Saturday, January 19, 2013

Weekend Edition

This weekend many of us are on deadline and ordering Chinese Take-Out! (Frankly there are a few of us who just refuse to cook-period.) What are you up to?

We Have Winners

 Please see our rules for giveaways in Seekerville. Be sure to contact us with your snail mail address if you are a winner at

In Janet Dean’s  Monday post “Just Do It” she reveals what her Christmas tree taught her this year, along with her One Word for 2013. The winner of an IOU copy of her April Love Inspired Historical April release, The Bride Wore Spurs is Gabrielle Meyer.

 Madame S Returned to educate Seekerville on Tuesday with her "Observations on e-books and libraries and why it’s a mess right now. " The winner of an e-book giveaway of a Seeker book of choice is DeborahH.

Wednesday Debby Giusti shared "Five Tips for an Inspirational New Year." The winner of away of her January Love Inspired Suspense, The General's Secretary plus a $13 Starbucks Gift Card to celebrate the new year, without superstition is Mary Curry.

Why should you "ask" your characters about their history and even that of their parents and grandparents?  "Interview Your Characters Like a Psychologist Would" was our Thursday post with guest blogger Carrie Fancett Pagels, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist for over twenty-five years who shares how getting the "really juicy" backstory on your characters can enrich your plot. The winner of an awesome giveaway of a Virginia gift basket with chocolate is Kathy Bailey.

Friday we welcomed back  Debra Ullrick and Cheryl St. John with  "Writing What You Know...OR Not! "  Cheryl and Debra gave away one copy of Colorado Courtship, their Love Inspired Historical (featuring Winter of Dreams by Cheryl St. John & The Rancher's Sweetheart by Debra Ullrick), signed by both. The winner is Peggy Wright.

Monday: Ready for a little publishing industry Jeopardy? Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe brings you, "Popular Publishing Culture for Fifty Points."Stop by to challenge your knowledge. Of course prizes will be awarded !

Tuesday:Love Inspired author Missy Tippens will be your hostess today, bringing "Why Not Me?" vs "It Could've/Should've Been Me!" Come figure out which category you fit in, and comment for a chance to win a prize.

Wednesday:Seekervillager Georgiana Daniels joins us today with "Wait Like a Winner." Georgiana's been-there-done-that, so stop by to hear what she learned during the  publication "waiting game." One lucky commenter will snag a copy of her very first book - a January 2013 release - A Daughter's Redemption, from Love Inspired Books!

Thursday:Today, stop by to explore the idea of  ''Fiction Friends'' with Thomas Nelson author Cara Lynn James. Cara will be giving away a copy of A Path Toward Love to one lucky commenter!

 Friday:It's confession time! When Golden Keyes Parsons, speaker, teacher, author and head of Matters of the Heart Ministry began her journey as an author, she admits to feeling "rather superior to fiction writers." "I am a Bible teacher, and nonfiction was my genre," she writes. "Humph! Fiction writers. They're just telling stories. I'm writing biblical truth!" However, Golden humbly admits that God "took me down a few notches and now the motivation of my life is to tell compelling stories that point the reader to Jesus." Join Golden in an eye-opening blog entitled "Just Telling Stories," where you'll also have the opportunity to win her  latest book, Trapped! The Adulterous Woman. 

Seeker Sightings

Today Seekerville is the first to see the cover of Mary Connealy's  August release, the second book in the Trouble in Texas Series, Fired Up.

 Glynna Greer, faced with a town full of men, decides she can make a living opening a diner…even though cooking is not her greatest talent.

Men are lucky to escape with their teeth. But they keep coming because Glynna is the prettiest thing they've ever seen. And her bad cooking is helping Dare Riker's business. He's the town doctor and he's never treated so many belly aches in his life.
There's more than Glynna's kitchen that's on fire in town. Dare's house burns down and it wasn't an accident. While someone's trying to make Dare go up in smoke, the pretty cook and the overworked doctor are firing up a romance that might end up burning them both

More Mary Connealy! Check out the Publisher's Weekly Review of Swept Away, the first book in the Trouble in Texas Series which releases in March.

Pam Hillman’s Blog Tour Blowout celebrating the release of Claiming Mariah continues with ONE stop this week because her hostess is THAT special. 

