Monday, August 24, 2015

I Hereby Vote YOU "Most Likely to Succeed"

by Pam (Tune) Hillman

Suc ·ceed ~ to attain success in some popularly recognized form, as wealth or standing: The class voted her the one most likely to succeed.

Do high schools still vote for “Most Likely to Succeed”? Back in the day, they did, and Timmy & I were voted most likely to succeed by the student body. Looking back on high school (yes, I know it’s painful for some of us), those voted as most likely are generally those who excel academically and fit the part of a corporate professional, doctor, lawyer, secretary, or maybe accountant, at least in the eyes of their peers.

Way back in high school, I’m sure my classmates had no clue why they voted me most likely to succeed, or even what they thought I might succeed at.

And, actually, I’m kind of afraid to ask! lol

If they had no clue what kind of success they had mapped out for me, then I certainly didn't. When I was 17, what did success look like to me? Others can pin a label on us, but inside, success isn’t always the way others see it.

What is success? One person’s success might be another’s failure. If I never become a singer, an actress, nurse, doctor, or firefighter, I won’t consider myself a failure at any of those things. Mainly because I’ve never had a desire to succeed at any of the above, so I’ve never applied myself to those lofty ambitions.

We can be successful in our own eyes, even when others might not see it as such. My dream has never been to be rich or famous, although I’m not adverse to a bit of bling for my work, but the dream has never been about money or fame. My dream was to be an author, to write stories. The icing on the cake has been signing contracts for those stories, seeing them in print, blessing readers, holding my books in my hands.

While writing this, I pulled out my high school annual and had a good laugh over the Class Prophecy provided by the Juniors each year...

Ha! Well, I never wanted to be a teacher or a professor, but since I was fairly shy in school, I’m pretty certain the Juniors had no clue my dream was to be an author, but even so, they weren’t too far off the mark, were they? They might have gotten the idea that I’d turn out to be a teacher or a professor because I always had a book in my hand. On the dirt bike prophecy... I got nothing! Although I DID consider asking my son if he would take a picture of me with his dirt bike for this post. While standing VERY, VERY still of course!

And then there was the Yearbook staff. Being editor of the high school yearbook probably clenched the deal for me. Yes, I was a confirmed book worm and nerd....

All this got me to thinking.

While it’s really nice to be voted "Most Likely to [fill in the blank]", it doesn’t matter who votes us “Most Likely to Succeed” or their reasons for doing so. What matters is that we identify and pursue the dreams God placed inside us. The pursuit, the “chase” is almost as much fun as the end result. We feel successful when we’re following our dreams, no matter how successful others see us.

What have you done today to make your dream come true. Pursue it, and in doing so, you will feel successful. You will be successful....because you are not just dreaming, you are doing.

So, today, I vote YOU “Most Likely to Succeed!”

STEALING JAKE by Pam Hillman. When Livy O’Brien spies a young boy jostling a man walking along the boardwalk, she recognizes the act for what it is. After all, she used to be known as Light-Fingered Livy. But that was before she put her past behind her and moved to the growing town of Chestnut, Illinois, where she’s helping to run an orphanage. Now she’ll do almost anything to protect the street kids like herself.

Sheriff’s deputy Jake Russell had no idea what he was in for when he ran into Livy―literally while chasing down a pickpocket. With a rash of robberies and a growing number of street kids in town―as well as a loan on the family farm that needs to be paid off―Jake doesn’t have time to pursue a girl. Still, he can’t seem to get Livy out of his mind. He wants to get to know her better . . . but Livy isn’t willing to trust any man, especially not a lawman.

CBA Bestselling author PAM HILLMAN was born and raised on a dairy farm in Mississippi and spent her teenage years perched on the seat of a tractor raking hay. In those days, her daddy couldn't afford two cab tractors with air conditioning and a radio, so Pam drove an Allis Chalmers 110. Even when her daddy asked her if she wanted to bale hay, she told him she didn't mind raking. Raking hay doesn't take much thought so Pam spent her time working on her tan and making up stories in her head. Now, that's the kind of life every girl should dream of.


  1. When I was in high school they did the "most likely to succeed" along with a myriad of other couplings, but it was always obvious our school went for the most popular...the cheerleaders, athletes, and student body officers. Oddly enough, when I went to my 30 year class reunion, they were still doing it. "They" selected the "least changed" of the group. I looked around the room and saw several people who looked like they hadn't aged a day yet, they weren't chosen. The two that were chosen, well, I hardly recognized them. :)

    I believe success is what we choose it to be. It is up to us to succeed or not to succeed.

