Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Weekend Edition

This is one of our favorite times of the year. Pumpkin flavors abound as well as favorite comfort foods, sweaters and time in the writing and reading cave. What's your favorite thing about November?

We Have Winners

 Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?  

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

  Monday Love Inspired author Missy Tippens  invited good friend and critique partner Lindi Peterson to join her to talk about book covers for both traditional and indie publishing. Donna is the winner of an e-book or print copy of Missy's latest, The Guy Next Door. Wilani is the winner of an e-book or print copy Lindi's new release, Rich in Hope.

 Who's doing NaNoWriMo this month? Better question--who ISN'T? Seeker Myra Johnson, that's who! On Tuesday she counted down the top 10 reasons why she hasn't jumped on the NaNo bandwagon. (Can you spell C-O-W-A-R-D?)  Winner of  $10 Starbucks gift card is Elaine Manders.

Wednesday we joined Christy Award-finalist Joanne Bischof in a fascinating foray into the audio-book world with her guest blog, "From Page to Performance: The Making of an Audiobook." Lyndee H is the winner of either a paperback or audiobook of Joanne’s latest novella, This Quiet Sky.

Thursday Ruth Logan Herne barreled into Seekerville to talk about the production of the Contemporary and Historical Hope for the Holidays Collections. Winner of Hope for the Holidays Historical:  Tracey Hagwood. Winner of Hope for the Holidays Contemporary:  Edwina. Winners of Love Finds You in the City at Christmas:  Cindy Regnier, Eileen "My Evergreen Place"  & Jan Drexler.

 Dan Walsh returned to Seekerville Friday with "This Brave New Publishing World." Winner of their choice of three giveaways: a free signed copy of either a) Dan's new novel, When Night Comes b) one of his books with Gary Smalley or c) his Christmas novel, Remembering Christmas is Sherri Shackelford.
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday:Today Janet Dean hosts Emilie Hendryx, photographer and writer, who shares her informative post “Writing Like a Photographer: The Key to Descriptive Writing.” Leave a comment for a chance to win note cards of one of Emilie’s fabulous photos.

Tuesday: Susan Page Davis visits Seekerville to talk about using symbolism in our writing to add depth. Susan will give away three books to three winners. The winners can choose e-books copies of Frasier Island or The Christmas Tree Bride, or a paper copy of Frasier Island or another book in this series (Finding Marie or Inside Story).

Wednesday:If you’re following the contest circuit, where are you in the process? Join us today for Pam Hillman's “How Writing Contests Drove me to a 12-Step Program” to see if you can pinpoint what stage you might fall into.

Thursday: Jennifer Delamere is back with us today, with an inspiring post. "Visualizing Success:  My “Door of Victory.” And she's away giving away a copy of A Bride for the Season to two commenters. Don't miss a chance to chat with this RITA finalist and recent Maggie Award winner.

Friday:Today we're going to wrap up the week with some "Two-Fer" Fun when Winnie Griggs (Her Holiday Family, Love Inspired Historicals) and Ruth Logan Herne (Her Holiday Family, Love Inspired Contemporary) get together and chat about having books with the same name... out at the same time!!! Come on by and raise a toast to an obviously wonderful title: "Her Holiday Family"!!! And see what it was that earned these delightful and very different stories the very same title! Winnie and Ruthy are giving away 5 two-packs of books, so you could go home with BOTH VERSIONS!!!!  
Seeker Sightings

 Glynna Kaye's High Country Holiday is available on Amazon and is on the
store shelves now, just in time for Christmas shopping!  She was thrilled to
find her book at the local Barnes & Noble right next to one by New York
Times Bestselling Author Linda Goodnight!  

 If you haven't gotten a copy of Ruth Logan Herne's Safely Home yet, she's giving it away this weekend on Amazon!  Ruthy loves to give things away and she hopes you love this beautiful love story of second chances, and new beginnings... because you can come home again!

Sandra Leesmith will be at the Local Author Event at the Scottsdale Civic Library today, Saturday November 15th. If you are in the area, stop by to say hi and meet other Arizona authors.

The city of Chandler is hosting the first time ever Chandler Author Walk. Sandra Leesmith will be participating on November 21st from 6:00 to 10:00 pm. If you're in the area, come to this debut event. There are many events to enjoy.
 Julie Lessman Sightings:

NOW - November 19, 2014:UNEXPECTED GIVEAWAY!!  One of Julie Lessman’s readers accidentally got two copies of Surprised by Love, so she's giving one away with her review of the book, so do check it out here.

