Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Shadow World Of An Unpublished Writer

A few weeks ago, I came across a hand-written journal I'd kept years ago regarding my writing journey. Of course, I couldn't reisist opening the spiral notebook to eavesdrop on the Self I was long before I was finally published in 2009.
Interestingly, some of the passages from days gone by could be cut and pasted directly into today’s writing journal! A common theme was struggling to find time and energy to write in the midst of a demanding day job, relationships, household duties, church and myriad other responsibilities. Then as now, I was striving to push myself to progress in the publication realm while living life the way I believe God wants it to be lived.
One thing that especially struck me in reading through this snapshot from the past, is what a shadow world I lived in as an unpublished writer. For the longest time, few outside my immediate family were aware I lived a “double life.” I early on learned the hard way that mentioning in casual conversation my interest in writing a book or having won a contest would ensure I’d be badgered to share my fledgling efforts. I’d be bombarded by well-intentioned “when can I buy your book?” and…as the time rolled on… “you’re still not published? Why’s it taking so long?”
If you can relate to this, please raise your hand!
To protect my fragile little ego, I became quite adept at flying under the radar. If I took vacation from work to attend a conference, I’d only mention the city I was going to, but not why I was going there. I didn’t mention RWA meetings or my increasing contest success.
I kept mum in letters to friends (“I don’t want letter after letter going out feeling like I have to give everyone a status report on my continuing failure”). I knew from experience that those who didn’t understand the publishing industry would expect overnight success when I knew how far I had to go to be a good storyteller, to learn the basics of the craft, to find my “voice” and catch the eye of an agent and editor. There was still so very much to learn. (And remember—this was before a day when you were just a keyboard touch away from the world of writers, agents, editors and writing classes on-line.) It always came down to trusting God to keep the dream alive. “Sometimes, young Luke,” I wrote in my journal, “you just have to close your eyes and let The Force be with you…”
So I lived an undercover life. Lived in a shadow world. It was only when I discovered an every-other-month RWA group and writing conferences that I was free to talk about writing, to share my positive (and negative) contest feedback. Free to dream aloud. I wrote in my journal: “It’s different sharing with other writers. They understand and don’t think you’re a total weirdo.”
Looking forward to a regional writer’s conference, I optimistically wrote: “This will be one weekend I don’t have to hide my contest successes. I don’t have to feel self-conscious or apologetic because I’m not published yet. I don’t have to play down my dreams. I AM writing a book. I AM almost done with it and ready for revisions. I AM already a Maggie and Orange Rose finalist. I AM going to find an agent. I AM going to get published! And this weekend I’m free to be ME!”
I continued: “Writing under the radar has been a bit like being a Princess in exile. No one knows who you really are, except those closest to you. Everyone sees you as an insignificant fellow laborer, oblivious of your true identity. But deep inside you know you’re a Princess and one day—if you persevere, work hard and cooperate with God, you’ll gain the promised kingdom He has planned for the gift of writing He gave you. It will be yours! So this weekend I get to shed my Cinderella rags for a few hours at the ball—a taste of what is yet to come!”
And yet, even then, the conference experience was a shadowy world of its own…
While at the conference, I wrote: “A part of me says ‘what am I doing here with all these people?’ Who am I trying to fool? I feel like a phony. A fake. Like I’m here on false pretenses, a hanger on peering in the window of a dream others have attained. Will I ever attend one of these things with a dozen books under my belt and say I DID IT! I made it. I paid my dues. Here are my battle scars.”
Only time would tell.
It would be years and years after I wrote those words before I’d be published. Little did I know as I penned my journal, that two years later my health would take an abrupt nose dive. I’d be forced into a sabbatical from writing for 5-6 years. But God is faithful and He didn’t permit the dream to die. He drew it out from the ashes and dusted it off. Set it back on its feet. And when a few more years down the road I once again stumbled, questioned that publication was truly God’s plan for me, He sent me my Seeker pals.
And today I’m writing my eighth contracted book.
Like my fellow Seekers, I’ll never forget that shadow world, that foggy, mist-filled land of Is-This-God’s-Will-For-Me? Do-I-Have-What-It-Takes-To-Get-There? The land where The Dream seemed close at times, yet just out of reach. That’s what Seekerville is all about…giving back to other writers what we wished we’d have had more of in those shadowy days. Lessons in craft. Industry insights. Encouragement to keep persevering. We’re sharing with others what we as Seekers shared with each other on the sometimes rocky road to publication.
If you’re an unpublished writer, today please share with us your own experiences in this “shadow world.” And those of you who are now published, please look back on your pre-pubbed days to share anecdotes and a word of encouragement to those who are still persevering on the journey toward publication.
If you’d like to be entered in a drawing for a September release set of Glynna-Ruthy-Debby books, please mention it in the comments section, then check our Weekend Edition for the winner announcement!
Glynna Kaye’s debut book “Dreaming of Home” was a finalist in the ACFW Carol and Maggie awards, as well as a first place winner of the “Booksellers Best” and “Beacon” awards. Her 4 1/2 star “At Home In His Heart” was chosen as a Reviewers Choice finalist by national magazine RT Book Reviews. “A Canyon Springs Courtship,” her sixth Love Inspired book (and the fifth set in the mountain country of Arizona), releases in September 2013--with two more contracted for 2014!


  1. Glynna,
    You're talking right at me today. I've had some really nice rejections, one not so nice, and have come close in contests, but never quite over the line. I'm in what you're calling the shadow world. I get asked where can so and so buy my book, are you published yet?, etc. I need a fog horn some days to lead me out of this haze!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing, Glynna. I can fully relate to your post and often ask myself why I push so hard to write when I know how restricted my time is and how tired I usually am before I can find that time to write. But, writing has always been my dream, and God began talking to me about following my dream several years ago. So, I write for Him first, myself second, and for publishing after that. Sure I want to share the stories that God has given me. In His time, not mine.

    I would love to be in the drawing for the September books (as if I don't have enough books to read after RWA).

  3. Forgot to mention that since I'm a night owl I have fresh popped popcorn for anyone interested. I'll have to stop by much, much later in the morning before I can think about breakfast!

    Sorry coffee lovers, I don't know how to brew the dark stuff, but I have plenty of Diet Dr. Pepper for anyone interested.

  4. I'm in that questioning world now. Why does this desire burn so bright when my time is so limited. It's time to create a set schedule in my life so all can be accomplished. I wish I had kept in the shadows as hearing, "When can I read your book?" or "How much have you finished" starts getting old and the pressure is felt. I've learned from just a few that the many aren't to be told until the day I can say, "I got the call".

