Monday, December 8, 2014

Your One-Stop Christmas Shopping Guide

Christmas Wish List for Writers
Missy Tippens

photo credit: iStock/abzee

It's that time again. Your family will ask you what you want for Christmas. And you may also be buying gifts for your critique partners. So what's a writer to do?

Look no further! Here's your one-stop shopping guide for writers!

I polled writer friends and also scoured the Internet to give you ideas. I hope you have fun with it!

First, a word from Ruth Logan Herne:

"My favorite gift for writers is chocolate. You know me, I'm not big on craft books, I don't like thingamajiggers and whatchamacallits because they gather dust. And I don't dust! :) I like things simple, old-style, 'sit-the-butt-in-a-chair-and-write' is my mantra! The endless parade of extras hold nothing for the Ruthy-writers of this world! Chocolate and coffee = this writer's happy smile!"

So in honor of Ruthy, here are some of my favorite chocolate sites:

And my favorite coffee right now: Barista Prime (I use K-cups)

photo credit: iStock/semenovp

Next, Mary Connealy sent me several suggestions, including memberships or subscriptions at sites writers like to use like photo sites (iStock, Crestock, Bigstock, etc) or
Amazon Prime

And software like Photoshop

Or gift cards writers can use:
iTunes (gift cards are found at most retail stores, even at the grocery and drugstore)
Christian Book
Best Buy
Office Depot/ Office Max

Mary Also suggested some practical items such as an external hard drive, an ergonomic desk chair. This is my amazing chair (watch for sales). Or a Keurig. Or some nice tea (I love Teavana.)

Or what about asking for a getaway to a local hotel with permission to go into your writers cave to write guilt-free!

Mary and I also discussed how nice it would be to have a spa day or even just a facial! So check out spas in your local area and request a gift certificate.

Ginny Yttrup shared with me that she makes jewelry using vintage typewriter keys She has a couple of bracelets titled Word Count with charms specifically related to writing/reading. She also makes custom orders using specific typewriter keys as initials or…whatever. Click here for her beautiful Etsy shop!
Bracelet from Ginny Yttrup's Etsy store

Sandra Robbins has given a fun, inexpensive gift to writer friends, a hat that tells the world you're a writer. Click here.

James Scott Bell has a great gift suggestion for suspense writers. A gun mug! It's a ceramic mug with a pistol grip.

Susan Page Davis shared another cute mug, the What Deadline? mug from Tumbleweed. This one totally cracked me up. :) Click here.

Photo from Tumbleweed Gifts

Deborah Raney sent me this list of several gift cards she'd love to receive:
Starbucks (No explanation needed.)
Papa John’s (For those nights I’m on deadline and don’t feel like cooking.)
Levenger (Unique writing and office supplies.)
Felix Doolittle (Wonderful, whimsical business cards, address labels, stationery.)
Etsy for The Pendant Garden (Charming pendants with book and typewriter themes.)

item from The Pendant Garden

Linda Ford put in her order for these metal bookends for writers…click here.

Bookends from Knob Creek Metal Arts

Sunni Jeffers sent me several great links to sites that suggest gifts for writers:
Cafe Press
This Pinterest board from Laura Davis
This Pinterest board from Sara Miller

Sunni has also shared some she'd like to add to her own list:

Rosie’s Pendants - quotes in a necklace

Debby Giusti gave me three wonderful suggestions…
"A kitchen timer to set for thirty minutes of non-stop writing. The tick-tick-tick pushes me to keep going, and usually when it dings, I'm so engrossed in the story that I set it for thirty more minutes. 

A plush throw to cuddle under on cold nights when I'm at my computer into the wee hours.

An insulated glass with straw to ensure I drink lots of water while I'm working. BTW, I drink more when I use a straw."

So I (Missy again) went looking for the items Debby mentioned. I found these:

Karen Ball says these beautiful pens are wonderful! Click here.

photo credit: iStock/abzee

Judy Miller sent me some great ideas! She recommends all writers and readers keep a wish list at their favorite bookseller site so they can share it with family and friends. Here are those books she can't do without plus some other writerly items:

Synonym Finder by J. I. Rodale
Flip Dictionary, by Kipfer
English Through the Ages, William Brohaugh
A large dry erase board or cork board for story building
A roll-about library cart to keep reference books for your current project close at hand. Judy really likes this one, but says it’s a little pricey: click here. 
Of course, a gift card to a book store, Amazon, or an office supply is always appreciated
For authors of historical fiction, books on fashion or manners during the century they prefer is something Judy enjoys.

