Friday, April 10, 2015

Ten Presentation Topics--The Speaking Writer

Rose Ross Zediker
Rose Ross Zediker

Whether you are published or unpublished, chances are when people find out you are a writer, you’ll be asked to speak to a group.
I’ve presented at a variety of speaking engagements that includes a historical society meeting, informal writers groups, library functions, conferences, and book festivals. My presentation’s for each of these groups has been as varied as my writing. Some of the groups gave me an idea of what they were looking for in a presentation. Others said “surprise us!”
“Surprise us” left me scratching my head until I came up with a list speaking topics. If you find yourself in the “surprise us” dilemma, try one of these ten topics.
·         Your Book – If you have a book talk about it! This one is a no brainer, right? But, don’t tell the group everything about your book. Talk about developing your idea. How you named the characters. How the plot took shape. Tell them enough to intrigue them so they buy it.
·         Your Research – Whether you write contemporary or historical books, there is some type of research involved- occupations, settings, names appropriate to the era. This might seem like basic information, but new writers and non-writers have no idea about the accurate research that goes into a book.
·         Your Writing Process – Tell them your tried and true process for getting your book from the idea stage to a complete manuscript. Be sure to use the disclaim that this method might not work for everyone.
·         The Basics – Explain the rules of formatting a manuscript, the submission process including query letters, submission letters, manuscript formatting for submissions, and the waiting time while your work is under consideration.
·         The Business Side – This includes keeping track of submissions, the difference between an advance and royalty, tax documents and write-offs, reading and understanding your contracts.
·         Time Management – Writer’s know the only way to write a book is devote time too it.
Rita Nominee Rose Ross Zediker giving a speech

Do you get up early and write? Stay up late and write? Fit writing into small chucks of time like lunch hours or a child’s nap time? This includes how to say ‘no’ to social events or organizations that eat up your valuable writing time.
·         Goal Setting – Talk about how successful writer’s set manageable goals. Explain your goal setting techniques and rewards for meeting those goals. Give examples of other writer’s goal setting techniques to show there is no right or wrong way for an author to set goals that fit their lives.
·         Grammar – Are you a Grammar Queen? This is information that needs to be shared! Provide common examples of misused words or phrases. Have a list of reference books or websites available on a handout after your presentation.
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·         Marketing – This includes what your publisher does to help get your books in reader’s hands, your platform, blogs, websites, social media, and giveaways.
·         Question & Answer Session – Give a brief overview of the type of writing you do and open the floor to questions. Be prepared to answer a range of questions. Be honest if you don’t know the answer, but also try to be helpful and point the person in the right direction, such as Googling for reference books that cover their chosen genre.

Two warning points:

·         Even though you are advertised as an inspirational romance writer or children’s author, expect a sci-fi or memoir writer to attend with questions you just can’t answer. Trust me, this happens. Don’t let it rattle you, keep explaining all genres have different guidelines, but don’t expect to make that particular writer happy. You can’t. They came with expectation’s you can’t fulfill.
·         Don’t fill your entire time with your presentation. Build in time for introductions and question and answers. Try not to talk longer than thirty minutes or your presentation turns into a lecture and you take the chance of losing your audience.

Bio: Multi-published author, Rose Ross Zediker, writes contemporary and historical inspirational romances and has over eighty publishing credits in the Christian magazine genre for children and adults.
Rose works full time at the University of South Dakota and writes during the evening or weekends.
She is a member of the American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America.

Rose is giving away one copy of her latest release is Reclaiming the Cowboy’s Heart.
Twenty years ago, a horrible accident nearly destroyed her family's business. And everyone still blames her former fiancĂ©, Jamie Martin. Donna's managed to thrive, despite life's many curveballs. But when Jamie crosses her path at Cheyenne Frontier Days, Donna isn't prepared for the feelings that still endure after all these years. Party boy Jamie is a changed man in every way—except for the love he still harbors for the only woman who made him whole. Jamie's newfound faith could pave the way for a second chance at his first love…if Donna can find it in her heart to forgive.


  1. I doubt I could ever stand up in front of others and speak. My hat is off to all who can.

  2. I love seeing the words Rita Nominee in front of your name! Oh, happy day!!!!

    Morning Rose! Coffee is here!

  3. Thanks for the tips in case I ever have to speak in front of others. Which I hope I don't, but if I do, I'll pull your list out again.

