Friday, March 27, 2015

April Contest Update

As Speedbo rages on, remember that that these contests are the perfect place for your 2015 Speedbo masterpieces!   

Dear Readers! Interested in Judging the 2015 Maggies? Fill out the application here.

Meet all the finalists here!

Published Contests

National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award Contest-Deadline April 1. Open to Indies

 The Published Maggies. Opens January 2, 2015. Deadline April 3. Open to Indies.

Book Buyers Best-Deadline April 15. Open to Indies.

Read her Diva post here!

Unpublished Contests

The Rosemary. Deadline-March 31. Published and Unpublished Authors. Published and unpublished authors. Submitted manuscripts must be new, original, YA or NA fiction that has not been published, self-published, or contracted.  First 25 pages of manuscript (manuscript wordcount of at least 40k).
 Final Judges: 

YA Contemporary - Agent Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary, Editor Aubrey Poole of Sourcebooks, Editor Elizabeth Tingue of Penguin/RH 

YA Historical - Agent Kathleen Rushall of Marsal Lyon Literary, Editor Jessica MacLeish of Harper Teen, Editor Robin Haseltine of Entangled Publishing 

 YA Paranormal - Agent Holly Root of Waxman Leavell Literary, Editor Kristin Daly Rens of Balzer & Bray, and Editor Natashya Wilson of Harlequin Teen 

 YA Speculative - Agent Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency, Editor Meredith Rich of Bloomsbury Spark, Editor Vicki Lame of St. Martin’s Press 

 New Adult - Agent Cate Hart of Corvisiero Literary, Editor Amy Stapp of Tor Forge, Editor Angela James of Carina Press.


Touched by Love. Deadline April 1.   First 20 pages of an inspirational manuscript, 2-page synopsis.  Eligibility: All authors who have not accepted a publishing offer from a publisher or self-published a work of original fictional narrative prose of 20,000 words or more in the past three years. Final Judges: published authors.  Top Prize: Overall Winner will win $100 for writing-related expenses and an editor critique. This year's editor is Kim Moore of Harvest House. Categories are Historical, Long Contemporary and Short Contemporary.

Fool For Love. Deadline April 1. No page count. Now a 7500 word maximum word count.All categories, except the Published Author category, are open to entrants who have not published and are not contracted in any novel-length fiction.

Short Contemporary
Final Judge: Allison Lyons, Harlequin

Long Contemporary
Final Judge: Rebecca Strauss, DeFiore and Company

Final Judge: Courtney Miller-Callihan, Sanford J. Greenburger Associates

Dark Paranormal
Final Judge: Laurie McLean,Fuse Literary Agency

Light Paranormal
Final Judge: Madeleine Colavita, Grand Central Publishing 

Romantic Suspense
Final Judge: Esi Sogah, Kensington Publishing

Young Adult
Final Judge: Tamar Rydzinski, Laura Dail Literary Agency

New Adult
Final Judge: Karen Grove, Entangled Press

Published Author
Final Judge: Julie Mianecki, Berkeley

The Catherine. Deadline April 30. Enter the first pages of your manuscript plus a synopsis of up to 5 pages. Entries must be no longer than 7500 words including synopsis.

Categories/Final Judges:
Contemporary Series - Piya Campana, Harlequin
Contemporary Single Title - Esi Sogah, Kensington
Historical - Katherine Pelz, Berkley
Paranormal, Fantasy, Futuristic - Brenda Chin, Belle Books
Romantic Suspense - Dana Hamilton, Grand Central Publishing
Strong Romantic Elements - Kerri Buckley, Carina Press
Young Adult - Annie Berger, HarperCollins Children's
New Adult - Megha Parekh, Grand Central Publishing
 Top Prize: Top entry in each category is entered into a Gold Ticket round to be judged by Kristin Nelson, Nelson Literary Agency. The Gold Ticket winner receives a three-chapter critique by NYT bestselling author Kelley Armstrong.

Unpublished Maggies.  Deadline April 30.  Entry consists of first pages and synopsis, not to exceed 35 pages. 

