Monday, January 28, 2013

Thinking Outside the Box...and THEN Some!

Claiming Mariah released January 1st, so promotion is first and foremost in my thoughts. I started thinking outside the box months ago and will share with you some of what’s working.

Blog Tour: First, I started planning a blog tour back in November and ended up on tour with over 50 bloggers January through March. No, blog tours are not new, but I’m adding a slight twist to my tour.

Instead of giving away something at each stop (although I am doing some of that), I’m giving away weekly prices on my author events page on facebook, with a grandprize of a Kindle or Nook, winner’s choice at the end of the tour in March. The tour’s purpose is to spread the word about Claiming Mariah. But let’s face it, facebook author pages are a hot topic these days. No, I don’t want to put all my eggs on my facebook author page, but I do need to grow it, so I decided to use the blog tour to point people to my book and my author page at the same time. 

If you click on AUTHOR EVENTS, you will see PAST and UPCOMING in the top left-hand corner. Take a moment to look at the PAST EVENTS and the UPCOMING EVENTS. You can switch back and forth between them. This gives you an idea of how to use the EVENTS page to your advantage. Look at this week’s prize, but make sure you come back here…there’s more to my madness… lol

MS Made Mango Butter
and Goat's Milk Soap -
Giveaway sponsored by
Magnolias & Sassafras,Philadelphia, MS
Did you notice this week’s prize is SPONSORED by a local business? Yes, that is correct! I have several businesses sponsoring giveaways in the coming weeks. Think outside the box….

My web page and my CalicoTrails Blog are getting into the act. Calico Trails alerts readers that I’m on tour, and lists all the stops, encouraging people to find me on any given day. My web page has a list of the stops just in case someone stops by there. The permalinks are updated about once a week.

One of the coolest things I did was an Impromptu Online Launch Party on my profile page to drive people to my fan page. Yes, this was very, very impromptu. I was playing with the Events page, and modeled this launch after one I had been invited to. My launch party lasted about a week, and was the most fun I’ve ever had. It is very important to interact at these events! Ideally, this would be better posted on the author fan page, but at the time I only had a handful of fans on my page. Think outside the box….

Who to Invite: I did invite all my friends to the impromptu online launch party, but I am not inviting everyone to the weekly giveaways. That would get old quickly. There is a fine line between being courteous and obnoxious on facebook. Hopefully those who really want to know more will like my fan page (hint, hint) and can be kept in the loop about my books, my giveaways, and my latest news. So, I recommend using the Invite feature sparingly.

Less you think my entire PR campaign is focused on facebook, it’s not. I’m still building my email list for my newsletter, and will be giving away a Kindle/Nook to those subscribers independently of the facebook promotion. It just so happens that this big push is on facebook right now. I’ll be sending out a cool eblast to my newsletter subscribers soon. And Goodreads and Pinterest are the next horizons I'd like to master.

How else am I thinking outside the box? Well, I’m partnering with Janean Nusz of TrendencyBuzz to promote my blog tour on various social media sites. This is a pilot run for both of us, and I'm excited to see how it works.

I’m sure I’ve left something out, but we’ll have all day to discuss the pros and cons of marketing. Silence is golden, but not in Seekerville!


The Prize Vault is Open!!!

Pam is also blogging today with 
Stop by and say hi! 


  1. I was just reading about author newsletters. A lot of the time I roll my eyes at what everyone says we 'need', but newsletters are things I've actually subscribed to, and read, and enjoy.

    So, it makes a lot of sense that as an author, I should have a newsletter.

    But... what to put in it? :D

    Love this article and would love to win the book!

  2. Yes, Virginia, what to put in a newsletter. Since you read and enjoy them, what aspects do you read and enjoy?

  3. Early on, I had no clue what my newsletter should focus on, other than on my books, but I've decided that what makes me unique is my roots in farming, ranching, country living. So, I'll focus on....

