Friday, December 5, 2014

December Contest Update

 Welcome to the final Contest Update of 2014. Tell us what your writing plans are for December for a chance to win one of these Seeker Holiday books. Two prizes. One reader and one writer. If you are a writer, tell us how you feel about holiday stories. As always, let us know you want your name tossed in the candy dish!

Published Author Contests

Golden Quill Awards are now open. Deadline January 9. 2015.

National Readers Choice Awards are now open. Deadline January 15, 2015.

Judge a Book by It's Cover. Deadline January 15, 2015. Open to Indies. 

Gail Wilson Award of Excellence. Deadline January 15, 2015. Open to Indies.

Holt Medallion. Opens December 1. Deadline January 15, 2015. Open to Indies.

Reader's Choice Bean Pot Award. Deadline February 1, 2015. Open to Indies.

Colorado Romance Writers Award of Excellence. Deadline March 2, 2015. 

ACFW Carol Award. Opens January 2, 2015. Deadline March 15, 2015. See Indie Guidelines.
Unpublished Author Contests

2015 RWA Golden Heart® Contest is open as of December 2, 2014. Entered works and related contest fees must be submitted to RWA's contest site by the deadline of January 12, 2015: The Golden Heart contest is open to 1,200 paid entries. Once again Seekerville is offering two entrants in the inspirational category a refund of their entry fee. The goal is to keep that category open. Once you enter, submit proof of entry to Share this information with your writer friends. Winners will be announced once RWA announces that the category made it. 

 ACFW Genesis. Contest opens: January 2, 2015 at 8:00 AM central time. Contest closes: March 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM central time. All contest entries and contest fees must be received by that time. Entry consists of the first 15 pages and a single spaced, one page synopsis. Finalist judges announced in January.
Historical Romance
Romantic Suspense
Short Novel
Young Adult

If you are reading this and considering entering the Genesis, and would like your name entered in a drawing for a critique of the first fifteen pages of your manuscript, then send an email to by tonight at 9 pm EST. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

The Pacific Northwest Literary Association Contest is now accepting entries. Contest closes February, 2, 2015. Cash prizes.
Categories include: 
1. mainstream
3.romance/women's fiction
6.young adult
7.middle grade
10.short story
11.children's picture/chapter book short topics (articles/essays/memoir) 

 The Cleveland Rocks Romance Contest. Opens January 1, 2015. Deadline February 14, 2015.  For  Novella category, submit the first 2000 words of an unpublished work of fiction.For all other categories, submit the first 5000 words of an unpublished work of fiction.A one to two page (max 500 words) synopsis is optional and will not be counted as part of the entry. The synopsis will not be judged.

2014 Categories and Final Judges:

◦Contemporary Romance–Adrienne Macintosh (Harlequin) & Kathleen Rushall (Marsal Lyon Literary Agency)
◦Historical Romance–Erika Tsang (Avon) & Elaine Spencer (The Knight Agency)
◦Paranormal Romance–Mary Altman (Sourcebooks) & Miriam Kriss (Irene Goodman Agency)
◦Erotic Romance–Nina Gooden (Ellora’s Cave) & Laura Bradford (Bradford Literary Agency)
◦Mainstream with Strong Romantic Elements–Leis Pederson (Berkley) & Courtney Miller-Callihan (Greenberger Associates)
◦Young Adult/New Adult–Heather Howland (Entangled) & Becca Stumpf (Prospect Agency)

Other Fun Opportunities

Chicken Soup Call Out. Stories about Christmas and the whole holiday season!

Everyone loves holiday stories and that's why our holiday books are so popular. In fact, we create a new edition for Christmas/Hanukah every other year. We are now collecting stories for our Holiday 2015 book and we are defining Christmas as the entire December holiday season, including Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, and the New Year's festivities too.

We want to hear about your holiday memories and traditions. During that time of the year we reunite with scattered family members, watch the wonder in a child's eyes, and feel the joy of giving gifts. The rituals of the holiday season give a rhythm to the years and create a foundation for our lives, as we gather with family, with our communities at church, at school, and even at the mall, to share the special spirit of the season, brightening those long winter days. Please share your special stories about the holiday season with us.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS IS JANUARY 31, 2015. More information here.

Time to introduce our December Contest Diva! Meghan Carver!

