Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Weekend Edition

After our last very busy weekend, Seekerville is taking a break and hanging on the island. No cooking or cleaning allowed. You may however, read, write and relax.

We Have Winners

 Contact us at our email address if you are a winner. If you haven't received your prize in 6-8 weeks, per our legal page, drop us a line.  Please remember we don't contact winners -so please contact us seekers at seekerville dot net

Tuesday Debby Giusti provided highlights of the RWA 2013 Conference. The winner of a Debby Giusti book of choice is DonnaS.

Join Love Inspired author Glynna Kaye joined us on Wednesday for "The Shadow World of an Unpublished Writer."  Winner of a September release set by Glynna Kay, Ruth Logan Herne and Debby Giusti is Elaine Manders.

 On Thursday,  Love Inspired author Tina Radcliffe will donned her lab coat, goggles and gloves to take you into her laboratory to discuss "Harnessing the Power of You." The winners of a laboratory, ten page critique are Walt Mussell and Courtney Faith.

Friday was the August Contest Update. Winner of a surprise Beach Read package is llmarmalade.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:Join Julie Lessman for "Light-Bulb Moments: Hodge-Podge Tips to Shed Light on the Highway to Publication" when she shines a light into the dark recesses of her mind to come up with the a few tips that glow in the dark and giveaways that will glow in your smile!

Tuesday:Kathleen L. Maher and Carrie Fancett Pagels  will share about inspiration for their two debut Civil War novellas, both Amazon top-rated Civil War stories!  Music will especially be emphasized, with a gift of a $25.00 Amazon card for a winner to order her/his own inspirational music, and copies of Kathy's and Carrie's novellas.

Wednesday: Seeker friend Vince Mooney brings us a Virtual Workshop on “How Plotting & Pantsering Affects Everything You Write.” Author Instructors Include:
Virginia Carmichael, Mary Connealy, Janet Dean, Clari Dees, Debby Giusti, Audra Harders, Ruth Logan Herne, Myra Johnson, Julie Lessman, Tina Radcliffe, and co-authors, Lorie Langdon and Carey Corp. 

Thursday: The Plot Thickens! Seeker friend Vince Mooney brings us  Day-Two of the Seeker Virtual Workshop on “How Plotting & Pantsering Affects Everything You Write.” Author Instructors Include:Virginia Carmichael, Mary Connealy, Janet Dean, Clari Dees, Debby Giusti, Audra Harders, Ruth Logan Herne, Myra Johnson, Julie Lessman, Tina Radcliffe, and co-authors, Lorie Langdon and Carey Corp.

Friday: Today features Editor and Publicist Amber Stokes of Seasons of Humility who will share the basics of publicity in the blogpost "Cover Reveals, Blog Tours, & Giveaways -Publicity 101"

Seeker Sightings

As always, please, we encourage our Seeker Village Friends to share their own sightings and milestones in the comments section of the Weekend Edition.

Sweet Texas Tea … there's still time. The Becky Wade/Julie Lessman "Fall in Love Texas Style" giveaway is in progress. Win a KINDLE FIRE, GIFT BASKET, or SIGNED COPIES of their books PLUS join in on lots of FUN, CHATTER, HUNKY HEROES, EXCERPTS and RECIPES. Here's the link and HAVE FUN!!   

Random News & Information

ARE YOU A READER? not a writer? Then sign up to judge in the NTRWA Carolyn Readers Choice Awards -a contest that judges published books. Do it today!! 

New Smashwords Research Helps Authors and Publishers Sell More Ebooks (HuffPost)

Why Stephen King Spends 'Months and Even Years' Writing Opening Sentences (The Atlantic)

Jane Austen's face on new £10 note
(CNN Money)

How I Do It: Bob Mayer. Top Tips from Top Indie Authors. (ALLi)

Writing Deep Point of View (Toni Noel) (for parts 2 & 3 click on November 2011)

Is Amazon Invincible (The Passive Voice)

Self-Publishing Packs ‘Em In At RWA (Beyond Her Book)

Keep Your Eye on the RWA  Conference Recordings Site for the 2013 RWA Atlanta Conference recordings which will be available to purchase.

