Saturday, August 29, 2015

The Weekend Edition

This weekend we're celebrating a double release from Franciscan Media.

Leave a comment and you could win a copy of Refuge of the Heart or The Sweetest Rain. We have three print copies and one Kindle copy of each book to give away. Let us know you want a chance at your very own copy! Winner announced in the next Weekend Edition.

We Have Winners

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Thank you for sharing your cookie recipes last weekend! They look amazing!!! Winners of a bag of books are: Kelly Blackwell, Sierra Faith, Rachel Koppendrayer and Deanne Patterson. 

Tuesday  Sandra Leesmith hosted a delightful day filled with our love of animals in our stories. Winner of the glass chocolate kiss and their choice of one of Sandra's books is Becky of Ohiohomeschool.

Wednesday  Dina Davis, assistant editor for Love Inspired Historical and Love Inspired Suspense, shared her tips for creating interesting characters that really grab a reader’s—and editor’s—attention.  Book winners are: Ruthy's "Healing the Lawman's Heart" Elva Cobb Martin and Helen Gray, Glynna Kaye's "Rekindling the Widower's Heart" Becky B. and Sherida, Missy's "The Doctor's Second Chance" Jackie and Unknown, and Deb Giusti's "Person of Interest" Barbara Scott and "Stranded" Suzanne Baginskie.  And $8 Amazon gift card winners are: Bettie, Kathryn Barker and Wilani Wahl!!! Congratulations and thank you for making Dina's day so wonderful!

Thursday Love Inspired Historical author Jessica Nelson dropped by to chat about "Butterflies, Godiva and Other Writerly Metamorphoses." S. Trietsch is the winner of  The Matchmaker's Match, Jessica's September, RT Book Review's 4 1/2 Star TOP PICK! release,and Godiva chocolate.

Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Yes, it's time for the September Contest Update. Stop by to meet our contest divo/diva. The prize vault is open and we have some F.U.N for you!

Tuesday: We're bringing in September with one of our favorite guests, Davalynn Spencer with her post, "T-Minus 24 Hours and Counting …"  And she's giving away an e-copy of Book 4 of The 12 Brides of Summer that includes her novella, The Columbine Bride.

Wednesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome back Love Inspired author Jill Kemerer, with her post, "Sneaky Ways to Write More Each Day." Stop by! You could win a copy of Unexpected Family, her September release!

If you haven't noticed, look closer, both Tuesday and Wednesday's guests are offering you time and organizational tips. So pay close attention, because on both days,  Seekerville is going to toss in an extra giveaway! A digital timer to help you get in your daily word count. 

Thursday: Aside from writing the book, PROMOTION is the name of the game. Amy Brantley offers great advice on how "Book Promotion Doesn't Have To Cost A Fortune." The giveaway she's offering will make you drool...

Friday: Best of the Archives:  featuring Ruth Logan Herne and her post: Erotic vs. Evocative, how to write a feeling-packed scene that doesn't need to delve too deeply into physics... because it layers emotion onto the page in ways to tug the reader's heart... and maybe their soul. 

Seeker Sightings

The Love Inspired Facebook page featured Glynna Kaye's October  cover-Rekindling the Widower’s Heart!

Winter or Spring??

Sandra Leesmith is excited about her cover for her new release Love’s Dream Song.  Are there any bloggers out there interested in participating in a cover reveal? If so, contact Sandra through her website. 

Random News & Information

Thanks to Seekers and Villagers who shared links.

The September Calendar is UP!

Nourishing the Writer’s Spirit Retreat  (Danica Favorite)

 Adult Fiction Print Units Bouncing Back in 2015 (PW)

 What are the Most Popular Title Trends in Your Genre? (Book Bub Partners)

How Can You Entice Teens to Your Library Programs?(School Visit

Ten Things You Shouldn’t Say to Authors (and Ten You Should)  (Bethany Fiction)

How to Get Blurbs for Your Book & Use Them In Your Marketing (BookBub Partners)

How to Price Kindle Books to FREE without Exclusivity (Smashwords Blog)

 Hiring an Editor or DIY? (DIY Author)

Create Sounds to Work By (Defonic)

Why Broken Sleep is a Golden Time for Creativity (Aeon)

That's it. Have a great reading and writing weekend!


  1. Coffee's brewing.

    And I get a book. Can't beat that.

