Monday, February 9, 2015

The Great Reader Event

The Great Reader Event
Lindi Peterson and Ciara Knight

Ciara Knight (L) and Lindi Peterson (R)

Ciara: Planning a reader event can be exciting and exhausting. We’ve attended many in the past, so we had the general idea of how they are run, but we had no idea about all the little things that we had to think about. Don’t worry, though, we are happy to share what we've learned with you here today.

First, do you have a theme for your event? We chose ‘Love Our Readers,’ because our event was being held on Valentine’s Day, and it’s all about the sweet/inspirational love story.

Lindi: And along with theme is purpose. Our purpose wasn’t to make money. We did this to raise awareness for local businesses as well as local authors. There is so much talent in our area that we believe needs to be promoted. We think that after this first year people will be talking about the event so next year people will be looking forward to it.

Ciara: Start planning well in advance. We started planning in May of 2014 for a February 2015 event. Before you begin work on your event, you should consider what type of budget you’d like to work with. Do you want a large event with a big budget, a small event with a modest budget, or something in between? Based on this desire, you can start the planning process.

Lindi: Ciara and I tossed out many different ideas before deciding on the luncheon on Valentine’s Day. One of them being a brunch that served mimosas. (You guys serve brunch here on Seekerville, right?) But we discovered we didn’t want to get into the alcohol aspect. That brings another level of expense even to a mild-mannered brunch. So we landed on a luncheon. Now that we had our date and event we asked Karen White if she would be available to be our Keynote speaker. She was and she agreed! So we asked two local authors who wrote sweet and/or inspirational fiction to join us. Missy Tippens and Meg Moseley both agreed. Now the hunt was on for the perfect venue.

Ciara:  Yes! What venue will fit your vision? You can have a seated dinner at a country club, a buffet at a local restaurant, or tea and sweets at the mall. The possibilities are endless, just make sure it matches your theme. In our case, we chose to go with an eclectic theme with an air of romance, so we reserved the Rose Cotttage. It has the perfect ambiance with its various, ornate chandeliers, hardwood flooring and a fireplace.

Lindi:  Yes, the place is very cool with its mix-matched chandeliers. I loved that right off. It was different—in a good way!

Ciara: Next on our list is food.

Lindi: Yes—food is a must!

Ciara: No doubt. We live in the south, so we have to have food at our event. If you’ll be serving food, you need to think about your theme. In our case, we are having a sweet and romantic catered lunch prepared and served by Tea Leaves and Thyme. It’s a local, delicious tea house in Woodstock, Georgia. It’s perfect for our sweet/inspirational love event.

Lindi: Oh, and our menu? Chicken salad, pineapple orange pasta salad, scones with lemon or almond crème, yummy dessert. And iced tea of course!

Now that we have the place and the food we need to talk about our bookseller. FoxTale Book Shoppe! An amazing bookstore that is so author friendly. They hold workshops, host book launches, book parties, book teas, book everything. We are so pleased to have them on board.

Ciara: The big decisions are made so let’s concentrate on a few of the small things. I’d strongly suggest to offer some door prizes or welcome bags with promo goodies. One way to offset the cost of this to stay within your budget, reach out to local stores and small businesses. At Love Our Readers Luncheon we worked with SandyJo Designs for our centerpieces, Jewelry designer Julie Helligrath from Enchanted Ambition, Mary Conneally who donated books and other authors to fill our bags with amazing swag! Oh, and we even made the welcome bags.

Lindi: Correction. Ciara made the bags. Also, each author is donating a basket for the door prizes. The centerpieces are door prizes as well.

A few other miscellaneous things to think about is making sure you have all utensils, decorations, name tags, pens for signing, paper products and dishes. At our event, we’ll be eating on mismatched china because it fits our theme.

Lindi: Yes, I work with a guy whose wife collects china. She’s donating the use of 40 plates for the day. Ciara and I are dishwashers immediately after the event. Event planner/author to dishwasher in a matter of minutes. Gotta love it!! (And we do!)

Ciara: Lastly, set a schedule ahead of time. Make sure you speak to your keynote speaker, each of your authors and bookseller to work out a timeline that works for everyone.

Lindi:  We hope to stay on our timeline. If not, well, we live and learn and trust us, we are taking notes for next year. Since our goal is to raise local author awareness, we hope to grow the book signing part of the event.