Sandra Leesmith had several gift wishes. She said, "Any of the books for craft like The Moral Premise,  DVD of The Hero's Two Journeys,  The Plot Whisperer by Martha Alderson.  Gift card to Staples, or Office Max or Amazon. The Scrivener program.  Or ask for ad space in an e-program or magazine."  

Missy again. Something I recently heard of was a craft subscription service where they send you a new DIY craft project to do each month. Maybe this could inspire our creativity! Whimseybox.

Photo from

While writing, I like to keep a nice hand lotion and lip balm nearby. These would make great stocking stuffers (hint, hint, Santa!). Here are two of my favorites:
The Body Shop Hand Cream (my fav is coconut)
Nivea Lip Butter

And Don't forget to shop locally!

What about you? What do you want for Christmas? Dream big and share with us. Also let me know if you'd like to be entered to win a copy of Hope for the Holidays Contemporary or Historical collection(e-book) or A Recipe for Romance (e-book or print)! And, by the way, these would make GREAT Christmas gifts! :)

Visit me and sign up for my quarterly newsletter at

P.S. I do NOT have any affiliation with any of these gift items other than the last two books. :) I'm just passing along recommendations and not profiting (other than any royalty earned on the Hope for the Holidays book. All proceeds from A Recipe for Romance go to Big Brothers Big Sisters.)


  1. All I want for Christmas is BOOKS. preferably paperback, but I can never have too many books! And my Mom? Books! She doesn't like reading electronic books, so I'll get her some paperback books. Thanks, Missy...I'll keep that list handy! And please enter me for the books

  2. Oh, having someone buy my Amazon Prime would be a good thing to put on my list....not that I get presents anymore, they just throw money at me rather than have to find "Wet Nursing in America: A Social History" or other weird titles like that I put on my lists...

  3. Marianne, you're a woman after my own heart! :) My son is the same. He just sent me a list of books (print) that he wants. :)

  4. Melissa, LOL!! Gotta love that research. :)

  5. Generally I just like gift cards, BUT!! you've given me so many wonderful ideas this year that I may have to exploit this!

    Thank you, thank you!

  6. Melissa Jagears. I miss your bright and snarky face.

    Throw money at you? I like that too. I will send that recommendation out, immediately.

  7. Fun things to look at, MISSY! Thanks for the gift guide.

    I am so wrapped up (get it?) preparing gifts to be mailed in the next few days that I can't think about gifts for myself right now.

    My dream gift is time. I HAVE to finish projects ASAP. Maybe coupons for a dishwasher (person), meals cooked or brought in and a laundry folder (person) would help.

  8. Oh, this is so fun! I'm terrible at presents. I mean, I'm great at getting presents for the people I know. (I usually make them something. It's a tradition in our family.) Not so great at figuring out something for the people I have to buy for, but don't really know, but wish they would just post a darn list.

    A friend crocheted me a beautiful deep red, super-soft cashmere throw blanket one year. It's my "little red writing blanket" and I think I've used it for every single book since.

    And did you know you can make your Amazon wish list public and your friends can browse there? A friend told me that and I went to find her list. It was so helpful... until I ordered a kindle book for her and it went directly to her AT THAT MINUTE. I thought it was going in my cart.

    So, she texted me the next day and said, "Thank you for The Thug Kitchen cookboook! And why are you buying me gifts at 4AM on a Saturday?" LOL. What could I say? Happy Hannukah.... early.

  9. Tina, my snarky face is behind on deadlines, makes the brightness of my face a bit dim with the lack of sleep.....must go sleep a bit before I gotta feed and educate children....

  10. I like the gift voucher to Amazon. I am hoping to get one from a friend again this year. Its always handy. I have all 3 books.
    I like ebooks best as they are much easier for me to read.

    I actually suggested a gift voucher to the nursery today as I need some straw for the garden and would love another gerbera.

  11. Oh, what a fun bunch of items!!! Ginny Yttrup, those are stinkin' awesome!!!!

    How clever and marvelous!

    Missy, this is so much fun. I love seeing all these ideas and how cute of you to get gifts for critique partners...

    Bless your heart. :)


    Clearly I'm a measly miser!

  12. Missy this is a great list and you put so much work into it to make it easier for us to cut and paste and gift to our folks who need suggestions!!! I've been working on a list for Yankee Belle. Folks really do appreciate suggestions.

