Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Weekend Edition-Speedbo Week 4

We Have Winners

Did you claim your giveaway from Last Week?  To see the last three weeks worth of Speedbo winners go here and scroll down to the bottom.

 This week's winner of a $25 Amazon Speedbo gift card is Patricia Radaker.  Winner of a one chapter manuscript critique is Bettie.  The box of books winner is Jackie Smith.

All prizes are mailed out April 1. During Speedbo we write.

Comment any day this week to win the VERY SAME GIVEAWAYS in week FIVE AND THE FINAL WEEK of Speedbo! Remember that you must either be enrolled in Speedbo for the gift card and critique or have declared yourself a cheerleader for the box of books!  Let us know how you're doing and if you want to be entered!

Winners of Susan Mason's Love Inspired release, Mending the Widower's Heart are Wilhani, and Tracey Hagwood.

 "How does your Speedbo garden grow, Part I. " Pam Hillman was your hostess today and she talked about the weeks and months you’ve spend preparing the fertile ground for Speedbo and the time you’ve spent sowing your words in March. Valri is the winner of an e-copy of With This Kiss, either Contemporary or Historical.

Tuesday Sandra Leesmith was your hostess and she shared some tips about "Swag and Promotional Tools" to have around for all occasions. Winner of a See’s chocolate bunny and e-copies of Contemporary and Historical With This Kiss, is Natalie Monk.  

Wednesday we barreled into the last days of SPEEDBO with Ruth Logan Herne as she shared "Contemporary vs. Historical: The Rest of the Story. Winners of  With This Kiss  Historical are : Olivia & Rachel Koppendrayer. Winners of  With This Kiss Contemporary are: Sara Claucherty & Ohiohomeschool.

Thursday Erica Vetsch stopped in Seekerville today to talk about courage. “Courage doesn’t mean you’re not afraid. It means you stuff your fear into your hat and then sit on your hat.” Winner of The Homestead Brides Collection -Autographed by all NINE Authors is Patti Jo.

Friday was time for the April Contest Update with a chance to meet our April Contest Diva, Patti Jo Moore. Winners of advanced copies of Tina Radcliffe's June release, Safe in the Fireman's Arms are: Sandy Smith, DebH, CindyR, Cindy W, Sherida and Sarah C.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: 48 hours of Speedbo left! Revell and Love Inspired author Jan Drexler is our guest  with her post, "Writing: Art or Business?"  Five commenters will have a chance to win A Mother for His Children! Woot!

Tuesday:  We end Speedbo with a BANG! Today NY Times Bestseller, Linda Goodnight stops in to launch her new book, The Memory House. She’ll share some editing tips, give away a book to a happy commenter, and serve up a refreshing glass of Miss Julia’s delicious peach tea. Y’all come on over and sit a spell.

Wednesday: Debut Love Inspired author Jill Kemerer is our guest today. She's ready to help you edit your Speedbo pages with her post "Tricks to Keep Your Eyes Fresh When Revising." And she has a giveaway of her release Small-Town Bachelor for one lucky commenter.

Thursday:  Throw Away That Thesaurus!! Wow, is that a statement or what? Join Audra Harders and see why using a Thesaurus may be counter productive for writers. There'll be a giveaway, too. Tune-in on Thursday to see what it is.

Friday: Barbara White Daille stops in today to ask "Where in Your World are We?" Barbara will be talking about choosing the setting for a story and the fact that what matters is orienting the reader into your fictional world, no matter where that might be - even if it's simply your own backyard. Barbara will do a giveaway of one autographed print copy of her previous book, The Texan's Little Secret, to three people who comment on the blog.     
Seeker Sightings
Pick up the May/June Writer's Digest! We did it again, thanks to our Villagers!


Join Seekers Ruth Logan Herne, Debby Giusti, Missy Tippens and Tina Radcliffe as they celebrate at the Killer Voices Release Party on April 1st on Facebook! Stop by and congratulate these debut authors.

The ACFW FOUNDATION SILENT AUCTION is getting ready to begin. Today is the last day to donate. All proceeds from the ACFW Foundation Online Silent Auction go toward scholarships. If you'd like to make a donation, click on this link: 
The Seekers have a special auction item this year, so be sure to check it out when the auction goes live April 2-6.  

