Monday, November 17, 2014

Writing like a Photographer: The Key to Descriptive Writing

Janet here. This past September I had the privilege of meeting Emilie Hendryx at ACFW. Emilie wore two hats at the conference: writer and photographer. Not just a photographer but the conference's official photographer. If you were there, perhaps you had your picture taken by Emilie as you received an award or while hanging out at the hotel. I invited Emilie to share tips on writing like a photographer as the key to descriptive writing.

I started my photography business shortly after I photographed my first wedding near the end of 2012. As my business has grown, I've started to see the correlation between photography and writing. You are telling a story either way, it’s just the medium that is different.

I’d like to explore three specific areas to write details like a photographer sees them. For each area, I’ll explain my thought process as a photographer and then how that corresponds to writing.

1. Frame the Shot

As a photographer, my very first step to any session is to assess my location for these things:

I look for the right background.
For a writer this is the setting. Where are your characters? Is the setting conducive to the movement of your scene? What can your setting add to the scene you’re writing (think DPOV here)?

I take the lighting into account.
For a photographer, lighting is crucial. It can make or break the shot. In writing, feelings and emotions are the light. The right placement of internal dialogue about feelings can strengthen an emotional situation.

I take into account my subject(s).
To frame my shot, I will move with my subjects. I give them direction, but I wait for them to naturally “sink” into the pose. As a writer, I need to know my characters. Readers will know if my hero responds in a way that isn't true to his character.

2. Capture movement

A photo is a moment stopped in time. Some of the most powerful images I capture are moments that show movement. Sometimes an almost-kiss is more powerful than an image of the real thing. The same can be said for writing. Show the movement of your characters—not in a way that detracts from the focus of the scene, but in a way that adds to the tension and draws your reader in.

3. Show real emotion

My favorite part of photography is capturing emotions. It’s also one of the most challenging parts. To capture the look of true love on two peoples faces is hard enough without all of the details that go into composing the shot.

A writer deals with a similar challenge. How do we convey genuine emotion by only using words? Often there is a void of genuine feeling in our writing because we are cliché in how we describe a feeling or we don’t accurately capture the emotion, only the idea.

Your reader want’s to be drawn in! Your main character may say that she loves the hero, but your readers will be asking why if you haven’t shown them that she does. When I’m trying to describe a scene I consider these things:

Who is thinking/saying this?
Make sure your descriptions are appropriate to your character and their gender. Taking this into account can strengthen your descriptions and your reader’s connection with your character.

As an example: The hero in one of my books is a carpenter and was describing my heroine’s hair. Instead of him saying it was a dark brown, he said it reminded him of the color of rosewood, his favorite wood.

What’s a common way to say this? How can I say it differently?
What’s another way to describe the setting sun? Maybe the focus isn't on the sun at all, but instead on the descending night sky like chocolate over a scoop of ice cream. Ok, not my best work, but you get the idea. Don’t be afraid to be different, but watch for flow. If you’re describing everything in analogies in every paragraph your reader will hit sensory overload. Time your descriptions appropriately in the context of the larger chapter.

What is the movement? Is it natural?
The movement of your characters in a scene can enhance and draw out emotion between them. Don’t direct every little movement, but guide your readers to show them the scene. Also, make this movement natural. I’ll admit right now that I often act out movements, facial expressions, and scenarios (one of the reasons I hesitate to write in public often, but I digress). If you can’t see what your characters are doing, you won’t be able to write it.

Finally, editing is also something writers and photographers have in common. In processing my images, I see them come to life just as my story gains shape and character when I revise it. Keep these three things in mind as you work on your next draft. Remember to frame your scene, describe movement, and show the emotion.

Janet again. Emilie is giving away a set of 25 flat cards (with envelopes) customized with the winner's favorite verse and the option of photographs that she's taken and will provide. These would be perfect note cards for friends or better yet, thank yous for judges or editors. For a chance to win, share a descriptive line from a book you're read or written that created strong emotion in you. Or if no time for that, pick your favorite of her photos in the post. 