    My kids know I get excited about book gift cards, coffee and tea. ManO knows a night out to make sure I get out of the cave occasionally.

    Peace, Julie

  13. Books and gift cards to book stores are always a great choice for a writer/reader!

    I'd add a favorite DVD for a writer to reward themselves after meeting a goal or deadline.

  14. Tina, I love gift cards, too! I should also have added a movie theater gift card. I got one of those last year and have really enjoyed it!

  15. Thanks Missy for the great list.
    Wet Nursing in America? I see why they throw money at you, Melissa.

    I love the Synonym Finder. It's also nice to turn my eyes away from the computer to look up a word.

    Have a great day!

  16. Lyndee, LOL! Love your pun. :)

    I LOVE the idea of a laundry folder! Of course, my kids might accuse me of using them for that. :)

  17. Great ideas, Missy!
    I like those warm, skid-free booties. I work barefoot and sometimes my toes get cold...

    Gourmet coffee for when I've worked pass a knot in my writing rope and take a break...

    Those cup size electric warmers are great for keeping your tea/coffee warm when you become engrossed in writing/reading and forget to sip for thirty minutes...

  18. Oh, Virginia!! That's so funny! :)

    I've kept my Amazon wish list private since I sometimes put things on the list that are meant to be private (like nutritional supplements and toiletries). :) But maybe it's possible to keep some separate lists.

    I want your cashmere throw blanket!! Sounds amazing. I have a really soft blanket that is printed with "joy, peace, and happiness" that I just love. But I couldn't find it anywhere online to share a link. I think I got it at Kohl's, or maybe T.J. Maxx a couple of years ago.

  19. Jenny, that's a great idea for a nursery gift! I hope you're able to buy your items. I love gerberas!

  20. LOL, Ruthy. I'm sorry to set the bar so high for you. ;)

    You know, my critique group hasn't met regularly for years, so unless we set up a Christmas dinner together, I don't usually buy those gifts anymore.

    But now I'm feeling guilty. Because as often as you Seeker gals help me brainstorm, I should be buying you gifts!! (Isn't the acknowledgement in the front of the book enough??!)


  21. Julie, I look forward to your list at the Cafe!

    You know, another thing I didn't think to add to the list is a writing conference! If anyone budgets that much money for a gift, they could ask their family to pay for a conference fee.

  22. Rose, that's a great idea! In fact, I think movie watching is great for writers to do regularly. So you could ask for the DVD then count watching it as work time! :)

  23. Great list, Missy! I clicked on the link to the gun mug and couldn't stop laughing.

    To tell you the truth, I never thought of asking for a subscription to Big Stock or other photo sites. What a grand idea!

    I'll certainly keep all this in mind when my birthday comes around, too: )

  24. Jackie, I agree about looking away from the computer to reference books. Saves the eyes. :) I bought that book after Julie L recommended it but don't always remember to use it. I need to pull it out again!

  25. Melissa. If you find you have too much money thrown at your, please warm up your pitching arm and toss some my way. I don't mind second-hand gifts, LOL!

  26. I want Amazon and itune gift cards. All of the suggestions sound great, though.

    Please enter me for the Recipe for Romance or Hope for Holidays historical. I won the Hope for Holidays contemporary last week.

    Well, off to the first of my five-in-a-row 12 hour days of work this week.

  27. Oooh, Mary, I love those ideas!!

    Yes, I keep those socks on hand. Love how soft they are. But the skid-proof is important. Otherwise you'll end up flat on your back when you hit the kitchen floor too quickly. :)

    I really should try one of the mug heaters. I'm looking at my cold half-cup of coffee right now.

  28. Audra, that was funny, wasn't it? Especially with the steaming coffee looking like it's smoking. :)

  29. Sandy, I always put iTunes cards in my kids' stockings. Such great gifts!

    I hope your work week goes well!!

  30. That crocheted throw sounds like a heavenly gift, Virginia! Cashmere, OH MY!! I would love a gift like that!!! What a good, good friend!!!

    (Oops, sorry for the bit of drool. Here, I'll wipe it off the screen...)

  31. Is anyone besides me suddenly having to type in numbers each time you comment to prove you're not a robot??

    This is driving me crazy! You'd think Yahoo would recognize me as a blog author.

