Friday, September 6, 2013

Is Windows Movie Maker A Blog?

Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog!

A week ago Sherri Shackleford had a truly inspiring and also hilarious guest day on Seekerville. You can go read about it HERE
But do it later, because mine is going to be lame by comparison so just stay put, okay?

Anyway, part of her blog was a really cool video with letters zipping in and out and I've seen that before and I WANTED IT! Which I mentioned in the blog comments. And DebH informed me that it was a video program that she was familiar with. She even offered to help me figure it out.

Well, I love DebH. Well honestly I love all you wonderful people who hang around here.
But Deb once sent me a picture of her four-year-old reading one of my books so she has a special place in my heart.
Well, honestly there's hardly a one of you wonderful people who haven't done something special.
 But Deb once….oh this could go on and on.
I'll just say…there are few people on this planet I hate enough to make them try and teach me anything techie. And certainly not sweet Deb.

So no. I'm not asking her to teach me.

Instead, I opened my Windows Movie Maker.
Now, I've made a video trailer for a book before.
How do I put this? How do I capture the full emotional experience in a way you can comprehend.

Let's say...I consider it A downward spiral into madness.
A hair tearing, teeth gnashing, strait jacket inducing exercise in futility.
Eight hours of my life that I am never getting back which resulting in a sub standard product which was; an embarrassment, sold no books, was not worthy of sharing and was most likely illegal.

You can quote me.

Now might be the time to go re-read Sherri's funny and inspiring blog

Okay, back to Windows Movie Maker.

What I learned from WMM (yes, I feel WMM and I are on a nickname basis now) is to K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid (BTW, I hate that term K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid, I don't know why, I just do. Probably the same reason Bruce Willis hates the word...bald)

But anyway, I decided to:
K.I.S.S. keep it simple.
K.I.S.S. Keep it short.
K.I.L. Keep it legal. (HAH! You thought I was going to tell you to shoot someone, didn't you? ADMIT IT!)

Toward this LEGAL end…I used only:
Parts of my book cover for images.
Words written and typed by me.
Music I sang myself. (HAH! Gotcha, on that one! Uncover your ears, sweet things) No, I toyed with the idea of reading the words written by me and using no music but ended up buying music, like legally buying it…MONEY from istockphotos. Yes, photos, you can buy music there. Poorly named, I agree.
I found that by googling Royalty Free Music. Well, you know when they say Royalty Free Music, they mean FREE except for having to pay for it.
Free is one of those 'modern' terms that means it costs money.
So anyway. I paid for it but not much. I suspect you will be able to tell the 'not much' part, but let's just move along and stop being so judgmental, okay people!???

So back to the process. I typed up a very short blurb.  There was no sense making it long since I suspected nearly every human (and most animals) viewing it would be eager for it to end.

I used Microsoft Office Picture Manager (There are more modern ways to edit images but this is what I know how to handle. I think whoever told me about the more modern ways said something like, "Microsoft Office Picture Manager was invented by the dodo bird...well, they said something about a dodo bird, I'd become confused at this point and admit I quit listening...), anyway, I used Microsoft Office Picture manager crop tool to cut the hero out of the cover and save him. I cut the heroine out and saved her. I cut the center that says Trouble in Texas and saved that. (make sure and save these under separate names and not save them over the original because then you've got no original to go back and crop more off of…I can spare you some pain if you will just learn from my mistakes)

Then you open WMM

Click on New Project

Click on Pictures and upload all the pictures you're going to use (you can go back and find more later if you decide you want more pictures... like of your very own smiling face)

Then I drag and dropped them in the order I wanted to the line at the bottom marked Video

Then my words…( where it gets Mary K.I.S.S.ed...there is a right way and a MARY way)

I cut the very very VERY short blurb into very very VERY short individual phrases.

Then I went to Titles and Credits

I clicked on Title at the beginning

Okay this puts whatever you do at the beginning but I couldn't figure out how else to do it.

