Saturday, December 6, 2014

The Weekend Edition

This is going to be one of those Week End Editions that is packed to the hilt with information. So grab a cuppa and pass the cookies while you take time to read and enjoy! 

We Have Winners

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books!

On Monday, Mary Connealy came out of her turkey-induced coma to celebrate Cyber Monday, and to to talk about the Cyber in her lives and why she'd probably never have written a book before they invented computers. Winner of a $25 Amazon gift card is ohiohomeschoolAnd the winner of the three book 12 Brides of Christmas novella collection is Mary Lawson.

Tuesday we kicked off the final book from the Big Sky Centennial continuity series Ruth Logan Herne took part in by welcoming Arlene James to Seekerville. Author of more than 80 books (!!!!) Arlene shared her time and wisdom as we ring in the holiday season! Winners of Her Montana Christmas are:Donna, Cynthia Herron and Mz. Zey Zey.

An avid Chicken Soup for the Soul reader for decades, Ruth Logan Herne celebrated her role in "Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Forgiveness" on Wednesday by sharing her thoughts, views and motivations on chicken soup for the soul.Winners of either an e-copy or hard copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Power of Forgiveness  are Andrea Strong and Edwina Cowgill!

Thursday we wellcomed back indie author, Leslie Ann Sartor. Are you thinking of writing a series? Leslie  shared tips and insights on creating a "bible" to help you keep your story world details organized.  Forever Yours This New Year's Night winners are DebH and Sally Shupe. Winners of their choice of Seeker 2014 Holiday ebook are Sandy Smith and Jackie Smith.

Friday was the last Contest Update in Seekerville for 2014! Congratulations to December Diva Meghan Carver!  Winners of a 2014 Seeker holiday book of choice are Mary C and Jill W. Winners of a 15 page critique to prepare for the Genesis contest are Kelly Bridgewater, Janet Ferguson and Jackie Layton.
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: It's time to write up your Christmas wish list! So come join Missy Tippens, who has scoured the Internet and picked the brains of writer friends to help you compile your list. Tell us your dream writer gifts for a chance to win books!

Tuesday: It's the time of year when holiday to-do lists tend to grow exponentially. If you're feeling overwhelmed by it all or just want to reclaim a little more writing time this Christmas season, join us on Tuesday, when Myra Johnson provides you with Seekerville's Official Holiday Permission Slip. Share your tips for a guilt-free holiday season, and you could win a surprise bundle of inspirational reads!

Wednesday:Do YOU have a writer’s toolkit??? If not, then tune in to Dr. Carrie Fancett Pagels'  fun and informative blog entitled, “Building Your Writer’s Toolkit,” where you’ll not only learn what every writer needs in his or her kit and the social behavior that goes along with it … but have a chance to win a handy-dandy pink writer’s toolbox of your own!

Thursday: Last Christmas, Mia Ross and Ruthy Logan Herne analogized writing with trimming a tree. The year before that, they chatted about layering a gingerbread house, the base, the frosting, the candies and the final effect. Today they'll keep up the tradition and talk about their favorite gifts and how the emotion of that gift can be used to enhance their stories! Stop in for eggnog, cookies, a shrimp tray, stuffed mushrooms and a general party atmosphere because hey!!!! It's Christmas! And there will be copies of Sugar Plum Season, Her Holiday Family and Hope for the Holidays given away. It doesn't get much sweeter (hahaha!!!) than that, my friends!

Friday: Cowboy romance writer, Davalynn Spencer is our special guest today with her post, "7.1 Confessions of a Love-Writer." You'll have to stop by to find out exactly what she's confessing to. This Colorado cowgirl is giving away an e-copy of her Barbour release, The Snowbound Bride.
Seeker Sightings

THANK YOU to Villagers Courtney Phillips and Natalie Monk who feature Seeker author books as part of their Booklover's Christmas Giveaway. Do stop by and sign up for your chance to win some great giveaways! Click on the links to enter and sign up for their newsletters.

Julie Lessman Sightings: 

December 1-7, 2014:Join Julie on the Carole Jarvis' blog for an interview and giveaway of winner's choice of any of her books, including her latest release, Surprised by Love!

