Thursday, March 3, 2016

March Contest Update

Game on, because there are so many opportunities for you to grab the brass ring! Don't sit around waiting for door number three. Grab the door that opens. Sometimes that happens to be the back entrance to door number three. But you'll never know if you don't walk through the door! 

What doors are you walking through this month?

Published Manuscript Opportunities

ACFW Carol Awards. Opens January 2. Deadline March 15, 2016. 

Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense for Published Authors. Deadline March 15.

Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Writing Contest. Opens February 15. Deadline March 31. 

Published Maggie's. Opens January 1. Deadline April 2, 2016.

Book Buyers Best. Deadline April 15, 2016.

Killer Nashville Silver Falchion Award™  Deadline April 30, 2016.

Unpublished Manuscript Opportunities.

ACFW Genesis. Opens January 2. Deadline March 15. Unpublished authors only.Entry consists of a one page, single-spaced synopsis, followed by the first 15 pages of your manuscript.The top 7 semi-finalists in each category will be announced by May 5, 2016.The three finalists in each category will be announced by June 15, 2016.Winners will be announced on August 27 during the Awards Gala at ACFW's national conference in Nashville. **DING DING DING!! This is called an opportunity!!

Historical Romance
Romantic Suspense
Short Novel
Young Adult 

Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense Unpublished Division. Deadline March 15. For each entry, entrants will electronically submit the FIRST 5,000 words of the manuscript with a synopsis of no more than 675 words. The synopsis is not judged but included for the judges’ reference. **DING DING DING!! This is called an opportunity!!

AGENT: Nalini Akolekar, Spencerhill Associates
EDITOR: Patience Bloom, Harlequin Books

AGENT: Maria Carvainis, Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc.
EDITOR: Esi Sogah, Kensington Publishing Corp.

AGENT: Nicole Resciniti, The Seymour Agency
EDITOR: Raela Schoenherr, Bethany House

AGENT: Andrea Somberg, Harvey Klinger, Inc.
EDITOR: Tracy Bernstein, NAL

AGENT: Kevan Lyon, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
EDITOR: Elizabeth Poteet, St. Martin's Press

AGENT: Christine Witthohn, Book Cents Literary Agency

EDITOR: Michelle Vega, The Berkley Publishing Group

Fire and Ice. Deadline March 18. Manuscript must have a projected word count of at least 50K. Entry consists of first 3,000 words.New this year! Include an optional QUERY LETTER as the first page of your entry. Never fear, the query letter will not be included in your final score, but by submitting one, you’ll get the chance to find out if preliminary judges would request to read more. All finalists will have the option of including their query in the final round to be read by our final agent and editor judges.
Contemporary Romance:

Cat Clyne, Sourcebooks (editor)
Stephany Evans, FinePrint Literary Management (agent)

Historical Romance

Julie Mianecki, Penguin Random House (editor)
Daniel Barthel, New Leaf Literary (agent)

Romantic Suspense

Peter Senftleben, Kensington (editor)
Jill Marsal, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency (agent)

Young Adult Romance

Suzanne Evans, Entangled Publishing (editor)
Elizabeth Copps, Maria Carvainis Agency (agent)

Fantasy/Futuristic/Paranormal Romance

Allison Carroll, HQN (editor)
Jessica Sinsheimer, Sarah Jane Freymann Agency (agent)

Royal Ascot. Deadline March 27. Entry consists of the first 7,000 words. Open to unpublished authors and published writers seeking representation and/or a publisher. All works entered should be unpublished (self or traditional) and uncontracted. All entries must have at least partial Regency (Late Georgian) setting, broadly defined: within the United Kingdom between 1780 and 1840.

Categories are used to determine first round judges only, and include:

Regency Historical (longer Regency or Mainstream Regency-set)
Hot Regency (Very sensual to Erotic Regency, at author’s discretion)
Wild Regency (Paranormal, Time Travel, other similar Regency)
Sweet & Mild Regency (Traditional, Inspirational, Young Adult or other without explicit sex)

Final Round Judges:
Leanne Burroughs, CEO Publisher, The Highland Press
Allison Byers of The Wild Rose Press
Brenda Chin of Imajinn/Belle Books
and more to come!

 Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Writing Contest. Opens February 15. Deadline March 31. 

An entry in the unpublished book category consists of a one-page synopsis  and the first 15 pages of the manuscript for the following categories:

Contemporary Fiction Book
Historical Fiction Book
Speculative Fiction Book
Nonfiction Book: Note: The nonfiction synopsis may be written in either paragraph form or chapter-by-chapter outline, depending on the type of book.
Memoir Book
Young Adult/Middle Grade Fiction Book
Children’s Chapter Book (ages 6–8) and Picture Book (ages 2–10+)                         

Fiction and Nonfiction: Entry consists of a one-page synopsis and the first 10 pages of the manuscript for Chapter Books. But for a Picture Book – submit the entire text of the book with no synopsis and without illustrations or artwork. 

Romance Through the Ages. Contest Opens February 15. Deadline March 31. Entry consists of 25 pages max, plus optional 1-2 page synopsis (unjudged).Unpublished authors may enter any category.Published authors may enter any category in which they’re not published, or in which they’ve not been contracted for publication within the past five years.

Final Judges

Junessa Viloria, Penguin Random House

Allison Carroll, Harlequin

Colonial/Western/Civil War
Jess Verdi, Crimson Romance

Post Victorian/World War II
Amy Sherwood, Samhain Publishing

Time-Travel/Historical Paranormal
Robin Haseltine, Entangled Publishing

Historical Erotic
Jennifer Glover, The Wild Rose Press

Historical Novella

Historical Young Adult
Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency

Legends Award: A Man For All Reasons
Gabrielle Keck, Harper Collins

Touched by Love. Deadline April 1. This contest is for inspirational manuscripts only. Entry consists of the first 20 pages. The overall winner chosen from the three winners of the categories will receive a critique of their entry by an editor and $100 toward any writing related expense paid within one year of the end of the TBL contest. 

Critiquing Editor for 2016 is Raela Schoenherr,  Acquisitions Editor, Bethany House Publishers. **DING DING DING!! This is called an opportunity!!
Contemporary (under 75, 000 words)
Contemporary (over 75,000 words)

Fool For Love. Opens March 1. Deadline April 1. Contest is open to published and unpublished authors. Published authors may submit only unpublished, uncontracted manuscripts into the Published Category onlyEnter the opening pages of your unpublished/uncontracted manuscript, not to exceed 7,500 words (approximately 30 pages).

Categories and Final Judges: 
Short Contemporary – Michele Grajkowski, 3 Seas Literary Agency; 
Long Contemporary – Isabel Farhi, Berkley Publishing; 
Historical – Rebecca Strauss, DeFiore & Co.; 
Dark Paranormal – Tricia Skinner, Fuse Literary Agency;
Light Paranormal – Madeleine Colavita, Grand Central Publishing; 
Romantic Suspense – Allison Lyons, Harlequin; 
New Adult – Amanda Leuck, Spencerhill Associates; 
Young Adult – Andrea Somberg, Harvey Klinger Agency; 

Published Author – Elizabeth Poteet, St. Martin's Press.

Rosemary Contest. Deadline April 1. Entry consists of the first twenty-five pages. 

YA Contemporary-Kathleen Rushall, Andrea Brown Literary, Lisa Yoskowitz,Little, Brown Books & Vicki Lame, St. Martin’s Press

YA Historical-Laura Bradford,Bradford Literary, Emilia Rhodes,Harper Teen & Robin Haseltine, Entangled Publishing

YA Paranormal-Cate Hart,Corvisiero Literary, Jessica MacLeigh, Harper Teen & Natashya Wilson, Harper Teen

YA Speculative-Nicole Resciniti, The Seymour Agency, Kristen Daly Rens, Balzer and Bray & Annette Pollert-Morgan, Sourcebooks

New Adult-T/B/A, Meredith Rich, Bloomsbury Spark& Amy Stapp,Tor/Forge

Orange Rose Contest for Unpublished Writers. Deadline April 15. Entry consists of: a maximum of 35 pages, which includes the first chapters of the manuscript followed by a synopsis.     Judges not listed. Final judging: The highest scoring manuscript in each category will be read by three acquiring editors and/or acquiring agents. 

