Friday, February 27, 2015

March Contest Update

Let's start out the March Contest Update with some fun!!

How about Myra and Janet answering the proverbial question: Should you enter contests?
Oh, YES!

Getting ready for Speedbo? Entering contests? Leave a comment and you can win a Seeker ebook of choice. Winner announced in the Weekend Edition.

Published Contests
ACFW Carol Award. Opens January 2, 2015. Deadline March 15, 2015. See Indie 

Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense for Published Authors. Deadline March 15. 
National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award Contest-Deadline April 1. Open to Indies

 The Unpublished Maggies. Opens January 2, 2015. Deadline April 3. Open to Indies.

Book Buyers Best-Deadline April 15. Open to Indies.

Unpublished Contests

  Fabulous Five Writing Contest opened for enteries January 1. Deadline March 1. An entry consists of the opening pages of your unpublished novel, up to 2500 words. Categories capped at 35 entries this year. Get your entry in early.

The top five entries in each category will move to the final round.

Finalists in each category will be ranked by the following editors and agents:

Erotica:Cheryl Yeko, Soulmate Publishing-Jessica Alvarez, Bookends, LLC

Historical:Laura Plude, Grand Central Publishing-Elizabeth Pomada, Larsen Pomada Literary Agents

Inspirational:Giselle Regus, Harlequin-Joyce Hart, Hartline Literary Agency

New Adult:Nicole Fischer, Avon Romance-Patricia Nelson, Marshal Lyon Literary Agency

Futuristic/Time Travel:Brenda Chin, Imajinn Books-Shira Hoffman, McIntosh & Otis, Inc.

Romantic Suspense:Madeleine Colavita, Grand Central Publishing-Lucienne Diver, The Knight Agency

Series Contemporary:Christina Brower, NAL/Penguin Random House-Saba Sulaiman, Talcott Notch Literary Services

Single Title:Mercedes Fernandez, Kensington Books- Courtney Miller-Callihan, Greenburger Associates

Women’s Fiction: Jennifer Herrington, Lyrical Press-Victoria Lowes, The Bent Agency

Young Adult: Alycia Tornetta, Entangled Publishing-Taylor Haggerty, Waxman Leavell Literary Agency

Linda Howard Award of Excellence. Deadline March 6. First 25 pages. Finalists must submit a synopsis. Cost is $30. OUCH! That's the cost of the Golden Heart.

Short/Long Contemporary (series)
 Final Judge – Michelle Grajkowski, Literary Agent, Three Seas Literary Agency

Single Title
 Final Judge – Alicia Condon, Editor, Kensington Publishing

 Final Judge – Pamela Harty, VP of Sales/Literary Agent, The Knight Agency

Paranormal/Urban Fantasy
 Final Judge – TBD

Romantic Sensual and Sizzling
Final Judge – Cheryl Yeko, Acquiring Editor, Soul Mate Publishing

 Fire & Ice. Deadline March 14. Enter the first 6,000 words. Contest capped at 120 entries. Each finalist will be judged by both an editor and a literary agent.  2015 final round judges are:

Contemporary Romance-Cat Clyne, Sourcebooks (editor)
 Jill Marsal, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency (agent)

Historical Romance-Debby Gilbert, Soul Mate Publishing (editor)
Sara Megibow, kt literary (agent)

Women’s Fiction With Romantic Elements-Gabrielle Keck, Harper Collins (editor)
 Melissa Jeglinski, Knight Agency (agent)

Young Adult/New Adult Romance-Tera Cuskaden, Samhain Publishing (editor)
 Shannon Hassan, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency (agent)

Paranormal Romance-Mary Altman, Sourcebooks (editor)

Stephany Evans, FinePrint Literary Management (agent)

 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense for Unpublished Writers. Deadline: March 15, 2015.  Entry consists of prologue/first chapter up to 5,000 words. 

