Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Weekend Edition

Use it for your library card, your keys, your phone & change.
Winners announced next Saturday in the Weekend Edition, and one next Sunday! Tell us about your local library this weekend.  And don't forget to enter the #LibraryMade contest!

We Have Winners

  Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

You are urged to go back and review the last five weeks to claim any giveaways with your name on them. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4   & Week 5 of Speedbo. Mailings are in progress. 

 Weekend Edition winner of a Seeker BOC is Carol Garvin.

 Mary Connealy was here on Monday with her usual wit. Her unparalleled insight into the most vital aspects of writing and as always, her un-riveled modesty.Donna Reimel Robinson is the winner of  With This Kiss Historical Collection and With This Kiss Contemporary Collection. 

Screenwriter, forensics expert, speaker and children's author, Jennfier Dornbush was our special guest Tuesday with her post, "10 Things Hollywood Taught me About Being a Writer." Stephanie Queen Ludwig is the winner of Forensic Speak!

 What is Young Adult Fiction Anyway?  Want to know what this whole Young Adult fiction rage is all about? Have your ever considered writing YA, but didn't know where to start? How do you incorporate romance into young adult writing? Bethany House YA author   Dina Sleiman stopped by  Wednesday talk about Young Adult fiction and to give tips on how to write it. Winner of Dauntless is Jenelle Hovde.

SPEEDBO'S DONE. NOW WHAT? Ruth Logan Herne is glad you asked, because April is Revision Month in Seekerville, and Ruthy took us on the wild ride of ruthless slicing and dicing to create a better mousetrap... or book with "It's All in the Timing." Win it before you can buy it winners of Ruthy's "Healing the Lawman's Heart" are Lyndee, Barbara Scott, Connie Queen, Valri, and Vince (True Large Print!!!)  

 Friday, Rita finalist Rose Ross Zediker shared ten surefire topics if you’re asked to give a speech. DEBH is the winner of Reclaiming the Cowboy's Heart.

Next Week In Seekerville

Monday: Join Missy Tippens as we celebrate National Library Week! The theme of the week is  Unlimited possibilities @ your library®. Join Missy and let's talk about Unlimited Possibilities in our writing. Missy will be giving away one copy of her upcoming Love Inspired book, The Doctor's Second Chance, and one copy each of With This Kiss Contemporary and Historical Collections!  

Tuesday: Join Myra Johnson today when she talks about her experiences using library programs for book promotion. She'll share some of the things she's learned about working with libraries, including what works and what doesn't. Join the conversation for a chance to win a copy of The Oregon Trail Romance Collection, which includes Myra's novella Settled Hearts.

Wednesday:Debby Giusti will blog today and discuss Brainstorming. Be sure to stop by and leave a comment to be entered in a drawing for a copy of her latest Love Inspired Suspense, Stranded.

Thursday:  Victoria Bylin visits to say she wouldn't be an author today without libraries. Stop in and talk libraries and get in a drawing for two copies of Victoria's latest release Together With You.

Friday: Today Seekerville welcomes author Julie Jarnigan! She'll share about "The Organized Writer" and we've got a print or e-copy of Brian Tracy's Eat That Frog for one commenter!

Seeker Sightings

Save the Date! Missy Tippens will be taking part once again in a Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! More info at her blog later.


Help us celebrate the April 10 release of The Seekers’ “With This Kiss” novella collections with a contest where you can win having a character named after you in Julie Lessman's next book, a signed copy, and your choice of any of Julie's books or Seeker books PLUS choice of top CBA book from Julie's library. Here's the link and GOOD LUCK!

Historical & Contemporary Collections
  Plus, every weekend for the rest of April, 
we're giving away a set (one  copy of each) of With This Kiss.
 Just say you want  one!
Winners announced in the Weekend Edition.

Random News & Information (Contributed by Seekers and Villagers)

Dina Davis is now at Harlequin as assistant editor/editorial assistant working on Harlequin Historical and Love Inspired Suspense (Publishers Lunch)

Free 1-Hour Class on Successfully Launching Your Book (Jane Friedman)

 Business Musings: The Freelance Scramble (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)

 Amazon sues to block alleged fake reviews on its website (Reuters)

The Randy Ingermanson Interview (Storyfix2.0)

 Why Jamie McGuire Returned to Self Publishing (Huff Post)

All of the ACFW 2015 Conference information is now up!

