Saturday, October 24, 2015


Without resorting to a fairy tale crystal ball or an undercover team of spies to look in on Seeker Villagers, I think I’m safe in assuming that there’s something in your writing-related world that you are waiting on right this very minute.
Am I seeing nods of agreement? Raised hands? Maybe you’re thinking there seems to be #NOLIMITS on the length of time something is taking?
Waiting, as defined by Webster’s, is “to stay in place in expectation of.” And what is expectation? Anticipation. The act of looking forward to something. Maybe you’ve been waiting for only a few weeks. Maybe months. Or even years.
- Waiting to receive feedback from a valued critique partner
- Waiting with bated breath to see if you placed in a contest that may put your manuscript on an editor’s desk
- Waiting to hear from yet another potential agent if he/she will take you on
- Waiting for a response from a much-admired editor on a book idea, proposal or completed manuscript
- Waiting for an opportunity to quit your day job for a part-time one or to write full time

Waiting, for most of us, is a BIG part of a writer’s life. And just as soon as the waiting is over on one thing, another waiting period begins on something else.
It’s during these times of waiting that it can get a little uncomfortable, can’t it? We get impatient. Doubts and fears raise ugly heads. Discouragement and weariness may set in. It might be tempting to give up. Why is it taking so long?
If there’s one thing I’m learning in life, it’s that God often allows uncomfortable situations. And he’s used (and is using!) the “waiting game” ones to reveal to me weaknesses in my character when I’m caught trying to pray away what God is allowing in order to grow my faith, perseverance and obedience. To discipline my thoughts, increasingly establish good time management skills, and curb envy when things seemingly come more quickly and easily for others. Just as prematurely prying a butterfly from its chrysalis will permanently damage its ability to fly, so can attempting to rush ahead of God’s timing harm and hinder his perfect plan for us.

But believing “harder,” isn’t what faith is all about. It’s not a way to twist God’s arm to get what you want when you want it. I’ve heard it said that faith is the hand that stretches out to receive what God chooses to give us.

While it’s wise to make plans, sometimes we can be so focused on what we want to do or want to have happen on down the road that we’re wearing ourselves out, becoming complacent, and not taking care of what we CAN do today during our time of waiting. God didn’t give the Israelites a week’s worth of manna. No, he gave enough for a single day. Which tells us quite a bit about his intentions for us. Take one day at a time.
Sometimes, in retrospect, we may very well discover that during those times of waiting we were camped mere inches away from our “promised land.” If we’d have given up, we’d never have crossed that border.

In looking back, I am extremely thankful that God used waiting time to vastly improve my writing skills and enable me to better understand critical elements of “Story.” There was so much I thought I knew--the story looked good to ME--but I didn’t have a clue. While Indie opportunities may look like a quick solution to escaping the waiting game, don’t use that as a shortcut to prematurely escape your butterfly chrysalis!
As an unpublished writer, I placed these words in a frame on my desk.
And you know what? Although I’ve been published six years and am working on my 11th contracted book, I STILL have that framed reminder sitting on my desk. I still have dreams that haven’t been fulfilled.

I long to write more than two books a year and to move up in the Love Inspired series line-up to reach more readers. I’d like to join other Seekers in a Christmas novella collection and have time to judge writing contests and return a favor other published authors gave me when I was a struggling beginner. I dream of a better work-life balance that frees up more time for family, friends, church and community. And ever since I was a teenager, I’ve dreamed of writing full time.
But in the meantime, I do what I CAN do. Today. And trust that God is working behind the scenes as he gives me the grace for whatever season I find myself in.
God gives us dreams. He answers prayers. Is there any guarantee that every prayer will be a “yes”? Life has proven that’s not the case. But so very, very often God has answered my prayers the way I’d hoped—and beyond!—and he couldn’t have done that if I’d given up, stopped believing.
Share with us today, what YOU are waiting for. What is the hardest part of that for you right now? What steps are you taking to actively wait in anticipation? What writing-related dreams have you seen fulfilled?
To celebrate the October debut of my “Hearts of Hunter Ridge” series (on the shelves now!), I’m giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card to one lucky winner. And, to three winners, a copy of “Rekindling the Widower’s Heart.” If you’re interested, please mention it in the comments section--then check the Weekend Edition to see if you won!
GLYNNA KAYE treasures memories of growing up in small Midwestern towns--and vacations spent with the Texan side of the family. She traces her love of storytelling to the times a houseful of great-aunts and great-uncles gathered with her grandma to share candid, heartwarming, poignant and often humorous tales of their youth and young adulthood. Her Love Inspired books Pine Country Cowboy and High Country Holiday won first and second place, respectively, in the 2015 RWA Faith, Hope & Love Inspirational Reader’s Choice Awards.
A Future to Build On - All widower Luke Hunter wants is to raise his three kids—and be left alone. When Delaney Marks arrives in town to oversee the youth group's house renovation project, Luke decides he must come out of hiding. He's worried she's too young to get the job done. He'll have to keep a close watch on her—and on his heart. Because being with the vibrant girl makes it easy to forget their age difference and to start hoping for a future he doesn't deserve. As tensions rise over project pressures, Delaney tries to make Luke see that some things are just out of his control—and that he is worthy of happiness...with her.



  1. Happy Saturday, Seekerville. We're in the home stretch of the birthday bash.

    I have a pot of coffee ready to go for the morning.

    Must mull this post and come back and comment in the am.

    Happy Birthday! LOVE Glynna's cover. I'm in the book club and I have the book already!

  2. These are inspiring quotes matched with wonderful pictures.
    Thanks so much. Please enter me in your draws.

  3. Your post really resonated with me Glynna. I'll be rereading it later. Please enter me in the drawing for the gift card and book. Thanks!

  4. Waiting seems to be a part of everyone's life, writer or not. We have to wait when we want to eat, to graduate, to be a part of something big. I'm truly thankful that I have to wait. In the time of waiting, we learn to be patient and more grateful to things that God puts in our life. Thank you for such an insightful post.
    PS: I would love to be included in this drawing. It seems like a wonderful book.

  5. Waiting is indeed a part of life. Not always an easy part either.

    Please count me in for the drawings including a copy of “Rekindling the Widower’s Heart".

