Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Weekend Edition

It's back to school and we're sharing photos from the Seekerville High School Album!  

We Have Winners

 Contact us at our email address if you are a winner. If you haven't received your prize in 8 weeks, per our legal page, drop us a line (we get busy with writing books and do forget).  Please remember we don't contact winners -so please contact us at seekers at seekerville dot net

On Tuesday Love Inspired and indie author, Tina Radcliffe is your hostessShe's holding the annual meeting of Whiners Anonymous with her post on "Rejection and Despair:Just Another Day in Writer Paradise." The chocolate winner is Renee Blare and the two winners of first chapter critiques (up to 15 pages) are Julie Hilton Steele and Cindy Regnier.

Wednesday  2013 RITA® Award Nominee and Grand Central Publishing author, Jennifer Delamere talked about the keys of storytelling in her post "Crossing Australia." The two winners of her current release, A Lady Most Lovely are Cecilia Dowdy and  Lyndee Henderson.

Thursday we welcomed back Leslie Ann Sartor. Leslie who discussed the writing life with her post "On The Verge." Winner of Leslie's latest ebook release, Stone of Heaven is Jackie Smith, and the winner of a $10.00 Amazon gift card is Heidi.

 Mary Connealy spent Friday telling you all how to use Windows Movie Maker to make a book trailer. Winner of the first ever in the known universe signed copy of Fired Up--Book #2 of the Trouble in Texas Series is "tickmenot".

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:  Love Inspired author and a Yankee Belle CafĂ© host, Mindy Obenhaus is our guest today with “Five Things I Learned After I got THE CALL”  She'll be giving away a copy of her September debut The Doctor’s Family Reunion

Tuesday: Join us for a guaranteed fun time with Seeker Villagers Mary Curry and Julie Hilton Steele as they share "An Introvert's Guide to Having a Great Conference Experience." Have they got some fun planned for you!

Wednesday: Today critique partners, Naomi Rawlings and Melissa Jagears, share how they critique all wrong according to the internet, but wouldn't change a thing since they're becoming better writers because of it. Giveaways of both their debuts are involved.

Thursday:  Ya' wanna talk edgy? Ya' wanna discuss what flies and what doesn't with publishers while folks are partying at conference? Ya wanna share ideas that are too potent to discuss... and talk about them anyway?  Then join us on Thursday for the release of Ruth Logan Herne's newest independently published novel, Running on Empty an award-winning story that had to wait until the time was right, the opportunities arose, the moment came to pass. That time is now. Come on over, let's talk about writing the stories God put on your heart! And yes, she'll be giving away something besides free advice... There will be hugs of encouragement to those in need! 

Friday: "Live From ACFW in Indianapolis" with Ruth Logan Herne. Up to the moment coverage like never seen before (that's not even close to true, but come over anyway), on-the-spot reporting that rivals the birth of Prince George!!!! (that is a bold falsehood as well, but I know some of the peeps at conference and they've assured me that they'll send some out-of-focus pics to share!!!!)  Leave a comment and Ruthy will throw your name in the cat dish for a surprise package of chocolate and books.

Seeker Sightings

Tina Radcliffe is blogging on the ACFW Blog on Wednesday, September 11th!

And on Friday, September 13th,  she's cooking her famous Rejection Pork Chops at the Yankee Belle Cafe.

August 30 - September 12: WHOO-HOO ... one of Julie Lessman's VERY creative reader friends put together celebrity collages for each of Julie's books, choosing who she thought the characters would look like. This two week's featured books are A Love Surrendered (August 30 - September 5) and A Light in the Window (September 6 - 13),so check out which celebrities she chose at Kissed Books Blog!

Missy Tippens will be a guest on the Get Lost in a Story blog on September 18th. Hope you'll drop by! She'll be doing a giveaway. 

Join Mary Connealy at Petticoats and Pistols.  The Doctor is IN!

Best-selling author Mary Connealy will be hosting a web cast on October 8 at 8:00 PM EDT, where she will be introducing readers to her latest release, Fired Up. During the live online event, Mary will be discussing the series, previewing her upcoming releases and answering reader questions. Throughout the hour, readers will have an opportunity to chat with other fans, answer trivia about the book and submit their own questions for Maryto answer during the evening. 

A number of prizes will be given away to those participating in the discussion, including copies of Mary's books and gift cards. At the end of the webcast, the winner of a Kindle Fire HD will be announced. The Kindle giveaway is being held in conjunction with the Fired Up blog tour being coordinated by Litfuse Publicity Group.

