Saturday, November 1, 2014

November Contest Update

November already. The slow time for contests, but the final push time for writers. These last 60 days of 2014 are another opportunity to reach your dreams. 
Don't stop now!~
Tell us what your writing plans are for November for a 
chance to win one of these craft books (print)  
and for a reader a Seeker book of choice as available on Amazon. 
Three winners. Don't forget to let us know which book you want!

Published Author Contests

2015 RWA RITA® Contest. Opens for entries.The RITA Contest is open to 2,000 paid entries. Entry forms and fees must be received on or before 5 p.m. Central Time, November 21, 2014. 

Golden Quill Awards are now open. Deadline January 9. 2015.

National Readers Choice Awards are now open. Deadline January 15, 2015.

Unpublished Author Contests

2015 RWA Golden Heart® Contest is coming!  December 2, 2014:  2015 Golden Heart Contest opens to entries at 9 a.m. CT. January 12, 2015:  Entered works and related contest fees must be submitted to RWA's contest site. The Golden Heart contest is open to 1,200 paid entries.

The Pacific Northwest Literary Association Contest is now accepting entries. Contest closes February, 2, 2015. Cash prizes.
Categories include: 
1. mainstream
3.romance/women's fiction
6.young adult
7.middle grade
10.short story
11.children's picture/chapter book short topics (articles/essays/memoir)

Other Writing Opportunities

 November is a great month to work on your short stories for Woman's World and other magazines. If you haven't attended one of my free workshops on writing the short story, you have until Monday, November 3 to request a free handout in PDF or Word format. Email Tina Radcliffe at with WW Handout in the subject line.

WD Short Short Story Competition. Early bird deadline is November 17. Deadline is December 15.  Think you can write a winning story in less than 1,500 words? Enter the 15th Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition for your chance to win $3,000 in cash, get published in Writer’s Digest magazine, and a paid trip to our ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference! The winning entries will be on display in the 15th Annual Writer’s Digest Competition Collection.

WOW! Women on Writing. Fall Flash Fiction Contest ends November 30th. OPEN PROMPT! That’s right, this is your chance to shine, and get creative. You can write about anything, as long as it’s within the word count and fiction. So, dig out those stories you started way back when and tailor them to the word count of 250 minimum and maximum of 750. We’re open to any style and genre. From horror to romance! So, get creative, and most of all, have fun. Guest Judge: Literary Agent Rachel Brooks.

Chicken Soup Call Out. Stories about Christmas and the whole holiday season!

Everyone loves holiday stories and that's why our holiday books are so popular. In fact, we create a new edition for Christmas/Hanukah every other year. We are now collecting stories for our Holiday 2015 book and we are defining Christmas as the entire December holiday season, including Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and the New Year's festivities too.

We want to hear about your holiday memories and traditions. During that time of the year we reunite with scattered family members, watch the wonder in a child's eyes, and feel the joy of giving gifts. The rituals of the holiday season give a rhythm to the years and create a foundation for our lives, as we gather with family, with our communities at church, at school, and even at the mall, to share the special spirit of the season, brightening those long winter days. Please share your special stories about the holiday season with us.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS JANUARY 31, 2015. More information here.

 The podcast Selected Shorts is sponsoring the Stella Kupferberg Memorial Short Story Prize for 2015. Submit your short story of 750 words or less on any theme by March 15, 2015. There is a $25 fee to enter. I usually don’t include contests that charge fees in this blog, but since this is a fundraiser for Public Radio (and since Selected Shorts is one of my favorite podcasts) I’m making an exception here. The winner receives $1000, publication of their story on, a 10-week Gotham Writer’s course of their choice, and a performance of their story to be recorded and broadcast nationally on Public Radio. Find all the information you need to enter here. (via Cindi Myers Market News's Blog)

Details and Sign Up Here-we are not sold out YET!

Seekerville Congratulates our November 2015 Contest Diva, Jackie Layton!

"I'm not sure I would have entered as many contests if it wasn't for Tina at Seekerville encouraging me. I appreciate the monthly updates and words of encouragement. It took me a couple of years to get up the courage to enter contests. Then I had to learn how to gauge the feedback from the first contests. I still usually read through the feedback, let it simmer, and then read through again and determine how to apply it to my story.