  6. Never think that God's delays are God's denials. This statement says it all. Often times we think God hasn't answered us because we want something in our timing, not his. I prayed and prayed for a husband. At the ripe old age of 48 I finally "Let Go and Let God". I cried out to him telling him that if he wanted me to live my life alone then to take the yearning for a husband out of my heart but if he wanted me with someone to please bring him to me. Now believe it or not, the day I prayed that prayer I gave up. Not on the husband but on my own desires and I placed my life totally in Gods hands. That was in October of 2000. In January, an old high school friend contacted me. In March 2001 he flew out to California from Indiana and proposed. We were married on April 28, 2001 and have been ecstatically happy ever since. My prayer was answered and so was my husband's. He had been praying the very same prayer. God DOES answer prayers and if we are willing to wait for His perfect timing wonderful things will be blessed upon us. By the way, neither one of us had ever been married before. I was 48 and he just turned 50 when we said "I do".

    Right now I am waiting and praying for several things but I know not to rush things because what I want and what God wants for me might be different and I know what He wants for me is the best thing. So I wait and pray.

    Glynna, I loved the post and will come back later to re-read it as there is a lot of great stuff in this post. I would love to be entered in the drawing for the gift card and your book. Thank you for your generosity.

    Happy Birthday Seekerville! Continue to party on....

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  7. The Waiting game is so different than
    the looking forward too game. Say a vacation is coming up. You count the days and joyful wait. But when your manuscript is on an editor's desk or entered in a contest the wait is very painful. Sel doubt consumes you. You reread your entry often and watch others announce sales. Your heart beats so hard it's in your throat. A rejection arrives. Acceptance is your next step. God helps gives you the courage to continue. It's not your turn yet. Don't give up.

    Enjoyed your column today, Glenna. It's a topic we all have experienced as writers. Please enter me in your drawing.

  8. Good morning, Seekerville! Seems impossible--one more week to go in our 8th birthday bash! This month has REALLY flown by!

    I'll be popping in and out of here today--AAs arrived (that's "author alterations"--the final look I get at my manuscript following the edits stage), so have about 8 hours of proofreading ahead of me. :)

    Happy writing!

  9. Good morning, TINA! I see you have coffee on for the early birds! I think I'll fix hot cocoa with whipped cream and cinnamon on top --it's a chilly morning here in the mountains.

  10. My October "Rekindling the Widower's Heart" has been joined on the store shelves by Seeker MYRA JOHNSON'S "Rancher for the Holidays" AND Villager CATE NOLAN'S "Christmas in Hiding." So if you're looking for these holiday reads, they're out there now! I've picked up copies this week and can hardly wait to get started on them!

  11. Good morning, JAN! I'm glad you like the quotes and pics--I took the poor forever-waiting skeleton a few weeks ago at "Bearizona" (a wildlife park)in Williams, Arizona -- and I love taking shots of the clouds!

  12. Good morning, Loves to Read! :) I think waiting hits home for all of us!

  13. Hello, EVELYN! You're so right -- those times of waiting do teach us so much and we learn to better appreciate what we're given.

  14. Hi, MARY P! Yes, waiting is sometimes FAR from easy. Reading through the Bible, though, we can see that we're not being "singled out" -- we're in good company. Waiting has played a part in God's perfect plan for ever so long.

  15. Good morning, CINDY W! What a BEAUTIFUL story of waiting on God's perfect timing in answering your and your husband's prayers! That reminds me of the verse that says "hope deferred makes the heart sick, but JOY comes in the morning!"

  16. I enjoyed the quotes; thanks for the chance to win :)
    jslbrown2009 at aol dot com

  17. Hello, SUZANNE! Those are good thoughts on the how we wait expectantly for a planned vacation versus how we wait in some of our writing-related situations. When a vacation is on the horizon, we stay happily busy--making arrangements, selecting clothes, packing and not spending a lot of time worrying that it might get canceled or might not be all we're hoping it will be. A whole different mindset than what we often allow ourselves to fall into when waiting for contest results or from an editor or agent.

  18. Good morning, LISA! I'm glad you enjoyed the quotes! :)

  19. Yes, Glynna, waiting does "hit home" for all of us! I am an avid reader and look forward to reading your books! I loved your quotes. Please enter me in the drawing for the gift card and are so generous. Good luck on your proofreading today.

  20. Hi Glynna:

    While reading your post this morning, I kept thinking up 'waiting' quotes that could not wait to be written down! I wrote all the below as I was reading your post this morning while drinking one cup of coffee. I must say your thoughts are very 'quote-inspiring'.

    A little Weekend Levity to Wait out the Waits

    Waiting is a virtue for the young, a luxury for the middle-aged, and nostalgia for the old.

    Waiting looks like nirvana when faced with a rapidly approaching deadline.

    You may be waiting but everything else still demands attention.

    You can be sure that whenever you have a waiter, you're going to wait.

    Waiting is the best excuse for not doing what you know you should be doing.

    Sometimes waiting, as in, "Waiting for Godot," is the whole idea.

    Time waits for no man and no man should wait for time.

    All things come to he who hesitates.

    The early bird gets the early worm.

    Without anticipation, waiting looses its sting.

    Waiting I can do standing on my head. It's not knowing that's the problem.

    If waiting is a game, there should be a lot more 'delay of game' penalties.

    Waiting for your turn to jump out of an airplane is not so bad.

    God created marriage so men could practice their waiting.

    I'm still waiting to have something worthwhile to wait for.

    There's waiting and then there's waiting. Like waiting for your ship to come in as opposed to waiting to send your ship out.

    A lot of waiting is just sanctioning incompetence.


    P.S. My muse never waits. If I don't write her ideas down immediately, she takes them back forever!

