Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Weekend Edition-Birthday Week 5 The Party's Over!

We Have Winners

 Thank you to our Villagers for sharing our 7th birthday. Seekerville and our amazing guest bloggers have given away OVER ONE HUNDRED "birthday presents" in five weeks, and if you weren't a winner, stick around. Our 8th year is coming up.Thanks for making this a terrific party month!

Please be sure to check week one, week two, week three and week four to claim your present. We will make an attempt  to reach all winners, as time permits, but ultimately it your obligation to contact us. See our legal page for giveaway details. If you are winner email us at!

Congratulations to Kaybee who won a $50 gift card this week!

Sandra Leesmith was with us Monday to talke about the "Seven Reasons to Keep Writing." Winner of seven goodies including a bag for Kindle or tablet  (by Sandra's  artistic friend, Diane) is Jan Christiansen.

 Pam Hillman was your hostess on Tuesday with "7 Random Writerly Things That Make Me Go Wow!" She's wowing 7 --OOPS ELEVEN--winners with e-copies of her latest novella, The Evergreen Bride. Winners are:Mary Preston, Karen K, Cindy W, Jackie Layton, Cindy Regnier, Jeanne T, Heidi Robbins, Becky, Marianne Barkman, Sandy Smith, Edwina and Anna Weaver Hurtt.

Wednesday was fairy tale day in Seekerville as we welcomed back Zondervan author Melanie Dickerson. Melanie will be sharing, "7 Things I’m Glad No One Told Me about the Writing Life (Or I Would Have Quit)." Courtney Phillips, Elizabeth Van Tassel and Tracey Hagwood are winners of her November 4, release, The Princess Spy. And thanks for sharing your fairy tale pictures with us. The fairy tale winner of a $25 Amazon gift card is DebH. 

 Seekerville was thrilled to welcome back one of our favorite literary agents on Thursday, Natasha Kern, with her post "A Day in the Life of Literary Agent Natasha Kern." What is it that they actually do all day long?  Winner List:

$20 Amazon Gift Card-Sally Shupe 
"Hope for the Holidays" Contemporary Collection-Kelly Bridgewater
"Hope for the Holidays" Contemporary Collection-LeAnne Bristow
"Hope for the Holidays" Historical Collection-Anna Weaver Hurtt
"Hope for the Holidays" Historical Collection-Connie Queen
Stams Chocolates-Jackie Smith
Myra Johnson's "Every Tear a Memory"-Patti Jo Moore
Myra Johnson's "Goodbye"-Helen Gray
Myra Johnson's "When Clouds Roll By"-Melissa Jagears
Glynna Kaye’s Pine Country Cowboy”-Teri
Glynna Kaye’s "Pine Country Cowboy”-Keli Gwyn
Glynna Kaye’s "A Canyon Springs Courtship”-Wilani Wahl
Julie Lessman's "Surprised by Love”-Tina Pinson
Julie Lessman's "Surprised by Love”-Suzie Johnson
Missy Tippens' "The Guy Next Door-KarenK
Miss Tippens' "The Guy Next Door-Artistlibrarian

On Friday, Seeker Glynna Kaye joined us to share “7 Words of Writing Wisdom” tips that she picked up from the fantabulous ACFW 2014 conference in St. Louis.  In honor of Seekerville’s SEVENTH BIRTHDAY, she gave away a copy of her November Love Inspired release, High Country Holiday to SEVEN winners! The winners are:Valri, Victoria, CathyAnn, Donna, Rebecca, Sherida,& Vince.

Saturday was the November Contest Update. Congratulations to our November Diva, Jackie Layton. Winner of a Seeker Book of Choice is Marianne Barkman. Winner of Rock Your Writing by Cathy Yardley is Lady in Waiting. Winner of Revision and Self-Editing for Publication by James Scott Bell is Jennifer Smith.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday:Today Mary Connealy will be talking about what she's learning from her first venture into Indie Publishing. All learned from no doubt all completely made up.She'll be giving away FOUR BOOKS. Two from the 12 Brides of Christmas novella collection. These are ebooks...12 novellas are being released in all. One per week for 12 weeks leading up to Christmas. (Mary Connealy's is The Advent Bride, Pam Hillman's is The Evergreen Bride. She'll be giving away a copy of each. And One Copy Each of the Seeker novella bundles. Hope for the Holidays-Historical Bundle...and...Hope for the Holidays-Contemporary Bundle.

Tuesday: Seekerville welcome Jennifer Slattery.  Jennifer will be talking about how to get your books into bookstores and libraries. She'll will be giving away a copy of her latest release Beyond I Do.

Wednesday:Let's revisit Montana and writing continuities (serialized novels) on Wednesday when Love Inspired author Jenna Mindel stops by to talk about His Montana Homecoming, book 5 of the Big Sky Centennial series! Jenna has no shortage of things to talk about, including (but not limited to) working with Ruthy!!!!   Fresh, new copies of His Montana Homecoming will be hauled out of the prize vault. 