  32. Money For Contests and Time Away From Day Job.

  33. My writing deadline for December is already shot. I feel like crying.

  34. My favorite gift is a handmade bracelet I received from a friend. It spells out I WRITE in old fashioned typewriter keys. I keep a "gift registry' board on Pinterest for my kids. That way they can choose something they know I will like, can keep track of what books I have, don't have and want. Lots of great ideas. And amazon cards always work! Thanks for the great ideas, Missy.

  35. Okay, it's making me captcha too.

  36. KB, I can't believe I didn't think to list contest entries!! Thanks for that reminder. :)

    I'm sorry about the December goals. Maybe once the holiday is past you can catch up between Christmas and New Year's.

  37. Cindy, what a great idea to keep a Pinterest gift page!! I need to start one. My kids, especially, would appreciate that. :)

  38. Hey! I just discovered you don't have to type in those numbers to get your comment to post! So just ignore it. :) It's not something our blog has done. It's a Yahoo systemwide problem.

  39. Hmm. These are great ideas Missy. I got my plush throw when I won Debby's basket at M&M. :) I got what I wanted in the big Christmas category, a chaise lounge. A number of my writer friends seem to want one now.

    I like the library cart, but it doesn't look that study for what I might do to it....Toewarmers are excellent to put down into slippers while you write. My desk is by a window and a door so I need as much of that as I can get.

    Barista Prima is also my favorite, Missy. Thanks for the great post!

  40. I meant to say Google/Blogger, not Yahoo.

  41. Piper, I love the idea of toe warmers! We get those for my kids when they go skiing. Actually, they use them for hand warmers in their pockets. But it would be nice to have some around the toes.

    I usually work on the couch with my laptop and just wrap my feet in the blanket. Between the blanket and warm laptop, I stay pretty toasty. :)

  42. Missy, fun list of great Christmas gift ideas for writers!
    I have several of these items.

    What I'd like to get for Christmas is pads of paper with my name on each sheet. They're great to send a quick note to readers or writer friends. I've dropped hints to my family. But maybe not early enough to get it before Christmas.


  43. I'm with Lyndee, a few extra hours in the day would help, especially at Christmas. Working on my cards today. Thankful for my favorite pens--Uni-ball Vision Fine point. Not a hint. LOL


  44. Melissa, you crack me up! So great to have you stop by.


  45. Jenny, fun to remember that you're not experiencing winter like we are. I love gerberas but I manage to kill them ASAP. What am I doing wrong?


  46. On my list Books! I don't think I am a hoarder because I love books as I was told this weekend. But then the same person who accused me of this was sad that I didn't bring more books for her to read.

    I also want a kindle so I don't have to read on my laptop

    By the way I just discovered that Ruthy's book Love Finds you in the City is on sale for 99 cents today on Amazon and I bought a copy. It has been on my want list until now so excited.

    Please enter me for the books.

  47. I love these ideas, Missy. I'm a big fan of the cozy socks, but I also love fleece-lined slippers.

    My daughter found reusable hand warmers at a craft sale. They wouldn't work for skiing, but for writing, all you have to do is stick them in the microwave.

    That reminds me of my rice neck warmer. It is heaven. It's a long tube filled with dried rice. You stick it in the microwave for 30 second increments until it's the temperature you want. The one I have now I bought at a health store and it's got lavender mixed in, but I've made them with just rice. They work great draped over cold feet too.

  48. Janet, maybe you'll have to drop the hint again way before your birthday. :)

    As for gerberas, maybe you're not watering them enough?? They seem to require a lot.

  49. Oh, someone mentioned scented lotions. I usually pick a scent for my heroine and then whenever I need to get myself into the story, I put on some of the lotion and instantly I'm in the heroine's mindset.
    We're writers, whatever works, right?

  50. What great suggestions! And it's fun to see what authors I enjoy like for gifts. :) I'm with you, Missy, in that I love having hand lotion and lip balm handy.

    One Word pendants are also nice. I was given one from Etsy that I love, but I don't recall the site.

    And I'm with Lyndee--the gift of time? Priceless!!

  51. Missy, note to self on my almost gone pads--ask for stuff early!

    Do you plant gerberas in the ground? I kept them in pots so they probably need even more water.


  52. Mary, love your trick for getting into the heroine's head. Bummed that I'm sensitive to fragrances. Not an easy time of year for that sensitivity. I've been wanting some of those battery operated pillar candles but they're scented with vanilla.


