Friday, July 26, 2013

August Contest Update

Welcome to the August Contest Update.


What have you done to make your dream come true?

Published Author Contests 
 2013 Lories Best Published Contest. Deadline August 10, 2013.

Show Me Your Covers. Deadline August 31, 2013. 

VCRW Laurel Wreath Contest. Deadline August 31, 2013.

 Unpublished Author Contests 

The Dixie Kane Memorial Contest. Deadline EXTENDED TO JULY 31.. Entrants do not need to be members of RWA to enter. Open to published and unpublished authors.Entry: First 5 double-spaced pages. Also, one-page single-spaced synopsis (not judged).  

***No electronic submissions. ***.
Final Readers for first place entries:

Short/Long Series Contemporary, Rhonda Penders, Editor-in-Chief, The Wild Rose Press
Single Title Contemporary, Kathy Cottrell, Senior Editor Last Rose of Summer, The Wild Rose Press
Historical Romance, Allison Byers, Editor Historical Division, The Wild Rose Press
Paranormal, CallieLynn Wolfe, Senior Editor Black Rose, The Wild Rose Press
Inspirational, Nicola Martinez, Editor-in-Chief, Pelican Book Group
Novel w/ Strong Romantic Elements, Cindy Davis, Editor, The Wild Rose Press
Romantic Suspense, DJ Hendrickson, Editor, Champagne and Crimson Rose, The Wild Rose Press
Erotic Romance, Diana Carlile, Senior Editor, Scarlet Rose Line.

The Golden Rose.  Deadline July 31.  Early bird rates apply until June 30! The Golden Rose accepts entries up to a maximum of 10,000 words including prologue (if any).

Contemporary Series Romance-Nicole Fischer, Avon/HarperCollins
Contemporary Single Title-Rebecca Strauss, DeFiore and Company
Historical-Jennifer Udden, Donald Maass Agengy
Mainstream Novel with Strong Romantic Elements-Emily Ohanjanians, HQN
Paranormal-Amy Boggs, Donald Maass Agency
Romantic Suspense-    Eric Ruben, Ruben Agency
Young Adult-Lauren Ruth, Entangled Publishing

The Unpublished Beacon. This contest opens August 1-DEADLINE AUGUST 31. CONTEST ONLY ALLOWS 125 ENTRIES.Open to all authors of romantic fiction. Published authors are eligible to enter any category in which they have not been contracted and/or published in book length fiction (40,000 words and over) in the last 3 years.  (Self-published authors are considered published.) Entry: First 25 pages of the manuscript. The entrant may also include an optional 5 page synopsis for a maximum of 30 pages. (Synopsis will not be judged.)

 Contemporary Series (except Suspense & Adventure)
 Agent:   Marisa Corvisiero–Corvisiero Literary Agency
 Editor:  Christina Brower–NAL/Penguin Group

Erotic Romance
 Agent:  Beth Miller–Writers House, LLC
 Editor:  Linda Ingmanson–Samhain Publishing

Historical Romance
 Agent: Laura Bradford–Bradford Literary Agency
 Editor: Elizabeth Poteet–St. Martin’s Press

Inspirational Romance
 Agent: Mary Sue Seymour–The Seymour Agency
 Editor: Shana Smith–Harlequin Love Inspired

Paranormal/Fantasy/Futuristic Romance
 Editor: Andrea Somberg–Harvey Klinger Inc.
 Editor: Kerri-Leigh Grady–Entangled Publishing

Romantic Suspense
 Agent: Courtney Miller-Callihan–Sanford J. Greenburger
 Editor: Allison Lyons–Harlequin Intrigue

Single Title Romance
 Agent: Rebecca Strauss–DeFiore & Co
 Editor: Kate Dresser–Harlequin Single Title

Women’s Fiction/Chick Lit/Mainstream Romance
 Agent: Michelle Grajkowski–3Seas Literary Agency
 Editor: Leis Pederson–Berkley/Penguin Group

Young Adult Romance
 Agent: Kevan Lyon–Marsal Lyon Agency
 Editor: Aubrey Poole–Sourcebooks

 The Golden Palm. Deadline August 15. Entry consists of a maximum of 25 pages, double-spaced.