 Single Title Romance-Madeleine Colavita Editorial Assistant, Grand Central Publishing

Contemporary Category Romance-Ann Leslie Tuttle-Senior Editor, Harlequin

Inspirational Romance-Stephanie Broene-Senior Acquisitions Editor, Tyndale

Historical Romance-Gabrielle Keck-Editor, Avon

Paranormal Romance-Rose Hilliard Editor, St. Martin’s Press

Young Adult-Candace Havens Editorial Director, Entangled Publishing

Novel with Strong Romantic Elements -Sarah Murphy Editor, Ballantine Bantam Dell

Erotic Romance-S.N. Graves-Senior Editor, LooseId

The Golden Rose. Deadline April 30. The Golden Rose accepts entries up to a maximum of 10,000 words including prologue (if any).  
 Contemporary Series Romance
 Elizabeth (Lizzie) Poteet, St. Martin’s Press

Contemporary Single Title
Tera Kleinfelter, Samhain

 Robin Haseltine, Entangled Publishing

Mainstream Novel with Strong Romantic Elements
Sinclair Sawhney, Tule Publishing Group

Lauren Smulski, Harlequin/HQN

Romantic Suspense
 Amy Stapp, Tor

Young Adult/New Adult
Gabrielle (Elle) Keck, Avon/Harper Collins

Start gearing up NOW for the TARA! One of our favorite contests!

 Tara Contest. Deadline May 1st. Open to unpublished and published authors of novel-length fiction; however, the entry must be the author’s original work, unpublished and not contracted as of the time of the contest deadline.  Entry consists of the first 4,500 words of a qualifying manuscript (actual word count). First and subsequent chapters up to the maximum entry word count of 4,500 words. 

 Series Contemporary JoVon Sotak Montlake Publishing
Inspirational Raela Schoenherr Bethany House
Historical Sue Grimshaw Penguin/Random House
Romantic Suspense Chelsey Emmelhainz Avon Books/Harper Collins
Single Title Brenda Chin Imaginn
Women’s Fiction Abby Zidle Simon & Schuster –Gallery Books
Paranormal Latoya Smith Samhain Publishing

Inspirational Category! Myra WON!! (TEN YEARS AGO!!)

Other Fun Writing Opportunities

The Golden Donut Short Story Contest. "The Writers' Police Academy has officially opened the 2015 version of its wildly popular and extremely fun Golden Donut Short Story Contest! So it's time to let this year's contest photo inspire a perfect entry. The primary rule is your story must be EXACTLY 200 words. The submission deadline is: Midnight June 30, 2015 (the precise point in time between 11:59 pm 6-30 and 12:01 am July 1, 2015).Good luck and have fun. The contest is open to all writers--regardless of whether they're attending this year's Writers' Police Academy. So be sure to tell your author friends about the contest.

Here's the Chicken Soup 2015 Line Up!

Welcome to the April Contest Diva: Patti Jo Moore!
Patti Jo & Patches! Patti Jo is immortalized in Tina Radcliffe's Paradise series as the owner of a Bakery & Cafe.

My contest journey has been rather slow in getting started—much like myself before my first 3 cups of morning coffee. However, I am finally beginning to see the wisdom in Tina Radcliffe’s encouragement to so many of us: Contests really are a great way to improve our writing, grow as a writer, and for many folks—even lead the way to publication. 

So now that I’ve finally come to this realization (not that I ever doubted Tina’s wisdom—she is truly one of my heroes) I am a bit braver about submitting my work to contests. I would love to present an impressive list of my contest achievements, but since I don’t have many, I’ll share what I’ve done so far AND am working on now!   

 In 2012 I entered the Genesis, and even though I didn’t place, the feedback was very valuable. One judge’s comment in particular has remained with me: I want you to keep writing. Don’t give up. Wow, those simple statements have kept me going when I was tempted to put away my writing for a month or more. At Tina’s urging I entered the Seekerville Read Me contest and was thrilled to be one of the 10 finalists. Then I went through a spell where I really meant to enter a contest or two, but just didn’t push myself enough. So now in 2015 I’ve decided that I am not getting any younger (LOL) and if I’m serious about my writing (which I AM!) then I must do everything possible to work towards my goal of publication (Lord willing---I only want what He wants me to do, and at this season I feel this is what I’m supposed to do).  I’ve entered the 2015 Genesis contest, and am presently polishing my entry for the unpublished Maggies, in addition to preparing my entry for Harlequin’s “From Blurb to Book” pitchfest.