    Some great links there. Thanks bunches.

  2. Congrats, winners!!

    Love the info/resources on "The Weekend Edition" each week!! Thanks!!

    Please put my name in for a print copy of 'The Sweetest Rain'!!

  3. HAPPY WEEKEND SEEKERVILLE! Congrats to ALL the winners! I would enjoy a print copy of either book.


  4. Good morning, Seekerville!! I've brought apple fritters and fruit this morning.

    The Weekend Edition is always exciting with winners to celebrate, links to explore, and a peek at next week's lineup. Thanks Tina!

    Ruthy and Myra, your covers are gorgeous!! Fun to get a glimpse at your novels.

    Tina, did you do that cool image of Myra's cover? LOVE it!!!


  5. Yeah! I won a seekerville birthday card. Congrats again on your 8 years.

  6. Yippeeeeee, I won a copy of Deb Giusti's "Person of Interest"!!!! Can't wait to read it. I love Myra's new cover of The Sweetest Rain. I love Ruthy's, too, but I think I already threw my name into the cat dish for that one.

    Thanks for the Weekend Edition, you guys! No wonder your site has so many followers. Always terrific blogs, info, and fun giveaways. Plus, you're all funny and lovable, so that doesn't hurt either.

  7. Congrats to all the winners!
    Seekers continue to be the most gracious hostesses out there.
    Thank you one and all...

    8 years. WAWZAH!!!
    So thrilled to be a wee part of this writing/reading community!

    Have a pawsome day - writing/reading/enjoying life...

  8. Congrats to all the winners!

    Happy weekend of Writing and Reading to everyone.

    Please enter me for a copy of either of the books. I want to read them both

  9. Congrats to all winners!

    Please enter me for a print copy or Kindle copy of either of the books.....both look so great and I can't wait to read them!
    Happy weekend to all!

  10. "Winter or Spring"??

    I can tell by the photo that it is clearly one of those "Autumn Rains".

    I can't wait to read "The Sweetest Rain"! I believe the weather and the setting can serve as a most dramatic soundtrack for an emotionally satisfying romance. It sure was that way in "Autumn Rains".

    And what's this about Ruth's, Eroticism and Evocatism...Two "E's" at Odds!!! from "Thursday, March 11, 2010"! That's not archival, that's time capsule material!

    I went back and read my comments from that post and I prophetically told a story about a Franciscan seminary! Who else would do that? : )

    It's a good thing there will be no comments on Friday because this time around I'll have those two "E's" all evened out!

    As for "Making the time to write" -- that's not the answer. Even if you make the time, you can still spend it sharpening pencils (metaphorically of course). Besides only God can make a tree and only God can make time.

    It's not making the time.
    It's taking the time.

    Take the time to write and then 'make' the time later (figuratively of course) to do whatever it was you needed to be doing when you were writing!


    P.S. You know I'd like to be in the Kindle drawing for "The Sweetest Rain".

  11. Those covers are gorgeous! :-) Congrats to the winners! I'm looking forward to next week's posts.

  12. Congrats to all the winners and to Ruthy and Myra for their new releases! I'd love to be in the draw!
    Both sound like great stories!
    Can't believe the fall is almost here. Where did the summer go? Just finished a week's vacation to write, among other things, but haven't got as much accomplished as I'd hoped.
    Oh well.... onward and upward!
    Cheers, and happy weekend,

  13. Lots of fun photos, lots of great links, and TWO NEW BOOKS!!! I'm thrilled to see Ruthy's and Myra's books out in the world. :)

  14. Vince, you were prophetic on the Franciscan thing! LOL

  15. Good morning, Seekerville! What a fun, fun day--sharing book releases with RUTHY!!!!! Writing for Franciscan Media has been (and we expect it will continue to be) a truly gratifying experience.

    And their cover art? WOWZERS!!!!!! We're truly blessed in that department, aren't we, Ruthy? (Thanks for the clever graphics, too, TINA!)

    Well, it's Saturday, and you know what that means in the Johnson household. Weekend chores. Hubby is getting the bills ready for me downstairs. Then a little housecleaning, and THEN this afternoon back to the writing world! Must secure hubby's promise to find a project or two he can manage without my "supervision." I have a feeling he'll end up playing Wii Golf.