Monday drop by Mary Connealy's Real Life Petticoat Ranch blog for Part Two of Pam's Publishing P's. Part One can be found here.

And.... The Prize Vault is OPEN! Current prizes: $10 Amazon Gift Card, handmade soap, and grand prize eReader.

Myra Johnson is the guest blogger at Seriously Write next Thursday, January 24. In her post, titled "A New Year, A New Plan," she'll be sharing ideas to help you stay motivated and inspired during the year ahead.

Debby Giusti will be one of the authors at Murder on the Menu. The yearly event features mystery writers from around the country and will be held at the Wetumpka Civic Center, Wetumpka, Alabama, from 10 AM to 4 PM, on Saturday, January 26. To register or for more information, click here. Panel discusssions, book signing, goodie bags for all those who attend, catered lunch, breakfast and afternoon snack. Make your reservations now.

Check out Julie Lessman's interview on a very cool website for Christian Fiction called Soul Inspirationz!

  My One Word pdf has been updated. If your word isn't there please email us at

Yankee Belle CafĂ© needs your help! 
Speedbo starts March 1, 
and  we're looking for guest bloggers.

Or, if you're ....(chicken)...

 You don't have to guest host, you can just send us your recipes and pics if available and we'll give you fifteen minutes of fame at the cafe! We need quick recipes that are easy on time and the budget. Please e-mail us at yankeebellecafe at gmail dot com  if you'd like to join us in the cafe in March.Thank you!

Antagonist & Contagonist (Writer Unboxed)

Sales Ranking Chart (Theresa Ragan)

Olympic Paint, Color Insight Game (Use it for your Characters) (via K.C. Frantzen)

Publishers Continue to Acquire Great Content by Steve Laube (Christian Retailing Magazine Online Page 52)

Harlequin is expanding its digital-only Carina Press imprint to the UK, seeking authors from the UK and Ireland as well as from markets such as India and South Africa. (Publishers Lunch)

What US Editors Want 2013 (Andrew Lownie Literary Agency)

Body Language Cheat Sheet (GalleyCat)

Book Country Adds Free Self-Publishing Option (GalleyCat)

5 Literary Agents Seeking New Clients (WD)

2013 PAP FEST! (open to completed YA and MG project -it's all about pitching your critique partner's project) (Writer Writer Pants on Fire)

That's it!

Have a great weekend!


  1. Coming up for air long enough to make the coffee. It'll be ready bright and early.

    Been editing/revising my latest wip. Another hour or so should do it.

    No back to work.


  2. Way to go Helen!!

    A reader reads from dusk to dawn,but a writer's work is never done.

  3. Great WE, Tina! I love the Body Language Cheat Sheet. Saved that one to my computer.

    Can't wait to grab Mary Connealy's books. And I love, love, love the covers.

    Hope everyone has a peaceful weekend. It's been crazy around my place. Dentist appts., transmission blown on one automobile, fuel pump wiring going out on another, out of town company, babysitting... and that's on top of the regular work schedules. Yikes! About the time you think the other shoe has dropped, you realize it's an octopus overhead. :-) I was about to pull my hair out when the necklace I won from Christina Rich at the New Year's party arrived in the mail. The beautiful cross reminded me that Burdens ARE lifted at Calvary. And God carried us through another week.

  4. It was a great week at Seekerville this week and I am looking forward to next week.

    I sort of portion out the weekend stuff, reading something throughout Saturday and Sunday when I need a break. Well, after Church, Sunday is sort of all break. But I try not to read everything at once.

    Have a great weekend everyone.

  5. Congratulations to the winners. I've been so out of the loop.

    Helen, I've been doing the same thing. I have about 15k more to write on this 2nd book and if the planets are in alignment and I hold my tongue just right, I'll have to get another book finished asap. Y'all might say a prayer for me. I'll hopefully know more next week.

    I'm going to try and get some read time in this weekend.

  6. Clari, hugs!

    Mary, I took today off from writing and doing all that other writerly stuff.

  7. Happy Weekend to the Seekers and congratulations to winners of the Week....
    Next week looks to be a good one and look forward to stopping in for a peek....

    Paula O

  8. Oh, I loved that review for Mary's Swept Away!!!! And ISN'T THE COVER FOR FIRED UP TO DIE FOR?????

    That hero is Kevin-Costner-in-the-cute-days gorgeous! Love it, Mare!

