Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Weekend Edition

This weekend we're gearing up for Valentine's Day with sales of our most romantic collections. And you can't have a swoony read without chocolate, so we've got Lindt Lindor Truffles up for grabs!! Leave a comment to be entered and don't forget to snag these collections on sale, while you can!

We Have Winners

 Giveaway rules can be found here. Please drop us a line to claim your giveaway at All prizes not claimed in 8 weeks go back into the prize vault. We wish we could contact all our winners individually, but we'd rather write books! And P.S. - if we forget to send  your prize DO let us know after 8 weeks per our rules.

The three winners of an copy of either A Glimmer of Hope OR Isle of Hope are Elizabeth Van Tassel, Brenda, and Rhonda Starnes.

Monday  Mary Connealy brought us a wonderful post by Victoria Alexander, "Twenty Things I Learned in Twenty Years as an Author." Winner of Same Time, Next Christmas is Natalie Monk. Winners of With This Ring? is Kathryn Barker and Lassoed by Marriage is Kate (kathrynlvoss).

 Debut Love Inspired Suspense author, Meghan Carver was our guest on Tuesday, sharing the spotlight with Punxsutawney Phil. Her post was, "Find Your Genre…The Groundhog Way."  Shecki Grtlyblesd  and Sherida Stewart are winners of Meghan's release, Under Duress.

Wednesday was the February Contest Update. A big high-five to our amazing Contest Diva, Debra Garland. Winners of Godiva are  Rachael Koppendrayer and Cynthia Herron. Winners of 15 page critiques to prepare for the Genesis are J Baugh and Sally Shupe.

Thursday  the gals from the Yankee Belle Cafe (Mary Jane Hathaway, Jan Drexler, Mindy Obenhaus, Cate Nolan, Ruthy Logan Herne and Missy Tippens) stopped by to talk about integrating our real selves with our author status while having fun in the kitchen. Winner of Ruthy's prize package is Kathryn Barker, Jan's is BonTon, Mary Jane's is Natalie Monk, Missy's is Barbara Fox, Mindy's is Marianne and Cate's is Leanne Bristow!

With This Kiss Contemporary $.99
Next Week in Seekerville

Monday: Have you been wondering about hiring editorial services? Do you question what's good and bad about your work, your manuscript, your amazingly beautiful creation??? Join us today when free-lance editor and writer Ericka McIntyre will be here talking about the "Do's and Don'ts of Working with Editors and Publishers!" Ericka was the editor on Ruthy's acclaimed Refuge of the Heart and her upcoming delightful romance "More Than a Promise" (Franciscan Media). Leave a comment to be one of the first people to read More Than a Promise!

Tuesday: Myra Johnson takes us "From Identity to Essence in the Christian romance." We'll compare Michael Hauge's character arc concept with Timothy Keller's teachings on marriage from his book The Meaning of Marriage. Join the discussion for a chance at one of two giveaways: a copy of Keller's book OR an autographed copy of Myra's contemporary romance Autumn Rains.

Wednesday: KISSES, KISSES, KISSES ... and we aren't talkin' chocolate, so swing by to see what Julie Lessman (who some people call "The Kissing Queen") has to say on the subject in honor of Valentine's Week, including a "sweet" giveaway! 

Thursday: Ruthy Logan Herne comes galloping in today to talk about the character development of three heroes, the Stafford brothers, and yes, sure, they're smokin' hot, and they're all cowboys, but given that, and the fact that you're using the SAME SETTING and people, how in the world do you differentiate them to please the reader and yourself? Stop in, chat it up and there just might be some copies of  Back in the Saddle up for grabs in the old chuck wagon!

Friday: Best of the Archives featuring Debby Giusti with her post, “Archive Friday:"How I Built My Latest Story.” Comments are closed so we can write, but be sure to stop by and see what building blocks Debby used back in 2012 to create her Love Inspired Suspense story,The Soldier's Sister.

With This Kiss Historical Collection $.99
Seeker Sightings

Twelve Brides of Summer is on sale for $.99 in February. Novella Collection 2 features Mary Connealy. Novella Collection 3 features Pam Hillman!

Mary Connealy's Trouble in Texas 3 Book series is on sale. Pick up the books you need to complete this series today!

Today,  through February 12, you can find Tina Radcliffe at the lovely blog home of Everyone's Story, talking about "What's Your Plan B?" Stop by to chat and of course there is a giveaway!