Thanks for letting us share this journey we’ve been on. We’ve been promoting this by social media and word of mouth. FB Twitter, Instagram—If you are on these sites and are our friends, I’m sure you’ve seen our posts. As of today we only have 7 tickets left. Of course we hope to sell them this week.
Anybody want to come?

Missy Tippens, here. Thank you Lindi and Ciara! I hope some of you may be able to come to our event. We'd love to see you! Visit for more info! Feel free to ask questions.

GIVEAWAYS TODAY! Please let us know in the comments section if you'd like to be entered. Ciara is giving away one copy of Valentine's in Sweetwater County.
Lindi is giving away one copy of Rich in Faith.

Visit Ciara at and be sure to read her inspiring story of overcoming obstacles (on her "About Me" page).


  1. Welcome, ladies!! I've got some decaff for those of us who are here late Sunday night. :)

  2. Welcome to Seekerville, ladies.

    This sounds like so much fun! I love it.

    What a cool idea. And I may have to borrow your brilliant planning timeline. Thank you.

  3. You ladies are brave to undertake such a major event. It sounds delightful and If I lived closer I'd be there.

    Lindi - I always remember meeting you at RWA in Dallas fondly. You have one of the kindest and welcoming spirits of anyone I've ever met.

    Hope you gals have an awesome time!

  4. Lindi & Ciara your event sounds so wonderful! I wish I lived in the area so I could attend. I pray it goes well and becomes an annual tradition.

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  5. I am so tempted to hop a plane and come down just to hug the lot o' youse!

    Karen White has been an inspiration to me for years, long before I was close to being published. I stumbled on her in the old Barclay contest, and it's been a love affair with her work and her ever since. My highlight of signing at RWA Orlando a few years ago wasn't signing books... it was meeting Karen face to face!!!

    Girls, what a wonderful idea, and it sounds perfect, perfect, perfect. I hope you have a ball! I hope it's a stunning success and that you come away knowing how your beautiful work touches people.

    What a blessing, right there!

  6. Thank you ladies for having us at Seekerville today. It's my first time here. :)

    Missy, I have 'caffeinated' coffee. ;) It's early on a Monday morning.

    Thanks for the welcome, Tina. I'm so excited to be here.

    Thanks, Terri. We are looking forward to Love Our Readers Luncheon. I can't believe it's only a few days away.

    Cindy, we wish you lived closer, too. We'd love to have you.

    Ruth, Karen White is one classy lady. I remember meeting her at one of my first RWA meetings.

  7. Welcome to Seekerville Lindi and Ciara,

    Thanks for sharing your plan. I hope you have a beautiful day and that everything runs smoothly. And I hope you have fun!

  8. Welcome Lindi and Ciara! Wow, I'm exhausted just reading about your prep work!

    How awesome for you to plan a year ahead of time for an event such as this. So many details to attend to. I wouldn't have thought of HALF of the resources you included...including the atmosphere of elegance in using china plates!

    I can't wait to hear how the event goes. Missy? I'm sure you'll give us a follow up??

    Have fun, ladies!!!

  9. Oh good, I see Tina's interested in the timeline...maybe a Seekerville Luncheon? In Arizona? Nebraska? Upstate New York??

  10. As far as funding for the event, did you sell tickets ahead of time so you'd have an accurate count of attendees? Tickets' at the the door?

    How did you calculate the budget??

  11. What a fun post today! I'm disappointed I have to get ready to go to day job. Have fun luncheoning, kids!!

  12. Good morning!

    Tina, I wish you could come.

    Terri, yes, you've described Lindi well!

  13. Cindy, I've got you entered.

    Ruthy, I think you need to use some of those frequent flyer points to come see us!

  14. Good morning, Ciara! I'm doing caffeinated now, too. :)

  15. Audra, I'll be sure to take photos! And yes, I'll share. :)

  16. Audra, what a good idea! A Seeker luncheon. We could do it in Atlanta since so many of us are within driving distance from here. How fun!

  17. Welcome to Seekerville, Lindi and
    Ciara. Your reader event sounds fabulous! I would love to come and enjoy this lovely day. Chandeliers, ladies luncheon, Karen White as the speaker and a chance to see you and Missy... Can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon!