Thursday: Today, we welcome back mystery writer Marilyn Leach! Are you itching for a mini vacation? Join Marilyn as she takes us on a trip to England and shares with us the inspiration behind her successful cozy mystery series. Tea and scones will grace our buffet table, and rumor has it there may even be a giveaway! 

Friday:Michelle Ule will be here talking about ways she integrated marketing ideas into her work, and will share the type of videos she's made to charm and entice her readers! Michelle will be giving away three books. A copy of Bridging Two Hearts, A Log Cabin Christmas, and an ebook only copy of The Yuletide Bride her contribution to the 12 Brides of Christmas novella ebook collection.

Seeker Sightings

Pam Hillman’s debut print novel, Claiming Mariah, hit the November CBA Best Sellers list. Pam’s first novel, Stealing Jake, released in ebook in 2011, and will release in print in August 2015. Pam is a stunned and a bit shell-shocked, but is using the news to celebrate by indulging in more chocolate.

Julie Lessman Sightings:

October 20 - November 8, 2014: Join Julie Lessman on Margaret Chind's blog, Creative Madness Mama, for an interview and giveaway of winner's choice of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

October 30-November 6, 2014: Stop by the Relz Review blog for an interview with Julie and giveaway of winner's choice of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

November 7-14, 2014:  Everyone's Story blog features and article by Julie and you can win your choice of any of Julie's books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

To celebrate the release of her novel Every Tear a Memory: Till We Meet Again, Book 3, award-winning author Myra Johnson is giving away a $100 Amazon gift card! Find the entry form on Myra's Facebook page or at her blog, Writer at Random. The contest runs from October 20 through November 30, and there are several opportunities to increase your chances of winning!

 Sandra Leesmith will be presenting a workshop, Motivation and Focus for Writers,  at the Scottsdale Civic Library on November 8th, in Scottsdale, Arizona. If you are in the area come join her and other authors for free writing workshops all day. Registration begins at 10:15 registration, and classes run from 10:30 to 4:30. Scottsdale Civic Center Library - 3839 North Drinkwater Boulevard, Scottsdale, AZ 85251  Refreshments will be served. It's a great time to network with other Arizona authors.

We'd be remiss if we didn't mention the talented Seekerville writers who participated in the Hope for the Holiday's Anthologies. Available for pre-order and releasing on November 10, 2014. Contemporary and Historical Collections.

Random News & Information

The November Seekerville Calender is UP!

NaNoWriMo has begun! 

Preparing for NaNoWriMo: how to manage your time, stay motivated, and keep the creativity flowing (The BookBaby Blog)

The Hemingway App is now available for Mac and PC in desktop versions!

Linda Scalissi has joined 3 Seas Literary Agency as an agent, looking to represent women's fiction, thrillers, young adult, mysteries and romance. (Publishers Lunch)

Indies & Audiobooks: An Alternative to ACX (Jane Friedman)

The right image sizes for websites (Digital Media)

What Makes Up a Successful Person? [INFOGRAPHIC] (Undercover Recruiter)

 You’ve Got Hate Mail: How to Deal with (Annoying) Critics (Jane Friedman)

 Pricing and Discoverability (Nancy's Notes from Florida)

 That's it. Have a great Sunday!


  1. Congratulations to all the winners!

    The party is over and now we must all get back to work! I am so grateful for all the encouragement.

  2. Wow, maybe I'm the first (or maybe not!)

    Thanks so much for a wonderful month of learning and celebrating, Seeker ladies! It was a fabulous birthday party! Thanks for the prizes you offered. :) You ladies make this journey so special! :)


  3. WOW - - what a PARTY it was!!!!
    You Seeker ladies really did a FANTASTIC job hosting your 7th b'day party, and I'm already excited about #8!! (although I DO wish time would *slow down* LOL).

    CONGRATS to ALL the winners!
    I am THRILLED to win Myra's book!! WOOHOO!! Thank you sooo much.
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  4. I'm putting my feet up and eating cold pizza and left over cake. Happy girl!

  5. Wow, I won twice! And I'm so excited to read both! Thanks and congrats to the other winners!

  6. Thanks, I look forward to reading Julie's book.appreciate all you Seekers have done.

  7. With The Seeker Birthday over I need to say Happy Birthday Julie.

    Congrats all winners. I have to say the Advent Bride series is wonderful and cant wait for the 2 seeker series that come out shortly (think its the day I have cortisone in my wrist.) which at least gives me something good to look forward to! Been a bit quiet as typing hurts at times and trips to the city (I am so over the city!) But did read most days even if I didn't comment. (Just finished Pams Christmas novella and loved it)

  8. Congratulations to all of the winners.

    What a great time the month long party was! I applaud all of your hard work.

  9. All our celebrations have been fun but our 7th birthday party had to be the best yet! Wow, winners are dancing in the streets of Seekerville! Tina, kudos for matching up gifters and winners! You rock!

    Pam, congrats on Claiming Mariah hitting the CBA list! I'm so tickled that Stealing Jake is getting in print!!


  10. Jenny, Praying this shot will relieve your pain! You are such a faithful Villager, but we miss you when you're unable to type.

    Hugs, Janet

  11. Tina, your comment reminded me of the slumber parties I attended as a teenager. We'd finish off the leftover pizza for breakfast and always ate it cold.


