Thursday, February 4, 2016

Meet The Crew of the Yankee Belle Cafe

When we first started Seekerville, we had no idea how it would grow and expand. It was just a sweet blog of writers helping writers, with no money involved... And it became a village.

Well what kind of village doesn't have a cafe or it's own town diner? 

And so began The Yankee Belle Cafe, a wonderful internet gathering spot for the other side of us: The side that cooks, cleans, works, nurtures, washes, shops, swats flies, scolds, bakes and runs whatever form of business we can... aside from writing! 

Today I am delighted to introduce all the gals who make the Yankee Belle Cafe a fun "go-to" place on the web... I'm Ruth Logan Herne, but at the cafe? They just call me "The Yank" because that's what I am! Youse all know me, so lets meet the rest of the cooks in the kitchen and below each cook's message is a glimpse of what they're giving away today! Leave a comment and we'll toss your name in the cake dish!

Monday's Hostess, "The Midwesterner" Jan Drexler!

Hey, everybody! Jan Drexler here, the Midwesterner at the Café. You’ll find my posts on Mondays.

In the thirty-plus years my husband and I have been married, we’ve lived all over the Midwest, from Michigan to Texas, Kentucky to South Dakota, and points in between. As much as we hated moving, we loved learning about our new homes and the local cooking. At the Café I share my favorite recipes – new and old – that I’ve collected along the way. I also throw in a healthy number of Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch recipes, passed down from my grandmothers. And since we live in the Black Hills of South Dakota now, I share a bit of cowboy cooking from time to time.

It was hard to find my favorite post to share, but since spring is coming (It is, I promise!) I thought I’d share this recipe for my favorite spring tonic – Rhubarb Custard Pie. Enjoy!

Jan Drexler grew up surrounded by books and storytellers. With pastors and teachers populating both sides of her extended family, we aren’t surprised that she wanted to be a first-class storyteller herself. She writes for Love Inspired Historical and Revell Publishing.

Born and raised in Michigan, Jan is the descendant of Amish, Mennonite, and Brethren immigrants who settled in Berks, Somerset, and Lancaster counties in Pennsylvania in mid-1700.

Her first love was homeschooling, but when her youngest son graduated she asked God to give her something useful to do for the next phase of her life. The answer was a computer and the deep well of family stories handed down from her parents and grandparents.

Autographed copy of "Hannah's Choice" and a copy of "Amish Cooks Across America"

Tuesday's Barista "The Texan" Mindy Obenhaus:

Howdy, y’all! Mindy Obenhaus, aka The Texan, coming to you every Tuesday at the Yankee-Belle Café.

Cooking is my love language. Whether it’s whipping up a batch of homemade biscuits to start your day, tantalizing your taste buds with some yummy Tex-Mex or smokin’ a big ol’ brisket, I’ve got you covered. But why stop with these regional favorites when there’s so much food to be explored? And the Yankee-Belle is definitely the place to do that. If you like food, the Yankee-Belle is the place to be.

It’s hard to nail down just one favorite recipe, so I’ll settle for sharing a staple. This biscuit recipe was passed down from my girls’ great-grandmother. Let me tell you, there’s nothing better on a cold winter’s morn that a pan of piping hot biscuits.

Prep dishes, spice collection and "A Father's Second Chance"!

 Wednesday's Hostess, "The Healthy Writer" Cate Nolan:

Hey everyone, Cate here. I'm the newest member of the cafe staff. I write for Love Inspired Suspense but I promise there's nothing deadly in my cooking. Actually, I'm the "Healthy Writer." We all know that writing is not the most healthy, weight-friendly occupation. Too much time sitting in a chair, too much chocolate and coffee (Okay, there's no such thing as too much chocolate and coffee if you're trying to make a deadline!) Every Wednesday, I try to bring a recipe or a food to prove that it's possible to cook healthy foods that taste great too.

Two of my favorite posts have been Chocolate-dipped fruit (all those anti-oxidants!)  and a recent one - sweet potatoes cooked in orange juice with pomegranates and pecans. So good!

Just yesterday I was sharing healthy alternatives for Super Bowl snacking! I hope you'll come on by and visit for some fun and healthy eating. 

I'm giving away my all time favorite gadget - the coolest garlic press. How to get perfect, fresh garlic without making your hands stink!

Cate Nolan lives in New York City, but she escapes to the ocean any chance she gets. A devoted mom, wife and teacher, Cate loves to leave her real life behind and play with the characters in her imagination. She’s got that suspense writer gene that sees danger and a story in everyday occurrences. Cate particularly loves to write stories of faith enabling ordinary people to overcome extraordinary danger.

