Monday, August 31, 2015

September Contest Update

Thanks to this month's diva for our theme...

Attention all divas and divos! This month we're excited to have Divas and Divos Paying It Forward. We've invited some of our past Divas and Divos to critique the first five pages of willing and eager Villagers. If you are in for a first five page critique of an inspirational romance (any subgenre) go ahead and toss your name in the diva doggie dish. Four winners will be pulled

Your critiquers include: 

Walt Mussell

Susan Anne Mason

Annie Hemby

Meghan Carver

  And for you readers out there we have a $9 Amazon gift card ( 9=September) up for grabs.

Published Contests

Here's your  early warning. The 2016 RITA Award opens on October 22. Plan your time accordingly! September 22, 2015, Online sign-up to judge the contest opens at 9:00 a.m. CT.  October 22, 2015, RITA Contest opens for entries at 9:00 a.m. CT.  You must judge to be eligible for entry in the RITA.

No guts, no glory, baby!
Unpublished Contests

Hot Prospects. Deadline September 1. The Hot Prospects Contest is open to any romance work uncontracted and unpublished at the time of entry. Entry consists of 25 pages and a 3-5 page synopsis.

 Senior Editor – Leanne Morgena, The Wild Rose Press
Associate Editor – Cat Clyne, Sourcebooks, Inc.

Romantic Suspense-
Editor – Amy Stapp, Tor/Forge
Editorial Director - Angela James, Carina Press

Assistant Editor – Kristine Swartz, Berkley Publishing
Senior Editor - Jess Verdi, Crimson Romance

Associate Editor – Eileen Rothschild, St. Martin’s Press
Assistant Editor/Editorial Assistant – Dana Hopkins, Harlequin

 ACFW First Impressions. Opens September 2. Deadline October 15.  Submit a back-cover copy type blurb of 200 words or less AND the first five pages of the manuscript.  (Note the correlation to the first five page critique giveaway today!)

Categories. The finalists judges are agents.
Historical (through Vietnam era)
Historical Romance (through Vietnam era)
Romantic Suspense
Speculative: Novels
Short Novel
Young Adult

Melody of Love. Deadline September 7. Author may be unpublished or published. Manuscript being entered cannot have been published and cannot be currently contracted to be published via any means at any time, including self or subsidy publishing. Entry consists of the first 25 pages.


Mary Altman - Acquiring editor at Sourcebooks


Cindy Brannam - Acquiring editor at Soul Mate Publishing


Angela James - Acquiring editor at Carina Press

New Adult

Heidi Moore - Acquring editor at Samhain Publishing

Young Adult

Victoria Lowes - Agent at The Bent Agency

Fiction From the Heartland. Deadline September 7. Entry consists of: Prologue/First Chapter/Synopsis (not to exceed 10,000 words).


Category Romance
Gail Chasen - Harlequin

Contemporary Single Title
Elle Keck - HarperCollins Publishers, Avon

Cat Clyne, Sourcebooks

Romantic Suspense
Dana Hamilton, Grand Central Publishing

Kristine Swartz, The Berkley Publishing Group

Erotic Romance
Heidi Moore, Samhain Publishing

Young Adult Romance/New Adult Romance
Mary Altman, Sourcebooks

David Long, Bethany House


Sara Negovetich,  Corvisiero Literary Agency
Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
Victoria Lowes,  The Bent Agency
Cori Deyoe, 3 Seas Literary Agency
Michelle Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency
Linda Scalissi, 3 Seas Literary Agency

Gateway to the Best. Deadline September 12. Entry Consists of : Up to 7000 words of the beginning of the manuscript, approximately 25 standard manuscript pages.The Grand Prize winner will receive a 2-hour coaching session with writing coach Michael Hauge, valued at $700. 

Single Title/Contemporary Series - Sue Grimshaw, Editor, Penguin Random House


Historical - Kathryn Cheshire, Editor, Historical Team, Mills Boon/Harlequin

 Women's Fiction with strong romantic elements - Katherine Pelz, Editor,  Berkley


 Romantic Suspense - Esi Sogah, Editor, Kensington

 Young or New Adult - Megah Parekh, Editor, Grand Central Publishing

Paranormal - Kerri Buckley, Editor, Carina Press

Bradford Literary Agency – Pitch Contest. Deadline: September 14, 2015. Sponsored by  Contemporary Romance Writers. This contest is free!   Published and non-published authors. Pitches must be for books not under contract as of September 14, 2015.

