Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Weekend Edition-Birthday Week 5

We Have Birthday Winners!

Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

Did you claim your giveaway from last week? Check it out here.

The Birthday Bash Week Four winner of a $50 Amazon gift card is Sally Shupe.

Winners of Love's Dream Song are Wilani and Sarah Claucherty.

Sarah C, Jackie Smith, Lyndee, and Kelly Blackwell are winners of their choice of either or both, Home for Christmas Historical Collection and or A Heart Full of Christmas Contemporary Collection.

We Have Winners!

On Monday  Janet Dean talked about the importance of putting no limits on our characters in her post “Tips for creating larger than life characters.” Sparks of Ember is the winner of both Seeker novella collections Home for Christmas and Heart Full of Christmas.

Katherine Sandell,  associate book editor at Howard Books, Simon and Schuster came to Seekervill on Tuesday. Katherine works closely with authors to prepare their work For publication. Acquiring new authors is also a crucial part of her job and she spends many hours pouring over hopeful debut author's book proposals looking for new talent. The one special surprise package winner is Just Commonly aka Annie.

The fifteen book winners from are:  
1 Heidi Robbins
2 Betti
3 Sherida Stewart
4 Cindy W
5 Leslie McKee
6 Margaret Douglass
7 Candee Fick
8 Marianne Barkman
9 Amanda Barrett
10 Janet Ferguson
11 Connie Queen
12 Vince
13 Barbara Scott
14 Jeanne T
15 Meghan Carver

Wednesday  Award Winning Suspense Author Debby Giusti promised a fun blog that included “NOLA” and "#NOLIMITS!” in the title and she delivered. Winner of Debby's latest release, PERSON OF INTEREST,  a kitchen timer for getting words on the page in #NOLIMITS fashion, plus a writing journal and Mardi Gras beads is DebH.

 Carla Stewart  was Myra's guest on Thursday, sharing her insights on "Weaving Historical Events in Fiction." An award-winning author, Carla deftly blends engaging characters, historical events, and just the right touch of romance. Rachael Koppendrayer is the winner of Carla's latest release, A Flying Affair.

Friday: What happens when life gets in the way of your deadlines and dreams? Award-winning author Cathy Gohlke knows first-hand and shared her gems of wisdom and inspiration in “Roadblocks and Detours—When Writing is Derailed.” Joan Leotta is the winner of Cathy's latest release, Secrets She Kept.

Saturday: Glynna Kaye brings a word of encouragement with "The Waiting Game." Jackie Smith, Stephanie T and Dana Lynn are winners of her October Love Inspired release, Rekindling the Widower’s Heart.  Valri is the winner of a $25 Amazon gift card!

Next Week in Seekerville:

Monday: Pam Hillman shares 8 ways to determine if you're being heard. Remember that old saying, “If a tree falls deep in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?” Well, if an author publishes a book, how does she know if anybody reads it? Pam shares 8 basic ways to determine if you’re reaching your target audience, and tips on how to fill the gaps. There will be prizes.

Tuesday: Seekerville is delighted to welcome back, Jordyn Redwood with her post, "God—You Want Me To Write What?!?"  Stop by to find out about her recent writing journey. We have some fun birthday prizes for day 27 of our birthday bash!

Wednesday: Erica Vetsch (Recent Love Inspired Blurb2Book Winner) is our birthday guest today with her post, "8 Tips for Having a Successful Writer’s Retreat." Stop by to chat with the effervescent Erica and you could win a print copy of The Cactus Creek Challenge.

Thursday:   Angela Ackerman returns to Seekerville. Angela is a writing coach, international speaker and co-author of several bestselling writing books, including The Emotion Thesaurus. Her post is "Personalizing The Stakes Using Fear And Undeserved Consequences."  She's also bringing a fun prize package. Three commenters will win a one month subscription to One Stop For Writers, a powerhouse online library like no other, supplying writers with inspiration, education and unique description resources. And one reader will win a surprise package of books to keep them reading through the holidays!

Friday: Author and freelance editor Naomi Rawlings is our guest with her post, "Don't Limit Your Novel with Poor Editing."  Naomi will navigate us through the waters of freelance editing.The prize vault is open and Seekerville is giving away a copy of the winner's choice of an e copy of any of her Eagle Harbor series releases to two commenters and a fun editing mug will go to a writer.