RSVP here,and you will receive a reminder near the correct date and time.

Random News and Information

No, seriously: Oyster comes pretty close to being a Netflix for ebooks (GIGaom)

20 Things I Learned From Shirley Jump (Maree Anderson)

Conference Packing Tips (ACFW Blog)

7 Reasons Why Social Media Isn’t Growing Your Fiction Readership (And What to Do About Them) (The Book Designer)

Smashwords Counts 250,000 Self-Published Books (GalleyCat)

 Sourcebooks In Publishing Partnership with Wattpad, and More (Publishers Lunch)

New Kindle Paperwhite Has Goodreads Built into Device (GalleyCat)

Kindle MatchBook Helps Digitize Your Print Library at a Discount (GalleyCat)

Cindi Myers shares publisher spotlight info from the Romance Writers of America convention in Atlanta. This week: St Martin’s Press. (Cindi Myers Market News's Blog)

SYTYCW. Here's a peek into what makes 50+ editors from Harlequin, Mills & Boon, Love Inspired, Kimani, Harlequin Teen, Mira, Luna, Spice, HQN and all the other imprints work to bridge our worlds.

That's it Seekerville! Have a great weekend.


  1. Congratulations to all winners!

    Great links. Thanks for providing these.

    The coffee pot is set.

    Raise your hand if you're going to conference next week.


  2. Raising my hand for conference! It's been too long and I'm so looking forward to it!
    Congrats to all the winners and thanks for a great week

  3. Uh, oh. I guess I need to write beyond the first ten pages of my new manuscript.

    YAY! Hopefully reading my opening this time will be less painful, Tina!

    And of course a spammer found us early.

    Peace, Julie

  4. Yawn...thanks Seekerville for easing me out of bed with the WE. I did not want to get up this morning. Loved the school photos! snicker!!! And all the links. Great WE. And I'll be cheering on everyone going to ACFW!!!! Thanks Seekerville for letting us stayathomes get a glimpse of the fun!

  5. Congratulations to all WW winners!

    Isn't it fun to get your coffee, log onto Seekerville and learn you're a winner??

    Tina, the info links are good, as usual... I've already read about half, will finish later. Thank you!

    I enjoyed the school pics... remember those hair styles!

  6. Congrats to the winners. Yay school reunions. I"m going to mine in October. Can't wait. I not telling what number it is. Its a milestone though. he he

  7. Tina, I honestly don't recognize you guys when you put the faces in the weird hairdos. But I did peg Ruthy in that band uniform. She looks adorable, BTW.

  8. Is that Tina with the bow in her hair? I stared at that for a long, long time.

  9. I just read the packing tips on the ACFW blog. They didn't mention the MASTERCARD test that I recommended on yesterday's blog.
    Maybe I'll go share my precious advice with them.

    Lucky people!


  10. Helen, I'll be at conference next week!!! It's making me nervous that I haven't started packing yet! Must start today! I even dreamed that someone stole all my luggage when I got to the hotel, even my credit card, so Mary's de-stresser trick did not work. I had no credit card to replace all my stuff!!!
    But it was only a dream, thank goodness.

  11. Great WE as always, and congrats to the winners!!

    I am laughing SO hard at the pics--how funny!

    I'll be at ACFW next week too, so if anyone sees me please come really close and speak, LOL (because I most likely will not be wearing my glasses, so if you're more than 10 feet away you're a blur---a lovely blur, but a blur nonetheless *sigh*).
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  12. Melanie, honestly, I once had an entire suitcase packed for conference EXCEPT I had this whole stack of blouses which I had all ready to go in, but I hadn't packed them, leaving them to the last minute so they wouldn't wrinkle. All these tidy outfits. Each with a coordinated top.
    And when I got to conference I realized I'd walked away without any of those tops. And there I was with a bright red turtle neck sweat that matched NOTHING in my suitcase. I mean NOTHING.
    And where ever the conference was, it was like at an airport hotel or something, add in I was so new, it wasn't my FIRST conference but very nearly and I just didn't have the gumption to just hop in a taxi and go to a mall, however far away. So I wore that same red shirt the whole conference.

    I get sad just writing this.

    I guess at least I know when I finally sold, it was because they liked me for my books not for any particular style and charm!

  13. I believe I developed my MASTERCARD rule shortly after this travasty.

  14. Have I mentioned I made a vow to stop WORRYING???

    I MEAN IT!