  53. wow. all the gift ideas are awesome. I particularly like the photo stock site mentions.

    my two half-sibs and I got together to buy a Kindle for my birth mom since she loves to read. I think future gifts will be Amazon gift cards so she can stock up on the books she likes. (Hmmm... sudden brainstorm. Must find out her info so I can send her loads of Seeker books. She knows about y'all from my writing a book adventure with Killer Voices - now to intro her to all y'all's books. I think she leans to suspense/mystery, but I could be wrong) Ooooh-- both the Seeker ebook collections. Oh, now I gotta go shopping...

    Me personally? I need a new laptop computer. Seems a toddler misted a spray bottle near the keyboard (mom did not discover this right away), which sorta fried its functionality. Been using a plug-in keyboard for about a year now. It works, but sometimes is a bit of a hassle when trying to do graphics.

  54. p.s.
    my personal fave idea is the chocolate. dark chocolate...

    I tend to handmade gifts when budgets are tight. Now, just to have some time...

  55. Missy, it's totally possible to have more than one wishlist on Amazon, I have lists for each of my family, for Christmas, for writing stuff, historical research stuff, homeschool and one for books I'm buying for my daughter's "Surprise book club" she asked to be signed up for....and I'm having a blast deciding on which one to send her every month!

    When you're on your wishlist page, go to the left hand side and at the bottom is "Create another wishlist"

  56. Love all the neat pictures. I would love an Amazon Prime gift too like Melissa. that would be a great gift.. I'm a reader, please enter me..

    dkstevensne AT outlook dotCom

  57. Wow, what a GREAT list of gift ideas, Missy!!! I may have to forward this link to some family members! Thanks for putting it all together for us in one place!

  58. Wilani, an e-reader sure does help with the piles of books. But now I have so many on my Kindle app that I don't know if I'll ever read them all! :)

    Thanks for letting us know about Ruthy's sale!!

  59. Mary, I've seen those rice warmers! I have a big bag of lavender I bought for recipes and will never use that much for cooking. I need to make a neck warmer that smells good! I've seen people make them in tube socks before. Maybe I'll go hunting in my husband's sock drawer. :)

  60. Mary Curry, I used to do that with scented lotion. I need to try it again. It really helped me too. And it's a good excuse to buy new scents! :)

  61. Jeanne, I shopped for pendants yesterday while putting up my post. I ordered two for my daughter and one for my son's girlfriend. :)

    I also have the I Am Enough charms necklace I mentioned in a post from last year sometime. I love that as well. So many fun choices!

  62. Janet, no. I've only put gerberas in pots and didn't have very good luck with them either. I just didn't water them enough (at least I think that was the problem).

  63. DebH, thanks for passing along our books titles to your birth mom!

    As for the computer… whenever I want something big, I ask for several people to go in together to buy it. Or else I ask for it as a combination Christmas and birthday (which for me is in January so very handy for that). :)

  64. What a GREAT and timely blog, Missy!! LOVE the writer bookends and the Rodale Synonym Finder -- my writer's Bible!!

    I would say my new writer's gift that I would want would be an AMAZON gift card because frankly, I can get everything I want there -- books, caramel macchiato coffee, Lindor chocolate truffles (white and milk), lip gloss, you name it. I'm nothing if not dirt practical. ;)


  65. Thanks for the suggestion, Melissa! I'll have to set up separate wish lists--some private and some public.

  66. Yeah, Myra. Just point them this direction and maybe drop a big hint about which items you'd like. :)

  67. Julie, I bought that Synonym Finder after hearing you rave about it so many times. :)

  68. What a fantastic list!!!!! I want everything! LOL.

    An external hard drive is a fantastic gift...until you mistakenly through it out in the great basement clean up blitz. Then it's just devastating. 20+ 80,000 + word stories gone. They were horridly written with lots of telling but they had developed plots and characters I could have worked with. Sniffle.

    Some other good writerly gifts of the homemade persuasion: Meals prepared ahead and frozen so the writer on a deadline (and family) won't starve. Or how about kidlets giving their writer parent a book of coupons -- each one worth 1 hour of writing silence to be redeemed as necessary?

  69. Missy, you given me some great ideas! Now I know what to say when the kids ask what I want for Christmas. I usually have no idea....

    And great ideas for friends, too. Thanks for all the links! Now I'm going to look at a few of them more closely :)


    That was so stinkin' sweet of you!!!!

    Best present ever, a shout out! :)

  71. And it let me post without doing the captcha!!! Missy you were right again!

    Gold star for you!!!