ACFW First Impressions 2012 – one submission in Contemporary and one in Romance
ACFW Genesis 2012 – Contemporary category
ACFW Genesis 2013 – two manuscripts in Contemporary category – one Semi-Final
ACFW Genesis 2014 – Semi-Final in Short Novel category (romantic suspense)
Harlequin’s Love Inspired Suspense Search for a Killer Voice – full manuscript requested

Although I’ve been writing since sixth grade, I began writing my first novel with the aim of publication in January 2011, right around the time of my sixth child’s birth. I know, insane, right? With all the information available online, it didn’t take long to discover contests, especially big ones like the Genesis. And when someone pointed out that entrants received three critiques for only the entry fee, I knew it was a deal, even if only for the feedback. Of course, I dreamed of finaling, but in the beginning, I knew I didn’t have that level of skill yet. So I made a deal with myself. If I received even one encouraging comment, I would keep writing.

My heart thumped and bumped and panicked as I waited, and I probably drove my family insane with my speculations. But as you who have entered contests know well, the score sheets contained not only encouraging comments but also many nuggets of wisdom. That entry fee was well worth it! (By the way, many, many thanks to the judges who graciously volunteer their time and efforts!)

At the ACFW conference in 2013, I first had the inkling to write romantic suspense. An idea was born at that conference, and a new friendship formed with Angel Moore (LIH author!!!) who nudged me to read and consider LIS. It was love at first read, and for months, I consumed older and newer LIS novels. As I progressed in the Search for a Killer Voice, I was equally grateful just to get to know online other unpubbed writers as well as super-encouraging published authors. (It was also during this experience that I finally came out of my lurkdom in Seekerville to comment and realized I should have done so months earlier.) Ultimately, I received a rejection, but it came with encouragement and three pages of revision suggestions if I should choose to revise and resubmit. In the waiting period, I had already started another romantic suspense, so I continued with that. But my next project is to rewrite that rejected submission until it sparkles.

And that first novel, a legal suspense that I wrote one-handed while nursing my newborn in 2011? I never did submit it to a contest, and it’s still my favorite. Maybe it’s time to pull it out of the drawer and dust it off. Genesis opens up for entries in January….


That's it folks. Now go forth and contest! 

P.S. I'm cooking in the Yankee Belle Cafe, so stop by there to say hi when you're done here. 


  1. December writing plans include progress on my WIP and completing indie preparation of the duo I hope to publish after the first of the year.

    Coffee's ready.

  2. Coffee and gingerbread. Mmm! And I like your plans, Helen. You waste no time.

  3. Congratulations, Meghan on your contest progress!

    My writing plans for December involve a new Mac and learning how to learn Scrivener so I can get cracking on my next story in January :)

  4. Kara! Is it summer down under? Good to see you and those are great goals.

  5. Writing plans: final project paper, finals paper, group project ... all due next week. After that, I have a pile of books to review and blog posts to write (aiming at 3-4 posts a week once the semester's done). I'd love to be added to the candy dish for the book drawing! *Adds some Roche chocolate to the dish* ;-)

  6. Congrats Meghan. I can't even imagine nursing and writing a story one handed.

    My December writing plans include editing a story I want to enter in Genesis and Golden Heart.

    Kara, I think you'll like Scrivener. I still don't know what all it can do, and I love it.

    Tina, thanks for a great contest update!

  7. Good morning, Seekerville. Congratulations to my fellow Team EmilyR member, and December Diva, Meghan! Yes, enter it in Genesis. An older mss that I loved was the one I tested in my first Genesis and it went on to win!

    I have to admit, contest queen that I am, I experience a pang when I see these contests listed. Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that I can no longer enter, but I miss the rush.

    Good luck to everyone. My December plan is to work on my new LIS.

    Since the cat had me up early to work, you might as well throw my name in the cat bowl, Tina!

  8. December writing plans: Two revisions of a novella, two rough drafts of children's short story, one round of revision on novel.

    Oh, yeah, and brainstorm 2015's writing goals!

  9. WOW, super congrats to our Diva, Meghan Carver -- that's quite a rack of medals and ribbons you have there, young lady!! Very impressive, and always remember, you're only ONE away from publication ... And that one-handed nursing ms.? YES, pull it out of the drawer and dust it off, girlfriend!!