I applaud those of you who’ve been more assertive than I have, and for those similar to me I say it’s time for us to do ALL we can to move forward, which includes entering those contests. As always I am so very, very grateful and appreciative to  ALL the amazing Seekers. You ladies truly are the best, and I am honored and blessed to call you friends.


Comment today for an opportunity for an opportunity to win an advanced copy of my June release, Safe in the Fireman's Arms. Print only.

That's it! Now Go Forth & Contest!



  1. I can't believe I'm the first one here. I stayed up late watching UK play W Virginia.

    Thanks for the contest update, Tina.

    Congrats to all the finalists! Way to go!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hang in there, Patti Jo. You're getting the hang of the contest circuit--and learning a lot.

    There's extra coffee since many of you are 'cramming' for the deadline.

    Thanks for the update, Tina.

  4. TINA, need you ask? I'd love to read and review your up coming novels!!!!that goes for any and all writers here on Seekerville...all of us are winners. Thanks for keying up my adrenaline with all those notices of up coming contests! Go authors, go!!!

  5. okay, I am NOT an animal on a cover lover, but that little orange tabby...awww. I like kittens....

    I revised half my novel for speedbo, was hoping for 2/3rds but the line edits just dropped in my lap, probably ought to get those done first..... But hey, half isn't bad and I'm still working! And I really should do my taxes......but I'd rather clean my house.....I have a thing for ellipsis lately obviously.....

  6. Good luck to all the contest participants and congratulations on being the diva Patti Jo! Tina, I love that the woman on your cover is wearing glasses :) Put my name in the hat please!

  7. Way to go Patti Jo! Get yourself out there.

    Congratulations to all those entering contests and may God bless your entries.

    Continue on Speedboers! You all ROCK!

    I would love to be entered in the drawing.

    Have a blessed weekend.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  8. This is great! I will have to give some of them a try. Still hoping to win a CRITIQUE. I'm part of a mail order book service that will send Tina's book to me so it will come eventually.

    1. They are part of harlequin. They bought out Heartsong presents a few years ago...which is going to fade away....good bye old favorite series...but they also carry all the love inspired lines.

  9. FIRST: PATTI JO!!!! So proud of you, sweet thing! Go you!

    Second: Love the pic of Tina, Myra, Janet and Julie, this is from the woman who NEVER PLACED in the GH...


    And I'm so proud to see several inspirational authors finaling in the RITA.... Good for you!


    It's Friday. I'm wrestling an interesting set of new revisions this weekend, so if I was wondering what I'd be doing during Holy Week? Asked and answered, LOL!

    But how nice to get this on the radar as part of SPEEDBO! #nolimits!!!!

  10. Melissa, I love ellipses, too.

    Use them to your heart's content.

  11. Whew, passed the Melissa Jagears cover eval.


  12. TEN YEARS AGO. TEEEEN! So hard to believe I've been hanging in the hood with my peeps that long.

  13. Congratulations to the Golden Heart and RITA finalists and to our diva.

    Crown Diva Patti Jo!

  14. Good stuff Tina, and Patti Jo! I finaled in Unpublished Maggies last year, first time ever, and that gave me a needed boost. I entered Genesis and am entering Unpublished Maggies again. I cut my saga to 75,000 words, repackaged it as a romance and submitted it to Blurb To Book. it has been a busy month! Contests are great, I love the feedback and sometimes the unexpected happens. Mary Connealy reached out to me through a contest and here I am! Also, my crit partner found her publisher through a contest she entered that was LOW ON ENTRIES. It truly is a journey.
    I'm closing in on my Speedbo goal, with two chapters left. The book isn't all that great yet, I can already see that, but I'm going to put it aside and work on it again for NANO. It needs a lot of layering, spiritual, historical, etc. It's also Way Too Short even for an LIH, so I have several options: layer in stuff and expand the plot, market it as a novella, publish it independently when I'm ready to do indie, or give it as a gift to my readers when I have readers. All Is Not Lost. The thing about writing is, you never slip back to where you came from.
    Thank you, Tina.
    It's raining in NH, which beats what we've had all winter. I'm going to edit a chapter for my crit partner and then do a little spring cleaning before I head out on errands and work appointments. Or should I fall clean first?
    Kathy Bailey
    Hapless in New Hampshire

  15. My mother's molasses crinkles are on the snack table. I crinked them myself.

  16. There's a couple of good contests in there I need to enter.

    I had really meant to enter one this past month. Yesterday I looked it up and realized it was due on the 15th! Missed it!