November 14-16, 2014:Join Julie Lessman on The Journey blog where you can win your choice of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

November 17, 2014:Get lost in a story with Julie Lessman on the Get Lost in a Story blog where you can win your choice of any of her  books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

 Random News & Information 

This is a HUGE week for information and news. Pour yourself a cup of your favorite beverage and dig in!

Congratulations to the 2014 RT Reviewers' Choice Nominees

Congratulations to the 2014 ACFW First Impressions Finalists.

Do You Believe? (Trailer) 

 Black Friday Leads to Publishing Push (MSN Money)

 Amazon Opens Dutch Kindle Store, B&N Moves Into Author Services (Let's Get Digital)

Farewell to Heartsong (Steve Laube)

BookBub Explained (Nancy's Notes from Florida)

Hatchett and Amazon Bury the Hatchet (DBW)

 Blurb Links Authors With Vetted Publishing Professionals (DBW)

The Christian Publishing Market With Jeremy Bouma (The Creative Penn)

If Your Book Isn't Selling, Do the Hokey-Pokey (Color Your Life Published) 

Crafting the Dreaded Blurb (Upon the Wings of Greater Things via K.C. Frantzen)

An Opportunity to Participate in a Devotional Series (Kathy Ide)

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Volunteering & Giving Back 101 Inspiring Stories about Purpose and Passion Deadline for Submissions is February 15, 2015. Details here.

 Copyright, Publishing Contract Clauses, Image Use And Avoiding Getting Sued With Helen Sedwick (The Creative Penn)

 The Olympia hosted by Clash of the Titles is accepting (unpublished only) entries until December 12th.

We leave you with pictures from Sandra Leesmith's recent Scottsdale, Arizona workshop event.

Sandra Leesmith

Friend of Seekerville, Love Inspired and Heartwarming author, Pam Tracy!

Here's Sandra handing off a Seekerville Birthday giveaway to winner Jan Christiansen!

That's it! Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. Extra coffee brewing for the weekend.

    Congratulations, Cindy Regnier, for being a finalist in the First Impressions contest!!!

    Now back to read some more links.

  2. Congrats to Cindy and to LeAnne and Tanara who are in my local ACFW chapter! Way to go, ladies.

    I'll need that coffee, Helen.

    Thank you.

    Happy almost Saturday, peeps!

  3. Not only our local writers were finalists, Tina but several Seeker friends too. Congrats all of you.

    Way to go!

    Have a wonderful weekend. Hope to see more friends this week at all my writer events. woo hoo. The fun part of writing. smile

  4. Congratulations to Cindy, LeAnne, Tanara, and the other finalists in 1st Impressions! Congrats to the winners this week.

    I hope you all have a safe and warm day!

  5. Congratulations to Sherri Shackleford for her 2014 RT Reviewers Choice Award nomination. I have seen your name here in Seekerville so many times Sherri that when The Cattleman Meets His Match came out I read it. Well deserving of this nomination for a Love Inspired Historical. Well written, I enjoyed it.

    Congrats to all the other winners this week too.

    I won Hope For The Holidays Historical Collection, yay! Thank you Ruthy and Seekerville. I just finished the Contemporary Collection last night, so I'm off to write a review of this fantastic set of stories.

  6. Oh, super, mega congrats to those folks who finaled in First Impressions and Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Awards!!!!

    How wonderful!

    Tina, great WE, thank you! I hopped over to a couple of links and loved the Hokey Pokey advice about how to work your book from beginning to end, writing/publishing/marketing.

    I love that they talked about the GIVE BACK because that's huge in Seeker-World. Give the love first... and the rest will fall into place.


  7. Sandra just said that events were the fun part of writing.


    It takes all kinds, because while Ruthy likes people a lot, she loves, loves, loves writing the most.

    And is never afraid to say it!!!

  8. Tracey, thank you for your kind words! Send us the e-mail you want the collection to go to, sweet thing!

  9. Oh -- soooooo sad that Heartsong is folding. I hate to see any kind of loss in Christian publishing and I know a number of authors who publish with that line. :-(

    Congrats to the finalist winners though. So fun to see names I recognize.

    If y'all want to read something super cool and amazing run over to yankeebelle café today. Awesome!!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Love the heart shaped fall tree, Tina! You pack the Weekend Edition with such informative links while making the WE pretty or entertaining. Thank you!

    Congrats to our winners and to the First Impressions Contest finalists and to the RT Reviewer Choice Award winners!

    It's Saturday! Love an entire day to catch up with all the stuff I've let go. Like cleaning off my desk, cleaning out the refigerator and my closet! Know I'll feel pounds lighter. LOL


  12. Congratulations to all on the wins...Seekerville is such an a,aging place. And I'm a winner, too, because we have everything in place for Mom and me to head to the warm country THIS WEEK, so that means a busy weekend for me! Coffee! Thanks, Helen

  13. OH. MY. GOSH!!! I didn't even see Anna Weaver Hurtt on the First Impressions List.

    Congratulations, Anna!!!!!!