  72. WILANI!!!!! I just found out about the sale myself, and you already found the book! Oh, happy day!!!!

    I hope you love it, sweet thing! BIG SMILE HERE!!!! That was my first historical and it's been joined by three others now, so I'm having the time of my life!!!!

  73. Missy,

    Not only do I have to type in a number, but it doesn't take it on the first click. I have to go back and click it a second time.

    This has been going on for about a month or so.

  74. My big wish? A laptop, one that I don't have to share with my husband. :-) Chocolate is good, and since I buy the stocking stuffers for my children, there's always plenty! Love, love, love the WRITER bookends, but then I would also want a shelf full of new books to go in between them.

  75. Kav, hearing about your mistakenly thrown out hard drive hearts my heart!! I'm so sorry! Do you have any paper copies anywhere??

    I love your ideas! Especially the kid coupons. How fun! :) You know, I used to "bribe" my kids for writing time by promising them a new swing set from my first advance. But by the time I sold, they were too old! LOL

  76. Jan, don't get sucked in for too long! I spent over an hour yesterday before I knew it! Then when I checked my links this morning, I got sucked in again. :)

  77. Ruthy, I just saw that Vince's review. So sweet!

    And yes, I meant every word of that acknowledgment!

  78. Helen, I'm sorry! I don't know what's going on. I even went in and checked our blog settings. We do NOT have the verification turned on. :(

  79. Meghan, my problem is that when I use bookends, I run out of shelf space quicker! LOL I'm usually cramming the books in so no bookends needed.

    Of course, those are so decorative they need to be used for display. NOT just for functionality. But I'm more practical than a decorator! :)

  80. Great ideas, Missy! I love the bookends! Don't enter me in the giveaway...I have the books and I can't wait to dive in!

  81. What fun Christmas gift ideas for my wish list! :)

    Piper, so glad you won my basket at M&M. Glad, too, that you're using the throw. It's turned cold in Georgia! Brrr! :)

    Mary Curry, I make rice socks and use them all winter. Two and a half minutes in the microwave and they're toasty warm.

    Rose mentioned a favorite CD. When finishing a book and under a tight deadline, I keep Jim Brickman's "Faith" CD playing almost round-the-clock. It's soothes my spirit and helps to keep me moving forward.

  82. I've developed some elbow and shoulder discomfort and want to get an ergonomic keyboard.

    Do any of you have one you'd recommend?

  83. Anyone keep a pair of reading glasses by the keyboard? I use mine when my eyes get tired and start to blur.

    Also love having a good stock of Eclipse gum on hand for when I get the munchies.

    Love Janet's idea of the notepads and note cards embossed with her name. Great gift idea!

  84. Great tips Missy. Thanks for giving us such great ideas.

    Happy Christmas shopping everyone.

  85. Janet the ones I put in the garden died but in pots are ok. they do die back in winter and you think they are dying but they come back. I do make sure I water them but they seem hardly. they like heat too.

  86. What a great selection of gift ideas! Thanks, Missy!

    I read your SWEET story in A Recipe for Romance. LOVED IT! And now I'm hungry for pecan pie! :)

  87. Missy, what a fun post! I love it all. I usually tell anyone who asks that I want Amazon gift cards. I love the 'no guilt' shopping!
    Please enter me for Recipe for Romance. I have the others.

  88. I want pecan pie now, too.

    I am so OFF my diet. :( I was going to be good for 2 more weeks.

    EPIC: FAIL!!!!

  89. Missy and Jenny, I will try gerberas next year and water them like mad. Can't wait. They are beautiful. Look more fake than real. If they don't work out next year, I'll buy fake and put them in a pot. :-) No one could probably tell the difference.


  90. I'm home! And I just added an update from Sandra Leesmith. I had misplaced her email and totally missed adding her suggestions to the post!! I'm sorry, Sandra.

    I hope you'll all go back and read her ideas. :)

  91. Jill, thanks so much for stopping by and for reading! :)

  92. Debby, I'm going to check out that CD! I haven't heard of it before. Thanks for the recommendation.

    Yes, it's so cold today! I went out without a coat and regretted it. I ended up a Walmart buying some soft, fuzzy lounging clothes. And now I'm home and toasty warm! :)

  93. Deb, I love Jim Brickman's music. I haven't heard that one, I'll have to check it out.

  94. Debby, I use my laptop all the time so don't use a keyboard. So I'm no help. And I have bifocals I wear all the time. :)

    I love the idea of gum instead of my usual potato chips. LOL

  95. Sherida, thank you!! Yes, you need to make the pie, too!

    And you too Ruthy. You can eat your cabbage and broccoli slaw after the holidays. :)

  96. I love the WRITER bookends!
    And I'm with Ruthy...chocolate is always a great choice.
    The gift cards for photo sites is brilliant.