A copy of Cate's debut novel "Christmas in Hiding" and her garlic press!
Thursday's Gal "The Yank" Ruth Logan Herne
Ruthy's got the sweet tooth working, she's been a professional baker and loves to sugar things up north of the Mason/Dixon line, but she has to cook standard fare, too, so it's anybody's guess what she'll bring to the table! A born northern girl, comfort foods are a family favorite, and if it can hold gravy, the only question is: How much? One of her favorite posts is this crazy popular "Patriotic" Berry pie:

Baking fun! Cupcake corer, cupcake wrappers, decorating tips and bags with a signed copy
of "An Unexpected Groom"!

Friday's Barista, "The Belle" Missy Tippens 

Missy Tippens, here. I was born and raised in Kentucky and have been in Georgia ever since I met my future husband in grad school. I'm the Belle part of Yankee-Belle. Ruthy and I joined together several years ago to provide a Cafe when Tina developed the village for the Seekerville website. And we're still going strong! 

We have such good time together, sharing recipes and other fun times. I try to bring southern favorites but often end up sharing recipes that I throw together with the ingredients on hand. :) Today I thought I'd share one of my favorites that a couple of you mentioned this past weekend on the blog. :) 

Fried Okra with The Belle

A signed copy of "The Doctor's Second Chance" and Missy's favorite potato masher!

Weekend Barista and Chief Cook "The Fresh Pioneer" Mary Jane Hathaway:

"I love anything fresh!  My husband does a wonderful job of growing delicious edibles on our little acre of land in a valley renowned for its long growing seasons. (I try to do my part and not burn the food when I cook it. No promises.) My posts run the gamut from simple heirloom tomatoes drizzled with balsamic vinegar to individual triple layer chocolate mousse cakes to fresh grilled cactus. I believe in enjoying all the deliciousness that this world has to offer, especially the natural foods that come right from my own backyard. Pop on by Saturday or Sunday to check out what's on the menu!
I couldn’t pick one single recipe so here’s a post where I moved to the weekends (from Wednesday, I think it was) a few years ago. I link a whole bunch of different recipes, with pictures. There are recipes for fresh fruit smoothies, pesto, baked chicken and mushrooms, mulberry sorbet, tarte tatin, ratatouille, enchilada soup, salsa, lilac jelly, etc., etc.!
Mary Jane's Bio:
Mary Jane Hathaway is an award-nominated writer of Christian fiction and a home schooling mom of six young children who rarely wear shoes. She holds degrees in linguistics and religious studies from the University of Oregon and lives with her habanero-eating husband, Crusberto, who is her polar opposite in all things except faith. They've learned to speak in short-hand code and look forward to the day they can actually finish a sentence.

In the meantime, Mary Jane thanks God for the laughter and abundance of hugs that fill her day as she plots her next book. She also writes under the pen name of Virginia Carmichael and loves to meet readers on her facebook page of Mary Jane Hathaway, on the weekends at the cooking blog Yankee Belle Café, or over at Huffington Post where she blogs about all things books.

E-copies of the Cane River Romance series and the cute measuring jar set!
Come on inside, there's coffee, tea, and all kinds of good things to eat... nobody does it better! Leave a comment to have your name tossed into the cake dish... and thanks so much for stopping in, we are delighted to have you!


  1. WOW!! My mouth is watering, not only from all those delicious recipes but from those beautiful books and other giveaways too. Loved getting to know everyone at Yankee Belle Cafe - I definitely need to stop in there more often. My thanks to each of you for a wonderfully delicious post.

    Please drop my name in for each of the drawings!! Thank you!!

  2. A BIG old howdy to all the Yankee Belle Cafe ladies, all familiar names to me :-) I checked out that website & I musta gained 30 pounds looking at all that wonderful food!! I may have to try out some of them recipes, especially Mindy's pulled pork tacos....had my mouth watering to beat the band...haha! I'm now a subscriber, thanks for the link!

    Please add my name to the cake dish for all the draws but Cate's....I have her books already sitting pretty on my shelf :-) Awesome giveaway opportunity, you ladies are so generous...thanks a bunch! Now to go scrounge something to snack on, made my tumbly all grumbly.......

  3. What a treat, recipes, great cooks and giveaways. I am coming back with an appetite. BRING ON THE SWEET TEA!!!

  4. See, I'm too smart for this post because I AM NOT clicking any of those YBC links right now. I'll click in the morning. Otherwise I'll either 1) want to bake something delicious and feel sadly deprived when I sit down to write OR 2) I'll go in the kitchen and start cooking when I should be writing!