Final Judge is Literary Agent Laura Bradford.  The agent will select winners to submit partial and/or full manuscripts.

The Suzannah. Deadline October 1. Entry consists of  a maximum of 7,200 words, including synopsis. Fee: $30 prior to Sept. 1st, $35 on or after Sept. 1st. Members receive a $5 discount.
The Suzannah is different from most other writers’ contests in that  published authors and unpublished writers compete against one another in a single pool of entries without categories.  Six finalists. The only criteria required is that the manuscript fit within the romance genre and that it be unpublished and uncontracted. Finalists will be determined by a panel of at least six  agents and editors.
    Gabrielle Keck, Assistant Editor Avon Harper Collins
    Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
    Erin Niamata, Folio Literary Agency
    Kim Lionetti, Bookends Literary Agency
More TBA

Emily Contest. Deadline October 4. Entry: First 5600 words, no synopsis.
Contemporary – Long.
Agent – Stephany Evans, FinePrint Literary Management
Editor – Tara Gavin, Executive Editor, Kensington Books

Contemporary – Short.
 Agent – Jess Dallow, New Leaf Literary & Media, Inc.
 Editor – Elle Keck, Editorial Assistant, HarperCollins / Avon

 Fantasy, Futuristic, and Paranormal
Agent – Nalini Akolekar, Spencerhill Associates
Editor – Allison Carroll, Associate Editor, HQN, Harlequin Enterprises

 Historical Romance
Agent – Marisa Corvisiero, Corvisiero Literary Agency
 Editor – Tara Gelsomino, Executive Editor, Crimson Romance

Romantic Suspense
Agent – Shira Hoffman, McIntosh & Otis, Inc.
 Editor – Kristin Sevick, Senior Editor, Tor / Forge (Macmillan)

Young Adult
 Agent – Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
 Editor – Alex Sehulster, Editorial Assistant, St. Martin’s Press

Best of the Best is a competition between the first place winners of each category. The winner will receive $100.

Best of the Best Judge:
Former RWA Bookseller of the Year – Kay Meriam, Barnes & Noble

 Four Seasons. Deadline October 10. First twenty-five pages.

The Four Seasons Contest is open to both unpublished and published authors. Unpublished authors may enter any category. Published authors may enter any category in which they’ve not been contracted or published for three years in any novel-length work of fiction (40,000 + words) in any format (e-book, mass market, etc) to include self-published works. The contest is open to RWA and non-RWA members.
 2015 Final Judges:

Editor: Nicole Fischer, Avon
Agent: TBA

Single Title Contemporary
Editor: Michelle Meade, MIRA
Agent: Saba Sulaiman, Talcott Notch Literary Services

Editor: Deborah Nemeth, Carina Press
Agent: Michelle Grajkowski, Three Seas Literary Agency

Young Adult
Editor: Amy Stapp, Tor/Forge
Agent: Marisa A. Corvisiero, Corvisiero Agency

Editor: Elizabeth Mazer, Harlequin Love Inspired
Agent: Lane Heymont, Seymour Agency

Romantic Suspense
Editor: Mercedes Fernandez, Kensington
Agent: Vicoria Lowes, The Bent Agency

New Adult
Editor: Kristine Swartz, Berkley Publishing
Agent: Veronica Park, Corvisiero Agency
What Have YOU done to make your dream come true?
Other Writing Opportunities

Harlequin's SYTYCW Contest is open between now and September 21st for posting entries on Wattpad. See the timeline here.

The Eight Annual Life Lessons Essay Contest. Real Simple Magazine. Deadline September 21, 2015. What Single Decision Changed Your Life?

Would your world now be completely different—even unthinkable—if, at some point in the past, you hadn’t made a seemingly random choice? Tell us about it. Maybe you stayed a few extra minutes at a party—and met your soul mate. Maybe you decided to have lunch with a friend or quit a job or just took the long way home. If you can’t imagine the rest of your life without what happened next, write it down and share it with us.

Enter Real Simple’s eighth annual Life Lessons Essay Contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple and receive a prize of $3,000.

Coming to Denver, Colorado, November 6-8, 201, Nourishing the Writer's Spirit Retreat. 

And, if you live in the Indianapolis area, do not miss this free workshop with Liliana Hart!

Liliana Hart—The Future of Self-Publishing

Sponsor: Indiana Romance Writers of America
Location: Indianapolis Central Library, 40 East Saint Clair Street, Indianapolis, IN
Fee: Free (BUT YOU MUST REGISTER).Date: September 12, 2015, 12-4

Topics included: Algorithms, Backmatter, Social Media and Marketing That Works, Street Teams, Foreign Translations, Audio, Diversifying Your Books, Moving From Small-Time Writer to Big-Time Corporation, and much, much more.