Myra Johnson's ebook Pearl of Great Price, previously only for Amazon  Kindle, is now available for  iBooksNookKobo, and  Scribd

Available April 10! Contemporary & Historical!
Random News & Information

Thanks to the friends who sent links!

 The Secret Part of Bravery People Struggle with Most by Jon Acuff (Michael Hyatt)

9 Things All Author Websites Need to Have (Unbound) 

 Groove to Free Playlists for Writers (The Writer)

Don't forget about your From Blurb to Book Entries. Details here.

 Author Entrepreneur: Increase Your Revenue  (The Creative Penn)  

 The Indie Author’s Bookshelf: 20 Best Titles for Self-Editing (Beyond Paper Editing)

Dear Reader: Librarians Should Never Forget You (Publishers Weekly) 

The DIY Book Tour: How to Organize a Tour Yourself (WD)

New Literary Agent Alert: Julie Gwinn of The Seymour Agency (WD)

Be prepared to share how your Speedbo month went next weekend for a special giveaway!


  1. another great Weekend Edition, TINA. Just a few more days and you can breathe!

  2. Great WE as always, Miss T!!
    Congrats to all the winners!
    I am beyond THRILLED to win the AUTOGRAPHED copy of Homestead Brides - - woohoo!!!! Thank you so very much!! :)

    Final days of Speedbo and I hope everyone is moving super-close to their goals. Hoping to write a LOT this weekend!

    Okay, the Diva must sleep, LOL (Patches, the furry Diva has been snoozing already). ;)

    Seekerville is THE BEST!!!!
    At the TOP of the Best Websites for writers, imho. :)

    Hugs, Patti Jo


  4. That LOL was for Marianne. She understands too well.

  5. Seeker Villagers are spoiled by so many giveaways, but they love'em!!

    Congrats to the winners, and thanks for another great WE.

    Gotta go back and read some more links.

    Coffee's ready.

  6. Great WE!

    Congratulations to all the winners.

    Speedbo has amazed me this year! I am thinking I need to keep up this pace in April as well. Now that I know I can do it. We'll see what happens.

    Have a great weekend everyone and if you live in the South don't freeze!

  7. Congratulations winners!! :-)

    Another great WE, Tina, thank you.

  8. I am dancing around the room.! I won a critique. Yeah, yeah, yeah! I am so glad I found Seeker ville Speedbo.

  9. What a great WE, Tina. Congrats to all of the winners.

    AND congrats to Seekerville for making WD's list of best websites. You are definitely my favorite place to visit.

    I hope to complete my Speedbo goal today. I got up early, and I'm about to dive in.

    Have a great day!

  10. So happy to see 101 best websites for writers confirming what we already know, Seekerville is a great place to learn and receive support!

    Congrats to all winners this week and that includes SPEEDBOERS completing their goals!

    Looking forward to reading Susan Masons book I won!

  11. Congratulations to all those participating in Speedbo. You are all winners! Also congratulations to all the winners of prizes this week. I am doing a happy dance here in Indiana because I won an advance copy of Tina's book Safe in the Fireman's Arms. I am happy lady!

    May you all be blessed!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  12. Congratulations to all of the winners this week.

    March is almost over. Eek! Where did it go?

  13. Great WE Tina. CONGRATS to all the winners.

    And special CONGRATS to all the SPEEDBO participants as we wind down to the end of March.

    Palm Sunday coming up and the EASTER vigil. Blessings to all of you.

  14. Thank you, Tina.
    I think I'm going to meet my goal. I have one more chapter to do. Unfortunately I've written myself into a corner, so I need to brainstorm how to Get Her Out Of There. Without insulting either her intelligence, the readers' or the people who are holding her captive. Sheesh.

  15. Congratulations, winners! Ah, the Speedbo end is in sight. Keep working toward your goals!

    I hit mine...YAYAYAY!!

    Awesome news about the Writers' Digest 101 Best Website award. Thank you friends for all your support!!

  16. KB, corners happen.

    You can do it and get yourself out of the mess. Use the walls and ceiling to get around it, LOL!

    Hey, that's a great idea for a blog post!!

  17. Congrats to all the winners!

    I hope everyone's Speedbo is super successful this year. If not, then get busy and end on a good note.

  18. Congrats to all winners! I am happy to win the box of books...YAY!
    Speedbo has been fun for us readers....great writers/books to look forward to!
    Thanks for great WE, Tina!

