Friday, March 4, 2016

Best of the Archives: On Your Mark, Get Set...for Seekerville Speedbo!

This post first appeared February 22, 2012 and was written by Seeker, Glynna Kaye. It's still as motivating now as it was then. Our hope is that you'll take a chance and sign up for Speedbo. It's never, ever too late. 

You’ve probably heard of (and maybe even participated in) the annual November National Novel Writing Month (affectionately known as NaNoWriMo). Now in March, the Seekers are challenging you to again make major headway in your writing endeavors via Seekerville Speed Book...aka Speedbo!.

This is an opportunity to fully focus on that new story idea or current Work in Progress (WIP). It’s a chance to join your fellow “Friends of Seekerville” (both pubbed and unpubbed) in an energizing month of fun, hard work and productivity.

.- Have you been wanting write a book, but just can’t get started because it seems too intimidating?

.- Do you have a book in progress, but it’s taking forever to complete?

.- Could you use a boost of energy and renewed enthusiasm to get through those middle-of-the-book blues and reach a glorious THE END?

.Some of you are probably already thinking: “Now tell me again why I’d want to pull a stunt like this? It sounds crazy. No way can I draft a book in a month. And I’m certainly not going to compete in the attempt.”

.First of all, this isn’t a competition. You’re not trying to beat your Seekerville friends. This is a challenge to stretch yourself and raise your own personal writing bar while surrounded by a supportive team cheering you on.

.This concentrated month of effort will encourage you to...

.- Keep the story foremost in your mind for a limited span of time and get those words down on paper.

.- Say bye-bye to the inner critic who insists your story stinks.

.- Boot perfectionism out the door. You’re going into this knowing you’re writing with the purpose of REwriting.

.- Boost your writing confidence as you sit down daily and push yourself just a bit more than you have in the past.

.- Ditch agonizing over “just the right word.” Insert a blank line, highlight it in red or yellow and keep moving.

.- Forget researching that intriguing little detail. Type your question in caps, highlight it, and MOVE ON.

.- Refuse to indulge your inner Grammar Queen. No stressing over spelling, punctuation and grammar is allowed during Speedbo.

.So does this sound a bit tempting? Will you give it a shot? There's still time to think about characters, conflict, an opening scene or beefing up a sagging middle. There’s time to prepare yourself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually to launch into a month-long writing adventure!

.The sign-up for Speedbo and details can be found here. And as always in Seekerville, there will be a little motivational “reward” added to the mix!

Week 2 Speedbo incentives include:

A surprise package of books for a reader and for a writer a $25 Amazon gift card to buy yourself a nice "I PARTICIPATED IN SPEEDBO REWARD!" Comment any time during Week 2 to be entered.

Speedbo incentives are mailed out April 1. In March we are writing. 

GLYNNA KAYE treasures memories of growing up in small Midwestern towns--and vacations spent with the Texan side of the family. She traces her love of storytelling to the times a houseful of great-aunts and great-uncles gathered with her grandma to share candid, heartwarming, poignant and often humorous tales of their youth and young adulthood. Her Love Inspired books--Pine Country Cowboy and High Country Holiday won first and second place, respectively, in the 2015 RWA Faith, Hope & Love Inspirational Reader’s Choice Awards. “Claiming the Single Mom’s Heart,” her tenth Love Inspired book(and the second in the Hearts of Hunter Ridge series),” releases in May 2016!

You can find Speedbo Details here. It's not too late to enter!

Comments are closed on Fridays to allow us all extra reading and writing time. See you on Saturday for the Weekend Edition!