Monday, July 29, 2013

LIGHT-BULB MOMENTS: Bright Ideas to Illuminate the Path to Publication & Beyond (and giveaway!)



You know when you get those realllllly great ideas that are SO brilliant it’s as if somebody turned on a floodlight in a realllllly dark room? I mean, come on, we’re talking Thomas Edison brilliant when you blink … sit up … and smile, a low and reverent whisper breezing across your lips that sounds like: Whoa!!!


Well, I had one of those this week when a guest blogger I scheduled for today was unable to post, so you got me today instead. Now, mind you, I’m not a Ruthy or Mary who can come up with ideas/blogs at the click of switch, so I immediately went into deer-in-headlight mode and prayed. And, yes, as always when I invoke the Almighty, a shaft of light from heaven streamed into my mind accompanied by the celestial sound of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing … Hallelujah!

Ba-da-bing ba a boom!

You see, contemporary author extraordinaire Becky Wade (her debut book My Stubborn Heart was up for a Rita this year along with our own Missy Tippens' A House Full of Hope ) and I are running a big promotion right now called “Fall in Love … Texas Style.” It’s a down-home Texas-style contest where you can win a Kindle Fire loaded with both Becky’s new book Undeniably Yours and my new release; Love at Any Cost, a Texas gift basket with both books, or one of two book bundles with both books. The contest, which ends Wednesday, 7/31 at midnight, has been a lot of fun with six different posts featuring lots of chatter, hunky heroes, excerpts, Texas lingo, and recipes! I hope you give it a shot because every three days there are new bonus questions for additional points, so I encourage you to enter HERE!! and GOOD LUCK!

So … back to my light-bulb moment. All of a sudden, I thought—why not kill two armadillos with one horseshoe by promoting our contest today as “Becky’s light-bulb moment” and how it all came about. But don’t worry, at the tail end, I plan to give you a short list of hodgepodge “light-bulb moments” I’ve stolen or had (it’s short because the old bulb doesn’t go off quite as often as it used to!) to help shed light on your road to publication and beyond.

First of all, I’ll tell you right off the old cattle prod that this ingenious idea to promote Becky’s May release and my April release was all Becky’s, but from the moment that girl pulled the cord on that overhead light—BING!!! The light bulbs were popping all over the place, let me tell you.

It all started when a dear friend of mine, Casey Herringshaw, FB messaged me, asking if I had read My Stubborn Heart by Becky Wade yet. “No,” I said, since I am primarily a historical romance reader and writer. “Well, you need to,” Casey said (paraphrased), “because Becky Wade is the contemporary Julie Lessman.”

Whoa. “This I gotta read,” I say to myself and proceeded to purchase the book, devour it (yes, it’s THAT good!), then immediately contacted Becky Wade on Facebook (never met or talked to the woman before). I congratulated her on the Rita nomination for what I thought was one of the BEST books I’ve read in the CBA. That FB message mushroomed into a wonderful friendship (even though she is WAY younger than me … grrrrr!) and she said something like, “Hey, I understand your book is a historical with a Texas oil heiress as the heroine, which, coincidentally, mine is too. Maybe we could do a promotion together.”

Ballpark floodlights started popping in my brain so fast, I had a tic in my eye, and my creative juices were gushing like Texas oil. In my mind’s eye I saw Becky and I back-to-back with cowboy hats on and our books cocked in front of us. I envisioned FB banter about a whole array of post titles like “Talkin’ Texas” where we not only provide our readers with HOW to talk like a Texan, but we show ‘em with excerpts from our book too. Next post would be “Hats Off to our Heroes,” and I imagined pix of the celebrities who resembled our guys and excerpts showcasing them, from the most romantic to the most spiritual. My mouth was salivating, so naturally the next thing I saw was “A Taste of Texas,” where we not only feature excerpts with food in them, but the recipes to back ‘em up.

Okay, cowboy hat—I needed a cowboy hat! So I borrowed one from my neighbor and then pestered Keith to take lots and lots of pix. Not pretty. Then I sent the pix to Becky so she could pose in the same manner.

So I badgered Keith some more. Can you trim my waist? How ‘bout my butt? Can you make my tank top more burgundy to match Becky’s pink? What about that frizz in my hair—can you do anything about that?

Pause here for a moment of prayer for my husband.

Now we had our picture, and trust me—Anne Bancroft has nothing on Keith, because the man is a Miracle Worker! The excitement was growing, so we contacted both my publisher Revell and Becky’s publisher Bethany House, and they agreed to send out e-blasts with Keith’s ad. Becky created a Facebook landing page and event page. Both of us sent e-blasts to our newsletter lists, invited FB friends, advertised on our blogs, and Becky handled Goodreads. We tweeted and shared till we were giddy, the euphoria of working together on a truly bright idea as sweet as a tumbler of Texas tea. And here's the finished product!

And speaking of “bright ideas,” I thought it would be fun to show you what Becky and Christy nominee Katie Ganshert (Wildflowers from Winter ... whose book, by the way, is $2.50 cheaper on Deeper Shopping Christian Books and Bibles than on Amazon!) did on a recent Pinterest Challenge they had to promote their books. Both decided it would be fun to replicate Becky's cover, so check out their fun attempts!

Here’s Becky trying to take the shot with kiddos around.

Here’s the final "Pinterest Challenge” pic with Becky and hubby in the middle and Katie and hubby on the right.

Thanks for bearing with me today on this impromptu post, and as promised, here are some “light-bulb moments” I had or stole from someone else. No matter how dim they may be, somebody out there is gonna need them!


Bright Ideas to Illuminate the Path
to Publication & Beyond


* For more bang for your promotion buck and for those important posts that you want to reach the most people, click “Promote” at the bottom of your post, and the cost can be anywhere from $5.00 on up. Tina Radcliffe turned me on to this bright idea, and I am SO grateful! My promoted posts always cost me $6.99, and FB estimates that 5.2 times as many people had seen my post because I had paid the company to promote it.

In the following article, Nick Bilton saw a 1,000 percent increase in the interaction on a post he promoted because apparently not only is Facebook promoting our posts on news feeds when we pay for them, but also possibly suppressing the ones we do not pay for.

For more information, is a video that explains promoted posts and a website link:

*Another way to reach MORE people on Facebook is to always post your own pic. NEVER use the link picture that comes up when you post a link. Instead, click on the X in the top right-hand corner of the link pic to delete it. Then post your own picture instead.


*If ever there was a light-bulb idea, it’s Rafflecopter!! I stayed away from it for years because it scared me—looked too complicated, but it honestly is one of the easiest technical services out there. If I can do it, anybody can!

When I took part in last year’s Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt, I had 337 comments on pages and pages of links that I had to wade through to pick winners. For every entry option the entrant did, I had to manually (copy & paste) their name in over and over to arrive at their total entries. It was a pain in posterior. So I gave Rafflecopter a try this year and WHAT A BREEZE!! You set it up and literally do nothing until it’s over, then Rafflecopter picks the winner or you can, and you have all the stats. And the best part?? It’s FREE!! Check out our “Fall in Love … Texas Style” Contest Rafflecopter box to see all the options you can set up and Rafflecopter tallies does everything else! Here’s the Rafflecopter home-page link—check it out for your next contest: 


*Okay I’m probably the only out there who was still asking her hubby to pick a number when I had to draw a name for one of my Seeker blogs. Well, no more! Randomizer is even eaiser than Rafflecopter. Just click on your number of contest entrants and click Randomize!! Here’s the link:


*Long URLs are no fun when you’re tweeting and look unsightly when you post them on FB or anywhere else. The solution is either BITLY ( OR TINY URL (, both of which can take a link the one below for Gibson Girl hairstyles and pics:
And reduce it to:


(Tiny URL)


*Deeper Shopping Christian Books and Bibles is now affiliated with The Bookclub Netork and not only are most prices cheaper than Amazon or elsewhere by as much as 20-40%, but if you become an affiliate with Deeper Shopping, you earn 6% from all sales as a result of purchases made from your blog site connection. Check the affiliate information at


*SCREEN SHOT!!! One a pic of any Internet screen you’re looking at to keep (like Pammy did when she and I were # 1 on Amazon at the same time below or to send something to somebody: COMMAND, SHIFT 3.