    Congrats on being a Rita Nominee!


  5. Wait. Is there another Grammar Queen out there? Oh, surely not? Her cousin? Her sister?

  6. I am not addressing any of the speaking before others things. I am in denial. I am on a panel workshop at RWA 2015 NYC. I am still in denial. HA!

  7. Mary Preston,

    I wasn't always comfortable speaking in front of people, but reading scripture at church helped me cope with it.

  8. Good Morning, Ruthy,

    I love being able to put Rita nominee in front of my name. I'm still stunned and numb with the news.

  9. Jackie,

    You can always ease into speaking by starting with a small group and sit in a circle. It's not as daunting as standing behind a podium.

  10. THANK YOU, TINA!!!!!

    I am definitely not a Grammar Queen, but I would definitely attend a conference session where a Grammar Queen presented (hint, hint).

  11. Mental note: Attend Tina's panel at RWA2015!

  12. I've had the privilege of hearing Rose speak several times, and she is good! Thanks for the tips, Rose.

  13. Hi Jane!

    Thank you. I always hope at least one person finds value in what I'm saying.

  14. I am at a writer's conference (my first) and so admire the speakers. I could listen all day (which I'm heading off to do just that in a few minutes). Thanks for the tips Rose. I might need them someday. Congratulations on the Rita nomination!!

  15. Cindy!

    I hope you do need them someday.

    Thank you. I've very excited about the Rita nomination.

    Have a great time at your conference!

  16. I can tell you are excited about the Rite nomination! I am too. CONGRATULATIONS! I am not a writer, but that would be a good list to take along if I ever go to hear an author speak. Great post, Rose. I love your books.

  17. Very helpful post, Rose - - thank you! In case I ever do have to speak to a group (which I'll confess would NOT be on my list of favorite things to do, LOL).

    CONGRATS on being a RITA finalist! I already have your book, so no need to enter me.

    Please enjoy the Georgia Peach muffins I baked this morning. :)

    Blessings, Patti Jo

  18. This is another one of those subjects that makes my stomach queasy. I took speech in hs and college but I still don't like it.

    Your book sound great. I can already feel the conflict. Feel free to toss my name into the hat.

  19. Welcome, Rose!! Unless I read too quickly and missed it, I think it's time to update your bio with Rita finalist in there!!

    Congrats!! Still so excited for you!

    This is a great post. Thanks for all the ideas. I tend to always think of talking about the journey to publication. But this is a great list of topics!

  20. Cindy, have a great time at the conference!!

  21. LOL, Connie! Yes, it makes me a nervous wreck too.

    Tina, I'm excited about your workshop at RWA!

  22. BTW, one question to be prepared for in a Q&A is, "How much money do you make?"!! :)

  23. Hi Rose and welcome back to Seekerville. And as a RITA FINALIST too. wooooohooooooo!!!!!

    I am so excited for you and so proud of how you've come so far in your writing since we first met. Yay.

    And great topic and list for Talking Engagements. They are so much fun once you get over the fear.

    Thanks again and best wishes in the RITA.

  24. Missy, You are so right. Be prepared for that money question. And why people are so secretive about it is a wonder to me. Except it is rather a rude question. LOL. But people trying to plan for a career should know the facts.

    One thing you can do is tell the person to meet with you after the meeting and you would be happy to discuss finances.

  25. ROSE!!! Soooooooo excited for you as a Rita nominee, girl, and sooooooo darn proud of you too -- you go, girl!!

    LOVE the topic -- I don't think we've had this topic on Seekerville before, which shows me how amazingly CREATIVE you are!!

    I always thought that I wanted to be one of those authors who speak because speech has always been a strong point of mine ever since I won a speech contest in high school. My desire for speech-giving was sealed when my college speech professor gave me an A with the statement that he'd been teaching speech a long time, training students to emote and convey passion in their speech. But he told me I was the ONLY student he's ever had to tone down ... ;)

    Unfortunately, I'm pretty anal, so I cause myself a lot of grief when preparing for a speech (i.e. days and days to write and perfect it, then days and days to rehearse it), so I finally just chucked the whole thing. :)

    So more power to you, Rose -- I admire anyone who's on the speaking circuit.


  26. BTW Rose, I love your photo. I haven't seen that one before. You look so beautiful. smile

  27. Marianne,

    Thank you! A writer never tires of hearing that a reader enjoys their books!