  15. Patti Jo, here's some advice..... wear your glasses!

  16. Connealy, you are at your caffiene quota!

    Kav, yes, the rest of is will be here holding down Fort Seekerville!

  17. TINA, thank you for starting off my Internet day with those pix! Laughs and giggles abound. I'll settle in later to read the links, although I'm fighting the urge to read "just one" and then "just one more." Must seize the day, or at least the morning when it's as cool as it's going to be all day ... which isn't much.

    Congrats to all you winners. Fun, eh?

    Safe travels to all those attending ACFW -- make good memories and by all means share them.

    And puhleeeez take your Mastercard or we will NEVER hear the end of it from you-know-who. Besides, I'd really rather she wrote than worried.

    Nancy C

  18. There's just something NOT RIGHT about Janet Dean in a chin strap.

    I can't move on.


    It is understood, right? We don't even have to say it, right?

    Patti Jo, walk up to EVERYONE in the bar, very very close, until you find one of us. That won't be weird at all!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. What do call two opposing images shoved together? Seekerville meets in the bar.

  21. Mary Connealy, I am laughing so loud right now I startled my kitten - - thinking of myself getting in strangers' faces - - but since it's Indiana and not Georgia, I probably wouldn't see them again (or they'd make sure to avoid me, LOL). SO excited about hanging out with Seekers and villagers, and will miss the ones who aren't there. where did I put those glasses....
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  22. Great WE Tina! And I'm really excited about winning Jennifer Delamere's book! Yay!

    RUTHY, were you really a 'ton girl? (That rhymes with fawn, not suggesting you weighed a lot). My daughter was a (ba)'ton girl, too. Weren't those boots fun to polish at the last minute?

    I can't believe ACFW is next week. How did that happen? I am up to my nostrils in stuff...writing, editing, packing, and thanks to Debra Marvin,Inkies and friends) one-sheets. Guessing I won't be seeing any BED SHEETS for a long time! Not complaining...

  23. Lyndee was asking me some questions about conference and I reminded her that the Seekers hang out in the bar every night. I guess that does sound a bit odd.

    Oh - Mary. I agree. Janet in the football helmet was rather jolting.

  24. What a WE! Why does Ruthy's face look so at home in the drum majorette's uniform?? I'll be she has a uniform hanging SOMEWHERE in her house, LOL!

    Mel, no dreaming and no worrying! You will have a great time! I'll miss you at conference this year. Last year, I got to bunk with Missy and Melanie and prayed I'd come away with just a hint of southern charm. Nope. They shared their charm with me while we were there and then packed it up and took it back with them!


  25. Enjoy your school reunion Sandra! My husband and I went to rival high schools in town. Cheering for teams got to be dicey : )

    Enjoy the conference everyone who's going.

    Everyone else, enjoy Seekerville updates on the conference with us!

  26. Oh Mary! I can't believe I missed yesterday's blog!!! TOO FUN!!!!

    I even finished FIRED UP yesterday! Love!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll be at conference! Can't wait to see all y'all!

    Helen is in my carpool group :D.

    Van pool?

    Whatevs. We'll be in early Thursday evening if all goes according to plan.

    I HAVE started packing and printing.

    I AM at the library [have been for about 5 hours] trying to finish a synopsis [ugh!!!] and polish the first pages of an MS [taking the 4867 different versions from contests etc and trying to make them in to one GREAT version - yeah. I've got it down to two versions... One in first person, one in third. Not sure how to combine those without making MS Word explode...]

    Did I mention my one page synopsis is one page... in 9.5 point font.


    Back to work...

  27. Okay, Tina - been SO busy lately and haven't commented in a LONG time (and rarely even read the posts through anymore! :( ), but I LOVE LOVE LOVE your "Rosetti Curse" book cover, my friend. WOWzers.

    Have fun, all you conference folks! And congrats to the winners!

  28. I will miss rooming with you, Audra, and Missy!!! Gosh, that was really fun. You both are so mellow. There was a sweet mellowness about being with those two. I could have hoped it would rub off on me, but no, they packed up their sweet mellowness and took it back home with them. I am still the same uptight worrier I always was. Rats!

  29. The mellowness of berries and oak, with undertones of vanilla.

    Chateau AudraMissy 1970. It was a very good year.

  30. Awe, thanks Joanne.


  31. Go TEAM Seekerville.

    Give me an S, give me an E etc.