From the Harlequin Community: The moment you’ve all been waiting for will soon be here. On Monday, April 13, starting at 1 p.m. Eastern time we will be announcing the 75 authors who will be moving on to Stage 2 of From Blurb to Book: Pitch, Write & Sell Your Book in 5 Months. We will announce one team, consisting of 25 authors, per hour in this thread. All authors moving on to Stage 2 will be listed here by 3 p.m. Monday.

Harper Lee and the One-Book Wonder Phenomenon (Off the Shelf)

Managing the Beta Reading Process (The Book Designer)

Inside Traditional Publishing: Good Agents Geek Out About Contracts (Huff Post Books)
Spotting—and Avoiding– “Pay to Play” Publishing Contracts (Writers in the Storm)

 What to Do When There’s No Wind in Your Sails (Michael Hyatt)

That's it. Here's our #NoLimits quote of the week



  1. Happy weekend, Seekerville! Haven't been around much the last few weeks as have been drowning in edits but I'm always luring :)

  2. Congratulations, all winners. I'm so excited to see all the authors busy editing....just see what comes out of No Limits SPEEDBO! We have a bill board here that proclaims ALL YOU WANT IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF FEAR. I'm hoping for both sets of WITH THIS KISS....Thanks, TINA. It's another great WE.

  3. Happy Weekend! I'm going to be busy writing, hope you all are too.

    Congrats to all the lucky winners.

  4. I'm so excited for National Library Week! I absolutely love my local library- we visit there at least once a week and my girls think it's the best. That library card pouch is adorable!!!

    I want a copy of With This Kiss!!! Please put my name in the hat! :)

    Happy weekend!

  5. Thanks for the WE, Tina!

    Wow, a Ruthy book win! How sweet! Thank you!

    From research to locating historical newspaper articles to hunting down rare, out of print books, my librarians have saved my sorry self so many times! What a lovely system. I hope it stays in place for future generations!

  6. Congratulations, winners!!! :-)

    Thanks again, Tina! Great WE.

  7. Every writer should run to the link on the writer's scramble and read the whole thing...

    A writer's income is rarely average, it's never stagnant (unless it's non-existent!) and the advice in this link is something to print off and keep in your finance file! Thank you, Tina, for posting that link!!!!

  8. I'm revising today, working on my first Waterbrook cowboy book (yes, I do revisions on a regular basis, LOL!) so I'm in upstate NY but my head is in Central Washington state, ridin' herd and watching romance evolve!


    I brought some stuffed cream puffs for everyone to enjoy! Whipped cream, custard and chocolate cream!

  9. Interesting article about Amazon sueing over fake review site, didn't realize such a thing existed, what a shame some are always trying to beat the system.

    Put me in the dog dish for those copies of With This Kiss, thanks.

    Happy Weekend Everyone!

  10. Happy Writing Day! May the force be with you.

  11. Tracey, fake reviews just scorch me! How desperate do you have to be? Trust in God, write a great book, and keep writing!!! The rest will come!

    (Ruthy's dander is up).

  12. Heidi, I love the library too! They were my saving grace as a child, those great women who let me lose myself in amazing fiction.

    Support your local library!!!!! Show 'em the love!

    I might have to take them cookies this week!!!

  13. Lyndee, I can't wait to see what you think of "Healing the Lawman's Heart"! I hope you love it!!!

  14. Great weekend, Tina.

    Congrats to all of the winners!

    I love our library. In the twenty years I've lived in Jessamine County, our library built a bigger place and moved. Then it expanded a few years later, but we could still visit. Now it is expanding so much that they moved everything out to a temporary location.

    I took my sons to the library almost weekly while they were growing up. My oldest son takes his daughters now, and my 22 year old renewed his library card during Christmas break and visits when he's not overwhelmed with school work.

    Thanks to all of the librarians!

  15. I have always loved the library until this year. They have made a new rule. In order to get a library card, you have to have a contact name and number of someone not living at your address, I feel that is wrong. I'll have to get my books somewhere else.

    Great WE Congratulations to all the winners.

  16. YAY for this week's winners!

    Library Weeks looks like a fun lineup! My grandkids sure love the library. They brought home maybe 30 books this past week, and they go through them like wildfire!

    And . . . today is moving day for the kids. Daughter & fam have been back from the mission field (and under our roof) since just before Easter. They will be living in a rental house nearby until summer, then probably moving to a nearby city where son-in-law is expecting to be offered a teaching position. Prayers for success appreciated!