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thanks!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

    countrybear52 AT yahoo DOT com

  5. Hi Glynna I can understand how hard it would be being so excited about a contest win but then being asked so that means you will have a book out or some other well meaning but thoughtless comment.
    I have learnt from being around authors and aspiring authors how hard it is to get publish.
    I can equate it to being unemployed and applying for jobs only to get a rejection letter or having an employer ring up to apologise for not giving you a job but felt they had to ring to explain that you were a very close second and they wanted to ring to let you know then you still get the rejection letter. This happened to me when I first left school countless times. I was a close second so often that I got to the point I would rather be last. Now being older I am lucky to get an interview (although with my wrist like it is I am back on sick leave for 3 more months. waiting i would say patiently but that would be a lie for an appointment with the specialist I have many praying I will get an appointment sooner)

    I have friends I know are waiting for the call I they know they can tell me about there excitment and disappointments without pressure. They know I get it and alot of that comes from coming to Seekerville. (you have educated me so well)
    excuse missing caps as have trouble with the shift key on my left hand.

  6. Lost in the Shadowlands -- that's me. Actually, that's kind of a fetching title, isn't it? :-)

    Does anyone have wanting to be a romance writer (and being a romance reader) that's the issue? I've been scoffed and scorned so much I'm thinking about becoming a Shadow reader as well. And add Christian romance to the mix and I might as well be shunned. I'm so tired of defending my reading/writing preferences that my shadow doesn't even have a shadow -- I'm just an inly back blob in the corner over there. :-)

  7. Kav I got told when I wanted to start a book club at church that no one reads fiction. It irony is the lady who said it now one of the church libraries biggest borrowers (she had lost a son last year and didn't sleep and turned to reading. I Lost mum couldn't sleep and am still to exhausted to read)
    when I told her how many were reading she was quite surprised. I dont get comments for reading fiction. But people do wonder when I say it took me 3 weeks to read a book or I haven't read a page in over a week (thats true). I know it will come back I love books.

  8. I was there and then went to RWA. I was praying for guidance and got it big time in unexpected ways.

    What keeps me sane is being reminded God is in control and this is all part of the journey.

    Thanks for an exclamation point on the past week of my life as a writer.

    Peace, Julie

  9. Good morning, DAWN! That "waiting room" is SO TOUGH. I waffled so much between wanting to share news of my contest wins and needing to keep my mouth shut. The only place I felt "safe" was with my immediate family and among other writers.

  10. Hello, DIANNA! I can so relate to trying to make time to follow the journey you believe God has placed you on. (Since getting published, that dilemma still exists--even though I'm a 'morning person,' dragging myself out of bed at 4 a.m. is NOT my "sweet spot" hour!)

    Sorry I missed out on the midnight hour popcorn. I'm not a coffee drinker either, so I think we'll wait for Helen to put in an appearance to brew a pot!

  11. Good morning, CINDY W! That 'hunger' to write can be so acute, yet finding TIME can be so hard--yet so very necessary. You're right, though, that SCHEDULING time, a little regular window (not just when the mood srikes), helps keep you focused and seeing gradual progress.

    Try out different times until you find one that works best for you. Then establish a word count you'd like to reach during that time. Don't start out TOO ambitious, though, or you'll discourage yourself. It took awhile, but I can now comfortably write 1000-1500 words in 60-90 minutes if I have the scene in mind before I sit down at the keyboard. But it took me awhile to get there, gradually easing up on it.

  12. Hi, JENNY! Bless you for being a support to unpublished writers because you're one of those rare folks who UNDERSTAND! The waiting game for publication IS so very similar to the job interview situation you've found yourself in.

    I hope you can soon get in to see that specialist about your hand. This has really been a long, difficult time for you.

  13. Wow, Glynna, I can't believe you kept a diary of that time. That would be interesting to go back and read. As for me, I started out shadow writer and pretty much am still that way. I don't really talk about my writing unless someone else brings it up. But at the beginning, my not talking about it was totally because I knew it would take a long time, and I didn't want everyone else knowing every time I failed to get published.

  14. My hand's up. I can so relate. For years, I was a closet writer who didn't tell anyone, except close family members, about my dream.

    I struggled to find time to write while caring for family and home. Heavily involved in many church ministries, I prayed for 4 years as I slowly moved away from leadership positions in order to have more time to write. All the while, I questioned whether writing was God's will. At the time, I was writing secular suspense and wondered how He could use my stories to spread His Kingdom.

    Years passed, and I seemed to be getting closer to realize my dream...closer but not there. I pushed on a number of doors, wondering which one--if any--God would open. Eventually, I found Love Inspired Suspense and knew I'd found my writing home.

  15. Mornin' KAV! You're NOT a black blob in the corner HERE! But I do understand your situation. I'm a VERY eclectic reader--mystery, romance, women's fiction, 'literary,' and lots & lots of non-fiction (I love history), but for the longest time I avoided telling anyone I was a member of RWA or that I was writing a romance. My 'literary' minded friends turned up noses at THEY were waiting for a time when they'd write a REAL book. But you know what? Decades have passed. They still haven't started their book and I'M making money selling mine and giving readers a few hours of entertainment and encouragement from a Christian world view! :)

  16. Hi, JULIE H.S.! I'm excited that you got your asked-for guidance BIG TIME in unexpected ways! Those little "eye openers" can so help us keep continue moving on our journey, knowing God has a plan.

  17. NAOMI--Like you, as a published writer I still don't talk a lot about my writing now unless someone asks me. I think it's partially because it REALLY hasn't sunk in that I AM published! LOL!

  18. Good morning, DEBBY! I think the timing for our books is so important. You mention 'pushing doors' -- I think that's what Bible teacher Joyce Meyer calls "step out and find out."

    I was writing my first "inspirational" historical when I was in college. But you know what? There wasn't even a market for that type of book back then. Christian fiction for the most part didn't even exist.