  21. Yes, Glynna. Waiting can be hard, especially in writing. I made the mistake one time of complaining to an acquisitions editor's superior on how long it was taking for him to read my book. It was not a good move on my part and I've been fairly circumspect since then. The important thing is to keep busy. It's in the Lord's timing anyway. It's like waiting for a loved one to be saved. You cannot do anything yourself to hurry the process, and if you try it could end up worse.
    Wish I could stay but I have to drive my husband to Boston. He works nights but has a denominational meeting to attend so I am his driver. Fortunately, the meeting takes place on a college campus and they have a library, so I have brought a red pen and a number of chapters that need line-editing. Time management, anybody?
    See you Monday,
    Managing time in New England

  22. Glenn, what a POWERFUL post! I loved your words, especially about God's delays not being God's denials. When discouragement sets in, those are the perfect words to think on. I loved the waiting verses you shared!

    Waiting is hard. It's a discipline, and we get to choose how we walk through it. Will we wait actively, with anticipation? Will we wait purposefully, with the mindset you shared? That's my goal. Waiting does produce amazing fruit within us, if we'll be purposeful in it.

    We waited for years for God to bring children into our lives. The hardest time. Ever. But, the fruit He produced in my during that season . . . I wouldn't trade that season for anything.

    Yes, there's been waiting on the writing journey, and I'll be heading into another waiting season soon.

  23. Glynna,

    Thank for an uplifting message of God's faithfulness and peace! I am interested in being entered into the drawing.

    Have a blessed weekend!


  24. WOW, VINCE! That post really elicited a lot of deep thoughts--especially for early in the morning! Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing. I'm going to snag a few of those to post by my desk!

  25. Glynna...waiting. I didn't see anyone mention how a reader waits for the next book in a sequel to come out. Of course, that depends on the writer. The series in the LI are the as bad as, say Julia Lessman's etc.
    Alrough I do wait eagerly for Seekerville author book to come out.
    Happy Birthday, Seekerville

    Please add my name to the drawings. See I wait for the weekends, and for each new Seekerville blog post. Of course, I wait for other things, too.

  26. KAYBEE -- thank you for stopping by before you take off for Boston!

    Ooops on complaining to the acquisition editor's boss. Lessons learned the hard way, huh? :( Why is it so hard for us to accept God's timing as best? Unfortunately, it's not a lesson we learn ONCE and "get it."

    Enjoy your library time!

  27. Good morning JEANNE T! How true--waiting IS a discipline isn't it? One that makes us stronger and deepens our faith. And, amazingly, we can CHOOSE the attitude we'll demonstrate during those "interim" periods. To wait purposefully or to wait grudgingly.

  28. Good Morning, Glynna.

    My hand is in the air. I am waiting, but waiting is the nature of the writing business.

    And the best advice is to start another project. It helps you forget the one you are waiting on. Well, not really forget, but stop being so antsy about. Right?

  29. Hi, JACKIE! Waiting definitely plays a BIG role in all our lives. And although I'm no longer a "pup," I still have so many BIG dreams.

    Thank you for the good wishes on my proofreading! I can hardly wait until I get this done so I can get back to the third book in this new series--a Christmas one! :)

  30. Glynna, my road to publication has been one extended waiting period after the other, so much so that Mountain Man asked me a few months back if I'd been praying to God for patience. I told him I didn't have to pray for patience because God knows what I need without me asking for it.

    My goal for today is to finish a final read through of my revised manuscript, so I can send it to my agent and get it back on the editor's desk. I know when I finally get 'the call' I will appreciate it more because of the wait.

    Thanks for the inspirational post!

  31. Hello, STEPHANIE! Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you found the post encouraging!

  32. Good morning, MARIANNE! Yes, waiting for an authors next book can seem like forever! I'm waiting on one right now--keep checking local stores for it, but even though it's supposed to release in October I haven't seen it yet. May have to order on-line as it's a Christmas one and I love reading Christmas stories this time of year. I imagine, too, that you're eagerly awaiting your winter vacation!!

  33. ROSE -- Great advice! Keeping busy on that next project can make the time fly by more quickly and more painlessly! Sometimes people think the waiting ends when you finally get published but, as we both know, you still wait to hear if your latest proposal is welcomed with open arms and then if the completed manuscript will be accepted. So the waiting continues!

  34. Hi, RHONDA! It sounds as if you're waiting with a GREAT attitude. You and I'll both be wading through manuscripts today--hope all goes well!

  35. Glynna, I love your books. I'm always waiting for the next one. Please enter me for the Amazon gift card. As I have nothing to read right now it would come in very handy.

  36. Great post on waiting, Glynna! I would love to be entered for the drawing for the gift card. I have found that when I find myself waiting, I'm not really just sitting and waiting. There are other things that need to be done in the meantime. When you finish one project, or are waiting for someone else to do their part, there is always something else to start or finish up. Right now I am waiting for my daughter's wedding this time next year. They have been engaged a little while now and just set the date. I found out last night, she pretty much has it all planned out lol. Now to wait. But that waiting will consist of coordinating a bunch of details. I am almost finished completing my first story! But once it's done I won't be sitting waiting to see if I can find an agent or get it published. I'll be doing those things, but I'll also be studying more about the craft of writing and seeing how I can make my story stronger, while working on the others I have started. It seems waiting is active!
    I found this verse I wanted to share: Zephaniah 3:17 'The Lord your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with His love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy.' When we wait for His timing, He showers us with good things. He loves us and that's what He wants to do. But we have to wait for His timing.

  37. So, so true. I found it especially hard to wait on God's timing when we wanted to adopt children, it seemed that in my eyes to be the perfect time, but looking back, God knew that two years later would be our time, and it all fit together like a puzzle.

    I'd love to be entered in your gift card drawing; I already have your book :) Thank you so much!!!

  38. God's timing is always right. Right now I am waiting on the bronchitis to go away so I can begin Nano and end it well. Last year I wrote on the first day and then got bronchitis and was not able to finish since I was sick. Hopefully since I got sick a week earlier, I will be able to participate this year.

    I have your October book! Please enter me for the gift card.

    Praying everyone has a profitable weekend

  39. Hi, CATHYANN! I'm so happy you've enjoyed my books! I've sure had a good time writing them!

  40. Oh Glynna....Bless you, sweet lady - - this post is EXACTLY what I needed right now. Thank you SO much - - this is truly one of the BEST S'ville posts ever. :)
    I am still "waiting" to be published traditionally - - but continue learning, working hard, and *not* giving up. Because I know without a doubt that writing is what I'm supposed to be doing at this season of my life (in addition to some ministry activities the Lord has given me).