    1) Book releases
    2) Awards & Promos
    3) Trivia about farming and ranching from a personal standpoint.

    The beauty of facebook and twitter is that they provide instant communication between authors and readers, but that connection can be broken as easily as it is formed.

    People expect to receive newsletters 3-4 times a year, or once a month at the most. And they are also more likely to stay subscribed to those newsletters if given something that appeals to them.

  4. Hi Pam,
    Love the post and love the way you are doing your blog tour. I have more interact with you than many of my posts. I was able to give a copy of your book away and a friend in Canada who you had a good chat with won.

    I love how the post showed who the tour before and after my date was. Also the way there was a weekly prize and main prize.

    I like newsletters that are informative about what is going on, book releases, and blog tours. A little trivia about the author is good also. What I dont like is ones that come to often but there really isn't alot of news in them. Also contests for readers. (I personally love the one where you can name a character be it person, pet etc.)
    Pam is right not more than once a month. I actually like the 4 times a year ones. Unless you are writing a book a month.

  5. I stopped subscribing to newsletters because despite receiving them from authors whose news I enjoyed, I was getting too many. I really like having blog subscriptions on Google Reader where I can note and read new posts all in one place and choose which I'll respond to.

    I think the secret to the success of online efforts is that interaction you mention, Pam. Those personal connections can help build strong reader relationships.

  6. I just smile every time I see that cover! It's that beautiful....

    Pam, what an array of things you're doing! Go get 'em, Tiger....


    I discovered I'm not good at blog tours or blogging other places because I forget to stop by as often as I should because I'm clueless... and then I can't stand the guilt...

    I like some newsletters, but I haven't started one yet because I'm afraid I'd drop the ball on it. So I just write... and write... and write.

    I am the MOST BORING PERSON I know, so Pam, God love you, you're amazing.

    Hey, I'm working on an old book this week as my reward for getting everything into bosses ahead of schedule... and since I have to wait for proposal approval, I'm dusting off Running on Empty and polishing it. I'm leaving you guys the meringue-crust Angel Pie we made in the cafe this weekend, and I think our tweaks made it pretty near perfect!

    Enjoy this beautiful day!

  7. WHat a great idea to have businesses sponsor gifts!!!! Have fun with that. :-)

  8. Pam,

    Thanks for sharing all of your ideas with us. I'm not published yet, but I was talking to one of my sons about all the work an author does to promote a book. I'm going to send him a copy of this post.

    I actually liked your FB author page the other day. Great job getting the word out.

    Jackie L.

  9. Good morning Seekerville.

    Pam, I had so much planned for today and after reading what all you do just to promote, I feel my list is way too short. You are one busy lady.


  10. Good Morning, Pam,

    Your post really gives me something to think about. I have some emails compiled from book signings. I need to get a newsletter list going, SO that will be one of my goals for next month...get a news letter written and ready to send for my upcoming release.

  11. Yay!

    I finaly remembered my google account! I tried several times to post last week and couldn't because it kept saying my account had been deleted. Created a new one and still couldn't get on.

    I'm so happy.

  12. Hi Pammers, You always amaze me. You are so savvy.

    What great ideas. And I want to know how they work out for you.

    I've done some things advised for publicity and to be honest, didn't see much result. So I will be interested in what you are doing.

    This is so not my forte. I'm afraid I'm like Ruthy and am afraid I would drop the ball if I started something. Like I've started Facebook several times and it just daunts me. sigh. Don't know why. I can do so many other things.

    Great going girlfriend. Thanks for sharing.

  13. wow. these are great ideas and out of the box thinking.

    i hardly participate with online stuff, but i do like all your ideas. i'm a newsletter person, but i have to be careful, otherwise i'd be buried in newsletters.

    is it bad to admit that i rely on Seekerville posts for info on my author faves? i click on links from here to go "there".

    i'm not uber 'net savvy, so please don't think i'm the average reader or writer(wannabe).

    very usful information today.