    And as a reader, would any of those speaking topics interest you? I know as a reader I've attended a writer's workshop/lecture.

  28. Patti Jo,

    YUM, muffins. I will have one because of our there is fruit in them so there are good for me!

    And thank you!

  29. Connie,

    The more you speak in front of a crowd. The easier it gets. However, I always have butterflies for the first few minutes. And if I think I'm losing my audience, I start taking questions.

  30. Missy,

    I've tried to update my bio. I might have had my post to Mary C before I received the call.

    I have some 'go to' presentations, but occasionally that is not what the venue is looking for so I have to come up with new ideas.

    I really like question and answer sessions because it becomes so interactive.

  31. Hi Sandy,

    Yes, in just five years time, many things have changed for me in my writing career (life too!). Most are good!

  32. Love the post Rose! (love your name too, I always wanted to name a daughter Virginia Rose, after my two grandma's, but I had a little boy instead). Huge congrats on the RITA nom! Uber cool stuff, that.

    Had to laugh at this: "expect a sci-fi or memoir writer to attend with questions you just can’t answer... They came with expectation’s you can’t fulfill" Just struck me funny and noted - that does tend to be true.

    I've found I speak best to grade school kids. I think it's because they think you're awesome just because you showed up and talked to them. I'm definitely keeping your tips in mind if I ever get to the place where people actually want to listen to me speak. *hah*

    sign me up for a chance to win your book. love the blurb. oh, I think it's cool you work for a University. Most of my mom's family is from North Dakota though...

  33. Missy & Sandy,

    I get the money question from people I know. There are several people at my day job that ask me that question all the time. THAT is what I find rude.

    When other writer's ask, not so much. I know it's curiosity and actually research into their now chosen occupation. I don't understand the secrecy either.

  34. Thank you, Julie.

    I always worry if I'll run out of presentation information for the allotted time so I over write my topic and usually go long.

    Mary and I are both presenting at a conference in Omaha and I am trying not to over prepare.

  35. Hi Deb,

    I never liked my name as a child. I appreciate it now I'm an adult.

    Yes, there will always be someone at your presentation that wants information you just can't give. ALWAYS. Be prepared for that.

  36. Rose!

    Our electric power went out last night for about three hours, so I went to bed early.

    I've brought coffee!

    I love lists. This is a great one. Thanks!

    Congratulations again on that Rita thing. :)

  37. A Grammar Queen?

    A Grammar Queen?

    My dearest Rose, lest no one forget, THE Grammar Queen holds sway in Seekerville. All others are merely pretenders to the throne!

  38. Congrats on your RITA nomination, Rose! So thrilled for you!!! Bet you're still floating! :)

    Great speaking tips. I finds folks love learning how we make it all work...from first idea to printed book. They're usually eager and interested.

    BTW, you look like a natural at the podium!


  39. Rose, your 30 minute rule is a good one. I usually shoot for 20 minutes. Seems that works for me. Then Q&A.

  40. ROSE!!! Congrats on the RITA final! How exciting!!!

    Great suggestions here for speaking topics! I don't mind speaking to groups as long as my ENTIRE speech is typed out in front of me. I am SO bad at ad libbing. I start to sound like a mumbling idiot.

  41. Congratulations on your Rita nomination. I love your ideas for speaking. When I was a missionary, I was asked to speak to ladies groups and always tried to speak from 20 to 30 minutes and no longer. I have not had to do it from the standpoint of a writer so will keep your ideas.

  42. I've been asked a couple times to speak to a writers group and the thought of it scares the living daylights out me. I appreciate your sharing these tips with us.

  43. First off Huge congrats on your nomination. What an achievement. Also thanks so much for this column. I'm off to do a speaking engagement in a week and a half so this excellent post are all good tweaks to focus on what I'm doing. Sometimes I think my writing stuff is boring, but I've realized how many people want to write a book and are truly interested in the process. Thanks for a great column.

  44. Speaking to a group scares me, but my college professor husband agrees that the more you do it the more comfortable you are. Thank you for the topic suggestions. To quote Joe Fox in You've Got Mail, "Hi! Rose. That is a great name. Rose." :-)

  45. Congratulations, Rose!

    Sometimes I think it would be fun to teach a workshop at my local chapter, but honestly I don't know what I could teach.

    I'm Not like Tina, ready for the big time. Wish I could attend.