In honor of Emilie's visit today, I'm providing a buffet of delicious donuts, coffeecakes, and muffins, along with coffee, tea and juice. 

Emilie Hendryx is a writer and photographer living in Washington, D.C. She’s a member of ACFW, shamelessly addicted to coffee and books, and can often be found wishing for rain. Find out more about her writing at and her photography at

Twitter: @eacreativephoto
Instagram: /eahendryx
Pinterest: /eahendryx
Facebook Author Page: /emiliehendryx
Facebook Photography Page: /eacreativephotography


  1. Ugh, it's been so long since I've read a book that wasn't my MS! I can't remember the last time I read a book that made me emotional...which is hard to do since I'm pretty darn emotionless.

    Nothing from my kindle highlights fits the criteria so.....
    I thought your framing of the first photo was gorgeous! I'm a photography dabbler myself, just kid, I have no idea how other photographers can get 3 or more kids to sit still....maybe kids act better for strangers with cameras?

  2. Hmmm, I need to stop being Belle, she's annoying me because she has time to read and I don't! Humph!

  3. Welcome Emilie! You take great photos. I love the ones you did of me, especially the touched up one! LOL

    Great analogy between writing and photography.

    Hmm, I've been reading a suspense book and like this line. He thought of the cup of strong black coffee he'd left in his car. It would be stone cold now. Just like their victim.

  4. setting scenes is ... I think ... a weakness of mine. I'm so into action and dialogue.

    I love a post that helps me grow, reminds me I've still got plenty to learn.

    Thank you, Emilie

  5. I had the good pleasure of meeting Emilie at ACFW this year (Melissa J, she was the photog who took our pictures when we won the Carol Award.

  6. Now for a great big welcome to Emilie! Thanks for joining us in Seekerville.

    Your photos are soooo evocative. And you nailed it. That is EXACTLY what we need in our writing as well.

    Drawing out the emotion, because that's what our reader responds to. That is what I respond to in your photos!

    WELL DONE!!!

  7. Good morning, Emilie! Thanks for sharing this terrific post today!

    One thing you said really stuck out to me: If you can’t see what your characters are doing, you won’t be able to write it. So true! It's not natural for me, but I try to see my story like a movie in my head. Acting out scenes is a great idea too.


  8. Melissa, AKA Belle. :-) You would have time to read if you weren't wearing so many hats.

    I doubt you're truly emotionless. I'm guessing if something upsetting or wonderful happened that involved your kids, you'd feel it.

    I'm not a weeper but if characters are real to me, I care and that makes me feel their hurts, etc. The connection is stronger if I've experienced what my characters are dealing with. The scene I wrote that made me cry every time I read it was in The Bride Wore Spurs when Hannah's father dies. Writing and reading that scene zipped me back to losing my father. Though it was emotional for me, I'm not sure how it affected readers.


  9. Good morning, Terri! I love the photos too. And that line from the novel youu're reading. So perfect for a suspense. And evidence that the author understood that people see the world through the lens of who they are. Thanks for sharing!

    Did Emilie take the photo of you that shows up in your comment?


  10. Good morning, Mary. We're never done learning, but I think you do a great job setting scenes. And using the terrain to challenge and stymie your characters.


  11. Tina, I love returning to the evening when you and Melissa J won the Carol! What a thrill for you both and for Seekers and Villagers!


  12. Awesome photographs - you do know how to capture the perfect moment!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Emilie!
    Being a photographer myself, I am always comparing the parallel between writing, photography and painting.

    I enjoyed your observations in the two mediums.:-)

  15. Hi Emilie and welcome to Seekerville. What a great post on photography and what wonderful photographs. Wow, today I wish I wasn't a Seeker so could maybe win that prize. I love specialized notecards. Thanks for offering that wonderful gift. Someone is going to be blessed. smile

    Hey, do you sell those notecards? Maybe I can buy some.

    Have fun today.