Starting on Monday, February 8, and running throughout the week, Love Inspired Suspense Author Debby Giusti will be featured on THE SUSPENSE ZONE, along with a giveaway of her February release, PLAIN DANGER.  

Preorder Sale for New Release!
A prequel novella to Isle of Hope?? Yes, it’s true, A GLIMMER OF HOPE is on sale for only 99 cents until it’s release date of March 1st, 66% off of the release-day price, so take advantage!

She’s a wounded girl 
serving up trouble.
He’s a pastor’s kid 
bent on serving God.
But can they find a glimmer of hope
 for a future together?

Blog Birthday Giveaway/Contest!
Come help Julie Lessman celebrate blogger Jasmine Augustine’s birthday with a giveaway of A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN Her NEXT BOOK and your choice of an ecopy of Isle of Hope or A Glimmer of Hope! Contest starts today, February 5 through February 11, so come on by! Here’s the link:

Two Giveaways!
Here’s your chance to win a Kindle Fire, Amazon gift cards, gift baskets, a character named after you in Julie's next book, twelve books by top CBA authors, more free books, and a whole lot more!! How?

1.)    BOOK LOVER’S GIVEAWAY — February 7-13, 2016:

Win TWELVE signed paperback books by TOP CBA authors such as: Hannah Alexander, Tamera Alexander, Colleen Coble, Robin Lee Hatcher, Rachel Hauck, Denise Hunter, Cara Putman, Deborah Raney, Beth Vogt, Becky Wade, and Susan May Warren, as well as our own Julie Lessman.

Just click on the link below anytime during February 7-13 and Good Luck!

2.)  IT’S TIME TO FALL IN LOVE TREASURE HUNT — February 10-29, 2016:
Join Debbie Lynne Costello, MaryLu Tyndall, and Julie Lessman as they celebrate the release of our latest books with some fabulous prizes, including 2 Kindles, Amazon gift cards, gift baskets, and books galore! 

Visit each of the blogs on the scheduled dates above for the rules and Treasure Hunt clues..and good luck.

With This Spark  & Coffee Shop Romances on sale $.99 each!

Random News & Information

Thanks to everyone who sent links!

Please not our posts are now PRINT FRIENDLY! Share but give Seekerville credit. Thanks!

Serious Writer Voice (Kristine Kathryn Rusch) ***A Must Read Post***

Jealousy (Marie Force Blog)

98 Book Marketing Ideas That Can Help Authors Increase Sales (BookBub Partners)

How Authors Can Promote Their Books with Memes (Huffington Post)

About that Million Seller... (Chip MacGregor Blog)

Query Tracker -Helping Authors Find Literary Agents

Endings of Famous Love Stories: INFOGRAPHIC (GalleyCat)

The Importance of Keywords to Ranking Your Book on Amazon (The Book Designer)

The Singular They is Now Officially Correct (WGB)

Play Nice in the Inbox: 7 Tips for a Well-Designed Newsletter (Vertical Response)

Pinterest as a Writing Tool: 5 Tips for Creative Writers (DIY Author)

Share the Love This February with a Free Love Inspired Gift (Harlequin Blog)

Sign up and details on February 20th!

That's it. Enjoy National Day of Writing Sunday, or if you choose...Superbowl 50!

P.S. You can watch the Superbowl at your computer and write during the commercials! Check it out here.


  1. I have had a super busy week...don't ask me what I did, I just know I'm bushed. The links look delightful! And the prizes for next week exquisite!
    Thanks for an Awesome WE edition. Does it ever get old, TINA?
    You just keep making each one better!
    Congratulations to all the winners, authors and readers alike!

  2. Eight years of fun, Marianne. I just get my hair colored more often now.

  3. WOW!! Can't wait to share all these wonderful book bargains!! I'm blessed to say that I have almost all of them, including each of the Seekerville novella collections.

    Thank you, Jan & Seekerville for the book wins this week - congrats to each of the other winners!!

    Thanks for another beautiful Weekend Edition - looking forward to some awesome posts next week!!

    Please drop my name in the drawing for the chocolate truffles - thank you!!

  4. I pop on before bed... and yay!! Excited to win some Godiva! Thank you! And congratulations to everyone--because even when we don't win something in tangible form, we're all winners, right?!

    Enjoyed Seekerville's wonderful posts last week and looking forward to more fun next week. Thanks for a great Weekend Edition, updates, and links!