    Congratulation Patti Jo!

  17. Congratulations Patti Jo as Diva.

    Loved the picture from 10 years ago!

    Congrats to the Rita finalists.

    For the first time I am actually getting ready to enter a contest if the blurb to book counts. I am both excited and scared.

    I can see the end of my book I started with last years Speedbo. It is now 101,000 words and I should be able to write THE END by Tuesday.

    Thanks to all those cheering me on.

    1. OH MY GOSH. Wilani!! You are amazing!!!!

  18. You are welcome, Heken. Thanks for the Java!

  19. Congrats to Diva Patti Jo!!! A nice GA lady, who lives about 2 hrs. from me, I think!!!
    Interesting post, Tina....lots of good books coming out for us readers. And I am anxious to be in the draw for your newest!

    Speedbo on.....

  20. Congratulations Patti Jo! I haven't contested much lately, but now that Speedbo is almost over I may do some of that. Thank you for the contest list and for the opportunity to win Tina's new book! Once I get my hands on Safe in the Firearms Arms, I will be up all night if that's what it takes. Can't wait to read it!

  21. Wishing all the authors much success in the contests...
    toss me into the dish please..

  22. Tina,

    Thank you for the mention. I'm so glad there will be a cheering sections for all the Seekervilleger's that received RITA nominations!

    I am still reeling from the news! I will be heading to the Post Office to get the additional books required into the mail over my lunch hour.

    I think time is going to drag from now until July. SQUEE!!! Can't wait to see/meet everyone.

  23. Congrats to PATTI NO and EILEEN!

    TINA, TINA, TINA! Love that we have a glasses wearing cutie on the cover of Safe in the Firemans Arms, just adorable. Great cover!

    I've been waiting PATIENTLY for your book to come out and wouldn't mind winning it either!

  24. Congratulations, Patti Jo! I admire you writers who enter contests. It is a fact that you can't win one if you don't enter.

    I wish I would do better. . . maybe next year? :-)

    Speedbo is almost over! Yay! I'm at 29,529K I could reach my goal today—but I have company coming this evening and they wouldn't understand why no food was cooked—and I don't feel like explaining Speedbo to a bunch of non-writers. They already think I'm strange. :-)

  25. That's PATTI JO, auto correct strikes again!

  26. Congrats to all those finalists. Awesome!!!!! And special congrats to Diva Patti-Jo...and Patches who I'm sure serves as an excellent muse.

    Writing a 200 word story? I think not!!!!!!!! Writing a 100 blurb was hard enough. How could you even write a story in 200 words? Did I even read that right? Yep, I did and it has to be exactly 200 words. Who would want to do that? Shudder.


    I especially would like to mention my friend Beth Vogt (Inspy author who finaled in Carols last year)for finaling in the Contemporary Romance: Long category. An inspy finaling in a secular category is HUGE in my opinion, so I'd like to congratulate both Beth and and Robin Lee Hatcher for doing so!

    YAY, PATTI JO, for being a finalist in the Seeker Read Me contest and our April Contest Diva!! We are all pullinf for you, darlin', so good luck in the Genesis, Maggies, and the Harlequin pitchfest!!

    Hugs and Happy Weekend!!!

  28. Tina, thanks for the contest update. Wow, sort of shocked me to realize that this GH final was ten years ago! Scores, finals, feedback--all are invaluable--but friendship/sisterhood is the gift that contests gave us. Thanks for the memory.


  29. Huge congratulations to the GH and Rita finalists!! You gals rock!!


  30. Patti Jo, I'm proud of you for pushing harder in the pursuit of your dream! Those contests are stellar!

    With congrats and prayers.

  31. Tina, can't wait to read Safe in the Fireman's Arms! Love the cover!

    Thanks to bidding the highest for a firehouse tour in a Charity Auction, our family rode the truck, ate burgers and hotdogs they grilled, saw all that garb they wear and hot it's laid out, where they hangout and sleep. The kids sprayed a hose with a fireman's help and went up in the bucket. The best part for me was allowing us to ask question during lunch. Firemen are my heroes.


  32. Wow...there are a LOT of contests out there! Thanks so much for this great info Tina! Need to have a calendar listing all contests deadlines just to keep track...whew...