    Of course, I'm totally checking out all the books. Reading is research for writing and so I can count that as "work", right?

  5. Tina, I'm bringing the sweet tea for everyone! I've got it right here. Would you believe my MIL used to put 2 cups of sugar in a pitcher of tea?! I think she eventually tapered that down a bit. And now she makes Splenda tea. LOL

  6. Bonnie, we'd love to see you more often!

    Trixi, I'm making the pork recipe tomorrow. :)

  7. Lots of good things to eat AND read. What fun.

  8. Great recipes,,,sounds yummy.All great authors also.Loved all the post.

  9. Jan's rhubarb pie and Missy's fried okra sound the most intriguing to me --obviously I've never lived in the South, LOL! ;-) Thanks for sharing ladies!

  10. Good morning, Seekerville! What a fun post, right???? Every now and again we set the keyboard aside and grab an apron... and a fly swatter! It's so fun to be here in this capacity, as part of this team.

    Because honestly, ladies and gentlemen... we've all gotta eat!

  11. A fly swatter? Ew! hahaha, maybe that was a reference to swatting kids? Or people who put their fingers in the pie? Anyway, no fly swatters here. Just some hot blackberry tea with honey and a piece of fresh toast. I'm a simple girl...

  12. Artist Librarian, you look like Peggy Carter!

    I've been yearning for a red fedora ever since I first saw her. *jealous*

  13. I tried to post earlier, but it wouldn't work--I think I somehow got to the wrong thing. :-/
    So I will try again (& please add my name into ALL drawings! ;-)
    Posted on FB...
    I read this blog but it wouldn't seem to let me comment to be entered into the contests. (I blame these things on being out of the country, when I can...) I always enjoy all the posts from Seekerville and Yankee Belle Cafe. I need to go check out that pork chop recipe & see if it's as good as mine...

  14. OK, who posted a pork chop recipe? Now I'm nor finding it...

  15. Vicki, we enter you on this side, just for commenting, so you're in! And you found your way over here from INDIA!!!!! Go you! Your travels amaze me!!!!

  16. I had to look up Peggy Carter! My comic book days have morphed into visiting grown-up kids, so I'm out of the comic book loop!

    But loving the hat because it's got a great tilt!

  17. Good morning, Seekerville. I'm off to work, but I'll pop in when I can during the day. I have a feeling it's going to be a great day here.

    Vicki, look for Mindy's post fromTuesday of this week. It's pulled pork for her husband's birthday.

  18. Good morning, Seekerville (and Café-goers!). Wish I had more time to cook as anytime I pop over there, there's ALWAYS something that looks mouth-watering good that I'd love to try!!

  19. Wow! What a fabulous gathering of ladies and ideas! However, as an Arizonan, I must ask where the western representative is? lol. I'm not a very creative cook and I'm always in a hurry. Between teaching kindergarten all day and gymnastics every evening, I don't have much time to cook. And I don't put nearly as much effort into it as I should. That could be part of the problem...hmmm...
    I enjoyed reading your posts and can't wait to stop by the cafe for some great ideas.

  20. So much fun to see who all makes up the Yankee Belle cafe- so, if you're a Western New Yorker who is lived in rural Georgia for the last 6 years, does that make you a Yankee Belle? Because if so, that's me!! :-) I also enjoyed seeing what some of my favorite authors look like! :-)

  21. Love the Yankee Belle Cafe lineup! What a fun place to gather.

    Cate...tell me about your garlic press. Looks rather unusual. A good press is hard to find!

    Jan...I'm into Amish food. Will check out your recipes! YUM! Although always so filling...and fattening. :)

    Heading to Panera's to meet with my cps! Back later to check in. Grabbing a cup of coffee and some of Cate's healthy fruit!

    Hugs to all!

  22. Wow, I'm drooling over all the great fare you've shared, dished up with your lovely personalities and terrific giveaways! You all rock!

    Jan, my mom used to make rhubarb custard pie, a favorite of mine. I've got to try it, though I'll be buying the crust. :-)

    Mindy, I'm a fan of biscuits and sausage gravy but haven't made it in years.

    Cate, I love my garlic press. I'll be checking out your healthy Super Bowl snacks.

    Ruthy, I'd never heard of a cupcake corer, but I'm thinking devils food cake with whipped cream centers. Yum!!

    Missy, can you buy okra in the north? I'm happy to give the doctor a second chance, but I'm not sure about the okra. :-)

    Mary Jane, I'm intrigued with fried cactus and lilac jelly.