What Should I Read Next. Enter a book you like and the site will analyze our huge database of real readers' favorite books to provide book recommendations and suggestions for what to read next. 

Tracey Garvis Graves Shares Self-Publishing Budget Advice VIDEO (GalleyCat)

Harlequin E Shivers is looking for your new gothic! From Monday July 22nd, 2013, to midnight EST on Friday, August 2nd, 2013, anyone who submits to Harlequin E Shivers will be personally reviewed by a Harlequin E Shivers team member, and is guaranteed a fast response with personal feedback. They’re promising to respond to all submissions by September 13. More information at Cindi Myers Market News.

How to Connect With More Readers in Just 5 Minutes (Jane Friedman)

Homemade Book Dress Goes Viral (GalleyCat)

That's it. Have a great writing and reading weekend. 


  1. Congratulations. Another terrific week in Seekerville!
    I want to play with photos sooooo badly, but making myself wait until book 3 turned in.

    May I say how much I’m enjoying the 1K1H group on Facebook?
    Such encouragement.

    Fantastic line up for next week too.

    Hey – letting y’all know, May and I have a gift for you!
    Please go fetch your very own copy of May’s #1 eBook May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris for FREE through Saturday night!
    As you know, the more downloads, the higher the rank, so please share with your FURiends!

    *If you don’t have May’s first book, no worries. It’s right here So that’s both books for less than $3. Such a deal. You’re welcome! ;)

    We’d love an honest review when you’re finished reading. Thank you! We don’t write romance but tried our paw at it in book 2, just a little.
    We write for children 8-12 after all! (but we’re getting 5* reviews from many adults so that makes it fun.)

    Thank you for letting us share the excitement!
    And speaking of – Seekervillager Amber Stokes has HER debut ready for reading! WTG, Amber!

  2. Another great week--and more to come!

    The line forms to the right for the coffee pot. But don't worry, there's plenty for everyone--coffee drinkers, that is.

    Now I need to go back and read some more of those links.


  3. Congratulations to all that winners.

    KC, I have your books. I can't wait to read them!

    Have a happy, blessed weekend everyone!

    See ya MOnday.

  4. Congratulations to the winners! I'm still up (barely), so I checked in. Great WE, Tina, thank you!!

    Loved the link on Deep POV. There are parts 2 and 3 also. I found them helpful.

    Thanks for the coffee, Helen. I plan to partake in the morning.

  5. *Waving to KC!*

    I've had the great privilege of being KC (and May's!) publicist this summer, and it's been a blast! Here's the link again for book 2, May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris, currently FREE for Kindle through Saturday (today, for all ya'll on the East Coast!):

    May Finds a Way

    ALSO, while the blog tour is over, the scavenger hunt and reviewers rewards drawings are still open for entries through Monday! Tons of great prizes up for grabs! More details at Blog Tour HQ.

    You can also check out the tour's conclusion post (including my review of May's 2nd book!) HERE.


    And on a more personal note (*wink*), I'm so excited to be coming back to Seekerville next week, this time with a post about publicity! I appreciate my lovely client, Sandra, inviting me. :)

    And Vince's posts sound so interesting! I'm sure they'll be thought-provoking, as always. :)

    As for my book (thanks so much for the S/O, KC!), it is indeed now on sale at Amazon!!! New release in Kindle format, inspirational historical romance novel for $2.99:

    Bleeding Heart

    Eeeep!! :D


  6. Oops! The link to the conclusion post is bad (added an extra quotation mark!). Here it is again:

    Conclusion to May the K9 Spy's Blog Tour!


  7. congrats to all winners.

    I applied to be a judge. not sure if they want an aussie but whats the worse they can do say no but after wanting a contest yesterday i had to enter!

    been working on an idea for a blog post thanks to something you posted here a couple of weeks back about social media (what not to do) and a thread at the book forum and a few things that have happened recently. I was thinking 10 things that annoy readers but figured that may not work so now on Things that annoy readers or it may be how to lose a reader. My walks this week have been interesting and if I could download my brain I would have my post!

    Ok of for another walk cos I am out of sorts today and need some air.

  8. KC!!!! I LOVE MAY THE K-9 SPY THIS MUCH!!!!!!

    What a stinkin' fun series of books, they remind me of James Howe's Bunnicula, the Vampire Bunny, The Celery Stalks at Midnight and Howliday Inn, some of my all-time kid faves for my kids!!!