  19. CINDY W AND DIANNA, I hear you. I have often resorted to writing scenes in longhand on a yellow legal pad when I'm in a waiting room etc., even at the DMV, and transcribing it when I can get a bit of computer time. It is very hard. I have an empty nest now and it's easier, but I still have to snatch time here and there. I am fortunate to have a supportive husband. I am in the car up to two hours a day, and I use the time for plotting and scene development. (I don't go into deep POV while I'm driving, I already have points on my license.)
    You will find a way.
    Kathy Bailey

  20. GLYNNA and KAV, nothing wrong with romance. The world "looks at us funny." We have to be strong and defend our genre. And make sure the "Christian" is in there.
    I am touchy about telling people what I do in my spare time because I've had people roll their eyes, shrug it off or say I can't do it.
    Also, with self-publishing, EVERYONE is writing a book. I have a small but loyal cadre of friends who know, including my husband and my crit partner, but it's been my experience that the rest of the world either does not care or doesn't get it. I haven't won any contests so that's not an issue. I do tell people when an agent or editor asks for a partial, because that's something and they know I'm serious and that someone may be serious about me. I think I will be more open about it when I'm published, platform building and all, but right now I only talk about it to people who would care. Which is okay.
    When my husband was going to Bible college the first pastor we had together told him, "Be very sure of your call. Sometimes it's all you'll have."
    Anyway, GLYNNA, I was very touched by this post. I love the Seekers because they haven't forgotten what it's like.
    Kathy Bailey
    Hopeful in New Hampshire

  21. Glynna, thanks for sharing your journey with us! Congratulations on writing all those wonderful books while working fulltime!

    I had no shame and told friends and family that I was writing. Yes, I had questions, but I never felt put down. In fact friends would tell me how many times famous authors were rejected before they sold. When I returned from conferences they wanted to know what famous authors I'd seen.

    At my first book signing, I sold 259 books to friends as relieved I'd sold as I was. LOL Many bought copies to give to friends and family. I never had another signing with sale numbers anywhere close to that. But those numbers indicate the support they gave me on my journey. Many still chat up my books and pass along bookmarks.

    There's no right or wrong way to do it. Just do it. :-)


  22. PS. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Kathy Bailey

  23. Glynna, your insightfulness on the writing journey encompasses my own path almost word for word.

    The joy.
    The doubt.
    The avoidance of the inevitable questions.
    The quiet pursuit of your dream.

    I remember being so frustrated when sharing my joy of contest wins or just working out the solution of an eluding plot point needed to be tamped down because no one saw my accomplishment of the moment. The question "so when can I buy your book?" would arise instead of the "atta girl" I needed.

    I spent years writing unsuccessfully for the secular market, trying to please crit partners and entering contests that never noticed me. Finally I gave in to the constant niggling of that tiny voice that urged me to write for Him.

    I revised a ms and added an inspirational thread. I liked it. I wouldn't share it with my crit partners because I knew they'd shred it to pieces. Instead, I entered a contest and wonder of wonders, I finalled!!

    Why hadn't I listened to God earlier? Why had I insisted on going down the "shadowed" path by myself? Oh how stubborn I'd been!!

    Glynna, I could say you touched a cord deep down inside, but I have to be honest, you zapped a nerve.

    If you want to get out of the shadow world, you have to listen to the voice inside you.

    Eighth contracted book! You've come a long way from those journal entries, Glynna! Way proud of you!!

  24. Morning my dear friend GLYNNA, What memories you bring back and truthfully so many of those feelings still persist. So many of my friends who know I write still have no clue as to what it involves. They still don't consider it work. They think because I don't go to a "job" that I'm home and available at a moments notice. It is difficult yet important to guard that writing time.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed day.

  25. I guess I've always been pretty vocal about my profession and very upfront about the difficulties. (My license plate is an abbreviation of 'Paperback Writer' :)

    I wrote for 4 years before being published and I remember when people would just pop up on the loops out of nowhere and announce they were published. It seemed like everyone else had it easy--even though I knew that wasn't true.

    That's one of the reasons why I was open with my struggles. It's hard. And it's okay for people to know it's hard. And it's okay for people to know how much work I put into the effort.

    Plus, being a romance writer always gets the conversation started at cocktail parties! It breaks the ice and gets the conversation jumping. It also gives me a great opening. When people ask me where I get my ideas, I'll say something like: "Everybody has a fascinating story filled with unique experiences. I bet there's a story in your life that would make a great book."

    I've learned the most amazing, wonderful, and inspiring things about people from that conversation opener. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

  26. Good morning, KATHY B! I think I probably chose to "fly under the radar" more often than not as a unpubbed because I'd started out writing so early in my life--with nothing to show for it. I'd written short stuff all thru junior high and high school, then attempted to write books in college (on ye olde manual typewriter. UGH); then in my 20's wrote short stories and submitted them to women's magazine contests. I was writing middle-grade stories, too. Writing historical and first person POV contemorary romantic mysteries. I was all over the place trying to find my 'niche' and my 'voice.' And, of course, there was little information available about how to submit books, what publishers were looking for, etc. And always the day job to work around--and an active social life! So it was a long, long haul for me and it just worked better not to be proclaiming it on the housetops. Each time I "ventured out," I often wished I hadn't. Like you, I learned to tell only people I knew would care because they cared about ME. :)

  27. Good Morning, JANET! Wonderful that you had so much family/friend support! That HAD to help you keep going. I've always been so fortunate that my family has been supportive, but my closest friends are scattered all over the country now. I just wish, though, that both my grandmothers would have lived to hold one of my books in their hands because they both believed in me.

  28. Good morning, AUDRA! Interesting, isn't it, how so many of us have had similar experiences. It was so hard to dodge those "when? when? when?" questions from well-meaning folks. But at least it toughened us up! :)

  29. Hello, SANDRA! I'm sure, now that you're trying to write something closer to full-time, that it IS hard to get people to understand that it's a DAY JOB, too! Writing a book takes time and focus--then all the social media and promotion on top of that. I'm sure a bunch of Seekers & Villagers can relate!

  30. Thank you for sharing, Glynna. 'Shadow Land' is an apt description of the way it feels. The people I know, but are not close friends with, must think I don't do anything. When they ask me what I do or 'how did you spend your day? I'm at a loss.

    The few times I have said I wrote all day, they look at me like maybe they didn't hear me correctly.:-)

    I don't want people to think I watch TV all day or that I just spend the day twiddling my thumbs... so... I say something like 'that yard eats so much time!!

    And it does!

    What they don't know is that it's my brother-in-laws time! :-)

  31. Good morning, SHERRI! That's great that you've always been in a position to speak out about your writing. How freeing & refreshing! I think I went "underground" as an unpubbed because I started out so early and time dragged on and on and on (the days before RWA, ACFW, email or Internet connection to the publishing world).

  32. But... on the other hand. My dear friends and siblings are very patient with me.

    I can imagine them huddled behind my back, muttering, "I can't take anymore! I don't know when she's talking about someone I'm supposed to know or if it's one them she's made up!!!

  33. Hello, MARY H! How well I remember not "fessing up" that I'd spent all Saturday morning writing or that I got up and wrote before work each day. :) (Sounds as if that brother-in-law comes in real handy with the yard work!)

  34. I'm so glad you mentioned the "real book" thing. I'm so tired of hearing "When are you going to write a real book?" And since my novella will be digital only, that compounds the issue for some.