Short/Long Category: Allison Carroll,  Harlequin
Single Title Category: Patience Bloom, Senior Editor Harlequin
Historical Category: Leah Hultenschmidt, Senior Editor Sourcebooks
New Adult Category: Laurie McLean, Foreward Literary
Young Adult Category: Pam van Hylckama Vlieg, Foreward Literary
Paranormal Category: Ann-Leslie Tuttle, Senior Editor Harlequin

The Golden Pen. Note it opens June 1 with a discounted early bird entry fee until July 15. Deadline is August 15. A Golden Pen contest entry shall include a synopsis (not to exceed fifteen pages) plus the first consecutive pages of the manuscript in one document, together totaling not more than fifty-five pages.

    $35 per entry received on or before midnight EDT July 15.
    $40 per entry received on or before midnight EDT August 15.
    $5 judging discount for any entrant who is also a first-round judge in a different category.

    Contemporary Single Title Romance – Deb Werksman, Sourcebooks
    Inspirational Romance – Melissa Endlich, Love Inspired
    Paranormal Romance – Leis Pederson, Berkley Publishing Group
    Romantic Suspense – Elizabeth Poteet, St. Martin’s Press
    Series Romance– Susan Litman, Harlequin Enterprises
    Historical Romance– Katherine Pelz, Berkley Publishing Group
    Young Adult Romance – Regina Griffin, EgmontUSA

 2013 Joyce Henderson Contest (formerly Hold Me! Thrill Me!). Deadline September 1, 2013. Submit the first 20 pages. Need not be RWA member.  
Historical: Alicia Condon, Kensington
Young Adult: Annette Pollert, Simon and Schuster
Contemporary: Sue Grimshaw, Random House
Paranormal: Leslie Wainger, Harlequin
Suspense: Rochelle D. French, Entangled Publishing

Hot Prospects Contest. Deadline September 1, 2013.Eligibility: The Hot Prospects Contest is open to any work uncontracted and unpublished at the time of entry. Enter: 3-5-page synopsis and up to the first 25 pages of story (30 pages max). Entry or synopsis may be shorter, but neither may be longer than specified.

Categories/Judges: Trained judges for preliminary round, Editors and Agents for final round.

Editor – Esi Sogah  - Senior Editor Kensington
Editor – Holly Blanck – St. Martins Press

 Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal
Assistant Editor – Kelly Quinn, Tor
Assistant Editor – Kristine Swartz, The Berkley Publishing Group

 Romantic Suspense
Editor – Lauren Plude – Editorial Assistant Grand Central Publishing
Editor – Tera Kleinfelter - Samhain

 Contemporary Long/Single Title
Editor – Deborah Werksman – Sourcebooks, Inc
Editor – Sue Grimshaw – Random House

Series Contemporary
Editor - Johanna Raisanen – Harlequin Associate Editor
Editor – Leanne Morgena –  Senior Editor, Sweetheart Rose, The Wild Rose Press

Four Seasons Award. Deadline September 1, 2013. Entries must be the first 25 pages of your manuscript in RTF (rich text format).  Please do NOT include a synopsis.

Single Title Contemporary
 Editor: Michelle Venditti, MIRA

 Agent: Scott Eagan, Greyhaus Literary Agency


Editor: Kristine Swartz, Berkley Publishing
Agent: Michelle Grajkowski, Three Seas Literary Agency

Young Adult
 Editor: Leah Hultenschmidt, Fire, Casablanca
 Agent: Anita Mumm, Nelson Literary Agency

Romantic Suspense
Editor: Dana Hamilton, Harlequin Intrigue
Agent Jenny Bent, The Bent Agency

Editor: Elizabeth Mazer, Harlequin Love Inspired
Agent: Amanda Luedke, MacGregor Literary.
Editor: To be announced
Agent: Jita Fumich, Folio Literary

Fiction from the Heartland. Deadline September 2, 2013. Entry consists of the first 10,000 words, including any prologue and synopsis. SYNOPSIS IS REQUIRED.