    Great post Pam.

    Have a blessed day!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  2. Awwww, cute pics, Pam! And that dirt bike thing...hmmmm, maybe there's a bit of wild in you? LOL
    Great post! I think it's pretty cool that you stood out enough for people to vote for you. :-) And you've definitely been successful because you've reached your goals!

  3. Those are just the best pictures, Pam. I love it. You did succeed too!!! Way to go.

  4. Pam, great fun to see your high school pictures! I'm sure your grades and activities spelled success to your peers and they were right! You've achieved your dream by doing, pursuing. A great example for all of us.

    Driving that tractor probably triggered the dirt bike prophecy. :-)

    In high school I worked on the school newspaper and the yearbook. Anyone else?


  5. Hoping I am most likely to succeed in ridding my house of mice. :-) That is my biggest goal right now. LOL Loved seeing a glimpse into your high school days. I try to blank mine out!

  6. I loved the pictures, Pam. My high school had what they called, Senior Superlatives. Categories such as, Most Popular, Best Looking, etc., seemed to be reserved for an exclusive group. Funny, I've never viewed any accomplishments during my lifetime as succeeding. I'm only striving for goals that God has placed in my heart. If I reach the goal, yay, but if not, maybe I'm not fully prepared for what comes after. Wonderful post, Pam!

  7. PAMMERS I love the photos of you in high school. How fun and I'm so impressed you remember all that stuff. High school is like a blur to me right now.

    And you DID succeed. You are a blessing to all of us. smile

    And a dirt bike? I've ridden most of the west on one. It isn't much of a stretch from a tractor to a dirt bike. LOL

  8. CINDY W. I went to my 50 the reunion and it was really fun. By this time the "cliques" of popular students versus the rest of us is blurred. Its more like who has survived. chuckle

  9. Ewwww KAV I'm praying for your success. Yes, I am picturing your success right now.

  10. Hi Pam,

    I was editor of our yearbook too.

    Sandra, I've discovered the 'cliques' of popular students has blurred some on FB. Some of those people are now my 'friends.'

    Kav, I hope you get rid of those mice. Shivers!

    Have a great day everybody!

  11. PAM, I loved seeing your high school photos. CONGRATS to the Seekerville authors on your success! Have a magical Monday!

  12. Yes, JACKIE, I have had the same experience. So fun. At least we grew up. Right? LOL

  13. What a fun post, Pam! I really like the old photos. Makes me glad to be grown up and past all that, though. All the Seekers have definitely succeeded and become my mentors in the process.
    Kav - hoping your M-word (which I can't even type) goes away soon!

  14. PAMMY!! The photos from yesteryear are soooooooo FUN!! We should have another day when we all post pix from way back when, like Tina did in one of her Weekend Editions a few years back -- that was one of my favorite WEs!

    Would LOVE to see you on a dirt back, however ... ;)

    You said: "We feel successful when we’re following our dreams, no matter how successful others see us."

    This is soooo true! There's a definite element of satisfaction and pride from pursuing our dreams. I was realllly into writing way back then and always wanted to be an author, but honestly never thought I would be, so when it happened -- it was a confidence booster like no other. :)

    Like you and Jackie, I was yearbook editor, too, so I wonder how many of us there are in Seekerville ...

    Fun, FUN post!!


  15. Janet! Pam! I worked on the yearbook staff too! Assistant editor for 2 years :)

  16. Pam, congratulations on Stealing Jake's success as a print novel!

  17. Good morning, Cindy! I agree that a lot of schools did (and still do I'm sure) have the popularity thing going on. I was blessed to attend an extremely small school. My graduating class had 17 people in it. :) In a different time, a different place, a different school, I would have been overlooked as well.

    You summed up your comment: I believe success is what we choose it to be. It is up to us to succeed or not to succeed.

    Here, here! Our God-given talents and our own initiative is what makes us strive for success.

  18. What a fun post, Pam! Your classmates were right when they voted you most likely to succeed! Way to go!! :-)

  19. lol on the dirt bike. The prophecy usually included at least 2 things... the first was something "lofty" that the Juniors (I imagine they had help from their class sponsor!) predicted even though it might be a bit far out, and the other was something totally out of character. I was just happy that neither of mine were totally embarrassing or cruel.

  20. Janet, I never associated the dirt bike with working on the farm/tractor driving. You might be right!

  21. Hi Pam:

    Never has a Seeker post hit a more responsive chord in my memories. I have on my wall, as I write this, an 8x10 photo of my mother, with her foot up on the foot rest of my brother's professional racing dirt bike, regally dressed, holding a large trophy, with the happiest smile and best hairdo, I believe she ever had in her lifetime. It's the favorite picture I have of her. (Even if it does celebrate one of my brother's many successes!)