Pam Hillman Sightings:

The #40DaysofPrayer 4 #40LostBooks has launched! Hashtag #40LostBooks and Facebook note explaining how this came about:

December 12-13th you can find Pam in a multi author booksigning. If you are in the area, stop by! More information here.   

Newly released! Including stories and recipes from Debby Giusti and Missy Tippens! 
Available in e-book and print. Amazon   B&N   iBooks

Random News & Information

A Seekerville Hello and Shout-Out! to one of our newest Villagers, Paula Rose Michelson, who mentioned Seekerville on her blog, Writing Paula Rose. Hey there, Paula! Welcome!

COMING SOON! The 2014 Harlequin Community Open House: Dec. 8th – 12th. It’s that time of year again!

  • A chance to mix & mingle online with authors and fellow readers.
  • Join in the Holiday Fun!
  • Daily festive activities and discussions about Recipes, Crafts, Decorations and More!
  • Daily Harlequin & Author Giveaways
  • A Special Harlequin Scavenger Hunt with a chance to win Shopping Sprees from (Dec. 10th)
  • A Holiday Writing Challenge
  • Online Evening Cocktail Party (Dec. 11th) 

4 ways to prepare your business for Facebook’s like gate ban (Inside Facebook)

Facebook Updates You Should Know About (Random Notes)

New Facebook Rules Will Sting Entrepreneurs (The Passive Voice)

The Shocking Truth Why Most Affiliate Partnerships Don’t Work (The Future of ink)

Self-Publish Early For Christmas (RogerPacker)

How Authors Can Use Amazon’s Pre-Order Feature (Marketing Tips for Authors)

HarperCollins CEO Is “Person of the Year” (Beyond the Book)

The New World of Writing: Pulp Speed (Dean Wesley Smith) 

 Write for Splickety Magazine. Here's the 2015 editorial themes. 

Free vs. Discounted: How BookBub’s Selection Rates Vary (Unbound)

Graphics Courtesy of DebH.

Thanks to my friends for sending links!  Have a great reading and writing weekend.


  1. Congratulations! All winners. Thanks for a great WE, TINA. Lots to read again!

  2. Yay, I'm excited to win a holiday book! The hard part will be deciding which one!

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  3. Some great links this week. Thanks!

    Happy reading to all winners.

    The coffee pot is on duty.

  4. Another great WE, Miss T - - thank you! :)
    CONGRATS to all the winners - - Seekerville is the BEST!
    I need Helen's coffee...but maybe I need SLEEP first, then coffee, LOL. ;)
    Enjoy your weekend, friends!
    Hugs, Patti Jo zzzzzzzz....

  5. What a wonderful and Jam-Packed Weekend Edition!!!!

    THANK YOU TINA!!!!!!

    Oh my stars, and a New Year's Eve Party with our buds??? Our pals??? Our Peeps???????



    Julie, you are the busiest little thing going, you're here, there and EVERYWHERE!!!! Go, you, girlfriend!!!

    I am staying home doing copy edits on "Healing the Lawman's Heart" my June 2015 Love Inspired book... And the LAST KIRKWOOD LAKE STORY!!! So that's my Saturday wrapped up in a bow!

  6. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Thanks for the great links this weekend Tina. I'll have plenty to read when I come back from shopping.

    May you all have a blessed week!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  7. Tina, how's your cold, darling???

    Or is it the flu, you know, the one that ISN'T IN THE FLU SHOT?????

    My poor sweetums....

  8. Congratulations to all of the winners!

  9. How exciting for all the winners! I can't wait to read the posts for next week. Thank you for all the work you guys do! Merry Christmas!

  10. YAY. I'm a happy to win a holiday book!
    Will be a hard decision to choose one...such great books and great authors!!!

  11. Congratulations winners!! :-)

    It's another info filled We— Thanks, Tina! I know what I'll be doing this afternoon when I take my tea break.