    We read those books out loud... and to ourselves... countless times. LOVE THEM!!!!

    Jenny...Love the blog post idea

    You go, girl!!!!!

    And Amber, you're coming by next week to talk about marketing! SUHWEET.

    I'm always open to new ideas about how not to mess up everything I touch!

    Helen...the dark hole of in between...

    Can't enter unpubs anymore and don't have books to enter pubs yet, so it's the year of just work, work, and work some more....


    It's a great time to focus! Thank you for the coffee, did you see that I put a bag of chocolate raspberry next to the coffeemaker????

    Folks'll love it!!!

  9. CONGRATS to all the winners, and thanks for another great WE, Miss T!

    May I share a "Personal Milestone" I had at RWA? After the session "Chat with Nora Roberts" ended (I just listened as others raised hands to ask her questions) I went up to her table, and was actually able to have a personal visit with her for about 3 minutes!!

    It was wonderful---being face-to-face with NORA ROBERTS!! Did I ask her a writing-related question?! NO....I asked Nora if she has any CATS!!

    To my disappointment she doesn't, but kindly added that she feels all the bird-feeders in her yard would be "too tempting for cats" - - but she does have dogs.

    Then I thanked her for being with us, and as I was leaving the room I saw MARY CONNEALY! AND....was able to eat lunch with HER!

    A chat with NORA and lunch with MARY CONNEALY all within the same day--a true highlight of my RWA!

    Thanks for letting me share! Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  10. p.s. Waving at KC and MAY!! Looking forward to reading your books!! :)

  11. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Looks like another great week on the horizon.

  12. I've been over in Random News & Information all morning, some really good info there!

    KC, I love Peril in Paris! Thank you.
    I have a friend who is an artist, she loves dog stories, and does beautiful dog portraits. I sent her the URL to your website. :-)
    You might enjoy seeing hers as well.

    She's Marsha McDonald: The Tall Horse Studio

  13. Opps, KC, I gave the wrong URL for Marsha McDonald!

    This one!:-)

  14. Tina-bean, you've outdone yourself with this WE! Lots of good stuff. I bet I end up spending most of the day grazing through the links. Thanks for digging them up.

    May, you wiley spy, you! I bought your adventure when I first heard about it. Great job of promoting the book and author, Amber!

    Nora Roberts and Mary Connealy. Now there's a pair to draw to, LOL! Glad you had a great time at RWA, Patti Jo. I loved the videos. I'll have you know I was green with envy the entire time you all were partying it up and I had to live vicariously through you!

  15. Congrats to all the winners this week!

  16. Thank you, TINA, for another fab weekend edition.

    It's a little COOL here in the Arizona mountains for beach wear (gets down to around 60 when a monsoon system passes through--but our forest is loving the rain!). Today I AM indulging in hours of working on my next book proposal! Soooooo, I'm dragging myself away from all the great links! Such temptation!

    WOW, KC! You, Amber and May are BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!

    PATTI JO -- Nora AND Mary Connealy only moment apart!? That's hitting the big time! :)

  17. Great lineup for next week!

    And two days with Vince.

    I haven't seen him online recently. Have I missed him? Hope he's okay.

    Love the relaxed weekend! Daughter and grandchildren are coming to visit and will spend a few days before their school starts on AUGUST 1!

    That's too early. It's still summer!

  18. August 1 is too early.

    Silly people, Deb!!!

    I think Vince has sequestered himself getting ready, PLOTTING how to beat the pants off us pantsers...

    Oh, that Vince!!!! :)

    I saw him on facebook.... well, I saw what he typed on facebook!!!! He's so stinkin' cute but he posts more pics of his TINA FLOWERS than Ruthy I and Ruthy II his Ruthy flowers...

    I'm not jealous...

    No sirree....

    (sniffs audibly)....


  19. Patti Jo, you talked to the NORA???????

    That's like talking to the Jeter of writers!!!!!!

    Oh My Stars!!!!

  20. Yes but he has multiple Ruthy Flowers. And they are shameless hussies!!!

  21. Wow, Patti Jo--you actually chatted with Nora!!! I am so impressed! I'd never have had the nerve. Bet you made her day!