Turquoise was the first story I entered in a contest with positive feedback. It was the 2013 Category 5 Contest Romance Second Place winner. One of the judges gave me great feedback with links to online articles that could help make the story stronger. I was so appreciative of the time this judge took with my entry, and I was sold on contests.

One of my goals for 2014 was to enter three contests. I'm still nervous when I enter, but now it's mixed with a sense of excitement.

In January I entered the Genesis writing contest for the first time. My story, Kentucky Deadly, was a semi-finalist in romantic suspense. It was very exciting to be in such great company.

I also entered Fiction First's short story contest. It was fun to test myself by writing such a short story. There was no feedback from the judges, but some of the people who read my story were gracious with their comments. I was in the top 200 which was also very exciting.

I also entered Kentucky Deadly in Utah's RWA contest. I didn't place, but I received good feedback.

In March, I got the nerve up to enter Kentucky Deadly in one more contest. The Daphne du Maurier Kiss of Death Contest. Kentucky Deadly came in second place in the inspirational category. Not only did I receive great feedback, I won prizes! Whoohoo! But really, the feedback is the reason I entered.

During this time I pitched Kentucky Deadly to a well respected agent, who very nicely suggested I move on to my next story. I'd started The Bye Way Inn last year, and pulled it out. The last few months I've finished The Bye Way Inn and pitched it at ACFW. I also entered it in the 1-2-3 Contest, the Lone Star Contest and The Rattler. I now understand even if I don't place in a contest, the feedback will help make the story stronger. And that's what I need. A stronger story to appeal to an agent, an editor, and hopefully one day a reader."


And finally, as promised....

The remainder of the Week Five winners will be announced tomorrow in the Weekend Edition!



    WAY TO GO, JACKIE!!!!!!!

    And WELCOME TO YEAR 8 for Seekerville.

    Coffee's set to brew.

  2. My writing plans for November is to work on my story in NaNoWriMo. Love to win a copy of Rock Your Writing! Thanks for the contest updates. Congratulations to Cindy and thanks, Jackie, for sharing your story!

  3. oh bother... waiting for a video composite to render and hoped I could be first commenter. didn't even read the post.

    Helen beat me to it.

    Guess I've got time to read the post now. Or sleep.

    will read post. have to check on that durn render.

  4. Congratulations, Cindy! So excited for you!

    Jackie, you are an inspiration and an encouragement. Congratulations for being such a contest DIVA! :)

  5. My plans for November is to get my plot in order for a manuscript I'm working on.
    Please enter me for the draw. I have the first one so I would like to win Revision and self-editing by Bell.

  6. Congratulations, Cindy!

    My goals for November is NaNoWriMo story and also finish the one I started during speedbo.

    My choice of book is the Rock your writing.

    thank you for the contest updates

  7. Believe it or not,it has started snowing!

  8. That Helen is wily. You have to have a strategic plan in place to beat her.

  9. Congrats Cindy! :)

    Jackie, thanks for sharing your experiences. I agree that if nothing else, entering contests provides an excellent way to get feedback on your writing.

    As always, thanks for the contest info, Tina!

    I'd love to be in the drawing for either writing book -- Rock Your Writing, in particular. :)

  10. Jackie!!!! Congrats on being the Contest Diva!!!! Here, honey, let me polish my crown and share it with you!!! Ooops.... wait.... some of the genuine gold flake is peeling off!!!! Yikes!

    I love seeing these stories, these step-by-step approaches. I think writing for publishers is much harder if you haven't spent some time in the trenches paying your dues... It does NOT have to be as much time as I spent in the trenches. I'm just sayin'!!!!


    Congratulations! An iPod Mini for an iAwesome gal! Go, you!!!!!

  12. Wilani, I'm getting my mittens out! Thanks for the warning!

    My November plans are to finish my current Love Inspired, the first book of my "Wedding Blessings" series/trilogy.

    AND to start the opening chapters of "Home on the Range", the second book of my Double S Ranch series for Waterbrook/Multnomah...

    November daily word count average goal: 2K/day

    That's a BOOK IN A MONTH!!!!

  13. Congratulations, Cindy!

    Thanks, Helen, Jeanne, and Sally.

    Tina, I appreciate more great contests to consider.