    I started in the shadows, then had a near-miss and suddenly was thrust back into the shadows. During my divorce, I had a book under consideration with Harlequin and my then-husband wanted a share of the royalties if it was published because he'd paid for me to attend conferences, etc. I was almost tempted to deliberately tank the book, but I'd worked too hard on it to do that. It was rejected so the royalty issue became moot. I've since revised it, and that's the book I'm sending to Boroughs.

    I couldn't write during my divorce. I was so devastated. My world had crumbled and I had no idea where I'd land. Thank goodness my mother, sister and my sons were so supportive. My writing friends still loved me even when I went several years without writing anything but a grocery list.

    Before divorce, I was a stay-at-home-wife-and-mom. I had all the time in the world to write and piddled that time away. Now I work part-time and oh how I wish I had more time.

    I had to laugh when the woman who won the novella contest said, "Now it's a whole new level of fear." I don't know about the rest of you, but I know I've harbored some degree of fear of success. You've sold, but what's next? Rough revisions? Bad reviews? Sophomore slump? I'm trying to just take it day at a time.

    Thanks for sharing, Glynna.


  35. This is such a Gothic toned post, Glynna. I love it. Shades of Phyllis Whitney.

    A toast to the cave dwellers. Batgirl Writer. Normal citizen by day but by night, romance writer.

  36. Glynna, what a beautiful post. Yes, I've been there, I still walk in the Shadow many days. I'm learning to take one day at a time, to write even when it feels hopeless. God has surprised me with contest wins when I was feeling low. He has such a sense of humor in all that.

    DEBBY, I am in that place of praying about which activities/ministries He's prompting me to step back from. It's so difficult! It's not just the ministry/serving aspect, it's relationships as well.

    I have been blessed to have most of my close friends, and even acquaintances, who have been supportive of this dream. I've gotten those questions you mentioned too. I usually sigh and explain it'll be a few years minimum before my book is in print. They shake their heads in amazement that the process would take that long. :)

    Okay, I've written a novella here, but I wanted to say that I'm loving hearing everyone's stories here, and how you Seeker Ladies have worked through this. Thanks for this, Glynna.

    Please put me in the drawing!

  37. I can so relate to this. Friends and family asked year after year if I'd sold a book and I had to tell them no. I could see the pity in their eyes. Eventually, some stopped asking, and that was almost as bad as when they asked. It was like they'd lost faith in my writing ability too.

    Navigating the question of "Have you sold another book?" is a minefield for the published author.

    And sharing contest news can be a bittersweet moment. Years ago, I won a contest, and called my mother, so excited. Her exact words were, "Does this mean they're going to publish it?"

    Non-writers don't always understand the small baby steps on the writing journey and can take the wind right out of your sails....but Seekers GET IT. :)

  38. Glynna, I sooo relate to this.

    I hate to tell people I write because then they'll expect something. If I keep it quiet, there's no explaining as to why I'm not published or that ms that I struggle to write isn't complete after a month.

  39. Diana,

    Oh, we could hang out together. Popcorn and diet dr pepper. That's my kind of snack.

  40. Mary Hicks said: I can imagine them huddled behind my back, muttering, "I can't take anymore! I don't know when she's talking about someone I'm supposed to know or if it's one them she's made up!!!"


  41. Good morning, MARILYN! I'm so thankful you're starting to come out from under such a dark time in your life. I have a little quote posted by my desk: "Never think that God's delays are God's denials."

    And so true about "digital" books...many won't recognize them as a "real" book unless they can hold it in their hands and flip through the pages. So that's another challenge to overcome for today's writers who are writing for the ebook market. As fast as it's catching one, though, I have a feeling the financial pay back may more than compensate for it! :)

    I like that "now it's a whole new level of fear." Isn't THAT the truth!?

  42. Jenny's comparison of putting in applications and going for job interviews is such a great parallel to the writer's journey.

    Who wants friends and family asking "Did you get the job?" after the 4th, 5th or fortieth interview?!?!?!

    Eventually, you just don't tell them anything about your job search.

  43. Oooh, Gothic, TINA! I should have used on the of the 'images' I found that showed a spooky tree silhouetted against the moon! :)

  44. Hello, JEANNE! Is IS amazing that sometimes when you deep down inside begin to question the wisdom of your pursuit, that you're doing what God wants you to do, how He'll pop in there with a bit of encouragement. Just enough to keep you going.

  45. PAM -- So true! SEEKERS get it! And SEEKER VILLAGERS, too! That's the wonderful thing about having a place to come to. A place where people UNDERSTAND tha--for the vast majority of us anyway--it's NOT an overnight 'quick win.'

  46. HI, CONNIE! AFTER you publish people expect something, too. Amazing how many will ask for a free book, not realizing if I want extra books I have to BUY them. :)

  47. GLYNNA, each and every word of your post was exactly what I needed to read this morning. Heartfelt thanks!

    Nancy C

  48. Pam, I've actually had someone to ask, "now do I know this person? Is this real?" when they came into the conversation late.

    At least 'Shadow land' is safe. :-D

  49. NANCY C - I'm glad you now know you're not alone! :)

  50. Well, Seekerville, it's time for me to step out for a bit...but I SHALL return!

  51. My family, and some close friends, have known of my dream and been supportive for years. But none of them truly understood the time factors involved. As time passed, I became more and more selective about who I told of my efforts.

    Now I'm in limbo--contracted, but long months away from having a book on the shelves. My family understands the lengthy timing, but others do not.

    There's coffee aplenty in the pot.


  52. I sometimes refer to my writing as the invisible job that garners magical checks in the mail...

    and that's kind of how it seems because no one's around when I work...

    and then the checks appear, LOl! But I know how invested my kids were in my writing from the time I started and while not everyone took it seriously, they did.

    So that part was cool.

    Glynna, what a nice and thoughtful remembrance of what it takes to stay the course.

    I have to say for all those ups and downs, I'm so glad to be where I am, among friends, doing what I love to pieces.

    Writing sweet stories and teasing my friends.


  53. Glenna

    I'm sure a lot of us relate to your shadow world. I'm glad you spoke of your health problem. I have chronic disease and have to work around it, but it makes me afraid to make commitments.

    It's kind of like being backstage waiting for your time to go on. I've learned to enjoy the quiet of the shadow world because when the lights go up, you have to perform.

    Please put my name in the drawing. I've spent the last two days sick in bed, but have caught up on some reading.

  54. Thanks for sharing, Glynna.

    I'm technically at that "Shadow" point in my fiction writing. I self-pubbed 2 books about my family band and our unique experiences that have done very well for such a niche topic.