  19. Thanks, Tina, for the WE!! Can y'all believe that we're almost through Speedbo??! Where did the month go?

    I'm so excited about the WD award!! Thank you all so much for supporting us!!

  20. Bettie, we're glad you found us, too!

  21. Great weekend edition, Tina! Congratulations to all the winners!!!

  22. Happy WE!!! I'm going to a WRITER'S MEETING TODAY!!!!

    So excited. There are a couple of folks who hang out here who are going to be there.

    And I have another writer riding shotgun. This is wonderful since the meeting is an hour from us. We get to talk about GMC and POV and character motivation for TWO HOURS just by ourselves, then another 2-3 hours with the group.


  23. Happy Weekend everybody. I'm excited to win a copy of Tina's upcoming book. Will look forward to receiving it this summer!

    Congrats to Seekerville for making the best websites list. Of course, we knew it all along.

  24. Wow, can't believe March will be over in just four days!!!

    I lost a writing day yesterday to shopping for grandkids and meeting hubby's cousin & wife for lunch when they came through town on the way home from vacation. I was planning to get a little more done on my book after we got home, but this STUPID RAINY COLD FRONT gave me a bad headache so instead I took a nap.


    BUT---I couldn't be happier with my Speedbo progress! Right now, I have about 1/3 drafted toward my 85K goal for this book. It's been a real encouragement to know so many others here in Seekerville are typing away on those manuscripts right along with me!

  25. Always a treat to stop by! I leave so encouraged!

    Looks like another great line-up next week.

    Congratulations to all winners!

  26. I'm so excited to win Tina's new book! Yippee Skippee! I have stuck to my Speedbo goals and produced at least 1000 words every day of March so far. Last night i mentioned to my husband I might slack off a little after March 31. He said no way - I am now accountable to him for my 1000 daily words until this WIP is done. I guess Tina will turn over her coach's whistle to him until I write "The End".

  27. Congratulations to all the SPEEDBO contest winners! I can't believe March is almost over, but the blooming trees in Nashville tell me a different story even if it's only 34 degrees right now. Argh! At the pace I've set, I should complete my 100,000-word WIP by the end of April...thanks to all of you! I may not comment every day, but I'm reading everyone's posts. Would love to win something in one of the contests, but I already feel like a winner because of the progress I'm making.

  28. Thank you, Tina, for the WE and for your Safe in the Fireman's Arms!!! I thought I'd need to wait until June....but this is an ARC?!? Yay! Looking forward to spending time in Paradise!

    Congratulations to Seekerville on the 101 Best Websites for Writers award! We all know Seekerville is the best! :)

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    And a Killer Voices Facebook party! Yay!

    Speedbo update: I'm feeling successful since my project is moving forward. I jump around and write out of order, so I have rearranging to do and plenty of editing to do, but I'm looking forward to all that polishing! Thank you, Speedbo and CHEERLEADERS, for the motivation!

    Wishing all a great weekend and even more progress on Speedbo goals for the final sprint!

  29. And I just pre-ordered both With This Kiss collections....because I didn't want to forget. :)

    Can't wait until April 10!

  30. It's actually not an arc. Not in the true sense of the words. It is an advanced author copy.



  31. Congrats Seekerville! You definitely deserve being at the top of that Best Websites for Writers list, in my humble (but speaking from the voice experience) opinion. :-)

    Must dash and make the most of the last four Speedbo days. That blurb writing took the wind out of my sails for a few days. I need to get back on track.

  32. Nervously, Excitedly working on my blurb. First attempt 125 words not too surprised because I am wordy. But now to figure out how to weed out which words to still make it great.

    Also wanting to work on my speedbo goal as far as finishing the book.

  33. BARBARA, isn't it crazy to be this cold just a week before Easter??? We're expecting to be in the mid-20s tomorrow morning here--YIKES!!! I pity the poor dogwoods, cherry trees, and Bradford pears. :(

  34. I've written 27,000 words for Speedbo! Planning to get another 10,000 more to finish this book! But my question is, how do we check to see what our goal was? I can't remember mine.

  35. I just typed "The End" :) So I've hit my goal for Speedbo! Thanks, everyone, for the good energy all month long. It's been amazing.
    Pam Jernigan

  36. Melly, I can email it to you, goofball.

  37. haha! I just mailed you your email with your Speebo goal. You are like inches away from it.