    I was researching for a story to write for NaNoWriMo until this month of celebrating with Seekerville. Now I'm working on changing a story to pitch to LIS.

    What a great month of celebrating Seekerville!

  14. Wow, What great news.

    CONGRATULATIONS CINDY for winning the ipad mini. You will love it.

    JACKIE what an inspiring share. Keep hanging in there because all that exposure will pay off eventually. I'm picturing your name on the cover of a book. smile

    Happy writing everyone.

  15. I was so excited, I forgot to ask to be entered in the contest. I'd love to win Rock Your Writing. Thanks!

  16. Ruthy and Sandra,

    Thanks for the encouragement! Have a great day.

  17. Congratulations Cindy! Great prize to win.

    Jackie - you rock the contest circuit.

    I'm really looking forward to year 8 in Seekerville!

    Ok, Ms Tina, my plans are to finish edits on my current WIP. And that's no easy task because they are major.

  18. Congratulations, CINDY! Enjoy that iPad Mini!

    Congratulations to DIVA JACKET, too! It sounds as if you're REALLY on the right track! As you know, it was the contest route that helped build the skills and confidence of all the Seekers--and led us to each other as friends as well as to eventual publication! Keep up the good work--you make us proud!

  19. LOL! I can't TYPE this morning!


  20. WOW CINDY!! You're a winner!! We already knew that, but congrats on taking home the iPad Mini!! How exciting is that?!!


  21. Diva Jackie, mega congratulations on earning that title!! Wear your crown with pride! We applaud your courage and tenacity on your journey toward The Call.


  22. Congrats on winning the IPad mini, Cindy!
    I plan to enter some different contests in the coming months while participating in NaNoWriMo this month.

  23. Congrats to Jackie & Cindy...YAY!!

    Thanks, Tina and all, for a great October at Seekerville.

    Happy weekend to all.....

  24. I'm happy for you CINDY on your ipad win, what a blessing!

    Congratulations JACKIE on your DIVA status, enjoyed your story on contesting!

  25. Congratulations Diva Jackie Layton and a cool congrats to Cindy!

  26. Congratulations, Cindy!!! Nice win!:-)

    Jackie, you inspire me—maybe this next year I'll get up my nerve to enter some contests.
    Good luck on your continued journey.:-)

  27. Congratulations, Cindy. I'm proud of you, Jackie! Tina rocks! And gets results! No excuses for her!


    You ladies ROCK, and so does this November Contest Update, Tina. Almost tempts me to enter something. Almost. :)


  29. My plan for November, have a novella done by the 15th.
    Either write another get it off my plate...or go back to the next full length book and get going on it.

    Also I've got revisions back on a book, due mid-December. I'd better do that after the first novella.

    I might need to make a list.

  30. I always love the contest blog post. I've found yet another one to enter my books in and some short story contests to enter too. How exciting!

    I am finishing the rough draft on a contracted novel during November so I'm participating in NANOWRIMO unofficially.


    Whoop, whoop Jackie the contest diva!

  31. Congratulations to Jackie and Cindy.
    I put my current WIP aside to let it gel. Will be going through it with my crit partner after Christmas. But I can't NOT write, so I'm dusting off an earlier MS and applying what I know now (GMC! DEEP POV! ALL THOSE ACRONYMS!) and updating it as a possible Love Inspired Historical. It takes place after WWI, mostly in a settlement house in New York's Hell's Kitchen. I think it's built right, but it needs deepening and strengthening. It's LIH length already, so a nice short project for a busy month.
    I'm revising the story in part with feedback from the Phoenix Rattler contest, so yes, contests count.
    I would love to win the Revision and Self-Editing book.
    Have a nice weekend,

  32. Mary,

    You November sounds like my October....

  33. I just don't get over here every day like I want to, but when I do I am so inspired! My November plans are to reach the 50K for NaNoWriMo and submit another story to Woman's World. Good luck to everyone! Happy writing!

  34. BTB, I just got Ruthy's new book In The Mail yesterday. What a nice surprise. Happy dancing in New Hampshire...
    Kathy Bailey

  35. WooHoo!!!! Congratulations to CINDY!!!

    And yay for JACKIE, this month's Contest Diva!!!

    And yay for ME because I mailed my RITA books yesterday!!!!

