Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Weekend Edition

We Have Winners

 Please send us an email to claim your prize. ( See our legal page for any questions. 

 Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean is your hostess Monday. She chatted about the "Hazards of Ticking Clocks" and shared tips for keeping track of story deadlines. Winner of a $10 Amazon gift card is Christen E Krumm.

Tuesday  Sandra Leesmith discussed "Using Setting to Deepen Your Character." Winner of Writing An Active Setting  by Mary Buckham is Meghan Carver.

Seeker Glynna Kaye brought us “Layering As You Go: Part 2,” on Wednesday. Winners of  Glynna’s April Love Inspired release, Pine Country Cowboy are Diana Shuford,  Tanya Agler, and Vince Mooney.  

Thursday Seeker Cara Lynn James was your hostess with her post, "Making Unlikable Characters Likable." Winner of a $10 gift certificate to Starbucks is Jennifer Smith.

Friday we joined award-winning author Siri Mitchell to discuss  "The Fine Art of Making Stuff Up,” a must for every novelist who reaches a point where gaps begin to appear between research and the story. What you do about them can make the difference between a compelling tale and a self-conscious apology. The winner of The Miracle Thief  is Jeanne T. The winner of Love Comes Calling is Eileen Barnes. 

Next Week In Seekerville 

Monday: Pam Hillman provides practical before and after examples from her books to keep all your scenes and paragraphs from starting with the hero or heroine's name time after time after time. This is the first of a three-part series on very specific areas Pam has dealt with in her writing.

Tuesday: Are you a take-charge first born? A peace-making middle child? Or the attention- seeking youngest of your family? Study after study shows birth order has a profound and lasting effect on a person. Today, Lorna Seilstad will talk about using birth order to create characters. Lorna will be giving away two copies of her June release While Love Stirs.

Wednesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome Howard Books author Stephanie Landsem to visit. Her post is "Encountering Jesus in Biblical Fiction." She's also giving away a copy of her latest release, The Thief.

Thursday: Happy May Day!! Isn't it just gorgeous outside? For those who relish creating beautiful flowerbeds, isn't the most tedious work weeding out the unnecessary growth so the beauty of the garden can be fully enjoyed? Well, the same is true of our writing. Join Audra Harders today as she picks through and prunes out the unnecessary wordiness in a manuscript so our stories will shine. Leave a comment and your May Day might just be a little bit brighter.

Friday: YES! It's time for the May Contest Update. We have lots of contests and a new contest diva/divo to share. Of course the prize vault is open!

Seeker Sightings 

Myra Johnson will greet readers and sign copies of her latest release, Whisper Goodbye, this Sunday, April 27, 2:00-4:00 p.m., at Park Road Books in Charlotte, NC. If you're in the area, drop in to say hi and enter the drawing for a fun "spa" gift basket!

 There is still time to join Sandra on last week's blog tour featuring her new release Love's Promises.  Sandra is pleased to announce the print version is now available.

Last Thursday were some fun interviews with her characters, Monica and Greg. The drawing for the rafflecopter isn't until May 1st so it isn't too late to sign up. Included in the drawing is a pound of Sandra's favorite Chocolate Velvet coffee.  (If you aren't a coffee drinker she can put a tin of Matcha Green Tea Latte mix from Trader Joe's)  

Chapter Three  of Closer Than Brothers goes up today! Mary Connealy's prequel novella to Trouble in Texas Series. How her heroes met in Andersonville Prison. She's posting two chapters a week on her blog, Saturday and Wednesday, until Stuck Together releases June 3rd. Come over and read about the fires that forged the bond that made these men, Luke, Dare, Vince and Jonas Closer Than Brothers.

Pam Hillman's Kindle Giveaway ends soon! Deadline to enter is April 30th.

And....Leave a comment on Pearl Girls for your chance to win a copy of Claiming Mariah by Pam Hillman, A Promise in Pieces by Emily Wierenga, A Sensible Arrangement by Tracie Peterson, and Surprised by Grace by Elizabeth Sherrill.

It has come to our attention that Charlie the Cat has nominated Tina Radcliffe for the ACFW Mentor of the Year Award. She claims no responsibility for Charlie's actions and hopes the other finalists don't find out.

 And in other news..Tina Radcliffe will be giving an online class with the Christian Writers of the West Facebook Group, on Thursday, May 1st from 7-8 pm PST.

 Debby Giusti will attend Barbara Vey's Reader Appreciation Luncheon on Saturday, April 26, 2014. 
Debby is fourth from left with blue scarf!