Category Romance: Wanda Ottewell, Harlequin
Contemporary Single Title: Kate Dresser, Harlequin
Historical: Leah Hultenschmidt, Sourcebooks
Romantic Suspense: Patience Bloom, Harlequin
Paranormal: Esi Sogah, Kensington
Erotic Romance: Leis Pederson, Berkeley
Young Adult Romance/New Adult Romance:Karen Grove, Entangled
Inspirational: David Long, Bethany House

Shira Hoffman,  McIntosh and Otis
Margaret Bail, Inklings Literary Agency
Laura Bradford,  Bradford Literary Agency
Deidre Knight, The Knight Agency
Nicole Resciniti, Seymour Agency 

Melody of Love. Deadline September 7, 2013. Entry consists of manuscript’s first 25 (or fewer) pages, no synopsis,

 Author may be unpublished or published, but manuscript being entered cannot have been published and cannot be currently contracted to be published via any means at any time, including self or subsidy publishing.

Manuscript should be a romance or romantic elements novel of 40,000 words or more.

CONTEMPORARY judged by Agent Pamela Harty of The Knight Agency

HISTORICAL judged by Editor Kerri Buckley of Carina Press

PARANORMAL judged by Editor Candace Havens of Entangled Publishing

YOUNG ADULT judged by Editor Heather Howland of Entangled Publishing

We welcome entries in the optional sub-genres of Romantic Elements, Erotic, Inspirational, and New Adult

Other Contests

Wow! Women on Writing Summer 2012 Flash Fiction Contest. Deadline August 31.
Word Count:Maximum: 750, Minimum: 250 OPEN PROMPT! Open to all styles of writing, although we do encourage you to take a close look at our guest judge for the season if you are serious about winning. We love creativity, originality, and light-hearted reads. That's not to say that the guest judge will feel the same... so go wild! Express yourself, and most of all, have some fun!  Entries limited to a maximum of 300 stories. Please enter early to ensure inclusion. The winner not only gets cash and goodies but an agent read! The guest agent judge is Maria Corsiviero.


The Family Circle 2013 Fiction Writing Contest. Deadline September 16, 2013. Submit an original (written by entrant), fictional short story of no more than 2,500 words (typed, double-spaced and page numbered on 8-1/2 x 11 paper), including your full name, mailing address, daytime telephone number (including area code) and e-mail address (optional) on each page by mailing story in an envelope with proper postage affixed to: Family Circle Fiction Writing Contest.Grand Prize (1): A prize package including a check in the amount of $1,000.00.

 The Sixth Annual, Real Simple, Life Lessons Essay Contest.

Maybe, in the course of your life, you’ve had an Erin Brockovich moment: say, the time you stood up to a bully in second grade, or the day you ended a long-standing friendship that had turned toxic. Or maybe your acts of courage have been less dramatic but no less powerful: moving  to a new country. Daring to fall in love a second time around. Leaving a settled career to embark on a risky new venture. Whatever your story, share it with us.

Enter Real Simple’s sixth annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple and receive a prize of $3,000.

To enter, send your typed, double-spaced submission (1,500 words maximum, preferably in a Microsoft Word document) to Deadline September 19.


  Our August Contest Diva is Nancy Kimball.


2013 ACFW Genesis Finalist - Historical Romance
2012 Phoenix Rattler Finalist - Historical Romance
2012 ACFW Genesis Finalist - Historical
2012 Writers on the Storm Flash Fiction Contest - 2nd Place
2012 Clash of the Titles Clash Champion - April 2012
2011 Phoenix Rattler 4th Place - Historical
2011 Writers on the Storm Cat 5 Contest - General Fiction Category Winner
2011 Karen Witemeyer Fan Fiction Challenge - Winner

"Contests have been essential to my growth as an author. When the results of my first contest were returned in 2011, every score was below 50% and the most painful comment ended with “start over.” After packing my emotional wounds with chocolate and bandaging them with Daddy didn't raise any quitters, I vowed to never again suffer that kind of blow to my self-esteem. I joined a critique group through ACFW. I checked out every book my local library carried on fiction craft. I kept reading Seekerville and other writer blogs daily until I understood every comment and scoring element in those miserable results. A few months and two contests later, that same story won my first award and went on to final in Genesis that year. Another eighteen months and I've earned a few more feathers for my literary haberdashery, including another Genesis final and being named the August Contest Diva. That's a pretty nice hat to be able to tip to the One who continues to bless my efforts and humble me when I need it. (Like when both of my entries I was sure would final in First Impressions last year… didn’t.)