Susan Litman, Harlequin Special Edition
Scott Eagan, Greyhaus Literary Agency

Alex Logan, Grand Central Publishing
Cassie Hanjian, Waxman Leavell Literary

Andrea Doering, Revell Books
Steve Laube, The Steve Laube Agency

Kristine Swartz, The Berkley Publishing Group
Patricia Nelson, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency

Paula Eykelhof, MIRA
Stephany Evans, FinePrint Literary Management

Kristen Sevick, Tor/Forge
Helen Breitwieser, Cornerstone Literary Agency

 ACFW Genesis.  Contest closes: March 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM central time. All contest entries and contest fees must be received by that time. Entry consists of the first 15 pages and a single spaced, one page synopsis. Finalist judges announced in January.
Historical Romance
Romantic Suspense
Short Novel
Young Adult

The Royal Ascot. Opens February 16, 2015. Entries must be received by March 27, 2015.Open to unpublished authors and published writers seeking representation and/or a publisher.  All entries must have at least partial Regency (Late Georgian) setting, broadly defined: within the United Kingdom between 1780 and 1840. Judges to be determined. 

Categories are used to determine first round judges only, and include:
Regency Historical (longer Regency or Mainstream Regency-set)
Hot Regency (Very sensual to Erotic Regency, at author’s discretion)
Wild Regency (Paranormal, Time Travel, other similar Regency)
Sweet & Mild Regency (Traditional, Inspirational, Young Adult or other without explicit sex)

The Rosemary. Deadline-March 31. Published and Unpublished Authors. Published and unpublished authors. Submitted manuscripts must be new, original, YA or NA fiction that has not been published, self-published, or contracted.  First 25 pages of manuscript (manuscript word count of at least 40k).
 Final Judges: 

YA Contemporary - Agent Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary, Editor Aubrey Poole of Sourcebooks, Editor Elizabeth Tingue of Penguin/RH 

YA Historical - Agent Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyon Literary, Editor Jessica MacLeish of Harper Teen, Editor Robin Haseltine of Entangled Publishing 

 YA Paranormal - Agent Holly Root of Waxman Leavell Literary, Editor Kristin Daly Rens of Balzer & Bray, and Editor Natashya Wilson of Harlequin Teen 

 YA Speculative - Agent Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency, Editor Meredith Rich of Bloomsbury Spark, Editor Vicki Lame of St. Martin’s Press 

 New Adult - Agent Cate Hart of Corvisiero Literary, Editor Amy Stapp of Tor Forge, Editor Angela James of Carina Press.


Touched by Love. Deadline April 1.   First 20 pages of an inspirational manuscript, 2-page synopsis.  Eligibility: All authors who have not accepted a publishing offer from a publisher or self-published a work of original fictional narrative prose of 20,000 words or more in the past three years. Final Judges: published authors.  Top Prize: Overall Winner will win $100 for writing-related expenses and an editor critique. This year's editor is Kim Moore of Harvest House. Categories are Historical, Long Contemporary and Short Contemporary.

Unpublished Maggies.  Deadline April 30.  Entry consists of first pages and synopsis, not to exceed 35 pages. 

 Single Title Romance-Madeleine Colavita Editorial Assistant, Grand Central Publishing

Contemporary Category Romance-Ann Leslie Tuttle-Senior Editor, Harlequin

Inspirational Romance-Stephanie Broene-Senior Acquisitions Editor, Tyndale

Historical Romance-Gabrielle Keck-Editor, Avon

Paranormal Romance-Rose Hilliard Editor, St. Martin’s Press

Young Adult-Candace Havens Editorial Director, Entangled Publishing

Novel with Strong Romantic Elements -Sarah Murphy Editor, Ballantine Bantam Dell

Erotic Romance-S.N. Graves-Senior Editor, LooseId



Other Writing Opportunities

The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest has been replaced by Kindle Scout. Check it out here.

Here's the Chicken Soup 2015 Line Up!

Time for our March Contest Diva! Welcome Eileen Barnes!

2015 Finalist for Great Expectations
2014 Florida Romance Writer – 2nd Place
2013 2nd Place winner of the Golden Palm
2013 Suzannah NOLA Stars
2012 2nd place for the Golden Claddaugh
2012 Winner of Celtic Category

 I knew my plot for the historical romance was unique but I needed an encouraging voice, a corrective guide, an experienced instructor. Not only did I not know where to go for writing advice, I doubted that a market for a sweet historical romance about two Irish characters of opposing faiths existed. 

One blest day, I discovered an author by the name of Julie Lessman. When I read her book, A Passion Most Pure, my hope soared. This award winning historical novel shared many similarities with mine—wholesome passion, Irish Catholic characters, historical storyline. I read about her publishers, stopped by her website and linked into Seekerville.