    But I think on the top of my list is...TIME. It's really expensive though :-)

  97. Donna, that's so true about gift cards. I feel free to spend when I need to use them up. :)

  98. Sandra, thanks! Happy shopping to you as well!

    And thanks again for your shopping ideas. I'm sorry I didn't get them included earlier!

  99. Pepper, you can ask for time at home by yourself (free!). :)

  100. Missy,
    I'm faithful to ask every year, but I think Santa's 'run out of time' when he gets to my house each year (snicker)
    Either that, or there's a hole in his bag.... ;-)

  101. Wait...that's a lie. Once he left me 'thyme'

  102. Debby, I just found that several of Jim Brickman's songs are free on Prime! So I'm listening now.

  103. Hi Missy & Ruth:

    I’m happy that you liked the review.

    Please be advised that because of the way that Amazon reviews are setup, and because the Seekers did not offer the option to buy each novella separately, Missy’s wonderful 5-Star review is now being shared with Julie’s “A Whisper of Hope”.

    Rest assured: every word of Missy's review is still there: however, Julie now has top billing. I think my, “A Whisper of Hope”, is a really funny, over the top, review – even for me. : )

    As they said in ancient Rome: “Sic transit gloria mundi” or “All glory is fleeting.” Alas, I suspect there will be another wonderful, 5-Star, headling review yet to come. But for now, the spotlight is on Boston where 'Christmas Charity begins at home'!

    Now, how about gift ideas for fans to give authors?

    1. A coupon in which the fan promises to buy the named author’s next book.

    2. A coupon good for three excellent reviews in the next year – given the books are excellent and there are three of them to review.

    3. A coupon good for leaving one very nice and thoughtful comment on five different blogs during the next year in which the named author is making a guest appearance.

    Now if we can just get Tina or Julie’s husband to create these coupons for fans to download and fill out, this Christmas can become a truly giving experience.

  104. Janet just don't throw it out if you think its dead just water it and you never know mind looked dead or like it was dying and now is doing great. they tend to die right down and then will shoot again.

  105. Books are always a good gift, but I'd also need more time to read them! I'd love a pocket laptop for portability of writing and a pocket laminator for...I think there are lots of uses around the house! Chocolate? I think I need to go find some chocolate!!

  106. Missy - I love books!!!!! My hubby asks me for ideas every year of things he can get for me but it's just too hard to give him ideas! I really don't want "things"!!! He says, "that's not good enough" so I always end up saying "gift cards" so I can buy my own books!!!! My adult kids call him and ask, "what can we get mom?" and he goes through the same thing with them!!! I just want to be with my family and to read books!!! Thanks for your post!

    I would love to win any of the books you have mentioned so put my name in the mix :)

  107. LOL, Vince. I don't mind sharing the limelight with Julie. ;)

    Hey, I love that idea about the coupons. It can also be a great incentive to get those 3 books completed! :)

  108. Becky, as long as you don't try to laminate the chocolate, then you're good.


  109. Valri, you sound like me some years! I can remember years where books were the only thing I wanted. :) Then I started wanting office supplies… then writerly things.


  110. I hope y'all will hop over to the Harlequin boards for the Holiday Open House!


  112. BTW, I'm doing another giveaway of a digital copy of The Guy Next Door over at the Harlequin open house. I offered it on Monday's Christmas with Pets discussion.

  113. Sherri S, I just now realized I missed your comment. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad the list was helpful.

  114. Missy, Lots of inside laughing (in the best possible way) as I read this post.

    Loved the chocolate idea.

    For some reason, I love drinking through a straw also.

    (BTW, I have both of the Hope for the Holiday editions downloaded on my Kindle so please only enter me in the other drawing.)

  115. Such a fun post! Great gift ideas, several I'd love to have.

  116. What a great list! I'm going to highlight my top 10 choices and foward to my sweet hubby!

    Would love to read Recipe for Romance!

  117. Tanya, I love my cups with straws as well!

    Terri and Edwina, thanks for stopping by! Edwina, I hope your hubby takes the hint and gets you something on the list. :)