Beyond improving my writing and attracting positive industry attention, contests have other benefits. They force me to make smarter financial choices to free up contest fees. They urge me to better manage my time to avoid deadline scrambles. As a judge and now a contest organizer, to appreciate more those who made my opportunities possible and give back by doing the same for others. That’s the real prize."

Nancy Kimball

The prize vault is open and this month's prize is a Beach Read Surprise Package.
Comment today and let us know you want your name entered. And remember, the contest update remains available on the Seeker web page all month long.

We leave you with a picture of Rita Finalist Missy Tippens and Seekerville Contest Diva Annie Rains from RWA 2013.

That's it! Now go forth and contest. 

Tina Radcliffe is a mild mannered hermit who writes Inspirational romance for Harlequin Love Inspired as Tina Radcliffe and romantic comedy as Tina Russo. You can find her at

Her latest release from Love Inspired is Mending the Doctor's Heart. Her first Indie release, The Rosetti Curse, will be available late August 2013.

And keep your eye on the newsstands. Her latest short romantic fiction for Woman's World will be available in the August 22 issue.



  1. Not sure any contests would work for me right now.

    So I guess I'll just curl up with a good book and an ice cold Coke.

    But there's coffee for those who prefer it.


  2. Oh, oh, oh!!! I think I see a contest I might enter just for fun. ;) BUT I have to email to clarify since I'm contracted in inspirational historical and would love to enter the inspirational category but with a contemporary. Now that I think on it I probably won't be able to enter. :/

    Oh, well.

    I'd love to be entered for the drawing.

  3. It's so hard not to diva when you are BORN TO DIVA!!!!!!

  4. Thank you so much for the post, Tina!

    Please forgive this commercial, but please all, consider entering the Windy City Four Seasons contest listed in today's post. This is our inaugural year for the Inspirational category and I bent arms to get it! Plus,the final readers are a Love Inspired editor and an agent from the MacGregor Literary Agency. If you can't get to the ACFW conference, this contest just might be the second best way to get noticed!

    Good luck to all!

    Congrats, Nancy, on all the wins and thanks for your thoughtful post!

  5. That was a very smart commercial, Lyndee. Go WINDY CITY!!!!

  6. And a big shout out to this month's Contest Diva, Nancy Cat 5 Kimball.

  7. Oh, SOOOO tempting to enter another contest, but I think I'm done for a while. :)



  8. The only thing about the contests listed is that it means WINNERS and winners mean...more books for me to read, eventually!!!!!! Go writers, go. GO AUTHORS GO! Congratulations, Nancy. Thanks, Tina.
    And, yes, pretty please with sugar on top, enter my name in the draw for books. Thank you

  9. I love how you think, Marianne.

  10. Congrats to Nancy! And what a line-up of contests. I'm off the circuit for right now. Ain't it great???

    And TGIF! I got myself a new camera for my trip and I have 7 weeks to master it. Weather permitting, I'm headed to the Botanical Garden Saturday because I can try out all sorts of shots.


  11. Lyndee, thank you and I will see what I can do to help you out with that. =D

    Tina, I so love that name. I might need to update my business card, hehe.

    Thank you, Julie (You do too!) and Marianne and Marilyn. *HUGS* to all.

  12. What a lovely feeling, Marilyn!!!!

    Congrats again and again.

  13. I need a readers contest Oh wait that would mean I have to read.
    Ok back to reading about the contests and wishing all who enter well.
    I could enter a guess the jellybeans contest I know Ruthy was hiding them!

    Or maybe a guess how on earth I tripped on the front step today. Im still guessing but 2 bruised knees and a jarred wrist (yes the bad one) tell me I did it. But not feeling sorry for myself just grateful I dont think I damaged the wrist anymore. my first thought was oh great dont tell me I have to go to the hospital cos I fell on my wrist again but after the initial shock wore of I could tell the wrist wasn't to bad.