Contemporary Romance  
Women’s Fiction with Romantic Elements  
Paranormal/Time Travel/Fantasy/Futuristic Romance  
Historical Romance  
Romantic Suspense  
Erotic Romance  
Inspirational Romance  
Young Adult Romance  
Romance Novella (all genres, 20,000-40,000 words)

Killer Nashville Claymore Award.  Deadline April 30. Enter the first 50 pages of your unpublished crime literature manuscript in the contest. Judges will consider any subgenre of mystery or thriller, including political thriller, cozy, legal, police procedural, private eye, romantic suspense, paranormal mystery, and historical mystery. Enter your unpublished crime literature manuscript and win a publishing contract!

Unpublished Maggie Awards. Deadline April 30. Entry to consist of synopsis and prologue (if applicable) and first chapter(s). Total number of pages may not exceed 35 per entry. **DING DING DING!! This is called an opportunity!!

Contemporary Single Title Romance
Angela James
Editorial Director, Carina Press/Harlequin

Category/Short Romance
Laura Barth
Associate Editor, Harlequin

Inspirational Romance
Sarah Mason Rische
Senior Editor – Fiction, Tyndale House Publishers

Historical Romance
Nicole Fischer
Editorial Assistant, William Morrow/Avon

Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Latoya Smith
Executive Editor, Samhain Publishing

Young Adult Romance
Elizabeth Poteet
Editorial Assistant, St. Martin’s Press

 Novel with Strong Romantic Elements
Patience Bloom
Senior Editor, Harlequin

Romantic Novella
Tera Cuskaden
Senior Editor, Samhain Publishing

Other Writing Opportunities

Florida Keys Flash Fiction Contest. Deadline March 31. Submit your finest flash fiction story, 500 words or less. Enter the Florida Keys Flash Fiction Contest to win a three-week Key West residency at the renowned Studios of Key West between July 5 and July 31, 2016. Inspire your creativity by spending up to 10 days writing in Ernest Hemingway’s private study at the Ernest Hemingway Home & Museum — and experience Hemingway Days 2016, celebrating the iconic author who called Key West home in the 1930s. Accommodations, an air travel card and a meal gift card are included as part of the prize as set forth in the official contest rules.

Seekerville Presents the March 2016 Contest Diva: Christy Distler.

Like many writers, I’ve been putting pen to paper for as long as I can remember. I started writing stories at the age of seven and continued to do so until I was in my twenties. Then I got married and had kids, and—lo and behold—writing pretty much lost priority. Chances are, some of you are nodding your head. Oh yeah. Been there, done that.

As my kids grew older and became a little less dependent, I felt God nudging me to get back to writing. So I started rewriting a contemporary novel I’d started before I got married. About a year later, I left my job as a medical editor and started a freelance editing business, and through networking met several other Christian editors who also wrote fiction. One woman and I became critique partners, and she introduced me to the wonderful world of ACFW.

Within a few months ACFW announced its 2013 First Impressions contest, and another friend and ACFW member encouraged me to submit the novel I was working on. I'd never been much of a contest person, but I kept thinking about it (an indication that God is trying to tell me something). I sent in my submission, figuring it couldn't hurt to get more feedback on it.

In November I received an e-mail that I’d finaled in the contest, and on January 1 the contest coordinator called with the news that my submission had won the contemporary category. I was blown away—but thrilled. Even better, the feedback I received from one of the agent judges greatly improved my first chapter. Eager for more feedback, I entered Clash of the Titles’ 2014 Olympia contest and semi-finaled in it, receiving more helpful feedback.

