubby. Super!

    Hope everyone has a productive and blessed New Year!