    The Yankee Belle Cafe is the place to visit!


  23. What fun to see everyone from Yankee Belle over here at Seekerville today! These ladies come up with some terrific recipes to share, so together with their writing, they make up two of my favorite things, GOOD BOOKS and GOOD FOOD!

    MINDY, I tried the brie stuffed mushrooms from last week, amazing!

    RUTHY, that berry pie is beautiful and a must try when berries are in season. Love all your baking recipes, made that lemon cake last summer,yum, have yet to get to that chili dip your making for the weekend though!

    MISSY, I'M still making that homemade mushroom soup, love it, made it this week to go over some beef!

    TINA'S parmesan crusted chicken is now one of my go-to quick and yummy fav recipes and the burrito bowl too.

    It's eight o'clock in the morning and talking about all this deliciousness has me wanting to get up and cook, and bake and eat :)

    I've read both RUTHY and CATE'S books, but would love to have my name in the cake dish for JAN, MINDY, MISSY or MARY JANE'S giveaways.

    Thanks to all the ladies who make Seekerville and Yankee Belle Cafe such fun places to visit each day, bookstores and cafes are two of life's greatest pleasures.

  24. O What FUN!!! Who doesn't love food?! Amazing recipes and gifts. I'm drooling for sure. Ruthy, that Patriotic Berry pie sure looks pretty. I'm going to have to peruse through the blog more thoroughly!

    I have one question: Does Mary Jane have a nickname too? Let's see, Jan's the Midwesterner, Mindy's The Texan, Ruthy's the Yank, Cate's the Healthy Writer (go NYC!), and Missy's the Belle. What do you call Mary Jane?

    Thanks for all the recipes. Please throw my name in the dish for all the giveaways except Jan's since her's is the only one I've read. Thanks again! Happy cooking! Getting myself some coffee and chocolate now. :)

  25. O What FUN!!! Who doesn't love food?! Amazing recipes and gifts. I'm drooling for sure. Ruthy, that Patriotic Berry pie sure looks pretty. I'm going to have to peruse through the blog more thoroughly!

    I have one question: Does Mary Jane have a nickname too? Let's see, Jan's the Midwesterner, Mindy's The Texan, Ruthy's the Yank, Cate's the Healthy Writer (go NYC!), and Missy's the Belle. What do you call Mary Jane?

    Thanks for all the recipes. Please throw my name in the dish for all the giveaways except Jan's since her's is the only one I've read. Thanks again! Happy cooking! Getting myself some coffee and chocolate now. :)

  26. RUTHY,
    And now that I've stopped in over at the Cafe, I want some rigatoni, like right now, would it be wrong to eat pasta for breakfast? I don't think so. That's one thing I've really been missing this month while cutting down on the carbs, maybe just one cup?

  27. Sadly I must confess that as long as I've been in Seekerville, I never really spent much time at the cafe. Food is definitely my weakness and I figured I didn't need more temptation. However, last year, Missy needed someone to post for her because she was going out of town and I volunteered. Oh my. I've been hooked ever since. The cafe is just plain fun, besides offering yummy food choices.

    It is like sitting in a cafe with your friends. Thanks ladies for your hospitality and all the fun you share with us.

  28. LADIES, it is a pleasure to meet you. You each bring something fun and unique to the cafe'. I am drooling over ALL these yummy recipes! Thanks for the photos that enhance the experience.....


    Please put my name in the cake dish.

  29. I'm hungry already! What a lineup of mouthwatering recipes!

    Please add my name to the cake dish :) Would love to be added to all the drawings, except Jan's (already read it). Can't go wrong with the Seekers, especially when they cook!!

  30. Good morning, Seekerville! Looks like ol' Tex is dragging in late this morning. Glad I left those biscuits earlier. And while Missy brought the sweet tea, I've got some good hot tea for those of you who might not like coffee. I know, not liking coffee in Seekerville sacrelig, but I'm here to say it's okay to be different.

    TRACEY, so glad you liked the Brie stuffed mushrooms. Did you add the bacon?

  31. LeAnne, be sure to drop by on Fridays! I tend to make things that are quick and easy. And I usually don't have all the ingredients I need so tend to alter recipes to make in a pinch. LOL

  32. Sandra, we've loved having your guest posts! Tina is going to be a guest tomorrow (my regular day). She's doing an amazing pot roast!

  33. LeAnne, Sandra Smith stops in now and again, and so does Tina, bringing some Southwest flavor along... although we do have a TEXAN, and that's pretty close, right???

    (ducks to avoid flying things!)