  16. Hi Marianne, you're a prolific reader. What types of scenes bring out the most emotion for you?


  17. Good morning, Mary Hicks. Fun to learn you're a photographer and painter, as well as a writer. You definitely have the gift of creativity!

    I love to draw and create rubber stamped greeting cards. There's just not enough time in the day.

    I gotta ask. Anyone else who draws, paints or takes artistic photos, as well as writes?


  18. Sandra, I had the same reaction to Emilie's giveaway!

    It just occurred to me that we could have note cards made of the covers of books. Now wouldn't that be fun!


  19. Good morning, Emilie! So wonderful to see you here, especially after getting to know you at ACFW! I'm enjoying learning a bit more about photography, and your analogy to writing is spot on. Thank you for so many suggestions. I didn't have you take my photograph at the conference, so I'm not sure what I would do with the cards if I won, but I'll say that I adore that first picture...the Pride & Prejudice pose. :-) So much tenderness and affection captured.

  20. Good morning, Janet! Also wonderful-wonderful to talk with you at conference! :-) How long until we all meet again? Sigh.

  21. I'm picking a photo! I like the family where the mom is laughing :)

    I have to read! Reading refills my word tank. That was one of the great pieces of advice from Stephen King's On Writing. I also like: "Description begins in the writer's imagination but should finish in the reader's."

  22. Hi Meghan, the photos for the note cards would be from a selection of Emilie's photos. I'm guessing landscape or still life.


  23. Meghan, I loved meeting you and seeing your beautiful family! Not sure when we'll hook up next but it's always special to connect here.


  24. Good morning, Sherrie. I loved Stephen King's book On Writing! Easy to read and for me, very energizing.

    Thanks for sharing the terrific quote! Is that from King's book or another source?


  25. Janet - Emilie didn't take that photo. I need to get on the ball and change my photo to one of my new ones.

  26. Emilie, I loved the analogies between photography and writing! :)

    I loved what you said here: "In writing, feelings and emotions are the light. The right placement of internal dialogue about feelings can strengthen an emotional situation."

    And your photos? Just beautiful! :)

  27. Good Morning,
    What a great post today! There is a lot of similarity between photography and writing! Never thought of it that way before.
    Perhaps that's why I spend a lot of time on Pinterest trying to find just the right photo that captures my setting or my characters!
    I just finished reading Jody Hedlund's "Captured by Love" and have started her novella "Out of the storm". Jody has an amazing way of tying in her setting with the emotions of the characters. I don't have the book with me right now, but if I have time later, will try to post a line or two.
    I love the first photograph, Emilie! The colours and the emotion on their faces is gorgeous. (It would be perfect for one of my future contemporaries. LOL).
    It's snowing here today and it's staying on the ground this time. Yuck. Good day for writing!


  28. Terri, seems like we have all these little jobs that wouldn't take long but don't get done. Why is that???


  29. Hi Jeanne T. I like that quote, too. Getting the light just right is the trick.


  30. Emilie!
    Love your photos, your blog and Washington DC, your hometown. I'm a MT Vernon High grad, and considered that area of the country "home" for many years.

    I'm visual and have to see my story. Also love to take pictures. I've been posting scripture for some weeks now, on FB, and enjoy searching for the right photo--from my own collection--that seems to fit.

    I'm in deadline mode and will be thinking of all those visuals you mentioned as I tighten and revise.

    So glad you could be with us today. Thanks, Janet, for hosting Emilie!

  31. Hi Sue. Hope you find time to post those lines Jody wrote that evoke emotion.

    We have snow on the ground too. And clinging to the roofs and trees. Now the sun is shining and casting gorgeous blueish shadows on the blanket of white. Gorgeous!


  32. Debby, Washington DC is a beautiful city! I can imagine the lovely, emotional photos that Emilie could take there.

    I'm reading your novella Christmas Rescue and loving it!

    Prayers for your deadline!


