Saturday, February 7, 2015

The Weekend Edition

As romance writers and readers it's only appropriate that we devote two weekends to Valentines Day.

Question for the weekend: are you a plot driven writer or a character driven writer? Readers, is the most enjoyable part of the book the characters or the plot? 


Of course we have Godiva bars to give away this weekend! Milk, or Dark?

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. -if we forget to send our your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules. 

Did you claim your giveaway from LAST WEEK?

Weekend Edition Winners of Homestead Brides are Helen Gray, Marianne Barkman and Angela D. Meyer. 

Monday  Mary Connealy asked the fateful question, "Why can I find time to check my email while Superman is ramming Zod's head into the Statue of Liberty?" Winner of  a signed copy of The Homestead Brides Collection is Janet Ferguson.  Winner of a T-Shirt that says: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF A WOMAN WITH WRITING SKILLS is Cindy Huff.

Tuesday we welcomed 2013 & 2014 Genesis winner Laurie Tomlinson to Seekerville. Not only does Laurie write and write well, but she's a VA. That's Virtual Assistant.  Laurie shared, "Can a Virtual Assistant Help Your Writing Career?" Chill'N is the winner of their choice of a Staples or Office Depot gift card.

Wednesday we  welcomed editor and reviewer Leslie McKee to Seekerville. You may know Leslie from RT Bookreviews Magazine. She shared some inside scoop about how she made the leap from reader to reviewer and more with her post, "Reviews and Reviewers: A Love/Hate Relationship." Tanara McCauley is the winner of an Amazon gift card in honor of her visit.

On Thursday Colorado Seeker, Audra Harders was our hostess with her post, "Does Length Really Matter? Winner of an Amazon gift card is Naomi Rawlings and we are working on a Get the House Ready for Baby Month--honest.

Food Network's Cupcake Wars winner and young entrepreneur Heather Saffer joined us on Friday! Heather talked about how her time as a cupcake designer has morphed into her own brand of gourmet frostings. Heather also writes her own eclectic blog via her website where topics jump from things like Firebomb Nachos to the perseverance and tenacity it takes to start your own company and write a book about frostings! Winner of a copy of her book The Dollop Book of Frosting is Leslie McKee.

Next Week in Seekerville 


Seeker Sightings

Love Our Readers Lunch
February 14, 2015 at 10:00AM to 1:00PM
Click here to purchase tickets.  Thank you to FoxTale Book Shoppe for being our bookseller for this event!

FREE DOWNLOAD IN TIME FOR VALENTINE’S DAY!! Julie Lessman’s award-winning Irish love story, A LIGHT IN THE WINDOW, will be available for free Kindle download  FEBRUARY 10-14, so please spread the word!  A Light in the Window is the winner of the 2013 International Digital Award, 2013 Reader’s Crown Award, and the 2013 Book Buyers Best Award and currently has 178 five-star reviews on Amazon and a 4.7 rating, so check out the video starring Julie’s daughter for a sneak peek here: ALITW Video.

THE RESULTS ARE IN!!! Super congrats to the winning authors in Family Fiction Magazine's TOP TEN NOVELS OF 2014, including our own Julie Lessman with her novel Surprised by Love. Check out the list here:   Family Fiction’s Top Ten Novels of 2014

Random News & Information 

How To Write Fascinating Amazon Book Listings To Sell More Books (The Future of ink)

The Fiction Writer’s 3-Step Process to Creating a Compelling Marketing Offer (The Book Designer)

Think Like an Agent: Agent as Savvy Business Manager (Backspace)

What Are the Design Rules For Text? : INFOGRAPHIC (GalleyCat)

Productivity For Writers: 5 Ways To Become More Productive (The Creative Penn)

 Amazon Reveals Cities That Buy the Most Romances (GalleyCat)

The Most Highlighted Passages in Montlake Romance Titles (GalleyCat)

Harper Lee to Publish Sophomore Novel (PW)

Confessions of a Harlequin Editor: Emily Rodmell (SYTYCW SOLD!)

Your No Limits Quote of the Week 


  1. Persistence does pay off! Thanks TINA, for THE HOMESTEAD BRIDES. Sandra, if I don't get it read before the 18th, I'll have it ready for you by April! Great Weekend Edition, TINA!

  2. Marianne's right! Thanks bunches for Homestead Brides.

    Coffee's brewing.

    And I prefer milk chocolate.