    As for 'most successful', I always took that to mean 'a potential to succeed' at whatever the individual chose to do in life -- and this was projected over a whole lifetime. That is, as an 'end success' and not necessarily success at every step along the way. I took it as a vote on potential, 'the most likely to', aspect of future endeavors.

    What were far more interesting to me were all the other categories. In our junior class everyone got 'a most likely' designation! I can't even remember mine now except that it was at least positive so I didn't feel bad about it at the time for being published in the yearbook.

    Anyway, I think the voting was done by the five people on the year book committee since I don't remember there ever being a vote of the student body on any of these 'most likely to' categories. (I can't imagine the nuns allowing such a vote. We could not even play certain songs at the sockhops. Banned: "Sixteen tons" and "He took a hundreds pounds of clay".)

    BTW: I just loved the picture of all those girls on the newspaper staff. I sure think that the girls that age were a lot prettier back then than they are today. I wonder if every generation feels the same way.

    Sometimes I think that those with the fewest regrets over a whole lifetime were the most successful.

    Thanks for a wonderful, warmhearted, post to start the week.


  22. Kav, I am right there with you on the mice. Apparently, I escorted a mom out, and now we've ridded ourselves of three cute little buggers toddling across the den. They really were cute, but not cute enough to keep.

  23. Pam, your pictures are wonderful! You are a great success in exactly the way you wanted to be. I'm like you (and like many authors, I suspect) I always wanted to become an author. Reading Happy Hollister books inspired me! But I never thought I could actually get published because only famous people like Carolyn Keene (Nancy Drew author) got published. At the time I didn't know Carolyn Keene was just a pen name for several Nancy Drew writers.

    I'm glad we can determine our own success.

  24. Jill, that's what I was thinking. Success is a state of mind more than arriving at some "perfect" place in our lives. If we seek God's will for our lives, then I'd say that's pretty successful living.

  25. Not a stretch from a dirt bike to a tractor??? Ha! Other than the dust, I absolutely see nothing in common with the two. lol

    Give me FOUR wheels. I have managed with three, but I plan to avoid TWO completely. I did ride a dirt bike once when I was about 10. It was really small. And I rode with my brother on his motorcycle once when I was about 15, and that's it. My son has had and wrecked 2 motorcycles and now has a dirt bike. I'm plotting to dispose of it without injury to him. Let's just say I have a healthy respect for those things!

  26. Yes PAMMERS it is good to have a healthy respect. What I meant by comparing a dirt bike to tractor is I see both of those things as rather daring to be on. And yes dirt bikes can be dangerous. I have a huge scar on my leg from the hot muffler imprint when I fell and the blasted bike landed on top of me. Yep, good to have a decent respect.s However, the bike did enable me to see some rather spectacular scenery I would have missed otherwise. I call that a success.

  27. VINCE said "Sometimes I think that those with the fewest regrets over a whole lifetime were the most successful."

    I think this is a wonderful definition of success. I have very few regrets thanks to a hubby who is ten times more daring than I. He dragged me along on many adventures that I'm so thrilled that I went on. --now that I survived them -- LOL

  28. Fun post, Pam. It is interesting to look back on those prophecies and see how they turned out. I do have a story about being yearbook editor. Mine started my junior year in high school when I tried out for the yearbook staff and was rejected. I vowed that I would make the yearbook staff the next year (which I did) but also that I would be yearbook editor when I was in college. My junior year in college I was the yearbook editor. I only had a few people on my staff and did most of it myself, so be careful what you ask for! :)

  29. PAM, this is a terrific post. How DO we define success? My father-in-law was a cop and a dairy farmer, never made any money, died in a rented room with secondhand furniture, but he had one of the greatest spirits I have ever known. He studied for the ministry AFTER retiring from the police and the dairy farming, and served the Lord for the last years of his life, even though he was never ordained, because that Wasn't The Point.
    I've also learned a lot about success from my husband, who is an ordained elder in our denomination but hasn't pastored for a long time. His secular work is dirty, unappreciated and exhausting, but he sees it as a mission field. That's Success.
    I was impressed by what JULIE did earlier this year, backing off from social media and the whole publishing grind, and I think that was a wake-up call for all of us (except the ones who already have the right perspective). There's something way better even than being published. And we'll only get The Call after we've answered the most important CALL of all.