  12. Hope everyone remembered to turn back their clocks! Not easy with eight clocks in the house. Oops better switch my wrist watches too. Make that eleven. :-)


  13. Mega, huge, monstrous congratulations to all the winners!!!

    How exciting! And Tina, Tina, Tina, may I thank you in the public forum for all you do behind the scenes to make this happen? You are amazing, and none of this would be possible or look as stinkin' good without you.

    We love you, Teenster.

    (And yes, I probably want something, you know me well!!!)


  14. Wow over 100 winners. What a fun party we had. And congratulations to all those winners.

    Thank you everyone for celebrating with us. You are what make this blog so much fun.

    Happy writing everyone.

    And if you're in Phoenix area, come to free writing workshops next Saturday.

  15. Yay!!!!! Pam. Congrats on the best seller list. I'm so not surprised.

  16. Thank you to all the Seeker Villagers, guest bloggers and visitors to our "community" for making this such a fun birthday celebration for all of us!

    Extra kudos to TINA who orchestrated this month-long party! THANK YOU! Enjoy that leftover pizza and cake, Tina! :)

  17. Tina, THANKYOU for all you do. Are you planning how #8 Bierthday party will top this one?
    Conratulations to all the winners, and yes, I won twice! Thank you

  18. What a party!!! Now, we'd all sleep for a week, but there's too much work to be done. ;)

    Jenny, praying the shot helps ease the pain.

  19. The CBA Bestseller List?? Sandra, YOU might not be surprised, but I sure am. But I'll take it. :) They couldn't wrestle it out of my hands if they tried.

    I mean, it's on FACEBOOK, so it must be TRUE!

  20. I'm so excited that I won Glynna's book! I love her books!

    Congrats to all the other winners! Happy Birthday Seekerville once again. On to another year!!!


  21. Happy Birthday to Julie.

    Congrats to Pam!!!

  22. Thank you so much! Congratulations to all the winners!

  23. Happy Birthday, Julie, and congrats to all the winners.

    It's been a wonderful month!!!

    Shall we eat a bit more cake? Dieting starts tomorrow, right?

    I've also got lots of Halloween candy if anyone needs chocolate.

    Special thanks to Tina for making the birthday celebration so memorable!!!

  24. Is there ANYONE who didn't win something last month???????
    Make sure and whine about that tomorrow when I'm giving away four books.
    I'll see if I can help you heal!~

  25. Thank you, TINA and all of SEEKERVILE, for making this such a fun and informative month with all the followers getting the gifts for YOUR birthday!

    What a wonderful group of writers and readers. It's been fun getting to know everyone, virtually at least.

    I won Melanie's book, The Princess Spy and can't wait to read it! Thanks Melanie!

    Looking forward to Mary's post tomorrow, a great way to start the week.

  26. Oh im good at whining Mary but I didn't comment every day either so you cant win when you don't comment.

  27. What a great month it was! Congratulations to all of the winners and congratulations to're the best!

  28. I love Melanie Dickerson books. My little friend Taylor (who is now 13) says that Melanie's writing surpasses J.K.'s and many others. She's in love with Mel's stories!

    And I don't blame her one bit.

  29. Janet, I've discovered that only three of my clocks don't self-change.

    Kitchen, microwave and stove.

    Everything else adjusts on its own. And what fun I had when my normal 4 AM morning call was 3 AM today! :)

    Extra writing time for all!!! FREE!!!! PSYCHE!

  30. Huge congrats to Pam for making the CBA Bestseller List!!!

    Another reason to eat cake!

  31. Thank you, SEEKERVILLE, for a fabulous party month....but EVERY month in Seekerville is fabulous!

    Congratulations to CINDY and DIVA JACKIE from yesterday and to all the winners today, including me! I'll enjoy a special to return to Canyon Springs at Christmas time with GLYNNA'S book High Country Holiday! Thank you, Glynna and Seekers!

    Happy week of writing and/or reading to everyone!

  32. Happy Birthday, Julie!

    Congrats to all the winners.

    And mega congrats to all you Seekers for 7 years of sharing, encouraging, mentoring ... and prizes. We can't forget the prizes.

    So about the Hemingway desktop version, has anyone used it? Thoughts?

    Thanks for all the links, Tina!

    Nancy C

  33. Sorry to see the party end. Very excited to win Pam's novella "The Evergreen Bride." I am ready for Christmas stories.

  34. I disagree about the party being over. I don't think the party is ever truly over in Seekerville.

  35. True, Walt. Now do you want a broom or a dust cloth?

  36. Congratulations winners...all of you! Wow, was this a party or what? Thanks to all our friends for sharing our birthday month.

    Great WE, Tina!

  37. Congratulations to all the winners!

    And thank you Seekerville for this amazing blog!!!

    Happy Writing Everyone!

  38. Yay! So excited to have won The Princess Spy! Thank you, Seekers and Melanie.

    Congrats to the other winners as well.

  39. What a FUN, FUN month!! Thank you all for hanging out and celebrating with us! Congrats to all the winners!