Introducing our September Contest Diva: Kelly Goshorn

Unleash Your Inner Diva!

Yes, I’m a Diva.

No, not the kind with a quirked a brow, hand on her hip, wagging her finger in your face. More like the dog with a bone kind—tenacious.

A few years ago, when I thought I’d written the greatest historical romance novel EVER (roll eyes here), I entered my first contest—the TARA. After sending my manuscript off to the judges, I joined ACFW and immediately became active on their Scribes critique loop. It didn’t take long to realize I still had a lot to learn, like the hero and heroine should meet way before chapter nine. Who knew? Apparently everyone but me!

I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but I did not advance to the final round of the TARA. Ok, true confession and hoping Tina won’t unfriend me on Facebook, but I didn’t even look at the first round scores for months. I didn’t dare. Putting yourself out there to be “judged” is hard and I wasn’t very good at it in the beginning. And I don’t mean only the winning part, but receiving constructive criticism.

Eventually I did learn the secret to opening crits and contest scores, PRAYER. Prayer prepares my heart and mind to receive the comments in the spirit in which they were written—to help me improve as a writer. My attitude about critiques and judges’ comments changed dramatically. I began looking for the suggestions for improvement more than the compliments I had clung to for dear life in the beginning.

I knuckled down, read books and blogs on the craft, revised and resubmitted. I learned and I grew as a writer. I read, revised and resubmitted. On and on again like a needle stuck on an old 45 rpm vinyl record.

I decided to brave the contest waters again and entered ACFW’s First Impressions and finaled. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I shared scores and comments with my crit partners and read Seekerville posts on problem areas pointed out by the judges. I entered my polished first few chapters in the Clash of the Titles Olympia. This time, I won! To date, this is my only contest win, but my manuscript went on to semi-final in the Genesis and place second in the Fab Five contest, with partial manuscript requests from both final round judges.

When I went to the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference this past May, I had confidence my manuscript was ready to shop. I proudly listed my contest results on my one-sheet. After my first pitch, I mentioned that I had recently semi-finaled in the Genesis. The editor held out her hand for my sample chapters and commented, “That’s all I needed to know. You should have led with that.” Needless to say, I tweaked my pitch for future appointments.

I’m thrilled to tell you my story is under contract with Prism Book Group whose editor I met at the conference.

Be Brave!

Unleash your inner diva!

That's it divas and divos. Now go forth and contest!




  2. Congrats, Diva Kelly! Contests wins and sales requires chocolate, I've dragged Mr. Russell Stover himself to the Seekerville comment section, just for you. :)

  3. I love Divas!!!!!

    And Melissa brought chocolate, oh, well done, my friend! WELL DONE!!!!!

    Kelly, congratulations on your success! Happy dancing for you!!!!

    And eating chocolate.

  4. I brought coffee.... Must have coffee!!!!!

  5. Great contests to take advantage of!! And I can't wait to critique 5 pages for someone!

    Happy Monday everyone!

  6. Another Diva SCORES a sale. I love divas and divos who can take critique and grow with it. Congratulations, Kelly!

  7. Dog Dish is ready for your entry. Just say, YES!!

  8. Dog Dish is ready for your entry. Just say, YES!!

  9. And Melissa Jagears is sharing chocolate. WOOT! Mark it on your calendars.

  10. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Kathy Bailey

  11. Kelly, a semi-final in Genesis has as much clout as a final somewhere else. Good for you.
    I've semi-finaled in Genesis, finaled in last year's Maggies and finaled in this year's Tara. No first-places yet, but the feedback is really helpful. They give a different perspective from my crit partner, who has been with me 20 years and Understands How I Think, maybe too much. I try to apply any criticism, feedback or tweaking within the week after I get scores, so it doesn't get lost among the cares of everyday living etc. It's all part of the journey, isn't it?
    I finished my summer writing goal, a draft of a book, and am going to let it sit and transfer my attention to another project for September and October, and I am hopeful to do a novella for NANO and polish it during SPEEDBO. I work in chunks instead of daily or weekly goals.
    MELISSA, Russell Stover is my go-to for chocolate. I also live about a half hour from a Lindt FACTORY OUTLET, but I try to stay out of there except for holidays.