    Is Birthday Month really over??? :(

    Have 7 whole years really gone by????? Honestly, the best 7 years of my writing life, thanks to my dear, dear Seeker Sisters and all the friends we've made right here in Seekerville!

  36. Come on in, Mary Hicks. The water is warm and oh so addicting.

  37. Go go go, Christina!

  38. You and me both, Rose, Doing the Ruthy 2K a day keeps the editor away.

  39. What does video rendering mean anyhow??

  40. Go, Sally, Kelly, Jackie, Wilani, Kaybee! and everyone else working hard in November!

  41. Oh THANK YOU Seekerville!!!! I am so thrilled!! I love Seekers, Seeker books, Seeker Villagers and this wonderful blog with so much help and encouragement for a writer wannabe like me!
    Jackie - my dear friend whom I've never met in person - congratulations!!! As always you will find me in your cheering section wherever your writing career takes you!!!!
    Thanks again Seekerville!!! I can really use an ipad mini!!!
    Sorry for all the exclamation points. You really have taught me better than that!!!!!!

  42. Yowza! Congratulations, Cindy!
    I always love these monthly contest announcements. This is where I learned about the Hook Line and Sinker, which I entered yesterday...thank you!


    To winners, divas & month-long celebration survivors!

    Thanks for another great WE!
    Thanks for another great year!

    “If we all had wings our soaring metaphors would be about the joy of being free of flight. Whenever evolution has provided birds with the opportunity to become sea or land animals, those birds have given up flight.”

    Nothing is as it seems and that’s why romance scenes must be about more than they are about. Listen to the silence. The argument about putting the cap back on the toothpaste is not about the toothpaste. Above all there is the subtext. Especially on Saturday mornings!

    Is Myra’s class “Sold Out”

    The biggest type in an ad is what the ad is about. May I suggest, “Still Time!”

    ‘Sorry We’re Closed’ is all many readers are going to read before they move on. (Just a little copywriter editing.)


    BTW: do you know if Myra is going to cover Mary Shelley in her class on characters coming alive? 


    P.S. My plans for November are (1) to read Mary’s novellas faster than she can write them. Two down, two to go – just this month. (2) Use my new Scrivener knowledge to compile my RPP book to my Kindle and use Tina’s editing advice to finish editing the darn thing. (3) Finish reading “The Soldier's Sister” which I lost at Orange Beach last year and which I found when I returned from Orange Beach this year!

  44. Exclamation points allowed this time, Cindy!


    You really need to meet Jackie in person. She's a sweetie.

  45. Thanks, Jill and good for you!!!!!

  46. Vince, LOL. You cannot out read Mary!

  47. No it is not sold out. But if you don't hurry it will be. I shall add that to the caption.

  48. CONGRATULATIONS JACKIE not only as Contest Diva but on the story placements in the contests. Wonderful that you're getting lots of usable feedback.

    I must ask ... are those your sunflowers? They're gorgeous!

    Nancy C

  49. Huge congratulations to Cindy Regnier for winning, and to Jackie for her contest determination and perseverance. Isn't Seekerville a great place?

    For November, I'm participating in NaNoWriMo, and hope to complete a first rough draft on a new novel. That means spending less time online and more time writing, which really isn't a bad habit to cultivate year 'round, is it? ;)

  50. Way to go, Cindy! Congrats on your new iPad mini!

    Nancy C

  51. My writing goal for November is to actually come up with a workable plan for writing. It is going to be a busy month, but I am going to make myself get going anyway. I would love to win Rock Your Writing.

    Congratulations to Cindy for winning the mini-Ipad!

  52. I need help again changing my profile picture from the Fairy Tale picture. I went in and uploaded a photo from my computer and saved it. When I click on my profile, it shows my new photo, but Blogger is still using the Fairy Tale one. What do I need to do?


  53. OK never mind. When I posted the plea for help it was using my new picture. I guess it doesn't change the picture on old posts like Facebook does.

    Thanks anyway!

  54. Congrats to Cindy! Nice way to start the month.
    We started with snow! :(
    My plans for November are to do NaNoWriMo and finish Irish Meadows Book 2. I've got 40,000 words to go, so it should be very doable!
    Thanks for the wonderful birthday month, Seekers!!