*BOLD OR ITALICS IN COMMENTS (compliments of Deb Giusti):

       Just FYI, I cannot post the formula for bolding or italicizing or posting links into blog comments because it will create a link. SOOOO ... to show you how to do it in this block, you  need to know that these (<  or  >) are "angle brackets." The one pointing right is the right, the one pointing left is the left: 


Left-angle bracket, plus B, plus right-angle bracket, insert copy you want to bold, plus left-angle bracket,  plus right-angle bracket.


Left-angle bracket, plus I, plus right-angle bracket, insert copy you want to bold, plus left-angle bracket,  plus right-angle bracket.

*TO POST A LINK IN A BLOG: I kept trying to put the formula in, but Blogger kept turning it into a link (DUH!), so anybody who wants this, let me know in your comment with your spam-free email, okay?


*PUTTING COLOR HEADERS/COPY IN YOUR BLOG: Okay, have you noticed all the pretty orange and rust colors I've done some headers in? Well, I JUST figured out how to do that, so I'm going to pass it on. All you do is copy and paste your header or copy into a new Word doc, change it to any color from your color wheel, then copy and paste it into your blog. BINGO!  Instant color!! :)

*There are two phrases that I run into in almost EVERY book I read, no joke. The first one is a variation of:

     His smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

*And the second I have seen in at least four historicals, which drives me nutty because it is as modern a statement as you can find.

    He couldn’t wrap his mind around it.

Okay, there you have it, my hodgepodge of bright ideas and tips I hope help you as much as they’ve helped me!


*Oh. My. Goodness! If there's one contest you do not want to miss entering, it's OKRWA's International Digital Awards. As a winner in the 2013 IDA, I can honestly say that I have never gotten more bang for my contest buck than I have with the IDA:  a website winner's icon, a paperweight award, Facebook and Twitter promotion, reviews posted on Amazon and Goodreads by judges and IDA personnel along with Twitter and FB postings, plus a list of review links. Are you kidding me? No other contest does this and the icing on the cake? The IDA coordinators are AWESOME!! Here's the link:


Share a light-bulb moment of your own or just leave a comment to be entered to win your choice of any of my books including my January 2014 release Dare to Love Again or a spiral-bound signed copy of A Light in the Window.

Becky's a California native who attended Baylor University, met a Texas boy, and settled in Dallas.  She published historical romances for the ABA, then put her career on hold for several years to care for her three children.  When God called her back to writing, Becky knew He meant for her to turn her attention to Christian fiction.  She loves the kind of books she's writing now!  Her CBA debut, My Stubborn Heart, has been named a finalist for Romance Writers of America's RITA Award.  Her new contemporary romance, Undeniably Yours, is available now. You can contact Becky at

Award-winning author of “The Daughters of Boston” and “Winds of Change” series, Julie Lessman was American Christian Fiction Writers 2009 Debut Author of the Year and voted #1 Romance Author of the year in Family Fiction magazine’s 2012 and 2011 Readers Choice Awards. She has also garnered 15 RWA awards and made Booklist’s 2010 Top 10 Inspirational Fiction. Her eBook A Light in the Window is an International Digital Awards winner, a 2013 Readers' Crown Award winner, and a 2013 Book Buyers Best Finalist. You can contact Julie and read excerpts from her books at




  1. My lightbulb moments for story ideas are of course, after I get into bed....but alas, no actual lightbulb. That would be handy. I need to buy one of those light up pens so I can write in the dark. :)

    And I got my first review written by a stranger posted on the internet today!!!!!! So happy it was a nice one. :)

    And I'm now very scared I have a "smile not reaching someone's eyes" in a book.....I know I don't have the other phrase. Pshew!

  2. I love lightbulb moments and at the same time I can't believe it took me so long to figure it out. Some of the lightbulb moments that have helped me out the best are:
    1) When I discovered how to cut, copy, paste, etc. using keyboard shortcuts. (Really can't believe how long it took me to figure this one out!)
    2) Keeping a notepad document pinned to my taskbar that contains the HTML codes for all of my weekly posts.
    3) Having a dry erase board where I write down all of the books I own but haven't read so I can keep track of them and it encourages me to make the list smaller by reading the books. (Currently down to 15!)
    4) Having another dry erase board to keep track of my review books, where they are from, and when my review is due!

  3. wow, that's some list. I've seen a lot of the Texas promotion and heard a lot about Becky's new book. Thanks Julie. (no light bulb moments from me today.)

    Abbi Hart. Seriously. 15 TBRs? That's amazing. You don't want to know how many I have. If I read 15 a month I might catch up... If I never bought or grabbed another book. (no I'm not stealing... I'm including Kindle freebies.

    I'm sure Rafflecopter is great for promoting and running contests, but I'm beginning to avoid using it to enter for giveaways. I wish there was a similar program that had less steps.

  4. Jules, what a fun promotion!!!!!

    Honey, you know if you just write your blog in Blogger, you can do all that stuff with a simple 'click', right? The links, the colors, the font changes and all?

    Take the challenge and try it... Blogger has become my BFF since he/she made this so much easier for us. I bet you'll love it!

    And I love that they tried to reproduce the COVER!!! Oh, Jules, how stinkin' cute is that????

    And your instructions to Keith... I died laughing at that! AWESOME!!!!

    Ah, if only we had a butt trimmer and a waist cincher in real life...

    You know if it was the old days, I'd wear a corset just like I do the "p" word now...

    Because I'm that vain.

    I love this post!!!!

  5. ABBI!!! I love dry erase boards. I got pre-school ones for the kids coming back in September, they're made with practice writing lines so we can practice the alphabet, capitals and lower case... and you can get them in all shapes and sizes for kid rooms...

    And I learned how to MAGNETIZE a kid's wall.

    Oops, off topic.

    Melissa!!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! So exciting!!!!!

    Happy dancing in upstate!

    Hey, it's berry season up here so hows about some berry crumble and some blueberry muffins????

    With fresh coffee, of course! There's a pot going and I'm dropping off the Keurig, Ruthy's lifeline to not murdering someone mid-day.

    (That would be funny if it wasn't slightly TRUE....)


  6. Debra im with you with your comment to Abbi. 15 are you serious!
    If I read 15 a month for 15 years I may catch up.

  7. What a fun post today. Thanks for sharing your light bulb moments.

    One of my light bulb moments was when I learned you could hit Control A to highlight an entire story to copy and paste. (I'm probably showing my age. Ha!)

    Thanks again for sharing, and I'd love to be in the contest.

  8. Oh, Jackie, I remember that!!!!

    Don't we just love "Select All" and Find and Replace...

    And I've got Skydrive now....

    LOVE IT.

    For those who know I don't embrace new stuff well because most of it is annoying, the Skydrive... the Cloud???


  9. Oh I love control a when I found it in publisher last year I was so excited!

  10. Julie, when I saw your overused phrases idea, the first thing that popped into my head was Greg Gutfeld and his daily "banned phrases" comments on The Five. You should start a list of banned literary phrases. You could call it "The Dark and Stormy List," paraphrasing what is supposedly the worst opening line in history.

  11. My light bulb moments never occur when I am trying to force them. They shine all the brighter because of that.

    My most recent one came about because I pitched at RWA unexpectedly a few weeks after I was in the hospital.

    Didn't expect request for a full. Wondered how I would get it all done and not end up back in the hospital.

    Then my daughter bragged about being the formatting queen. LIGHT BULB moment.

    I have a new assistant. I focus on the creative stuff. She cleans up the manuscript and, of course, she said she would do it for free because we were paying her tuition this fall for a certification class. She would have done it anyway but this makes it even better.

    Once she realized Christian fiction didn't have certain elements that other romance genres have.

    "I just can't read your book, Mom."

    "Why not?"

    "I can't read your writing about THAT."

    "That what?"

    Then the boyfriend brought up all he knew about romance was Fifty Shades.

    HEAD SMACK! I assumed they knew what my genre was all about in its entirety.

    I straightened both of them out. AND thought of YOUR writing as a way to be real but still honor the faith elements of the story.

    Put me in for the drawing. It's a brillant idea as are all the other suggestions in the post.

    Peace, Julie the Peaceful.