  34. Laurel Blount "From Snowflakes to Hotcakes" you should come over and guest with us! I'd love to host you and hear some of the fun things you've meshed together. And I love your facebook pics of the goats and the cow!!!! I want some goats!

  35. J.C. I fixed it! I forgot to tag Mary Jane (aka Virginia Carmichael) with her "Fresh Pioneer" ! I'm so glad you noticed, thank you!!!!!

  36. MINDY,
    I know I said I was going to add bacon, but I was short on time that night so I made them just like your recipe and served them with a grilled steak, perfection! The next time I make them I'll be trying them with bacon for sure.

  37. What a great group of ladies! I do enjoy visiting your cafe.. Rhubarb custard pie, sounds so good for this snowy day! Toss me into the cake dish please, I'm off to explore more recipes at the cafe!!

  38. How fun to "meet" all you Yankees and Belles! The recipes have my mouth watering. Is it too early to whip up a batch of biscuits? Or dip fruit in chocolate? I think not. :)

    Thanks for the fun post!!

    Jill K.

  39. Obviously I haven't spent enough time at the cafe.

    Cooking/baking is not my love language, but I do it because I love my family. My husband laughs at how many kitchen 'tools' I've bought over the years to become a better cook. One year I even watched the cooking network for inspiration and cooked more but still didn't really enjoy it. Maybe you all can help me turn the corner.

    Thanks for sharing!

  40. I love the Yankee Belle and look forward to it every day. To me the hardest thing about cooking is thinking up what to cook, so I love the ideas I get from all the great YB cooks across the country. What I like the most about YB is that all of you are great writers and I'm a great reader so it makes me feel like I know you, like we're chatting across the kitchen counter. Good times - good stuff to eat.

  41. Wow, at first I thought I'd clicked on the wrong window...but nope, I'm in Seekerville not at the café. LOL What a fun post. Some of my favourite go-to recipes have come from the Yankeebelle Café. :-)

  42. Except for anything involving a big hunk of meat, right KAV? ;)

    You always cross my mind when I post meaty recipes.

  43. Hi Cindy,

    I love that visual of us chatting across the kitchen counter. Good times for sure.

    Yesterday we got to chatting about favorite Super Bowl commercials. Seems we all have a soft spot for horses and puppies. Budweiser commercials for the win!

    Debby, the garlic press is so simple. After you peel the clove, you put it on the cutting board and place the tool over it. Then you just rock it back and forth (sort of like a see saw) and the garlic is pressed up through the tiny holes. It works like a traditional garlic press except there's none of the messy cleanup of trying to dig the garlic out of the press. A quick rinse and this is clean.

  44. Cindy, that is exactly why we started the cafe! To relax and not be in teaching/author/selling mode (although we love it when folks buy our books!!!!0... but to create a spot where we could hang out as us... and be writers on the side.

    It's kind of like having a writers/cooks/bakers meeting every single day, and this is such a great crew to work with!!!

  45. Cate that sounds so easy! You rocked it!!! *laughs at her own pun*

  46. Hi everybody! It's so much fun to venture out of the Cafe in our Yankee-Belle duds. :)

    I had a carry-in supper with a bunch of ladies from church last night, and I took Ruthy's Baklava (her post from last Thursday -

    That recipe rocks! I had a long writing day, so I didn't even start making the Baklava until 4:00 pm (I had thawed the Phyllo dough earlier), but it turned out perfect. It was even done in time for our 6:00 meal. :)

    And you KNOW I impressed the ladies! They thought I had spent all day on that recipe.

    I get my best recipes from the Yankee-Belle gals!

  47. How fun to meet all the lovely ladies from the cafe! I am totally NOT into the whole cooking thing, but I'm always on the lookout for a yummy, healthy, and simple recipe I can encourage my husband to try. Since he's basically retired and as a writer I'm basically not and don't plan to be, seems only fair that since I did all the grocery shopping and cooking for the first 35 or so years of marriage, he can continue from here! ;-D

  48. What a fun post. It is great to get to know each of the ladies who bring the recipes to us. Please enter me in the drawings.

    Have a great day everyone!

  49. That sounds like a good deal, Myra. if I relied on my husband we'd have either hamburgers or Campbell's chicken noodle soup every night.

  50. A delicious, yummy post!! Y'all are so much fun!! Cooking and writing~seems like they're two gigs needing similar skill sets and qualities: creativity, passion, practice, attention to detail, multitasking, the ability to combine and cook everything in proper order and with correct timing...etc, etc, etc! ( I borrowed these ideas from this site... )

    Thanks to the Yankee-Belle Cafe gals for your hospitality!! Love the past Super Bowl commercials!! Have to get going to set up for a ladies Art Luncheon in our Art Gallery...the food is catered by one of our dealers and it's always SO, SO delish and the presentation is to die for!! See ya later...oh, please toss my name in the cat...I mean cake dish!!