So FINE, I put it at the beginning

Each tiny phrase

The first phrase, stayed there, before the first picture

The second phrase went to the beginning…then I dragged it between picture 1 & 2

I kept doing that. Put it at the beginning....drag it where I wanted it.

When I wanted the phrases to not be broken up by a picture I just put them one after the other, but I gave them their own credit box because I didn't want a big line or page of long dialogue to read, I wanted short and sweet.

Then, once it's all done, you can go to the left side of each box and right click it to get a red arrow and drag the box to make it longer or shorter. You can double click on the middle of the dialogue box to change font, color, animation, size. Very fun.

Then, you add music.

I bought this bit of music for six dollars from and used it three times. They assured me I had purchased the rights to use it multiple times. My first choice was $46.
Okay, well, several things helped me decide what to pick.
And well, cost.
 I guess it was two things not several.
My FIRST first choice was 2 minutes long, but what do I do with a 2 minute song on a 55 second video? Maybe there's something. They did say something about Apple and editing and maybe iTunes and I think I had to breathe into a paper bag for a while at this point.

So anyway, there was a one minute long song but that's where the $46 came in, so I picked a 20 second (x 3 = 60 second) song for reasons of okay-ness, cheapness and simpleness, (K.I.S.S.) then went back and stretched my pictures out to make the video 60 seconds long, except there was some silence on the end of each song so like SURE it's a 20 second long song if you don't count five seconds of SILENCE so I should probably demand about $1.25 back but who'm I gonna call, huh?
So anyway, I downloaded that to my computer and it vanished into something called Windows Media Player, I think. But iStockPhotos (which kept trying to sell me cowboy photos, the sneaks) let me download it over and over (for no extra money, bless them, apparently I own all 20 seconds for eternity) until it finally went somewhere I could find. And I stuck it on my trailer.

(A very important note here from MARY, the first person who uses the word INTUITIIVE to describe this process may find themselves 'accidentally' left out of the drawing for the book. Grrrrr..........)


And now it's perfect(ish) and it's on YouTube and I'd almost love it except that there are ads at the end (which is what happens when stuff is free!) and one of them is a ghastly Miley Cyrus thing and I'd like to apologize for that and ask for your forgiveness (and hope Miley is asking for God's) and hope YouTube has moved on by now and there are less horrid ads and also ask you to avert your eyes and failing that, distract you by having THE FIRST EVER IN THE KNOWN UNIVERSE GIVEAWAY FOR A SIGNED COPY OF FIRED UP!
Leave a comment to get your name in the drawing.
End result of my exercise in trailers. (and remember, read ALL THE WAY TO THE END!)

Mary Connealy Upcoming Webcast October 8th! (THAT'S RIGHT, A WEBCAST...the way I understand it, my head will be like....moving and talking like alive and stuff...YIKES!)

Go Here to RSVP and you will receive a reminder near the correct date and time.
Here's more info about what we're doing and the prizes we're giving away:

Best-selling author Mary Connealy will be hosting a web cast on October 8 at 8:00 PM EDT, where she will be introducing readers to her latest release, Fired Up. During the live online event, Connealy will be discussing the series, previewing her upcoming releases and answering reader questions. Throughout the hour, readers will have an opportunity to chat with other fans, answer trivia about the book and submit their own questions for Connealy to answer during the evening. A number of prizes will be given away to those participating in the discussion, including copies of Connealy's books and gift cards. At the end of the webcast, the winner of a Kindle Fire HD will be announced. The Kindle giveaway is being held in conjunction with the Fired Up blog tour being coordinated by Litfuse Publicity Group.  


  1. Mary, your video is set to private, we can't see the end product of your hilarious tutorial!

  2. Hahahaha!

    She got me. I read all the way to the end. Anticipation was high. I was leaning in, just like you see people do when they're about to be scared out of their pants by something jumping at them onscreen.
    And.... set to private.

  3. I guess it wasn't just my computer that said the video was private. I was all excited to view it and then... well I guess I'll just have to head off to work and wonder what I missed....