  12. Julie, you have more light bulb moments than I can keep track of. I think I've only ever had about maybe one light bulb moment ever related to social media or anything online. (Which is why I usually steal Melissa's. She gets lots of online light bulb moments.)

    And I loved your promo, Julie! I've actually got Becky's first book laying by my bed right now, but I haven't started it yet. Hopefully soon. :-)

  13. Julie,

    A great post about promo and marketing. These are lessons everyone can learn from whether we publish traditionally or independently. And the pics were so clever! Great job!

    I'm still laughing about Julie Hilton Steele's daughter thinking she was writing more 50 Shades books. HeeHee. Still,it is good when your child is able to help out...


  14. Brilliant ideas! I'm amazed at all the resources out there :)

  15. What a fun post, Julie! I loved reading how you and Becky got together for your promo! How fun. :)

    Honestly, I haven't had many light bulb moments. I've already shared the one I had—the spread sheet for evaluating contest results. :) If I have more, I'll be sure to share them. :)

  16. Julie,

    Excellent, excellent post! Love reading how it all came together. Looks like you 2 were meant to be!! Being a 5th generation Texan myself, it was a treat to see y'all promoting the Lone Star State in such a clever way. "Don't Mess with Texas" as they say. ;)

    I had a HUGE light bulb moment yesterday morning. DH and I were chatting about how I was going to write "the end" on this story. It's been haunting me for several months. I've worked on other things to be sure, but hadn't come up with a satisfying ending. We'd been praying about it too.

    As we were talking yesterday, the ideas just started coming and I mean, I had a crying *even to the point of sobbing* moment. (Ok, several moments.) Had to cut short the conversation so I could go write things down.

    It was PAWSOME!

    When I started this 3rd book of the series, it seemed like the Lord gave me the theme quite clearly. I've tried working it in here and there some, but POW! It all wrapped up at once. Even bringing in some of the other 2. Pretty exciting and I was so relieved that it seems clear now what He wants me to write. (Hence the sobbing.)


    Alrighty then - Amber Stokes and I are finishing up a promotion celebrating May's stories being out as eBooks. She is much more tech savvy and is using Rafflecopter for example.

    After reading some from others, including Virginia, I decided to bite the bullet (h/t Texas!) and jump in on Facebook ads.

    Wawzah. Added some new folks to May's page, definitely had a bunch of takers on the FREE promo of May's eBooks, and lots of "reach."

    Need to study more on how to change the photos though. Thanks for those tips.

    Neat on the screen shot. I took photos with my phone. ha! This is better!

    Yep - please enter me in the drawing. Looks like fun, and if we have to work, we might as well have some fun at it, right?

    Terrific post, Julie! WTG!!!

  17. Julie, wonderful post! Thanks for all the info. My eyes are crossed from so much reading.:-)

    It's always fun to do a photography shoot for a book cover, promo flyer or even a hand-out for an art show.

    I've not had to do a cover, Yet. But I'm working on it!

  18. Melissa, I jogged over to see the 'nice' review... It was very nice. :-) I like your cover too!


  19. JULIE!!!!

    Love your lightbulbs!

    I had one walking through Walmart the other day. All of my MSs so far are part of a series. All but this year's SpeedBo project. There's no obvious 2nd [much less 3rd] h/h.

    As I was practically running through the store, it hit me I could turn this into book 3 of a different series with a few easy tweaks to book 1 [already written, 2012 Genesis semi-finalist] and a tweak or two to his profession in the Speedbo project.

    I giddily FB'd Christina Rich and texted Joanna Davidson Politano :D. So excited!

    It's not the only one, but the most recent ;).

    And call me blind, but I went back to Rafflecopter to do the latest entries and I'm not sure where to find Julie's/Becky's Bonus Question #1/2 excerpts so I can read them and answer the questions...

    Now, taking the 9yo to the orthodontist and stopping at about 47 different stores to look for paper I can use to print off my one sheets for conference... Found ones I like online, but with 10 bucks for shipping [cheapest - to 25], I'm hoping I can find something good locally ;).

  20. Hey JULIE, Great post. What fun your photos are. You have a gem in Keith, your personal hero. smile

    Learned something new. Will have to try the paid promo for FB

    For more promotional info tune in this Friday when AMBER STOKES gives us her publicity tips.

  21. Hey, Julie! Thanks for all the great tips! I'm going to have use some of those, especially the facebook promotion! I never knew how much it would cost.

    Light bulb moments? Hm. I haven't felt much like a light bulb moment person for a while now. LOL! Sometimes just remembering to ask God for inspiration is a light-bulb moment. And like Melissa Jagears, I'm very much afraid I have something similar to the "smile didn't quite reach his eyes" in a couple of my books. Hopefully I didn't use those exact words. Or the "his mind couldn't wrap around that." I'm hoping my cliche radar would have picked up on those and deleted them.
    Love the tips, Julie!!! XO


    In honor of our Texas theme this mornin', we're breakin' out the grilled Texas Toast, cowboy egg, sausage, cheese and bacon sandwiches, Texas-style bacon, beans & eggs, Texas cinnamon French toast and apple fritters along with Texas tea (hot or cold) and a heapin' pot of Brazos pecan pie coffee!!

    I'm hopin' to have a LOT more light-bulb ideas illuminatin' this old brain of mine after y'all give me your suggestions, so mosey on up to the feedbag and start shootin' them thar ideas my way, ya hear?


    Texas Hugs,

  23. MELISSA!!! You earlybird you -- of COURSE you got a 5-star review, darlin' -- it's a FABULOUS book and I am SO PROUD (Texas toothy proud, girl) to have endorsed it!!

    And those light-bulb moments at night are killers, aren't they though?? I can't sleep with the light on ... ;)

    Hugs and here's to a Texas-size 5-star rating on Amazon, girl!!


  24. ABBI SAID: "I love lightbulb moments and at the same time I can't believe it took me so long to figure it out."

    LOL ... join the club, girlfriend!! And just wait till you get to be MY age ... it's downright humblin'!! ;)

    LOVE the dry-erase TBR list ... I do believe that's a first hearing that for me, but LOVE IT!!

    Okay, sweetie, you need to tell this old gal just exactly HOW you do this "notepad document pinned to taskbar" thingamajiggy and give it to be step-by-step if you will, okay??


  25. DEB!!! Avoiding Rafflecopter??? Say it ain't so!! So all those steps scare you or what? I look at it like freedom of choice ... you can one task to do for an entry or tons -- either way you have a shot at the prize. Of course, those who go crazy with the entries have that many more chances to win ...

    Yeah, this Texas promo has been A LOT of fun for Becky and me and you know what?? It ALL started because I fell crazy in love with Becky's books, so YES, you MUST read them!!


  26. I need a lightbulb moment. Sigh. Becky and Julie are both great writers. thanks for all the ideas, Julie

  27. RUTHY SAID: "Honey, you know if you just write your blog in Blogger, you can do all that stuff with a simple 'click', right? The links, the colors, the font changes and all?"

    UH ... no, I did NOT know that, Ruthy, which is why I was dancin' in the streets when I figured out my own method. DUH.

    I don't think you could do that before, could you, which is why I didn't pay attention to it.

    So, BLESS YOU for bringing this to my attention, girl ... another light-bulb moment helps to make the dark recesses of my mind just a little brighter ... ;)

    LOL ... glad you "died laughing" over my instructions to Keith because the love of my life definitely wasn't ... not even sure he cracked a smile ... :)

    And, yeah, Becky & Katie's cover repro was PRICELESS!! So much so that they plan to do it again with their next releases. Katie's cover didn't have a person on it (or one big enough to see), which is why they both repro'd Becky's.


  28. Loving ALL this, Julie! Especially Becky and Katie's reproducing the cover. Too cute.

    And the Taste of Texas contest. Brilliant! :)

  29. RUTHY!!! "berry crumble and some blueberry muffins" sounds to die for, so BLESS YOU!!


  30. JENNY SAID: "15 are you serious!
    If I read 15 a month for 15 years I may catch up."

    LOL ... ain't that the truth! I have a bedroom with a wall of shelves that are filling up FAST ... like my own personal bookstore, so if I never got another book, I probably would have enough to last the rest of my life.


  31. JACKIE SAID: "One of my light bulb moments was when I learned you could hit Control A to highlight an entire story to copy and paste. (I'm probably showing my age. Ha!)"