  14. Jenny, how awesome that you gave away a copy of Mariah!! Thank you!

    Yes, interacting with visitors to the blog is very important to me. And where did I learn this all important fact? Here, in Seekerville, of course!

    And...the blog tour schedule at the end of every post. I would love for the blog hosts to go back and insert the permalinks in, but that is a lot of work, and everyone is SO busy that I'm not sure it will ever get done properly.

    It's a classic case of what came first, the chicken or the egg! lol

  15. Carol, I know what you mean. For those of us immersed in the publishing industry, a ton of newsletters can be overwhelming!

    I've "met" so many cool people on the blog tour, and the virtual facebook party.

    Be friendly. Be yourself. That's my motto.

  16. Thanks for the helpful post, Pam! You're a hard worker and princess of promotion!

    Can't wait to read Claiming Mariah, but I'll have to read my Rita books first.


  17. Ruthy, hand me the coffee and nobody gets hurt!

    The only thing that keeps me sane is my MEDIA CONTACTS AND BLOG CALENDAR spreadsheet. You knew I had one, right?

    Blog URL (replaced w/permalink)
    Contact Person
    Email Address
    Post Title/Type
    Blog Post Subbed/Confirmed
    Blog post UP
    Blogger's Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads info.

    Wrap Up AFTERWARD: Okay, if something really jumps out at me, I add it in this field. For Melissa Jagears, it's bolded in RED as an EXCELLENT day, "70+ comments. Huge turn out. Word verification enabled, but still, a good turn-out." Word veri didn't seem to affect Melissa's peeps! :)

    If Comment Moderation is turned on on a blog, it gets noted. Just sayin'

    And the month before, the hosts get a reminder of the day I'm guest-posting.

  18. Hi Pam! Did you do this much promoting with Stealing Jake?

    I admire your ingenuity and organization!

  19. One savvy lady posting today, Pam you definately are a go-getter...I like to read your books and was happy to see you on Seekerville today.
    Very pretty cover on this book and catches the eys from the shelves..I am going to find some of these other places where you are posting too and wave to ya. thanks for sharing

    Paula O

  20. Jessica, I'm all over the sponsorship idea, not just because of the prizes, but for the fun interaction with people in my community and around the world.

  21. Wow, Pam. You are so organized! I'm more like Ruthy! LOL.

    Thanks for the tips!

    Weather here is awful today. Freezing rain and slush.

    My poor son still has had no relief from the migraines. I don't know how he has a brain left. Thanks for any and all prayers.


  22. Pam this is so interesting and cool.
    I love all these ideas, girl.

  23. Pam, sounds like you have some great ideas! You've made me tired just reading about them! LOL

    Did you write all those 50 blog posts ahead of time? Or are you taking them as you get to them?

  24. Jackie, if there is, two (sorry...THREE!)...things I would advise unpublished authors to do, it would be to lay the groundwork for:

    1) Website/blog. Just something simple. Buy your domain name and point it to a blog. Use the blog as a website. Actually, my website is a blog masquerading as a website. :) I haven't had time to upgrade. Oh well, it works.

    2) Build your email list for a newsletter. If you think you don't have anything to offer as an unpublished author, just send out one or two newsletters a year with a bit about your writing, maybe your journey toward publication, a research tidbit. Include something fun and unique to you. Also, how do you plan to build your newsletter list after you are published? Giveaways? Cool recipes? Cute kids' clothes? Info. about flamingoes or sea turtles? Jeter? lol Think about that and see if there is a way to start doing some of that now. Just some little something you are passionate about and you know you can talk about for years to come.

    3) Facebook Author page. Seriously, I put this off forever. What if fb is just a passing fad? Why would I want to build a fanbase on fb when it might be gone tomorrow? Why not just build my email list since I own that? I finally came to the conclusion that since fb is in real time, it's worth the effort to reach friends, family, acquaintances I know personally who might not ever visit a blog. Because they are interacting daily on fb.