    December writing plans include finishing up my first contemporary novel, Isle of Hope, then jumping into a spring novella with the Seekers.


  10. Wow! Congratulations, Meghan, very impressive.
    Thank you for the contest update, these monthly lists are so helpful and appreciated.
    I plan to work on a short story for Woman's World this month. I submitted one in November, but as Tina says, "Submit it and forget it." :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Many will say congrats to you for the contest diva crown. That's nice and all, but for me I will say congrats to you Meghan for coming out of lurkdom! It's hard to do that sometimes, I know...

    Thanks for another great contest roundup Tina!

  13. Plans: trashing my WIP and starting over. (It's not as depressing as it sounds). Need a different premise. I could use some of Helen's coffee and Tina's gingerbread. Please put my name in that candy dish. If I must I will take a piece of candy in order to make room. Chocolate, right?

  14. Oh - sorry - Congratulations Meghan! You go girl.

  15. Congratulations Meghan on being contest diva!!!

    I'm in the mood to enter a contest I just don't know which one yet. Might even dust off my very first every ms and submit it.

  16. Contest Divas ROCK! Congrats, Meghan. Glad you decided to come out of lurkdom and let Seekerville embrace you!!

  17. Kara, you will LOVE writing with Scrivener. I'm working on my second book using Scrivener exclusively and it's awesome having all the research at your fingertips!

  18. OMG, Rose. You have all those writing plans AND preparing for Christmas?? I feel like such a slug...

  19. My December plans are to get those reviews written for books that I've read but didn't write reviews on while I was working on my Christmas cards. I haven't counted how many, because I'm afraid I'd give up. Oh, and having tea with Sandra next weekend!

  20. Great WE, Tina!

    As for me, I'm kind of having to do catch-as-catch-can with writing this month. So much going on, and I'm trying hard to make this a Christmas season that is not too stressful. Sigh. I've got to help a boy do some blog creating to get a boy scout merit badge, Christmas letters are needing to be sent out, and the house is crying out for its annual Christmas dress (all the decorations are still in the attic). So, those things are on my calendar for the month.

    The contests look good. I'm planning to enter the Genesis. I'm not sure about other contests yet. I'd love to write for Chicken Soup, but I don't think I have a story that's moving enough. :) We'll see.

    Have a great Friday everyone!

  21. And Meghan! I totally meant to say congratulations on being the Contest Diva. You are an amazing lady--being a mom to six (homeschooling to boot) and writing. I can't wait to read something written by Meghan Carver! Way to go!

  22. Thanks for this contest update!

    My December writing plans (AFTER going to son's college graduation-YAY!) are to *completely finish* revising my historical ms and send to agent, then polish a contemporary I've worked on and enter the Genesis.

    Happy Friday Seekerville! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  23. You sound slammed Jennifer, Artist Librarian. Adding more chocolate to the dish, just for you!

  24. p.s. Ooops! Meant to say a big CONGRATS to the Contest Diva Meghan!!! :)

  25. You are in, Mary C.

    And I agree, keep your name out there. Enter the Genesis.

  26. Way to go, Jill!

    You are waaay ahead of me. I need to do the same.

  27. Yeah, I'm with Audra. Rose, you are amazing and with Christmas and a FT job!

  28. Agree, Piper. We still have a ton of folks in lurkdom. It's not easy. But I encourage you to come on out. The water is very warm.

  29. Who else around here has SIX kids they are lassooing? Ah, yes. Pepper Basham.

    You gals amaze me.

  30. Tina,

    Thanks for the contest info. I need to submit!

    May I add the HOLT? Here's the info I received for published authors:

    The 2015 HOLT Medallion Contest will be accepting entries from December 1, 2014 through January 15, 2015.
    Please visit for rules and entry form.

    I'm mailing my RITA entries today. Easy to let that slip in the excitement of Christmas.

  31. Congrats, Meghan, on all your success!

    Loved your mention of writing one-handed while you nursed baby. Yes, dust that first manuscript off and revise. Bet you'll see how good the story is when you read it with "fresh" eyes!

  32. Thanks, Debby, I'll add that RIGHT NOW.

  33. Wow, loads of contest possibilities for published and unpublished.

    Mega congrats, Diva Meghan! Definitely dust off that manuscript! Favorites should never languish long.