    Jenny, what a great blog post idea! Certain people I've encountered on social media sites could definitely use an etiquette lesson.

    And Vince ... I can hardly wait to see how he handles plotters versus pansters. I may go hide in a cave that day!!!!!

  22. I always attend the NORA chats. She's just so darn caustically witty.

    And you are so brave, Patti Jo.

    When she used to tour I went to all her visits to Tattered Cover. When she hit her 100 book milestone I made her a Nora angel with a book in her hand. I craft these muslin angels.

  23. Tina's muslin angels are gorgeous.

  24. My cup runneth over winning new releases by Glynna, Ruthie and Debby. Congrats to the other winners. I've saved so much from my book budget, I have enough to enter a contest.

    Lots of good information in the blog sites.

    Have a great weekend, everyone. Looking forward to Vince's presentation.

    Jenny, I want to know the 10 things that annoy readers.

  25. Me too, Jenny. Tell us those ten things! :-)

  26. KC, of COURSE May had to dabble in a bit of romance in PARIS!!!!

  27. Shameless Ruthy Flower Hussies....


    That sounds about right. A bunch of show-offs, I'll bet!!!

    I need a more humble flower, it seems.

    Must think, must think, humble flower...

    I could be a crocus but man they are short-lived....

    Must think on this.

  28. ELAINE!!!! I'm so proud of you!!!

    I used to work extra shifts.... Hide $20 bills away.... Search sales for ink and paper (everything was hard copy entry five years ago... isn't that a hoot????)

    I hear ya! You go, girl!

  29. TINA!! I want to see a photo of one of your muslin angels! Wow, sounds so pretty (and creative).

    So you not only write great stories and are a computer whiz, but you also do CRAFTS?! Talented Tina--that's who you are! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  30. Wonderful Weekend Edition, Tina! Congrats to our winners. Looks like a terrific week ahead. Especially looking forward to Vince's post.

    Thanks for the headsup on May's eBook!

    Patti Jo, I'm sure the Nora and Connealy greatness will rub off on you. I spoke to Nora once. We were in an elevator alone. I was so startled to see her that I spoke before I thought. Nothing bad but certainly nothing brilliant.

    Tina, how have I missed your muslin angels? Did you send Nora's to her? Or are these angels adorning your office?

    Jenny, great idea for a blog post!


  31. Im not sure if its ten things but I started last night but the wrist said stop think it will be a few posts. also will do the things readers love to show the other side. (it was getting long and I had only dont a couple of items).

  32. May the K9 Spy here - Thanks everypawdy! I know you're all saying hello to Mom, but I'M the author you know. Mom is just the transcriptionist. She types because I have no thumbs. ;)

    Sending special sniffs and greetings to all. Just a few more hours to go on the FREEEEE eBook! Go fetch!

    Miss Ruthy, that makes me SO happy. It's made to be read aloud, at least my FURiend, Mr. Vince thinks so. ;)

    I'm plotting and pantstering (though I don't wear pants, go figure)... Excited to learn from his post and all the other pawmazing authors lined up.

    Miss Mary, Mom and I are drooooooling over your FURiend's artwork. Fabuloso!! Thank you for sharing. I'll share on my FB page too.

    Alrighty - just wanted to check back into my very fave blog peeps!

  33. Yes, Ruthy, I spotted those raspberry chocolates!

    Why in the world is there a p in raspberry? Do you ever hear anyone pronounce it?

  34. Hi Helen:

    The ‘p’ in ‘raspberry’ is silent so isn’t not pronouncing the ‘p’ to actually pronounce it correctly in that word? In that sense, everyone is pronouncing it correctly when they don’t pronounce it in the non-silent way.


  35. Hi Amber:

    I just got my copy of “Bleeding Heart”. I’ve been looking for it for some time now. I bought a Bleeding Heart plant, named Amber, the day you announced the cover. Poor thing only blooms a few weeks a year. I have to wait until next year for the hearts to come out. But I can read your book now. Only, last night I took a peek at “Leaving Liberty” and it hooked me away from all the other books I’m reading on my Kindle. Maybe we can get a real horse race going here! : )


  36. Hi K.C. and May:

    Does everyone know that the big human hero in ”May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris” is Mr. Vince? After a while I couldn’t tell if I was vicariously Vince or if I really was him.