    I recently finished reading REKINDLING THE WIDOWER'S HEART and LOVED it!! I've happily posted 5-Star reviews on Amazon and Christian Book (for some reason my computer won't let me post on Barnes & Noble any more, which I've always done *sigh*).

    Thank you again for this excellent post - - you've blessed me tremendously.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  41. Good morning, SALLY! I love the verse! Isn't that an encouraging thought that God delights in us and rejoices over us?

    Wow! You're going to be one busy lady for the next year--writing AND helping your daughter's wedding plan dreams become a reality! Congrats on nearing the completion of your first story! That is a HUGE milestone. And it sounds as if you're right on track to actively wait for an agent or agent while you continue to move forward.

  42. Hello, HEIDI! Waiting for that adoption had to be so hard at times. Difficult to understand why the delay. Yet looking back now you can see the rightness of the wait, that God DID have plan to bring you just the children He wanted to share your life.

  43. WILANI-- So sorry you've gotten hit with bronchitis again. I'll be praying that you can shake it off in time to participate in NaNo as I know that's something you've looked forward to after you didn't get to do it last year. Get LOTS of rest!!

  44. Hi, CINDY R! What can I say--except you're welcome! :)

  45. Good morning, PATTI JO! I'm happy that the post is just what you needed today! Sometimes we just need to be reminded that God hasn't forgotten us, that he knows our hearts and our dreams. That he's working behind the scenes.

    WOW! Thank you SO MUCH for 5-star reviews for "Rekindling the Widower's Heart!" Poor Luke--sometimes he was his own worst enemy, unable to forgive himself for things that had happened in the past and unable to accept that God had something very special in mind when Delaney crossed his path! :)

  46. Thanks for stopping by. Waiting is something that is not always easy for me, so I really enjoyed this post...particularly the quotes!

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  47. Thanks for stopping by. Waiting is something that is not always easy for me, so I really enjoyed this post...particularly the quotes!

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  48. Glynna, thanks for this wise and inspiring post. Especially this reminder: prematurely prying a butterfly from its chrysalis will permanently damage its ability to fly, so can attempting to rush ahead of God’s timing harm and hinder his perfect plan for us. Waiting is often a blessing, if we use the time to grow our craft.

    Hoping none of us has been waiting so long that s/he can relate to the skeleton image. When the waiting time is used productively, there's no risk of becoming dry bones.

    I love your cover! Especially that hunky hero!! Wow. This book will fly off the shelves!


  49. Yes, I hate waiting, but at least that means I have put my writing "out there." If I'm not waiting, it means I haven't submitted anything and that I'm sitting on my ideas/writing.

    After a 19-month long wait, I finally heard back from a LIH submission. It was a rejection. The big question I should ask myself was what did I do during that 19 months. Complete 2-3 books? No. I came close to finishing 2 books, but neither are ready for submitting.
    I'm going to submit one of my books by the end of the year so I can once again start the waiting game.

    Thanks for the thoughts Glynna.

  50. Good morning, LESLIE! I'm not sure waiting is ever easy for anyone. (If anyone here today DOES find it easy, please speak up!) It's like it's hardwired into us to be impatient, so God has a lot of work to do to bring us around to his way of thinking--and to accept that HIS timing is best. :)

  51. We've been stressing to our kids as they try to relocate into a new house - God's Timing, be patient, trust, pray.
    Enjoyed your post & congratulations on your “Hearts of Hunter Ridge” series! please enter me into your drawing & I'd also enjoy reading “Rekindling the Widower’s Heart.”

  52. Hi, JANET! Sometimes it's really hard to see waiting as a blessing, isn't it? But in looking back, we can see that's what it was. There are so many things, in retrospect, that I'm thankful did NOT happen as I wanted them to happen or in the timing that I wanted them to happen. And you make a good point--if we are ACTIVELY waiting, positively anticipating our "bones" of faith won't dry up.

  53. Hello, CONNIE! Great point--you made a deliberate choice to put your stuff out there and joined in the waiting game. Having something to wait on shows you've been actively pursuing your dream, giving God something to work with. I'm sorry about the turn-down. That's always disappointing. 19 months is a LONG wait--but you sure made good use of your time! You are an inspiration to others who are waiting for God's perfect timing.

  54. Done it all. I should have stayed in the Army. Writing is exactly the same!

    - Waiting to receive feedback from a valued critique partner
    - Waiting with bated breath to see if you placed in a contest that may put your manuscript on an editor’s desk
    - Waiting to hear from yet another potential agent if he/she will take you on
    - Waiting for a response from a much-admired editor on a book idea, proposal or completed manuscript
    - Waiting for an opportunity to quit your day job for a part-time one or to write full time
    - See more at:

  55. I have said yes to all of those things. And I like the perspective you brought. Because I do fell as though God has been slowly teaching me. I have always been impatient. I guess that's one reason He put this drive in my heart.

    Right now I am waiting to hear back on a proposal I recently sent in to my editor. It was one she had already seen and has asked me to revise. I don't know what will happen to it, so I am delaying writing the books until I have feedback. So instead, I am revising an older story and working on a new novella.

    But the waiting is so hard! I'm so thankful to have writer friends who understand the angst.

    Please put my name into the dish.


  56. Hi, DEANNA! Finding a new home--that can definitely be a time of waiting for just the right one--right size, right neighborhood, right price. God's timing all important.

    I remember when I was trying to decide on job offers--four to choose from. All had pros and cons. So a lot of time spent in prayer and I finally chose one that I felt at peace about even though others might have thought WHAT? But within a year, one of the places I turned down put in a salary freeze that lasted YEARS, a second involved a scandal, and the third had massive lay-offs. There was no way to know any of those things at the time that I had to make a decision. But there I was, happily working for the next 8 years among people I enjoyed and highly respected. So God's wisdom and timing is worth waiting for.

    Thanks for the congrats on the new series! I miss Canyon Springs--but I'm really enjoying writing the stories set in Hunter Ridge.