    Have a blessed day in Seekerville!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  4. Set to private. Glad to find out it wasn't just me.


    Do youse think she did it on purpose?????


    Me, either, LOL!

    Oh my word, I've got an ache in my side because I'm that mean!!!!!

    "This Video is Private."

    Well. Of course it is, that silly video, why would the video want you to sell books or anything like that????


    VERY BAD!!!!

  6. Well, okay, this will make things WORSE if that's humanly possible and I submit that it is not...


    I went to Youtube to fix this, thinking I'd just overwrite Mary's video with the youtube version.


    It's some computer voiced thing that doesn't even say words correctly and it's hysterical and that's sad because I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!

    So now I'm hoping Mary wakes up soon and makes that funny Connealy face of chagrin and fixes it, but if you have time to go to you tube (I could put a live link here but that seems MEAN... and yet oddly humorous!!!) and look at this video, it's worth the price of admission!

  7. well this is even funnier than I suspected. DArnitall. I will be away from my computer when Mary reads the comments on that stupendous video that no one can open!

    okay, I'm off to YouTube.
    And really looking forward to the video and the webcast.

    Mary, I wish you had been writing how-to manuals all this time but then there'd be no time for romantic comedy with cowboys. I really think I can do this trailer thing now - on my own computer!

  8. okay, Ruthy, that link to Mary's REAL video? As nothing moved and there was no music and no 'cut out' photos and only the computer voice guy talking like a computer... I'm not sure that's the one Mary thinks she gave us either.

    oh my this should have been posted for friday the 13th!

    The sunrise is making a beautiful sky out there and it's a great day to be alive and able to come to Seekerville and smile and laugh. Messed up video or not, it's a pleasure to be here!

    Looking forward to seeing many of you in Indy next week!

  9. Mary C as in cowboy is either pulling the greatest prank or she is human like the rest of us.

    Thanks for a great post. Now that you know how to do trailers, what will you try next?

    Peace, Julie

  10. Oh dear. Too funny!!! Glad to know my computer wasn't being dumb and I couldn't see the video because of someone else, not me. But poor Mary!!! I'm so sorry Mary. I'm sure your video is wonderful!

  11. Wow.
    This is worth knowing, and I will come back to it when I have something to publicize. I won't spend eight hours on it, though. I will call in my young adult daughter who is versed in all things techno and she will explain it to me-- or do it for me. All the while murmuring in the soothing voice one uses for a kindergarten student. She has this special face and voice she uses when she's coaching her father or me in something technological. It is very gentle, so we don't freak out.
    I have been away for a couple weeks, illness and compute problems, but have returned. Please put me in the drawing.
    Yeah, Mary, what ARE you going to do next? A whole techno world awaits!
    Kathy Bailey
    Willing to try in New Hampshire

  12. I just went and saw the video myself. And I stick with my first statement. Poor Mary. :-/

    Sounds like the text-to-speech computer reader on my kindle. That doesn't pronounce words right either.

  13. I don't mean put me physically in the drawing. Who wants to win a pre-published writer? Besides, I would not fit in the hat or the cowboy boot or whatever you pull the names out of. I should have said, "Put my NAME in the drawing." It reminds me of that nationwide search David O.Selznick conducted when he was looking for someone to play Scarlett O'Hara. It was just a publicity stunt, I think he knew all along it would be Vivien Leigh, but he had women applying from all over the country and one even got in a crate and had herself mailed to him parcel post -- on Christmas morning. She popped out of the crate and announced, "I am your Scarlett O'Hara!" I can just imagine his face. I am not mailing myself to any CBA editors. Not today, anyway.
    Kathy Bailey

  14. Mary, you had me laughing and pulling for you, but then the video is...private? I'm sure you're working feverishly to fix this. Or perhaps breathing into a paper bag. But either way, I'm proud of you for all you did.

    And perplexed. Why would we try to do this stuff when sanity is far more important?