    Good luck to all who've entered a contest! The feedback is quite helpful!

    Have a beautiful weekend everyone!

    1. You are welcome, Kathryn!!! Enter!!

  33. I just love that 2005 photo!! :)

    Tina, thanks for the contest update!

  34. Rose, I'm SO THRILLED for you!!! Enjoy every moment!!

  35. Kathy B, the last two chapters are always fun for me. Enjoy crossing the finish line!!

  36. Julie, I agree, I was so delighted to see Beth and Robin final in those categories.


  37. Kathy Bailey!!! A Maggiediva!!!! Who knew????

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Autocorrect is s pain today!! We are aging like fine wine, Janet!!!

  40. Thanks for the contest update, Tina!
    Congrats to all the RITA and GH Finalists---sooo exciting! :)

    Thank you sooo much for all the sweet notes today---I'm truly honored and thrilled to be a Diva. ;)

    Must add that Patches, the sweet kitty I'm holding in the photo is also a Diva, LOL (seriously, my sister Janet nicknamed this kitty "Patches Diva" several years ago!).

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  41. Helen, thank you for the encouragement, and also thank you for the wonderful COFFEE you always provide (pouring another cup right now!). :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  42. Patti Jo! I knew I liked you! I'd read your books anytime!! Way to Go!

    Speedbo Update- I've done Incredibly well on my goals considering life. I'm proud of myself & that's what matters. I'm not a Wilani, but Yea for Me anyway! THANK YOU for SpeedBo!

  43. Ruthy the Great says we’re Sisters in this Together, so here goes…

    Please say 2 BIG PRAYERS:
    I’ve got to make some medical decisions today (which may be made for me).
    And I really need to get the last 3 weeks of the Fierce Faith 2.0 prayer guide/devos/team manual to the editor TONIGHT! It’s going to be Impossible w/o God. This 40 Day Prayer has been Absolutely Unbelievably Incredible!!!! God has already done Big Miracles that I’ve Never Seen in my Life!!!! I just don’t want to let these people down b/c they are my friends. And I don’t want to break the momentum b/c I don’t have stuff ready for them. Ultimately that’s God’s job & His design. So..
    # NoLimits

  44. April Diva Patti Jo, we have so much in common--kindergarten teachers, cat lovers, bakers, and similar contest journeys. You must be my Southern sister! Congratulations on entering the Genesis, Maggies, and Blurb2Book!

    Your great advice: "for those similar to me I say it’s time for us to do ALL we can to move forward, which includes entering those contests." Yes! Thanks!

    Cheering for Robin, Rose, Katy, Irene, Kate, and GH Eileen....and for ALL those entering contests soon!

    Tina, thanks for the contest update. I'm looking forward to Safe in the Fireman's Arms! I love Paradise!

    1. Thanks, Sherida! I love Paradise too!

  45. Having a good Speedbo day. Reworking old scenes--something I've been dreading for a long time.

    Not many new words but it's progress my dear, progress.

  46. I am not ready for a contest yet, but Speedbo has really gotten me going on my writing so I should be there before long.

    I would love to win your book, Tina. Please enter me in the drawing.

  47. as always, a great list. as always, I don't exactly have something worthy of entry *sigh*, but I'm working on that.

    Thanks, Tina for always having these lists and inspirational words for us to go forth and contest.

    would LOVE a shot at winning your latest. love firemen. my little boy loves firemen too. he wants to be one when he grows up.

  48. p.s.
    snoopy dancing for the GH and RITA finalists. so cool!

    i'm going to try that Golden Donut contest. flash fiction seems to be in my wheelhouse. short always seems to work better for me over long... weird

  49. Adding sweet Jana to my prayers!!!!

  50. Marianne is such a good cheerleader!!! Thank you!

  51. Heidi! I sent them a picture of Lisa lLoeb. She's a singer and has a line of eyewear!

  52. Thank you, Tracey!! This book is a total hoot too!!

  53. Sandy!! You've come a long way. You'll be ready before you realize!!

  54. That!s right, Connie! Progress is progress!!!

  55. Can't wait for NYC!!!!

  56. Another great contest update, Tina!

    And congrats to this month's Contest Diva, PATTI JO!!! Isn't it wonderful what a few words of encouragement will do to keep us writing? We all need those, no matter where we are along this journey.