    Granted, tomorrow this advice may change, but that's what I think about it today.

    On the flip side, I know published authors who do none of these things. That's okay.

    But, the key is to map out what you want to accomplish when you become published and lay the groundwork for that now.

  25. Pam and her spreadsheets!!! You rock, girlfriend!

    Ugh--marketing. Last year I began an author newsletter that I send out once a quarter. My subscriber list is slowly growing, which is encouraging. I include info about recent and upcoming releases and also something a little more personal about what's going on in my life. Still brainstorming effective content, so I'm open to suggestions!

  26. Connie, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe I'm just needy. [Pam sighs and shakes her head sadly]

    Yay!!! Rose is going to do a newsletter!!! Yes!

    I signed up for mailchimp a couple of months ago. I played with it and the learning curve isn't too sharp.

    Just another one of those things I wish I had mastered before being hot and heavy with a new book out.


  27. Sandra, fb seems to work even better for those with smartphones. I want a smartphone so I can look smart and chic in restaurants.

    Even though it amuses me that there will be 6 adults seated at a table and all of them are checking their fb status and not talking to each other. lol

    For the record, I am home alone right now and not ignoring any warm bodies in my presence. Even though I have been known to commit such a heinous crimes...

  28. DebH, I'm not that 'net savvy either. I have to dig for some of this, but once I'm convinced that I something worth pursuing, my flowchart classes rise up to haunt me.

    Funny, but last week in Indianapolis I bent Cara Putman's ear with some flowcharting at Palomino's restaurant.

    Palomino's uses paper tablecloths and I drew a huge flowchart describing much of what I've told y'all here. I wish I had taken a picture of it, but it was pretty messy.

    Much the same as here, I imagine. It makes my head, anyway! lol

  29. This is one of those great posts to bookmark for rereading. I'm hoping I'll need a refresher on blog tours sometime in the near future. :)
    I'm always amazed at the creativity and organization that goes into blog tours. Pam, you're awesome! :)

    You mentioned "those things I wish I had mastered before being hot and heavy with a new book out." I'd love to see a post about (or even a short list of) those things. I always want to ask what authors wish they would have known or done before getting published.

    Started reading Claiming Mariah Saturday and am REALLY enjoying it! I love your secondary characters. Buck already has my heart. :)

  30. I am doing monthly giveaways to increase subscriptions to my newsletters.

    I am interested in the blog hop. How did you arrange all of the blogs? Did you contact them or did they contact you?


  31. Donna, thanks for asking about Stealing Jake.

    I didn't do this much promo for SJ, but that's because fb kinda scared me back then.

    I did a blog tour with about 35-40 stops. I gave away some ebooks, and I concentrated on building my email list by giving away a Kindle.

    Then when Stealing Jake was the ACFW Book Club pick, I gave away another Kindle. Again, people had to sign up for my very infrequent newsletter to be in the drawing.

    But back to my current PR campaign....

    When I started planning this, I knew that prizes and giveaways are fun, but a constant giveaway of books on individual blogs gets messy and confusing, and in some cases there are few comments for the prize. That's not really fair to the people who are too intimidated, or to busy, to comment.

    So...I started thinking outside the box. How could I tie the blog tour, giveaways, and build my fb author page all together?

    Point the blog visitors to my Events page on fb to sign up for the prizes and like my page at the same time.

    Prize Vault is OPEN! Click to View Open Giveaways

    Oh, and drawing is SUPER easy! I can export a list of everyone who is "going" to an event into an excel spreadsheet and draw through within minutes.


  32. VIRGINIA ... we actually have Valerie Comer on this Wednesday, talking about newsletters, so be sure to check it out.