  3. Great WE as always, Miss T!
    CONGRATS to all the winners!
    Next week looks like another great one too.
    Everyone stay warm and enjoy the weekend!
    Lots o' writing for moi!
    Hugs, Patti Jo (who still uses waaaay too many !!!) ;)

  4. “No Limits” Means You Can Have Both Great Characters and a Great Plot:

    the two are not mutually exclusive.

    If you have two horses available to hitch to your cart, why let one ride in the wagon? Don’t limit yourself to one or the other. Become a no limits, well rounded, total horsepower writer.

    For example, Julie’s “A Heart Revealed” has a plot that will keep you turning pages as you wonder ‘how is this ever going to work’ and memorable characters who will make you fall in love with them.

    BTW: Congrats to Julie for her fine finish in the ten best books of 2014! This is truly amazing given that Julie had two books in the competition -- thus splitting her fans' votes between the two of them.

  5. Actually, Pam Hillman is the book lady this weekend.

    Mary Connealy gave away three, then Ruthy last week and this week Pam.

    So thanks, Mary, Ruthy and Pam.

  6. Vince, you have a point. But I'm still a character driven reader and writer.

    DID YOU SEE BA, Oklahoma is a top romance reader city??? Love that Bible Belt.

  7. Congratulations to all the winners!

    In answer to the question. Character driven in writing and in reading the characters as well. If the characters are flat the plot drags for me. The plot can be a little predictable but if the characters are well developed they can make the story.

    Cindy W.

  8. Dark chocolate!

    Congrats to all the winners.

    Great WE, Tina. I was thinking about your questions yesterday. A plot idea strikes me first, and then I create characters for the plot, and then I alter the plot to fit how my characters will react.

    Patti Jo, enjoy your weekend of writing.

    Have a great weekend everybody!

  9. I don't know whether I'm plot driven or character driven! Sometimes I come up with a plot and fit characters into it and other times I have the character and have to find his plot. Sometimes I get a character in the middle of a plot! I prefer milk chocolate :)

  10. CONGRATS to the winners! I enjoy interesting characters involved in exciting plots with DARK chocolate.

    Have a great weekend.

  11. I think I'm more character-driven. In "Trail," my Oregon Trail novel, Caroline's and Michael's plot grows out of WHO THEY ARE and WHO THEY WERE when they knew each other before. I don't think I've ever been "plot driven" in the case of coming up with the plot first.
    Michael leaves Caroline in Ohio, not knowing that she's carrying his child. His best friend Dan marries her to keep her from the shame, but the baby dies and so does Dan, AFTER leading her to the Lord. They meet up again on the Oregon Trail, which is probably the LAST place you want to be with someone who betrayed you, and they play out the renewing of their relationship before the harshness and beauty of the Trail. He's also being tracked by two old enemies from Ireland, so there's that. And it all comes to a climax on a "desolate crag in the Bluc Mountains." You can't make this stuff up. Well, I can, but that's kind of the point, isn't it?
    Happy Saturday! We are expecting a three-day snowstorm here, so I will be able to do a lot of writing. Like Ruthy says, it's a gift and a privilege to be able to do this.

  12. I start with plot, but need to know my characters, who really ARE the story. :)

    Thanks for great info on the WE!

    Happy Valentine's Day greetings, one week prior, to all!

    V Day is an excuse to eat more chocolate, IMHO!

  13. My plots tend to grow organically from my characters and my settings. Michael and Caroline wouldn't have been the same in any other time period, especially modern--there are more options for an unplanned pregnancy, even though some of them are yucky, and there's less condemnation. I don't think it would have been the same with another setting, either, because the Trail brought out the best and worst of people and showed them what they were made of. I think I got lucky with this one...

  14. Congratulations, winners! :-)

    Sometimes it's the plot, and then sometimes the characters pull me into a story—am I being wishy-washy?

    I guess the story / plot if I had to choose—I can deal with characters I don't care for, but I close the book on a boring story.

  15. Seriously, TINA? BA, OK, is a top romance reader city? How cool is that!

    The characters are absolutely the most important to me, whether in a book, TV show, or the movies. I need a good story, too, but if I don't care about the characters, I have no reason to care about the plot.

  16. Hi Tina:

    Wow! I think we are coming from two different POVs on this character/plot driven question.

    When you wrote, “I'm still a character driven reader and writer”, it made me realize that I was assuming that what was being driven was the narrative…not the reader or the writer. That is, ‘what drives the story’ or ‘what gives the story its energy’. (In other words: what is it about this story that makes it a page turner?)