    1. Lindt dark with sea salt is my favorite in the whole world, Kaybe!

  12. MELISSA, I love Russell Stover's Easter candy, especially the dark chocolate and coconut egg. And the maple cream egg, and the Fruit and Nut egg.

  13. Congratulations, Kelly! I'm all for entering contests.

  14. Great post! Please enter me for the critiques. Feedback would be awesome! Thank you, Jessica

  15. Diva Kelly, huge congrats on your sale!! Thanks for sharing how contests improved your writing and impacted an editor. I'm also impressed you used the archives to research craft that addressed the judges' critiques. Wear your crown proudly!


  16. Critiques are up for grabs!! Yay!!


  17. Congrats KELLY on your tenacious brave awesome diva spirit!

    Gift cards for readers? I'm all in for that!

    Happy Monday!

  18. Happy Monday Seekerville! You are ALL Divine Divas in my book. Good luck in the contests.

    Please put me in for the gift card. Thanks.

  19. Fun contest update! I have to forbid myself from entering contests until I get my book submitted. It's a good incentive to keep me moving forward. Because I LIKE entering contests. :)

    Congratulations, Kelly, on being this month's diva and on your sale!!!! How wonderful! And thanks for your encouraging example on perseverance. :)

    Please add me to the drawing. :)

  20. Wow KELLY, congrats on being a diva and on your sale. You just proved again that persistence pays off. Way to go girl.

    Love the pup photos and theme.

  21. WALT, SUSAN, ANNIE, and MEGHAN blessings to you past diva/divos for offering to critique future diva/divos. What a blessing for them and for us. I know you will be blessed also. Thank you so much.

    MELISSA thanks for the chocolate. Yay and RUTHY brought coffee to go with it. I'm good for the morning now.

  22. Thanks KB for the wonderful pointers on how to follow up with those contest critiques. It is so important to use them wisely as we have seen from past successes.

  23. Congratulations Kelly! Sold!! Whata beautiful word. Best wishes for your success.

  24. Now I want Russell Stover eggs.... Any kind. Oh mylanta, I remember Fanny Farmer having eggs like that, and we had Fanny Farmer Chocolate stores at all the malls, and downtown... I can still smell it!!!!

    Darn you, Melissa Jagears and then Kaybee jumped on board.


  25. Echoing Sandra's words of wisdom: It pays to jump on those revisions asap, Kaybee, that's a good point. Jumping on board makes a big difference, and makes it less scary.

    And thank you critiquers!!!! You guys rock it!

  26. Congrats Kelly!

    Thanks for the contest updates. I'd love to be in the drawing for a critique! Thanks!

  27. Got to go for the Life Lessons contest. A minute change in either direction and my wife and I are not together.

  28. Kelly,
    Congrats on your first sale. I don't know how many Seekers gained their first sale from a contest, but I'd guess most. Awesome story.

    The 4 Seasons contest is calling my name, but I've entered 3 contests the last few months. I think that's enough. Time to finish the ms I'm working on.

  29. Congratulations, Kelly! I love your point about prayer. It is an integral part of the writing life, isn't it?

    Thank you, Seekers, for asking me to critique. It is a thrill and an honor!

  30. Oh, I love those diva graphics!!! Congratulations to KELLY, our Diva of the Month!

    CONNIE, I'm one Seeker who didn't get her first sale as the direct result of a contest, but I believe contests were a great training ground and garnered some exposure so that I wasn't a complete unknown when the call actually came.

    Not to mention the help growing thick skin to survive painful critiques and editorial rejections--though I can't say it's ever a piece of cake!

  31. DIVA KELLY, congrats on your sale!! I love your emphasis on prayer.

    Tina, thanks for mentioning my retreat! I would love for some Seeker friends to join me in getting some refreshment. If you think you might like to go, but aren't sure, let me know, and we can chat. I'm going to be sharing some things that revolutionized my writing and helped me get over the slump that kept me from being published. :)

  32. Tina, thanks for the contest update. Hard to believe that it's almost time to enter the RITA! Where has the year gone?

    Congrats to Diva Kelly! Loved reading your story. Like you, I dreaded reading contest feedback, especially the part that was negative. :) I used to read the comments, then put the submission away for a couple days as I gave myself a few pep talks and, as you mentioned, turned it over to the Lord in prayer. When I re-looked the submission, the negatives seemed more constructive, and I recognized ways to incorporate those suggestions into my story. Contests helped me learn my craft and recognize areas in my manuscript that needed more work so I remain grateful to all those judges and their comments--both good and bad. :)

  33. Oh no!! Our Duva is MIA! Follow that tiara!!!

  34. And who is brave enough to raise their hand for a critique??? No guts. No glory!!!

  35. Congratulations Kelly and thank you! Your post was so encouraging! I have to say I am no where ready for contest entry but I am saving up to join ACFW and hope that I can courageously become involved in critique groups so I can grow as you have. for some late morning tea here in AZ.