    I'm impressed with how thoroughly and far ahead you made your plans. Thanks for sharing.


  18. Thanks, Jackie. I hope so, too.

    Audra, we did sell tickets ahead of time. We based our budget on projected sales based on our available seating.

  19. You are blessed to have a bookseller in your area that is author friendly! Our independent closed its doors years ago. Sad.


  20. Now I want to see very plate of the mismatched china you'll be serving on. :-) I love dishes, especially antique dishes. Take care washing them, ladies!


  21. So, Tina and Sandra....where can I sign up for the one in theGlendale area? I know you have the Glendale Chocolate Affair, but I'd love todo a luncheon where we'd actually be able to eat together with you! Yes, Missy, please enter my name for a chance at the book, please

  22. Good morning Seekerville! ! Half decaf soy latte here. Thank you for all the kind remarks! . You ladies are awesome. Teri. .I do remember our meeting as well. Your welcoming spirit and smile drew me in and have stayed with me. And yes all, Karen is classy, sweet and pens such beautiful stories! Janet, we'll have photos.:) Thanks Missy and Seekerville for having us today. It's good to be back and I'm def thinking a Seekerville luncheon is a must! !

  23. Oh this sounds like such a delightful day. You betcha if I lived closer I'd be there in a heartbeat.

    I hope you have a wonderful time. Can't wait to see pictures and hear about it.

  24. Sounds like loads of fun!

    Good luck, and I hope there's a huge crowd gathered when the doors open! :-)

  25. We'd love to have you Mary, but we understand about the distance. :)

  26. Good morning, Janet!

    Marianne, I've got you entered!

    Lindi, I'm glad you could stop by before work.

    Mary Curry, wish you could be here. But I bet we'll see you in NYC for RWA this summer!

  27. Glad you stopped by Mary H.

    I've got bagels and cream cheese for breakfast! And how about made to order omelets? That sounds good to me. :)

  28. Hey, I have a question. We're going to be doing short readings from our recent books at the lunch. What do y'all recommend reading??? The opening of the book? Or a good romantic scene further in?

    What will entice readers best? I'm clueless!!

  29. I've SO been looking forward to this post! Thanks for giving us the skinny on your reader luncheon, Ciara and Lindi. :)

    This past November, I set the stage for a potential reader's luncheon in my area. Beth White, Patricia Bradley and I held a meet-and-greet event at Inn the Oaks B&B in my neck of the woods. We rented the B&B (3 bedrooms...perfect) on a Friday night between book signings at two different Lifeways. We went out to dinner on Friday night, then had an informal book signing/meet and greet at the B&B on Saturday morning before we drove to the next event.

    With 3 other signings that weekend, I knew I couldn't plan and host a full-blown readers luncheon. BUT wouldn't that be cool? I'm bookmarking today's post for future reference.

  30. Missy, we want LOTS of pictures!!! :)

  31. Oooooh, did Missy just volunteer to host a Seeker Luncheon in Atlanta???

    Wow, thanks Missy!


  32. Hi Ciara and Lindi, Great to have you here in Seekerville and what an exciting event you have coming up. Yay.

    Have a great day. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas.

  33. Wouldn't a Seekerville luncheon be fun! Missy, Atlanta would be a great location!


  34. What a fun idea! I wish I could go. :) I'm sure it's going to be wonderful.

    I'd love to be entered in the drawing.

  35. About Readings...

    For me personally, I've found that attempting to read the first scene to an audience is a bit cumbersome.

    Most of the time, the first scene is kinda long and there's a LOT to take in, with a good bit of setting the stage for the reading. Of course, some first scenes might work better read aloud than others.

    This past Saturday, I attended a local writers meeting and we read from our work. Some of us read from WIPs and some from published pieces. I forgot to take something from a wip, but had a copy of The Homestead Brides with me to SHOW OFF, lol.

    I remembered a darling short scene not to far into my story that involves a cute lost kid, a mongrel mutt and a litter of puppies. So I briefly gave the set-up, introduced the two main characters and read that piece. It worked really well.

    But it also depends on how much time you have to read. I wanted to take a small amount of time, and so that particular scene worked for me at the time.