    And Tina, thank you for a jam-packed WE. Lovin' it. And because it's Saturday and I'm dancing and delighted to have time just to sit and work, mostly uninterrupted, I'm bringing a breakfast array of eggs, sausage, English muffins (whole wheat, I love those things) and homemade strawberry and sour cherry jam. There is nothing like a toasted muffin slathered with soft butter and homemade jam.

    I'm plain hungry just thinking about it!

  9. Clari Dees, I just love you. You rock, kid.

    God bless you for your wonderfulness and the positive attitude that shines in all you do. I truly admire that!

    And I'm RARELY nice, so you know I mean it.

  10. Christina, praying... Keep that faith and focus goin', darlin'. It's what separates us from the monkeys.

    Or was that the ability to accessorize????

    It might be that.

    Hang in there, and when all else fails, youse guys know what to do: Write. Write. Write.

    Ruthy warning of the day: Thou dasn't believe those who take the road most easy... for it is often pot-holed and hashmarked 'round the bend. Stay the course. Believe.


    Shoot, that didn't exactly "GLADDEN" anyone's heart, did it???

    I am a work in progress!!!

  11. Good Morning, and congratulations to all the winners.

    It's SO much fun to see a book cover's debut!

  12. LOVE your "Fired Up" heroine's name, Mary.... :)

    Prayers for everyone racing to finish up a manuscript or contest entries!

    TEEEEENA! It's supposed to be 75 in Phoenix today!!!! Almost 80 by mid-week!! My suitcase is packed and I'm ready to come! :)

  13. MARY!!! GREAT review from PW, girl and HOT cover!!!


    WOW, Teenster ... the links are GREAT this week and like Clari, I'm printing off the body language sheet and saving it to my computer -- WAY COOL!!!

    But, boy, did you all see what editors are looking for??? EVERY SINGLE ONE said nonfiction, be it historical, technical, scientific, etc. Where's the fiction????

    CHRISTINA ... saying one for you, darlin'!

    Happy Saturday, all!!


  14. What a great WE, Tina. I love the fortune cookies. :) I enjoyed the articles about the Body Language cheat sheet (wonderful!) and the Antagonist and Contagonist. Very eye opening.

    Congratulations to the winners! Next week looks like another wonderful one here on Seekerville!

    CHRISTINA, I'll be praying for you as God brings you to mind. Hoping for good news!

  15. Wow, it's such fun to check in here and find out I won Debby's book and coffee to go with it. Thanks so much, Debby and Seekerville!

    Love these Weekend Editions because I'm actually home and get to read.

  16. Ruthy, of course you GLADDENED us. Advice that is heartfelt and good-intentioned gladdens because it shows you care.

    Ooops getting all mushy now.

    Off to try to muster up some of that there discipline.

    Will start with coffee and chocolate though.

    Hubs and my eldest daughter are off at the theater so I have some quiet time to read and write. BLISS!

    And that definitely gladdens.

  17. Phew -- it's taken me most of the day to get through all those nify links which led me to more nifty links. Thrilled to hear that so many of you are deadlines because that means there will be more great books for me to read!

    I'm fighting the flu and laying low this weekend after two days off from work. I feel like a decadent slug taste buds are rejecting chocolate!!!!! Hope that doesn't last!

  18. Kav, so sorry you got sidelined by the flu! It's been quite a year for respiratory illnesses. So far I've avoided the germs, thank goodness! Feel better soon!!!!

    Love that Body Language Cheat Sheet! I get stuck in a rut using the same descriptions again and again to show emotion. It's nice to have some alternatives to try out!

  19. Happy Weekend Seekerville Friends! Great WE as always, Tina. CONGRATS to all the winners, and looking forward to next week's bloggers. Hugs from Georgia (where we have SUNSHINE--yay!!), Patti Jo

  20. P.S. Tina, did you think up that saying you posted (A reader reads from dusk to dawn, etc.etc.)? If so, brilliant!!! :) PJ

  21. Congrats all who are on deadline. May the right words come quickly with little editing needed! :)

    Laughing about Fired Up... Only Mary... Just love it!

    It's over 5 hours to the Murder on the Menu so just not feasible this next weekend, but I looked! Will check it out next round.