  33. Emilie, I love your photos. I particularly love the one of the bride and groom with the gazebo in the background.

    Your post was right on and I have printed it out so I can refer to it often.

  34. Emilie, thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos. When I'm writing, I often use photos to help me gain the feel of time and place and mood. I've lost count of how many times I've noticed a detail in a historical photo that has led to much better description in my writing.

    Please put me in the drawing for the notecards. I promise they'll be put to good use. My favorite photo is the mom laughing ... in fact, that would be a great book cover

    Janet, thanks for inviting Emilie!

    Nancy C

  35. Welcome, Emilie! Janet, thanks for inviting Emilie to share these helpful tips on writing description!

    As a visual person, I tend to "see" the characters and action in my head as I develop a scene. How would the characters move? What do they see and hear and feel? What else is going an around them?

    Actually, I think if I had to choose a career other than writing, photography would be high on the list!

  36. Janet
    thanks for inviting Emilie to share about writing like a photographer. i'm graphic artist/animator/photographer... general visual technician, so this post really resonated with me.

    i tend to "see" my scenes as i write - well, the good written scenes. i do get lost when i lose my "vision". all the points in the post are awesome. i especially like the note that the photo of the almost kiss can be more powerful than the actual kiss. same can be said for the almost kiss in writing. the snapshot of anticipation I guess.

    the prize drawing sounds really cool too. how nifty is that?

    thanks again for inviting Emilie. A treat for us visual peeps in Seekerville.

  37. As an amateur photography, this made PERFECT sense to me! I really enjoyed this, Emilie. Thank you!

    And...I'm SO stealing this line...

    on the descending night sky like chocolate over a scoop of ice cream.

    lol - What a WONDERFUL visual! :)

  38. Emilie, I love your photographs! Setting a scene is so important when you're writing. I have to visualize it (sometimes I use photos -- not my own) to write it.

  39. WOW, EMILIE, what a GREAT post and soooo very insightful and spot on!!

    I never thought of writing from a photographer's POV, but you are absolutely spot on with each of your points!!

    And I'm betting you're a pretty darn good writer because your photos are OUTSTANDING!!


  40. Emilie, I enjoyed the post and your photos!

    Here is a few lines from what I am reading that was descriptive and emotional. It's from A Town Called Christmas by Ruth Logan Herne.

    -as the ground rose up to met him, Edward strained to hear one special voice, if only to grasp enough time to tell her he was sorry, so sorry that he tricked her. But in the bevy of confusion, there was no Sylvie, and as the darkness claimed him, he realized she wasn't there.

    Please enter me.

  41. Hi Wilani Wahl,

    Emilie's gazebo picture captures movement beautifully. A character's action and how s/he moves shows so much about them.


  42. Hi Nancy C! Emilie's talent shines through these pictures.

    Historical photos prove the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words. And as you say, helps us writers describe things and places in the past.


  43. Myra, you'd be good at directing plays or movies.


  44. Good afternoon, DebH. Your job sounds fascinating. What kinds of things does a graphic artist and animator work on?

    I interviewed an artist James Griffin who created thousands of book covers, first with paint, then also using a stylus and computer. Which is what he did with my second LIH cover for Courting the Doctor's Daughter.


  45. Hi Pam,

    Isn't that description unique and wonderful? Makes me hungry too. I'm having that late afternoon slump. So I whipped up some brownies and vanilla ice cream with hot fudge sauce, out of respect for the chilly temp here. :-)


  46. Hi Cara,

    You are encouraging me to use more photos as triggers to describe the setting.


  47. Hi Julie,

    I thought the same thing. I'm not sure I'd have the patience to be a photographer.


  48. Hi Donna,

    Love Ruthy's line! Thanks for sharing. Now I must know what happened to this poor guy.


  49. Emilie, your eye for shots is amazing. I would NEVER think of doing partial body shots to evoke emotion, and yet when they're done right, it's a total win.

    That embrace, from behind, with the ring showing...That frames the story, right there. So stinkin' beautiful!!!