    And, MELISSA ... I always worried whether I would had enough fun things to put in a newsletter, but my poor hubby complains mine are always toooo long (he has to design them!!), so trust me, when you finally get down to doing one, you will find you have LOTS to say, especially if they only come out twice a year like mine. :)

    PAMMY!! I would SO love to get out this box I'm in, which actually feels more like a cage, so THANK YOU for such a great post!! I am desperate to read Mariah, but as I mentioned on Sarah's blog, Rita books and endorsements are tying my hands right now, so talk about being "boxed in"!!! I see Mariah as the carrot overhead and the light at the end of the tunnel, so the Rita may just turn me into a speed reader!!!



  33. Pam, you're amazing. And inspirational! I'm so impressed with your promo...and your ability to make it all work together. I want your brain...and Mary's and Tina's and Ruthy's...or at least a tiny fraction of all that tech-ability.

    I'm a low-tech Mama in a high-tech world!

    Love your cover, as Ruthy mentioned, and your story!!! Whoo-hoo!!!

  34. Pol, would love to have you. Just pop in any time!

    Susan, your poor son. I had a headache for the last 3 and on. I think I had a sugar overload in Indy, and was coming off of it after I got home. Praying for your son.

  35. Hmmmm, I thought I had my word verification off. It now is. We'll see if that affects anything. Glad my blog stop was a good one. :)

  36. "Did you write all those 50 blog posts ahead of time?"...Missy, you had to ask, didn't you?

    The goal was to have the bulk of them written ahead of time, but the procrastinator in me reared its ugly head and I didn't get them all done. (Henry, please forgive me.) Sorry, had to insert a bit of damage control...

    Have y'all popped over to Sarah Forgrave's blog today? My answer to her first question perfectly sums up how I feel about my lapse in judgment:

    Sarah's Opener Question: What seven words best describe you?

    Detail-oriented perfectionist vs. frustrated procrastinator…ie. INSANE!

    Click HERE
    to read the whole sordid tale.


  37. Natalie, that Buck. He's a heartbreaker, for sure. I haven't met a woman yet who doesn't want to take him home!


    And I had SO much more I could have included in this post, but decided to focus on the actual blog/giveaway/fb aspect of it because you can only digest so much at one time.

    Again, think ahead to how you would promote if you were published. Pick a couple of avenues and start laying the groundwork in those areas.

    For instance, Carol Moncado has 328 fans on her facebook page! Awesome! She's building her fanpage now, not while she's in the middle of promoting her first release...which I have no doubt will come! The more social media you participate in, the easier it becomes.

    How many of you were nervous about commenting in Seekerville, but now it's old hat?


    I see that hand! There. I see you! And you! And you!!1

    See, what did I tell you? We're building our social media skills right here in Seekerville, so even all this chatter isn't wasted.

    THIS is part of your groundwork to become a successful online presence.

  38. Hallee asked, "I am interested in the blog hop. How did you arrange all of the blogs? Did you contact them or did they contact you?"

    Hallee, I'm the spreadsheet queen. I have a list of over 150 bloggers that I have built over the last 6-7 years. If someone is no longer blogging, they can request to be removed and, poof!, they are gone. I contacted them, and I scheduled the dates, again using a spreadsheet. This is tedious and time consuming, but worth it to me to have control of the process. I'm all about control...just ask my kids! lol

    I'm an information compiler. Currently, I have a folder full of emails from bloggers looking for authors to host on their blogs. I don't have time to add them to my spreadsheet right now, but they will get added eventually. And then they will get the nice little email asking if they'd like to host me the next time I have a book release.

    Two ways to start building your own list. Join ACFW and watch for the requests. And/or check out the January issue of Book Fun Magazine. Fred and Nora St. Laurent included over 190 bloggers in the back of the magazine (Pgs 90-94) who are looking for guests and/or reviews. No email addresses listed, so yes, you do have to do some legwork there. My OCD spreadsheet fetish is just itching to compile every one of those URL's with an email address and a contact name.