  14. Great WE as usual, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!

    I wish everyone had the gorgeous weather I've got in my part of Georgia right now (cold, but lovely!). :)

    Sandra, those photos of you are SO cute! Love your smile! :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  15. Oops, accidentally deleted my email,

  16. Thank you so much, Tina! I'm soooo excited! :D Congrats to all the other finalists and winners as well!

  17. Congrats to the finalists!!!! Such great news on this cold November day!

    Congrats to this week's winners.

    Loved the pics from the Southwest! Sandra is rockin' it in that part of the country. Seems she's at a new event each week. Go, Sandra!!!

  18. YAY for all the First Impressions finalists! I recognized quite a few Seekerville visitors!

    Great news for the RT Reviewers' Choice nominees, too!!!

    Love the pix, SANDRA! Hope you're having a great day at the library!

  19. Congratulations to all the winners and finalists

    I learned today that someone hacked into my e-mail and sent spam to all my contacts including the night classes I took. I have changed my password and want to apologize to any that got the spam from this group.

  20. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. We have snow on the ground today. Definitely in the mood to start reading Christmas books.

    Looks like another great week ahead in Seekerville. Looking forward to it.

  21. Working here in upstate. Loving a quiet Saturday! Chickens fed, cats/kittens fed, dogs happy, eggs gathered...

    Writing time rocks!

  22. Writing time here in Az.

    Tina fed.

    Tina fed.

    Tina fed again.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Look all these winners and finalists!! Congratulations! How fun to recognize some of the names in the contest listings.

    I took my time (cups of tea and a biscotti ... okay, a couple of biscotti) and ambled through the links. Fantastic info, Tina. The post with Helen Sedwick (The Creative Penn) was especially helpful. I'm 99.9% sure I'm going indie, and her book sounded like just what I need. Ordered.

    Wishing everyone exactly the weekend you want or need.

    Now for some writing time -- and maybe more tea and biscotti.

    Nancy C

  25. Congratulations to all the First Impression Contest Finalists!!!

  26. Yay Sherri for the Reviewer's Choice Award Final!!!!!!!!

  27. I got my writing down AND I got to avert my eyes from a TERRIBLE Cornhusker loss today.


  28. Tina, I'll send you some animals to feed.... Arizona style chickens.


    We have two polish hens in the mix. The kids named them "Thing One and Thing Two"....

    Here's a pic of them:

    Thing One and Thing Two

    But Thing Two is isolated because her feathers on her head don't cover her pink scalp and the taller hens PECK HER HEAD because they're drawn to pink/red as if it's meat. And in Thing Two's case, of course it is! They figured this out when they were about 4 weeks old.... so she was isolated. Then again at about 10 weeks old.. so she's been in her own enclosure for 8 weeks.... and her feathers still don't cover her whole scalp. And all it takes is a glimpse...

    Moral of the story: Never feel guilty about eating chicken.

  29. I keep going back to look at the cover of Glynna's book.....

    The awww.... factor is astounding.

  30. Mary, I'm sorry! I'm frowning on your behalf and running for the anti-wrinkle cream!!!!!!

    Nancy, go you!!!!! That's awesome, both the writing, the book ideas from Creative Penn and the biscotti!

    I'm not a biscotti fan personally, but I have total respect for the biscuit! Salute!

  31. Ruth Logan Herne said...

    I'm not a biscotti fan personally, but I have total respect for the biscuit! Salute!

    Smiling ...

    And oh my gosh, the chicks like Thing One and Thing Two are adorable!

    Nancy C

  32. Does a polish hen clean your silver?

  33. Almond biscotti with a gentle coating of chocolate and sea salt.


  34. Pistachio biscotti.

    More mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  35. Congrats to all winners here and FI finalists and to Sherri. Thanks for the links, Tina, particularly the one for Kathy Ide's anthology. Love the picture, Sandra. Have a wonderful week, everyone.

  36. I understand Bookbub better now, thanks to that article link.

    Thank You Tina.

  37. I think it should be Polish hen.

    The capital P makes all the difference.

    Your silver stays tarnished but the eggs are fresh.

  38. Thanks for the explanation, Mary.

    And you are welcome, Pat Jeanne!

  39. Hi Everyone, Thanks Patti Jo. I love your smile too. And thanks Pat Jeanne and Myra. I did have a wonderful weekend and day at the library.

    I'm really excited about the Author walk. Its a new event.

    And yes, Ruthy, Glynna's cover is charming. But wait till you read the book. It is terrific.