    I'm writing my second novel now and I still feel kinda lost. It's very different from non-fiction and I worry that I'm doing it all wrong.

    My family and friends are supportive and always want to know when the next book is coming out. I guess I'm afraid that I will let them down if I don't do it right. And then there's the worry that my writing won't be good enough for a "real" publisher. I tell ya, all this second-guessing myself is exhausting. ;)

  55. Thanks for sharing, Glynna.

    I'm technically at that "Shadow" point in my fiction writing. I self-pubbed 2 books about my family band and our unique experiences that have done very well for such a niche topic.

    I'm writing my second novel now and I still feel kinda lost. It's very different from non-fiction and I worry that I'm doing it all wrong.

    My family and friends are supportive and always want to know when the next book is coming out. I guess I'm afraid that I will let them down if I don't do it right. And then there's the worry that my writing won't be good enough for a "real" publisher. I tell ya, all this second-guessing myself is exhausting. ;)

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. Glynna, do you think some of the people who ask for your book think they are doing you a favor by reading it? It's their way of acting interested.

    I could see if my brother wrote a book about a the effects of imported hay on his cattle(say imported all the way from KS, :), I might ask if he had a copy...

    That's so funny. People just don't understand it cost money.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Hi Glynna,

    Boy can we all relate to this post! LOL.

    As one still waiting in the shadows, I'm pretty quiet about my writing as well. My hubby doesn't quite get it, but my mother-in-law and my best friend are great cheerleaders, as are my critique partners and on-line writing friends! With them, I'd have probably given up a long time ago.

    Still hanging out in the shadows, but peeking into the sunlight every now and then!

    Love to have my name in the draw.

    sbmason at sympatico dot ca

  60. Sherida, I can so relate to what you said. I did attend the RWA chapter meetings near us (abt 40 min drive away) but felt isolated because they all tended to be more erotica writers than anything. So I stopped going.

    Wish we had ACFW chapters here!


  61. I'd love to be entered:) And this post came at just the right time for me. . .thank you for the encouragement.

  62. wow, i do so love Seekerville. you sharing your experiences/feelings etc sure makes me feel more "normal".

    i'm not in "Shadow Land" yet, i'm more in the "Dream Land" phase. still, Seekerville is a wealth of knowledge and deep well-spring of comfort and support. for all who dare interact (or even lurk).

    thanks Glynna (and Seekers/Seekervillians). Y'all are a blessing.

    p.s. put me in the running for the books. one can never have too many books to read.

  63. Glynna,I'm raising my hand! I REALLY identify with the "double life." I attended a conference where my "win" was to be announced at the final banquet. I wasn't to tell anyone that I was the winner of the short story contest until the dinner. So I sat in workshops among famous authors and thought "What am I doing here?" It all seemed surreal to this very quiet-don't-want-any-attention person. But I did love seeing my story in print! God's plan!

    I appreciate what all of you Seekers and Seeker Villagers provide in Seekerville--craft instruction, inspiration, encouragement and a sense of community. Not being close to a large city with writing groups, it is great to have this online fellowship with other writers sharing this journey. THANK YOU!!! (And please enter me in the book drawing.)

  64. Susan, I'm glad you understand! I'm 4 hours away from an RWA chapter and seven from an ACFW. Online works because I feel among writing friends here. :)

  65. I think I have all of Debby's books. However, I'm a little ashamed that I don't have all of yours and Ruthy's yet.

    I've only recently begun talking about my writer's life outside of the writing world, just because I know I have so much to learn and a long way to go. My 11-y.o started football practice recently. Their is a track around the field and I often walk with a specific group of other dads, a group I also occassionally lunch with.

    These dads know I write, but it was only recently (with RWA Nationals in town) that I admitted belonging to RWA.

    I've learned to couch the writing journey in terms of the corporate world. These people are familiar with corporate sales. I can phrase talking with publishers the same way. It's nice when a publisher expresses expresses interest. However, this is still a LONG WAY from ink being dry on a contract.

    I learned a lesson about sharing last night. I've just started plotting a contemporary suspense novel that Ruthy kicked me in the rear on about two years ago and that Debby gently nudged me about this past weekend. It turns out that the sister of one of the dads I walk with has a job similar to the heroine of the novel I'm plotting. I did not know this until last night.

    The amazing thing is that I finally figured out a tagline for my Japan-based manuscripts (which I'm guessing is the result of Mary C's recent post). I used to refer to what I did as "from Japan's Christian century to ours." I'm now calling it "Like Shogun, except the heroine survives." It sounds better than what I was using. Don't know if that sounds better or not. Would love to hear thoughts on it.

  66. Glynna, what an amazing post. I can totally relate. I didn't tell people what I was doing (other than my family) for years. I can remember finally admitting it. I was so nervous! :)

  67. This is so totally me! Thanks to all of Seekerville for sharing all the ups and downs of writing. You guys rock! Please put me in the drawing for the books! Hope everyone has a great day!

  68. Fantastic Glynna.

    Thanks for remaining faithful!!!

    (and FYI - people still think I'm a weirdo. I transcribe for a Schnauzer.)

  69. Walt, I like the new brand tagline!

  70. Hi, Glynna! There's nothing like looking back and seeing everything in 20/20 vision. Me, I would often tell people about my writing. Sometimes they were interested or encouraging, but sometimes they looked at me like I'd just grown two horns. It was awkward. They didn't seem to know what to say. So I was pretty careful about talking about it!

    Now that I'm published, it's not so different. I still feel like I live in a shadow world, maybe even more so. Being published isn't something I talk about with casual friends, partly because most people don't understand what it means. A man at church recently asked me, "So is it expensive to get a book published?" I said, "No, they pay me!" LOL!

    Yeah, it's still an awkward subject sometimes.

    My advice is to just believe it's going to happen and to tell yourself you're never going to give up, no matter how long it takes to get published. And don't let the awkward looks from people outside the biz get you down.

  71. I like Walt's hook too. "Like Shogun, but the heroine survives."


    Hi, HELEN! It's those close friends who really keep us going, isn't it? The ones who believe in us even if they don't understand all the ins and out of the publishing world.

    You'll be suprised at how quickly the time goes until you're published. There was SO MUCH to do--and because I'd switched from first person POV romantic mysteries to small town stories, I didn't have OTHER books completed like you do. So I was scrambling to write a second one. :) Enjoy this "limbo" time!

  73. RUTHY--both of us are wee hours writers, writing by the light of the moon. Doesn't our Mary wear a little cape when she writes? :) We need to get one.