    Be blessed!

  36. Kelly, love how you're adding sparkles to your contesting crown, one jewel at a time. :)

    And, the Yorkie (?) with the crown is just TOO cute!

  37. And, Kelly, HUGE congrats on the sale to Prism. Whoot!

  38. Congrats to Diva Kelly!
    Am just another reader wanting to be in for the gift card....thanks!

  39. Hi Seeker Friends,

    No, I'm not MIA, just crazy BUSY today! Work, then PT, a quick lunch, and I should be working now for the travel agents but they don't know about Seekerville so SHHHHH, it will be our secret!

    Many thanks to Tina for inviting me to share my story today and for all the cute doggie Diva photos to help my post shine!

    And many, many heartfelt thanks to all the Seekers. Where would any of us be without you? Your willingness to share your knowledge and take us under your wing is a huge blessing!

  40. Melissa--thanks for the chocolate and Russell Stover!! You brought the good stuff!

  41. Kaybee,

    It sounds like you are right on track and have set realistic goals. I'm not sure if taking constructive criticism ever gets easy, but you're right about leaving the crit/judge's comments sit for a few days and revisiting them later. Time tends to pull you away from that initial reaction and help you put comments into perspective. Good luck with the TARA.

    True Confession--A few days AFTER I received the contract from Prism, I got panic stricken. Now people I know (friends, neighbors and extended family) would probably read my book!!! E-gads, what if they don't like it? I seriously had to talk and pray myself off the ledge! It's true. Everyone will not like my story. Some may leave not so kind reviews. Its the next layer of Teflon I need to build if I want to keep going on this crazy publication ride.

  42. Wow!! You are a busy, diva! Glad to see you here!!

  43. Oh my gosh, can I relate. I totally paickef when my first book released, in just the same way.

  44. Many thanks to all the wonderful divas and the divo- willing to pay it forward this month!!!

  45. TINA, I just love finding your "creative typos"!



  46. Hey, Nyra!!!! Wait I mean MYRA, blame it on Apple ! Oh that iPhone!

  47. Kelly, I really enjoyed your story!! I laughed out loud about the characters meeting in chapter 9. We all have to learn that stuff! And contests really do help. :)

    Congrats on your contest success!!

  48. Diva Kelly, congratulations on the contract! Whoo-hoo!! Savor the moment, like I savor chocolate and coffee. Love dipping chocolate biscotti in creamified coffee. Now if I could only transport myself to a sidewalk cafe along the Seine, I'd be in seventh heaven. Not that I've ever been to Paris ... or seventh heaven for that matter.

    And bless you, Tina, for compiling the contest info. I'm printing out this post!! I've girded my loins and decided to enter a contest, but I need to check them all out to decide which one.

    Please throw my name into the dog dish for a critique or the Amazon card. :)

  49. Awesome job, Kelly! I'ts been fun to follow you on the journey! Keep it up!

  50. Congratulations, Kelly!!!

    Lots of contests coming up. And I have to say those are such adorable dogs. I'm a sucker for dogs and I've had one (up to four at a time) since 1973 without a break until a few weeks ago when I moved. The canines went with my daughter. I miss them. I miss my daughter, too.

  51. Congratulations on your book contract Kelly! Good luck to anyone entering the contests! Please include me in the drawing for readers :)

  52. Congratulations Kelly. That's awesome.

  53. Kelly, Congratulations on your contract. Way to go. What is especially awesome about your story is how you adapted your pitch to what happened in the session. That's a great lesson right there.

    I imagine December would be too far in the future to critique an inspirational entry from me (my NaNoWriMo project this year is an inspirational romance) so please put me down for the readers' pot.

  54. Whoa, Tanya. Writing an inspy! This will be fun!!! CAn't wait to read it.

  55. Dogs, cats and daughters. Pretty much the same thing, Cara. I can relate.

  56. Congrats on the contract, DIVA KELLY! Love reading your journey and your direction to open crits with prayer. Great advice. That's the only way I gain courage. I look forward to reading your baby!

    Contests this month are awesome. Great job, TINA. Love the Dog Divas!