Contest Update was the headline. Hard to believe, but having no previous knowledge about contests, I hesitated about the value. Yet, Seekerville encouraged and, having seen the hand of God in bringing me to the site, coupled with the idea of being read and reviewed by my peers and possible agents/publishers, I was compelled to try.
My first contest score staggered and, honestly, depressed me a little. However, after the initial shock, I realized the comments had merit.  Digesting the criticisms and clinging to the encouraging words such as “a very strong story line” and “wonderful voice” and “I like your heroine” and “Keep working on this. You have talent,” I persevered and entered the next contest.

Absorbing, correcting, rewriting, and resubmitting eventually improved my writing until, at last in 2012, I finaled in the Suzannah. A few months later, I placed 2nd in the Golden Claddaugh.  In 2013 I finaled in the Golden Palm and also won the ‘top of the slush pile’ in the Seekerville Contest.  Seekerville also honored me with a win in 2014 Perfect Pitch Contest resulting in a request for my completed novel from agent Susan Bower and this year, I finaled in Great Expectations. 

So where is the value of these wins and losses? Honing in, tightening my writing, validation that the story is interesting and worthy of publication, notice by other authors, agents and publishers and, most of all, diminished doubt as to my ability to write. 

I am still waiting for that homerun in one of the biggest contests, or a contract by an agent/publisher. One day, God willing, I believe I will be an author in Seekerville advising and instructing others how to get off the island. 

Hey wait.
I guess I am here…

That's it! Now Go Forth and Contest!

P.S. You can still enter Speedbo. Unless you are

Details here.


  1. You put so much work into your posts, wishes to all contestants!SPEEDBO ROCKS!!!! No limits!!!!

  2. Way to go, Eileen!

    The Kindle Scout link was particularly interesting.

    There's plenty of coffee for everyone.

  3. I am a chicken, a rooster to be exact, I was up "crowing" aka emailing Tina before she wanted to wake up and get to speedboing registrating.....

    I entered another contest that I didn't plan on.....the call of "low on inspirationals" always gets me. Right. Here. Ugh. Bye bye $.

  4. Best wishes for all those who do enter contests.

  5. I registered for Speedbo this week! (Not fiction writing --maybe after I finish school). =P

    I'm going to hopefully get headway on my final project for my Collection Management class. Oh, and blogging more regularly. ;-)

  6. Well thanks, Marianne!!!

  7. Yep. Melissa, entered Speedbo before it was Speedbo. Talk about jumping the starting line. Way to go!


  9. Great job, Eileen!

    I hadn't planned to enter a contest this month so I could focus on Speedbo. But you always have something new and interesting to look at. Thanks, Tina!

  10. as always, a great bit of information Tina. thanks!
    signed up for SPEEDBO...must focus now.

    and congrats to Diva Eileen! your story really shows how wonderful Seekerville is.

  11. I always love waking up to a new Seekerville post. It's the perfect way to start my day.

    Congratulations on your contests success, Diva Eileen!

    This post has given me a lot to think about. Okay, so ALL posts on Seekerville make me stop and think. :)

    I've said it before...I've never entered a writing contest. Guess I'm a chicken. Although I AM participating in Speedbo, so I guess I'm only that's a scary picture!

    My two-year journey navigating Unpubbed Island has consisted of writing two books for Love Inspired pitch opportunities. For some reason submitting to LI doesn't scare me, but entering a contest does. However, it is a goal of mine to enter at least one contest this year. So, here's my question, how do I know what to enter? Do I write a new book for a contest, or do I enter one of my existing books? The first book (only 90% complete) received a rejection from LI, but I've done a good deal of editing/revising on it. The second book is my Killer Voices entry that has been revised and resubmitted to LIS for considerations. Which brings me to my next two questions, isn't the point of contests to get your work in front of editors and agents in an effort to publish? Is it okay to enter a book that's already under consideration with an editor/publishing house? Looks like I've gotten a little lots in the underbrush on the island. It's a good thing there are such wonderful tour guides here to direct me to the right path!!

    1. You entered Killer Voice Rhonda. That's a contest!

  12. That should say "a little lost" not "a little lots". . .

    ;) Guess I need to do a better job editing my comments before I hit publish.

  13. Love the contest updates. It's a great reminder! I've been waiting for the Book Buyers Best contest to open and now I know it is.

    It will probably be my last contest I enter my 2014 releases in.

  14. Helen:
    Thanks for your congrats. Notice how I give tons of credit to Seekerville authors? You really are a force behind those of us longing for to get of the unpublished island.