Saturday:  Time for the November Contest Update! Stop by to meet our diva/divo for the month. This is the last time the Birthday Bash prize vault will be open until next year. Get your name in the birthday hat for Sunday's drawing for an iPad mini and the final $50 Amazon gift card!

Seeker Sightings

Come visit Ruthy on Wednesday, October 28th when she helps Edwina Cowgill at Musings of Edwina celebrate her 600th BLOG! Join in the celebration as Ruthy talks about momentum, inertia and the fascinating science stuff that thrusts us forward, even when we might not want to go! Ruthy will be giving away a copy of her five-star new release "Refuge of the Heart" to one lucky commenter and she hopes it's you!

Another great site for reviews of Christian Books. Miranda Uyeh writes excellent reviews. She wrote a wonderful review of Love's Dream Song for which I am so thankful (and humbled). Check her site for other wonderful book reviews. To Be A Person.

Also, Sandra will be signing books today with six other Arizona authors in Papago Park on College Avenue, Tempe, Arizona from 10:00 to 3:00. Stop by and visit if you are in the area.

TICK ... TICK ... TICK ... ONLY 7 DAYS LEFT to preorder Julie Lessman's new contemporary novel Isle of Hope at almost HALF OFF the November 1st release-day price, so here's the link to ORDER ISLE OF HOPE.

"Lush details, dynamic characters, and a storyline that keeps you turning the pages." -- Award-winning author, Beth Vogt

"A delight!" -- Award-winning author, Becky Wade
PLUS ... enter Julie's CONTEST TO HAVE A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN HER NEXT BOOK, a signed copy, and your choice of another of Julie’s books HERE.

Officer Jennifer Eastman & Tina and Tina with her Glock for the evening!

Seeker Tina Radcliffe graduated from Phoenix Citizen Police Academy this week!

Holler if you haven't won a copy! Last chance to win your choice of either or both, Home for Christmas Historical Collection and/ or A Heart Full of Christmas Contemporary Collection.

Random News & Information

Thanks to Seekers and Villagers who shared links for this weekend!

We're ending our birthday bash with a BANG! A Selfie Bang.

Send us your selfie (to by October 30th, to get in on the giant selfie collage we are creating of our Villagers. All selfies will be tossed in the selfie jar and one will win a $25.00 Amazon gift card. Winner announced on Sunday, November 1st. 


1.Photo must be a selfie. If you don't know the difference between a selfie and a picture of yourself, ask a twelve-year-old.

2. Submit by Midnight, Friday, October 30th.

3. Your real name must accompany your photo but it will not be published.
At home in the cave with TRadcliffe.

How To Take Good Selfies (WikiHow)

WordRates: A Yelp-Like Site for Freelance Writers (GalleyCat)

 Barnes & Noble unveils a waterproof Nook e-reader (Engadget)

 Find Your Updraft (Elizabeth Van Tassel)

 Writing Your Author Bio? Here Are 10 Great Examples (Passive Voice)

The Most Important Edit No One Talks About (Writers in the Storm)

Historical writers, check out Shorpy!

5 Tools That Can Double Your eBook Sales (DBW)  

 Literary Looks: Bookish Tights and Leggings (Quirk Books)

 Amazon Wants New Customer Reviews System To Be More Helpful And Gain Your Trust: Here's How (TechTimes)

23 Struggles Only Book Nerds Will Understand (BuzzFeed)

Unbound: Digital Publishing Roundup Fall Edition (Writer Unboxed)


Love to curl up with a great suspenseful read?
Enter to win the ultimate fall prize pack !

It's that time of year when we ask you to please consider nominating Seekerville for the 18th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Website for Writer’s Award. Send an email to with “101 Websites” in the subject line. We are an Inspirational Romance Writing Community. 

Many thanks from your Seeker friends!

That's it! See you tomorrow for the last week of our birthday bash!

 P.S. If you are new to Seekerville don't forget to ask for a Welcome Packet. Information is here.


  1. Winners! Winners! CONGRATULATIONS! I know if I started to name them all, I'd miss some. You did an awesome job with the WE, TINA! Thank you! I'll be back later to check out those links. I love all the pictures you included. Have a great day, Seekerville! Happy Birthday.