  74. Hi, ELAINE! I'm sorry you haven't been feeling well the past two days. While my health eventually made a rebound (for the most part anyway), I do remember those days so well. "Waiting in the wings" is a good analogy to being unpublished, just as Jenny's job interview comparison is.

  75. Walt, glad you're working on the new story.

    Love the Shogun reference in your new tag line. Shogun with a happily ever after. :)

    Thanks for having all my books...except the one in the drawing today is my upcoming September release. Which you don't have, I'm sure. :)

    Love the coincidence, which of course is a God-incident, about your walking buddy's sister being a reference source. Glad you shared your dream.

    Remember Kristin Higgins said 90% of all people long to write a book. We just happen to be among the few who actually succeed!

  76. Mel, I'm laughing at the man who asked if it was expensive to publish a book.

    Laughing even more at your answer. :)

  77. Hello, ANNA! That's so cool you self-pubbed books about your family band! What are your titles?

    I think all of us here can relate to that uncertainty when you're starting out. So much to learn. But you have an advantage knowing that you're capable of completing a writing project. That's huge. Tons of people want to write a novel or write a non-fiction about their family, but never finish it.

    There really isn't any "wrong" -- if you just keep writing and learning, I have every confidence you'll get there! I've always heard it said that those who succeed at this writing business are the ones who didn't give up. "With God, ALL things are possible!"

    1. Thanks, Glynna. :)

      My titles are:

      Surviving the Revival: A Glimpse into the Life of the Weaver Family Band,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160

      That's How We Roll: A Hilariously True Tale of Life on the Open Road,TopRight,12,-18_SH30_OU01_AA160

      Thanks again for the encouragement and have a wonderful evening. :)

  78. CONNIE -- the people who truly know me never ask for free books. It's people I actually don't know that well who do. LOL.

    I don't know if I'd want to pay for a book on Kansas hay either. :)

  79. Hi, SUE! So glad you have a few cheerleaders in your corner! My family has always been a great support and I was fortunate to have a cousin (Kathleen Bacus) who was also on the writing journey at the same time I was.

  80. Hello, COURTNEY! I'm glad the post was encouraging!

  81. Hello, Deb H! Seekers like to make y'all feel "normal" because then it makes US feel normal. :) "Dream Land" is a good place to be -- so many wonderful possiblities!

  82. Hey, SHERINDA! Oh, yay! Another person who sits among the big time authors and wonders WHAT AM I DOING HERE?? :)

    So glad Seekerville can provide some of that needed support even though we're doing it from Cyberspace!

  83. Good afternoon, WALT! Ah, confession time? You must enjoy suspense! Debby writes some goodies, doesn't she?

    Good comparison to the corporate world ink-on-the-contract.

    And don't you just love those "coincidences" like the sister of a dad having a job similar to your heroine?

    Ooooh, "Like Shogun, except the heroine survives." LOVE IT!

  84. Hello, MISSY! I COULD be scary to tell people you want to write for publication. I always felt as if I were confessing some crazy idea of being a rock star but didn't know how to sing or play an instrument. :)

  85. KC -- You really DO have an unusual slant to your writing journey! Help from your furry friend. WEIRDO WRITERS UNITE! :)

  86. HI, MELANIE! Sounds like you had to learn the hard way who to share the dream with and who not to share it with.

    I, too, have had people ask me where I go to "get your books printed." :)

    You're SO right. Not giving up is the key.

  87. Jeanne, I understand the difficulty in pulling back from ministry. Working within the church is such a joy. Stepping outside that protective umbrella can be scary.

    I know God wants me to write. I have to trust He will use my writing for good.

  88. Glynna this is just so totally true. Not talking about the writing. You just can't. Or at least I couldn't. It's just to hard to explain why I still wasn't published. Too BORING to explain that it takes up to a year to get word back from a publisher. The rejections. The contest finalists that lead to NOTHING.
    I am so thankful for the Seekers and this community here. And I love the local writer's groups where I could go back then (and still now) and talk writing.
    It's a language all it's own.
    And people understand

  89. My husband likes to tell people that once when he was (sort of) complaining to one of my daughters about all the time I 'wasted' writing....before I got published...that daughter told him (she'd read some of my work) "You know dad, she'd not bad. I read her book and it's pretty good."
    So my husband was more patient than he might have otherwise been because my daughter vouched for me. LOL
    And now he's glad he hung in there and was a good sport about my little hobby.

  90. Glynna, I can relate. My parents didn't get to see me published. But they always believed I would. We're blessed to have had that kind of support!


  91. Great discussion. One thing I love about the writer's journey is that our perseverance can impact others, especially our kids. Mine saw me plow ahead, not giving up even when the rocks in the path didn't make for an easy, straight road toward success. They may never want to write but I hope they'll never give up on what's important to them.


  92. Such a beautiful post!

    I remember when I started writing my first book and told a dear friend what I was doing. her response was, " I started a book once, too. It's good therapy. Then I took up crocheting."

    Nothing against crochet. But that gave me an attack of confidence I hadn't felt before.

    Was I just writing for therapy, like some bored housewife??

    Then I found Seekerville, a community of people, just like me, who wrote for fun, for the story, for the joy.

    I wouldn't have thrown off that fear without this place and these people.

    Thanks for your story, Glynna!

  93. WOW, Glynna ... what a beautiful post, my friend -- VERY inspiring!

    CINDY W SAID: "Why does this desire burn so bright when my time is so limited."

    God's timing is never ours, is it? But He's Mr. Timex with His finger on the pulse of every tick and tock, so His timing ends up being perfect. I started my debut book at the age of 12, longing to be a real live author when I grew up. Problem is, my idea of "grown up" and God's was a wee bit different. I was thinking 20s, and He was thinking 50s. Guess He knew that I needed to learn an awful lot of life lessons before He'd let me loose with a pen. :) You'll get there, Cindy, I promise. Writing for HIM is a God-given desire, and He always answers the desires of our heart, right?

    LOL, KAV ... it DOES sound like a title!! Get cracking on a ms. for it ... ;)


  94. Thanks SOOO much for this post, Glynna--I'm sure lots of folks can identify with your journey.

    It took a while before I shared with anyone outside my family that I was writing. My support system has been amazing, and I'm very thankful.

    The Seekers have been wonderful to so many of us who are still unpubbed. It's so evident that you all truly CARE!