    LOL ... YES, YES, YES!!! I agree -- totally a light-bulb moment. Only mine just happened a year or so ago, which is REALLLLLLY sad!!

    You might say this post is for the technically challenged and illiterate folks like moi, who gets blown away by the simplest things that everybody else has been doing for year. :)

    Thanks for sharing, Jackie, and GOOD LUCK!!


  32. Okay, RUTHY ... you do NOT just waltz in here and throw a word like "Skydrive" out and NOT explain it thoroughly. I understand it might be like iCloud, but explain how you use it and how it helps you AND how to get it PLEASE ...

    The dunciest but most lovable techno-illiterate in the world.

  33. Oh, WALT ... GREAT IDEA, my friend ... a true light-bult revelation for both Greg AND me!!

    I tried to Google Greg and the list, but couldn't find it ... can you post the link in a comment here (using my handy-dandy formula in this post???).

    Thanks, Walt!!


  34. From Wikipedia: (Sounds like Dropbox to me)

    SkyDrive (officially Microsoft SkyDrive, previously Windows Live SkyDrive and Windows Live Folders) is a file hosting service that allows users to upload and sync files to a cloud storage and then access them from a Web browser or their local device. It is part of the Windows Live range of online services and allows users to keep the files private, share them with contacts, or make the files public. Publicly shared files do not require a Microsoft account to access.

    The service offers 7 GB of free storage for new users and, for one year, an additional 3 GB of free storage to students.[2] Additional storage is available for purchase.[3] Users who signed up to SkyDrive prior to April 22, 2012 could have opted-in for a limited time offer of 25 GB of free storage upgrade. The service is built using HTML5 technologies,[4] and files up to 300 MB can be uploaded via drag and drop into the web browser,[5] or up to 2 GB via the SkyDrive desktop application for Microsoft Windows and OS X.

  35. Julie, Becky's book sounds terrific! Know yours is! Wonderful how you two banded together to promote Texas style!

    Thanks for the tips! I'm going to give some of these brilliant ideas a try.


  36. WALT!!! JULES!!

    Smart B**ches and Trashy Books has done a list.

    Romance Novel Reader Workout I


  37. JULIE H.S.,ROFLOL!!!! They thought you were writing 50 Shades??? OH. MY. GOODNESS ... what I want to know is, WHY would they think that, you sexy girl, you??? They MUST have a reason ... ;)

    SUPER, SUPER CONGRATS on the full, my friend, and SOOOO glad the hospital debacle is behind you now. And GOOD THINGS are ahead!!

    You said: "AND I thought of YOUR writing as a way to be real but still honor the faith elements of the story."

    Thank you SO much for your kind words and, YES, that is EXACTLY why I write romance the way I do ... to make it more "real" to the out-of-control secular romance market (as evidenced by teenagers to grandmas reading 50 shades by the DROVES, including Christians!!), hoping and praying it will give them a little bit of the passion they are looking for with God's precepts sown in without them even aware ...

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK, oh Peaceful One!!


  38. NAOMI SAID: "Julie, you have more light bulb moments than I can keep track of."

    LOL ... it's call tic-restless leg-CDQ syndrome, my friend, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst 1-star reviewer ... okay, maybe I would ... ;)

    And, YES, you must bump Becky's book up to the top of that TBR, girlfriend, because YOU are gonna love it!!


  39. PIPER ... I'm still laughing too over Julie H.S.'s daughter's comment too!! Ah, teenagers ... you can't not love 'em, you can't not ship to an island till they turn 20 ... :)


  40. SHERRI ... I was, too, and continue to be!! Once I learn a fair amount about the Internet/computer tools available to make my life easier, I plan to tackle my iPhone ... ;)


  41. JEANNE T ... WOW, what a brilliant idea, that spread sheet!! Gotta be fun to track it that way. My problem is ... I don't know how to do spread sheets!!! Excel is NOT my friend and refuses to work with me ... ;)


  42. KC!!! May is joining the digital world??? YAYYYYYYYY, MAYYYYYYYYYY!! That is, INDEED, "pawsome," as is working with the fabulous savvy and smart Amber Stokes!!!

    Absolutely THRILLED about your sob-sensational idea from God (He really is the light source for all of us all of the time, eh?)

    Hugs and Happy Ebook Sales!!

  43. MARY SAID: "Julie, wonderful post! Thanks for all the info. My eyes are crossed from so much reading.:-)"

    LOL ... would you believe, Mary, that this was a last-minute post that I meant to be short, short, short!! But since I canNOT do anything short, it ends up being a Blogger vs. of War & Peace!! It's the extreme anality in me, I'm afraid, which is why I gave up gourmet cooking. I was good at it, but WAY too anal for it to be fun. :(


  44. Julie,

    She is in grad school so I can't blame it on her being a teenager.

    I think a lot of it has to do with listening to me talk over the course of my ministry about faith and our sexuality. She didn't get that Christian romance has even stricter guidelines. Or she just knew Christians aren't prudes as portrayed by some.

    Wouldn't it be great if readers who don't pick up a Christian romance because of their own misbegotten views had their own light bulb moment?

    Another light bulb moment out of this is that I can't assume for good or ill what people know about Christian romance. I write not only for those who are Christians but those who can use Christ in their lives. So I need to let folks know what my genre is and why.

    Peace, Julie


  45. CAROL ... oh, those "Walmart" light bulbs are THE BEST (and the cheapest!), so WHOO-HOO for the sudden great direction on series, girlfriend!!

    And Becky only has one "Heroe's" excerpt, so all you have to do is go to her website here BECKY'S WEBSITE and scroll down, so GOOD LUCK!!


  46. SANDRA, I cannot WAIT to read what Amber has for us on Friday because promo is the bane of my existence, so I am ALWAYS looking for tips!!

    And I'm glad you found something to help you today -- that FB promo tip is PURE TINA RADCLIFFE!!


  47. LOL, MEL ... I'm pretty darn sure most of us writers have the "smile didn't quite reach the eyes" line in our books or a version of it because let's face it -- it's a GREAT line and thought ... the 1st or 2nd time!! ;)

    And I used it in APMP, I think, so I'm guilty as well ... :|


  48. I'm reading Becky Wade's latest right now:) Texas is definitely a state I'd love to visit.

  49. CINDY ... I'm betting you have plenty of "light-bulb moments," but you are just not aware of them. Some people call them "Ah-Ha" moments when something clicks into place, hence the light bulb popping above the head. :)

    And THANK YOU for your kind words for both Becky and me. I will agree with you on Becky at least ... ;)


  50. Thanks, PAMMY ... and speaking of the "Taste of Texas" segment of our contest, I need to vamoose and post it because today is the day I add that new post. :(


  51. TINA, BLESS YOU!! Now ... explain it to me in dummy-proof 3-syllable words, will you??? :|


  52. Thanks, JANET, and I actually thought of you a lot when doing this post because you and I are always bemoaning the fact that we are computer/Internet illiterate on the Seeker loop compared to all those savvy brain gurus like Mary, Ruthy, Tina, Myra, et al!! I think we comfort each other, Janet, or at least I know you comfort me, but then again ... you're so nice, that may be the EXACT reason you do it ... to make me feel better!! :)


  53. TINA!!! LOVE IT!!! Thanks for sharing the Smart B**ches and Trashy Books list!!


  54. JULIE H.S. SAID: "Wouldn't it be great if readers who don't pick up a Christian romance because of their own misbegotten views had their own light bulb moment?"

    OH,YES, YES, YES!!! That is what I hope and pray for with my books that somehow amid all that passion I pump into my books, that swinging light bulb will pop on above their heads.

    Actually had that happen with a reader who contacted me to thank me. She was a fallen-away Christian who only read secular romance. Until, that is, she bought my book off a turn-style display in a Walmart, not realizing it was a Christian romance (isn't that AMAZING?? Uh, not the reader picking it up, but the fact it was in a Walmart at all!!!! Only happened once ... ;)) Anyway, she said that my book brought her back to the Lord, and if you don't think THAT was a proud, tearful moment for me, think again!! :)


  55. I had a mini lightbulb moment yesterday. I have a wedding to attend in a couple weeks and I needed a chunky fun bracelet to wear with the dress. So I had an idea to make a wrap bracelet with memory wire. Well, that didn't work because the hole for the beads was too narrow. Then I thought, 'fine, I'll just make several strands and thread them on one toggle clasp.' Nope, that wouldn't allow the clasp to thread through. So, I was up till after 2 a.m. threading individual bracelets that I will wear stacked to give the same appearance that I was going for in the first place.