  38. Pam Jernigan!


  39. Barb Scott, you did win. I think it was last week? Or the week before. A craft book. Go looksie and send us your address.

  40. Wonderful Weekend Edition, Tina! Thanks! Looks like a great week ahead.

    Congratulations to our winners!

    Just a few more days of SpeedBo. I hope everyone is psyched by the goals they've made.


  41. Congrats to Seekerville on another Top 100 Websites for Writers! Thanks Villagers!


  42. I'm so excited to be a winner this time! Thanks so much! Can't wait to read "With This Kiss"! YAY!!!

  43. Great WE, Tina!! I'm loving those links, as always, and looking forward to next week's lineup! I'll be honest, not much work getting done on my Speedbo project. I'm clearing out a lot of overdue stuff today so I'll have time for writing!

    Congratulations, winners!

    Squee!! A chocolate bunny and books! What more could a gal want? I can't wait to read the "With This Kiss" Collections!!!

  44. Congratulations Pam! on typing The End and meeting your goal.

  45. So thrilled about the Writer's Digest Award!!! Thanks to all the Villagers who supported us with their votes! Woot!

    Great lineup in the upcoming week. Congrats to all the winners.

  46. I've been struggling with the Blurb today. First attempt 125 words. Second attempt 126. Third attempt 92! Finally! I combined the first two and then looked for words I could omit and still mean the same and that did it. I love the learning process.
    I still need to come up with a title I like and still have to begin writing it but that will be easier with the preliminary work done. I can't believe I am actually doing this.

    I hope to make it all the way but if I don't with this being the first time to do this, I will still write the book.

    I would never have even considered this if it weren't for this year's Speedbo. I saw I could write even in the midst of physical difficulties so if I continue at the pace I am writing I can accomplish it.

    I will be forever grateful for all the help everyone has been over the last year.

  47. Stopping back by to set out a warm, freshly-baked Georgia Peach cobbler (getting down to the final packs of last summer's frozen peaches, LOL). Hope we'll have a great crop this year!

    Anyway, all you Speedboers (and anyone else) please help yourself--extra cinnamon sprinkled on top.

    Beautiful (although chilly) day here in my part of Georgia! Back to writing---GO Speedbo!

    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  48. p.s. YAY WILANI WAHL!! Sounds like you are working hard! :)

    Okay, NOW I'm back to Speedbo!

    Hugs, PJ

  49. You should be in the top TEN blogs for writers.

  50. Top 101 Best Websites for writers...

    I'm savoring this joy.


    Ignoring the nearly 3 inches of heavy wet snow that fell here! Because snow can't dampen my joy at being part of the 101 BEST WEBSITES FOR WRITERS!!!!

  51. Bettie, I'm so glad you found us.

    Totally psyched that you did!

  52. Kaybee, I put myself in corners all the time.

    And then it's just a great experience (I'm lying) to write ourselves out of trouble.


  53. Fantastic all!!!
    Great to read of all the successes. Just love it.

    I'm quite close to "The end" which was my goal. Around 25K words.

    SO. MUCH. WORK. TO. GO. But without Seekerville, I'm almost pawsitive I'd not be anywhere close to where I am.

    Thank you one and all!

  54. Great WE! Congratulations to all the winner.

    I didn't get to write as much as I planned today but the nights still young. ;)

  55. TINA, wonderful We, my friend, as always!

    SUPER CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS, WHICH IS PRETTY MUCH ANYBODY WHO ENTERED SPEEDBO!!! I am closing in my Speedbo goal of finishing my novella, then editing book 1 of my new series (with some rewrites, of course) and writing two synopses for book 2 and 3.

    LANI SAID: "First attempt 125 words. Second attempt 126."

    LOL ... you sound like me where you edits/condensing makes the book longer ... ;)

    PATTI JO: yum ... just thinking of your peach cobbler sets the ol' taste buds a dancin', girl ... wish I could enjoy it warm with whipped cream!!


  56. Congrats to all the winners!

    Congrats to the Seekers on making WD's 101 Best Websites list again!

    Another great week of posts coming up. Audra's title has me intrigued. I like, fancy, have a fondness for, am attracted to my thesaurus. =)