  5. Remember me saying I scrapped my book on Mary's post this week? Well, I'm scrapping it again. Starting all over completely for the FOURTH time. So, I need chocolate, the cat dish needs to be nice to me this week! :)

    So that also means I'm ignoring your links (Though thank you for the time I know it takes to put that all together), because I must get back to thinking up the fifth reiteration of this thing. Word to the wise, don't box yourself in with a very specific series title! Ciao.

  6. OH! MY! GOSH! Poor Melissa!! Seriously so sorry.

  7. Happy Weekend to all the Seekers and Seekervillagers. I wish you well on your writing or Super Bowl celebrating.

  8. Melissa.... What's the moral premise of the book? What's the point behind their stories?

    When I get stuck like that I grab a couple of the gals and brainstorm, and that starts my wheels turning again.

    I would gladly brainstorm with you! Connealy is great at it, she throws out ideas faster than an Amtrak leaving NYC on a Friday.

    Missy's great, too, she sees things quickly.

    Seriously, if this would help, count us in!

  9. Tina!!!! YOU DID IT AGAIN!!!!!

    If Tina had been a pioneer, she would have taken the West and shaped it up in real quick time!

    I'm coming back to links later, I'm heading for first writing sprint now, but thank you for this great WE!


  10. Congratulations to all the winners.

    Melissa I will be praying for you as you write.

    I would love some chocolates as I edit for the contests. Plus I have to write a synopsis for the first time. I printed off Seekerville posts on how to do this.

    I will check out the links when I get home from Walmart. I am hoping I will get to pick up some Love Inspired books. My dilemma is always to figure out which ones. I would buy them all if my pocketbook would let me.

    Have a great weekend everyone

  11. Wow...that article about author's voice was very interesting and so contrary to what everyone else is reading. I feel maverick just having read it. LOL Great links -- worked my way through half of them. Feeling yucky this morning so I'm crawling back into bed and throwing the covers over my head! I'll be back for the rest later. Oh and I like the idea of an official writing day instead of a superbowl day!

  12. Good morning, Seekerville! Another busy weekend ahead for all of us I'm sure!

    Yet another GREAT W.E., Tina!

    Hang in there, MELISSA!

    Best wishes on the synopsis writing, WILANI. It's definitely a skill that takes practice, so now's a good time while you're contesting so you can get feedback.

    Sorry you're under the weather, KAV. :( Hope you get to feeling better today.

    We're only a little over 3 weeks until Speedbo. WOW. So start revving up your engines! Prep those freeze meals. Do your character background & GMC homework so you're ready to roll!

  13. Congrats to all winners. I'd love some truffles. I can't wait for Superbowl and the commercials.

  14. Another super duper weekend edition. Thanks Tina

    Look at all the bargains and specials to read. Yay!!!

    I love Valentine's Day.

    Have a great week everyone.

  15. Tina, thanks for putting together another terrific weekend. Will be checking the links on promotion. I could use the help. The week ahead looks great! Congratulations to our winners.

    Melissa, grab the offer of brainstorming help. Sending you cyber hugs.

    Happy Saturday all!


  16. The sale of the Seeker's collections is perfectly timed for a great price on these lovely romantic reads for Valentine's Day.


  17. As usual, an info-packed Weekend Edition, TINA! Congrats to last week's winners and looking forward to some great posts coming up!

    KAV, feel better soon, sweetie!

    MELISSA, hope you find your way with your wip!

    Who's everybody rooting for in the Super Bowl? Normally I don't care one way or the other and would much rather read a good book or (heaven forbid!!!) go shopping on Super Bowl Sunday. However, this year I've gone a wee bit gaga over my home team, the rockin' Carolina Panthers!!! Been practicing my "Do the Dab" move!

  18. Hi Melissa:

    Will you tell us your "Series Title"?

    As a creative director, for years, I had to help copywriters to come up with the 300th way to approach a newspaper recliner advertisement that was fresh and exciting.

    While brainstorming is great, it is also helpful to have someone else come up with prompts which can act as a 'whack on the side of the head' too break loose some great ideas of your own.

    For best 'prompt' generation, I would not want to know what you've done before, the moral premise, or anything else other than the series title. Knowing this other information can actually recreate the same limitations that form 'the box' that everyone is trying to think out of.

    I'd be happy to give you ten prompts if you want to play along.