  2. What a great WE, Tina! :) I can't wait to visit some of the links. Today, I spent about 9 hours working on my book today (let's hear it for the amazing husbands who take care of the kids to make this possible!). My mind is toast tonight. :) Loved your selfie, by the way.

    Congratulations to all the winners! Happy Birthday, Seekerville. Thank you for all you do for us and offer us!

  3. This is just my intuition at work, but I suspect Tina's 'ask a twelve year old' comment might be connected to the 'cat herding' of the Seekers taking selfies.

    But in FAIRNESS, Tina, I don't remember the word SELFIE in your instructions. I just thought you meant PICTURE.

    I supposed reading it thoroughly would have voided that excuse but I'm stuck with it.


  4. And Tina, unless you were three feet from that target, your shooting is good. SCARY GOOD!

  5. Seven feet from the target with a Glock 45. That's why I herd the cats.

  6. Congratulations to all the winners this week. Once again Tina has given us a great weekend edition. Thank you Tina.

    I loved all the pictures and Tina, Mary is right, you are SCARY GOOD with that glock. :)

    I would love to win the Home for Christmas Historical Collection. Thank you for the chance. I found a great 'reader' app on my computer so it's easier to read ebooks.

    Everyone have a great week!

    Cindy W.

  7. Congrats winners and also to Tina's graduation! Does that mean you can do a citizen's arrest, then? ;-)

    Wow, where has this month gone? It seemed like it went by so quickly ...

    Thanks for the chance to win the Seekers' latest historical and contemporary novella sets!

  8. Congratulations everyone! Have a great Lord's Day.

  9. Congratulations to all the winners!

    Tina, congratulations on graduating from Citizen's Police Academy! Sounds like you've had a great fall!

    Happy birthday Seekerville!

  10. Congratulations to all of the winners!

    Hmmm...I'll try to remember to take a self. I'm not very good at it! My five year old granddaughter is though! Go figure.

  11. TINA, congratulations on your graduation. Think of all the criminals you'll catch!
    I would love to win the historical collection Home For the Holidays.
    I'm looking forward to seeing which book I won on Tuesday.
    Thank you!

  12. Congrats to all winners.....and I am happy to be among them...thanks!!
    Also, congrats to Tina on graduating from Citizen's Police Academy!
    October has been the most fun ever month on Seekerville.

  13. Hi Tina:

    That's a mighty fine pattern. And they say that most of real life shooting will be at that range. I assume you meant it was a Glock .45 caliber. As far as I know, Glock is only up to model 43 -- which I want for Christmas! I'm sure all the Glock enthusiasts want to know what Glock model number you shot.

    Wow! Fifteen winners from one guest! Is that a record? All the books look like winners. Thanks to Howard.

    About that selfie: can you use a selfie-stick or is that too much like having someone else take your picture?


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Wooo hooo, TINA! Congrats on graduation from the citizen's police academy!! Way to go! And, as always, a fabulous Weekend Edition!

  16. A Song of Birthdays!

    Happy Eight Birthday
    To Seekerville!

    Seekerville was an island
    Until the seekers moved it
    You may think that I'm a lying
    But those gals just know no limits

    Now they're throwing a birthday party
    And doing things in a big way
    With prizes and surprises
    Each and every day

    The pantsers are in heaven
    Head and shoulders above the rest
    The plotters cannot find it
    Seekerville has no GPS

    They didn't say, "I told you so"
    To this I can attest
    Not knowing where they're going
    Is what pantsers can do best.

    Happy Birthday!

  17. Love it, Vince!
    Thank you for sharing it.

  18. Congratulations to all the winners! Looks like a great week ahead too :)
    toss me into the drawing please
    Happy Birthday Seekerville ! !

  19. Hi Tina Great WE and I love all the info.

    Wow, Great shooting. Does a Glock have a lot of kick? Congrats on hitting the target dead center. woohooo. A real life heroine. smile

  20. Tina There are a couple writers in Desert Rose that are ex-cops. Have you met them?

  21. Great birthday song Vince

    Thanks for celebrating with us.

  22. Winners Please email our addie listed at the beginning of the blog to claim your prizes.

    We don't automatically send prizes out because people change addies all the time.