  14. Great contest update Tina!

    Nancy, what an impressive list of accomplishments! Congrats to you!

    That's a cute pic of Missy and Annie, but how did I miss her at RWA?

    That conference should be longer so that all of the 2100 people can meet each other....

    Everyone pitch in and enter the Windy City to help out Lyndee!

  15. Congrats on all those contest finals and wins, Nancy! Awesome!!! :-)

  16. Thanks for the contest update, Tina! Love your photo and those killer eyes.

    Huge congratulations to contest diva Nancy K! Your journey is impressive and inspiring!

    Lyndee, I love Windy City! Thanks for twisting arms for a inspy category!

    Piper, I'm wondering how I missed Annie too.


  17. First thing this morning I get an email from Piper asking which contests I am going to enter.

    This is the same lovely woman who drug me down to the pitch appt board at RWA.

    She did it before I had my coffee even.

    Gotta love friends like that!

    Peace, Julie

  18. Lyndee, I am entering.

    Gotta support!

    Peace, Julie

  19. Thanks for all these contest options.

    Way to go Nancy. What a great list of wins for you.

    I hope you all have a great weekend.

    Please toss my name in the drawing. Thanks.

  20. Wow, Nancy is on a roll! :)

    Great lineup of contests to shoot for.

  21. Hmmm, looks like so much fun to be had!

    Maybe I'll get something finished in time to enter one of the contest closing in Sept.:-)

  22. Thanks, Tina - - I am always AMAZED at how many contests are available. Now--to make myself enter another one *sigh*.

    Happy Friday everyone! (am off to Vet with kitten, and hoping she doesn't get upset in her carrier ~ I'd rather go to a medical appt. myself than take a feline for an appt., LOL)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  23. My motto: Business first, coffee later!

    (Especially since I saw how people attacked the extra pitch appointments wall...folks were civil, but it could have gotten ugly...)



  24. WTG Nancy.

    I continue to tell friends that Seekerville is like getting a masters. Really amazing resources here. What a blessing.

    And YOU took the time to learn and grow and wawzah! That is PAWSOME!

    Super list of contests, Tina! I'm sharing with a few friends too. :)

    I'd love to be entered. Thanks! may at maythek9spy dot com

  25. I love Nancy's list of contest finals! Woo hoo!

    I've learned a lot from contests, too - and I just keep entering....

    There's one I might enter this month. I'll have to look into it :)

    And please enter me in the drawing!

  26. Thanks for the great info, Tina! I'm not sure I have anything ready to be entered, but you've provided great incentive to find something contest worthy.

    The sunglasses were a nice touch, too. They make me want to go to the beach!!

    I would love to be in the drawing for the beach package.

  27. Thanks for the great info, Tina! I'm not sure I have anything ready to be entered, but you've provided great incentive to find something contest worthy.

    The sunglasses were a nice touch, too. They make me want to go to the beach!!

    I would love to be in the drawing for the beach package.

  28. Sorry for the multiple posts. Blame's all his fault!

  29. I've emailed the Unpublished Beacon, although I imagine their response will be 'you can enter the contemporary category', which isn't the category I want to enter. At least I don't think. I'm so indecisive. I wish I could make up my mind.

  30. Jenny, glad it wasn't worse! Take care of yourself my friend.

    Thank you, Piper! I can't even wrap my head around a conference w/ 2100 people. Crazy. And I'm pitching in and adding Windy City to my to do list from yesterday. Without any arm twisting from Tina! (I really, really want to crack a final in an RWA contest.)

    Thank you, Naomi. =) It sure beats being robbed and left for dead... unless some awesome hero finds you and takes you home and makes you better. ;-)

    Thank you, Janet! =)

    Thank you, Jackie! =) You helped with some of those you know with my boy Jonathan. ;-)

    Thanks, Pam. I'm going to try my first meme today with your great post for help. =) LOVE SEEKERVILLE!

    I got a PAWSOME from May and KC! YAY! (Yeah, I did and I did a lot of it right here. Remember when I had a blue shirt in my pic? Three years ago? =)

    Thank you, Jan. I kind of love it too because I rarely see them all in one place.