    Congrats also to our friends of Seekerville who are RITA and GH finalists!

  57. I've been so inspired with Speedbo and now contests. I know I can do it and like Patti Jo. I want what HE wants for me to do and I feel now is the time for my writing. Everyone be brave we can do this enter those contests!

  58. I think I'm actually able to enter some of these contests. My question...can you enter the same manuscript in multiple contests?

    Speedbo: I have 6 more double sided pages to type up. (I did 3 today so far, so it's looking good to finish on time!)

  59. So many contests to keep in mind, and opportunities! I'd love to read your upcoming book, Tina!

  60. I like the picture with Patches the cat. I love cats.

  61. Thank you Tina for your acknowledgement and encouragement. You know you are my hero...ine!

  62. Congratulations, Diva Patti Jo! How wonderful that you have that judge's words as a reminder, "I want you to keep writing. Don’t give up." I had no idea Patti Jo in Paradise is named for you. The woman makes a mean cinnamon roll from what I read :-)

    Congrats to all the contest finalists and cheers for those of you who enter.

    Those Speedbo accomplishments are so encouraging. Thanks for sharing!

    Nancy C

  63. She does! Good memory, Nancy!!

  64. The reluctant diva is here!!!! Congratulations!!!!

  65. Becky, yes, you can enter a story in more than one contest. I used to do that, even if the contests had the same judge. Because it increased my chances to get my manuscript in front of that editor. :)

  66. Well, Patti Jo, it's even more perfect that Tina included that particular photo today of you two divas!! :)

  67. Jana, I'll be praying! You're doing an amazing job.

  68. Wow, Wilani!! Can't wait until you type The End!

  69. Ah, Tina, you nailed it! We are better with age. And I'm saying that without snickering.


  70. If I'm fine wine, why do I feel more like cider vinegar????

  71. Jeri Hoag, I love how you said that.


  72. Jana, I'm all over the "Ruthy the Great" moniker!!!


    God is great. Your broken vessel needs healing and your med team needs wisdom and Christ's inspiration via the Holy Spirit to see the best possible way to achieve grace, peace and health for you.

    And that's my prayer. So glad you brought this on board for all of us! Praying, dear Sister in Christ!

  73. Congrats to all the RITA and Golden Heart finalists! So exciting. Yes, I'll be cheering you all on at the conference in July!!!

    Loved seeing Patti Jo as our contest diva. Cute pic, cute kitty!

    Thanks for the contest info, Tina. I have to enter the Maggies!!! Must do it soon!

  74. Nice to see the contest list. No thousand words a day for me this week, I finished today at 24,000. I'm resting, and waiting patiently for life to slow down.

  75. Tina, I LOVE, LOVE the cover of your book! Fireman heroes happen to be a favorite of mine! Can't wait to read it!!!!

  76. Praying you won't get too stressed, Jana!

    Yay, Seekerville! Congrats you guys!
    I wonder if the Maggies will take MLIS students as judges ... Technically, I have one more year before I can officially be called a librarian. :)

    Also, LOL Melissa. That kitten looks like our Squeakie, except she doesn't have white "socks."

  77. Congratulations to the finalist!
    We need to slow March down just a wee bit so I can catch up with my speedbo goal. Tomorrow should be a good day if nothing comes up. Happy last weekend of Speedbo... keep typing!

  78. Sarah, Love Inspired has a home delivery program.

    I'll find you the link.

    Plus on Friday's they have buy three books get the fourth free.

  79. Here it is


    Love reading your story.

  81. YAY EILEEN, Congrats to you also. WAY TO GO!!!

  82. Love the photo of GH finalists Tina, Janet, Myra and Julie.

    Congrats to all our friends who are finalists. Best wishes to all of you.

  83. Wanted to stop by again - - have had company almost all day, so wasn't able to be on computer as much as usual. But WOW!!! I am overwhelmed by all the very kind notes and comments - - MYRA JOHNSON, you are so right - - words of encouragement sure help us, and today I've been encouraged again by Seekerville! :)

  84. HEIDI ROBBINS and CINDY W., thanks so much!!

    RUTHY and TINA, you ladies are AMAZING and not only write wonderful books, but you're so very kind and caring.