  56. Julie, you don't just have "light bulb moments"--you ignite the entire chandelier!!!

    You and Becky are so cute! I wondered how you managed to pose together for your "cowgirl" photo. Should have known it was all thanks to your talented hubby!

  57. Light bulb moments? I'm sure I've had them. I just can't remember.

    I love keyboard shortcuts and I'm sure there are plenty I don't know. Ctrl + A = highlight all. Ctrl + C = copy. Ctrl + V = paste. Ctrl + X = cut. Ctrl + Z = undo (very handy to undo auto-formatting). Actually for Windows you can find them all here.

    And can I be the crabby person who says she doesn't like Rafflecopter? I'm sure it's great when you're on the promoting end. But when I see a Rafflecopter form on a contest, I just turn around and run. There are so many things to do! Maybe I just don't understand it.

    Gotta finish getting ready for work. Ugh. It's Monday.


    P.S. Loved your Anne Bancroft line! I laughed out loud over that.

  58. JULIE-Haha well I'll do my best to explain it!
    1) You open up Notepad by going to the Start Menu. (You can locate it in the 'accessories' file or search for it.)
    2) When the icon comes up on the taskbar (aka: what the start button is on) right click it in the list of options that comes up choose "Pin this program to Taskbar". Now you will be able to access the program by just clicking the icon on the taskbar.
    3) Copy and Paste the HTMLs for the posts into the Notepad document and save it (I saved mine as simply HTML)
    4) Now right click on the Notepad icon again and this time in the recent section you should see your just saved document. Hover your mouse on it and a little push pin should appear, click it. Your document is now pinned.
    5) To access it just right click on the Notepad icon and at the top of the list of options should be your document, click it and voila!
    Hope that was clear enough!

  59. Very cool story today, Julie. Thanks for sharing that and the tips!

  60. ABBI!!! I pin PROGRAMS all the time but didn't realize you could pin FILES to the program button!!!

    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Julie - where's your excerpts? The Bonus questions. I'm sure I'm having a "blonde moment" but spent the morning at the orthodontist [come back in six months, then likely start talking about when the braces go on...] and going to /counts/ 6 different stores and called a 7th trying to find the paper I want for my one-sheets... sigh. But now I'm home for the next several days and gotta love that ;).

  61. Hi Julie:

    So glad for this post! All month I’ve been suffering a cognitive dissonance trying to figure out what Boston, San Francisco, and Julie Lessman have to do with Texas! I saw your hat and thought ‘all hat, no cows’. Are you really claiming Texas by inheritance?

    You know what ‘cognitive dissonance’ is: that’s when light bulbs flicker!

    I did have a minor light bulb moment when you mentioned the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and ‘Hallelujah’! It reminded me of my “Heavensong” album so I quickly played ‘Allelujah’ and immediately noticed that the Mormons took the “H” out of “Hallelujah”. Now there’s an idea.


    Your quote of the statement, “… Becky Wade is the contemporary Julie Lessman” set off alarm bells. My wife warns never to compare one woman to another – even if you think it is flattering.

    Now I keep wondering how is Becky like you? Does she write long books? Does she write ‘edgy Christian’ fiction? Does she occasionally write heroines you want to strangle? Are her stories mulit-generation family sagas? Does her propensity to pantser produce progressively more prolific edits? Does she write in a way that makes you proud of your Catholic childhood? What could it be?

    Light bulb quote of the day for when the lights won’t come on:

    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness" Motto of The Christophers:


    P.S. Without “Black Moments” we’d never get to the HEA.

  62. Hi, everyone! Thank you, Julie, for a great post.

    I may have been the one that first suggested to Julie that the two of us team up for a Texas Oil Heiresses promotion -- but as I'm sure you all already know -- Julie is the promo queen and SHE'S the one that took it from there and had ALL the other lightbulb moments. I mostly tried to hang onto her coat tails. :)

    The idea of pairing with a fellow author for cross-promotion was a lightbulb moment for me last winter. I think it works best when you work with someone who has readers that you suspect might like your work, too. Katie Ganshert and I both write contemporary romance and Julie and I both write romance-focused novels. So, in both cases, we felt/hoped that we might be able to share our readers. Not only that, but cross-promotion is so much fun. It develops friendship, it gives an author the opportunity to support another Christian fiction writer, and it splits the work-load in half.

    It's a treat to visit Seekerville! Wishing you all a wonderful summer. Warmly, Becky

  63. Okay - Julie. I found the excerpts. [Man how'd I miss them before!] And emailed you a question...

    Much as I want to dig out both books [and My Stubborn Heart], I got my own words to write today... Maybe in a couple weeks...

  64. Julie, Drop Box is a way to access your files from different computers.

    So if you are away from home you can still get to stuff that is traditionally on your computer.


  65. Marilyn, you made me remember.

    I use the m dash a lot so instead of going to symbols and insert I created a key board short cut CTRL 1 for that.

  66. Holly, love your idea. Haven't seen you in a while???? HOW ARE YOU?????

  67. Love your post, are such fun!
    I have to agree with Deb and Marilyn....I don't like rafflecopter either....too much to do! lol
    I do want to be "IN" for the newest Julie book.

  68. That's a lot of light bulbs, Julie. You must have a halo glowing around your head! Loved how contemporary and historical authors teamed together. You might just have gained a cross-over readership. Contemps going over the dark side of historicals and vice versa. :-)

  69. Oh -- and my latest light bulb moment was using picmonkey graphics on my blog. Thank you, Pam Hillman!!!!!

  70. Oh, COURTNEY, me too!! I have visited Texas several times (but it's never enough!) and once told an interviewer that if I could have chosen a state I'd like to from, it would have been Texas. :)

    Oh, you lucky dawg!!! I absolutely LOVED Undeniably Yours, so you are SO in for a treat, as you are already well aware, no doubt!!


  71. HOLLY, LOL ... a very cute (albeit time-consuming fashion idea, my friend, but I'm pretty sure you look flat-out adorable!! You should post it on FB and give us the link!! :)


  72. HOLLY, LOL ... a very cute (albeit time-consuming fashion idea, my friend, but I'm pretty sure you look flat-out adorable!! You should post it on FB and give us the link!! :)


  73. LOL, MYRA ... it feels like a "chandelier" hanging on my head sometimes, albeit a dusty one because as my hubby knows all to well, I don't clean or cook anymore if I can help it ...

    And, gosh, do you realize how BORING my blogs would be if it weren't for Keith??? The man is a saint.


  74. MARILYN SAID: "Light bulb moments? I'm sure I've had them. I just can't remember."

    ROTFLOL ... Marilyn, talk about laughing out loud, girlfriend -- LOVE your line above -- made ME laugh out loud. :)

    And I hear you on Rafflecopter, which is why I steered clear for SO darn long, but now I am addicted. I'm telling you, they make it SOOOO darn easy to enter a contest, even ones where you have to LIKE a FB page (it takes you to the FB page it wants you to like so you can click on it and return by back-arrowing!!!).

    And how fun is it to answer a question from an excerpt??? Reminds me of the SRA reading program I had in grade school (back in the Stone Age, where you chiseled your answer in), WHICH I absolutely loved and was one of the best in the class because of it.

    So I encourage you to give it a try and I swear to you that that light bulb of fun will go off if you just chase the fear away!! You should have seen me buck like the devil 30 years ago when the company I worked for introduced computers to the employees. Swore I never would learn it or like it, and we'd be lost today without 'em, right???



    I copied and pasted your directions into a doc and will tackle them later.

    Thanks again for taking the time to do that, my friend. :)


  76. Thanks, DIANNA, AND for coming by to read it in the first place. Here's hoping it nets you a win!!


  77. CAROL ... talk about a "blonde moment," not only am I having one today as well, but the bleach has fried my brain to boot. Hey ... maybe THAT'S why some people think blondes are so dingy ... peroxide-fried brains!! :)

    I answered your email on this, darlin', and BLESS YOU for letting me know about the snafu on the question. :)


  78. LOL, VINCE ... your eyesight is apparently as bad as mine because in the poster (in smaller print) there is the following copy which explains just WHAT Becky and I have in common other than Casey Herringshaw calling Beck the "contemporary Julie Lessman."