    I brought comfort food. Donuts. Yep, they're delicious and full of holes, which seemed to fit.


  15. Mary, you had me all set to cheer over your accomplishment...

    Now I have wait until lunch time cuz of course I can't view it at work...

    Or maybe I can. Hmmm.

    I'd attempt ANYTHING for you, Mary. Even maybe sacrificing my bread-winning ability for my family.

    Only for you, Mary.


  16. why oh why is the fact that I screwed up the setting so no one could see it PERFECT!!???

    I could always see it?

    I fixed it.

    I think.

  17. Anticipation.

    I'll come back later after Mary clocks in...

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I wasn't working feverishly to fix it, Janet.
    I was sleeping.

    You know, as I lay in bed last night I thought, "It's my day on Seekerville! I should get up and make sure it loaded."

    Then apparently I nodded off.

    I'd have seen the Melissa's early morning comment and spared all of you the hilarious comedy routine of the morning!!!!

  20. Anyway the anticipation is good.

    It's like Christmas.

    I always told my girls to go nuts getting excited for the gifts because that was probably going to be all the fun they were going to get. Once they started opening them and reality intruded the fun would be over.

    This video will be like that.

  21. Kathy Bailey, I'd love to win you!!!!

    Do you do windows?

    Do you cook?

    Do you have standards above that of the average wolf den?

    If so, then I will put my name in any drawing to WIN YOU, KAYBEE!!!!!!

  22. Hey, we've done videos with Animoto...

    It's not crazy expensive per year and they come out all right.

    Now mind you, they won't be winning awards at some internet blog awards ceremony, but they make the point and they're affordable. I tried the Windows Movie Maker and I failed miserably after two days... two long, aching, I'm stupider than a chicken with wings who doesn't fly into a tree to escape a predatory fox days.... and still: EPIC FAIL!!!!!

  23. The banjo playing fits!

    Everything looked great. The only problem I had was the trouble in Texas clip was difficult for me to see, but it may've been my computer. (or eyesight...or shouls I say lack thereof)

    Makes me want to read Fireup.

    I'd love to try this sometime.




    I love it, Connealy!!!!

  25. Mary, as usual, you crack me up. Thank goodness I was able to see the video. How fun and creative.

  26. It's awesome Mary! Kudos to you for messing with movie maker. That's one thing I'll probably never, ever do in my life, so Good Job! . . . Um, now that we can see it.

    So if that's the movie Mary made, where did the one Ruthy found on youtube come from?

  27. I don't know WHAT Ruthy was talking about but I'm afraid to go try and find out.

  28. A Mary webcast! I'll be there. It's a great video, Mary. You need a setting that says "Private and all of Seekerville and their friends and their friends." KISS. Never heard that acronym but i love it. I'll use it on my husband. Yes! I want that signed book!!

  29. Did you all get the K.I.L joke Keep It Legal (I bet you thought I was going to tell you to shoot somebody)

    Somehow I felt like I needed to label that one.

    Just in case Homeland Security reads this blog, I mean IN YOUR BOOKS. It's FICTION. ONLY IN FICTION.

    I hope that clears things up.

  30. MARY you are VERY BRAVE. Great going. I'm proud of you. And you did it. Whew!!!. I think I'm jealous too. I want to do those things, but am not nicknamed "La Clucka" for nothing. sigh

  31. Cindy, I went to a webcast for Missy Tippen's Rita finalist thing and had to sit balancing my laptop on like...a pillow on my lap somehow to get it to the right level so I wasn't looking down so it didn't have like all eight of my chins showing. And I was sitting in my bedroom for reasons of silence while My Cowboy watched something like Fast and Furious 5 in the living room or something equally explode-y.
    By the time it was over I had the worst crick in my neck.

    And of course I was just lurking on the side of that one, not keeping a bright and shining smile and having to TALK!

    I need to work out a better system before the webcast.
    My laptop has the only camera on a computer in my house. And what background? What wall is presentable in this house?