  30. High school reunions. Hmm. I went to one and never went back thanks to an experience similar to the one Cindy posted about. Colossal waste of time, anyone I care about I am already keeping in touch with. BUT I also see where Sandra is coming from. The years do tend to knock the corners off of us, don't they? By our age (I'm 64), nearly everyone has had something happen to them that's made them more of a human being.
    And we can always make an excuse for high school because it was, well, high school and none of us knew what we were doing.
    Kathy Bailey

  31. Reading some of the comments brings back more memories of high school. Yep, I was definitely blessed to attend a very, very small school. Yes, there were a few cliques, but nothing to compare with what others probably experienced.

    But don't let yourselves get bogged down in the past!!! :)

    You are your own person today. YOUR success isn't about what others think of you then or now. It's about your own walk along life's journey.

    I'm just a country girl whose parents didn't have 2 nickels between them when they married. They buckled down and worked hard. I grew up and my husband and I repeated the process. Shucks, most people think that if they put in 40 hours on the day job, then they've paid their dues and the rest of the time is for fun and games.

    Neither my husband nor I have ever had a "40 hour work week". More like 80-90 hours. He works 40 hours in construction, then puts in another 30-50 a week on the farm. He's been known to cut hay into the wee hours, then grab a few hours of sleep before going to work. I've done the same... work on edits until 3 or 4 in the morning, then go to the day job.

    For some, success might come with minimal time and effort. Unfortunately, that's not the case most of the time. Put in the time. Put in the effort to be a success in your own eyes. That's where the rubber meets the road.

  32. Jackie & Cindy, the best years of our lives are in the here and now. ;)

  33. Vince, your comment touched me in many ways. I can picture your mom and your delight in days gone by. Though Pam is adorable in these pictures, I was stunned that you thought girls were prettier back then. I wore thick glasses, had no sense of style and what colors worked. Girls today look like models by the time they're twelve. Perhaps you're attracted more by the sweetness on the faces, the lack of artifice.


  34. Julie, too cool that you were yearbook editor, too! :)

  35. Thank you for the inspiration. I've been away from my writing for far too long. I feel I lost my confidence and gained a friend in fear, but no more I'm ready to kick fear to the curb and write again. So many inspirational posts just love this blog.

    Jeri Hoag

  36. Kathy, your nailed success. Thanks for sharing!


  37. Jeri, Proud of you! I suspect fear is meant to stop you from writing what might be life changing for readers. Even if that reader is just you.


  38. Look at that! Sarah was on the Yearbook staff as well! Cool! Looks like a lot of us were finding our path even then. :)

  39. Wonderfully inspiring for a Monday morning, Pam! I don't even want to guess what my high school classmates might have predicted for me. I was always a (mostly) straight-A student (graduated 5th in my class of about 200), but I was too shy and introverted to draw much attention otherwise. I think I'm more popular with those former classmates on Facebook now than I ever was in school! And I can't deny it feels pretty good each time I announce the release of another novel!

  40. Mary H, like I said, I'm too scared to ask what they thought I'd succeed at! lol

  41. Vince, I love your visit down memory lane. Maybe I'll have my picture taken with my son's dirt bike after all! :)

    I do remember that the high school student body got to vote on our "Most Likely" nominees. First, nominations had to be submitted, then ballots were printed and everyone voted. Certain "awards" could only be 9th-10th graders, while others had to be 11th-12th graders. We had a committee (part of the student body) who counted the ballots.

    Sometimes I think that those with the fewest regrets over a whole lifetime were the most successful.

    Yes, yes, yes! This says it so much better than I did. Thank you, Vince.

    And y'all couldn't play "Sixteen Tons"? Bummer!

  42. Cara, I was the same way. I thought authors came from "money" and had a lot of leisure time. I mostly based my assumptions on the bios and the head shots of the day. Y'all just google Barbara Carland, and you'll see what I mean.

    Even now, I can see her lounging on a day bed in a peignoir (?), hair perfectly coiffed and a poodle at her feet, OH, and a white fur draped around her shoulders. There was no way EVER that I was going to BE that woman. PS... I just googled. Don't base your assumptions on the latter HOT PINK photos of her. Egads! No, the ones that impressed me were of her a bit younger, looking glamorous, wealthy, and regal.

    I didn't realize I didn't have to be HER, that I could be ME and still pursue my dream. :)

    Hmmm, now that I have everything at my fingertips via the internet, I should spend some time reading about that woman's life. When I get time, that is.