    The idea is to stimulate your creativity to produce an idea which is so powerful that once contemplated your book almost writes itself! This approach works great on 1000 word retail advertising newspaper ads. : )


  19. Go for it Melissa! You are so awesome and I know you can do it. I dont care about the Superbowl much since the team I wanted didnt make it so I will be celebrating Writing Day instead. Next week sounds like a Seekerville will be a great place to be. Thanks Tina - you always make everything so fun!

  20. National Day of Writing! How cool is that! My team of choice didn't get to the Super Bowl, but there's Peyton Manning and crew ... and I've always liked Peyton :-)

    Congrats to all the winners. It looks like another fun, informative week ahead.

    Great links this weekend, TINA. Urging everyone to read that first one about writer's voice. Wow and double wow!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Nancy C

  21. MELISSA -- may the fourth time be the charm. So sorry you're experiencing this :-(

    Nancy C

  22. It's really a fabulous article, Kav. I contacted the author it was so great.

  23. TINA!!! Whoa, baby, what a TON of great links!! Like, Kav, I found the article on writer's voice VERY interesting ... and inspiring!

    LOL to Tina's answer to Marianne's question: Eight years of fun, Marianne. I just get my hair colored more often now. I have stock in Loreal, so that's good news! ;) CORRECTION: I WISH I had stock in Loreal, because heaven knows I use it enough to be on the board!

    I hear, MELISSA, and my heart goes out to you, along with my prayers because heaven knows that's the main thing that always gets me through situations like this.

    Oh, KAV, so very sorry to hear you're not feeling well, my friend! Am saying one for you right now that you wake up feeling WORLDS better, so happy dreams!!

    CATHYANN SAID: "I can't wait for Superbowl and the commercials." LOL, my kind of gal! ;)

    Hugs, Julie

    February 6, 2016 at 9:14 AM Delete

  24. VINCE SAID: "For best 'prompt' generation, I would not want to know what you've done before, the moral premise, or anything else other than the series title. Knowing this other information can actually recreate the same limitations that form 'the box' that everyone is trying to think out of. I'd be happy to give you ten prompts if you want to play along."

    Oh, mister, did YOU just make a major mistake, letting me (and everyone else!) know you're available for this!! Look out, Vince, because I predict an email from me in your future ... :)

    And, I'd take him up on it, MELISSA ... the man is a genius in creativity and brain power!!

    And YAY, SUPERBOWL!! I should get a lot of writing done when the commercials aren't on ... ;)

    Hugs! Julie

  25. BRONOCS FAN!! I like the Panthers as well. They are very deserving. Not unlike my strong Patriots Tom Brady feelings. So in reality I don't care who wins, so I am not watching.

  26. Another great Weekend! Thanks, Tina. Congratulations to the winners! Thank you so much, Tina, for the critique. I will get that to you! You have no idea how much I appreciate this. Strike up that red pen lol. I look forward to reading your comments!

  27. Thanks for the heads up on the sales! I picked up 2 collections! Congratulations to the winners :)

  28. Way to go, Beth!!! Have a great weekend!

  29. Oh, Kav, so sorry you are punk. Feel better.

  30. Such an exciting week ahead...and a big Sunday with the Super Bowl Writing Challenge. I'm staying glued to my computer today, hoping to nail a proposal that seems illusive, so I'm waving to Melissa and feeling her frustration.

  31. Kav!!! Sending you hugs, I hate getting sick, I am the world's biggest baby. It's really ridiculous.

    Vince, what a wonderful offer!!!! Thank you for jumping in there!!!!

  32. BETH!!!! Thank you for buying them, darling, I hope you love 'em!!!!!!

  33. I loved the writer's voice article, too. In a recently edited book, a copy editor had adjusted some of a character's "vocal" distinctions.

    I changed them all back and explained why, and it's exactly as the article stated. If we're too careful to have folks all speaking correctly, or thinking similar thoughts/styles, we paint with an ivory brush.

    I was delighted when they let the idiosyncrasies stand, and in "More Than a Promise" and "The First Gift" (Franciscan, September 2016) they allowed sweet leverage so that I could bounce from one character's mode of speech to another, and layer it in. Not so much as to be annoying, but enough so the reader feels the change and recognizes the speaker without me tagging each line.

    I like delineating characters by changing up the way they talk, and not just the way they present themselves. Especially in category romances, this is clutch in standing out from the crowd... Because the crowd is GOOD!!!!! But you want the readers to stay invested and not get bored.