  57. HEY, TINA! Looks as if you've truly BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! :)

  58. Hello, DANA! Waiting IS hard. And waiting to hear back on a proposal that you've been asked to revise is doubly hard because you truly don't have a clue as to which way it's going to go. Sometimes proposals and books aren't turned down because there is anything "wrong" with them, but because they just don't strike an editor's fancy that particular day or perhaps it's something too similar to what another editor at the publishing house just contracted.

    But is sounds as if you're using your time wisely and productively! So no matter what the answer is, you're farther down the road with other projects.

    I agree--having writer friends who can understand the journey is so important. I had a great support group with my regional RWA when I was unpublished and then, when I could no longer get to the out-of-town meetings, God brought my Seeker Sisters along beside me. Again, perfect timing!

  59. Thanks for such an inspiring post, Glynna. At the moment I'm waiting on hearing back on potential endorsements for my debut novel. I don't think I've been more nervous than this - knowing that my baby is out there being read by some incredible authors. Luckily my next book is due in next week so that's keeping me well occupied :)

    Would love to be in the draw.

  60. Thanks for your post. It truly is hard to wait sometimes but God knows what is best for us. Please throw my name in the drawings and I will patiently wait to hear from the Seekerville birthday crew.

  61. Glynna, so true! I thought my first book was wonderful. Contest scores and feedback took care of that misconception. LOL I had sooooo much to learn before I could fly. God keeps us in the waiting room for a reason. But when we want something so badly, it's hard to be objective.


  62. Cindy W, thanks for sharing your lovely story! Your dh was worth the wait!


  63. Hi, KARA! What an exciting milestone--to have a book debuting. But "scary" to wait on the endorsements from authors you highly respect! Thank goodness your focus has been on the NEXT book! Be sure to let us know when your book releases!

  64. Hello, BETTIE! Why IS it so hard for us to recognize that God has our best in mind? You'd think that would be a "no brainer," but it's something it seems to take a lifetime to get into our heads and hearts.

  65. JANET--It's really eye-opening to read some of my earliest story attempts that I thought were so perfect. I wonder if 10 years from now I'll reread my current books and think "Oh. My. Goodness." :) The wonderful thing about writing, though, as if we work at it we can get better and better and better!

  66. Heidi, those years of waiting for a child had to be hard, but I love to imagine that God handpicked the child that would be perfect for your family in His timing.


  67. Glynna, we're always trying to be better writers, but our early books were bought and edited by professionals so I don't think we'll be ashamed of them.


  68. Happy Saturday, Glynna and Seekers! I'm waiting for news on another book sale, and while I wait, I'm writing more. Great encouragement today. Thank you! And thanks for the giveaways. I have your books, Glynna, so don't put me in for those. :-)

  69. Faith is the hand that stretches out to receive what God chooses to give us. I love that statement. 5 years ago today
    God chose to give our family a severely disabled child, our second Grandson. We have stretched out our hands to receive him and all that it has brought into out lives . Never easy, but we have been blessed by a delightful child and learned so much in the process about God and ourselves. And we wait. We wait for the day when will we see him restored in Heaven. In comparison I consider my wait to find success in my writing to be a short time. Thank you for this reminder that all things are done on Gods best time for us.

  70. Glynna, what a lovely pointed post on faithful waiting! Right now, I'm waiting to see where God wants me after I graduate from college in December and what He wants me to do there. There's a lot of uncertainty, but I know I'll end up wherever He intends me to.

    I've already got Rekindling the Widower's Heart (yay!), but please enter me in the drawing for the gift card so I can go get more Seeker books! :)

  71. HI, MEGHAN! Congrats on keeping at the writing while awaiting another sale! Proactive waiting really keeps your mind focused elsewhere, which helps a LOT.

  72. Hi Glynna! I just bought your book yesterday! I couldn't wait! I'd love to be in the drawing for the gift card though....more books :) Lovely post, as always! I love reading anything by you :) Waiting is always a part of life!

  73. Hello, LINDA! Thank you for sharing the touching story of a dear grandson you've welcomed into your heart. Awaiting our heavenly home is truly the most important of our "waiting games." The Bible says that all creation is awaiting that day, a day when there will be no more pain, no more weeping, and all things will be restored. I can see why you feel waiting on your writing is a small thing in comparison.

  74. Hi, SARAH! A December graduation--you're almost there! Kind of a scary AND exciting time. But we definitely can trust God to lead us in the direction he wants us to go. And if we somehow get off track, we can trust him to help us find our way back to his preferred path. He never gives up on us.

  75. Hello, VALRI! I hope you enjoy "Rekindling the Widower's Heart!" The story of that hero's brother will be out in May 2016. Then their preacher cousin, Garrett, is featured in the Christmas story I'm working on now--so I'm making you wait yet again :)

  76. Hi Glynna,
    Such good reminders, rooted in scripture. I appreciate this post. I know God's timing has given me the chance to hone my craft. I know God has a plan. All in the fullness of time...

    I have your latest book, Rekindling the Widower's Heart. I've started ordering my books right from Harlequin. That way I don't miss buying them!

  77. Hi, LYNDEE! Good idea to order direct--sometimes my local Walmart skips a month of LI books. They just never show up. Don't know why.

    During a several years' long writing "sabbatical" due to an unanticipated health setback, I pretty much didn't write much of anything new. It was like my creativity, the part that bubbled up with ideas, had flat-lined. But I did spend a lot of time reading, reading about the craft of writing, taking on-line classes and trying out what I learned to an in-progress WIP. It paid off when my creativity was finally restored and I was able to apply everything I'd been practicing and absorbing to a new book that finally caught an editor's eye!

  78. Glynna, such wonderful quotes and scripture passages! Along with a fantastic blog! Waiting is always hard. I'm waiting for more time in each day so I can get more done! :)

    Not waiting for will come soon enough. :)

    Something tells me that if I'm waiting for when I do have more time to get everything done, I'll be waiting a long time.

    Sending hugs and gratitude for what you've shared with us today, Glynna! A keeper, for sure!

  79. Suzanne's thoughts were similar to mine. :) Waiting is hard, yes, but if we substitute anticipating, then I think it has a different meaning altogether.