  34. Plans? Read a few more books this year and enjoy Christmas with family!!
    I'd like to be in the dish for a holiday Seeker book!

  35. I too have plans to get more reads in, Jackie Smith!

  36. I'm so looking forward to entering my latest book in Genesis. Never entered that contest before.
    My writing plans are to finish the rough draft of my WIP and revise like crazy in the beginning of 2015.

    Congrats Meghan, on being the contest diva!!!

  37. I want a boy scout as my personal assistant, Jeanne !!! What a great idea. Alert the media. Girl Scouts too.

  38. Congrats, Diva Meghan. What a great line up -- and writing your first book one handed while nursing your newborn? Now that's dedication!!!! And I love romantic suspense so keep writing!!!!

  39. Good morning, Seekerville! It can be so hard to take that first step to forge a relationship, but what an incredible and supportive group here! I'm honored to be the Contest Diva, and thanks for your encouragement. :-)

  40. Kara, thank you! I've heard so many good things about Scrivener that I've contemplated changing to a Mac. :-) Enjoy the learning process!

  41. Congratulations, Meghan! That's impressive AND inspiring! Thanks, too, for all the contest info. I've been invited to do a couple readings at holiday events in December and I'm thinking maybe I'll try sending one of them off to Chicken Soup as well. Maybe. ;)

  42. Jackie, thank you! I didn't write the entire story one-handed, but when the ideas flowed and I couldn't wait to get it down? Well, you do what you have to do, right? :-)

    Good timing for your editing this month. You'll be ready for Genesis long before the deadline.

  43. Oh, and Meghan... I meant to ask if you realize that Scrivener is also available for PCs now?

  44. Mary, wasn't the Search for a Killer Voice fun? I miss all that interaction between writers and editors.

    Congratulations on not being able to enter the contests for the unpublished! :-) I'm excited to read your debut!

  45. Congratulations, Meghan, you are a mover and a shaker!

    Look at all those contests. 'Tis the season!

  46. Kara, I'm finally getting used to my Mac and I have Scivener too. Still haven't found the time to dive into it. :(

  47. Julie, thank you!! When publication seems so far away and rather impossible, it helps to write out the accomplishments. What a wonderful way for all of us to beat discouragement! Being the Contest Diva has been such a blessing. :-)

    Another Seeker novella collection in the Spring? Yes, please!

  48. Jill, thank you! Great plans for Woman's World, a terrific publication.

  49. Piper, thank you! Yes, it's hard to emerge from the introvert cave into the bright sunlight of interactive encouragement, but it's so worth it. It's a great group here, isn't it? :-)

  50. Cindy, thank you! And I'm right behind you for the coffee, gingerbread, and chocolate. :-)

  51. My December plans include a 4 stop Mini-Tour with Patricia Bradley and Beth White next weekend. We have 2 events on Friday and 2 on Saturday, with the 3 of us chilling" on Friday night at a B&B.

    I can't decide what I'm most excited about...the book signings at Lifeway or the time with good friends! :)

    Must try to take lots and lots of pictures.

    I'll be sending my newsletter out soon ... sign up at :)

    On the writing front, I have a proposal I want to polish up and get out by the first of the year.

    And, then, there's family, food and fellowship all sandwiched in there. I love December!

  52. Meghan, I'm a fellow writer who also nursed a baby and typed one-handed!! That's how I wrote my very first manuscript. :) That baby is now about to turn 20!

    Congrats on all your contest success! I think pulling out your favorite mss and dusting it off is a fantastic idea. :)

  53. Kara, enjoy the new Mac!! I'm hoping mine has another year or two of life. But I look forward to playing with a new one someday. :)

  54. Artist Librarian, good luck on those finals and projects!! My high school and college kids are busy with the same things.

  55. Oh, forgot my December plan. To finish a new LI proposal.

    But also to consider which contests to do this time around. So many hit all at the same time!

  56. Cindy R, have fun with the new premise!

  57. I need to take care of a bit of homeschooling, and we're watching our pastor's toddler boy for a couple of hours this afternoon, so things like Legos probably need to be picked up off the floor. :-) I'll be back in a jiffy!

  58. Marianne, have a grand time with Sandra!! She's so much fun. :)

  59. Oh what a crazy fun, busy day in Seekerville!!!!

    MEGHAN!!! Congratulations, pretty lady! That rocks the big kahuna and I'm so proud of your progress and your persistence!!!!!