    Oh, and I have an ad on page 95. Just sayin'

  39. Ooooohhhh, Julie's comment reminded me!!!!

    JULIE and everybody, Tyndale placed an ad at the END of Claiming Mariah letting readers know that they can also read Stealing Jake if they haven't already. Darling promo and the quote they chose is from none other than JULIE LESSMAN!!!

    I didn't know about it until I clicked all the way through and read all the pages at the end of Mariah.

    Definitely made me smile!!! :)

  40. Debby, we all have our strengths.

    When I hear about your wonderful promotions to distribute books and donations for the military and their families, and library events and reader luncheons, I think, "Wow, that Debby is amazing!"

    And she IS amazing! And that's what we have to remember. Some of us are better suited to online social media, and others to face-to-face interaction.

    That's not to say that we can't step out of our comfort zone and dabble in both, but learning where our strengths are is a huge step in the right direction. And in keeping the guilt at bay for NOT doing it all.

  41. Melissa, you might have turned word veri off on the day I visited, because I think I had to do it once and then not ever again. I thought that was odd, so maybe that's why. :)

    I had SO much fun with you that day!

  42. This Just In!!!

    Remember that I told you in the blog that Janean at TrendencyBuzz and I are experimenting with trying to disburse my blog tour to more people?

    Think of this leg of my PR campaign as an hourglass. The blog tour is the top of the hourglass. It's cool, but only the people who are looking at the top half of the hourglass see the content.

    Janean at TrendencyBuzz is the gateway/bottleneck in the center of the hourglass. Her team will distribute each day's blog posts to various other social media sites.

    And...wonder of wonders, today's Seekerville post on thinking outside the box gets to be the guinea pig. No, that wasn't planned. It just happened. But isn't it cool???

    So, the "Buzz" has started. How many of you use Tweetdeck or Hootsuite to manage tweets?

    Do you follow @trendencyBuzz? or @PamHillman? Do you know what a hashtag is? Janean is going to use #ClaimingMariah as the primary hashtag to spread the word on twitter.

    Here's her first tweet:

    Trendency Buzz @trendencyBUZZ

    @PamHillman celebrates the release of #ClaimingMariah with #GiveAways & "think outside the box" advice for authors


    We're running this every day for 5 weeks to see if we can create "two-way buzz" from the blog tour to the social media sites and BACK to the blogs.

    But we need your help!

    If you twitter, it would be cool to search for the #ClaimingMariah hashtag and retweet it.

    And...if you can get @skrvill in your tweet, extra points.

  43. Wow, Pam, you are organized and busy! Thank you for the information.

    I'm glad you think it is a good idea for an unpublished author to have a blog/website. My tech son and writer DIL gave me my website to celebrate my contest win. It has been an interesting (and great) experience to work with the website. I think the practice will help my writing in all areas.

    Love your ideas about using local sponsors and being responsive in blogs.

    I've "liked" you and "joined" your events! I'll try to retweet.......I'm still learning!

  44. Pam, you are so smart with your marketing. And that soap looks wonderful!!!

  45. Sherida, thanks for the retweet and the Like! :)

    And, tell your son and DIL Way to GO! for putting you on the write path with a website! Yay!

    I hope they are helping you set up a email list, yes? :)

  46. Pam, I'm so impressed by all you've thought to do to launch your book! Truly amazing. This post is definitely a keeper! I'm coming back to read this one again. And probably again.

    I'm with Sandra. I'd love to hear back from you on what you found most effective. Of course, I know each author will have to tailor what does/doesn't work for them (I know, improper grammar), but I'm still interested. :)

    I'm reading through comments now. :)

  47. Pam, I'm really impressed! I've learned a lot from your 'thinking outside the box.' You have great ideas.

  48. Jeane T, I'm not sure if I'll ever know what works and what doesn't. The thing is to just write the best book I can and let people know about it.

  49. Pam, I love involving those outside the box. Like local sponsors! What a clever idea to give your book local flavor and offer meaningful giveaways at the same time.

    Win win partnership, I'd say.