  15. Melissa
    I remember the first contest I entered and how my hands shook when I pushed the 'enter' button. Looking back, I realize I feared the result. I feared that my peers would hate my writing and thus confirm that I could not write. And, even though the result was not wonderful, judges are so good about pointing out all your good qualities as well as your weaknesses. Go for it! then, let it go until you get the results. Believe me, you won't regret it.

  16. Rhonda, read what I wrote to Melissa cause it was intended for you. Sorry about that...

  17. Rhonda
    Here is my thought on which contests to enter. When I first started entering, I wanted the feedback. I entered about one per month, each time working on those first chapters. When I started placing in the contests, I narrowed my entrants to who the judges are going to be. I do not limit myself to inspirational. In fact, most of the time I enter under historical, always looking at who the final judges are...which publishers or editors may fit my novel. Of course, those notifications from Tina about low entrants or the 'deadline extended' contests are worth looking at because your competition is not as stiff. And, realize, even if you don't place in a contest, you almost always get feedback. Who does not appreciate that?

  18. Hey Melissa, who's low on inspirationals? That's usually when I do my best, haha.

  19. Entered Speedbo this morning. Going to do a second draft of a story called "It Is Well With Her Soul." Did first draft for NANO. This is going to be my NANO/Speedbo project until I get it finished, I'll just keep revisiting it until I get it right, ha ha. This weekend I'm going to put it through the Snowflake Method while my husband does our taxes.
    Good post Eileen and Tina, I agree about the "low on entries" contests. My crit partner got her contract from entering a "low on entries" contest on a whim. (The entry was on a whim, she's been working at writing for 20 years.)I do it for two reasons, finagling and feedback. The two "Fs."

  20. Huge congrats to contest Diva Eileen! You rock!!!

    Hope all those who are "chicken" listen to Eileen and Myra and me. We love contests! Met through contests. Contests have taught me a lot and got my name out there.


  21. Rhonda, I'd suggest entering an existing book now but to also keep writing and then enter that book.

    I used contests for two different purposes. First to get objective feedback on my writing. Once I was strong with craft, I entered to get my story in front of an editor judge I was targeting.

    And yes, you can enter a book that's under consideration.

    Enter a contest and save us from the half chicken image. LOL


  22. Eileen, this is awesome! Congratulations on being gorgeous and a contest diva!!!! Go you!!!!!

    Those first contest scores when we realize we might have to work to make the world see our brand of genius!!! LOL!!! #wakeupcall

    I'm so proud of you!

  23. Marianne, Tina is amazing.

    We are so blessed to have her.

    (I say this so she doesn't yell at me for something this weekend. Hey, you never know, I call it a "pre-emptive strike"! Very special ops friendly)!!

  24. Helen I love you and the coffee.

    It's Friday.

    We need food.

    I should have ordered Cronuts ahead of time, but I've been remiss, therefore we'll have ham and eggs with Texas Toast.

    And my homemade sour cherry jam.


  25. wow, lots of contests. woo hoo

    Eileen, what a great story and look how far you've come? Yay. I love that you learned from the contests you entered. That boat off the island should be showing up any time.

  26. Yay Eileen! What a list of wins! I am trying to get a head start on Speedbo. Not that it counts toward my Speedbo word count, but it gets me in the mood - know what I mean? Then Ruthy comes out with a new novella. Shot my word count all to pieces that day! But so worth it!

  27. Tina, thanks for the contest update!

    Eileen, congrats on all your contest placements!! I'm so glad you found us here. We'll look forward to celebrating future successes with you! :)

  28. Thanks Janet,
    I am very much inspired by you and other writers on this blog who give time to help us navigate the world of book publishing.

  29. Speedbo's almost here!! (But where on earth did February go??)

  30. Sandra and Ruth,
    You guys rock! Always generous with your encouragement, which any of us not yet on off the island need...along with our coffee

  31. I agree with Melissa. The "low on inspirationals" call gets me, too.

    I'm in a weird spot at the moment with regards to contests. Some upnpubbed contests prohibit entries if you've self-pubbed a work of over 20,000 words (e.g Golden Heart), while some prohibit it if you've self-pubbed a work of over 40,000 words (Maggies). In other words, I can enter the unpublished Maggies, but not the Golden Heart.

    And my secret word to prove I'm not a robot was "Osaka." The system must know it's me.