  36. Sounds like it's going to be a fun, fun day! Thanks for telling us all about how you put it together, ladies!

    I see AUDRA and TINA have asked some of the questions I was wondering about. Wouldn't it be fun to hold a Seekers Reader Luncheon someday? Cool1

  37. A Seekerville Reader Luncheon would be EPIC! :)

    Have a great day ladies!

  38. Wow, you are blessed to have so much talent in your area! What a treat for readers!

    I was wondering how you financed the luncheon too. And I'd love it if Seekerville had you back to report on how it went (with pictures)and you could tell us what went well, what you might change up and some reader comments. LOL I don't ask for much, do I?

    Missy -- I agree with Pam's comment about choosing a scene other than the opening one to read. I would have thought that's what an author would read as well, but after hosting a few children's authors at school libraries, I learned that they all chose a later scene in the book. Scary if it was a mystery, funny if it was a more humourous read, thought-provoking if it was a more serious story (like about bullying). They always ended with a hook. Anyway, the neat thing was that the kids were crazy eager to read the book just so they'd reach that scene the author had read to them. Talk about an incentive to get kids reading!

  39. LOL, Pam! No, I think I'm volunteering Debby. :)

    Pam, I love the idea you've had for a luncheon! It sounds like a great place to do it. If nothing else, it would be a great writer getaway!

  40. Pam, thanks for the advice on doing a reading! I think that's probably a good idea. Although, my opening of my upcoming book, The Doctor's Second Chance, is pretty dramatic. Hmmmm… decisions, decisions…

    Oh, wait. Since that one's not out yet, I'll be reading from my last book. I think I'll need to pick a more romantic scene. That opening has best friends reuniting. I should probably pick a scene where one of them if starting to feel a little romantic. hahaha

  41. Ane, I'm glad! Can't wait to see you.

  42. Good morning, Sandra and Janet!

    Janet, I think it would be good to have in Atlanta! :)

  43. Good morning, Myra! Yeah, I look forward to hearing more on the questions.

    Thanks, Caryl!

  44. Kav, thanks for your input! We definitely want to hook them so they'll be sorely tempted to buy the book at the signing. :)

  45. BTW, the only time I've done a reading was for an internet radio program. And I was miserable doing it! For some reason, I felt really awkward reading my own work. (or maybe it was just hearing my own voice--you know how that can feel strange?).

    Anyway, Lindi volunteered to read mine for me. Bless you, Lindi! :)

  46. Hi Lindi and Ciara:

    First I must say I really like your website with all those happy spring colors. It has just the right look and feel for the kind of event you are holding.

    I do have one question: As a marketing person, I have always wondered about selling tickets to a ‘reader appreciate’ event. Isn’t that like making the guest of honor pay for her meal? I noticed that you did not use the word ‘appreciation’ as some event planners do and that helps. Also, I see that there are only 7 tickets left so what you are doing is working just fine. However, for future planners I think that perhaps a title like:

    Romance Loving Authors & Readers Luncheon

    "Seeking Love & Romance"
    Authors & Readers Luncheon

    might be a bit better from the marketing POV.

    Just an idea.

    If the title jarred me, it might someone else.

    Questions for Ciara: how do you pronounce your name? 'Key-are-ah', 'Chee—are—ah' or 'Char-ah'. I think it is a wonderful name for a heroine or romance author. Also, the cover of “Valentines in Sweetwater County” is so stunning that it makes me think it is a paranormal. Is it? Those colors and that sky seem other worldly.

    Questions for Lindi: The covers of your three books look like they go together as a series without looking like any other books covers I’ve seen. Simply beautiful. Are you using a cover artist that does freelance? Also, how is your one word ‘renew’ working out so far?


    Please put me in for either book.

  47. Vince, you made some good points on the name of the event. Thanks for the suggestions.

    I can help with Ciara's name! It sounds like Sierra. :) At least I hope I've been saying it right. :)

    Lindi is at work (where they block FB), so she may have to answer you this evening. But yes, I love her covers! She did a post on her cover artist a while back. I'll go look and see if I can find a link...

  48. Okay, Vince. I found it. We did a post together back in November about cover art.

    Sorry you'll have to copy and paste.

  49. I love all the fun pronunciations of Ciara's name. I'm Irish, so we tend toward the hard "C" "K" sound, but I also love Westerns and they tend toward the "Sierra" version. Great name, regardless!

    I would love a Seekers luncheon!