    Have a tea-riffic day!!

  51. I never have been to the YANKEE BELLE CAFE, mostly cause I'm not a cook. If God wanted me to cook, why did He invent restaurants? But after sampling the goodies on the blog today, I will be a regular over there. Sorry, gals it took me so long to catch on. Oh, and the giveaways are awesome. Please enter my name in them all! Thanks!

  52. OH. MY. GOODNESS ... this post just made me realize I'm STARVING because I forgot to eat breakfast!! Sure wish I had me some of the Patriotic Berry Pie, Biscuits, or Biscotti right about now, but I settle for an English muffin. :)

    WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I am sooooo impressed with the culinary talents and creativity of the Yankee Bell gals, that I think I gained weight just reading this blog today!

    And, Virginia, the pix of your kiddos are darling!

    Hugs and Bon appetit!

  53. It was nice to meet all the ladies who make up Yankee-Belle Cafe. I try to visit, but haven't lately. I'd love to win any of the prizes.

  54. You know you guys are killing me with this food. And for absolutely NO reason I am craving an old fashioned grilled cheese sandwich with Cate Nolan's chicken noodle soup and chocolate dipped fruit for dessert!!

  55. Tina, I have been craving a real grilled cheese sandwich in all its gooey deliciousness!

  56. Meant to add - there's a restaurant near me that sells lobster grilled cheese sandwiches. What do you think? Has anyone ever had one?

  57. Never tried lobster grilled cheese, but a toasty hot Italian grilled cheese with marinara on the side to dip it in is the best GS I've ever had.

  58. Jan, isn't that the easiest recipe? The baklava one? And people love it, they're pretty sure you slaved all afternoon.... Twenty minutes, plus baking time! PERFECT!!!!!

  59. I do not want to think what would happen if I turned the kitchen over to Dave... Imagine big frown.... But he does supper once or twice/week, and one of those is tuna sandwiches because I love them.

    Myra, I'm moving to your house, you caught yourself a man who COOKS! Go you!

    But I do love cooking and creating, so that makes a difference.

    And the notion that I'd have to live on Dave's skills...


  60. Man, y'all made me hungry!!! Now, I'm headed to the kitchen to eat leftover Cowboy Grub. It's a healthy THM dish. I made a huge pan last night so we could have leftovers today. It's calling my name... :)

  61. Seriously, Jan???? Spring????
    Let me dig up out of the snow covering our house and see, maybe it IS spring out there.

  62. What a fun post. I honestly did not know what was in Yankee Belle Café. Didn't realize there were regular bloggers each day. Will have to check it out. Please put my name in the dish!

  63. Plus I made Chili for lunch today.

    Mary "Is she a Pessimist or is she a Realist" Connealy

  64. Yum. I love chili, soups, stews during the winter!

  65. Believe me, it wasn't easy coaxing "Project Guy" to learn how to fix a few meals. But he's been expanding his repertoire little by little over the years and even experimented with a few variations of his own.

    Actually, what kills me is that he will still catch me around mid-afternoon sometimes and ask, "Any ideas for supper?"

    And I'm thinking, are you kidding? I've been immersed in my plot and characters all afternoon and somehow during that time a brilliant meal idea just popped into my head??? NOT!!!! I came up with "ideas for supper" every day for 35+ years! Can't you just fix something???????

  66. CATE & TINA, old-fashioned grilled cheese sandwiches are my go-to lunch when Project Guy is substitute teaching or has a noontime church meeting.

  67. Yes, Mary, Spring. It IS coming, in spite of your multitudinous drifts of snow! :)

  68. Oh, yum! Thanks for all of the great recipes and for letting us get to know all of you a liite better!
    Blessings to all!

  69. I love visiting Yankee-Belle for recipe ideas. Unfortunately I sort of forget to go there unless prompted by a comment here at Seekerville. I have tried a few of the recipes to be found there. Usually though, most days I'm almost too wiped to gather ingredients and cook. I gotta figure out how to pre-prep for the draggy days.

    Little man prefers chicken or hot dogs as his main dishes. At least he likes salads and fruit. *whew...*

    Still, I think I need to visit the café more often. Like after my daily visit to Seekerville... hmmmmm.