  32. Rhonda, maybe you could enter the first book to get feedback on those revisions to see if you've fixed any problems. Meanwhile, get busy on the newest book! Maybe you could enter it in contests later this year.

    Also, I usually advise entering contests that have editor/agent judges that you're targeting.

  33. Cindy and Missy:
    I am so committed to Speedbo and to Tina who nudged me into entering it last year so that I could finally finish my novel!

    Glad to see February go, by the way. In Colorado, we are inches short of the snowyest February on record. That's too much snow...

  34. Sandra

    Thank you for your support! We newbies need and appreciate it

  35. I'm a HUGE fan of contests. I got my agent through one! Not only that, but I leaned oodles from my awesome contest judges. And there were lots of them. I submitted 47 entries to unpubbed contests before I got The Call from Rachelle. (I had four manuscripts I was submitting.)

    Perseverance is a prerequisite for success in this business, along with supportive friends such as those here in Seekerville. I wouldn't be where I am today without my Seeker pals. If I told you all the ways I've been helped, encouraged, uplifted, assisted my them, this comment would be five times as long.

    I wish all those entering contests the very best.

  36. Thank you so much Tina! I'm going to enter some with my manuscript which is finished! Thanks also to Kelli for encouraging us all. Best wishes in your writing.

  37. As usual, TINA, you are at the top of your game in contest updates!

    Congratulations to EILEEN, our Contest Diva! It's a scary thing putting your work out there for scoring and criticism, but there's so much to gain from a thoughtful judge's comments.

    And now, back to my Speedbo prep work! Must get a better handle on these characters so I'm ready to write!

  38. I've learned a lot from contests! And I began entering them because you you Seeker ladies. I'm so glad you post these updates each month.

    I'm STILL working on my Genesis entry, and I'm hoping to send it off in the next few days. I'm also looking at other contests. With the Touched By Love contest, I was a little confused. What is considered a long contemporary?

    The other one I'm considering is the Unpublished Maggies. Three contests in one month might be too much though, we'll see. :)

    And congratulations on being the contest diva, Eileen! You've definitely earned the title. :)

  39. Congratulations, Eileen! I love your positive attitude, your perseverance and how teachable you are. A willingness to learn can make a big difference. I hope your contest successes lead to The Call.

    What are some of the most helpful contest judge comments you've received? The ones that flipped the switch, causing the light to come on? And have there been any funny ones that made you chuckle?

  40. Eileen, Janet, and Missy - Thanks for the advice! I knew there were people who could help me find my way, even if all it took was a swift kick in the backside to get me free of the underbrush in the wilds.

    Janet, go ahead and wipe the half-chicken image out of your mind. We have another snow day here and Mountain Man is at work, so I have the entire day to polish up a manuscript for a contest. #noexcuses #nolimits

    Missy, I do agree the first manuscript is the one I need to enter in a contest. That will make Mountain Man happy since it's his favorite story that I've written.

  41. Wishing good luck to those entering any contest, Speedbo, etc.
    I'll be waiting to read...!!

  42. Congrats Diva Eileen! What a wonderful story about heeding that compelling feeling to try a contest -- and where you have gone (and grown) since then. I read the 'blurb' at your website and really, really, really want to see your book published so I can read it.

    Wishing you all the best in the GE finals.


  43. Seven years ago Tina sent me an e-mail saying the OKRWA contest was low on inspies... final judge was Melissa Endlich who had just become senior editor at Love Inspired... I sent two entries, praying...

    I finaled and Melissa gave Running on Empty and Winter's End a double win... and asked for fulls on both.

    So yeah, I'm totally in on the low on inspirationals! That was a door-opener in the most amazing way. I am beyond blessed.

    Contest Divas Unite!!!

  44. Are you saying chickens
    can't enter Speedbo?

    Have you ever seen us
    jump on a June Bug?

    Is it because we are all plotters given our inability to fly very far? Do you even know which came first: pantsers or plotters?

    This calls for a hen party.

  45. P.S.

    Good luck to all you contest entrants!

    Thanks, Tina, for the updates.

    Nancy C

  46. Keli: Your journey sounds very similar to mine. I totally agree that the authors on Seekerville are the honorary winners of any contest wins I received. I also agree that the judges have been so important and very generous with their help.
    The contest that flipped the switch was a win in the Celtic Category for the Golden Claddaugh. The judges all complimented my Irish voice and my historical insight. Since the judges are all focused on stories about Scotland and Ireland, their reflections became super meaningful. One of the funniest contest moments was when I scored a perfect 100 from one judge and a 49 from another. The high scoring judge said, “Your story is so compelling! I love the way you write. You have my first ever perfect score.” The other said, “I would concentrate my effort on building a better story. I found your characters weak and the plot unmanageable. You may want to start over.” Fortunately, most judges are not so mean. They dropped the lowest score and had another judge determine the final score of 92.