    Great article.

  34. Kav is sick? Poor dear...

    Sending gentle hugs and chicken soup.

  35. Congratulations to this week's winners! Have a fabulous weekend!

  36. Thanks for the well wishes and commiseration. It's such a mess that I don't think I can even begin to start a brainstorming session.

    Vince, it's my new series. Teaville Moral Society. Has to be in same town, with a moral society's involvement, reoccurring characters and not get preachy! Pigeon-holed myself! I had an idea when I started but it just didn't have enough plot--I stink at plot. :)

  37. Thank you, Meghan and Seekerville! I'm so excited to read Under Duress! Congratulations to all the winners ......and prayers for Melissa and Kav. Thanks for the WE information, Tina. The writer's voice article sounds like a must-read.

    I'll end with: GO BRONCOS!

  38. I decided to go through all my story idea file and see if I could adapt one. I did that with #2 idea already, but back in I went and I think I might be able to try a different one and adapt it, all I'd have to do is strike out a sentence in the previous book and it might work. Here's to playing it through tonight and hoping it's a go!

  39. Sounds like a headache, Melissa.

  40. Congrats to this week's winners!
    AND....kissing day with Julie on Wednesday? I might have to sneak over during lunch break for that one ;-)

  41. Ruthy?
    Do you mean ACCENTS?!?

    I love writing with vocal distinctions - and I love writing 'accents'. I'm not sure how good I am at it, but I love to try.

  42. I'm actually in a little trouble right now with accents.
    I've been watching Downton Abbey and now my cowboys sounds like English aristocrats.

    "I say old chap, put down the gun."

    I'm done. My career is over. :(

  43. I'd really like to win those truffles. I'm on a diet though, low carb.

    I'm guessing these truffles are NOT on it.

    Oh let's face it, they're not on ANY DIET!!!!!!!!! Including if you're not ON a diet.

    But they are so yummy!

  44. Mary,
    NEW GENRE! English Cowboys ;-)

  45. PEP ... come on by, my friend... because kisses are definitely your thing, kiddo. :)


  46. Congratulations to all of the winners. Yay Sally Shupe!
    Thanks for a great WE, Tina.
    Feel better Kav! xo

  47. Kav, hope you're feeling better today and out from under the covers.

    Vince, what a great offer to help. Love the camaraderie and desire to pitch in here in Seekerville.

    Mary, we're saved from Truffle calories since Seekers can't win. Does that make us losers?

    I'm a Peyton Manning fan so I'm rooting for the Broncos. That doesn't mean I'm not trembling in fear at what's going to take place on the field. Hoping the commercials are fun!


  48. Janet, I'm rooting for Peyton, too. As a Giants fan, I'd rather see Eli there, but I'm glad to have the opportunity to cheer on another Manning. I'm a bit concerned about the game, though. I hope the commercials are better than last year. As for the halftime show, I'm not so sure I'll be too interested in that.

    Those truffles do sound wonderful and I'd love to be thrown in the dish to win them. I'll sneak them into the diet somehow :)

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

  49. You are in, Leslie. Go Broncos!

  50. Pepper, you're here!!!! I love it when you come over to see us, darling!!!!

    And you do twangs and distinctions and accents/traits of speech wonderfully, I love that your story with the speech therapist is going to be available!!! I loved that one!

    I thought that particular article in the links was great for a bunch of reasons, she kind of laughed and shrugged off the dyed-in-the-wool rules and I love that she called out the point of view rule because that change has really slowed the immediacy of story-telling.

    And it kind of flies in the face of readers' intelligence, as if their brains aren't quite quick enough to figure it out. I think Nora's fame should have been enough to underscore that, but I guess not.

    I'm not into the 7 POV's meshed together frame of mind, but to remove the purist barriers... I'm all over that.

  51. I'm not on either side of today's contest, I'd like to see them both win.

    Broncos for Peyton's last hurrah.....

    Panthers for the killer amazing season they had, this would be a well-deserved win.

    But mostly I'm here for the food!

  52. All I'll say about the Super Bowl is, if Peyton Manning is playing well.....

    Then these two teams are both so strong that it could be a wonder game.

    Both solid, excellent teams.

    I get the emotion for Peyton but I think it's the Panther's year. I'm rooting for Cam Newton and........mostly I'm rooting for a great game.