    I was not considering what drives the author’s approach to writing the story. It would seem to be possible that an author could be ‘character-driven’ because she gives her characters their head and pantsers along after the characters to discover the plot along with them. Another author might plot a great story and then go to central casting to hire the best characters to fill their respective parts. This is more about what drives an author in the creation of the story rather than what drives the story itself.

    For example, it would seem possible that an author’s character-driven story is perceived by the reader as being plot driven and vice versa.

    As a writer, I am mostly plot driven. After all, I’m a story teller. I want a great story. But as a reader, I want a page turner. A great plot will allow the characters to stretch to their maximum potential while great characters will allow the plot to exhibit a richness that would otherwise be impossible.

    So as a reader, I want the whole enchilada: memorable characters with a compelling plot that grabs hold of my attention and never lets go.

    With millions of books available to read, surely I should be able to find enough such books to enrich the limited time I have available to read them.

    How the author favors creating that kind of work is of little importance. It’s the reading experience I am interested in.

    As Myra likes to say, “there is no right way to write a novel,” but once written there is a way to see if what the author did was right. : )

    Write it any way you want. Just give me great characters in a solid plot. And I like the mild salsa.


    P.S. If you are going to be the heroine in your own story, go easy on the black moment.

    P.P.S. What about the question: Are you a hero-driven writer or a heroine-driven writer? I think "The Lawman's Second Chance" is a hero-driven romance. Am I right? Or is this just because I don't limit myself to just "X" chromosomes.:)

  17. `Which Top 10 was Julie in? Congratulations!

  18. Wonderful Weekend Edition, Tina! Jealous of those who will win Godiva bars. Congrats to our winners!

    Julie, mega congrats on Surprised By Love making the Top Ten Novel list!!!

    Wish I could attend the Readers Luncheon in GA. Rose cottage is conjuring up such pretty images!

    We are the heroines of our stories. Now to be as strong and determined to reach our goals as the heroines we create in our stories. Go us!


  19. What would the characters be without the plot and the plot without the characters? I can't separate them in my mind. Story is conflict. Can't have conflict without goals and the characters who care about them.


  20. Congrats to all the winners! I won a copy of The Homestead Brides recently, and Mary's package showed up this week. Thanks, Mary! I'm smiling.

    I'm looking forward to the week to come. Can't wait for Ruthy's post on writing children, part two. And Julie on writing kisses? Yes! Bring it on!

  21. Good question, Janet. I am unable to answer. Vince agrees with you.

  22. I would like to say that while Gone with the Wind has a good plot, you remember Rhett and Scarlett more than the burning of Tara. Not that the Civil War is a backseat to romance. But it sort of is. LOL.

    So that is my point.

    Like plotters and pantsers, yes, it is true, it takes different perspectives to make the romance go round.

    Or perhaps it is just that I personally CARE more for the characters than the plot when I read. I only require the plot to be believable.

  23. Thanks for another great WE. Congrats to this week's winners. Yay for Julie--so deserving. I think I saw where Natalie Monk finaled in GE. Yay to her.

    My characters develop as I plot if that makes sense.

    Kav, your story sounds great. I love settler romances, really tests a character's courage and love.

  24. Thanks for a great week in Seekerville. In both reading and writing, I am all about the characters. Plot is always secondary. But I read and write romance and most plots end with HEA. My favorite part!

  25. Cindy R and I rest our cases.

  26. Tina, I agree that the characters live on in our minds more than the plot. Not that I can forget the fabulous scenes in GWTW that show the war and reconstruction. Those elements of the setting and the plot that changed Scarlet from flirt to flint. Rhett played his part, too. I admire Scarlet as a survivor, not for her methods. :-) And for going on when she was bleeding inside. But she also drove me nuts with her silly obsession for Ashley, a man who would never make her happy.

    See I can still get worked up by the characters. LOL But they wouldn't be who they are without the plot. So maybe the plot is the vehicle for the characters. We wave at them as they pass, but they'd never make the parade without the vehicle.

    I suspect I'm not making sense.


  27. Character. Definitely character. That means I end up with endless book series that just keep going and going and going. Every time I write a new character into my novel, I discover that the new character eventually needs a happy ever after, and so . . .

    Yeah, not good if you ever intend to end a book series.

    And Get the House Ready for Baby month sounds just plain awesome. :-)

  28. Your Honor,

    “If it may please the court, I’d like to ask these questions on behalf of my client:

    While plot may always be secondary in a traditional romance, is plot not often primary in an action/adventure/suspense romance? Isn’t falling in love secondary to staying alive? Doesn’t the plot itself act as a romantic catalyst?