  46. Rose! Rita nominee! Member of the ACFW Dakota Prologue chapter!

    Shameless plug here: If you're reading this, live in the Dakotas, are an ACFW member, and aren't part of the prologue chapter yet, look us up on Facebook!)

    Ahem. Now to the topic at hand...

    I'm descended from a long line of preachers and teachers, and I've never found speaking in front of a group to be a problem.

    The main problem is letting people know I'm willing - - and having the time to do it :)

    I've had one speaking engagement since we moved to South Dakota, for a high school writing class. I enjoyed it, and looking forward to being invited back again.

    And this summer, as I approach local business owners about carrying my September release (an historical romance that takes place in Deadwood) in their stores, I can offer to talk about my book or my research. I also plan to approach the libraries in the area.

    And then there's the South Dakota Festival of Books in September. Another venue! Didn't you speak there two years ago? Definitely something to look into!

    So your post is very timely!!! Thanks for the tips and ideas!

  47. Rose, congratulations on your nomination!!

    I hope I never have to give a speech—I'm just thankful there's people like you with the ability to stand before people like me and teach us. :-)

    I enjoyed your post very much. Thank you!

  48. If I move to South Dakota, may I join your group, Jan?

    The problem is I don't play well with others.

    It is, of course, their fault. :)

    Rose, I'm after one of those muffins, I can't believe how good they are! Thank you, Patti Jo!!!!

  49. I love speaking, but that is one thing I pushed aside while I'm still working full time. It's a question of where to expend effort vs. return on investment, and for me that's writing.

    And I love writing, and it's not extraneous time loss, which is huge right now.

    But I do love speaking, too, and I learned that the 20 minute rule (Because I talk too much) is clutch, and that helps. I love people, I'm not really a loner but I play one on TV, so speaking and mingling comes naturally to me.

    But more than that, I love touching readers, and right now that's with book production. Rose, I'm printing this off so I have this excellent reminder of points to consider and address when I take up that baton again!


  50. Sheesh. I communicate better in a prepared speech or talk than I do in private conversation--or e-mail. What that says I Do Not Know.
    Congratulations, Rose.
    Kathy Bailey

  51. Speaking is similar to social media. You need to be yourself, but your BEST self.

  52. I don't do the whole "Imagine them naked" thing, that's tacky, but when I'm nervous I do look for the friendliest face and keep coming back to them. Rose, I also like the idea of breaking into it (or in my case, back into it) by presenting to small groups around a table which becomes more "sharing" than "speaking."
    Kathy Baiely

  53. Hi Helen,

    Grr..on the electricity outage. It's been a rough year for you with outages.


  54. Grammar Queen,

    I am falling prostrate and begging your forgiveness!


  55. Debby,

    I am still floating on the news.

    Leaving time for Q&A is must because that is why most people attend...they a question for the speaker. (Or so I've found).

  56. Thanks, Myra.

    I always have my speech typed out. I usually read a portion, then talk off the cuff with an example of what I was suggesting.

    I can't do the entire speech off of the cuff.

  57. Wilani,

    I really do think you lose your crowd if you go over 30 minutes. Unfortunately, no one has long attention spans anymore.

  58. Jamie,

    If it's a small group, try sitting in a circle. It feels more like a conversation then and you don't have that 'all eyes on me' feeling.

  59. Carolyne,

    You hit a good point. What is now second nature to us with writing, beginners might not know. I used WIP several times at a speaking engagement and finally one woman interrupted and said: What is that?

  60. Meghan,

    It really is true. The more you speak in front of a crowd the less intimidating it is. And really the people in attendance are there because they want to be and that is plus.

  61. Terri,

    Your local chapter is a good place to start! What do you feel you do best in your writing? That's were you could start.

    1. Hmmm, maybe something to do with wicked villains.

  62. Rose, thanks for the excellent tips for speaking engagements! You gave me some new ideas. I actually enjoy speaking to small groups like book clubs and writer groups. Conference workshops make me edgy but I do them when I get a chance. I figure it stretches me. Stretching is always good. :-)

    So delighted that you're a Rita nominee!!!! Will be pulling for you in NYC!


  63. Hi Jan,

    Yes, anyone from South Dakota in the ACFW, please look up and join our group in Facebook.

    The Festival of the Book is a GREAT venue. I spoke two years ago. I was up against Craig Johnson of Longmire fame. I had 12 people in attendance at my workshop.