  31. Great info, Tina, and two more pubbed contests I need to enter.

    Loved Nancy's pic and contest info. Yay, Nancy! You're working hard and having lots of contest success!

    Perseverance and determination are the stepping stones to publication.

    Nancy, your stepping stones rock!

  32. Lyndee,

    Thanks for providing another wonderful contest for Seekervillagers to enter and WIN!!!

    Great judges for the Four Seasons!

    Editor: Elizabeth Mazer, Harlequin Love Inspired
    Agent: Amanda Luedke, MacGregor Literary

    Elizabeth is a big Seekerville supporter, a savvy editor and so, so sweet! Plus she puts smiley faces on the manuscripts she edits.

    Everyone enter! Everyone! We need to ensure the Inspy category is full so it will continue...and to support Lyndee who worked so hard to make it happen.

    Sending Seekerville cyber hugs to Lyndee!

  33. NOOO, Jenny! We are getting you a dog. that's it!!!

  34. That's the spirit, Lyndee. Bring your friends and neighbors and grandma and enter Windy City.

  35. I tell you Julie, Piper is a DIVA!!!

  36. Morning May and KC. May's book is still free on Amazon thru the 27th.

  37. You're in Jan Drexler!!!

  38. Sure you can do this Mary Hicks. Finish the painting and enter a contest. Now go!!!!

  39. Contest Diva Nancy.....lovely feathers! Congratulations!!! Your advice has me thinking I will keep re-editing my contest entry a couple more times. That you "give back" is good inspiration. Thank you!

    Lyndee, I will certainly try to enter the Four Seasons contest, especially since this is the first year for Inspirational! Yay!

    Jenny, praying for you!

    Tina, I am making progress with my dream. I entered a contest, wrote a synopsis and have written more words. That is progress for me! Thanks for every post!

    Thought I don't live anywhere near a beach, please enter me in the beach reads drawing....I can always pretend.

    Hope you all have a good weekend!

  40. You are in Jackie!!! Any contests look interesting??

  41. Don't spend the money unless the final judge is who you want, Christina.

  42. Morning, Dianna.

    Morning, Dianna.

    Morning, Dianna.

    Morning, Dianna.

    Morning, Dianna.

  43. Yes. Go Go Go to Sherida, our Diva in training.

  44. Hooray for Nancy the Contest Diva. Doesn't she have a Mona Lisa kind of smile? I guess it's no secret why. :-)

    I see three I want to enter. Thanks for providing the kick butt encouragement.

  45. That love/hate relationship with contests...I'll make myself enter something. Oh, enter me in that Beach drawing. And thanks for the info.

  46. Way to go Nancy.

    I'm not entering contests now, but there's a couple that look good if I was.

    ...Lyndee you make me want to enter 4 seasons.

  47. Mona Lisa smile. Love it.

    Kav???? THREE?

    How's those pages you are sending me, going? Or am I dreaming??

  48. Come on, Connie. You know you wanna. And it will be a long while before results. Then you can take your time after you win to get your pages to the editor. Lots of time!!!

  49. Way to go Cindy R.

    You can do it!!!

  50. wait, wait.... Tina is self-publishing in August???

    Where have I been?? (Or does Indie mean something else? I'm so confused with that term. Everybody has a different take on it.)

    Everybody's going self-publishing!!! It's so exciting!!!

    And NANCY, that was probably the most entertaining bio blurb I've read in a long time. It's hard to have a voice in 8 lines about yourself, but you rocked it. Niiiiiiiiice.

  51. so fun! CONGRATS on being the contest diva, Nancy—it's well deserved. :)

    I'm not contesting this month, though I did look at a couple and get tempted. I'm still fast drafting my story. I'm at about 33K right now. And moving forward.

    Have a great month contesting, everyone!

  52. I do wanna, Tina.

    I LOVE contests. But I promised myself I'd complete the manuscripts before I entered more. I've got requests waiting from previous contests. Doesn't make a good impression on the editors...