    Last night I saw the NFL give Anquan Bolden the Walter Peyton Man of the Year award and this man is so inspiring. What he's doing with his millions. And the way he thanked God.

    And he said his lifelong dream was to be in the NFL and after he was there and earning so much money he realized that being in the NFL isn't a good lifelong dream. It's realizing that God has now put you in a position to do great things with the fame and fortune being in the NFL has brought him.

  53. And he said his lifelong dream was to be in the NFL and after he was there and earning so much money he realized that being in the NFL isn't a good lifelong dream. It's realizing that God has now put you in a position to do great things with the fame and fortune being in the NFL has brought him.

    Wow, that is impressive. PTL!

  54. Hi Melissa:

    Here are my ten prompts. The idea is to allow these prompts to stimulate a theme you can use that you have not yet thought of. It might take parts of two or three prompts to initiate the right idea.

    It seems to me that all the prompts should involve moral, ethical, or spiritual dilemmas. I hope these may prove useful. It was fun being creative. Thanks.

    PART I

    Prompt #1 "By Faith Alone".

    Hero is on run. Takes refuge in small town church. People there take him for traveling minister. With danger near he pretends to be a preacher. His father was a dishonest preacher sent to jail for stealing money but hero learned how to preach with the best of them. He is angry at God but takes job to hide out. Problem is his preaching is very good and people are saved and find his advice healing. Faith is a widow who helps in the church. She is his biggest supporter. For her he plays his role to the hilt. Will faith bring him back to the Lord?

    Prompt #2 "Saving Jezebelle"

    Heroine is a former fallen woman. She is in new town with new life and falling in love with a brand new minister from back East. Minister becomes smitten by pretty woman who is an unreformed saloon girl trying to get her hooks into the minister and get out of the life. Heroine knows her from her own past. Can heroine save minister from Jezebel without revealing her own past?

    Prompt #3 "Judge Not..."

    Ex-con disbarred lawyer has bad guys after him. He is mistaken as a circuit judge in a remote town. He takes the role as a disguise. He has to hear a trial in which the heroine is charged with the same crime he committed. Hearing her case unfold makes him rethink his actions in a new moral light.

    Prompt #4 "A Far, Far Better Thing"

    Hero has done bad things in the past for which he was never discovered but now that he has found God he is burdened with guilt. When heroine is falsely accused of a crime with overwhelming evidence against her, hero confesses because she is innocent and he is deserving of punishment. This however will allow the real criminal to victimize other innocent people.

    Prompt #5 "No Greater Love"

    Heroine in remote area sees a small child being abused. The law will do nothing. To save the child from abuse and possible death, heroine steals child and sets up life as a homesteading widow. Hero is lawman with knowledge of the missing child. He stops by widow's house and soon falls for her. Create the conflict.

    Go to PART II below.

  55. PART II

    Prompt #6 "Unforgiving Forgiveness"

    A problem of forgiveness. When forgiving someone will hurt someone else and encourage the forgiven to do more harm but by not forgiving that person will force the heroine to sow discord in the small town also causing lasting harm.

    Prompt #7 "Rewards of

    Heroine needs money for medical supplies to save lives on reservation. Hero is ex Army doctor who is helping save those lives during an epidemic. Heroine discovers a Wanted Dead or Alive poster on doctor for 'war crimes' with a reward more than enough to buy all the supplies.

    Prompt #8 "It's Better to Give"

    A problem of altruism. Hero or heroine can save many lives with a gift only he or her can give. But there is only enough resources to save half the people. Which half is saved? Have happiness of hero and heroine rest on different sides of the issue. Make helping either an ethical imperative.

    Prompt #9 "Runaway Bride"

    Heroine is in busted bank robbery in which she gets no money. To escape she wears a wedding dress and pretends to be a runaway bride gaining much sympathy from those on the stage coach. Hero on coach is also running from a near shotgun wedding with five angry brothers after him. When brothers show up, hero claims he just married the bride in the coach. A relationship where no one was telling the truth and where they have to start playing house to stay safe from their adversaries.

    Prompt #10 "When the Choir Preaches"

    Heroine is first female ordained minister in her denomination. No church will have her except one small church which has just split in two over a theological dispute. She is paid only a fraction of the collection plate. Hero is a merchant in town who was a con man who help run dishonest revivals until he was tarred and feathered and run out of town a few years ago. No one knows who he really is but he knows lots of ways to grow a church so he helps the young heroine build her congregation. At first he thinks it's funny but when she is happy and the church members are finding comfort in religion he begins wonder. Black moment: she discovers who he really is and how she now thinks he thinks she and all her followers are fools. But does he really think that?