    Anticipating our first sale
    Anticipating finishing our next book
    Anticipating placing in a contest
    Anticipating a future where we can write full time

    So, instead of waiting, or pining, I like to think I'm anticipating my next big dream. Yes, there are disappointments and delays and a lot of NOs along the way, but we can find joy in the next adventure over the hill.

  80. Hi, DEBBY! Aaack! Christmas--thanks for reminding me. I need to start thinking about doing some shopping before the weather here in the mountains turns bad. The meteorologists are being rather foreboding with their predictions of how El Nino may impact this part of the country.

    I'm in the line with you for MORE TIME! I appreciate my day job and need to keep it, but it DOES limit the time available for writing and other dreams! :)

  81. Hello, PAM! I like the idea of anticipating, too. Sometimes I try to switch my perspective to something like "if you knew this would happen next week (next month, next year) how would you feel about it right now? What would you want to get done before then?" When you think of it that way, it lifts your spirits and seems a bit more REAL. POSSIBLE. And that tweaking of perspective may even makes it a bit easier to live in anticipation.

  82. "I’ve heard it said that faith is the hand that stretches out to receive what God chooses to give us."

    Oh, GLYNNA, I like that saying!

    You could have well lifted this from my life not so long ago: "It was like my creativity, the part that bubbled up with ideas, had flat-lined. But I did spend a lot of time reading, reading about the craft of writing, taking on-line classes and trying out what I learned to an in-progress WIP. It paid off when my creativity was finally restored and I was able to apply everything I'd been practicing ..." I'm not sure I would have understood your words to their full extent if I hadn't experienced the same thing.

    Everything you've shared today speaks to me. And 'waiting' for one of your books is definitely 'looking forward to.'

    Nancy C

  83. A lot of waiting is just sanctioning incompetence.

    Wow, VINCE! Wow!


    Nancy C

  84. Tina Radcliffe said...
    Done it all. I should have stayed in the Army. Writing is exactly the same!

    Laughing out loud, TINA. My husband says his military experience was ALL about hurrying up to wait.

    Nancy C

  85. I'm absolutely, 100% loving this post today!!! It so resonates with what my husband and I just went through, a time of waiting. Oh how I dislike waiting for anything and the feeling that God's somehow forgotten us. I know in my heart He hasn't, but my head sure tells me a different story! Your post was so timely and exactly what I needed to hear today. You see, to explain, my husband was in a very stressful job. Not the job itself, mind you, he could do that in his sleep...but it was becoming more and more stressful because of other factors. We had been praying that God would either open a door to a new job, or that He would improve the one he was in. Seemed like our prayers were hitting the ceiling (ever feel that way?). There was one job that had opened & he was very hopeful about. There were many other candidates who applied and the company chose someone else. That was disheartening. Finally, after what seemed like many years (it was only one at the most), God opened an unexpected we hadn't sought out on our own or even considered. Isn't God amazing when He does that? My husband just started his new job last week & we can already see the changes for the positive in this new one! We can't wait to see what God does through this & am now looking more positive towards the future! What a weight lifted off my husbands shoulders.

    There's a couple of places I want to quote that especially touched me today: "Just as prematurely prying a butterfly from its chrysalis will permanently damage its ability to fly, so can attempting to rush ahead of God’s timing harm and hinder his perfect plan for us" and "Never think that God's delays are God's denials". Such hard lessons to learn sometimes!! Especially in times of distress, where you feel your world somehow falling apart. And for me anyway, feeling like God doesn't really see you in that situation. But He does & I often have to remind myself of that, I have to go back to His promises for me in His word...He will never leave me or forsake me, He works all things for our good & the like. I know Satan likes to throw those doubts on me when I'm at my weakest, so I just have to remember in those times to cast it all on the Lord, He'll fight for me :-) So thanks for the reminder that God sees me, hears me, and loves me even in the waiting times! You blessed me today, Glynna! :-)

    Please also include my name for the $25 Amazon card and a copy of "Rekindling the Widower’s Heart" Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  86. I am late to the party, but oh my goodness, I am so glad I arrived. This post was written for ME. Miss Glynna, you have written what God has been telling me for so long and you wrote it so well. I so relate to all you said here. And yes, the grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. smile

    What a delight to open this up and see your sweet face. I have been thinking of you today and you touched my heart.
    Thank you dear friend.

  87. I love your sharables and the fact I know what those are now. chuckle. Did you make them? They are lovely. And I can just imagine you doing the photography.

  88. Love those quotes Vince

    But this one: Waiting is the best excuse for not doing what you know you should be doing.'
    Ouch! Must be something I need to work on. LOL

  89. Pam How clever to switch waiting for anticipating. Both are still difficult to do though.

    Thanks for sharing that.

    In my prayers I try to say thank you instead of when? ha ha

    Not very good at it though. I keep reverting back to WHEN LORD????

  90. Hi, NANCY! It's a terrible thing, isn't it, that awful feeling when creativity flat-lines? When it's as if you have your foot pressing the gas pedal to the floor and nothing is happening? It wasn't like a "writers block" that I can push myself through to the other side. It was something altogether different than that for me. Like something was just missing. Like the piece of my brain that dreamed the dreams and generated the ideas had burned itself out. My doctor had told me I was "one sick pup," but gradually, ever so gradually, the creative flame again began to flicker and--thankfully--eventually the ideas began to bubble once more.

  91. TRIXI --It sounds as if you and your husband went through a real time of hard, hard waiting. Thank you for sharing that. It's especially difficult when you see someone you love going through something like that and there's nothing you can do to make it go away. I'm so glad to hear that things are taking a turn for the better now.

    I think you're so right--that it's important to cling to God's written promises in times like that. We do have an Enemy who "seeks only to kill, steal and destroy," and if he can steal our peace, cause us to doubt our Heavenly Father's love...we're left feeling powerless. But if we remind ourselves that "the battle belongs to the Lord" and refocus our thoughts on Him, we can get back to where God wants us to be--safe in His arms and trusting in his perfect timing.

  92. It is so hard to wait! I loved your line "While Indie opportunities may look like a quick solution to escaping the waiting game, don’t use that as a shortcut to prematurely escape your butterfly chrysalis". I heard almost this same thing at a writers conference I went to. I need to make sure I take the time to make it the best it can be.