  53. Indie means that The Rosetti Curse, which has been professionally edited at an exorbitant cost and Sharon Sala endorsed, and got me an agent, but agent was unable to sell is going self published route cause I love that story and maybe one other person will too.

  54. Oh, I see now, Connie. Good plan. Excellent plan.

    Write, write, write.

  55. Way to go Jeanne T.

    I like that Focused Left Brain Plan.

  56. NANCY!!! Congratulations on being named Seekerville's August Contest Diva! Impressive contest resume, girl! You rock!

  57. Part of me doesn't want to enter any contests at the moment. I just want to write and not worry about what anyone else says (though I'm still up for yesterday's critique if I win it).

  58. Please count me in for the Beach read drawing! Did not make it to real beach this summer due to health issues of me/dh.

  59. Hooray more contests. Love it.

    Congrat NANCY, you diva you. smile

    So glad to hear from more of you that you are entering contests. woo hooo

    LYNDEE, way to go. Get that inspy category represented.

    Best wishes on the indie pub, Tina. You are going to love it.

  60. Walt. Butt in chair for you. No contests. We have a few exception to the rule peeps here. You are one.

  61. Thank you, Debby! Ya'll got me through my give it up slump a few weeks ago and it meant a lot. =)
    I've got an MS I can send over to Four Seasons to help Lyndee out!

    Aww, thank you Sherida! Best wishes and never give up.

    Thank you, Kav! Go tear up some contests. It's great fun.

    Thx Connie!

    Can I show my ignorance? What exactly is a Mona Lisa smile besides a Julia Roberts movie? (And the actual smile in the painting?)

    Virginia C M - Thanks! Proud of your "girl" too BTW ;-)

    Thank you Jeanne T and write on my friend!

    I want to read the Rosetti Curse. Just because you wrote it. There!!! =)

    Thank you, Myra. =) Ya'll taught and teach me so much still. Couldn't have done it with Seekerville. Truth.

    Walt - BEEN THERE - embrace it and go! Then come back and rock the charts again like a samurai. =)

    Thank you, Sandra. =)

    Tina... I better hurry up and enter Four Seasons. I might not be eligible soon... (deviously dropping that vague hint and sneaks off to her facebook author page hehe)

  62. fair Nancy. Let us know the details of your comment as soon as possible.

  63. Found this online:

    ...Mona Lisa's smile

    The word "giocondo" is not only a family name, but also an Italian word meaning "jovial" or "self-amused." As it happens, enigmatic facial expressions – especially smiles – are something of a Da Vinci trademark. Yet this particular smile has sparked hot debate for nearly five hundred years.

    Mona Lisa detail - smile

    "Everybody's fascinated with the smile," says author Seymour Reit. "Michelangelo was intrigued, called it an ironic smile. Other people have described it as sly, sublime, enticing, mysterious, repellent, witty, scornful, eerie, magnetic, sensual, remote, all wise and ice cold. There's even one theory put out by some dental expert who said, 'She's not smiling at all; she's having trouble with her gums!'"

    Giorgio Vasari, Leonardo's biographer, wrote that while Leonardo painted, he employed singers and musicians to keep Madam Lisa amused, so her face would not show the melancholy painters often give to portraits: "And in this portrait, there is so pleasing an expression, and a smile so sweet, that while looking at it one thinks it rather divine than human."

    Mona Lisa with musicians

    Whatever Leonardo's intentions, millions have seen the same smile, yet responded in many different ways. Is it a muted grimace? Or a smirk? Or perhaps as Freud deduced, it is simply the smile of Leonardo's mother.

  64. Oh my - - I was so traumatized about taking my kitty to the Vet that I forgot to say CONGRATS NANCY!! Contest Diva Supreme! (no, that sounds like a pizza...).

    Anyway, I'm sure you are an encouragement to many who are undecided about contests. CONGRATS again!! ~ Patti Jo

  65. I think I might enter WOW since it's one of the few short story contests that let people under 21 enter. I'd love to be entere in the drawing.

  66. First, I love the editor line ups!!! I see some great and familiar names there and youse should all be polishing and writing and producing every single stinkin' day!!!!

    'Sall I'm sayin'.