    Happy dancing for you! With eggnog!!!

  60. Cindy Regnier, I do that! If it's not right and I sense it I dump it... and then I re-think the process and the next attempt is SO MUCH BETTER!!!!! I think we're normal, darling!

  61. My plans for December? Try to keep adding words to my wip while avoiding being overwhelmed with everything else going on this month!

    Congrats to MEGHAN, our Contest Diva of the Month!!! I don't know how you busy young moms do it!

  62. Ruthy's December plans....


    You don't want to know.

    Just accept that it's busy... fun!... prayerful.... and that we Martha-types are happy with our New York minute mentalities and we'll let it rest at that!!!! :)

    But I can tell you it does involve some VERY EXCITING RUTHY NEWS!!!!!

    And that's thanks to my amazing agent, Natasha Kern. I love that woman.

    :) BIG RUTHY SMILE!!!!!

  63. Hi everyone, December is very busy. I am currently entered for the MAI writer's devotional contest at I could use more Facebook likes by Dec. 15th, to enter me in the next level of competition there if you have a chance to stop by. It's a devotional with a jewelry and royalty twist from my days as a gemologist. I'm in second place, I think, so please press "like" if you enjoy it.

    I'm polishing my WIP this week, then testing with a group of tween readers over the holidays. I'll be entering my fantasy work in contests, too. Thank you Meghan for your inspiration entering contests and creativity with writing! I'd love to be included in the candy dish, too.

  64. Connie, thank you! And you should definitely dust off that manuscript. Think how much learning you can apply to it now.... :-)

  65. Audra, thank you! And the hugs are so warm here!! :-)

  66. Marianne, thanks! I hope you enjoy writing those reviews. Think how many memories and moments are wrapped up in reading those books. :-) Have a merry Christmas!

  67. Cool, Elizabeth. Will stop by. And keep that writing going.

  68. Pam, your book tour sounds wonderful. If you have to do a booksigning, best to do it with a support system!!!

  69. Jeanne, thank you! I'm with you on trying to catch up on Christmas without getting totally stressed out.

    You're moving right along on the road to publication, too. I can't wait to read something by Jeanne Takenaka! Cool name for a book cover. :-)

  70. CatMom, thanks! Congrats to your son for his graduation and to you for all that finishing of books! :-)

  71. Debby, thank you! Even though we're writers, words fail us sometimes. {At least they do me. :-) } I'm at a loss to express my appreciation for your encouragement and your hugging-and-praying at ACFW this year. Love all you ladies here! :-) I hope I can return the encouragement and the love and the hugs in due time.

  72. Hey, peeps, here's a live link to Elizabeth's devotional, if you pop over there and like it, well... Press "like"!!!!

    Elizabeth's Devotional

  73. Janet, thank you! It's a book that pops up in my mind now and then and just won't let me go. I wrote it before I really knew and understood many of the rules of writing novels, so I'm not sure how extensive the revisions would need to be. Thank you so much for your encouragement! :-)

  74. Tina, it helps when the older children act as assistant lassoers. :-)

  75. No keeping secrets, Herne. We want to know.

  76. Congrats, Mehgan! Yes, it's time to get that baby out and submit her to Genesis! Thanks for sharing your insights and contest path!

    Can't believe it's contest time again. That means another month has begun.

    TINA, thanks for keeping track of all this for us.

  77. Courtney, thank you! The Genesis contest is wonderful, and the category coordinators equally so. They are so patient with questions and concerns, not that I'd know anything about that.... :-)

  78. Kav, dedication or desperation? :-) Thank you!

  79. Carol, thank you! How exciting to do holiday readings! I heard Doc Hensley recite at a writers conference a couple years back. What an opportunity to enthrall an audience!

  80. Carol, I have heard that Scrivener is available for PCs, but I've also read that it doesn't work as well. I also have that ridiculous thinking that, rather than spend the time learning new software, I should just spend that time writing. The problem there is that if the software would make the writing better or easier or more efficient, then it's worth the time. For now, I'm avoiding the whole decision because I don't have a MAC. :-) Isn't it funny/odd/sad that we play these mental games?