    Not too long ago I mentioned to my sister that even if I'm never published, I'm enjoying this writing journey SO much, because of all the amazing friends I've made (and Seekers/Villagers are some of the most special ones). Thanks again for sharing your story with us, and a BIG CONGRATS on your publishing success---YAY GLYNNA!!! Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  95. KAV ... just read the rest of your comment and YES, for 20 years, I was a romance snob, meaning I'd read it in secret because I didn't want anybody catching me with romance novel in my purse. I was a career gal who only read the cool literary stuff -- you know stuff like the Oprah picks that popped up years later. But in my 50s, God took me by the scruff and said, "Yo, Julie -- you're a romance writer -- get with the program."

    Since then I am SO darn proud of not only being a romance writer, but a romance writer for HIM!! And, yes, I still see some noses go up in the air when I tell them, but I'm old enough now that I just flat-out don't care what they think, so you see? There ARE some benefits to age ... ;)


  96. What a great post! Sometimes it's good to go back and see where we were and where we are now. I am in awe of writers. You just never know what you might say in a book that will touch a reader's heart and make a difference! You do a wonderful job! Can't wait to read more of your work! I would love to win the September releases!
    tscmshupe [at] pemtel [dot] net

  97. There's also an elderly woman at my church who is convinced I'm going to be a millionaire because I'm a writer, and she says this to everybody. What do you say to that? I did at first try to explain to her that it's really unlikely I will ever become a millionaire from my books, but she sort of rebuked me (very gently) for not believing that God could and would do that for me. So now when she says it I just smile. Awkwardly.

  98. "Like Shogun, except the heroine survives."

    Perfect, Walt!

    I have a hard time with so many male dominated action films where all the heroines DIE. Bourne, Bond, Gladiator, and on and on...

    It gets really old.

  99. I really appreciate the hard work you authors do in order to write for us readers!!!!
    Please put me in the drawing for the Glynna-Debby-Ruthy books!


  100. Melanie, I've had the same experience with people thinking I will be 'rich.' Someone asked me where I will move once I'm 'famous.' I nearly spit my mouthful of coffee in her face because the concept was so hilarious. Ahhh....

    Great post, Glynna! It's so nice we can come out of the shadows to play in Seekerville!

  101. Pam you are so right about not telling people when going for an interview. I found people would always ask how it went etc and it was just so depressing to keep saying you missed out. in my first 6 months out of school I went for around 70 jobs.
    about a year ago we were talking about jobs and getting work and I mentioned how hard it had been only to get told well you have to apply for jobs to get them. I turn to this guy (same one who caused me issues by keeping on about how fat I was when I wasn't) I went for over 70 jobs in less than 6 months you cant tell me I wasn't trying. It shut him up. Admittedly I have gone for less this time round I was applying for 2 a week. then I got sick, mum passed away, then I hurt the wrist and have had an exception. When the wrist is finally healed (be it from time, or surgery) I will be looking again but will only let certain people know what I am doing.

  102. Thank you GLYNNA, KAYBEE AND jULIE L. for your inspiring words. I will get there in God's timing. I'm going to print your sweet words out and post them by my computer. :)

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  103. Hi Glynna,

    Thanks for your thoughtful post. Your post does make me wonder what will happen now that I have "emerged" into the daylight as an unpublished writer I worked for nearly two years in the shadows with very few people in my life who knew what I was up to. Now, I will have to explain to family and friends about how long the process takes. It's a little daunting.

    On the plus side though, after RWA was over, dh came home and finished putting together the L-shaped desk that he started to put together for me in 2011. I guess when he saw me surrounded by all of the real writers at the awards ceremony, he thought I was one too and deserved a real desk!

  104. MARY-- YAY for the Connealy daughter who vouched that "she's not bad." :) And hurray for the hubby--his patience has paid off!

  105. Glynna, this is one of the many reasons I love Seekerville! I keep my writing to myself, for all the reasons already mentioned by others. But I thought it was just me. I had no idea others felt the same way!
    Please enter me.

  106. JANET--your parents would have been so thrilled to know you got published. I was so thankful mine are still here to celebrate with me. I DID get a bit teary, though, when I opened that very first box of books, thinking of the delight it would have brought to my grandparents.

    And so true that the perseverance can make a difference in other people's lives. Not only kids and grandkids, but in the lives of others who face challenges as they reach for that Big Dream!

  107. HI, VIRGINIA! We're all thankful you DIDN'T trade writing for crocheting! And that you can now write for the JOY of it! So happy Seekers & Villagers played a part in getting over the fear.

  108. Hi, JULIE!! I was just thinking today about God's timing and how I probably couldn't have written the books I write today if I hadn't gotten some living under my belt. If I hadn't gotten sick when I did, if he hadn't brought the Seekers into my life, etc.

  109. Hello, PATTI JO! I'm so glad you have a good support system--very critical--whether it's family, friends, or "virtual" Villager friends who are there to cheer you on! I have one amazing friend who prays for me EVERY day and has done so for ages & ages. I've dedicated my September release to her. I love her to pieces.

    Thank you for the "congrats!" I still don't think it's really sunk in that I'm published. It still doesn't seem "real" even when I see my book at Walmart or the grocery story or pharmacy or a book store. It's like I'm STILL dreaming or something! :)

  110. Hi, SALLY! I'm so glad you enjoy my books! :) I'm amazed sometimes when readers write to say that something a character said or thought struck a chord with them, that it helped them look at something in their own lives a little differently, look at their relationship with God a little differently, encouraged them to hang in there in a situation in which they'd found themselves. I love the way God uses the gift of words...

  111. MELANIE -- When I first sold, so many people at work said, "I guess you'll be making big money now & quitting soon." So I had to make it REAL clear that that is NOT happening anytime soon!

    But maybe your elderly friend is on to something--DREAM BIG.

    I have another quote on my bulletinboard "Prayers that aren't prayed will never be answered." Just think how much money you could GIVE AWAY as God leads!

  112. Hi, JACKIE! Thanks for stopping by and thanks so much for all the reader support you give us in Seekerville!

  113. Hi, LYNDEE! Where DO you plan to move when you're famous??? DREAM BIG. :)

  114. Well, looks who's back! Hi, JENNY! I welll remember those days hoping and waiting for a "call back" on an interview. After college and again after I got so sick and wasn't able to work for several years. I had to start from scratch. I can't imagine, though, applying for 70 jobs. I know tons of people are facing similar situations when the economy tanked here in the US. It's many really rough for many. We'll be praying for the timing on your next job search, Jenny. You don't need to tell us when you're going to each one--just know you're blanketed in prayer.

  115. ANNA -- Thank you for posting the links. These look like really fun books. (Kindle AND paperback!) So you're still traveling with your band?

    1. Yes, I am, Glynna. 😊

      Our website is We travel year-round and share our music all over the country.

  116. Hi, PIPER! Yes, you've been dragged out of your hiding place after finaling in the GH! And what a sweet hubby for rewarding your achievement with a REAL desk. ENJOY!