    I'd love to be in for winning your wonderful prizes.

  93. Hey, SANDRA!! Yes, I took the photos. I've always been fascinated with cloud formations and there are such beautiful ones in northern Arizona that I've acquired quite a collection. I vividly remember driving across country when I was moving to Arizona--reached the high country about sunset--and was blown away at how the sunsets out here aren't "in the west" but burst forth in color and beautiful 360-degree dimension all round you.

    Thank you for thinking of me today! :)

  94. Hello, BECKY! I think Indie opportunities are such a wonderful thing for writers. A fabulous option that we didn't have too long ago--and the future is wide open! But I've also seen a number of writing dreams get crushed right out of the starting gate by fledgling authors who've impatiently put their work out there too early. And that's sad.

  95. Great post, Glynna! Speaking of waiting...I waited to visit Seekerville until now because I'm frantically working under my first contracted deadline, which is Monday. I apologize for my tardiness.
    I'm fairly comfortable with the waiting game when it comes to my writing. I work a full-time job so I don't rely on writing for my income. I think that makes a big difference. I can write, submit and move on. In other areas of my life, I trust God and His timing. Now, when it comes to waiting in traffic, that's another story.

  96. Cindy W!!! What s beautiful testimony!!!

  97. Glynna, Thank you for this post. Sometimes it does seem like I do a lot of waiting as a writer-waiting for the kids to go to school so I can write, waiting for the call as I am unpublished, and so on. There are days when I have to remind myself about the little steps I've taken to get here and just appreciate them all as part of the journey. Please enter me in the drawing (and of course, we will all wait to find out who won-but the good news is that all of us will be genuinely happy for whoever does win because we've all won by reading your post and reading the comments, especially the story of the couple who waited and found each other).

  98. Finally made it to Seekerville after a long and very busy day! Glynna, this is such a great message. Waiting is a HUGE part of the writing life, and it's easy to grow impatient and discouraged when we aren't getting the answers we're hoping for or the answers we want are too long in coming. I waited 25 years from my first glimmer of the possibility of becoming a published novelist before the dream finally came true. Proactive waiting, combined with lots of prayer, is the only way to survive those long delays.

    And yes, I completely agree about NOT putting our work out there too soon. Just keep honing your craft and wait upon God's perfect timing.

  99. I'm right behind Myra. What a long, but good, day.

    Glynna, thanks so much for the reminder God's timing is best. I love your inspiring words. Thanks so much for the encouragement as I remain on 'Unpubbed Island,' waiting for something to happen.

    Have a great evening!

  100. TRIXI, those "unexpected doors" can be such glorious blessings! Glad you and your husband were able to your faith and let God do His thing!

  101. Don't know what happened, but my comment went missing after I clicked the "I am not a robot". So here it is again.

    Thank you, Glynna for your inspiring words. It is so true that at times of wants, the waiting can be tough and disappointing, but we have to be reminded that "God's delays does not mean His denial." I sometimes forget that what we want may not be want He wants for us or rather His timing for us. I will be printing that quote down and remind myself. Thank you. And yes, I would like to be entered into both giveaways, the gift card and a copy of Rekindling the Widow's Heart. Thank you again, Annie (Just Commonly)

  102. We always seem to be waiting for something don't we ? I appreciate your reminder of "God's delays does not mean His denial". It's all in his timing sometimes what we want is not what we need though and God knows best for us. It's all in his timing. Thank you for your encouraging post today. I have enjoyed reading your Love Inspired books, Glynna. I am waiting on my copy of Rekindling the Widow's Heart I won in September or I'd ask you to enter me for that giveaway. Please enter me for the gift card drawing. Thank you, Deanne Patterson
    Cnnamongirl at aol dot com

  103. What a beautiful post, Glynna. I'm grateful for all my "waiting time" because the celebration was that much more heartfelt and appreciated.

    You said, "I’ve heard it said that faith is the hand that stretches out to receive what God chooses to give us."

    I've never heard those words before, but what a lovely way of describing something so simple, yet complex.

    Don't put me in the drawing for your book. I won the last several of them. The least I can do is buy it this time. I was in B&N today and looked, but I didn't see it. Just now I checked online and they said it was in stock. Guess I'll just have to go back.:)

  104. Glynna, thank you for the wonderful post! I know that the Lord is working in all things to for my good.

    Please put me in for the drawing.
    psalm103and138 at gmail dot com

  105. Oh Glynna, I can identify with this. I'm waiting and waiting and waiting. Sometimes it is overwhelming. But quitting...I can't bring myself to do it.

  106. I loved your post, Glynna - thank you! I'm not a writer, but I think "the waiting game" is something most everyone encounters, eventually. Waiting, for me - now involves health issues of myself and my family. I learned, many years ago, God's plan for me is the best plan - but involves waiting on His timing.

    Please enter my name in the drawings for the gift card, and your books. Thank you!

  107. Hi, JILL! A first deadline--EXCITING! As one who also works full-time, I know how crazy it can get as you near those final few days before a book is due. Despite all the juggling of priorities and sticking to a writing schedule, it seems SOMETHING unexpected always goes haywire as a deadline looms. Hope all goes well!

  108. Hello, TANYA! That's a great idea to periodically review the "little steps" you've taken. They add up and you can see how far you've come! Quite often in the Bible the Israelites are encouraged to set aside tines to remember how far God has taken them, how he's blessed their lives. And King David would encourage himself when he was down by reminding himself of the times God had come through for him in the past.

  109. Hey, MYRA! Like you, reaching my publishing dream was a real long-haul effort. But considering that back when the dream first captured us there were no computers just typewriters, no internet for publishing info / classes / networking with other writers or any opportunity to meet agents or editors at conferences, it's no wonder it didn't happen overnight for us! :)

  110. JACKIE -- I'm happy you found the post today to be encouraging. Just remember, it wasn't all that long ago that NONE of the Seekers were published. We just kept bumping into each other in the winners circles of contests and somehow God led us to band together to pray for and encourage each other and to share information an insights. Such a wonderful thing to have, which is why we're delighted to share that with Seeker Villagers.