    I don’t know if it is the Mr. Vince character or not but I think this second book should win some important children’s book award.

    I also know that I was as interested in what was going to happen next as I’ve been in any adult age book.

    Book III should be a ‘Best of Show’!


  37. Hi Ruth:

    I had the same experience. ”May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris” made me think of James Howe's “Bunnicula, the Vampire Bunny”,and “The Celery Stalks at Midnight”. I never heard of “Howliday Inn” . (Now I have to find a copy. It's hard to find anyone who will bring children's books to my attention.) My wife read the first two books to her class in school and then brought them home and made me read them! Except after a page she could not have made me stop reading them.

    A children’s book can often also make the best adult’s book. C.S. Lewis once said that a children’s book that is not worth adults reading is also not worth children reading.

    I agree with this 100% but then I agree with most of what C.S. Lewis wrote.

    Ruth: You need to write some mid-grade books. You have more than enough experience and a well established audience for CPs.


  38. Hi All:

    I’ve been moving my office at work and trying to make sense of over 6,000 words of pantser/plotter contributions from Seekers and Seeker friends. This was going to be a short and funny post but when I asked Tina to ask the Seekers to contribute to the effort I got so much good material it turned the post into something very informative and serious. It really needed two posts and Tina set them up one after the other.

    There are many insights and discovers in this workshop that I had no idea about before the Seeker comments began coming in. This workshop is about 85% to 90% experience from authors and about 10% of me making observations of what that experience might mean to the writer working day to day.

    I think the material is very good. I’ve not seen anything like it about the pantser/plotter approaches. If you are a pantser, you’ll especially like it because almost all the contributors are pantsers who show you their unique way of making pantsering work for them.

    I did put some funny pantser/plotter material in the workshop but it’s all optional and in a separate file. The important thing is getting all the serious important material into the workshop.

    I want to give a special thanks to all the authors who contributed their unique comments to the effort. There surely would be no workshop without their help.


  39. Look at all those links -- rubbing hands together in anticipation of enjoyment. Thank you, TINA!

    First, congrats to the winners! VINCE, I am so looking forward to your two posts. And JENNY, I wanted to be sure I didn't miss anything about what readers love and/or hate when you post it so I signed up for your blog instead of trusting myself to check in :-) KC and MAY, the books sound wonderful. I need to look into them for two youngsters who are always wanting to read something new.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone!

    Nancy C

  40. Vince,

    I'm honored!! First, thank you for purchasing a copy of BH - I hope you find it worth the wait. :) Second, I have a plant named after me!! Even though I don't have my own Facebook account anymore, I still check in on others' pages now and again, especially with publicity stuff, and I've seen some of the flowers you've named after Seekers. :) Touched you would name your bleeding hearts after me! Sorry they're not blooming much, though... Hope when they do bloom, it's worth the wait, as I hope with my book. ;)

    Virginia seems to be doing really well with her books - very exciting! It's OK - I know you have to be in the mood for certain reads. :) Enjoy whatever book you currently have your bookmark in!


    P.S. I recently read May Finds a Way: Peril in Paris, which I enjoyed even more than the first book. I thought it was so fun to see Mr. Vince in there!! ;)

  41. Great WE, Tina! I really liked that article on 5 minutes to connecting with readers. Excellent suggestions!

  42. Vince, I'm sorry I never sent you any info for your blog post! I meant to. I just got all wrapped up in prep for my kids' mission trip, followed soon after my a trip out of the country.

    I look forward to your posts!

  43. I got SO excited when I saw that book generator about 'what to read next'.

    I put in 'The Sweetness At The Bottom of The Pie' by Alan Bradley.

    I got Seabiscuit, Joyce Carol Oates, Charlaine Harris, and Sherlock Holmes.

    HAHAHAHA! Ok, that was fun... Not sure what generator they were using. At least I didn't get Stephen King.

    I love the Weekend Edition. There are always so many good links and articles to read. I'm going to go watch that video on Galleycat now.

  44. P.S. Vince, you really have trouble finding someone to recommend MG books?

    Ooooh, boy. :D We could chat. And our bunny is named Bunnicula.