    THE PRESSURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Mary you are hilarious! Love the music you picked for the video :)
    Enter me in the giveaway!

  33. I'm getting nervous now. I just realized I have to redecorate before the webcast.
    No wait! I only have to redecorate one wall.
    NO WAIT!!! I only have to redecorate about five square feet of one wall.

    And get My Cowboy earphone for the TV.

    I need to make a list.

  34. Way cool! Mary giving instructions about something computeral (yes, it's a word ... I just made it one).

    Fun music on the video ... it's spunky, like your characters.

    Looking forward to reading comments later today.

    Nancy C

  35. P.S. I have "Fired Up" on pre-order, so don't enter me in the giveaway. Actually, I've had Fired Up on pre-order for a while now. Patiently waiting.

    Well ... waiting.

    Nancy C


    (Not about your book trailer, Mary, but your description of your, um, INTUITIVE process. Priceless!!!)

    And I get to say INTUITIVE because I am not eligible for the drawing.


  37. Yeehaw! Great job, Mary!

    Intuitive? Maybe if you were born with a USB cable in one hand and a motherboard in the other.

    Two years ago when a dear friend died suddenly, I played around with WMM to create my own private tribute to her. I used photos of her I had taken myself and others I found online. I put it all to Michael Jackson's "Gone Too Soon." It's completely illegal and will never see the light of day. But it helped me work through the grief of her untimely death.

    I know I've been absent. It's a week til my trip to Ireland and England and I've been in serious OHMYGOSHIHAVETOGETREADYFORTHISTRIP mode. I'm packed already cause I didn't want to wait til the last minute since I have to put 8 days of clothes into one suitcase that weighs less than 50 pounds (mine is 35 pounds, thank you very much, and a lot of that is throwaway stuff like old underwear, t-shirts and thrift store pajamas so I'll have room for souvenirs coming back). But I still have a list of things to do before leaving -- things like put my mail on hold and send my son's birthday card early and, you know, really important things like a pedicure and coloring my hair. *grin*

    Once again, great job, Mary!


  38. Marilyn, I have a new rule when flying that has taken all the stress out of it. (well, to the extent I ever take the stress out of my life, since I am INSANE).

    I have a rule I call the MASTERCARD rule.

    What problems on this trip can't be solved with a Mastercard?

    Those are the things I worry about.

    You know what? It ain't much.

    You need your Mastercard. Your ID. Your cell phone, though that's not vital. Beyond that, almost everything can be solved with a Mastercard. Yes, I try and take everything, but you know what? If I forget something, I buy it. And somehow, knowing that, just lets all the panic out of packing like hot air out of a balloon.
    You'd better take your passport if you're going to Ireland, which btw, wow, so so so so super cool!

    The MASTERCARD Test. Check for it and your ID and hop on that plane.

  39. Nancy C, you have Fired Up on pre-order? Well, that is just so sweet! God bless you, girl.

    I'm sitting here kinda weepy. I really appreciate it.

    I appreciate all the kind people here on Seekerville so much. You can see how I could never ask anyone to help me with technology, right?

    Have I ever told you about the time I picked a decorative style for my My Space Page, then hurried to the ACFW Loop to invite everyone to come and FRIEND me on My Space, the rushed back to My Space and realized the pretty pink red and white decoration was ... when I looked at it in it's entirity, a STRIPPER, who was animated, and kept taking off more and more and more clothes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll probably have to answer for this on Judgment Day! :(

  40. Which reminds me....the Miley Cyrus ad seems to be gone!

  41. I watched it and got all excited because, to be honest, I'd forgotten what this book was going to be about! I fell in love with these characters in SWEPT AWAY and would absolutely love to have my name tossed in the Stetson to win a copy of FIRED UP! Thank you! :)

    Loved the play-by-play of how you made the video, too.