Debby Giusti visited the Sassy Sisters book club last week when the ladies discussed her book, MIA: Missing in Atlanta. They had lots of questions about writing and the publishing industry and seemed to enjoy getting a behind-the-scenes-glimpse into the writing life.  
Debby is directly left.

Another book club read The Agent's Secret Past and invited Debby to share the evening with them. The hostess served carrot cake, which Debby's heroine had eaten in the novel.

Random News & Information

He's back, June 2nd on A&E.

 Why you need an editer.  Ah, make that an editor... (Kill Zone)

 The 9 Agonizing Stages Of Waiting For The Next Book In A Series To Come Out (HuffPost)

 Letter from a Literary Agent (JA Konrath)

Literary Agents: Full Uncensored Interview  (The Hollywood Reporter)

Lessons Learned From A Game Changing London Book Fair 2014 (The Creative Penn)

 Productivity For Authors. Fighting Overwhelm And How I Am Refocusing My Workload (The Creative Penn)

Thinking Inside The Box: Building Audience With Bundles (Let's Get Visible)

 Stay Tuned to the eHarlequin site. The Search for the Killer Voice is about to announce again.

ROUND THREE- April 28 – REEL US IN round. Editors will review the synopses and announce which authors on our teams will be going to the next round. Qualifying authors will be invited to submit their first three chapters. 

That's it...

Seekerville reminds you not to miss opportunities. Enter your pages in the Perfect Pitch Contest and don't forget to sign up for the upcoming May Night Class on Deep POV that starts on May 5th.

What do you have to lose??


  1. Really Tina? The hostess served the cake that the heroine had already eaten? Clever. Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for a Great weekend edition, again.

  2. Just checked this, quickly. I'm so grateful to win one of Siri's books! Thank you!

    Hubby and I just finished watching Remember the Titans, and now I"m beat. I'm looking forward to checking some links tomorrow.

    Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you for all you ladies offer!! :) Sleep sweet everyone.

  3. Congrats to all the winners. And as usual, a fantastic WE from Ms Tina!

  4. Thanks, Tina, for another good weekend post. I'm heading out early this morning! I'll check the links later in the evening.

    Congratulations to all the happy winners! :-)

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  5. Loved this WE, and hopping over to read Mary Connealy's chapter three! Tina, congratulations on the mentor of the year final! Of course we're all hoping you win!

    Wow, that's a lot of exclamation marks up there. Good thing the rules of writing don't apply here... And just for the record I guess I better end this sentence in one too!

  6. Oh TINA how exciting!!!!!!!!!!! And if anyone deserves the mentor of the year, you do. Folks, the Teenster in my eyes is close to a saint. She has helped all of us,( me especially) so much with anything connected to the Internet, social media, this blog. Oh my. I am so hoping you win and anyway you've already won in my eyes. smile Where is that cat? I'm going to give him a special treat.

  7. Congratulations to the winners.

    Oh Myra, glad you put the bookstore info in so I can call in an order. Mother's Day is coming up folks and an autographed book makes a great gift. My moms are all with the Lord, but I like to give my nieces mother's day wishes as they do such a great job as moms. smile

    And Debby, the photos make me miss you more.

  8. That sneaky ol' Charlie. Smart cat. What will he do next? Write his own memoirs -- all nine of them? "My Live with a Mentorish Writer."

    Great weekend edition. I have to catch up on Mary's chapters. I'm behind already.

  9. Great WE Tina.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Ruthy, I saw you r book at Walmart last night. I am reading it now and I love it.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  10. Love, Love, LOVE that Tom Edison quote about missed opportunity -- made me laugh out loud!!

    Great, WE, Tina, and SUPER CONGRATS on the Mentor nod -- NOBODY deserves it more, cat-nominated or not!!

    And I am SO SORRY I forgot to email Siri's winners ... didn't remember until the middle of the night when my eyelids jolted open in shock. :(



  11. Great Weekend Edition, Tina! Loved the quotes!

    Congrats on your nomination for ACFW's Mentor of the Year. Charlie the Cat is a smart feline!

    Congratulations winners!


  12. Woohoooooo, TINA!!!!! No one is more deserving of this nomination!!!!

    Congrats to our weekly winners, too!

    And thanks to SANDRA! I would love to sign books for your nieces!

    On to my usual Saturday life of paying bills and housecleaning. :( Y'all have a fun day in Seekerville!

  13. Marianne, it took me twenty minutes to figure out what you were talking about. Finally the caffeine kicked in.

    Debby Giusti's note!

    Now I want carrot cake.

  14. Believe it or not, Charlie is a girl.

  15. My apologies to that short for Charlotte? Or is she a tomboyish gal who wears a boy's name with pride? Hmmmm, there might be a heroine in there somewhere.