  56. Tina it was really beautiful.
    He has a foundation that just does so many things.
    And he gave all credit to God. It's just something you don't hear enough.

  57. Bronco girl here. Just don't want a blowout. In history, if they don't win- the Broncos get there hind quarters butchered. *sigh*
    Maybe I'll check links if things get fly.

  58. Great Weekend Edition TINA! Will be reading the links instead of watching football, haha. Thank you!

    Congratulations to all the winners! The Seekerville collections sound too good to pass up - my "To Be Read" stack just got bigger. Just started reading RUTHY'S "Healing the Lawman's Heart" and am enjoying it immensely!

    MELISSA, wishing you the best with your manuscript, will say a prayer for you!

    MARY, you said: "I say old chap, put down the gun" and I laughed until choked on my coffee. I would so buy that book.

    VINCE, Great prompts! Especially the runaway bride!

  59. He plays for the 49 ers. They showed it at half time. And I was feeling bad for wanting stop the Panthers. hahaha

  60. Now you have my interest piqued with chocolate....because seriously Lindt Lindor Truffles are THE ONLY chocolate I drool over!! That's saying a lot because I am NOT a chocolate fan, sorry Ruthy, Tina & Julie...I hope we can still be friends :-/ There's just something about Lindt.....

    Congrats to this weeks winners! Don't they offer just the greatest prizes? I mean c'mon books are TERRIFIC in and of themselves, but to add other! The generosity of everyone here is amazing :-) You gals ROCK!

    Looking forward to next weeks posts, I'll also be checking those book deals out. There's a few collections I have yet to purchase :-) Thanks for all you do Tina on the WE! case you missed it, throw my name in the chocolate dish for those Lindt's!

  61. Praying for you, Melissa! I'm in a similar tortured-by-plot boat and will email you soon with something I recently found helpful.

    Congrats winners!

    I'm so excited to win Victoria's book and Mary Jane's prize package! Thank you so much!

    Can't wait for Speedbo! I'm taking February to iron out plot essentials before then. So excited!

  62. Lindt dark chocolate with coconut. Die happy.

  63. Vince, the runaway bride sounds fun. And your Far Far Better prompt reminds me of Sommersby, have you watched that movie? I just did recently and I thought it was a great way to have a non-HEA for the couple yet be an HEA.

  64. Hi Melissa:

    I never saw " Sommersby," but " It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known" comes from "A Tale of Two Cities" and has such a sacrifice as I suggest.

    This was fun. Please be sure and let us all know when this 'problem' book is published. I will find it extra enjoyable to read.


  65. Hi Laura:

    I like the runaway bride idea best myself. However, I must confess, on that one prompt I asked myself,

    "What would Mary come up with?"

    Presto: I visualized a runaway stage coach, the hero riding fast to slow the stage down, the 'bride' coming out of the coach to hug the hero, all just as the brothers show up to drag the hero back to the shotgun wedding. (Too late: he's already married.)

    The whole picture popped into my head in one second. Maybe it pays to pretend you're a different writer and come up with ideas from her point of view. (Think WWJD.)

    A runaway, bank robbing, renegade bride, is just too funny for me to write but I bet Mary could do an award winning job of the approach. After "The Husband Tree" anything is possible! : )


  66. VINCE, so true about Mary! I haven't read all her books (reading the Seekers as fast as I can though and loving them) but just from her comments alone I know she's got a great sense of humor. I've seen comments about you being an editor - are you an author also? If so, I'd like to add your books to my "to be read" stack.

  67. Hi Laura:

    I was a copy editor for advertising for years. I also have written many (over 100 state approved) three-hour real estate seminars. I have about 15 correspondence courses that I offer. I may put them on Kindle where anyone can buy them.

    I don't have any fiction published except jokes. I've been successful selling comedy. A great way to get quickly into Mary's writing approach is to read her novellas. My favorite is "The Sweetest Gift" which is in the "A Home for Christmas" collection. I'm also now reading "A Bride Rides Herd" which is in the "12 Brides of Summer" novella collection -- which is just 99 cents at this time for three novellas. This is also a good way to sample two other authors.

    "Petticoat Ranch" is my favorite Connealy comedy.


  68. This comment has been removed by the author.