  42. btw there is a lot more to the book than this trailer.
    Someone's trying to kill Dare.
    (Kill Dare...kildare...that's a bird...snort!)
    And Glynna's son doesn't want another man in her life, she's been married twice already and they've both been louses and he's sick of it!)
    And Jonas's sister comes to town and stirs things up.
    And Dare's house burns down so more than the food at the diner is fired up.
    And there's a mad woman weilding a knife, but she's using it to chop potatoes at the diner...mostly... we hope.

  43. And Dare is ashamed of being a doctor with no medical license and decides to quit and become a rancher, except he doesn't really know what goes into that and Luke agrees to teach him, except of course people keep getting sick and Dare can't stop doctoring, it's a reflex by now. But as soon as Glynna learns to cook and Dare has some spare time, he's gonna learn to rope a steer and get his life on a different course.

  44. Since I don't get up early, the trailer was working perfectly when I viewed it. I like the way you explain the process too, not like those computer geeks who seem to assume I know a lot more than I do.

    I'm going to try this when I get a bookcover. When you make one of those mini-movies, please tell us how you do it. You make it so much more understandable. I don't know if that's a compliment or not.

    I'm fired up to read Fired Up, so put my name in the hat.

  45. Yeah, Naomi, Ruth, Mary, I have one of those computer voice trailers. When it came up in my search results I was all "cool, I already have a netgalley fanatic fan that did all the work for me in making a trailer"! And then I saw that. Yep, not sharing that. Wonder what they're thinking.

    I was hoping you'd see the comment, but it was a fun run of comments there. I've made a few WMM movies to caption my daughter's younger days when she needed subtitles for the grandparents to understand.

  46. Mary, I loved the video.

    And the book is on pre-order.

    And I have two cases of tomatoes in my kitchen waiting for me to hit my daily minimum word count (per Mary Connealy) so they can be turned into tomato sauce.

    By the way, in my book you are techie-extraordinaire :)

  47. MaryC, I loved your post! I'm still grinning. And the video was GOOD. I got on late this morning, must have missed the excitement and fun???

    And I'm usually up early. Wouldn't you know! Darnit!

    heading on over to Amazon... :-)

  48. Good job, Mary. I missed all the hoopla about not being able to see it. but in reading the comments it turned out.

    Probably just as you planned to keep everyone guessing.


    I've actually made a couple from movie maker after starting them in Power Point and moving them over.

    Thank you for an informative and funny look at movie making.

    Spielberg has nothing on you. (Well maybe a few a billion but not much.)


  49. Ah, yes, Tina P, as always, I PLAN my screw ups. I am like a DOUBLE AGENT, planning to trick you into believing I am incompentent, lulling you into thinking I'm the dumb one.
    You are too wise to fall for it though.
    I believe I'll print your comment out and show it to My Cowboy in hopes he quits falling for my 37 year 'act'.

  50. Jan, I also have a K.I.S.S. method of canning tomatoes.
    I suppose that belongs on Yankee-Belle Cafe, though.

  51. Very impressive, Mary!! I plan to re-read when my mind is more focused, LOL (just had a Starbucks mocha and I'm a wee bit jittery).

    Since today is my birthday, I've brought cake to share - - LOTS of cake! So enjoy, and happy Friday!

    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. My copy of FIRED UP arrived in the mail - - WOOHOO!! Sooo looking forward to reading this!



  54. Melissa, thanks for trying to save me. It was like you threw yourself on the grenade in the middle of the army camp.

    Except not quite so painful for you.


  55. Mary Hicks, thank you for the kind encouragement. You are a good person. You are getting me through a traumatic time!!!!!

  56. Mary (blushing from your mention of me by name in post)

    my offer to help still stands. your technology-challenged mind doesn't scare me. you're not a clueless as you think (plus i wouldn't mind a brush with greatness, y'know?)

    can't view the video at work. all things streaming blocked around here, so i'll get to view your masterpiece at home with your littlest fan by my side. if Ruthy's ankle-biters liked it, i'm sure mine will as well. *heh*

    enjoyed the post, even though i plan to avoid WMM since i've other programs with which i'm more familiar. i do so love the peeks into how your mind works.