  16. BTW, I'm reading Ruthy's book now (about halfway through) and LOVING IT!!!!!

  17. Great WE! I read those 10 things you shouldn't say. Oh, yeah. I've heard most of those. Sometimes, I'm just floored.

    Myra and Ruthy!!!! Congrats on your new releases!!! Yay!!!!

  18. Gooooood morning, Seekerville!!!!!!

    Oops, I'm signed in with my real name... must go change that.... (runs to change g-mail accounts!!!)

    Okay, now I'm ME!!!!!

    WHAT A FUN WEEKEND WE'RE GOING TO HAVE!!!!!! I have help here on the farm this weekend, and my little buddy Christina is helping paint the outside of the house, (hiring teens is a wonderful way to help them be self-sufficient, and gives me my favorite thing, more writing time!!!!!)

    And I get to celebrate the release of "Refuge of the Heart" a story that just won my heart when it came to me.

    I hope you win it. And I hope you win Myra's "The Sweetest Rain", but if you don't, then I hope you go buy them because every new fiction publisher needs...

    You Guessed It!!!



    I'm thrilled with how Refuge is doing... and I know God's in control, he took "Running on Empty" and it turned out to be one of my top-selling books.... but I'm so anxious and excited to hear what you guys think!!!!

    I need food.

    Anyone else?

  19. Bonnie, you're in!!!!! Caryl (love that spelling, btw!) you're in, too!!! Helen, I've got you down!!!

  20. Okay, this week I came up with a recipe from Diamond walnuts that was to die for. I'm putting it on Yankee Belle this Thursday, but I brought some TO SHARE.

    I am that nice.




  21. This is a great weekend post! Congratulations to all the winners. Would love to win a copy of Ruthy's book Refuge of the Heart! Winter or Spring? Is there any question? Winter of course! I love the snow and can't wait to see some, or a lot. Have a great weekend and get lots of writing done!

  22. My weekend chore is writing today... well, besides laundry, guiding my teen helper on how to scrape/paint a big old house, and running the produce stand, and feeding the chickens and gathering eggs and washing them to put out for sale... and cleaning the porches. But I fit those things in between my writing spurts because I've had kids every day this past week, and every day this coming week and I love them.... but that means today is work on the delightful historical day!!! SO MUCH FUN!!!!! I cannot tell how fun it is to peek into the past...

    And bring sweet women out of the crazy of 1880's Pittsburgh/Steel/Coal/Mining and into the fresh air of the prairie.

    They are not always as grateful as I think they should be, LOL!

  23. I'm with Ruthy! WRITING ALL DAY! With a chore or two sprinkled in..mailing prizes, oil change, laundry!

  24. GORGEOUS COVERS!!!! I am so excited about both these releases!! And um, what's for breakfast? I'm starving.

  25. Janet! Saved the day with your apple fritters!

  26. Gah -- books still not available in Canada. All the stores are probably like, "oh cool, we got these books early but we can't put them out until September 25. Where will we store them?" So I finally gave in and ordered both Refuge of the Heart and The Sweetest Rain from and paid the honking US to Canada delivery fee but it's going to be worth it I know and I might even get them by the end of next week. Wouldn't that be awesome???????? So, obviously don't enter me in the draw. Waiting in breathless anticipation.

  27. Great WE folks. I'm with you on writing this weekend. I just finished a novel that I'm getting ready to get out there. And I just have finishing touches to put on my Christmas novella the Seekers ar putting out there again. Yippee!!!!

    Congrats to all the winners. I think the Franciscan books are lovely. Can hardly wait to read them.

    KAV what a sweetheart to get out there and order them. You're like so many of us avid readers-- can't wait. smile

    Have a great weekend folks.

  28. Congrats to all winners I would be happy with either copy if I should win.

  29. First, I have to comment on those beautiful covers! Each one so different yet visually stunning! Definitely books you want to dive into! I feel so fortunate to have my name listed as one of the winners of a bag of books so I'll pass on today's draw and put both on my order list! Oh and congratulations to all the winners too!

    Now I am off to enjoy some Bigelow Constant Comment tea and immerse myself in all these wonderful links!

  30. Kim! Welcome to Seekerville!

  31. Kelly, don't forget to send an email to Seekerville claiming your prize.

  32. Kelly, what a stinkin' nice thing to do!!!! Thank you! And Constant Comment, I think they named that after me... Never Stop Talking Ruthy!!!!