  43. Ouch, ouch, ouch, Sandra. My oldest has road rash that will probably be there for the rest of his life. Makes me hurt just to THINK about it. Ouch!!!! Thankfully, other than a broken collar bone and a bit of road rash, that's all he has from his two wrecks.

  44. Pam, how fun!!! I just love this. And I'm still laughing to picture you as a professor spending your weekends on your dirt bike. :)

    You know, I've found that sometimes what we strive for as success ends up not being our true dream. That true dream is what can make us happy in the long run.

  45. Sandra said: I think this is a wonderful definition of success. I have very few regrets thanks to a hubby who is ten times more daring than I. He dragged me along on many adventures that I'm so thrilled that I went on. --now that I survived them -- LOL

    Yes, there is that, Sandra! Survival is Job #1! :)

  46. Janet, no, I didn't work on the paper or anything that might ever make people think I would be a writer. I actually didn't form that dream until after I had kids. I was always into science in school.

  47. Sandy, been there, done that! The great thing about a small school is also the WORST thing about a small school. Those of us on the yearbook staff had to do all the work, and since practically every other guy and gal in our high school was involved in at least 3 other activities, including basketball, football, baseball/softball and/or cheerleading.

    All of those practices fell in the same time as the planning period for the annual staff, several of us ended up working after school, and during spring break to get the job done. And our sponsor worked hard as well. I imagined she worked a LOT harder than we did, and we didn't give her enough credit back then! :(

  48. Pam, I was a city girl and a girly girl. BUT when I went to Young Life camp in high school, I LOVED riding dirt bikes! LOL It really shocked me how much I enjoyed it--trail riding in the mountains of North Carolina (at Windy Gap, for any of you from around there). I even have a burn scar on my calf to prove it. LOL

  49. Oh, I just saw Sandra has the same scar!! LOL

  50. Jeri, we'd love to cheer you on as you write again!

  51. KB...well said. This is success in a nutshell. You gave me chills.

    Your FIL and your hubby sound like amazing, wonderful, successful men of God. Thanking God for them!

  52. What a fun post. My high school did this although since I went to 11 different schools from Kindergarten to 12th grade, I wasn't part of it. However I was included in a class prophecy. One thing I have observed is that my life has taken different turns then I would have dreamed possible. Yet, with my eyes on the Lord it has been a great journey and He has been with me all the way. Any success I have had and will have is all due to the Lord. Thank you for the post.

  53. lol - Kathy, I love your description of "knocking some corners" off. So true. And we really had NO clue back then. My class had a 5 year, or another 10 year, I think. Then we got so spread out, everyone was so crazy busy with LIFE and our 30th rolled around and we honestly, I didn't even THINK about it until after the fact.

    But with Facebook, hopefully, we'll be able to have a 35th. It's so hard to find a good time of year for something like that. My school has small get-togethers at the football homecoming every year. Seems like I had a conflict the last couple of years, but I really need to start putting this on my bucket list every year.

    We've been out of school long enough that a LOT of corners have been knocked off, so we should all have a really GREAT time! :)

  54. And, back to Vince's comment about pretty girls (which was sweet, btw! :), there's something nostalgic about B&W pics from days gone by. And I snapped these with my iPhone from the yearbook. Isn't technology so cool?

    We only had a few color pics in our annual. Senior pics were color as well as Most Handsome and Most Beautiful, Beauty & Beaus and Homecoming Court.

  55. Jeri, I vote you MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED! Go for it!

  56. Myra, being a novelist is a strange no-man's-land that puts you in a totally different place, doesn't it? Why don't we all go have PR headshots made ala Barbara Cartland, and then we'll REALLY look the part of world-renowned-jet-setting authors! :)

  57. Well, I could have had a burn scar on my calf from the 4-wheeler, but I managed to move just in time. Hmmm....scars from adventures....

    I have one in my scalp where a crazy cow butted a chainlink gate off its hinges. The gate fell on top of me and she trampled across it, thankfully missing ME. I looked like the walking dead with my face covered in blood.

    OH... not a dirt bike, but almost as good! lol My brother had a "dune buggy" and I was thrown off while he was cutting donuts. I came to lying on my back in the middle of the highway looking up at him and my 2 cousins. It's a miracle I wasn't killed, although some might say my brain's been addled ever since. My first thought was what happened to my MONEY that had been in my pocket since we'd just been to the country store to get soda and candy/chips. I just told my mother about this ... like 35 years later and she insists she never knew about it back then.

    I wish I had some pictures of those dune buggies. The country boys around here all had them 30 years ago. They were the original chop-shop versions of the current Rzrs that are all the rage now.