  64. Thanks, Mary Hicks. I'm glad you enjoyed the post.

  65. Tina, what panel are you on at RWA? Will want to attend!


  66. Kaybee,

    I don't do the imagine them naked/in underwear thing either. I, too, look for a friendly face OR if another writer I know is in attendance, when I feel nervous I look at them.

  67. Thanks, Janet.

    I'm glad you liked the post.

    Does anyone else have any writing topic ideas that they'd like to share?

  68. Hi Rose! Congrats on the RITA nod and thanks for the presentation ideas. Although, I had to contain myself at the idea of being a Grammar Queen. Glad you didn't include computer specialist. That's another weak spot in my potential topics basket, lol.

    During past speaking engagements, I dressed in Civil War-era clothes. I like hiding behind my character's persona. It keeps my nerves at bay. Someday I will graduate to 2015 attire.

  69. Congratulations on your RITA finalist achievement, Rose! Cheering for you!

    Great speaking topics ideas. I find reasearching topics fascinating, so I can imagine talking about what I've learned.....but to just one other person....not in front of a group of people!

    Best wishes for the party in NYC this summer!

  70. Lyndee,

    THAT is a great suggestion. Do your presentation in character! You can present research facts or just tell about the book.

  71. Sherida,

    Just pretend that you are speaking to one person when you're doing a presentation!

    Would that help?

  72. Debby gave me a terrific tip that she uses when speaking at workshops. She circulates and speaks to attendees instead of sitting at the table getting nervous. I did what she suggested and it really helped me feel comfortable, like I was in a room full of friends.


  73. But Rose, I'd KNOW all the other people would be looking at me! I do like the 30 minute rule plus the question and answer period. I'll just introduce myself then ask if there are any questions. :)

    Forgot to a former Wyomingite, I love that your new book features Cheyenne Frontier Days! Great idea!

  74. Thank you for these ideas, Rose! I haven't had an opportunity--yet--to speak about my books, but it's been mentioned by a few groups. Now I'll actually have a starting place to get ideas, thanks to you. :)

  75. Rose,
    Congrats on your Rita final!!
    Thanks for these tips.
    Believe it or not, I just agreed to sit on an author's panel at a writers conference here in Toronto in the summer. WAY out of my comfort zone, but I'll try it once and see how it goes.

  76. Wow...great topics here, Rose. Seems like these could be used for guest blogging too.

    Congrats on being a Rita Nominee!! What a joy!

    Thanks for the warnings too...always good to know what might come up.

    Have a great day!

  77. Congrats Rose! That's amazing! I love your post topic; I get asked to lead workshops or speak occasionally through my university, and I never really know what to say. This list will definitely give me ideas to brainstorm from next time!

    Feel free to add my name to the drawing; I'd love to be introduced to your books!

  78. Sherida,

    Cheyenne Frontier days is a fun event! And a long standing tradition to boot (pun intended).

    You need to try Debby and Janet's 'circulating through the crowd' method!

  79. Hi Brenda!

    You get to do something next week that I've never done. Attend a book club who is reading/discussing your book. That sounds like LOTS of fun.

  80. Susan Anne,

    Writer panels are fun! You are in front of a crowd, but not all eyes are on you.

    I took part in an SCBWI writer's panel where a question was asked and we all answered it. It was great fun hearing all the different responses to questions about our writing process, education, chosen genres.

  81. Kathryn,

    Thanks for stopping by. I should keep the list and refer back for guest blogging. I have a tough time coming up with a fresh topic each time.

  82. Sarah,

    Glad to be of help! Good luck in the drawing.

  83. Debby,

    That is really a neat idea to walk through the crowd as you're presenting. I'm sure attendees love it. I'm going to try it.


    Thanks for sharing this tip!

  84. It was such a pleasure meeting you and talking to you in Chicago at the Spring Fling last year. I really enjoyed your post today, too.

    I found out talking to high school kids that it's fun--for both them and me--if I am among them instead of in front of them.

  85. And I forgot--congratulations on your nomination. That's so wonderful!

  86. Hi Liz!

    I'm so glad you stopped by. It was great meeting you and visiting in Chicago.


    Liz probably saw me at my worst. I'd broken my kneecap 10 days before my trip. I was on muscle relaxers for my back and hobbling around with a cane!