    Kim, you're in!!!!

  33. Sandra, I can't wait to hear about the new novel!!! LOOK AT YOU, CHUGGING FULL STEAM AHEAD!!!!

    Love it!

  34. I desperately want an apple fritter. But I must go collect eggs... Second Chance Christmas is coming right along, but I need to walk away and get my hands busy doing something else. I can see their story in my head... but walking away for a bit helps me to escape deleting whole scenes later!!!

  35. Wanted to pop in once more before settling in for some editing.

    KAV, bless you for ordering our books!!!

    As RUTHY said, authors love to see those book sales numbers climb.

    But almost as important are those REVIEWS y'all post. So thank you to each and every one of our readers who take the time to go to Amazon, Goodreads, and other sites to let other readers know what you thought of the story. We don't even care if you can't honestly give 4 or 5 stars!

    (Well, we care a little!)

    Seriously, every review posted helps an author's overall visibility, especially on Amazon. And for authors trying to get the word out about their books, visibility is crucial!

  36. I love that KAV CROSSED THE BORDER!!!!!

    Kav, you rock!!!!!!!

    I've gotten 4K in today, I'm heading out to get dirty.

    Back in a bit, and I still want a fritter!!!!

  37. Oh how I love a beautiful cover! I'm starting to prepare myself for the coming winter...Refuge of the Heart sure does give me that cozy feeling! If it wasn't so hot outside, I would sure cuddle up with a cup of hot tea :)

  38. Hi all,
    I'm back from my vacation and while my mountain of laundry is washing I thought I'd try and catch up with what I've missed at Seekerville. It's so good seeing everyone here on the weekend edition.

    I'd love to win Myra's Book, The Sweetest Rain, e-copy preferred but I don't mind a print copy either. Thanks for the offering :)

    RUTHY, I noticed you have a new Li book coming up, An Unexpected Groom, so I added it to my Amazon list alone with
    TINA'S Rocky Mountain Reunion, for a January 1st release day. It looks like 2016 is going to get off to a great reading start with these two books from our hometown girls!

  39. Ooh throw my name in the drawing bowl please! I would love to win either!

    What a list of links to browse through today! :) I'm coming back for those tonight.

  40. Congratulations to Myra and Ruthy on their new (beautiful) releases! Great news about Sandra's new cover.......*whispers* I sent you an email. Congratulations to all the winners this week, including me! Thank you for Glynna's Rekindling the Widower's Heart!

    Great WE and week ahead.....yes, make/find/take more time for writing speaks to me. I'll be enjoying those links this weekend, along with the apple fritters and coffee. Thanks!

    Happy weekend of reading and/or writing to all!

  41. Hey, princess, isn't that the truth of it? Angel Moore posted Belle Calhoune's cover the other day on facebook, just to cool everyone off, LOL! :)

    I love winter covers, and I just got my January cover.... LOVE IT!!!!! And I loved that I got a sneak peek at it last month so was able to accurately put the cover scene... A WEDDING! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! We love weddings!!!!! Anyway, I could then duplicate the cover scene in the sequel!


  42. Tracey, thank you!!!!!

    It's such a delightful story, and it has kids and dogs.

    And a tortured hero.


    And the sequel has TWINS!!!!! Another perfect Ruthy book!!!!

    Yes, I am having fun.

    Can you tell??????

    (giggling might or might not be happening right now!!!!)

  43. Annie Hemby!!!!!

    I love having you on board with LI!!!!

  44. Lady-in-waiting, we have a lot in common... we are both blessed, we both love a lot of the same music, and we both want to minister to women because of our pasts...

    Welcome home, my friend! The best way to turn a rough past inside out and loosen its hold is to use it to help others, right?

    Love that you want to do this... And your blog is beautiful.

    Glad you're here, and I'm tossing your name into the cat dish!!!

  45. Sherida, sending hugs your way from up north!!!! You will love Glynna's book, it's heartfelt and beautiful!

    We are having a break in the heat, it's positively lovely to work outside, and yes... I know what that means, and I don't care!!!! Bring it, Mother Nature! Less outside work = More time to write!!!!


  46. Great WE, Tina! Thank you for the great article links. Myra's book looks awesome! I won a copy of Ruthy's book on her don't enter me for that drawing. Looking forward to all of the great posts next week.