  45. Tina- re-reading comments here...

    Could you post a pic of one of your angels? I love muslin and handcrafted items. Rustic Americana has really captured my imagination. (I have zero talent, but I like to look at those creations.) I've been pinning felted animals to a board on Pinterest and I'm in love with the sweetest little things.

  46. Thanks Nancy I posted it at
    There maybe a part two. I am also going to have ways authors win readers. I discovered walking can be interesting as its a great time to think.

  47. Virgina. Love the new profile pix. Adorable.

    Yes. Will find some angels in craft box in garage.

    I used to have a booth at a craft shop in Denver. But alas...cannot write and craft. Something had to give.

  48. Okay, here you go, Virginia. I put them on my Pinterest page.

    Americana Angels by Tina

  49. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  50. Tina:

    I posted a picture of my doll, Pilar, on your FB page before I saw your comment here. That was my Americana angel. Just for the record.


  51. I saw your angel, Vince and I noted my angel behind her on the computer screen. LOL.

  52. Virginia:

    I posted a picture of a “Pouting Patty” doll on Tina’s FB page. Are you aware of these Americana dolls? They are always placed in a corner and are never happy. They are like Lady Catherine de Bourgh as a child. I call mine “Sunshine” because of her cheerful yellow dress and blonde hair.


    P.S. And no, people don't come up to recommend children's books to someone my age with no grandkids. I rely on Newbery awards. They are always good.

  53. Yep. Always rely on Newbery and Caldecott!!!

  54. Tina

    Your angels are beautiful. I used to do crafts at shows and such. You'll have me digging through my old craft books so I can do some of these cuties. I write about the Victorian era, so it would fit in with my writing.

  55. Awe, thanks, Elaine.

    I wish I could write and craft but it's so not possible.What crafts were you doing?

  56. TINA, Love the quiet time on the beach. Need it after this hectic week of travel. Kayaked all day when I arrived back in Oregon after driving over the Cascades and getting home at 11:00pm. What was I thinking???

    MAY and KC, congrats. Missed the freebie. Must go over and purchase. Sounds like great reviews. woo hooo

    AMBER looking forward to reading Bleeding Hearts and hearing about the publicity.

    JENNY - love the blog idea. Your last post indicates you may have already posted it? Is that correct?

    VINCE- Can hardly wait until I read your blog. Sorry I missed out on sending you stuff. I was traveling and am TERRIBLY behind in emails, facebook, twitter, etc.

    VIRGINIA I agree with TINA. Love the new photo.

    TINA love the angels. You're my real angel. smile

    PATTI JO I met Nora years ago when we (Desert Rose) invited her to do a workshop for our group. We met her hubby too. She was so sweet and so much fun. Still is.

  57. TINA - Adorable angels! Delightful details, so I can imagine they are time-intensive to craft. Have you considered a Seekerville-only close-out sale? Or are those your keepers?

    JEANNE T - You mentioned finding parts 2 and 3 of the Deep POV post. Would you direct me, pretty please?

    JENNY - Yippy! Heading off to read now.

    Nancy C

  58. Nancy C, for parts 2 & 3 click on November 2011 on the right column.

    As for close out sale. Well let me finish getting unburied and I'll put them all on Pinterest and do that.

  59. I love the angels!!!!

    And I'm laughing at Sandra kayaking all over Oregon.

    She reminds me of that commercial of the lame teenager poking around on her computer, annoyed and concerned that her parents have no friends...

    While they're out having the time of their lives.

    Sandra's life makes me smile...

    But I'd get annoyed seeing things, and I'd demand to be taken back to civilization and writing time.

    So this New Yorker laughs at Dave when he talks retirement...

    Give me a writing cave and some coffee... and the occasional Zarpentine's cider fried cake...

    That's my downfall and the reason for a two-month diet... Zarpentines Fry cakes...Wait, almost three month diet...

    But those fried cakes are addictive.

    Okay, back to writing. I'm checking the formatting on Try, Try Again, my first independent release...

    I have no idea what checking the formatting means.

    HOW LAME IS THAT?????]


  60. Yes Sandra I posted it on my blog. Thanks for dropping by Nancy