    CONGRATS on creating a video and being willing to expose it to actual viewers. you're an inspiration to tech-challenged people everywhere. (and really, that does include me... i just seem compentent because i know graphics stuff)

  57. Well if it's any consolation, Mary, your video is way better than the youtube one. Okay, off to find Melissa's video of A Bride for Keeps just so I can laugh . . .

    Because laughing at my friend is so much better than cleaning the house for the company coming over tomorrow. :-)

  58. HI DEB and thanks so much for you generous and incredibly courageous offer. (you cannot know how courageous!!!)

  59. I think if you find Melissa's video, if it's REALLY bad, Naomi, you should come back here with a link, because we badly need at this point in our lives, a BAD EXAMPLE to make mine look good by comparison.

  60. MaryC, if this is you under traumatic times...

    All I can say is WOW! I thought I was impressed with your video. Well, I'm really impressed with the way you keep your cool and deal with trauma!

    It's true, cowgirls dig in their spurs!!! :-D

  61. Wow, Mary. I'm impressed by your techno prowess...and laughing hysterically at your stripper comment. This would be a great way for kids to make up trailers of their favourite books. I'll have to see if I can figure it out enough to get a little group of grade sixes in to give it a try so thanks for the inspiration!

    Fired Up comes out in October, right?

  62. Kav, sweetie, if sixth graders can do it than somehow that doesn't make it quite right that it was so hard for me.

    I must go somewhere and think about this.


  63. I could feel my stress level going up and up as I read about your experience. I am NOT computer literate, and lots of angst is involved when I have to try something new. I can only pray I never have to make a video! :>)

    Your video was really great.

    Please enter me for your book!!

  64. Well . . . I did find Melissa's video, and I did alternately cringe and laugh. But I'm not quite cruel enough to post the link. I want Melissa to still talk to me sometime in the future.

  65. Hi tickmenot. I don't think I've seen your name on Seekerville before! Thanks for leaving a comment! Sorry I raised your stress level. Although I think, honestly, you're stress register is working quite well and you're judged the situation correctly.

    Good work!

  66. Naomi, I'll trust your judgement on this.

  67. Melanie, thanks. See you next week!!!!
    ACFW IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. Signed up for your webcast, Mary! Yeehaw! Sounds fun!
    Oh my gosh, I can't believe I will see you at the conference in a week! I feel like I am back where I was years ago when I felt like all my future and my entire life, really, depended on what happened at this conference. Ugh. Rolling my eyes at my own uptightness and taking-everything-way-too-serious-ness.

  69. Your trailer made me want to start reading the book RIGHT NOW. So your video is a SUCCESS!!!!!!!
    Can't WAIT to see you.

  70. This post made me giggle. And I needed a laugh since my workday started with an important computer that wasn't working properly. At the moment, I think I have it fixed, but... Grrr! I highly dislike computer issues. So thank you for sharing your stressful WMM project in a way that made me shed some stress.

    P.S. I love the video, and the music is just perfect, in my opinion. Can't wait for the book!

  71. See you soon, Melanie. BTW I made a firm decision after RWA to STOP Worrying.
    I keep forgetting about that.
    I'll go back to that right now.


  72. Thanks Clari. God bless you. I'm sorry about your computer. So sorry. Why does it all have to be so COMPLICATED????????????

  73. This post was AWESOME, Mary. So proud of you!!! Will have to come back and watch the trailer later.

  74. Nancy, you sweet thing. Perhaps you should just settle for AWESOME and NOT watch the trailer. Just in case that changes your opinion or something!!!

  75. Ok, finally got back here.

    (See, if I remember to get to Seekerville AND then I come back to see what happened, you can feel honored. Anticipation works.)

    Anyway, I played this with all my kids in the room (since I can't do anything at this time of day without being surrounded by children because... I have a lot of them and for some reason they all want to be near me at once).

    They loved it! I loved it! Hilarious!