    Thanks Tina - wonderful WE!!!

  22. And now, settling in for the WIP. On Chapter 9 of May's third adventure. :)

  23. It's so lovely here today. I've been picking fruit and ...wait for it...I drove out of my neighborhood. Yes indeed and no one was injured.

    To the bank and grocery store.

    Hallelujah!!! First trip outside of the neighborhood in 13 days and all by myself. I'm a big girl now.

  24. Oh, Tina. You're so brave! I'm glad you conquered and got out there. :) Hope the rest of your day is relaxing. :)

  25. I'm baaaaak. I hope I am anyway, lol. Been battling blogger and google and now I'm official. Let's see how this works.

  26. Yay! There I am! Thanks, Tina, for coaching me!

    Congrats to the winners and although I was blocked from posting this week, I really gleaned a lot from the posts this week. Thanks Seekerville for hosting such a great blog!

  27. Lyndee, we blocked you???? How smart of us!!!


    Blogger did it, honey. Blogger is NOT TO BE TRUSTED. The big meany.

    Okay, I'm proofreading with a runny nose and red eyes, but mine's just a cold so I'm hugging my friend KAV!!!! because the flu is a pain in the tush.

    Sooooo sorry, Kav!

    I am dying laughing that TEEEEENA got out of the neighborhood....

    Oh. My. Stars.

    But I love the pickin' fruit thing because we're looking at day after day of single digits this week. Our first cold snap.

    (Yes, 25 degrees isn't considered cold in the winter. It's literally balmy.)

    I'm having rice pudding. I brought plenty to share.

    Homemade. With nutmeg (if desired) and whipped cream.

    So delicious. I'm feeding that to myself all weekend. It's my reward for working while sick... and my germs KEEP FOLKS AWAY.

    Wily like a fox, right?

  28. Oh, look how beeeeautiful that Lyndee is!!!!

  29. Clari, what an attack!! Praying dear.

  30. K.C. That poem is a play on words from another one. A 1950's ditty.

    A man may work from dust to dawn,
    But a woman's work is never done.

  31. Great WE, Tina. Just so you know, I always devour the Random News section. :)) So helpful. Thanks!

  32. That Glynna is a character... literally! lol

    Congrats to all the winners, to the writers who are slaving away, and the readers who are devouring the books.

    Amazing how long it takes to write a book, but how quickly it can be read.

  33. Hi. I've been running all weekend. I love that new cover. I think that is a real look at my scruffy, tough doctor Dare Riker. I can't look at it without smiling.

  34. If you'd like a look at my weekend activities, go check out the picture on my facebook page. Me and all four of my sisters and two sisters in law, plus my mom and my youngest niece. We had a sister's getaway and it was so fun. We see each other a lot but so often in a huge family, it's when we gather for holidays and it's a MOB. My mom had 28 grandchildren, five of them married (so they bring spouses). Four great grandchildren....It's wild but not a lot of time to really get to talk to each other.
    So we did a sister's night, which extended from Friday noon until just a few minutes ago.
    My sisters and sisters in law are great people and my mom is a sweetheart.

  35. Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you for the excellent posts last week (I'm slowly catching up).

    I'm enjoying the other 'news' as well.
    Tina - nice job! Mary -what an amazing blessing that must have been. I imagine there was little time for quiet between the last late night giggles to the first early morning whispers.

    I hope you all have an amazing week! God bless us every one.

  36. 2013 PAP fest???

    Uhhhh, that's a terrible name for a great concept.

    And I do believe the Steve Laube title has a typo. Wonder if it's in the original.

    That's why I don't have a blog where I give out literary advice.

    IT would be held up as the 'do not copy' of the bloggyverse.

  37. Ok, went to check out the PAP fest and it's exactly what they meant.

    TOOOO funny! Why have I never seen that blog before?

    Now favorited. :) Their first illustration also had me giggling... from far, far, away from PAP land.

  38. LOL. Oopsie.

    I know on the PapFest. Hilarious. I guess CrapFest was taken.

  39. I didn't mean to imply there was any crap. Just the acronym. Critique and Partner and well you know.

  40. Thank you for notifying me as the winner of The Bride Wore Spurs! I'm looking forward to reading it in April. :)