  58. Well said, Wilani. Keeping our focus on the Lord is the best success we can ever hope for.

  59. Pam, love the post and the pics. What happened to Timmy?

    I wasn't on the yearbook or newspaper, but was always involved in Student Council and led the Spirit Committee. Made 10-15 posters weekly for the upcoming games and events and hung them all over the school. Banners too. Homecoming float chairperson. Worked on every committee seemingly. School Leadership Committee, Drill Team, etc, and loved every minute! Lots of wonderful memories.

    What have I done to follow my dream recently? Attended the Writers Police Academy. So fun to be there with Tina and Rhonda Starnes, Margaret Daley, Terry Reed and another famous Mississippi author, Terri Blackstock, who is the sweetest! Fell in love with Appleton, WI, and the wonderful folks who live there. Also fell in love with Wisconsin Cheese Curds! Love, love, love the great folks in law enforcement. What's not to like about a guy or gal in uniform? A cut above. Such a sense of duty to protect the citizens of their city, county, state. They're my heroes!

  60. Jeri,

    Cheering you on! Recognizing fear is half the battle. Kicking it to the curb, as you mentioned, is even better! You go, girl! Close the door to fear and don't let it back in! Ever!

    Just keep repeating: I am a writer! I am a writer! I am a writer!


  61. PAM, thanks for the encouraging post.

    I was shocked and TERRIBLY hurt when my high school yearbook proclaimed me 'Most Flighty.' Sure, I was in a lot of things - maybe even a Jill of all trades, master of none - but I loved every minute of it. I was in band, chorus, wind ensemble, orchestra, church choir, The Believers interdenominational singing group, plays, musicals, Candy Stripe hospital volunteer and I wrote for the school paper from Jr. High through college. Until I read that in the yearbook, I had no idea my classmates frowned on my varied interests.

    I still have a lot of interests. That curiosity plays a huge role in my writing. Something I would have apologized for in my youth is truly a strength and joy now. God has used my varied background in ways I never saw coming as a 16 year old. What a blessing!


    1. Oh, Lyndee, that's awful that your yearbook gave that award!! I love that you're a Jill of all trades. It makes you interesting!

  62. Love it! When I was in high school, a good number of my friends knew I wanted to be an author. If they hadn't known before our senior year, they found out when they were my classmates in AP English because our teacher tended to read my stuff out loud. Embarrassing but affirming! I was a writer on our school newspaper, too. Of nearly 400 seniors, I wasn't in one of the "Most Likely" categories, which was fine, but at awards night, I discovered that they resurrected the "Creative Writing" award because I received it. Now THAT was embarrassing, standing in front of hundreds of people in the auditorium... I still have the Doubleday Roget's Thesaurus which I received--ahem--38 years ago. And I still use it. :)

    Yesterday, during our pastor's sermon, an idea popped into my head for a scene with one of my characters, so I had to scramble for a piece of paper and jot it down or I would forget it. Told my hubby what I was doing (he's assistant pastor, but thankfully we don't sit up front! LOL) and he just nodded and went on listening, while I scribbled. A point our pastor was making is going into the book. One of these days.

    I tend to joke that my 6 older siblings used up the family's perseverance gene, but it really isn't a joke. If I don't start persevering, I will miss out on my dream.

    Thanks for the post, Pam. Making me think as I return to cleaning up in the kitchen... ;-)


  63. Debby, unfortunately Timmy was killed in a car wreck while we were in college. He was the sweetest, gentlest giant I ever knew. We were all just devastated. God needed him more than we did, I guess, but I can't help but wonder what wonderful things he would have accomplished here on earth.

    I've been hearing about y'alls Police Academy tour. Sounds like an amazing event and you and Tina will have to share some of what you learned with us. Glad to have y'all safely back in Seekerville.

  64. Lyndee, I've read a few of those tags that were hung on kids in college yearbooks and cringed along with you. A couple of ours would have devastated me as well. I think everybody knew how fragile my ego was, so they didn't tease me too mercilessly!

  65. Melanie, congrats on getting that award! And I know what you mean about church... more than one of my ideas came from something a preacher said. :)

  66. Pam, so sorry about Timmy! He's rejoicing with the Lord, but so hard for family and friends. Glad you posted his picture.

  67. Hi Pam:

    Now that I'm older I'm beginning to think those nuns had a point. Consider these lyrics:

    "Saint Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go
    I owe my soul to the company store."