    And what about mysteries? Isn’t the whole point of a mystery finding out ‘who done it’ before the author reveals this at the ending? Sherlock Holmes is an interesting character but without his plots, who’d want to spend hours listening to him talking about 143 different types of tobacco ash?

    And isn’t it true that many of the greatest short stories, from O. Henry to Maupassant, have relied on surprise plot twists for obtaining their immortal status?

    Also, are not the lessons of folk tales most often dependent on the plot? Do we really have to know much about the character of the boy who cried wolf in order to appreciate why the community stopped listening to his cries?

    My client, Polly Plot, is far too unlimited in scope to be confined to one category of one genre.

    Your Honor, the defense rests, as the plot thickens!

  29. Congrats winners! While you can't have one without the other, I am definitely all about the characters when I read a book over the plot. And milk chocolate all the way! Happy weekend :)

  30. " So maybe the plot is the vehicle for the characters. We wave at them as they pass, but they'd never make the parade without the vehicle."

    hahaha, love it, Janet.

  31. Vince, missed his calling. Polly Plot is it?


  32. Hate to interrupt this interesting discussion of plot and characters, but I'm curious. Is anyone else as unnerved as I am that Amazon actually knows what passages people are highlighting on their Kindles?

    I guess I'm hopelessly naive, but it never occurred to me that when I highlight something on my book, Big Brother Amazon knows I did.


  33. Oh my gosh, I won the office supply gift card! Thank you, thank you. Ah the joys of walking the aisles, oohing and ahhing (very softly so the staff doesn't overhear), doubling back to be sure I didn't miss seeing anything. And hey, it's exercise, right?

    Congrats to all the winners. And special congrats to Julie on the Family Fiction Magazine's TOP TEN NOVELS OF 2014.

    So much good news -- and what a week ahead.

    Gotta come down off my "I won an office supply gift card" cloud so I can read the links. They look very interesting, Tina.

    Nancy C

  34. In the midst of my excitement, I fort to answer the question for the weekend. Both as a writer and reader, I want character driven stories. Many times I can't remember the exact plot of something, but the characters are unforgettable.

    Nancy C

  35. The first week of February is over and I have not done the best on the schedule I set for myself for writing this month. But this afternoon I made myself sit down and complete a rough draft for a short story. It sounds awful right now, but at least I have something to work with.

    Please enter me in the drawing for chocolate. Someone told me this week that she doesn't like the taste of chocolate. I don't know how that is even possible.

  36. Saturday writing day at Ruthy's house!!!!

    Happy Author!!!!

    And I painted the step risers on the stairs, primed and first coat...

    The house is a mess and I don't care, I've got a new proposal half done....

    Tired and happy!!!

  37. I think I'm character driven.
    Great links...can't believe Harper Lee is writing another! I have to go read that story.
    Happy Weekend!

  38. Oh, I'm a character girl, I think.

    The character with some sort of backstory comes first... and then the plot of who/what/when/where/how comes into play.

    But even a great character(s) can't carry a story with no plot, so I don't know how to separate the two. I'm with Vince on that one.


    Let me think about favorite characters....

    Hush Thackery in "Sweet Hush"

    Jo Marsh in "Little Women"

    Elizabeth Bonner in Into the Wilderness

    All of them I would call character-driven stories.... And why do I find most heroes forgettable?


  39. My books got mailed last week.

    Homestead Brides that is. Connealy CAN'T YELL AT ME!!!!

  40. Mary, I didn't know that!

    Why would they keep track of that????

    Though having said that, I got a notice from Amazon yesterday that a reader notified them of TWO mistakes in Safely Home...

    And I've been instructed to fix them.

    One is a misplaced apostrophe...

    The other is a "he" that must have gotten missed during edits. I changed verbs at some point and left that 'he' in there and the sentence doesn't need it.

    In an 80,000 word book, that's all this reader could find and she contacted them about it.

    How weird is that????? Who does that?

    (If it was one of youse, don't tell me.... I'm kind of weirded out by someone picking out two tiny things and reporting them.)

  41. Oh, yeah, Mary. That was under discussion on the internet a while ago. They take all sorts of info from that. Not unlike Scribd. Remember they pay the author according to the percentage of the book that is read.

    They both track what you read and your tastes. All part of the future Big Brother. And we thought Facebook was a concern.