    And my daughter asked if we can find some banjo music.


    No, we can't. It's great for 20 seconds but no more. Like bagpipe music. Just a bit is good. Otherwise, it's an approved weapon of psychological torture.

  76. Virginia, my trailer is an approved weapon of pshychological torture?

    Wow, that is what I was going for!

  77. Will VISA work? *grin*

    That's my rule too but when you factor in being overseas and how the dollar doesn't fare so well against other currencies, I'd rather not have to spend my money on deodorant and socks. I want to buy something Irish! LOL!

  78. Mary, this is sooo impressive.

  79. You know, there's something funny even about coming home late, reading this, WATCHING the video (GREAT job, Mary), and then reading the hilarious comments from people who couldn't see it.

    Guess I got it all. :)

  80. Right, Mary.

    I think I'll make a trailer that has a screaming newborn as the soundtrack!

    No, no, no. It's beautiful.

    I just don't want to encourage banjo music in this house. I'm mean like that.

  81. Hi, Marilyn well, I didn't say you shouldn't TRY to take everything. I just said you shouldn't STRESS.

    As always, when I give advise, it's probably best to just ignore me.
    (sez the woman who's been writing a writing advice blog for six years!)

  82. Tina's just been very busy today, which I know and understand. So it's nice to see her here.

  83. Virginia, I tried to learn to play the banjo once.

    It was an experiment that failed.

    Picture the Titanic.

  84. WOW! I am impressed, Mary! One, that you could make this trailer and two, that you could fix the private thing so we could see it after all. I loved the banjo music. I can't wait to read the book. I have it pre-ordered so it should come soon!

  85. Ah, Denise, you sweet thing. Thanks for pre-ordering Fired Up. THAT'S THE SPIRIT!!!!!

  86. One advantage to being late to Seekerville is that I got to see the video right off the bat -- love it, Mary -- and NO Miley Cyrus ad!

    I haven't had much video-making experience... have diddled around with my Mac's iMovie software, but haven't created anything I'd ever let anyone else see. I'll have to try and work thru your intui.... no, um, your extremely helpful -- that's the word I was looking for -- tutorial if there's a Mac version of Movie Maker around. I'd love to be entered in the draw, and I'm also going to be back at home by the time of your webcast, so I should go sign up. That sounds like fun.

  87. Oh yes! Perfect music! I thought your instructions were very well done, Mary. I might try one myself.

  88. Very cool, Mary! Although, I have to admit that whenever I see directions to something, I shut down at first. That's why it took so long for me to learn how to sew! I was so sure that my ideas of putting together seams were more appropriate than the directions offered in a Simplicity pattern - until I ended up making the same dress three times before I gave up and read the directions! Anyway, your final product is great, and I can't wait to read Fired Up!

  89. Careanne, thank you for that encouraging comment. I'd like to think I gave either very very good directions or at least I gave everyone permission to hate the process.

  90. Go for it, Debra. If you make one and load it on YouTube, make sure and come and tell us. We want to see it.

    I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  91. Lyndee, I do that tune out thing, too. Only with me I don't usually go try it myself.

    I just give up.

  92. Just got back from our county fair, so the video played just right when I tried to view it:) but those early comments were hilarious. Please enter me!

  93. Hey, Courtney, You've been to the Fair! That's all over here, even the State Fair is past.
    Hope you have a great time.
    Your name is in!!!!!!!

  94. Thanks so much for all the encouragement today. Me and my techno skills can use ever speck of it. :)

  95. Although your blog was way, way longer than any I ever bother to read it was too,too funny to stop reading. Cute trailer. Put me in the drawing I love your books.
    Cindy Huff

  96. Loved the post & the comments. I have no tech skills at all - that's where I yell for my daughter.

  97. Hi Jubileewriter. Thanks for reading all the way through. I'm glad you stuck with it! :)

  98. My techno skills are a terror to all know know me, Mary Preston. I make many brave men tremble!!!!