  16. Congratulations to all you lucky winners. Or should I say blessed--but we're all blessed.

    Male or female, Charlie is one handsome cat. No wonder Charlie would nominate Tina. Cats are smart. They sit back and watch those who do the work, and I don't know anyone who does more than Tina. We should all listen to cats.

    I envy Debby. Can't imagine anything more fun than sharing with a bunch of readers.

  17. Great WE! Congrats to Tina for her nomination, and to all the winners.

    I am on a quest to ban all lists since my to-do list is a mile long. Maybe I should just go on strike.

  18. Congrats to everyone. Lots of links to peruse as usual.

    And again… Another Congrats to Tina for finally in the Mentor of the year contest.

    Appreciate everyone here at Seekerville.


  19. She's our first cat and we thought she was a boy at first glance. LOL.

  20. Oh my stars, Charlie is amazing. Just look what she's done on the down low.

    WHAT A CAT!!!!!

    That's very E.B. White: "Some Pig!"


    Now, I admire Charlie's ingenuity and tenacity, to paw those letters, one after the other... I'm beyond impressed.

  21. WILANI!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! It came out early, and I was so stinkin' psyched to see it!!!! Happy dancing and so grateful!


  22. The Yankees just beat the L. A. Angels, who were the California Angels, and the California Angels in Anaheim and the L.A. Angels in Anaheim.... Anyway, we BEAT THEM after they gave us a rude shellacking last night while I was notifying winners and writing blogs and working while watching...

    But today is a new day, great day, and a Jeter sighting!!! :)

    How to make this writing related... Hmm.... How 'bout "I find Jeter VERY INSPIRATIONAL????"


    That works. :)

  23. Gosh I wish I liked baseball. It would have rescued me from all this writing I did today.

  24. Oh, Connealy, how unAmerican to not like baseball...

    You raise beef.

    Beef. Barbecue. Baseball.


    Sigh, you'd think a writer like yourself would KNOW THAT.

  25. I had to go back and read Cara Lynn's post on making unlikable characters likable. That's one of my favorite writing subjects. Great post!

    And I can NOT wait until Wednesday!!!! I devoured Stephanie Landsem's book The Thief in one night. I couldn't stop reading! I think her book The Well was the first Biblical fiction I'd ever read.

    And now to go read the article on Thinking Inside the Box... I've got a group getting ready to publish a sweet historical boxed set in August. I'm so excited! It's my first collaboration and it's been such a treat to get to know these super-talented historical writers.

  26. St. Tina! If she doesn't win Mentor of the Year... we can canonize her! Or both!

  27. P.S. In the huffpost article is that THE John Green flipping out at step #9??

    Hahahaha! That was my fangirling moment of the day. I couldn't stop watching the cute way his glasses flew off his face. he's brilliant AND acts like a doofus for books. *sigh*

  28. St. Tina. I have to be dead to canonize and I am not ready.

  29. Yes, Tina Rocks!!!

    And a late but still Very Grateful thank you to Debby Giusti for the gift card! Just in time for Mother's day. Thank You!

    And to all the Seekerville Ladies... Thank You for all that you do!

  30. Ruthy!!! Now I'm going to have to go to Walmart tomorrow! If I find it, I'll take a pic! Congrats! Walmart is a big deal! Seriously!

  31. btw June 2nd is forever in the Longmire Waiting Game.

  32. Tina, thanks for bringing us the WE! I look forward to it every week. Love the articles.


    I think that's American enough to get me by.

  34. There be Longmire fans here! I'm okay with the TV series ... but the books are outstanding and get better with each new one. (Just know they are not CBA)

    Gee, Tina, I hope you don't mind that I remarked about Longmire before sharing my congrats on your mentorship final. Cheers to Charlie for all her hard work on your behalf.

    The Creative Penn links were insightful ... and encouraging regarding how she plans to step back from so much social media. Did you catch that she subscribed to 400 blogs??

    And Mary, thank you for "Closer Than Brothers." Good reading.

    Congrats to all the winners. Hope everyone had a nice weekend and your favorite team won.

    Nancy C

  35. Thank you, Nancy.

    It mention Longmire first myself.

    400 Blogs.


    I am subscribed to a ton and a ton of Yahoo Groups.

    Checked out a book from the library called, OVERWHELMED. Too busy to read it. Blech.

  36. I need to read the entire Craig Johnson series next.

    Thank you, Nancy.

  37. I'm way late. But wanted to be sure to say CONGRATULATIONS, TINA!!! So well deserved. :)