  47. Jeanne
    The Seekerville writers make all of us feel protected and nurtured!

  48. Chili
    Thank you for reading my blog. My daughter actually built the site in her spare time. I am giving Rescuing Mr. Gracey to an editor next month and still hoping for the editor/publisher too. Meanwhile, I am in Speedbo for a new contemporary that will link to the historical. I know I will finish in a month, I know I will, I know I will. So exciting!

  49. Eileen, I've often heard stories that result in widely varied scores are a good thing. Those disparate scores are proof the story evokes strong reactions in readers. That sure beats a bunch of mediocre meh scores, right? I'm glad they tossed that low score, though.

  50. Eileen, congratulation on your contesting success and for being the March Contest Diva! Your points on the value of contests is SO true. God showed me the way to Seekerville through Missy and Tina. I'm so grateful for that direction because there's plenty to learn about sailing off Unpublished Island.

    Those upcoming contests are VERY tempting. I'm focusing on my SpeedBo project now, but after March.....

    Thanks for the link to Chicken Soup for the Soul....that is tempting, too! Focusing....with #NoLimits?!?!

  51. Great job, Eileen, with all your contesting!

    I'm entering the Genesis again this year, planning to get my entries polished and entered by early next week. Then, Speedbo, full speed ahead!

  52. I'm lovin' on all this enthusiasm!!! Sherida, Speedbo: YES!!!!!!! You too, Meghan, we can do this.

    One day at a time, kind of like a 12 step treatment program. :) And just as successful!

  53. Thank you Sherida and Meghan. I have entered the Fabulous Five and Golden Heart. Waiting for results from Great Expectations. Meanwhile, my effort in March will be toward the edit on my historical and finishing Speedbo with a new book.

  54. This is an inspiring and fun post! Thanks, everyone.

    Because of you guys here at Seekerville I'm entering the ACFW contest, ( thanks again, NancyC ) and I'm signed up for Speedbo.

    Two first for me, and I'm scared! :-|

    It's snowing here, beautiful and cold. :-)

  55. Wow, Tina's all HIGH TECH with the video of Myra and Janet!

  56. Contests entered: check

    Registered for Speedbo: check

    Bottom in chair, hands on keyboard: ...wait, let me grab some caffeine first. And chocolate.

    Speedbo, here we come!

    And congratulations Eileen!!! Your story shows exactly why we need to enter contests!

  57. Wow! Go Eileen! Your contest resume is excellent.
    I agree, Seekerville is a wonderful group of encouraging people. They have provided me with the courage to enter the contest's pretty awesome.

  58. Mary:
    Don't be afraid. The judges are usually gentle and knowledgeable and encouraging.

  59. Off topic alert!!!

    What color is the dress, darlings????? This dress thing is off-topic, but way fun....

    Go here: Ruthy's facebook page

    where #TheDress is actually changing color for people.

    And then come back here and we the hen party and chat about the color changing dress!!!

    Sorry, now I'm back to being proud of Eileen and getting ready for SPEEDBO!!!!

  60. Was the Bible plotted or pantsered, Vince?

  61. Mary, were high-tech grannies in Seekerville!!!!

  62. kaybee, the Faith Hope and Love chapter of RWA's contests were the ones putting out the all call on low entries.

  63. Rhonda, I'm so happy you followed through on the R&R! That rocks.

    I would say this... It's good to have multiple irons in the fire. When folks argue with me over that, I laugh at them, because it's good to have back-up.

    So keep writing... and scour the area for where else the LIS manuscript might fit... if that editor is judging a contest, enter that one! A contest should always have a purpose or goal. It's like writing a book, every page should serve a purpose... and every contest you enter should have a possible ROI (return on investment)... otherwise you're spinning your wheels.

    The biggest key is KEEP WRITING.

    Build a stockpile. Think of firewood. If you have too much one year, that's okay... because it's not going to go to waste! Books are storable, so keep at it!

  64. Tina:

    The Bible was dictated.
    Man just wrote it down.