  50. Donna!!!! Aw, thank you so much for quoting "A Town Called Christmas".

    I had so stinkin' much fun writing that story, and if you love it, well then I'm happier yet.

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!

  51. Hello everyone - thank you so much for stopping by! I've actually been very busy with photos today so I apologize for my absence. November is a crazy month for photographers in general - not to mention NaNoWriMo for us writers as well! Anyone else participating in NaNo?

  52. Ok here we go...

    Melissa - It is ALMOST impossible to get kids to sit still haha. I end up taking a million photos all at once and hope (and pray) that at least one of them has all eyes on me and smiles on their faces!

    Terri - So glad you like the photos :)I love getting to meet other authors through photography! And what a great analogy! Love it :)

    Mary C. - I tend to put a lot of work into emotions and dialogue and then forget where I am. Maybe that's because I'm already there in my head? It helps to have great friends who read my writing and tell me where I haven't "let them in" on where we are haha.

  53. I've been running today and I just don't know quite where to look for a sentence that hits the emotions so.....
    From Sophie's Other Daughter, my novella in the Hope for the Holidays--Historical Bundle.

    "So what are you going to name your little girl, Grace?" Laura asked.

    "A girl's name?" Ma looked at Pa.

    Pa's answer was to just drop his face straight down on the bed.

    Ike hoped he didn't smother. If he did, Ike could probably save him after he passed out, and maybe a little nap wouldn't be all bad. It might help restore his sense.

  54. Tina - It was an honor to take your photo at the gala :) And thank you so much! I try and capture that emotion as best as possible and when I do, it's the best sense of accomplishment I can get. I think it's because I know it captured who my client really was (or who they are together). That's the best feeling ever!

    Janet - That "seeing" is so crucial to me! I really do make hilarious faces when I'm in public...someone should video me when I don't know. It would be hilarious!

    Marianne - Thank you so much! I often have to take many photos to get that one that speaks to the true moment. When I do, it's an amazing feeling!

  55. And a quote...what these did was make me smile. So that's an emotion, right?????
    This is Hope for Christmas, staring Tanner Harden, the great, great, great...oh who knows how many greats...grandson of Belle Tanner and Silas Harden.
    The Belle they refer to here is Belle Tanner from The Husband Tree.

    From Hope for the Holidays-Contemporary Collection

    Kelsey said, "I just couldn't stand my husband, and I hoped the baby would be unlike him in every possible way."

    That sounded like Belle.

    "And his mother is a horror. I'm hoping and praying she won't be quite so determined to get her hands on a girl as she would a boy who'd carry on the family name. My husband was the last of his line."

    Tanner nodded for a second. "Probably just as well. His line sounds like it's full of halfwits."

  56. Mary H. - Oh how wonderful! Nice to "meet" another photographer and writer! Being a photographer has definitely helped my writing.

    Sandra - Thank you for the welcome! I am SO happy to be here and SO glad I had a "chance" meeting with Janet at the conference! I've actually got an Etsy shop I've been thinking about updating to include the cards. Feel free to email me at eacreativephotography (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll get you the info!

    Meghan - It was so great meeting you at the conference as well! And the cards are actually photo nature photos I've taken so no need to worry about having photos from the conference! I'll have a few images for the winner to choose from :)

  57. I really enjoyed this post. Great comparison between photography and writing.

    I don't have a lot of time for coming up with a phrase. Today I started my long term sub job in 8th grade English that goes until Christmas vacation, as well as working several evenings a week at the calendar kiosk at the mall. (Unfortunately this doesn't leave much writing time, either!)

    However, I would probably pick a line from The Great Gatsby. I love the imagery in that book.

  58. Sherri - I love that photo too! I actually just posted their whole family session on my photography blog and re-living that moment was amazing. She was SO surprised they were having a girl. To be a part of that moment was truly amazing.