  42. Seriously, Ruthy? They contacted Amazon?

  43. Great WE! Congrats to all the winners and next looks like a great lineup. Can't wait for the post about reader luncheons.

  44. Tina, they did. And I have to fix those two typos.


    I don't mind fixing them, we clearly never noticed them even though we combed the manuscript, but you know how it is... tiny things can sneak through.

    Clearly this person was bothered enough by two typos to write and e-mail.

    With chaos reigning in so many sad parts of the world, an apostrophe with a space before it... and the word "he".... probably wouldn't have tweaked my radar as a reader.

    I'm just sayin'!!!! :)

  45. Another GREAT weekend edition, TINA! How are you enjoying that 80-degree weather? :) Upper 50's / low 60's in the mountains -- rain rather than snow -- highly unusual for this time of year, but enjoying it while I can because the end of winter is potentially still a long way off (I've seen fresh FEET of snow well into April and several inches in May).

  46. Drinking my Cinnamon Chai Rooibos tea, gearing up to go for a walk out in the Great White North before I head off to church. So it's a contemplative time for me and a good time to chime in on this interesting discussion. Plus I'm procrastinating heading out...... To me, in romance, the basic plot is a given - meet, resist and fall in love. But given that I always start with character. I spend a lot of time with them figuring out their wounds, their needs and wants and fears. I often find, as I'm doing that, scenes in the story will come to me. And as I try to create opposing goals, other scenes come into play. But for me it's all about the characters and how the story forces hero and heroine together and pushes them into a place of growth and change and romance and spiritual growth.

  47. Trying to lose a few pounds, so I better skip the chocolate. My characters make me fall in love with them first. Maybe that's why I'm still working on a few conflict and scene issues, but the characters drive my love of writing. Oh and thanks again for the book!!! Can't wait to read it!

  48. There you, go, Carolyne. My process as well. Thank you, Michael Hauge.

  49. Hi Ruth:

    You wrote:

    “And why do I find most heroes forgettable?

    Back in the bad old 1950’s and early 1960’s, when we never knew what the hero was thinking, (First person POV) heroes were often thought by writers to be ‘necessary evils’! (I know this from reading histories of the romance genre.)

    So there is nothing wrong with you. Women identify with the heroines. She is them. When I read a romance I never think if I’d want to be the heroine. But I do consider if I would be acting as the hero does. I identify with the hero.

    I do have one big question in every romance novel I read: would I want to marry this heroine or not? One author wins on both of these counts: I would like to marry Julie’s Emma and I would not marry her Charity. : )

    BTW: As far as little tiny typos on Kindle go, sometimes they can split the page causing a big gap which can pull the reader right out of the story. That makes them noticeable. I think this tends to happen when the author edits the finished product at the last minute. I’ve done this on Scrivener compiles.

    I just read a Kindle romance which clearly has some pages missing! The compile might have included different versions or drafts. The story was on its way to 5 stars but after that, I just stopped reading it. Why didn’t someone read the final published copy on a Kindle?

    Get this: this book is the first of a three book series – all three books are published with ample reviews! Yet no one has pointed this out! It makes me think that a lot of people who gave the reviews did not read the book or were too polite to mention this fact in the review. Since this was the first of three books, I’m not likely to read the others!

    I no longer mention these problems to authors because some can get more defensive than a mama grizzly. Authors don’t make mistakes. Readers just don’t bring enough to the story.

    So maybe it is not so bad to be told of mistakes. Remember: “For want of a nail”?


  50. Polly Plot’s Point of Order:

    “We remember characters best because we are characters/people ourselves. An intricate plot may be, by its very nature, too complicated to remember with any familiarity. Yet just because we remembered the characters from a novel does not ipso facto mean the book was character driven.

    A character is like meeting a real person. A plot is like looking at a Mapquest printout of directions. The directions do not have to be memorable. They just have to get you where you are going and that is a highly enjoyable reading experience.”

    TINA: I have “The Killing Floor” on my Kindle. I don’t think I have read a Lee Child book in years but I know I need to. I also have to read Michael Connelly, David Baldacci, and Harlan Coben. I have some of each of these authors on my Kindle. It’s just a matter of time. : )

  51. More Dichotomy Driven Thinking

    Character driven vs plot driven
    Hero driven vs heroine driven
    Feeling driven vs action driven
    ‘Needs of the novel’ driven vs reward for reading driven
    Event driven vs message/moral premise driven
    Adult driven vs children driven
    Location/setting/situation driven vs single mission driven
    Editor driven vs reader driven
    Internal conflict driven vs external conflict driven
    What the author likes driven vs what the reader likes driven
    Book of the ‘author’s heart’ driven vs market research driven
    Humor driven vs realistic conflict driven
    Deadline driven vs ‘as the spirit moves me’ driven
    Purpose driven vs discovery/grab bag driven
    Lack of backstory driven vs an abundance of entertaining richness driven

    But why think in dichotomies? Why divide and be conquered? Have one purpose and one goal: Maximum Reading Enjoyment!