    It was quite an experience!

  87. Rose, congratulations on your Rita nomination!

    A broken kneecap! That sounds quite painful.

    I am going to have to read Reclaiming the Cowboy’s Heart. Mainly because it sounds interesting and secondly because I don't think I've read a book where the heroine shared my name.

  88. Donna,

    Thank you!

    My sister's name is Donna! I try to name some of my character's after family members.

  89. Hi Rose:

    You gave us a great list of topic ideas. To those ideas I'd like to add a few guidelines for giving a well received talk.

    1. Reward the listeners for listening. Tell your audience things they will enjoy hearing. This could be informative information or entertaining humor or both. It also means that you should know your audience. Don't be like the doctor who thought he was speaking to a group of physicians and who told some of his funniest bad nurse stories, when he was actually talking to a group of nurses! (Classic true story).

    2. Remember you’re a writer. Start with a hook and end segments of your talk with a cliffhanger.

    3. Get the audience involved by asking questions which spark their interest and keep them awake.

    For example:

    "There are twenty important ways to reward readers as the read your story. Can anyone name one or two?"

    As listeners get answers right, write them on the board or just say 'yes' or 'no' and give all the answers in a handout at the end of the talk. (Give handouts after the class. Don't have people reading and talking about your handouts as you are speaking. Don't compete with yourself.)

    4. At the end of your talk tell listeners what to do next. Tell them how to get more info on what you were talking about. "Don't get your audience all excited only to drop them at the end."

    Moral Premise: your talk should have a purpose.

    5. Never keep adults late! Ever. Either dismiss the group when your talk is over or turn the meeting over to the moderator. Let your audience know that you will be available to answer questions after the meeting is over. Many adults have commitments after the event and must leave on time.


    P.S. Before you step up to speak develop a mindset that allows your body language to express these sentiments: "I love these people. I approve of them. I consider them friends." If your mind is thinking these things, then your body language will be expressing the same sentiments. Think physical proxies.

    P.S. Please put me in the drawing. I like the theme of your book and I've always enjoyed your books in the past.

  90. Very interesting, Rose. I can't imagine anybody would want me to speak, but I suppose it could happen someday!

    Please enter me in the drawing for your book. I love the cover!

  91. Vince!

    Excellent additions.

    Especially about not keeping adults over the allotted time! Everyone hates to get up and leave in the middle of a presentation, but sometimes they have too.

    I'm glad you enjoy my books.

  92. Sandy,

    You never know when you might be asked to speak to a group.

    Thanks for the feed back on the cover. I like it a lot because of the multitude of colors.

  93. Rose, congratulations on the Rita nomination!!!

    Great post. It's a keeper.

  94. Forgivness is such a hard thing especially for something we believe has been purposely do to or against us. Forgiveness is a must though. It is what God wants us to do and it will heal us by becoming a balm to our heart. Would love to read her book, it sounds great.

  95. Deanne,

    Yes, forgiveness is hard and a good catalyst for a hero/heroine in a book.

    Thanks for commenting and good luck in the drawing.

  96. Rose, congratulations on the RITA nomination!

    I saw the impact of your advice to talk about the background of your book when a published writer spoke to my book club. They were fascinated by what her inspiration was, how she chose the setting, the fact she drew maps of the locale, etc. By the time she finished, we all were ready to read her book to find out how it all came together :-)

    Thanks for a super list of ideas.

    Nancy C

  97. Thanks, Nancy, for sharing your experience of a speaking topic idea in action!

    Many readers are amazed at just what it takes to get a book from idea to finished product.

  98. Susan Anne Mason said...
    ... I just agreed to sit on an author's panel at a writers conference here in Toronto in the summer. WAY out of my comfort zone, but I'll try it once and see how it goes.

    Susan -- when in the summer?

    Nancy C

  99. I'd love to go to a conference or talk where someone explained the things you talked about! It would take quite a lot to get me up in front of a group! I'd love to be in for winning your book.

  100. Rose such a crazy day and I'm so sorry I'm stopping in so LATE.


    I will save it and use it forever!

  101. Becky,

    Good luck in the drawing. I'm glad you stopped in today.

    I'm glad my topic ideas appealed to you!

  102. Hi Mary!

    I totally understand crazy days.

  103. Seekerville Ladies,

    Thank you for hosting me today. And for all of your hard work and support for writers and readers.