    Jeanne - Thank you so much! As I was writing this post it actually helped me to stop, slow down, and realize the correlations between the two. I think I automatically make them already, but being able to write it out helped a lot. Now, when I feel like a scene is "dark" I think - ok, where is the light (emotions). :)

    Susan - Oh your weather sounds amazing! It's raining here in DC but I like the rain too (though I can't wait for our first snow!). And thank you for your sweet words about my photography. That first photo is also one of my favorites! I've been told many times that my photos would be great book covers...I think I need to look into that more hehe :)

  59. Debby - I am really getting to love DC! It's so beautiful and diverse with such great opportunities of history and culture! I also love trying to find great photos to go with scripture. Good luck on your deadlines! :)

    Wilani - So glad you liked the post! That shot that you like was from a wedding I did in California recently at the Disneyland Hotel. Talk about fun! The couple was so sweet and SO excited. That's real emotion and I love it!

    Chill N- Hi Nancy and thanks for stopping by! I love note cards as well ;) And I mentioned it before, but the mom was completely shocked she was having a girl. It was adorable. I love that, being a photographer, I'm invited into special moments in peoples lives. It's such a blessing and a big responsibility as well.

  60. Myra - I also "see" what I'm writing too! If I can't (as I said in the post) I won't be able to write it. Have you ever acted out anything in person? :)

    DebH - Isn't is so crucial to see what you're writing? I know the scenes I have the most trouble with are the ones I just can't see in my head.

    Pam - Ha! I should have copyrighted that line ;) Just kidding! But yeah, I think for me I always write out what comes to mind immediately then stop...take a few minutes, and then come up with something more original. Or at least I try to :)

  61. Cara - I LOVE Pinterest (as someone else has mentioned before) for a visual aid. I just have to be careful to not get sucked in...especially when I'm picking out fun outfits for my characters and realize I'm actually shopping for me instead :D

    Julie - Awe thanks so much! It's an incredibly helpful analogy for me to draw in my own mind. If I'm having trouble writing a scene or even a moment I stop and think - what would this look like from a photographers eye. It actually helps me a lot :)

    Donna - Thank you for stopping by! And great passage there. Thanks for sharing :)

  62. Ruth - Thank you so much for your sweet comments! As I've grown as a photographer, I've started to realize there is "just the right crop" to a photo that, when it's not as evoking to see the whole image, you can increase interest by honing in on something or cropping out something. It takes time to learn it, but I'd say the same is true for writing. There are times you need to "crop out" direction and instead "focus in" on emotion. Or the other way around - it just depends :)

  63. Mary C. I love this line that you shared: "Pa's answer was to just drop his face straight down on the bed." That to me is such a great example of description. I know that when I read it, I SAW it happening and knew the exact emotion you were describing! Thanks for sharing!

  64. Sandy - Wow, sounds busy! BUT - one thing I thought of when you said you worked at the mall, was how much emotion you'll be surrounded by during this holiday season! I'm sure 8th grade subbing will also provide a lot of great stories too. I love going to the airport for that very same reason - you see true, genuine emotion there! I think the more we see, the more we can write about in a way that people will understand and feel.

  65. Hi Emilie,
    We met at ACFW in Indy two years ago. You're truly multi-talented! Great post and examples, too.

    I especially like the photo of the woman wearing the flag scarf hugging the man in the plaid shirt. From the clothing choice, I imagined that to be an American woman and her cowboy. I could almost smell the apple pie! Thanks for sharing with us.

  66. Lyndee - Thanks for stopping by! That's one of my favorite photos too :) I love when a session comes together perfectly, and I feel like that one did!

  67. Emilie, Thanks for your post and sharing those lovely pictures.

    I am participating in NaNo this year.

    I loved visiting Washington D.C. this past summer.

    One thing I just discovered that I like about Kindles-their search function. Whenever someone asks for some of my favorite descriptive lines, I always go back to Anne of Green Gables; "A bridge spanned it halfway and from there to its lower end, where an amber-hued belt of sand-hills shut it in from the dark blue gulf beyond, the water was a glory of many shifting hues."