    But where to have it would be the question. We have 3 AZ Seekers.

    I think Arizona wins by default, don't you guys?

    That way there's a team on hand to plan it.

    (notice that Ruthy just cleverly slid that task to the deep Southwest.)


  50. LOL, Ruthy. But we have Debby, Myra, Cara and me all within driving distance of Atlanta. Plus, Pam could probably drive it too.

    Then again, I'd LOVE to see Tina's fruit trees in the winter! Maybe we should have something around Phoenix next January. I'm sure The Sarg could get everything whipped into shape in no time. :)

  51. This sounds like such a fun event. I wish I could come. Please enter me in the drawing.

  52. You should have a Seeker luncheon in Nebraska. It is in the middle of the country, so people could come from all over! :)

  53. WOW, LINDI AND CIARA ... I am ready to sign up, girls, and that's saying something for a girl who gave up luncheons out when I got published. You have done a BEAUTIFUL job planning this event, and I can't wait to see the pix after, so please, Missy, send a link on the Seeker loop or to WE when it's over, okay?

    Ciara, the bags are gorgeous, and the jewelry makes me salivate along with the food. Why can't this be happening in St. Louis???

    And, Lindi, congrats on another book, my friend -- you have the BEST covers, girl!!

    Thanks for sharing the journey with us, and I wish you much success and fun!


  54. Mary, it was fun to see your book in the giveaway bag! :)

    Sandy, I have you entered!

    Julie, I wish you could come take part. I'll definitely share photos. I have a guest posting in my spot next month, but maybe I can share them in April. :)

  55. Anyone else have advice on what type scene to read aloud?

  56. What a perfect event....quaint venue, fabulous tea treats, and inspirational authors! Thanks for sharing your planning details, Lindi and Ciara (my DIL's lovely name). Too far away for me to attend, but please put my name in for one of your books. (I lived in Sweetwater county once upon a time.) Wishing you a fun day on Saturday!

  57. I wish I could be there, but I will collecting books for an Eagle Scout project to benefit our public library.

    Of course, Ciara and Lindi are two of my favorite people in GRW, so I'm supportive in spirit.

    Please leave me out of the drawing. I'm well acquainted with how wonderful these two write, so I would like someone else to win.

  58. Sounds like you've thought of everything, Ladies. I know the day will be extra special, and the readers will be thrilled to mix and mingle with their favorite authors! It will be a Valentine's Day they'll long remember.

    Have fun!

  59. Love this luncheon idea.

    Though I sort of love anything that includes lunch.

    It all sounds so fun, a crowd who all loves reading, what a great idea.

    You ladies are really making the whole thing sound wonderful. I love it!

  60. Sherida, I have you entered! So tell us…how you you pronounce your DIL's name??

  61. Walt, good luck collecting those books! What a great project.

  62. Debby, yes, it'll be wonderful to spend Valentine's with readers!

    Mary, you need to leave the land of freezing weather and come join us! It's been in the 60's today. :)

  63. Oh my, I'm too much of an introvert to plan a reader event like that, but I do hope you ladies have fun and that it's a success!

  64. Oh my, I'm too much of an introvert to plan a reader event like that, but I do hope you ladies have fun and that it's a success!

  65. It sounds like you had a fabulous time, Pam! :)

    Sandra - We are glad to be here.

    Jennifer - We'd love to have you.

    Pam - I agree. It's tough reading the first scene of a story since it has so much detail.

    Anne - I'm so excited that you'll be there!!

    Myra - I'm glad you found it informative.

  66. Naomi, I'm a bit introverted, too. But once I get over the nerves, I've had a lot of fun at reader events like this. Maybe because of the shared love of books. :)

  67. Kav - We'd love to come back and report on how it went.

    Vince - We only charge enough to cover the lunch and event space. We did not want to run this event to make money, only to connect with our local readers. As for the pronunciation of my name, see-air-ah. :)

    Ruth - That's the correct pronunciation. :)

    Julie - I'm so sorry. I wish we could host an event there. Perhaps some day.

    Sherida - Ah, a Tennessee girl. Did you live in the town Sweetwater? My characters live in Creekside, which is in Sweetwater County. Good luck in the drawing.

    Walt - I always love seeing your smiling face at GRW meetings!

    Debbie - I hope they do.