    One of my dreams if I ever win the lottery (however, since I don't play our Georgia lottery I don't guess I'd win, LOL) - - but anyway one of my dreams is to host a weekend getaway for the Seekers - - I'd provide the lodging and food, and you ladies could visit and brainstorm (and eat lots)! I'd be bound to pick up some awesome writing tips just by being around you all. ;) And I have a feeling it would be a very entertaining weekend. :)

  85. KAYBEE, I just checked the snack table and thankfully there were a few molasses crinkles left---YUM!! Thank you!

    CONNIE QUEEN, WILANI, and JACKIE SMITH (my fellow Georgia girl!), thank you all so very much!

    Seekerville is the BEST place to be!! :)

  86. Thank you CINDY REGNIER, TRACEY HAGWOOD, and MARY HICKS!! You're all so kind! :)

    KAV, you're right! Patches is a wonderful muse (or should I say "mews"). ;) Seriously, I love having all my kitties around me as I'm writing (plus they've helped me handle "empty nest syndrome" better). :)

  87. JULIE LESSMAN, thank you so much! You're another author that amazes me, and you're SO sweet!

    JANET DEAN, I will never forget how kind you were to me at RWA in Atlanta in 2013! I already loved your books, and after that conference I loved you too! :)

  88. Sweet JANA V, your comments made me smile! :)
    Please know I'm also praying for you - - and will continue. Sending a gentle hug to you!

    SHERIDA STEWART!! My "southern sister" - - loved your comments! And I love that we have so many things in common--hope we can meet in person one day. :)

  89. JERI HOAG, yes--we need to stay inspired and keep encouraging each other! Thanks SO much for your comment! :)

    MICHELLE F., I'm so glad you liked the pic of Patches! She's quite the Diva, with lots of purr-sonality. ;)

  90. Thanks for your comments, CHILL N !! I was super honored when Tina e-mailed me about "my" bakery and café *smile*. After I finish these contest entries, I MUST get back to some baking, LOL. Thanks SO much for your comments!

  91. MISSY TIPPENS, yes my Patches is such a Diva! She reminds me daily of that fact, LOL. :)

    DEBBY GIUSTI, you're such a precious friend AND prayer warrior. I'm still convinced that YOUR prayers are one reason I made it through my 4 spinal surgeries in 2010. So thankful for you!

    SANDRA L., you're so sweet. I still think of YOU every time I use my Orange Ginger lotion (the scent in our hotel rooms at RWA 2013). When I met you in person you were using that lotion, and I LOVED that scent! So now it always reminds me of sweet Sandra!

  92. I will enter the unpublished Maggies, but I forgot the date was so much earlier than in previous years.

  93. Tina,
    Thanks for the contest update!

    Good luck to all the Speedbo-ers as you head into the final days!

  94. Congratulations to the finalists :)
    toss me into the dish please...

  95. Love this contest update. I can't believe there are so many contests out there! Lots of opportunity to get feedback on my MS. Thanks for sharing.

  96. Thanks for the link to the home delivery program! May be another reason to stay in with a good book...

  97. Thanks so much for getting all this contest info together, Tina!!!

    Congrats on being the March Contest Diva, Patti Jo! Best wishes in the Genesis, Maggies, and Blurb to Book contests!!!!

    Way to go Eileen! Congratulations to all the GH finalists!!

  98. Thank you NATALIE MONK!! I've been overwhelmed by all the congrats and kind comments. :)

    I hope your writing is going well!
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  99. Congratulations to Contest Diva, Patti Jo! I'm delighted to see her featured. She's one of the nicest, most generous people I've met on my writing journey.

    I wish you well, Patti Jo, as you prepare to go forth and contest. As a huge fan of contests, I'm delighted to see you summoning your courage. Can't wait to see your name show up on finalist lists. When it does, you can count on me to be whooping and hollering for you out in California.

  100. Awww...thank you, KELI GWYN!!!! You are a sweetheart, and as you already know I cannot wait for YOUR next book!!

    I really do appreciate your encouragement as I finally venture out more and enter those contests. :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  101. I'm days late, I know, but thank you for posting this list; you've got me inspired! I just finished the first draft of my fourth novel, and this one, I think, is good enough for Other People to look at, unlike the first three :) So I think I'm going to enter it in the Fool for Love contest. Wish me luck :)

    Pam Jernigan