  32. LOL ... I woke up this morning with knees hurting and now I know why -- I've been playing FOOTBALL!!!!

    WOW, Teenster, I can now officially cross off #6 on my bucket list -- to understand football!! It's been one of my wildest fantasies ... especially with the helmet! ;)

    YES, YES, YES, ... Seekers are bar-flies after nine, so Patti Jo, wear your contacts because I'm blind too ... and deaf ... and loud. :)


  33. Oh how fun those football pics are!!!! And NFL today without Tim Tebow????

    Say it ain't so!!!!

    Teeeeena, thank you for such a fun and informative WE!!! You rock the biggest kahuna ever!

    And I'm using way toooooo many exclamation points.

    Calming down now.

    Okay, we had a baby this weekend, a sweet little fellow named Finnian Michael (Finn!!!!) and he's adorable and yes, he looks like me, poor fellow.

    A tiny leprechaun!!!!

    So we're excited here, there is no writing getting done, grandsons are here and going to see mom in hospital today, so you can see where my day is heading... but FUN!!!!

    Oh my stars, fall.

    I love fall.

    I love fall.

    I love fall.

    Now if I can keep my eating under control... always the trick when apple and pumpkin ANYTHING tastes amazing.... that's the test of new healthy diet plan.



    But we need an apple treat for here because I live in Apple Country so how's about an apple crisp????

    With vanilla ice cream or whipped cream, your pick!

  34. I don't think we can count today as fall in Nebraska.
    True the Cornhuskers played last night (and won!) so that's fall ... FOOTBALL for real, not faux SEEKER football.

    But it's 100 degrees, no fall in THAT!!!!!

  35. Oh, I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season. Very small. Diminutive in fact. Still wonderful.

  36. Congratulations, Grandma Ruthy.

  37. Umm, pumpkin and apple. Great combo. I'm with Tina. Must go get a pumpkin spice latte...veeeeeery small.

    YAYAYAYAY Grandma Ruthy -- AGAIN!!

  38. Oh my stars, was I a 'ton girl????

    No self-respecting band would want me in any capacity, dear ones, and I mean in any capacity. I can't read music, I can't walk straight without tripping, I can barely breathe and walk at the same time, and teaching the little ones to "March! March! March!" is the extent of my expertise in marching band, but oh my stars, I DO ROCK THAT UNIFORM!!!!! :)

    How stinkin' funny is that?????

    And Janet in a chin strap means squashed hair, so that is an unlikely scenario that would keep hairdressers in business for MONTHS, but she's mighty cute, isn't she????

    Hey, I'm working this afternoon and pretending to watch errant grandsons.

    It's beautiful out, what possible trouble could they get into?????


    I took them to see baby Finn after Mass...

    I felt that there were people praying for me in church, praying I wouldn't have the boys darting too far in either direction, but we all did okay and it was pretty funny and nostalgic.

    I want to bake.

    But then I'll want to EAT IT.

    A dilemma.


    The nice thing about not going to conference and not spending a bunch of money?




    Zilch. I am so stinkin' happy to be holding down the fort here, that you don't know the half of it! I'll miss seeing all o' youse, but I don't miss the money spent or the stress...

    Some year I'll come and just hang out like I did in Denver. That way I can meet everyone at night and in the morning and those folks who skip classes like me... We can have the best of both worlds!!!!

    I'm totally psyched about that!

  39. I haven't had a pumpkin spice latte yet, but soon.

    Very soon.

    I have had Zarpentines Cider fried cakes and they're addictive.

    I might have to move. I live to close to them.

  40. One of my good friends in Texas can't wait until Starbucks starts offering pumpkin spice lattes. :-)

    That's our official notice that fall is upon us!!

  41. Wow!!! I'm a winner! Wonderful! :-)

    ~Cecelia Dowdy~

  42. 100 degrees in Nebraska in September.

    That's unseemly.

    Stop that. Please.

  43. Hubby and I have been on the road so I'm late checking the WE!

    Oh my gosh, Tina! How did you find my high school picture? Really! I had the same hairstyle. That was me many years ago.

    Love Ruthy as the drum major and Tina as the quarterback. Too funny. Took me a minute to determine who was the cutie with the up-swept hair and bow.

    Heading to the ACFW blog to determine what I need to pack.

    Congrats to all the winners. Looks like a great upcoming week in Seekerville, but then, every week is great in Seekerville! :)

  44. RUTHY! What wonderful news!

    Which reminds me ... Anyone heard from Melissa?

    Nancy C

  45. No baby for Melissa yet. I just heard from her on Facebook. Hey, she's got to finish the book!!!

    First things first, LOL!