  47. Congrats to all of the winners!

    I would love to be entered in the drawing for the books. Kindle or book. Thanks !

  48. ooo... ooo... HAPPY RELEASE DAY!!!!
    would love either book, either olde tyme paper or hi-tech ebook.
    so exciting to see the releases. been looking forward to this day.


  49. Great weekend post and congratulations to all the winners! I have to say the covers for The Sweetest Rain and Refuge of the Heart are absolutely beautiful. I also liked the picture of the jean clad legs with red high heels up on the car dashboard with a magazine turned what appears to be an interview with Ruthy. Great pics!

    I would love to be in the drawing for print books of The Sweetest Rain and Refuge of the Heart. Thank you for the opportunity.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  50. I am in love with that magazine featuring me and Refuge. TINA!!!! Why can't I learn that stuff????

    I'm such a dolt.

  51. Cindy W., you're in! Love the enthusiasm!!!!

    Deb, darling, I'm tucking your name into the cat dish, too!!!!! There you go!

  52. Donna, waving to you! You're in and I'm glad you stopped by today!

  53. I read Refuge of the Heart and The Sweetest Rain this week.
    They are both absolutely beautiful!

  54. He he he. I like to keep a few secrets from Ruthy.

  55. Congrats to this week's winners!!!

    Love the two Franciscan Media covers! Can't wait to read both stories. Congrats, Ruthy and Myra, for launching FM's new fiction line!!!! So exciting.

    Glynna, love the cover on your next release! I'll be watching in my local grocery store. It's now where I buy my LI reads.

    Tina, great job with those pics. Love the red shoes. Yours?

  56. Tina, it is NOT NICE to keep secrets!!!! Not from the Ruthinator!!!!!

  57. Those book covers are gorgeous! I can't even tell you how excited I am to see these from Fransican. Please put my name in the dish...I would love to have either one.

  58. Enjoyed reading about all that's going on here. Seekers is one of my favorite places to visit. The covers of both Myra's and Ruthy's books are stunning. My hat's off to all those who've spent this weekend on their writing projects. You are all an inspiration. Congratulations to last weeke's winners. I'm looking forward to next week's lineup.

  59. Checking back in after a busy weekend! Hubby is sticking a pizza in the oven and I'm trying to catch up on emails.

    Really glad Ericka (the storm) fizzled out and isn't turning out to be the threat Florida and the Eastern Seaboard were worried about. But it's been cloudy in the Carolinas all day with sprinkles now and then. Cooler, too!

    So . . . what secrets is TINA keeping from RUTHY? I seem to have missed something.

  60. GREAT Weekend Edition!

    The covers are beautiful, Myra and Ruthy. Congrats on the releases -- may the sales be bountiful.

    Congrats to all the winners, too.

    Super links -- I actually had time to read this afternoon. The link about segmented sleep was an eye-opener (no pun intended).

    Fun pix and nice excerpts. Thanks for all the hard work, Tina.

    Nancy C

  61. Thanks Seekers (and Tina!) for sharing the link for my retreat! I so appreciate you guys. I'm really hoping to have lots of people join me for some great refreshment.

    I would have stopped in sooner, but as you guys keep mentioning chores, well, that's what we've been doing too! Saturdays are ride day for my girls, so I'm always at the arena, all Saturday, every Saturday. Something I know you cowboy lovers would enjoy.

    And what is this about Ruthy working on a delightful historical? How did I miss this news?

  62. Oh, I am so jealous. Horses!!!!

  63. Hahaha the only red shoes I have would be flip flops. We have a Flip Flop Princess in Seekerville and I am the QUEEN!

  64. How fun to see the September calender posted to know which fabulous author will visit on which day. I am looking forward to their great posts. Another wonderful weekend of teriffic links to follow thank you !
    I would love to be in the drawing for print books of The Sweetest Rain and Refuge of the Heart. Thank you for the opportunity.
    Congratulations on the new September releases ladies. I can't wait to read them !

    Deanne Patterson
    Cnnamongirl at aol dot com

  65. Either book looks great. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  66. Oh, gosh, I'm sooooo late with this weekend's WE, but I'm here and LOVING the launch of Ruthy's and Myra's books -- cannot wait to read them!!

    And I agree with everyone -- the covers are OUTSTANDING and some of the best (and most unique) that I've seen.



  67. I would love to win either book.
    Becky B.