    FOUR SEASONS CONTEST advertisement - Elizabeth Mazer is judge for Inspy! What a GREAT opportunity! Plus, Lee Heymont from the Seymour Agency is actively seeking clients. This contest is dear to me as it's held by my Windy City chapter (RWA). I twisted arms for several years to have this category added at a time when many groups were cutting Inspy. I hope the Inspy community can keep it going!

    Thanks for the crit offers. I'm skipping for now, but know it's a generous offer of time and expertise. My plate is too full. Nose to the grindstone...

  57. All you divas are in the doggie dish!!! What a kick it is to have so many diva and divas selling and publishing. We'll grab more next month! Time to pass the baton or the tiara.

  58. Connie Queen, this whole blog was started because the Seekers all met on the road to contests. So you are right, most of us sold directly or indirectly due to contests.

  59. A very helpful post - even for us readers! Please include me in the Amazon give away,

  60. WTG Barbara Scott on the decision to jump in the contest fun! So proud of you!

  61. Congratulations Kelly. Please throw my name in the doggie dish.

  62. One other thought to share, not so much about contests, but with the ACFW conference coming up some may be going who are not ready to pitch their WIPs. I was given the advice to make appointments with the authors in attendance. Let me tell you what a Gold Mine of experience and knowledge is available to you there for FREE! I've had the privilege to kick ideas around and get feedback from Rachel Hauck, Cynthia Ruchti, DiAnn Mills, Deborah Raney, Lynette Eason and Susie May Warren just by signing up for appointments at conferences! You can show them judges' comments, critiques, or discuss areas you're stuck on. No one is more willing to help a writer than another writer!

  63. Hello Angela! Love seeing you here in Seekerville! I would be remiss if I didn't give Angela a huge THANK YOU! She is my dear crit partner who has made my manuscript SHINE! Thank you dear friend for sharing your knowledge and always challenging me to do better! Love you!

  64. Oh Lyndee. Now you make me want to enter 4 Seasons even more!
    I need to go take a look at it one more time.

  65. Thanks Lyndee, its fun to see you here! Other cool things that come from entering contests--new friends! Lyndee and I were both finalists in the WisRWA FAB Five!

  66. CONGRATS, Diva Kelly!! I enjoyed reading about your journey, and a BIG Congrats on your sale!! :)
    Glad you mentioned PRAYER - - so important (speaking personally here) and I don't know how I'd function without it.
    Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  67. CONGRATS, Diva Kelly!! I enjoyed reading about your journey, and a BIG Congrats on your sale!! :)
    Glad you mentioned PRAYER - - so important (speaking personally here) and I don't know how I'd function without it.
    Blessings from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  68. Congratulations on your sale! And how dare someone not realize the uniqueness in having your characters meet in chapter nine. :-)
    I admire your continued diligence to writing. Like you, I've had feedback that stings. I find time and a little distance really helps.

  69. Diva Kelly! Fantastic news about the sale ... congratulations! Your 'novice to winner' account of your writing journey was so much fun to read, and filled with inspiration. Thank you for sharing.

    Wishing all the best for your book!

    Nancy C

  70. Kudo's to you, Kelly. How nice of you to bare your soul and let us in on your publishing path. We all struggle and face rejection along the way. How empty it makes you feel. To gather the momentum to continue on is the very strength we all need but sometimes lack. Congrats on reaching your goal and achieving Diva status. Smile!!

  71. Forgot to say enter me in for the five page critique. Like you, my hero and heroine met in the third chapter, way to late. I need help.

  72. Oooh please add me to the drawing for the gift card!!

    Congratulations Kelly! A diva and a sale!

    What a great list of contests and information, even though I'm currently sitting in the readers' camp as school is back in full swing.

    Indianapolis isn't so far away...maybe I'll get over there!

  73. Wonderful post and congratulations!!

    Loving these Diva photos... BOL!

    Contest on everyone and congrats to all going to ACFW.
    I'm *thinking* about joining y'all next year in Nashville!
    Only a couple hours from the house...

    I should huh?!

  74. I found the cutest car charm to hang on my rearview mirror at the Beall's department store, it says "DIVA" and it's a silver high heel shoe. Really neat.

    Happy Labor Day weekend to all the DIVA writers and readers out there. Enter me for the five page critique, please.

  75. Love that, Suzanne!!!

  76. Congrats, Kelly! Your experience pitching reminds me of how hard it is to "sell/brag on yourself" --you final-ed in the contest, talk about it! =)

    Please add me to the gift card drawing to my favorite online store ... ;-)