    And Melissa, if someone could please explain how to keep 4 kids still long enough, I'd love to get a picture of my four together without closed eyes, goofy faces, blurred person, etc.

    Thanks for the post, Emilie.

  68. Emilie, I have also thought that my mall job can give me some good ideas for stories and characters. It involves a lot of standing around so I have plenty of time to think about story ideas.

  69. Tanya, I'm glad to say I do just like the professional. Emilie said she takes a gazillion pictures and prays. Yep, I usually get one-two for every hundred....ESPECIALLY when there is a less than 2 year old in the bunch! A digital SLR camera is a must!

  70. Put the camera in a mode of continuous shooting and squawk like a monkey until they all laugh and pray your hair didn't fall in front of the lens as you're acting like a baboon, that usually does the trick. ;P

  71. Tanya - Oh Anne of Green Gables...such wonderful, descriptive writing! I love it! It's hard to write great descriptive things like that in Romantic Suspense (my genre) without running the risk of slowing down the pace. You get to be descriptive about things like fear and bullets flying haha :)

  72. Sandy - I worked at Kohls for 2 years and around the holidays especially it was always fodder for characters! Ah the possibilities ahead for you :D

  73. Melissa - Haha!!! I can see it now...the squawking that is ;) And yes, I often find I have to look above my camera, catch everyone's attention, and then snap away as quickly as I can. The hardest part sometimes is getting the kids looking great only to find out that the parents eyes were closed or they were looking away...

  74. Sorry I missed most of the discussion. What a fabulous post. Thanks for sharing this interesting perspective.

  75. I love your pictures and what a great analogy. I'll remember your tips as I write my next scene. Thanks!

  76. Great post, Emilie! I love photography (though I'm far from professional), so I enjoyed the photography/writing combination in your post. Here's my line "Dawn greeted us with a wet kiss."

  77. Although I love books (of course!), the first thing that popped into my head was this line from Zac Brown's, Colder Weather: "The night is black as the coffee he was drinkin'" I love that image. Does a song count? Thanks for a great post,Emilie!

  78. Mary Curry - Thanks for stopping by anyway :) I'm glad you enjoyed the post!

  79. Jackie - Thank you so much :) I hope they can be a tool...something we all pull out from our memories until they become habit!

  80. Elizabeth - Thanks so much! And what a visual line! I started out just "liking" photography and now I'm running a business...I stop and think, how did that happen? God! Haha :)

  81. hopetolerdougherty - I think song lyrics should count ;) And that's a great analogy! I think coffee analogies come to me too easily haha!

  82. Wonderful post, Emilie! My favorite photo of your post was the first one, with the girl in the patriotic scarf. Great emotions shining though that one. :)

  83. Anna - Thank you so much! That's definitely one of the favorite ones I've taken this season. They are such a sweet couple as well! I love that you can see that through the photo.

  84. Emilie, I'm sorry I missed your post. I was traveling. But what a great post! Thanks for sharing. I love thinking of these in terms of photography. Also loved your photos!

  85. Hi Emilie! Nice to see you at Seekerville! I'm amazed at how photographer's frame shots. Lovely pics too! You had some good tips here! I think I might need to revisit some scenes! But that never seems to end! Kel

  86. Missy - Thanks for stopping by now and for your sweet comments :)

  87. Kelly - It's good to see you here too! And yes, I always have to go back and remind myself to look for these things...haha it really doesn't end!

  88. All of Emilie's photos are lovely and emotion-evoking. I love the "farmer" and exhuberant bride, the patriotic-looking couple in love, and the embrace lingering on the wedding ring. Love the photos and the advice!

  89. Dana - Thank you so much for your sweet comment :) Appreciate you stopping by!

  90. Emilie,
    Your photographs are excellent! I wish we lived closer - I need new headshots!

    The analogies you drew between writing and photography were "spot on!"


  91. Edwina - Thanks for stopping by! I'm not sure where you live but maybe our paths will cross in the future :)