  111. Hi, ANNIE! I hope posting that quote by your desk will encourage you on days you need the reminder. It's been SO LONG since I framed & posted it at my desk, that I'm not even sure where I got it. Maybe in a book by Norman Vincent Peale?

  112. Hi, DEANNE! I'm glad the post today was encouraging. It was good for me to write it as it was a much-needed reminder to myself that God is in control and I can trust him.

    I HOPE to get winner books mailed this week. Working later hours (lots of deadlines this fall), I haven't been able to get to the P.O. across town before it closes. But hopefully SOON! :)

  113. HI, CATE! I'm trying to remember where I first heard that quote about faith being the hand that stretches out to receive what God wants to give you. Joyce Meyer, maybe? Not sure.

    I don't know if you saw an earlier comment today where I mentioned I bought your "Christmas in Hiding" at Walmart this week!? It's on the stands with my October one and Myra's November "Rancher for the Holidays"! I should have remembered to take a picture of that line-up! :)

  114. Hi, CARYL! Thanks for stopping by! It's a wonderful thing, isn't it? To know that everything works for the good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose?

  115. TERRI -- The waiting, waiting, waiting seems to be a part of all our lives, doesn't it? Sometimes it seems like forever, but God planted that little seed of hope in our hearts that keeps us going, that won't let us give up.

  116. Hi, BONTON! I very much doubt there is a person on the face of the earth--writer or not--who isn't in the queue waiting for the answer to a dream. God seems to universally use waiting to draw us closer to Him. Throughout the Bible people waited for the fulfillment of their hopes & dreams, for the fulfillment of God's promises, and he continues to use that means of getting our attention even today. So we're in good company! :)

  117. Coming wayyyyyyy late to the party (been working on a Toothless the dragon costume for the Gupster), but wanted to say how much I appreciated this post reading late at night. I need to remember that waiting isn't always a bad thing.

    Thanks! Would love to be in the draw for the wonderful gifts offered.

    If I haven't mentioned it lately, you Ladies od Seekervile are wonderful blessings!

  118. Hey, DebH! I've heard some pretty wild excuses for someone coming late to a party, but NEVER a Toothless dragon one before! This is a first! :)

    I'm happy you found the post encouraging. And believe me, the Seeker Villagers are a HUGE blessing to US! :)

  119. GLYNNA ... like DebH, I'm late to the party AND an exceptional post, so please forgive me! No toothless dragon here, but we just got home late last night from visiting the grandkids across country, so I'm a "draggin'" of a different ilk today. :)

    But in all actuality, THIS is the perfect blog for me to read today, my friend, because the inspiration factor is through the roof.

    You said: "I’ve heard it said that faith is the hand that stretches out to receive what God chooses to give us."

    I LOVE this because it's SO very true! I will admit, that the old hand gets a wee bit tired at times, but with God, we never come away empty-handed.

    YOU ALSO SAID: "God didn’t give the Israelites a week’s worth of manna. No, he gave enough for a single day. Which tells us quite a bit about his intentions for us. Take one day at a time."

    I never really thought about this, but what an astute observation! Faith and trust are two of the main things God wants from us, and I find I do so much better in my faith when I take it one day at a time, eyes fixed on HIM rather than what I'm waiting or hoping for.

    YOU SAID: "I long to write more than two books a year and to move up in the Love Inspired series line-up to reach more readers. I’d like to join other Seekers in a Christmas novella collection and have time to judge writing contests and return a favor other published authors gave me when I was a struggling beginner."

    I truly believe those dreams of yours will come to pass, my friend, because you are faithful and true in what God has given you to do right now. And not just faithful and true, but exceptional as well. I, too, long for that day for you, and will rejoice when we both see it down the road.

    Hugs and more hugs,

  120. LOL. "Draggin'" -- love your humor, JULIE! :) I wish that "astute" observation about the Israelites and daily manna was an original thought, but I've long heard it in Sunday messages, CDs and books. So, alas, can't take credit!

    Awwww, thank you, Julie, for your encouraging words.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. (Sorry for the delete! Had to do some edits and repost)

    This was a perfect addition to my morning reading! Waiting is something we all do but sometimes I feel like it can hinder us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. Up until last week I felt like I had my life on hold. I always told myself I would start writing...but later. I told myself I would start a new career path... but after (insert excuse here). There will never be a perfect time fore these things, so why not jump in and have faith that everything will work out for the best. Last week I started writing again and this Monday I'm looking into some new career opportunities. Thank you for this great post!

  123. Glynna, I'm late because I've been out of town. But I wanted to let you know I loved your post! So inspiring.

  124. Hello MARGARET! I'm delighted you've jumped back into the writing again. In 2008 my day job was absolutely crazy (and had been for years) and I realized that it was "now or never" -- that if I wanted to write for publication I had to find a way to do that because the day job wasn't changing (and still hasn't). That's when I started getting up at 4 in morning (yikes!) so I could write about 90 minutes each day before I left for work and FINISH something. I've continued to do that and am now working on my 11th contracted book. Is this an "ideal" way to write? Do I like getting up at 4? Am I living my perfect writerly dream? No. No. No. But it's working and God's blessed my efforts! So I wish you the very best as you launch back into your writing and explore a new career path!

  125. Hi, MISSY! Thanks for popping by. Hope you've had a great weekend!

  126. This was so timely! The bible study i led last week for my two groups of ladies was on God's waiting room as taken from the life of Joseph. You said some really great things that apply not only to writers. Thanks for helping this "teacher" sit at the feet of Jesus and learn anew. I especially loved the meme you put above your desk. Right now, I'm waiting for my first yes from a fiction editor after completing three novels. I taught my group of ladies last week to fill the waiting time by waiting expectantly, waiting creatively, waiting with God (letting Him teach you about Himself while you wait) and waiting faithfully - we will continue to obey and follow Him regardless of His answer. I'm finding my days are full to the brim!

  127. Hi, KAREN! Your group study sounds on target. Waiting can be such a positive time if we allow it to be. I'd say you're on the "write" track, having already completed three novels! Here's hoping you'll hear that long-awaited YES soon!:)