    If you have won a prize, follow the instructions in the first paragraph of the weekend edition to receive your prize.

    We love to give out our prizes so please email us to claim them. Thank you.

    And again, congratulations for winning.

  23. Congratulations to all the winners! Thanks for all the links. I pre-ordered julie's book.
    Happy Birthday, Seekerville!

  24. CONGRATS to ALL the winners!!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SEEKERVILLE - - the BEST place for writers AND readers to gather!!
    Please enjoy the Georgia peach goodies I'm setting out for your Sunday snacks. ;)
    Warm Peach cobbler, Peach muffins, and Peach shortcake (with *real* whipped cream, of course!). :)
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  25. Congratulations to all the winners. :-) Congratulations to Tina on her graduation. Please put my name in to win one of the Christmas e-books. Home for Christmas Historical Collection and/ or A Heart Full of Christmas Contemporary Collection. -
    Thank you,
    Becky B

  26. Great WE and links, Tina! Thanks! That Buzzfeed list is a hoot :) ...and I resemble it far too much.

    Congrats to all the winners! And woohoo new reads for me :)

  27. VINCE!! TYPO ALERT. I was tired. Mea Culpa. It was a Glock 35.

  28. Yes, Vince, you can use your selfie stick!

  29. Only one week left in October! How did the month pass so quickly!

    Congrats to the winners! Waving to DebH! :)

    Looking forward to the upcoming posts. The blurbs have hooked me, for sure!

    Tina, you're looking good in your Police Academy pics! A Glock is a handful to shoot! Good for you!

  30. I'm kinda scared of Tina now that she's a graduate and a pro with a glock. :-0

    Another great weekend edition and my goodness -- all those prizes -- you Seekers sure know how to party. Personally, while I love the book tights -- I'd rather have jammies. Somebody needs to make book themed jammies. (says the woman still in her jammies at two thirty in the afternoon!)


    And I'm with Jenn (Artist Librarian) -- where did this month go???? Moving WAYYYYY toooooo fast to suit!

    Tina -- WOW, seeing your Glock pattern, I now know why I click my heels and salute whenever E.F. Radcliffe speaks ... :)

    MARY SAID: "This is just my intuition at work, but I suspect Tina's 'ask a twelve year old' comment might be connected to the 'cat herding' of the Seekers taking selfies."

    Ah ... no doubt about that AT ALL!!

    VINCE SAID: "About that selfie: can you use a selfie-stick or is that too much like having someone else take your picture?"

    LOL ... a selfie stick? I like it, Vince -- and so does Amazon, apparently:



  32. WILANI!!! BLESS YOU, my friend -- I hope you like it!!! AND ... I hope you enter my contest because preordering provides lots of extra entries!!


  33. Another fun Birthday Week and WE! Congrats to all of the Winners!!

    Tina, I can't wait to read what you've learned at the Citizen's Police Academy in future books!

  34. TINA, in my exhaustion last night, I forgot to say congratulations to you for graduating from the citizen police academy. That's an accomplishment.

    **Does this mean you're planning to begin writing suspense? ;)

  35. Thanks for another great WE! Congratulations to the winners. Thank you so much for the gift card! My Amazon wish list thanks you! I can't wait to stock up on the Seekerville books I don't have yet. Have a great Sunday afternoon! Congratulations, Tina, on graduating! What an accomplishment!

  36. Thank you, Villagers. Actually, it means I aim to accurately portray law enforcement in my books!

  37. Oh, Tina, how COULD you do this to me??? The Shorpy link is phenomenal. The images are huge and so clear. Throw me a lifeline so I won't sink in that site, never to write again. And congrats on graduating from the Citizen Police Academy -- looking forward to that knowledge showing up in Paradise books.

    So many winners and accomplishments in this WE. Congratulations!

    Now to go lose weight -- I want to wear the tights that have 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' on the calf.

    Nancy C

  38. Congrats to all the other winners - I'm so excited to be one of them! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Seekerville! Boy, the month is really flying by!

    I would love to be in the drawing for the Christmas collection giveaway! Please include me :)

  39. I just had a weekend away for my college daughter's Family Weekend. But I'm glad to be back with y'all! Hope you had a great weekend.