    Mary - Thank you so much for the book donations!! I know the readers will go nuts over that.

  68. The 1st Annual Seekerville Reader Luncheon could be hosted on Atlanta, then the DFW area and so on....;)

  69. Sounds like a delightful event, ladies! Given all the thought and planning you've put into this, it will undoubtedly be a hit. You might start thinking about a larger venue for next year :-)

    Nancy C

  70. Missy, my DIL's name is pronounced with the hard K sounds as she is Irish.....and Swedish. Wish I could join you for the fun lunch!

    Ciara, the Sweetwater county I've lived in is in Wyoming. Interesting pronunciation of your name....lovely! Please do share pictures of your event. Such a good idea!

    Yes, a Seekerville lunch.....and I'd vote for the Southwest!

  71. What a lovely event! I would definitely come. Wish we could plan one in California. What a personal and meaningful way to interact with your readers. Mine are kids so I'm planning a pizza party for my beta readers. The only problem is that I have more than 40 of them that participated so I may need to split it up. Do you have suggestions for doing it separately - boys and girls? Have any of you done youth events like this. Thanks again!

  72. Caryl, good point. We should move it around the country! :)

  73. Nancy C, I'm glad you stopped by!

    Sherida, that's so interesting. You know, I've never heard the name with a hard C! Unless it's spelled with a K.

    My nephew is married to a Siara, and it's pronounced like Ciara's name.

  74. Elizabeth, that sounds like a fun event! If they're all beta readers, it seems like they'd like to all meet each other. So having one event would be fun. It would just be difficult for you to spend time with each of them.

  75. I hope you have a great readers event. I'd love to win both books!

  76. Vince--Hello!! Thanks for the title suggestions--I see what you mean about the name--Ha!! We are still in the learning stages!! We appreciate all suggestions. And my word renew is rocking my world---It's constant and I'm reminded often to stop and think about it. Thanks for asking!!! And I do love my covers! The first one was done by Deb D at Belle Books--and they graciously let me hire a cover artist and keep the same tone for the next 2 books. Lynnette Bonner from Indie Cover Designs did them. It's so great to see you here!! Oh, and Ciara's book is contemporary, but she does have a great cover, too!

  77. Kav--we sold tickets to cover the event space and luncheon. We have most everything else donated by amazing people who love artistry and reading. :) We feel super blessed by all the love!!

    I like the ideas for what to read. I usually read a kissing scene! Can't help myself. :)

  78. Thank you to everyone for the encouraging comments. :) And prayers!! I'm looking forward to seeing where this Seekerville luncheon ends up. Count me in! How much fun would that be--or depending on where all the Seekers are--you could have 1 date but 3 or 4 luncheons going on at the same time in different cities! How about that. One in ATl--One in New York--One in the midwest--and one in Arizona? How does that sound? Like fun!!

  79. Looks like a fun event! Wish I lived closer and could come! Thank you for sharing these tips!

  80. Elizabeth--I have not done any youth events. But a pizza party sounds like fun. And maybe splitting them up boys/girls--or maybe age groups? Not sure of the age span. 40 would be a lot at one time. But the pizza sounds like a hit!

  81. My wonderful husband is on call during this event very near me so that lets me out of the fun.

    This is a fantastic idea, and it sounds like so much fun for readers to not only meet a favorite author but discover other authors in the process.

    I hope you all have a fantastic time, and thank you for letting us know about the work this entails.

  82. How fun! I use to love going to Quilting luncheons.. So fun to see old friends & make new..
    toss me in the drawing please :)

  83. Hi Missy:

    Thanks for the link. I think I missed the post when it ran. It is amazing to see how that photo of the bride on the beach became Lindi’s book cover and then to see now how that same look was carried over to the other two books. This is A+ creative work. I have it now in my Scrivener Project with all the other great articles I’ve saved for future reference.

  84. This sounds like it will be a delightful event. It is always a treat for readers to meet and get to visit with the authors of books they enjoy.
    If I win, I would like a copy of VALENTINES IN SWEETWATER COUNTY.

    I hope your event is a great success and you plan one in the future a bit closer to where we live.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Luncheons are always such a fun event, along with mingling with old friends and making new it's a great opportunity to try new fun foods. Yes, please enter me in the drawing.
    Deanne Patterson