  81. Thank you Ruth for putting in the link for the contest. Now I owe you a cup of coffee!

    Meghan, I love Doc Hensley and got to attend the CWG's Craftsman conference in 2013 with his teaching. He's encouraging, funny, and an amazing mentor.

    I was editing an intense chase scene with my evil character in pursuit and we had a small earthquake. Really gotta get that guy!

    Jeanne, I'm helping with merit badges for my son's scout troop for reading and journalism. I may have some scouts give input on my novel, too. Just getting involved with this.

    Best wishes to everyone's pursuits!

  82. Missy, thank you! It has always seemed to me that there were so many contests to choose from, that I only stuck with the ACFW ones. Maybe I need to branch out a little?

    Blessings as you work on your LI proposal. Love those books!

  83. Ruthy, thank you! I've never had eggnog, but I'll give it a try! :-)

  84. Hi Meghan,

    The good part of extensive revisions is that you know enough now to do them.


  85. For some reason the link to Elizabeth's devotional didn't work. Going out the old fashioned way.


  86. Patty Jo, huge congrats to your college graduate son! Give him a hug from the Seekers.


  87. Myra, thank you! I'm with you on the goal of avoiding being overwhelmed, :-)

  88. Elizabeth, a gemologist? Cool! What a unique experience to put into a story! Thanks! :-)

  89. Lyndee, thanks! I second your thanks to Tina for keeping us up to date. Thanks to all of the Seekers for their hard work here. :-)

  90. What are my plans for December? I'd like to be able to review some of the books I've won recently. Other "big" plans for December would include trying to keep the 4 kiddos quiet during Christmas break so hubby can sleep (he works 3rd shift) It would be wonderful if I could actually finish my WIP which has been a WIP for over a year! I don't know if that counts me as a writer or a reader!

  91. I have December writing goals but I'll have to be flexible!

  92. Becky, you review and write. Wow. Good for you.

  93. Please put my name in the candy dish for a holiday book.

    I will not be getting any writing done the rest of this month, I have to admit. Between my two jobs, I am going to be working close to 60 hours a week for the next two weeks and still trying to get ready for Christmas.

    But I see that the deadline for the Chicken Soup Christmas story contest is the end of January. I have something I think I could submit for that.

    Writing will definitely be in my new year's resolutions.

  94. I feel your pain, Sandy! My two part time jobs are insane.

  95. Congratulations, Meghan! A fun journey to read about. Also fun that you plan to get that first story out of the drawer. Wishing you all the best.

    My writing goal for December is to let go of my third historical and write 'the end.'

    Nancy C

  96. I am working on a piece of fan fiction and hope to finish it within a week. I am also working on editing two manuscripts.

    I'm glad the contest date for the Golden Heart is later than usual. Got a lot going on.

  97. Congratulations, Meghan, on looking forward and revisiting past projects.

    Thanks, Seekerville, for the always wonderful job of keeping me updated on contests.

  98. Toss my name in the dish! I love Christmas stories!!!! Good luck to all the writers who are entering December contests! More power to you! As a reader, I can't wait to read what you come up with !!!! Merry Christmas!

  99. Writing plans for December are to finish 3 contests entries and make major progress on WIP.

  100. Meghan, Sorry I missed congratulating you yesterday. I was touring Kertchner Caverns. No Internet there. smile.

    Congrats on all your accomplishments.

  101. I'm a day late, but I want to congratulate you on on your contest successes, Meghan. I also want to encourage you to revise that LIS manuscript and resubmit. Editors don't take time to write those letters unless they believe the story and the writer have what it takes. I speak from experience. I sold to LIH after a pre-contract revise and resubmit letter. I did the work, and I got an opportunity to do yet more revision after the contract. I'd love to see the same thing happen for you.

  102. Great Contest Update!

    Congratulations, Meghan!!! What an inspiring story about your contesting journey!

    I'm working to finish book #2 by the Genesis. And I just realized I should've sent an email in for that critique yesterday! When I was reading, it was late and I forgot what day it was. The weekend sneaked up on me this time. I'm so goofy!! :D Anyway, I'm really loving this 2nd MS, and I hope the Genesis judges do, too!

    Best wishes in the writing contests, everyone!!!


  103. Congratulations, Meghan!
    please toss me into the candy dish :)
    dkstevensne AT outlook dot com