  117. Hello, DONNA! No, you're not alone! Most of us here in Seekerville have either "been there, done that" or we're still doing it! :)

  118. /opens brain and pokes around looking for Glynna and wondering how she got in there/

    Yeah. Been there, doing that.

    I often feel like one of those auditioners on American Idol. You know the ones. The ones where Mom is outside telling Ryan Seacrest that kiddo is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Then the audition starts. And you realize that this guy makes alley cats look good.

    And you wonder "Buddy, didn't anyone love you enough to tell you this isn't your calling and you're going to embarrass yourself on national television?" then glare at unseen producers who think it's a good idea to put this poor guy on television [because only the SheBang guy ever managed to do anything with it] and wonder at the Americans who eat it all up.

    Every once in a while, I feel like a contestant on The Voice [to stick with talent shows]. If you make it to the Blind Auditions, you have talent. You may not get one of those judges to push their button, but, it's not because you're not any good.

    Where I'm at, like most of us, depends on the day, the hour, even the minute. And every conference I've been to I've had those moments of feeling like a little girl play dress up and not belonging in such a place with the "real authors." Heavens, I've had those moments when we had multipubbed, award winning, names-you'd-all-know authors come visit our little MozArks meeting. [I'm still working to get that Lessman gal to come visit ;).]

    But, by the grace of God, it's getting better. More good days than bad. More support than not. And all the friends I've made? If I had to give up writing tomorrow, it would all be worth it because of the relationships that have come out of it.

    Speaking of... I need to get back to reading a review book for a friend ;).

  119. CAROL--so true that it sometimes feels a lot like auditioning for American Idol. But thank goodness WE don't have to be rejected on national television with millions of people watching! I'd still be hiding in the cave for sure!

    And "more good days than bad, more support than not" is a sweet place to be as you work toward your dream of publication. Hang in there!

  120. Long way down to get to the leave your comment box tonight, but it's all worth reading the comments. I would be honored to be chosen for free books, and I would review them! Thanks

  121. Long way down to get to the leave your comment box tonight, but it's all worth reading the comments. I would be honored to be chosen for free books, and I would review them! Thanks

  122. Long way down to get to the leave your comment box tonight, but it's all worth reading the comments. I would be honored to be chosen for free books, and I would review them! Thanks

  123. I enjoyed the post thank you.

    Please count me in for the books.

  124. Hello MARIANNE and MARY P! Thanks for stopping by! You'll be added to the drawing.

  125. Congratulations on all your successes! Enjoyed your post! Thank you for sharing and please enter me in the giveaway.
    Barbara Thompson

  126. Your eighth book! Yay! Please enter me in the giveaway for the September release set.

    I agree that it's hard to find a job unless you're in a field in demand like nursing, etc. Most times you don't get an interview and if you do you don't get a job offer (or it may be one where you're not sure if you'd like the job duties). I've always done clerical work and there's lots of competition, as there are lots of people who can type and want secretarial jobs so there are tons applying. One time I sent out a resume and got an e-mail reply saying that they had received over 200 resumes! And this was before the economy tanked.

    I've found that it's easier to get a job if you go to a temporary agency. Then you don't waste time and money going around town on interviews. Some agencies will help and some don't like your work experience and won't find you a job. I found a couple that would help me. One place said they didn't have hardly any clerical jobs so of course I never did any work for them.

  127. Oh, my. Shadow world. That is so true! I've written most of my life and have just started to tell people that I write. They always act shocked and say, when did you start writing? It's kinda hard to say, oh, like, forever, you just didn't know about it. Top secret. When I went to Hoosier Ink, I could hardly close my mouth. There was a room full of people who didn't look at me like I was some gargoyle! It was so freeing! I so understand. As a matter of fact I'm currently dragging my feet to sign up for AFCW because I'm freaked out about all the 'real' writers, and how I don't feel I can ever match up! Are you sure you didn't use MY journal for this article? LOL

  128. ANNA--that looks like such a FUN family and so special to share a ministry together. I pray your Dad continues in a steady recovery.

  129. Thanks for popping by, Barbara! I threw you name in the hat. :)

  130. MICKY -- great idea to start with the temp agencies. I took a temp job when I was working my way back into full-time employment after being ill. And it DID lead to a job in a company where I still work!

  131. Hi, ZANNE! Stop dragging your feet and DO go to ACFW! The workshops are great & it's VERY newbie author friendly. There will be tons of Seekers and Seeker Villagers there, so you'll have people to talk to, wave at in the hallways and sit with at mealtimes and meet with at the end of a busy day. I was amazed at how many times I got on the elevator or escalator that a Seeker or a Villager was right beside me. You won't need to get "freaked out" at all! Go and have FUN! :)

  132. I guess mine is a pseudo-shadow world. Because pretty much everyone who knows me knows that I blog and that I'm infatuated/obsessed with books. Most also know I write too, although perhaps not the particulars, like how long I've been writing, that I've been published in short story and non-fiction formats, that I've got a gazillion started-but-not-finished novels in Dropbox or on computers so old I'm not I can even access them anymore.

    Still, it feels shadowy. No one asks when I'm going to be published. Don't know if that's because they're giving me space to get there or don't care. My immediate family takes me seriously when I put my feet down and demand time/space to write, but if I don't, they never suggest it or question why I'm not writing. They understand that I do freelance editing, but that's someone else's writing (at least when I'm not helping the author completely tear apart and reconstruct her story), and mostly they give me room for that--although sometimes the interruptions reach a fever pitch.

    It's a weird existence in some ways, at times comforting and at other times suffocating.

    I've learned that the shadows come from how much I choose to stand in them. The sun shines just over the edge of the shadow.

  133. I'm probably too late to be entered in the drawing - if not, please enter my name. However, I just wanted to say thank you. Your missive came at a particularly low point when writing (and editing) time seems impossible to come by, when family matters have to take precedence, when I wonder if I really am called to do this or not. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  134. Hello, PATRICIA!

    I totally understand the "gazillion started-but-not-finished novels. I was the queen of that. Remember the old diskettes (about 3 x 3)? I have a ton of those and should probably see if I can retrieve any of the data off them and breathe new life into them. Now that I'm on down the road a bit, maybe I'd know how to get them beyond the first 3 chapters!

    I think we should all frame your words: "The sun shines just over the edge of the shadow." Sweet reminder!

  135. Hi, LEONA! I'm glad you found my post this week encouraging. I think it helps when we know there are those who UNDERSTAND what we're going through as writers. And Seekerville is filled with a bunch of fine folks who do understand.