  70. I've been making the after-school kids grilled cheese bagels... you take a Thomas's style bagel (soft bagel) and you butter the inside, and grill the buttered side until golden. They you toss two slices of cheese between the grilled insides, and proceed as if you're making a regular grilled cheese... a light coating of butter on the outside, grill over medium heat until the cheese is melty-gooey-good... and then flip, do the other side, and serve.

    They are in love!

  71. Jackie, I watch the Food Network all the time! And I think it does make me a better cook. :) What's funny is that now, whenever my husband gets done watching TV, he automatically turns it to the Food Network or to HGTV and then hands me the remote. He knows that what I'll want to watch. LOL

  72. Hey, if you can't remember to go to the Yankee Belle Cafe you can sign up for it to come to your inbox like I do. Saves so much thumbing through cookbooks :-)

    Quite a few of the recipes are in my three-ring binder now. Can't remember who shared the recipe for the (super easy and quick) Parmesan Chicken but thank you, again.

    Nancy C

  73. Cindy R, that's exactly how we want it to feel at the Cafe! We enjoy that time with our readers. :)

  74. Nancy, I had a recipe for quick parmesan chicken (although there could have been another one as well). I LOVE that one. I make it often! And it's great that it's easy to find at the Cafe so I don't have to look it up again. I just get my iPad and google "Yankee-belle Missy chicken parmesan" and pull it up. :)

  75. I could do the QUICK cooker.

    My rule.

    If it takes longer than 15 minutes, we're having frozen pizza. Because I usually think of a meal about 15 minutes before meal time (If I'm LUCKY)

  76. I'm glad my husband is making fajitas for dinner because all this talk of food is making me hungry. Thanks to all the Cafe authors for posting recipes. After reading the comments, I'm already thinking I might have to have a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch tomorrow.

    I have one regional story from last year's RWA Nationals. I went to dinner with my hotel roommate and a fellow chapter author and her family, and when it was my turn to order, I asked if they had unsweet tea (because even though I live in Georgia, I love unsweet tea), and my roommate laughed (in the nicest way) and said I could just order iced tea for the next couple of days.

  77. A while back I made Mindy's South West Chicken Soup. My family adored it! Thanks, Mindy. There are so many delicious recipes on the Yankee Belle. I like that I they are categorized down the side panel. After this post I'm inspired to try some more of the recipes. It's nice to come to Seekerville to become well read and well fed.

  78. Ruthy, Peggy carter is a comic book character but Agent Carter is a hit show on ABC (I think that's the channel). It's all set in the forties and the costumes are just incredible. The sets, the costumes, the backgrounds are ALL vintage. Those of us who love vintage items from that era are in love with the show because you look in the background and see Admiral radios, bakelite jewelry, real vintage dresses, vintage shoes, forties phones, etc. It's so much fun!

  79. Oh, and I'm back from homeschooling so I'm reading the comments now!

  80. LeAnne, if someone hasn't answered your question, the Western rep is ME. :) Just a state or so above you!

  81. Just Commonly, I think Ruthy skipped that header but I'm the Fresh Pioneer. :) We live just a few miles from the Oregon Trail (actual wheel ruts in the ground spanning miles and miles of fields) so I thought Pioneer was a good pick. Also, FRESH! We love anything fresh or home made, I'm not the greatest cook but I love to eat good food, so that gets me in the kitchen. LOL

  82. Hi, Sandra! I've loved seeing you in the café this year!

  83. Thank you, Cindy! We have a lot of fun over at the café. :)

  84. Ruthy, so true. It's great to be able to talk about writing (obliquely) and cooking and the writing life without people giving us the side eye. A community of cooks plus a community of writers makes for some fun posts. And I smile every time someone posts a "deadline" recipe, something we can cook in five minutes or prep the day before. Busy moms know the tricks, so do working moms... but writing moms have a special kind of deadline so we all share our tips and tricks to saving time while cooking up great food!

  85. Hi Wilani! Nice to see you here! I'm usually seeing your name attached to a review somewhere. You are a reader/reviewer extraordinaire!

  86. Thank you, Julie! The really love this IBC gig. In fact, a few of them have no memory of a time when I wasn't taking pictures of my cooking for YBC, so when I start cooking, they go get the camera. LOL. As if those two things go together...

  87. I think the parmesan chicken was Missy's recipe and I've cooked it at least four times since she posted it. Easy, quick, and everybody loves it!

  88. Barbara, I made that, too! Mindy's Southwest Chicken was a WINNER. Or winner, winner, chicken dinner? Some recipes don't work out well when triples (we have eight people here) but that recipe worked perfectly. And it was easy enough I can pass it off to one of the teens when I'm busy.