    A good weekend to all. :-)

  12. Yay, winners! Congrats to y'all!
    And thanks,Seekers,for mentioning mine and Natalie's Christmas giveaway. We're giving away the Seekerville Hope For The Holidays collections THIS WEEK! :D

  13. Good morning, Seekerville! Great WE, Tina! Thank you!

    I can hardly believe that another Seekerville Rockin' New Year's Eve party is just around the corner! But I'm actually more excited at the moment that the Winter Solstice is only 2 weekends away! YAY! The days will start getting longer again. As one who is totally "solar powered," this is indeed a reason for celebration! :)

  14. Wow, Tina, YOu were correct. Lots of info in the WE.

    Have a great weekend.

    I'm off to sign books at the Author Book Fair in Tucson, AZ. Forgot to put that in the WE.

    If you're out this way, drop on by.

    Have a great week all of you.

  15. Meghan, Sorry I missed congratulating you yesterday. I was touring Kertchner Caverns. No Internet there. smile.

    Congrats on all your accomplishments.

    Happy writing and best wishes on more contests.

  16. True confession: Facebook confuses me so reading those articles just confused me more. I've managed to create an account, accept a few 'friendships' and join the Avid Christian Readers group but that's it. LOL

    Happy weekend! It's snowy/freezing rain today. Good day to stay inside and start some holiday baking.

  17. Kav, where are you on facebook? Are you using "KAV???"

  18. What a packed WE!! Thanks for compiling it, Tina!

    Helen, thanks for the coffee. I think it's time for my second cup. It is Saturday, after all. Time to splurge. :)

  19. Kav Rees, right??? KAV!!! I SENT YOU A FRIEND REQUEST!!!!! You need to send friend requests to all of us... or we'll find you and send them to you!

    I want to be your social media friend! :)

  20. Kelly, merry Christmas to you, too! We're glad you're here!

  21. Courtney and Natalie, thank you for giving away our boxed set!!

  22. Glynna, thank you for the reminder!! I'm very solar powered myself. I just hate when it gets dark so early and always feel better knowing we're on the other side of that. :)

  23. Thanks for another great Weekend Edition, Tina! Love all those Christmas cookies. Just returned from a Cookie Walk at a nearby church. I buy my cutouts these days. A win-win for the church and for me. And especially for my gingerbread cookie loving grandkids.

    Congrats to our winners! Looking forward to the week ahead.


  24. Another great week in Seekerville! Congrats to all the winners!
    May I take a minute for a shameless plug. My second contemporary romance "Wayward Hearts" came out yesterday with White Rose/Pelican book group and I think the HALF PRICE sale is still on.
    Available at Amazon, too.
    Have a great weekend!
    Sue (off to Friend Kav on Facebook)

  25. I am so looking forward to the New Year's Eve Bash! WHY? RUTHY IS HOSTING THIS YEAR with help from Audra!! Yippie. No washing dishes for me this year. I can just play with all the Villagers.

  26. Sue Mason. Go put that on the Seekerville Facebook page as well!!!


  27. I want to be Kav's FB friend too. Send me a link!

  28. I want to be Kav's friend too!

    And all other Villagers too...friend me, pretty please! :)

    Tina, you're right! The WE is packed with goodies. Thank you!

  29. LOL -- oh goodie now I have more friends but I don't know what to do with you all. If I'm posting something original (as opposed to responding which is all I've done so far) do I do that in my timeline? I haven't put up a picture or anything yet. I'm just this ghost image and a name. Bwahahahaha. But I am enjoying book discussions on Avid Readers of Christian Fiction facebook page.

  30. I won!

    That just never gets old.

    Thank you Ruthy for offering the book. I can't wait to get it.

    I'm off to send my snail mail address once again.

    Then I have to get some housework done. My Mom is coming to help put up our tree, and I got a pre-lit one this year. No stringing lights!

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  31. Congrats, winners!!!

    I'm loving all this info, Tina! Fantastic line-up!

    And thank you for including our giveaway up there, too!!!