    Facebook is still a bit daunting. I confess, it's not the first promo vehicle I think of. You've done so much on Facebook. I'll have to rethink my approach.

    Great blog tour line up...hey, I think I'm up for a visit along your way...

    Great ideas, Pammy!

  50. Pam, I'm trying to wrap my head around getting sponsors for the blog tour.

    Also, I understand being annoying on FB. Admittedly, though, I feel the same way about excessive promotions as I do about receiving excessive invites to game apps.

    If I have a newsletter, I have a feeling that I'll focus on something Japan related.

  51. I must say I always enjoy reading the newsletters I am subscribed to. Share what interests you & chances are I will find it interesting too.

  52. PAMMY!!! Wow ... that tickles me that they used my quote, which means I'm officially promoting Mariah too, which is no surprise because I know I WILL BE, especially after I read it. CAN NOT WAIT!!!!


  53. i have been seeing Mariah all over the internet, and so want to read it. But i'm off of ebooks for the forseeable future, and didn't get in on the tour. i won't review a book i didn't read, but maybe i'll get one eventually. i can't afford to do giveaways on tours, so maybe that limits me to what i get asked to do. Thanks for the coffee, i just take mine black, Thanks for a great conversation, as always.

  54. Yep, Audra, I'll be heading your way on March 1st....I just hope this Conestoga makes it across the Mississippi river!

    I'm enjoying fb because so many people are there in real time. Yes, we miss so much of what's posted, but who know we're connecting with?

  55. Walt, I completely ignore the game apps. I just can't get excited about pretend bacon. Well, unless it's in Seekerville... lol

    And I think writing about Japan in your newsletter is absolutely PERFECT!

  56. Mary P, isn't that the truth? If I'm passionate about the topic, that passion should come across to my readers, shouldn't it?

    Marianne, so glad you stopped by! I checked my blogger spreadsheet and didn't see you listed. :( Drop by my facebook page or my website and shoot me a private message with your blog URL and email address so I can add you to my list of bloggers. That way you'll be on the list next time! :)

  57. Oh, and Marianne's comment reminded me. If your passion is reviewing books, sign up for

    Netgalley says, "Do you love to spread the word about new books? Do you review and recommend books online, in print, for your bookstore, library patrons, blog readers, or classroom? Then you are what we call a "professional reader," and NetGalley is for you. Registration is free, and allows you to request digital titles to read on your favorite device."

  58. Timely topic and great information!

  59. I just wanted to say your book sounds awesome

    MinDaf @

  60. Edwina, so glad you made it by!

    Thank you, Crystal. I appreciate the kind words. Hope you get the chance to read it. God bless you!

  61. Pam has done a truly amazing job of promoting Claiming Mariah online. I'm in awe of her skills in putting it all together.

    Working with Pam to help promote Claiming Mariah is a joy. In my promotional efforts, I focus a lot of Twitter. As Pam mentioned, hashtags are important. When you use hashtags, even those tweeple who are not one of your followers will easily be able to find your tweet if they're looking for a particular subject that you've used as a hashtag. When using hashtags, try to keep an eye on the trending hashtags and, if possible, work one in to your promotional efforts. Trending hashtags offer you a chance at a tremendous amount of exposure on Twitter.

    Something else that I did for Pam was to add her blog tour as an event on Goodreads and then send a notice out (on Goodreads) about it. Putting the word out about your event on Goodreads is a good idea for launch parties, blog tours, etc. - and it gives you one more (free) way to get noticed.

    I'm thinking that Claiming Mariah will soon be on the bestseller list thanks to all of Pam's efforts both in promotion and in crafting an excellent story.

  62. Janean @ TrendencyBuzz, thanks for adding that. See, I hadn't even thought about hashtags that are trending, but it makes so much sense.


    And I love Goodreads. Just realized I am not a "Goodreads Author" though. Who knew???

    Requesting official status as a "Goodreads Author" now! lol