  65. Tina - Yay! Killer Voices counts as a contest!! Guess there's no half-chicken person here. ;)

    Ruthy - Thanks for the excellent advice. I'm researching contest and plan to submit to one or two in the near future.

  66. Off Topic Ruth:

    Paranormal Sequel to:
    “All Dressed Up in Love”

    Elena’s Weddings and Bridal invents a secret line of dresses which reveal what men really think of the wearer -- simply by what colors they are seeing!

    “Fifty Hues of What He’s Really Thinking”.

    The hero’s character ARC changes as the dress colors change. Get it out quick, (Speedbo?), and ride the wave of the current publicity!

    What could a heroine do with that kind of instant feedback?

    Are you ready to write a paranormal?

  67. .
    P. S.

    The O. Henry Twist

    After seeing 'I love you' colors for most of the book but acting like he was not really that into the heroine, the hero reports seeing 'I can't stand you' colors. This causes the 'black moment'. The heroine is heartbroken -- her soulmate is a liar!!!

    Turns out the hero is colorblind. He was being true both times! He really does love her!

    Moral: Trust your heart not your eyes.

  68. Happy Friday Seekerville Friends!
    Thanks for all the contest info. and CONGRATS to the Diva Eileen!

    I am entering the Genesis for sure, and still considering unpubbed Maggies.

    Love the photo of the chicken---so cute! :) Such EGGscellent motivation, LOL.

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  69. TINA!! Do you have any idea how many times I clicked on the video link of Myra and Janet before I finally figured out it actually wasn't a link??? Man, I'm slow ...

    And, EILEEN!!!!!! OH. MY. GOODNESS ... to know I had a hand in encouraging and inspiring you absolutely MAKES MY DAY, my friend, so thank you for telling me that. SUPER CONGRAT on all the wins/finals you have had and for being our March Contest Diva -- YOU ROCK!!


  70. Every time I watch that video I crack up!!!!

  71. Congratulations on your success, Eileen. I hope to be ready for contests sometime soon. I am gearing up for Speedbo. As I have been preparing, I realize I have a lot I'm uncertain about in where my novel is going, but will continue figuring it out. Please enter me for the drawing.

  72. A dress with a twist! Yes, for certain!

    O'Henry... yes. That works for me, Vince!!!

  73. Countdown to Speedbo!

    I'm pumped!

    Thanks, Tina, for the great contest lineup. Mailed books for two contests today. Want to mail my Daphne and Maggie entries tomorrow. Oh, for a Virtual Assistant! :)

    Eileen, loved reading about your journey. Congrats on all your contest success! Keep moving forward. The goal is in sight!

    Interesting that Paula Eykelhof is one of the unpubbed judges for the Daphne. Now wouldn't it be fun to publish with MIRA!

    Wishing everyone a great weekend of writing progress!

  74. I didn't notice that Deb!!

  75. Eileen, Congrats on your contest success. The most important thing (in my humble opinion) is that you are still writing and persevering. I totally understand one of your comments in that I did receive a perfect score in one contest and still didn't final. Keep at it, and I look forward to hearing of your jump to the pubbed island.

    Thanks for the contest updates.

    I entered Speedbo this afternoon, and just got a head start by editing the first 9 pages of my WIP.

  76. Julie
    You bet! I am came to Seekerville because of you; I won contests because of the encouragement of all the authors and instructional blogs and I completed the novel because of Ms. Tina's amazing ability to inspire and encourage. Now, if everyone will please take a bow. Seriously, I love you all...

  77. Sandy
    When I started entering contests I was only 25% finished. I wanted to confirm that I had ability and a good story and the contests helped me with that. Don't feel you have to have a completed novel before you enter.

  78. Great contest update, Tina! I'm looking forward to checking out this month's contests. :)

  79. Great WE as usual! :-)

    I've cleared my schedule as much as I can for a strong Speedbo start.

    But, I still have a birthday party ( two hours from me ) that I CAN'T miss, an art meeting that I CAN'T miss and a day at the hospital with baby brother that I CAN'T miss.

    I'm remembering though, sometimes I work better under pressure—I always hang wet paintings in art shows . . .

  80. I won't be interrupted this weekend by drop-in visitors. My road is almost impassable with snow, and an ice storm is headed this way next! :-\

    Happy Speedboing everyone, and good luck with your writing goals!!!!

  81. Rhonda, kudos to Mountain Man! Go you!