  17. I love Seekerville! Congratulations to the winners. This coming week looks like some great topics :) I would LOVE to win With this Kiss!!

  18. Oh Happy Day!

    Winning a 'True Large Print' Seeker book is like winning the loto Grand Prize!

    And when it's a Ruthy book, it's like having the option that doubles the prize!

    Thanks, thanks, thanks.


  19. R A N D O M
    W E E K E N D
    T H O U G H T S


    "If life begins at the end of your comfort zone, why have one? Verily I say unto you to make living outside your comfort zone, your new comfort zone. Good habits can turn virtue into pleasure and duty into a cutie."


    Nineteen Innings.
    Lack of Sleep.
    Yankes Lose
    at Home!
    Couldn't sleep.
    "With this Kiss"
    into the dawn hours.
    I think baseball should be called:
    The National Past Bedtime.


    Daddy, is there really a library out there?

    With my Kindle
    I get my books
    here at home.
    And when their time is up,
    the books return
    to the library
    on their own.

    Daddy, is there really a library?
    Is it at the North Pole?


  20. Great WE as always, and CONGRATS to all the winners!!

    It is a BEAUTIFUL spring day here in my part of Georgia (after a BIG downpour of rain during the night) and I'm sitting by my bay window about to write! :)

    Hope everyone has a delightful weekend.
    Hugs, Patti Jo :)

  21. VINCE!!!! I had to go to bed so I could work on cowboy revisions today, but OH MY STARS!!! 19 innings... and then we lost.... EEEEEEEKKKK! GGGGRRRRRRRRRR!!!!



    But if you're reading "With This Kiss", I'm so stinkin' happy! Hope you love it, my friend!

  22. And I totally agree on the push the boundaries and dump the comfort zone... My life would be so different if I wasn't geared to bump those comfort zone rules off the map!

    Well said, smart guy!

  23. Wilani, why do they do that? I'm so confused.

  24. Life Begins at the End of your Comfort Zone. Wow! Very thought provoking.

    Thanks for the wonderful Weekend Edition, Tina! And all these links.

    I love our library system at home. We're known for our genealogy department so it's a great place to trace your roots. One day I plan to. They have an author event at the downtown main library. Another branch hosts a writers group. They carry Love Inspired books! They lend eBooks. I've asked for a book they didn't have and they ordered it. How's that for fabulous.


  25. Love this week's #NoLimits quote....and need the reminder...often! Thanks, Tina!

    The two WITH THIS KISS collections appeared on my Kindle yesterday. Yay!

    My library provides abundant sources of research for me in a beautiful atmosphere. I love spending time there.

    Congratulations to all the winners!

    Happy weekend of reading and/or writing to everyone!

  26. I used the library to write for long periods of time. Less distracting than coffee houses or Paneras, and the main library has a gift shop and snack place so I could still get something t ok eat if I got hungry.

    I'd love to get With this Kiss. It's on my wish list now. The WE is Great. Thanks for all the cool links!

  27. I remember our small library tucked into the back of a building when I was a kid. You entered by an unremarkable (unless you knew what was inside! :) side-entrance, and I thought it was the most fascinating place in the world.

    I was actually disappointed when they built a big modern library because I loved the place so much. I would have been happy to stop by every day after school. Instead I had to content myself with once or twice a week.

  28. What????? I won last WE's BOC???? Add one of Ruthy's stuffed cream puffs to that and I'm ecstatic!!!! Okay, I'm overreacting. It's the sugar. But you've made my weekend and given me such a boost! Thanks so much. :)

    Now I'm heading back to check out this weekend's many goodies and all the links. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.

  29. I should have said that eventually (like the next WEEK) I came to love the new, bigger, brighter, housing-more-books library. Figured I needed to clear that up... lol

    And COOKIES for the librarians. What a cool idea, Ruthy.

    Oh, and I have a picture of me and the librarian from my kiddo/teen days. She's retired now, but she came to one of my book signings and was so sweet.

  30. Oh, I just love Library Week -- it's like Christmas!!!! Sort of. In a bookish way. I've lived in libraries since I was no higher than the bottom shelf in the picture book section. :-) Now I work in them...well...not right at the moment, but hopefully back again soon. I'll have to think of something spectacular to do this week to celebrate all things library. Happy weekend!!! It's actually sunny and six here. I'm going to walk to my library to pick up a few holds.

  31. Just scrolled through the last 5 WE's as suggested and came across the Woman's World magazine, just reminding everyone (and myself,LOL) that Tina's story will be in it this week, April 16th issue.