  55. My writing plans for the month of november is to work on my story, while pursuing my dream of becoming a writer. Would love to get a chance to win a copy of Rock your writing. Thank you so much for being here for all of us.

  56. Sorry, I forgot to mention, Rock You Writing would be my pick as I have the self editing book.

  57. Jackie, Congrats on being the Contest Diva! Thanks for sharing your contesting story.

    Thanks, Tina, for another great Contest roundup.

    Unbelievably, I don't have either of those writing books! Amazing. I thought I owned every one out there, ha! So sign me up for that contest, Please! I'm editing in Nov. Lots to do.

  58. What an inspiring testimony, Jackie!!! Congratulations on being a contest diva!!! :)

    Congrats Cindy and other winners!!!

    Great contest update!

  59. Congratulations one and all!
    What a terrific b'day celebration.

    On to year 8!

    Love to everypawdy,

    KC & the gang

  60. K.C and the Dogshine Gang. Woof!

  61. Good plans, Lady in Waiting! I like them.

    I like Lyndee's too!!!!!!

  62. I like that profile pix, Sandy!!

  63. I agree, Carol. It's all about balance. Writing is number one.

  64. 40 k is doable, Susan. I believe in you.

  65. “You can have results or excuses
    – not both.”

    I don’t know about that. I often have excuses for my results.

    "Sold Out?"
    "Standing Room Only?"

    I just signed up for “Creating Characters Who* Come Alive” and it’s just possible that I claimed the last seat! If I did, a lot of characters are just going to have stay dead until next year! Sorry about that; however, maybe, if you hurry, you could still enroll. Remember: a character is a terrible thing to leave flat. : )

    BTW: I’m attending the class as an official Plotter Observer. The Plotting Institute knows that when it comes to creating characters that come alive no one does it better than an experienced pantser. But with me attending, plotters will have the information, too.


    *It's already working! My characters are demanding to be referred to by the pronoun 'who'. I wonder what the Grammar Queen would say about using 'who' in this case! Does this use of 'who' make it a reflexive pronoun?

  66. Vince, how many of your characters are taking the class with you, anyhow?

  67. Congrats to Cindy and Jackie!

    Thanks, Tina, for all the wonderful information today. Love all the contests that open up this time of year!

    It turned cold in the twenties! Oh my goodness. Had to bring in the plants.

    Stay warm, everyone!

  68. Congrats, Jackie!

    I'd love to be in the running for "Rock your Writing" or a Seeker book. :)

    My writing goals for the month are to finish editing my current WIP.

  69. Congratulations, Jackie. Thanks for sharing your contest journey. Keep on writing.

    My writing plans for November include NaNoWriMo and synopsis revisions (to start getting the synopsis ready for contests).

    I have a Kindle version of Rock Your Writing (and I've read it and Rock Your Plot, both of which are excellent tools) so I'd like to enter for the other writing book.

  70. CONGRATS to Cindy!!
    YAY Jackie!! Contest Diva!!

    Thanks for all the contest updates!

    My November writing plans include finishing a proposal and sending it IN!

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

    p.s. Tina's Self-Editing class was AWESOME!!!! :)

  71. Hi Tina:

    Bless you. : )

    You asked,

    “Vince, how many of your characters are taking the class with you, anyhow?”

    None of them!

    My characters tell me that’s a management responcibility.

    My philosopher character in “Characters in a Romance” even added that “for characters to go to a class on ‘Creating Characters Who Come Alive’ would be like me going to a class on ‘How to Become a God’ – even fictional philosophers don’t have that much hubris”.


    P.S. The class starts tomorrow and ends before Thanksgiving. There's Still Time!

    P.P.S. This gives me an idea! I could take NaNo this year, (which I did not think I had time to do), and write a novel about a fictional character who takes a class on “Creating Characters Who Come Alive” and goes on to become a Frankenstein of a Pinocchio wannabe and drives his pantser author to the heights of creativity. I could sync it with the class lessons. I’ve got to make it over to NaNo and see about getting started. Metafiction is my motivation.

    P.P.P.S. This NaNo project would even give me a chance to use my newly acquired goal and target setting features in Scrivener. That's daily goals and total project targets nicely displayed at the bottom of the screen. And Myra is into Scrivener!