    "Sixteen Tons"

    "He took a hundred pounds of clay
    And then He said "Hey, listen"
    "I'm gonna fix this-a world today"
    "Because I know what's missin' "

    Then He rolled his big sleeves up
    And a brand-new world began
    He created a woman and-a lots of lovin' for a man
    Whoa-oh-oh, yes he did

    With just a hundred pounds of clay
    He made my life worth livin'

    "He Took a Hundred Pounds of Clay"

    The 'Clay' song was great to dance to and super cool back then! Sometimes the boys would sing it loud outside acapella when changing buildings between classes.

    About girls being prettier back then, I really meant it. A young guy could tell if a girl really was pretty. Today some girls look like they are playing grownup or going out on Halloween. I must like the real, natural beauty, look. Besides any girl that looked like that back then would be dating the college guys with convertible Impalas.


    P.S. Oh, yes, have that picture taken with your son's dirt bike. He'll prize it forever. But tell him you want it for itself and not for a Seeker post. I'll email you a copy of my mother's interpetation if you want to see how to stage the photo for maximum emotional impact. Just let me know. (And I mean that.)

  68. Humming along with you, Vince, and chuckling at your mention of Impala convertibles! :)

  69. Hi Sandra:

    You wrote:

    "I think this is a wonderful definition of success. I have very few regrets thanks to a hubby who is ten times more daring than I. He dragged me along on many adventures that I'm so thrilled that I went on. --now that I survived them -- LOL"

    From the very start of our marriage my wife and I had the philosophy that we'd never regret the many trips we took (over 30 countries together) -- even if it took most our savings each trip -- but we would sure regret the trips we didn't take when we became too old or infirm to taken them.

    In fact, many times over the years we've said that we are so happy we took the trip to 'here' or 'there'(when 'here' or 'there' was in the news.) Young people should do their dreams now and not wait for the 'ideal' time. And when you can no longer do your biggest dreams, do your next biggest dreams and keep doing this until the end.


    P.S. The first time I read your comment, I read 'daring' as 'darling'. And I was wondering what being ten times more darling had to do with going on adventures. I'm glad I went back and reread your comment in order to write this one! I may have wondered about that forever.

  70. Vince, my dh had a red convertible Impala. Takes me back!


  71. Sarah, I was the Assistant Activities Editor of our Yearbook so a long way from an editor. We had a large staff.

    I was reporter of the school newspaper, which included a permanent pass so I could move in the halls while classes were in session. One of the perks of journalism!


  72. Just read VINCE's comment above and heard Tennessee Ernie Ford in my head! Is that showing my age or what!

  73. Vince, I'd love to see the picture of your mother and the dirt bike. I'll send you an email.

    Janet, the year I was a Junior, two of the Senior girls left me the ability to roam the halls at all times without getting caught. Since I worked on the annual and took some photos, if I wasn't actually IN class, that's what I did my Senior year. Even had permission to leave school and go to the PO to mail off pages.

    This was before the invention of the internet, of course.

    Can you imagine how easy the annual staff has it now in comparison?

  74. Pam, Thanks for the fun post. I was copy editor of my high school's yearbook. It's always fun to read about what other people did in high school.

    If Cara Lynn reads any of the later comments, I LOVED the Happy Hollisters. Pam was my favorite, and I loved their adventures. I also went from the Happy Hollisters to other mystery heroines like Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden.

  75. Tanya, Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden entertained a lot of us! :) And another copy editor! Yay!

  76. KATHY BAILEY your comment is cracking me up. Yes, that describes high school very well. chuckle

  77. PAMMERS i love what you said. "the best years of our lives are in the here and now. ;)"

    How true.

  78. MISSY for reals???? We have the same scar? I never pictured you on a dirt bike. I'm so impressed. yay bikers.

  79. LYNDEE how true that we begin to see that what we thought were our weaknesses and faults are really our strengths that we need to get through our own particular set of trials. I guess looking back and seeing that is what they call wisdom. hmmmm. You wise woman you.

  80. Oh VINCE, you are so right. Because now I KNOW that some of those trips I took in my youth would be impossible let alone desirable now. Yes, yes, yes, Follow VINCE's advice. Do it now. Go for it. So what if you have to eat oatmeal. Spend that money on the desires of your heart and go for it. I truly believe God puts those desires there for a reason. And I personally believe that He has been pleased with how much we appreciate His creation.

    And VINCE you are a darling man. Oops I mean daring man. Oh fiddlesticks. You are BOTH! smile. So is my hubby. Aren't we blessed to have wonderful spouses?

  81. JANET my brother had a blue impala. My we are dating ourselves.

    And MYRA, I'm with you. That song is rumbling around my head now too.