  32. Thanks, Tina! So many great articles to read!

    Congrats to all the winners!

  33. Heidi, I used to take the kids to the library a lot when they were little. I also spent a lot of time there while my oldest was in preschool. I'd drop him off, then go read for a few hours. It was wonderful!

  34. Jackie, I love how the tradition has been passed down in your family! I hope my kids will do the same.

  35. Vince (and Ruthy), those are PAINFUL games (unless, of course, they were playing the Giants or Braves). hahaha

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. :) But seriously, those long ones are exhausting. We once were at a 4th of July Braves game that lasted something like 21 innings. We finally left at 1 am because we had to work the next day.

  36. Sherida, I'm glad you got your books! Thanks for getting them! Mine appeared yesterday too! :)

  37. I'm so excited that I won Ruthy's book! Thank you!!!!!!

  38. Congratulations Winners and Happy Library week! I love the library in my small town. It is a beautiful old brick building. They also created a library for teenagers called The Third Place a few years ago. I've always loved visiting libraries and I love the smell that you find when you walk into the doors of a library.

    I wish everyone a wonderful blessed weekend!

    Smiles & blessings,
    Cindy W.

  39. .
    "There is nothing more comforting than the realization that you're acting outside your comfort zone."
    -- the writer who didn't come in from the cold.

  40. Ruthy, I don't know why other than I live in the mountains. During the summer months our population doubles with all the Florida people that have two homes. She said it was to help them know I really live here. I don't want to impose on my friends so I will find other ways to research for a book I want to write in the future. I had called them because I was having trouble figuring how to check ebooks out from home.

  41. Happy Spring to all! Georgia is in full bloom and recent rains have knocked down the staggering pollen count. Aaaaa..choo!

    School has been out this past week, and all the folks on vaca are returning home. Our little town has been nice and slow with so many gone. The hustle and bustle will begin again on Monday!

    Congrats to the winners! Crossed fingers for all our Blurb2Book entrants! Let us know as soon as you hear! :)

  42. I love the library! As a college student in a writing program, research and databases are dear personal friends o' mine these days. Although to be honest, they'd be friends even if I wasn't constantly hunting for articles and research sources for coursework!

    I'd love to win With This Kiss, especially the historical collection! Throw my name in the dish if it's open already! :)

  43. Can't wait for that treasure hunt giveaway! I'll be eagerly hunting away... ;)

  44. Our library was remodeled a few years ago and it is beautiful. I love libraries.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  45. Must get Women's World. Thanks for the reminder, Tracey!


  46. Congratulations to the winners! please put me in the drawings & for the Historical & Contemporary Collections :)
    Hope your weekend is wonderful!

  47. Kara Isaacs! Published Author! We know you are luring. HA!

  48. Tracey! I hope it's this week. If it is, then it will be available on Wed or Thursday.

  49. Wilhani, I am sure they made that rule because so many people abscond with books and DVDS and they have no forwarding address.

    You'd be shocked at how many library items are removed and never returned.

  50. Just read on the eHarl boards that the Book2Blurb contest netted 326 entries!!!! Yikes.

    only 75 moving on (which I computed to be 23% of total entries).

    greater chance of not making it than making it. But one can still write along with the finalists and submit a manuscript the "old fashioned" way at the same time the other finalist will. It's a thought...

  51. Tina, like Janet and Tracey, I'm eager to read your WW story!

    Congrats on your success with such a great mag!

  52. Thank you, Seekerville, for my copy of Julie Lessman's Romance-ology. I received it today (yes, you read that right-I received it on a Sunday) and am looking forward to reading it.

    While my library system is quite small for a metro library system, it has some of the nicest librarians. I use two of the branches to do quite a lot of writing.

    Happy writing.

  53. National Library Week! Hooray! I love libraries. When I don't have time to go there or the weather's too rotten to get out, I can use Overdrive to check out ebooks from my library. What a gift! The genealogy/local history librarian taught me how to find original source material for research. The library sponsors lots of events for children, encouraging another generation of readers. I could go on and on ... but won't. I do think I ought to give myself a morning at the library just to celebrate, though.

    Congrats to all you winners! Thanks for the links, Tina.

    Oh, and I love that library card pouch. What a super gift that would be for a librarian.

    Nancy C

  54. DebH, I love your words of advice. Sounds like a great plan. Still hoping to move on, but with that many entries who knows.