  89. Cate Hamburgers and soup is exactly what my hubby fixed every night the four years he cooked when he retired before me. Our hubbies must be cousins. LOL. But I didn't complain. At least he was cooking. smile

  90. And LeAnne Mary Jane has made some yummy southwestern dishes. And scroll down to Tuesday. Mindy made some dynamite tacos.

  91. Thanks Mary Jane It has been a blast. You girls are just tooooo much fun. smile

  92. Mary Jane, I love Agent Carter! The authenticity of the costumes, sets, etc., just adds to the delight!

  93. TRACEY, mmm... I bet they were awesome with steak.

  94. CINDY REGNIER, I know exactly what you mean. My fellow YBs have helped me with dinner many a time.


    LOVE IT! A tea-riffic day. :-D

  96. LOBSTER GRILLED CHEESE?!!! That sounds heavenly, Mary Cate.

    Grilled cheese is a staple at our house. Sharp cheddar on rye. Yum.

  97. BARBARA FOX, I love Southwest Chicken Chili. So glad you and yours enjoyed it, too. :)

  98. Mary Jane - Woo-hoo! Two votes for chicken chili.

  99. SANDRA, we love seeing you each day. ;-)

  100. It's so fun to read about all you master chefs over at the cafe. :) I wish I had time to be a regular stopping by over there. I'll need to make sure I get it on my radar for the future when I'm in need of a recipe. :)

    IF you all need any GF recipes, let me know. I found a really easy good recipe last night. :)

  101. What a fun post in presentation! Very creative! Loved reading about each author, and their cooking style. Please throw my name in the cake dish.

    I am a food arranger, so let me know if that position comes up.
    Becky B.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Sorry, typos!

    Sarah, right?? The other night I saw Peggy's purse (in three shots, two were close ups) and it had what I thought were bakelite handles so I tweeted Giovanna Melton (head of costumes, wonderful artist and all around fun person) to ask... and they were! She'd recovered the original fabric, though since the silk was stained and ripped. Wouldn't that be a fun job?
    I really think there should be an Agent Carter line of clothing. I'd wear it!

  104. Sandra, would it surprise you to know that he eats none of the healthy choices I make. You know the ones you always tell me are a mix of strange ingredients? He's got his routine - it if's Monday or Thursday, it's hamburger. I almost never eat what he eats except on the weekend.

  105. Tanya, I've lived up here all my life and I'd never even heard of sweet tea until I met my best friend in college. (We met over a viewing of Gone With the Wind in the Freshman Lounge.) She was from Virginia and had a refrigerator in her room just so she could keep a constant flow of sweet tea. The first time I tasted it, I thought my teeth were going to fall out!

  106. That does it. Grilled cheese is on the menu!

    And for anyone who is curious, I found this image of lobster grilled cheese. Too bad I'm out of lobstah. ;)

  107. Oh, sure. Just torment me, Mary Cate. It's not like I have lobster in the pantry. Sigh.

  108. Love this chance to get to know all the cooks in the cafe! Thanks Ladies for all you do and the wonderful books you write!

  109. Wow, how fun it was to visit with the ladies of the Yankee Belle Cafe today. I keep meaning to pop in each week and I keep forgetting. Loved learning about the authors and what they like to cook. Please add my name to the giveaways. They look really fun too.

    Deanne P.

  110. The Cafe is always a place to drop in for a yummy bite.....and I always enjoy my visits. Fun to learn a bit more about each of the chefs from today's post. I have about all these books....(I must have good taste) please don't put me in the cake dish this time. Just wanted to drop in for a late night snack and to let you all know I appreciate the fun and food you serve at the Cafe. Thanks!

  111. Books and two weaknesses. Haha. Beautiful combination. Great to see all you ladies here at once! I love all the recipes I've tried from the Yankee Belle cafe. I've been craving a good cookie recipe lately. I'll have to browse the archives and find me one. :)

  112. Just now getting a chance to pop back in. I spent some time going through the cafe and found some awesome recipes. Even a non-cook like me can get excited at this place. :) And I love the list on the side with categories. Thanks so much for bringing the Yankee Bell Cafe to our attention. :)

  113. And what a neat village it is. I love checking in on this blog frequently throughout the week. Always learning new stuff from you all.

  114. What fun - I love your cafe and hope to glean many lovely ideas from it! Please throw my name in the

  115. I love the Yankee-Belle Cafe. I've been lurking there for a while (I rarely comment), and I have a number of recipes saved for later. I've even tried some. :)

  116. What a fun post. I loved learning about you all.