    So you see, the actual common link is we both have heroines who are Texas oil heiresses. :)

    YOU SAID: "Your quote of the statement, “… Becky Wade is the contemporary Julie Lessman” set off alarm bells. My wife warns never to compare one woman to another – even if you think it is flattering."

    LOL ... it's okay to compare two women when one of 'em is me and the other is a Rita nominee ... ;)

    I think Casey meant that Becky and I both write edgier-style romance (i.e. my style is more romantically passionate than the norm and Becky's is edgier with some phraseology she used). But, I'm sorry to say, poor Beck got so much flack for some of her "edgy" phrases in the first printing that they were deleted in the subsequent ones. :|


    P.S. This is me trying to center the slogan above, so just ignore:


  79. BECKY!!!!!! Sooooo fun to see you here, girlfriend, and our contest is going great guns, isn't it, though??

    And WHO's holding onto WHOSE coat tails??? I'm not the Rita nominee, darlin', remember??? ;)


  80. TINA SAID: "Julie, Drop Box is a way to access your files from different computers. So if you are away from home you can still get to stuff that is traditionally on your computer. Like a VIRTUAL FLASH DRIVE.


    UH ... now can you explain what a flash drive is???? :|

    Just teasing!! I'm married to the Flash-Drive KING, after all ... ;)


  81. JACKIE, not you too, darlin'??? You're intimidated by Rafflecopter?? Do you realize just HOW many contests you are missing out on???

    I'll tell you what ... if you take the challenge and enter Becky's and my Texas contest by doing everything listed, you let me know, and I will have something special for you, okay? And if you have already LIKED my FB page and watched the video in the past, which I'm betting you have, just click on that option then, okay?


  82. Wow, Julie, your post just zings with energy. Light bulb moments -- I can't recall the last one, but usually after one occurs I find myself muttering, "Well THAT took longer than it should have."

    Lots of good tips ... and you recharged my day. Thanks!

    Nancy C

  83. KAV SAID: "That's a lot of light bulbs, Julie. You must have a halo glowing around your head!"

    LOL ... I doubt ANYBODY would qualify me as an angel or a saint (since they are the only ones with halos, right?), but I like the image, so BLESS YOU!!

    AND, yeah, it's kind of fun doing a promo with a contemp author ... ESPECIALLY since contemps are so hot right now and historicals are taking the dive ... :(

    Oh, you BRAVE GIRL, you!! You're wading in the PicMonkey waters, eh? Well, I guess that will be my next light bulb, compliments of Pammy.


  84. NANCY C SAID: "I can't recall the last one, but usually after one occurs I find myself muttering, "Well THAT took longer than it should have."

    ROTFLOL!!!! My second belly laugh today, girlfriend, so THANK YOU!!

    Glad I could recharge your day ... now I gotta go stick my finger in an electric socket to recharge mine ... ;)

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  85. Man, I'm glad I have a first printing then :(. I loved Becky's book as is.

    Anytime you can use "It's on like Donkey Kong" it's all good ;).

    I was surprised by a couple of her phraseolgies, but they didn't bother me at all. If anything, I was glad to see them, because they were... appropriate? I thought. Something someone would really think/say, kind of thing.

    I'm supposed to be writing. I talked to Jess Keller Koschnitzky for an hour instead. So back to it ;).

  86. Julie and Becky,
    What a great contest and wonderful cross promo for your books. You both are amazing!!!

    I'm feeling a bit on the low-wattage side today. :) No brilliant bursts of genius on the horizon, but I loved your tips, Julie L!

    Waving to Julie Hilton Steele and lovin' her daughter's false assumption!

    KC and're shining brightly! :)

    So glad Vince is back. Were you gone or did I just miss you? Looking forward to your blogs this week.

  87. I don't think I have had a lightbulb moment since school let out LOL but I would LOVE a copy of Dare to Love Again! I love love love your books Julie and I always promote them to people wanting a good read! ;)
    Thanks a bunch!

  88. Pic Monkey....

    Drop Box

    Sky Drive





    Isn't it a hoot and half of us understand half of what we're talking about!

    Julie, what a great convo you've started here!!! I'm tiptoe-ing in with some lunch stuff... fresh veggies, corn on the cob and some burgers....

    Dig in, Cokes and cokes (Southern, if you have to ask, you don't live in the right lower half of the contiguous 48), and fresh coffee...

    For us Yanks!!!

  89. Oh goody, I can share something I know as a way of saying 'thanks' to all at Seekerville who have shared their knowledge with me!

    Here are some 'save my sanity' links when it comes to not having to take my fingers off the keyboard to 'mouse' commands (after which I invariably place my fingers on the wrong keys and come up with some fascinating, but unreadable, words).

    Thank you TINA for the guidance on how to create a hot link! I am now empowered. Look out world ...

    Keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word (PC)

    Word keyboard shortcuts for the Mac

    MacMost Mac OS X Lion Power User Keyboard Shortcuts

    Nancy C

  90. My best LB moment was to READ this entire article and second best is to IMPLEMENT your RXes!!! THANKS JULIE!!!! You are the best!!!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. what a great bunch of tips. Sereen shot: stupid question--you said command shift 3, but what is command? I'm hopeless! LOL

  93. Well Julie, you already know about this light bulb. But when I was casting actors/actresses for your novels in DOB and WOC I was having a hard time picking the perfect people for the roles. Patrick probably ended up being the hardest. I came across Henry Cavill and for me it was like a, "Ahhh HAAA!" moment. I ended up passing him up to keep looking though because my sister didn't think he fit your description right. So, I showed you other actors, but neither you or me cared for them too much. Then I finally decided to just show you Henry anyway because I REALLY liked him for the part. Turns out I should have shown him to you sooner because we ended up agreeing on him.

  94. Kathleen -

    On a windows machine it's shift print screen which is usually up near your f12 key somewhere. That copies your screen as is then you can paste it into another program to save the whole screen as a jpg.

  95. Well, Salyna, Henry is going to be very busy. He's in my next book AND Susan Mason's. hahahaha

  96. Hi Julie:

    I think I have it figured out now.

    You write:

    ’Edgy Christian Fiction’


    Becky writes:

    ‘Be Sure to Buy
    the first Edition’
    Over the Edge
    Christian Fiction.

    I must admit that is a very contemporary marketing approach to creating urgency. ☻

    BTW: I can’t make that screen shot function work. I don’t even have a COMMAND key. I could not make the SHIFT PRINT SCR work either. I use Windows. It would be nice if I could figure this out. What happens to the screen when it does work? What message do you get? It could be happening and I don't know it.

    Also, I’ve never been able to center anything in a blogger comment. Please tell us if you know how to do this. Centering is very pleasing.

    TINA: what is your view on adding links to comments? Some sites want you to ask permission first because it tends to pull people away from the host site. I am very leery of adding links to my comments.

    A hopeful note: if you have not had a light bulb moment in a while, you probably never turned your light off. That’s the cost of being enlightened.

    Oh, Julie, now that you’re a Texas cowgirl are we going to get to see pictures of your cows like Mary shows us? : )


  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. What a fun post, Julie!!! I think it's great that you and Becky teamed up together to have such a great giveaway! I LOVED LAAC, and I'm sure that Undeniably Yours is just as great as My Stubborn Heart (which I thought was adorable!). =)

    Thanks for the great giveaway!!!


  99. I loved hearing about your friendship with Becky! You both seem really awesome... makes me miss my best friend. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway :)


  100. Hi Debby:

    I’ve been in Tulsa.

    I’ve been very busy moving my office at work and downsizing it while still running the business. I’ve been working on deadlines and writing blogs. It seems the older I get, the more I have to do. And I’m not as fast as I once was. All the talk about cunning and guile making up for getting older, that’s just smoke and mirrors.