    Give unlimited attention to this singular goal – the Prime Directive.

  52. I am still too new to writing to know whether I'm plot driven or character driven! I prefer dark chocolate.
    Thanks for Seekerville, I enjoy reading it.

  53. I am still too new to writing to know whether I'm plot driven or character driven! I prefer dark chocolate.
    Thanks for Seekerville, I enjoy reading it.

  54. The Killing Floor is not one of my favorites. Pretty gruesome. Read 61 hours. It's brilliant. Just brilliant.

  55. "A character is like meeting a real person. A plot is like looking at a Mapquest printout of directions. The directions do not have to be memorable. They just have to get you where you are going and that is a highly enjoyable reading experience.”

    Well said, my friend.

  56. Welcome, NewKaren, and your double is welcome too. Dark for me too.

  57. Still waiting for your RPP book to come out, Vince.

    Getting impatient.

  58. Way too warm, Glynna. And every day I pick up a bag of tangerines from the ground. I think the warm weather is making them ripen faster.

  59. TINA:

    Okay, that decides it, I will make the final edit of the RPP book this year’s Speedbo project. In fact, I’ll try to get as much set up as possible before March 1st. I might even start today after I take a lot of orders to the post office. I've been putting orders together since yesterday morning.

    BTW: I put the large print “61 Hours” on hold at the library but that is book 14. “The Killing Floor” is number 1. You know the series. Do you think it is okay to read 14 first? “61 Hours” sounds more like a romance. I'm sure I would like it better.

  60. Vince, you're right of course. I don't mind making the changes, it just seemed funny to me that someone noted it to Amazon, and then they came to me. But maybe that's better, actually.

    I've read a bunch of indies and traditional books on e-readers and I come across tiny glitches regularly, even in the traditionally published books. I just chalk it up to tiny error and shrug it off like I do in paperbacks.

    Missing pages, or big gaps, etc., those I'd have a problem with, too. And I've read a couple of those with major errors, and then you look and they've got 15 5-star ratings...


    So then we weigh the veracity of the reviews!

    Oy, it's a different world. This week I'll set out time to fix those two glitches.

    For want of a nail... :)

  61. Should I admit to never having read Lee Child?

    Dagnabbit, now I have to play catch up!!!!

  62. Mary Curry said...
    I guess I'm hopelessly naive, but it never occurred to me that when I highlight something on my book, Big Brother Amazon knows I did.

    Mary, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal a couple of years ago -- and I was stunned at all the information that's gathered. I'll try to provide a live link. Wish me luck :-)

    Nancy C

    Your E-Book is Reading You, Wall Street Journal

  63. Well according to Mary Connealy you should read them in order.

    I read them all out of order, according to what I could get my hands on. It didn't bother me one bit.

    I sent you 61 Hours. Check your email.

  64. The Prime Directive, also known as Starfleet General Order 1 or the Non-Interference Directive, was the embodiment of one of Starfleet's most important ethical principles: noninterference with other cultures and civilizations. At its core was the philosophical concept that covered personnel should refrain from interfering in the natural, unassisted, development of societies, even if such interference was well-intentioned. The Prime Directive was viewed as so fundamental to Starfleet that officers swore to uphold the Prime Directive, even at the cost of their own life or the lives of their crew

  65. I love Star Trek.

    I will boldly go where no man has gone before, and it's actually been 5 years this MONTH since my first book came out.

    I think this means it's time to write a sci-fi/fantasy.

    Me and James T. Kirk

  66. Yes Tina on the Michael Hague! The first time I heard his talk on Wounds and Fears etc. was on a DVD from a Screenwriting something or other. I played that thing so many times. Heard the guy speak a number of times since then at ACFW and workshops. This was a light bulb moment for me. Another good resource is Dara Marks - Inside Story - the power of transformational arc.

  67. I own every Hauge DVD available.

    This is new to me however. Thank you

    "Dara Marks - Inside Story - the power of transformational arc." -