    Tina, what a lovely contest update and I can't wait to download The Rosetti Curse to my Kindle as soon as it comes!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!! I got to see part of that book a long time ago and I've never forgotten it...

    You know what that means, when you don't forget a book???

    It's memorable, silly!!!! :)

    Now to see who's said what today!

  67. Piper, the extra pitch wall.... Is like Filene's Bridal basement sale...

    Elbows and shoulders, like good soccer defense!

  68. TINA -- you'll tell us the minute the download is available right? Delighted that you're doing this.

    NANCY K -- wow and double wow regarding the contest finals. And your post was so fun to read.

    JENNY -- sorry you fell but SO glad it wasn't more serious.

    Happy contesting to one and all!

    Nancy C

  69. Go llmarmalade. And what does that monkier mean exactly.

  70. Thank you, Tina. Don't worry, I will. =)

    Patti Jo, no worries and I hope your kitty is okay.

    Nancy C - Thank you!

    Ruthy, I know EXACTLY what you mean about memorable. =)

  71. But Tina Im really scared of dogs. I think bubble wrap would work. the wrist is a little sorer today but will be ok. The thinks I do for attention.

  72. That's just how the pitch wall was Ruthy, thank you for the analogy!

    Praying for your dropped hint Nancy!


  73. Nancy - Went to your author page and I'm with Piper...Praying for you. God is good!

  74. Wonderful post on all the contests! Good luck to the ones who enter! One question, when you say you are entering more than one contest, do you submit the same manuscript to multiple contests, or do you have multiple stories that you are submitting? Please enter me in the Beach Read Surprise Package. Thanks!

    tscmshupe [at] pemtel [dot] net

  75. Out of my writer's cave for what I thought would be a minute to check in here, but WOW, got happily and gratefully side-tracked by reading all of your wonderful posts!

    THANK YOU all for mentioning, thinking about and publicly committing to submitting to Windy City's Four Seasons!

    What an amazing group. Thank you for your support! Makin' me beam on a cloudy day.

  76. I love Nancy Kimball as a diva... she's so stinkin' humble and sweet, that the DIVA CROWN is a new and different fit for her! That delights me!!!!

    And I'm speaking as one who has crashed and burned.... in every contest I entered this year, so far beyond not pretty that it's just tear-drippin' sad...

    So seeing you do so well has perked me right up!!!! :)

    Marianne!!! You are just a wonderful cheerleader... (roots in back of closet, searching for her 8th grade Pom Poms....)

    Here they are!!! Thank you for your constant love and support!!!!

  77. Thank you, Ruthy. =) Any day I can make you proud is an extra-good day.

  78. I haven't entered a contest in a bit, but I do see one that tempts me.

    Congrats Nancy on being the contest diva. That is an impressive list of placements.

  79. Come on, Terri. You know you wanna. No risk no reward. No guts no glory.

  80. Does anyone ever go to and day dream about houses they'd like to rent for a few days.
    Fun locations.
    It's really amazing.

    It's the internet though, there could be misleading details (read : LIES) told about the place.
    I did it once though and it was good.

  81. No but I go here and look at places to stay in Italy.

    This is how my sister did Europe this summer.

  82. I normally wouldn't and since I'm contracted with LI already I don't need the final judge, but I was hoping to get some feedback on my contemporary.

  83. Best wishes for all the contests everyone!!

  84. Lots of great contests up here!

    I don't know how I missed all of you guys at RWA! lol. Missy was at a big table with a big sign with her name on it, so she was very hard to miss :) Oh, and she also had that RITA flag waving at me to get my attention.

  85. Annie, did you know that Missy Tippens had her RITA flag MADE BIGGER so it would stick out from the rest??????

    TRUE STORY!!!!!

    Myra helped her.

    (nods wisely, sharing state secrets for the papparazzi) Oh, yes, these inspy authors are a devious lot!!! :)

  86. Congratulations, Nancy Kimball!! More writer's contests means more New books to read! I'm a reader not a writer. Good luck to everybody! Please enter me in the Beach Read Surprise Package contest! Thank you!!
    Barbara Thompson

  87. Christina, find a Beta Reader.