    Thanks for asking. Some days I don’t get online but then on other days I make up for it. : )


  101. On a Romantic Personal Note:

    It’s our 35th Wedding Anniversary today. Going out tonight. We were married on same day as Prince Charles and Lady Diana. Only three years earlier. Still going strong. The romance never stops. : )


  102. Oh, CAROL, me too!! I was sad when I learned the publisher pulled the phrases. :(

    I prefer real, and Beck's book was VERY real as far as CBA contemps go.


  103. Hey, DEB ... I'm glad you said something, because I missed Vince too!

    He's just a missable kind of guy, isn't he???


  104. Aw, SIA, you ROCK, girlfriend -- thank you SO much for your support, and I would LOVE to ship you a signed copy of DTLA, so GOOD LUCK, girl!!


  105. LOL, RUTHY ... it has been a fun and lively discussion today, hasn't it??

    Thanks for the Cokes, you sweet Yankee, you!!


  106. NANCY C!!!

    Thank you, girlfriend, for ALL the GREAT links!!

    I'm gonna check all of 'em out later, so BLESS YOU!!


  107. Aw, CARRIE, you are just TOO sweet, you know that???

    You just HAD to be a cheerleader in high school, I just know it, because you are truly on the CBA's TOP squad, girlfriend!!

    Love ya lots!!

  108. LOL, KATHLEEN ... I have a Mac keyboard, so we have a command key, but if you have a PC, here's a link you will LOVE!! It tells you what to do to get a screen shot... which is simply taking a pic of any screen you see on the Internet, which you can then post in a blog, send to someone, or save for posterity, like Pammy and I did when both our books were in the #1 spot at Amazon at the same time for all of 3 seconds ... ;)



  109. LOL, KATHLEEN ... I have a Mac keyboard, so we have a command key, but if you have a PC, here's a link you will LOVE!! It tells you what to do to get a screen shot... which is simply taking a pic of any screen you see on the Internet, which you can then post in a blog, send to someone, or save for posterity, like Pammy and I did when both our books were in the #1 spot at Amazon at the same time for all of 3 seconds ... ;)



  110. HI Julie. So much good information. Rafflecopter seems like a great solution for contests. Great ideas! Another post that I will be referring to over and over!

  111. Vince - Hit shift-print screen. It won't do anything but copy the screen to your clipboard. Then open a program like PowerPoint or Publisher or Paint or something where you can save as a jpg file [I usually use PowerPoint, no particular reason].

    "Paste" in there either using right click/paste, or control-v, or the paste button in the bar.

    Shoot me an email if you need more help with it :). [I'll actually be in Tulsa this weekend - wish I'd have time to say hi!]

  112. VINCE -- Oh wow! Happy Anniversary!! What a wonderful opportunity to celebrate love.

    JULIE -- I forgot to say how clever and fun the promo you did with Becky is. Looking forward to reading both books, and hope lots of other folks read them too.

    Nancy C

  113. Sorry my comment is so late, Julie...I DID post a comment this morning (a nice LONG comment, LOL) that Blogger I'm back 12 hours later to try again!

    Anywho...GREAT post today, and I am AMAZED at the story behind you and Becky on that poster--WOW! Your husband must be so smart (and patient, LOL) to help create that.

    My light-bulb moments always happen in the shower, of all places. I keep thinking I need to keep something to write on right next to the shower!

    Thanks for this fun, helpful post today - - and CONGRATS on your amazing career!! Hugs, Patti Jo

  114. I don't have a problem with adding links to our comments when it is the Seekers posting. We chatter all day.

    I would say that when we have guests that don't know Seekerville well, it's probably a good idea to use caution out of respect.

    Except for our regular villagers.

    Not everyone gets the dynamics here.

    And that is just my opinion.

  115. VINCE~!!!

    Here is how I do screen shot.

    HIT CONTROL THEN ALT AND THEN the prtscrn button. You have to be depressing them all at once at the end.

    Then go to a Word doc and do paste or CTRL V

    V = paste

    Z = undo

    C= Copy


    That changes everything.

  117. Lightbulb moment ... Realizing how to bookmark things on my tablet's Internet browser. Haha, I may be a young adult, but I'm not too tech savvy at times. ;)

    I'm a fan of rafflecopter, except how it defaults to your Facebook if you're signed in to FB. I remember having to copy/paste my email into every blog comment for individual entires, but wiith rafflecopter your email isn't publicly seen ... I usually just skip the entries I don't want to do or don't have. Just my two cents.

  118. I can't think of a lightbulb moment at this particular time, however, Julie is one of my top three favorite authors--because I love every single one of her books! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy--I'm sure your new book will not disappoint!

  119. Julie, I enjoyed your light bulb moment post plus hearing about how your friendship happened with Becky. Would love to win. Thank you for sharing and please enter me in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

  120. The whole time I was reading this blog, I heard Julie's voice and intonations. LOL! Julie, you write like you speak!!!

    I love all the information you shared, girlfriend! I can just see your very patient husband standing there - camera in hand - while you bounce around trying new poses and facial expressions.

    Julie, you are such a hoot!!

  121. BTW, I tried to bold and failed. Bummer.

    Try, try again.

  122. SALYNA, YES!!! One of my FAVORITE light bulbs of all time -- YOUR COLLAGES OF MY BOOKS!!

    I cannot WAIT to post them on my Journal Jots in the upcoming weeks, so I hope you are subscribed to Journal Jots so you get an email when it posts. I will try to remember to let you know, but you know my old brain is not as young as yours ...

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!


  123. TINA!!! OH. MY. GOODNESS!! You should see the book collages Salyna did for all of my books -- they are truly SENSATIONAL!! I plan to post them in the upcoming weeks on my Journal Jots blog. They are truly brilliant, and so is Salyna!!

    Henry Cavill is drop-dead gorgeous, whether he's Patrick O'Connor or in your book or Suzi-Q's!! :)


  124. VINCE!!!

    FIRST OF ALL -- HAPPY 35TH, YOU SWEET COUPLE YOU!! You could write a book on romantic marriages, my friend ... or maybe we could collaborate on one since Keith and I celebrate our 35th in two months!! :)

    You also said: "I think I have it figured out now. You write: ’Edgy Christian Fiction’ And Becky writes:
    ‘Be Sure to Buy the first Edition’
    Over the Edge Christian Fiction."

    LOL ... yep ... you got it right as usual, Mr. Mooney!!

    You said: "BTW: I can’t make that screen shot function work."

    See my comment to Kathleen above for a great link on screen shots on a PC, Vince. Like Tina said -- I have a Mac. :|

    You also said: "I’ve never been able to center anything in a blogger comment. Please tell us if you know how to do this. Centering is very pleasing."

    I agree and actually tried to do it today in this blog, but couldn't do it. Even Googled it, to no avail. Would LOVE to know how, so if you find out, let me know, okay?


    TINA: what is your view on adding links to comments? Some sites want you to ask permission first because it tends to pull people away from the host site. I am very leery of adding links to my comments.

    A hopeful note: if you have not had a light bulb moment in a while, you probably never turned your light off. That’s the cost of being enlightened.

    Oh, Julie, now that you’re a Texas cowgirl are we going to get to see pictures of your cows like Mary shows us? : )


  125. ELYSSA!!! Hey, girl, how are you doing???

    Soooo glad you enjoyed LAAC, and I hope you will consider posting a short review on Amazon and Goodreads. If you do, let me know, and I will give you points in the next contest, okay?

    And, yes, My Stubborn Heart was absolutely adorable ... but Undeniably Yours??? EVEN BETTER!!

    Good luck, sweetie!


  126. NINJASPY 13 ... you're best friends with Becky??? You are SO lucky, my friend, because Becky is SUCH a cool person and the real deal. I'm a CDQ (caffeinated drama queen) and Becky is a real calming influence to my wired personality. LOVE HER!!

    Thanks for coming by, and GOOD LUCK in the contest!


  127. VINCE SAID: "It seems the older I get, the more I have to do."

    Oh man, Vince, I hear ya!! We more mature types aren't as spry as we used to be, but there's a LOT to be said for aging. It works for beef and it works for wine, and it works for us too. We may be slower, but like fine wine, we're more mellow and full-bodied ... literally!!

    LOL ... and yes, I AM mellowing with age even though it seems like I'm bouncing off the ceilings most days. You should have seen me in my 20s ... not pretty!!