  82. Pam you were just a little cutie!

    (same as now!)

  83. I am so late to the party! Pam, I'm laughing at this, love the Yale professor thing! And look at you, on the staff, that part is PERFECT!!!!!

    I remember thinking I'd love to be "Most Likely" to do something radically cool, but what I got was "Most Likely to be a Kindergarten Teacher".

    So that was close, LOL! Love it!!!!

    You know, I loved moving beyond those tumultuous teenage years, I love being a grown up and I love what I'm doing.

    And CHOCOLATE!!!!

  84. Kav, put your sweet side on the side burner and go full throttle poison and glue traps!!!

    Glue traps everywhere.

    Poison in abundance.


    Go for it, my friend!!!

  85. Sandra and Vince, you guys made a great point. Taking those risks, those dares, trying things...

    But I love to write about the regrets people have as they mature. Regretting those mistakes, those mis-steps, because even if we minimize the #, I bet we all have a few...

    And that's perfect story fodder!!!

  86. Fun post, Pam....and thanks for the walk down memory lane. Your pictures made me smile, but I was surprised at the dirt bike riding.....until I read more carefully and realized that was a prophecy. My high school dream was to marry my high school sweetheart ....and I succeeded....for our 44 blessed years...and hopefully many more. Thanks for sharing your high school memories. I'm glad you were a "book worm" and have enriched many lives with your success.

  87. Loved your post, Pam, and enjoyed viewing the pics - thank you!!

    I was so shy when I was in school, I never really enjoyed it ( being such a transparent, "chatty" person now - many of my friends would have a hard time believing that). As a single mother - I was too busy working more than one job to support my children - I seldom had time to give thought to the meaning of success, dreams, or the perfect job.

    The definition of the word success isn't the same for everyone - for me, it means being happy with my life as it is, and knowing I'm following God's plan for me. Check on both points!!

    Congrats on your recent, and coming, releases, Pam - thanks for the blessings I receive when reading them!!

  88. Ah, Nancy Drew! I love you so, even now... ;)

  89. Love this post, Pam.
    And see? You HAVE succeeded - - just as all the Seekers have.
    One of the many things I love about Seekerville is you ladies make each of us feel like a success (whether or not we are pubbed).
    I am happy to say I've done a good bit on my WIP today, and as soon as I finish typing this I am diving back in! :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

    p.s. Have ordered STEALING JAKE and cannot wait til it arrives!! :)

  90. LYNDEE, I can't help but wonder if your classmates used "flighty" to mean ENERGETIC!! Because with all those wonderful activities you were involved in, you had to have lots of energy! :)

  91. Hi Janet:

    You wrote:

    "Vince, my dh had a red convertible Impala. Takes me back!"

    Are you saying that proves my point? If so, that car may have been the best investment your dh ever made!


  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Sherida, definitely a prophecy, and a very tongue-in-cheek one, at that! lol

    Bonton, I was extremely shy in school and on into college. I gradually overcame it when I had a job as a receptionist, and then later as a purchasing manager. I was never an outgoing person, but now I'm quite comfortable with people from all walks of life and all ages. But back then, I was very, very shy, so I totally relate!

  94. Patti Jo, thank you so much for ordering SJ! Hope you enjoy it.

    And Seekervillagers are ALL Most Likely to Succeed as far as I'm concerned! :)

  95. "What matters is that we identify and pursue the dreams God placed inside us. The pursuit, the “chase” is almost as much fun as the end result."

    I LOVE this!!!! Encouragement that brings a smile. Thank you, cuz!

  96. Great post! I worked on the Yearbook as well!
    What fun!

  97. Nice one!

    I was IN the yearbook... HA!
    Always admired those who actually WORKED on it...

    Agree with what Natalie M pointed out above - very encouraging.

    Thank you, Pam!
    Needed that bit of encouragement today as the edits loom!
    God defines success differently and I so want to hear, "Well done good and faithful servant."

  98. WOW - did that post ever take me back!! Loved the walk down memory lane and the encouragement to get busy!


  99. Natalie, so glad you stopped by. Isn't the pursuit of a dream just the BEST fun ever??? :)

    Becky! Another yearbook staffer! Whoot!

    KC, cheering you on on those edits. You can do it!

    Edwina, so glad you found this encouraging.

  100. I'm not sure if there will be more comments on this blog post later, but I'd like to end this with Vince's comment above.

    "Sometimes I think that those with the fewest regrets over a whole lifetime were the most successful." ~ Vince Mooney

    This is perfect. Just perfect.


    Blessings, Seekerville