  40. Tina, I too am impressed with your shooting!

  41. LOL, Nancy C! I actually found that Shorpy site from a forwarded email from my inlaws! Isn't it cool? I was sucked in, and I don't even write historical. LOL

  42. Thank you, Sandra, for the mention! Truly appreciate it! Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, seekerville! And, congrats to all the winners! :)

  43. Whoa, Radcliffe! Seven feet from the target ensures all of us cats are docile. LOL Congrats on graduating, Tina!

    Wonderful to see the long list of winners in Seekerville!!! If you didn't win, don't give up. There's more prizes to give away, even after our stupendous birthday celebration!

    Now I'm hungry for cupcakes. Closest I can get is a dark chocolate Hershey Kiss. :-(


  44. Vince, love the poetry! Thanks!

    A selfie stick may smell of cheating, but anything that keeps the camera at a distance is a fabulous idea!


  45. Kav being scared of Tina is just common sense. And the Glock is only a REMINDER of that!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. Tina, asked for selfies. If you know what's good for you, send 'em in, Villagers! LOL


  47. Congratulations to all of the winners! Yay, Sally!
    Thanks for all of the great links, Tina the graduate. Congratulations!
    You're a pro with the Selfie!

  48. P.S. TINA!!!! Congrats on the Police Academy Graduation - - wow, very impressive!! And if it's all the same, next time I'm around you at a conference please keep the gun *hidden* (LOL). ;)
    Hugs, PJ

  49. It has been a very busy week and weekend for me. Been working a lot and hardly time to check in at Seekerville. Hope everyone has had a great weekend.

  50. Congrats to this weeks winners!!!! But I think we're ALL winners for reading the posts....and there have been some terrific ones :-) Such encouraging words, I got so much out of this week personally! I can't believe how fast this week has gone or the whole month really....guess I've been having too much fun over here at the know what they say, "time flies when you're having fun".
    Oh, and I attempted a "selfie" & sent it off to be included in the collage. Do yo know how hard it is to keep the phone straight (without it shaking) & try to push the button at the same time....I'm just not that good at multi-tasking....heck, I can't even walk and chew gum at the same time :-\ And forget a selfie-stick, I'd probably fall in a hole or trip over something trying to take a picture. Anyway, I'm very amateurish at this "selfie" business....never could understand why it's so popular among the cell phone crowd....or maybe I'm just old fashioned...haha!! I swear I was born in the wrong generation *grins*.

    One more week of birthday celebrations & I am looking forward to it :-) Blessings all you dear Seekervilles & may the Son shine brightly on you!!

  51. Hi Tina:

    It looks like the 35 is one of the world's most accurate pistols. I've never fired one but I'd sure like to. That must have been a first rate academy.

    From the Glock website:

    "With its extended barrel and line of sight, the GLOCK 35, in .40 caliber, allows for accurate hit patterns, especially when rapidly firing at multiple targets. This has resulted in widespread adoption of the G35 among members of the practical shooting community. The G35 dominates the Limited Class of competitive shooting sports worldwide."

    I hope you use a Glock in a story when the time comes.

  52. I will Vince. And it will be a bang of a story!!! I promise.

  53. Yay for Tina - congrats. Finally finished little man's costume for next week. He wanted to be Toothless from how to train your dragon. Turned out pretty good if his happy dance was any clue.
    Waving to Debby... Yay. I love your books. The kitchen timer will be neat too.

    Must figure out best view for my selfie. May I include Guppy?

    Is it too selfish to hope to win the Christmas historical collection?

    I agree, this month has flown by. My birthday arrives on Thursday and I haven't helped dear hubby on a good gift because I pretty much have what I want.

  54. Nice grouping, Officer Tina! WTG!
    What a wonderful addition to any group you are...

    Happy 5th barkday weekend, Seekers!
    Who can believe it?

    On to the next adventures...

    (and DebH - isn't that a wonderful thing to say? Know your family must be proud that you say "I pretty much have what I want." That's a grateful heart. And who wouldn't be with Toothless around? :)

    Congratulations everyone. It's been a great month with a bit more to come.

  55. Lots of fun stuff! Congrats to all the winners, I'm excited to see what I get from Katherine Sandell :)

    Way to go Tina on being a citizen policewoman! Very impressive.