  128. VINCE SAID: "The romance never stops."

    And THIS, my friend, is only one of the many, MANY reasons I love you!!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Mrs. Mooney is a very lucky woman!! : )


  129. Thanks, LYNDEE ... and Rafflecopter is FABULOUS!! Not only because it makes this old gal feel hip and with it, but it is SO darn easy and fun to use!! Give it a try.


  130. NANCY C. ... aw, thanks, my friend! I have to admit, I think it turned out pretty cute as well, but then anything that has Becky Wade in it is a given for "cute"!!!

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK, you sweet thing!!

  131. Oh, PATTI JO!!! I just HATE that when Blogger eats the posts, which is why I've made a habit out of copying my post before I preview it.

    And, YES, my hubby is a true saint, both patient and creative, not to mention loving and kind. I am blessed.

    YIKES ... light-bulb moments in the shower?? Sounds a wee bit dangerous to me ... water and electricity, you know ... ;)

    And, Patti Jo, I heard from other Seekers that you are just as WONDERFUL in person as you are on this blog. Cannot WAIT to meet you, my friend -- with or without peach cobbler!! ;)


  132. LDK!!! You just made my day with this comment: "I may be a young adult, but I'm not too tech savvy at times. ;)"

    Thank you for making me feel not so old by telling me that. :)

    I'm not familiar with the FB login problem with Rafflecopter, I guess because I don't do it that way ... I don't think. How sad is that that I don't even know ... :|


  133. KAREN ... you ALWAYS lift my spirits, my friend, with your sweet friendship and fabulous support -- THANK YOU!!

    Here's hoping you pull out a win ... :)


  134. BARBARA TO ... consider yourself entered, my friend, and here's to a win in the contest.

    Yes, Becky and I hit it right off because we do write in a similar vein as far as a bit edgier than the norm, which I, of course, LOVE!! ;)


  135. AUDRA!!! Do you have any idea how much I miss you??? I've been thinking of you a lot lately and hope the writing is going well. I'm anxious to read something, girl, so get moving!!

    Love you!!

  136. I forgot to congratulate Nancy C on her link skill. Great job, Luke Skywaker.

  137. My best computer light bulb moments come when I have my daughter by my side guiding me through some process or other.

  138. LOL ... I agree, Tina ... Nancy C gets an "A" in Light-Bulb Moments!!


  139. I'm doing great, Julie! Hope the same goes for you, my friend! =)

    I actually did write a review for LAAC and posted it on Amazon (The Jesus Freak). Can't wait for Dare to Love Again- the cover is amazing! =D

    Can't wait to read Undeniably Yours!


  140. Hey, MARY ... you are SO lucky to have a daughter to guide you through all these ultra-technical processes today, and YES, when my daughter "enlightens" me on a particular computer or iPhone point, it feels like the heavens have opened up and awe settles thickly. :)

    What do the rest of them do WITHOUT daughters??? ;)

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!


  141. AH ... ELYSSA ... So YOU are Jesus Freak??!! I guess I'd forgotten that, sorry. GREAT REVIEW, by the way, and SOOOO appreciate it, my friend!

    I have a feeling that Dare to Love Again is going to be everybody's favorite in the Heart of San Francisco series because Alli and Nick are just so darn cute with all their head-butting!! And just to prepare you, there are almost NO kisses in this book, but LOTS of romantic tension instead, so the 1-star reviewers who hate the passion in my books should be happy with that. :)

    Happy reading with Undeniably Yours and GOOD LUCK in this contest, sweetie-pie!


  142. Who has lightbulb moments? I do know that I would probably get a hot bottom sitting on that lightbulb though and perhaps that would give me a moment?


    Actually, I've probably had a few lightbulb moments. I just have to stay plugged in so the electrical current heading to my imagination station gets a zing.

    I will do know I have to print this off because while I've used several of the ideas there, I've mountains yet to climb and there is some great information.

    And I still tried the HTML bold trick and it didn't work.


  143. "Look what I can finally do," he said with smile that barely reached his eyes.

    had to remember that closing tag forward /

  144. LOL, TINA!!! You are SUCH a hoot, girlfriend, and YES, I've been in the hotseat before, but never quite as warm as that blasted light bulb ... ;)

    YAY!!!!!!! Sooooo glad you conquered the bold trick in comments!! Did I teach you in the blog or did you just figure it out yourself?

    Thanks for coming by -- GOOD LUCK in the contest, my friend!!


  145. Wow, you really did have light-bulb moments! I haven't had any light-bulb moments, but I sure enjoy reading the light-bulb moments from all you good authors. Thank you for sharing and please enter me in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

  146. Thanks, Barbara, for coming by and reading my post ... here's to a win in the contest, my friend!!


  147. I'm hosting my first giveaway on my blog this week... Ironic that Julie posted about Rafflecopter because I'm trying that for the first time, too. :)

  148. I'm hosting my first giveaway on my blog this week... Ironic that Julie posted about Rafflecopter because I'm trying that for the first time, too. :)

  149. Hey, ANNA, good for you, my friend, and now you need to try my pointer in the blog for including your link in your comment!! I wanna see your contest ... ;)


  150. Probably coming at this from a different angle but this is what I think of when I hear light-bulb moment. I am going back to homeschooling my children this year and there will be moments where I struggle to get a certain concept though to them and then all of the sudden you see their eyes light up and BING! they get it!! :) One of the most rewarding feelings of a homeschool mom! I would love to win Love at a Cost. :)

  151. What fun! I have so enjoyed reading the other comments.Many of my bright ideas come when I write(or when I am trying to fall asleep). Sometimes it will be for a story that I left unfinished, or a letter of encouragement.When I actually sit down to write it does not come immediately, but when it does words seem to flow off of my pen(the same comes when I play the Piano, though). I know that it is a gift from God. My English teacher thinks that I should write novels, but I have not convinced myself of it, yet.Presently, I am more focused on my music, making Youtube videos, & reading(mostly the classics).I keep lists of books to read, but I think I will copy Abbi and put them on a board. Thank you all for the brilliant ideas. ;) Blessings, Jules Verne

  152. LOL, MELISSA ... that is a DEFINITE "light-bulb moment," my friend, so GOOD JOB!! That must give you a great amount of joy when you hear (or see) that "bing," eh?? Thanks for coming by to share, and I sure hope I get to send you a signed copy of LAAC, so GOOD LUCK!!


  153. JULIANNA!! Thank you SO much for taking the time to come by, and I'm glad you could take a little bit of "light" with you from my light-bulb moments!!

    You know, you LOOK like an author to me, so maybe you better pray about your English teacher's idea of writing a novel, eh?? ;)

    Hugs and GOOD LUCK!!

  154. Not sure I can think of any lightbulb mime ts that don't involve a duh moment too. Like a why didn't I think of that before moment. Lol. Sarah k.

  155. I just love all of Julie's books. She does such a wonderful job. I can't wait to read Becky's new book. Keep up the great work ladies!!
    Blessings, Deana Dougherty

  156. I love all of Julie's books. She writes wonderfully. I can't wait to read Becky's new book. Keep up the great work ladies.
    Blessings, Deana Dougherty

  157. Hey, SARAH, I bet you could think of one if you put your mind to it because we ALL have those DUH moments where illumination takes place, be it in blindingly brilliant form or a pinprick of light!! :)

    And we can say that you coming by to leave a comment for a possible win is a wee bit of a light-bulb moment because it occurred to you that you could win a signed book, right?? And hopefully I'll be able to send you one, my friend, so GOOD LUCK!!


  158. Aw, thanks, DEANA ... this is only ONE of the many reasons your are one of my favorite reader friends -- your amazing encouragement, my friend -- THANK YOU!!

    AND ... GOOD LUCK!!


  159. oh Julie what would we do without those lightbulb moments? and yours are the greatest, almost makes me wish I were a writer. but I get the easy part of being one of your biggest fans and reading your books and Becky's too. thanks

  160. oh man left a long message and it disappear. but shorter version, I love the lighbulb moments in life. I love all of yours. makes me almost want to write, but I get the best part of being your reader and fan....and now Becky's books too. Love you

  161. okay for the third time, I don't know if it's coming through. :(

  162. oh Julie what would we do without those lightbulb moments? and yours are the greatest, almost makes me wish I were a writer. but I get the easy part of being one of your biggest fans and reading your books and Becky's too. thanks