    The minute I saw that big pink square, I grinned so big! Y'all Seeker ladies are amazing! :)))

  32. Congrats everyone!

    NOTE: I'm sorry, but Julie's giveaway on my blog was finished last week, as I'm in the midst of finals --If someone can fix that typo, that'd be great. =)

  33. Congrats to Meghan and all the winners from last week. Appreciate all the links and glad to see Splickety mentioned there. Enjoy working with staff at this print magazine. Three of my short stories in Splickety Love this year. One was a Woman's World reject that Tina helped me to polish last year. If you get a chance see my Christmas short at TWJ Magazine Onlinw. That too was a WW reject picked up by Splickety Prime last Dec.
    Wonderful weekend everyone.

  34. Hey, I'm already baking for the New Year's Eve party!!!!!

    Who wants to bring food?????

    I'm all for everyone bringin' a dish to pass!

    New Year's Eve with the Ruthinator!

    Tina will be helping at the beverage bar. She's going to wear one of those rockin' cute aprons!!!!

    I love holidays!!!!

  35. Andrea Strong, you will love, love, love this book!

    But it doesn't release for ten days so don't expect it real quick, okay????

  36. Praying for your exams, Jennifer Artist Librarian!!!

  37. Congratulations, Pat Jeanne. Way to upcycle your stories.

  38. Wow, this week's WE has everything you need to get cracking...anybody who says they can't find what they need on the internet isn't looking!

    I marked two things off my list today. Got 40-50 people added to my newsletter list and got the newsletter sent. It really rocked. :)

    Then I had to do the devo at church tonight. My poor audience, but Mary, they DO invite me back about every 4-5 weeks. I keep TRYING to be so bad they won't, but it's NOT WORKING....

  39. Helen, I'd really like some coffee, but it's 9:37 pm here. :( Must wait until morning..

  40. Kav, I will friend you on Facebook. It won't take you long to figure out how to use Facebook.

  41. Debby, I will friend you on Facebook. I would love to be Facebook friends with all Seeker friends, too.

  42. Sandy Smith, yes!!! Do it! Friend all of us, we're really wallflowers and we need help!!!!

  43. Congratulations winners! I won too...YAY! many great books to pick from. Thank you!
    Thank you for all of the great articles in this Weekend Edition.

  44. Congratulations to the winners!

    Looks like lots of awesome posts coming up in the week ahead. Can't wait to find out what's in Carrie Fancett Pagels' Toolkit.

    Happy Sunday to all!

  45. Our NYE bash will be great fun! But first I'm focusing on Christmas. Going to work on cards today.

  46. There's almost as much news in the comment as there is in the post! Congrats to the winners, to Susan for the release of "Wayward Hearts," and to Pat Jeanne for the story 'recycling.' Good news abounds!

    Thanks to everyone who shared links with Tina -- and thanks to Tina for posting them. Did anyone read that "Pulp Speed" post? Holy speed typing! The article from The Writers Dig was interesting, too.

    Hope everyone's having a good weekend.

    Nancy C

  47. After returning from an extended Thanksgiving holiday and the baptism of our grandson, I have SO much to catch up with in Seekervile. Congratulations to the winners. I'm helping myself to the cookies and coffee to enjoy while I read the links and Recipe for Romance! Thanks for all the information. Happy writing and reading to all!

  48. Oh my goodness, is it Sunday evening already??? Crazy busy weekend! Yesterday was my RWA chapter Christmas luncheon, then a rehearsal for our church Christmas concert. Today was catch-up day for everything I didn't have time for yesterday!

    Thanks for another great WE, Tina!

  49. OK, Ruthy. You asked for it! I am going to Facebook to friend you and anybody else I can find. Hopefully people will recognize my name!

  50. Can't believe I read this yesterday and didn't say how awesome all the info is! Love the links.

    Congrats to all the winners. Is this a great December, or what?

    Don't forget, the Salvation Army bell-ringers are out. They keep a smile on their faces no matter the weather. Load up their buckets for a Merry Christmas!

  51. Thanks for an awesome WE every time, Tina!

  52. Oh my goodness--I won Arlene James's Her Montana Christmas! Woohoo! Sooo thrilled!

    Thank you for all the wonderful links, Tina! I'm still popping over to many of them.

    Congratulations to all the winners and I'm looking forward to a fun week ahead!