I started doing some genealogy right around the time I finished the contemporary novel, and soon realized I had no choice but to write a story based on one particular line of ancestors. Immersing myself in a new genre, I researched and wrote, then submitted to the 2015 First Impressions historical category—and won again.

While the contests have helped increase my confidence as a writer, I truly believe the feedback I’ve received to be paramount. Each contest has provided invaluable advice about what parts of the story needed clarification or tweaking, as well as encouragement on what worked well. As writers we’re often too close to our stories to see issues that are obvious to others, and I’ve found the recommendations from industry professionals to be worth far more than the contest entry fees. 

Maybe you’re thinking about a contest in the same way I was in the fall of 2013, wondering if you should enter. Perhaps you’re questioning if God is nudging you to submit. If so, I just want to encourage you to give it a try. You might just receive some feedback that will make your good story absolutely great.


We've opened the contest prize vault and we've got books in your future. Comment today to be entered in this giveaway. Winners announced in the Weekend Edition.

That's it Villagers, now go forth and contest...and Speedbo!

Speedbo details and sign up information available here.

This contest update was brought to you by Tina Radcliffe. Check out her January release from Love Inspired, Rocky Mountain Reunion. Next week her short romance, and 13th sale to Woman's World, will be available on newstands. Find her at and 


  1. Three cheers to Christy our March Diva!!! An editor and a writer. We have a few of those around here..ahem..Barbara Scott.

    Bringing out the good stuff in our Diva's honor. French Toast with real Western NY Maple Syrup. I've got it on the side bar to keep warm for the night guests and morning crew.


  2. Some great looking contests. Thanks for the update! Congrats to Christy.

  3. Look at all those wonderful contests to enter......this could be the opportunity that God has for YOU!!!! You never know unless you try, right?

    Congrats Christy on being March 2106 Contest Diva! I loved reading how God orchestrated your writing & editing journey. I'm so glad that all that feedback helped improve your talent & polish up like a precious gem. Don't you just love how the Lord works things out for us, so happy for you!

    Tina, I'll come back in the morning for that French toast with maple syrup (9:30pm is NOT a conducive hour for food). Something for me to look forward to! I also spy a book or two I'd love to win, thanks for the chance.

  4. Congrats on your contest success, Christy! Thanks for sharing your journey. I'm so glad you followed that leading to start writing again!

    Tina, thanks for the contest update!

  5. A great many opportunities for the writers. Best wishes to all.

  6. Ah, the Florida flash fiction is so tempting ...

    Thanks for sharing and congrats to Christy --sounds like you've done well contesting in a short amount of time!

  7. Congratulations on your contest success Christy. Thank you for sharing your story and how you followed God's nudge.

    Cindy W.

  8. Congratulations, Christy! I enjoyed reading your journey.
    Thanks for the update, Tina!

  9. Christy, congratulations!!!! I love seeing these step-by-step journeys, they're the stuff dreams are made of. I'm so happy for you!


    As always, I know, but the whole thing just made me smile.....

  10. FRENCH TOAST!!!!

    Oh baby, I'm the happiest ever right now!!!!

    Dancing in upstate....

    And I entered a contest. I may have entered a FEW of them, so if I crash and burn, you are encouraged to be your best Austen-loving genteel selves this year, okay?

    Face your fears and conquer them.


  11. Congratulations March Diva CHRISTY! Contest feedback is such a wonderful opportunity. Win or not, it really helps to have someone other than your best friend or mom read what you've written. To get another opinion. To discover things that you can incorporate into your story to make it better than good!

    Looks like wonderful contesting opportunities this month! Thank you for putting this together, Tina!

  12. Diva Christy, thanks for sharing your journey with us today. Huge congratulations on your courage to enter and on your success! Like you, I've found judges' feedback invaluable. You've written a contemporary and historical. Are you leaning toward one genre over the other?

    Tina, thanks for the contest update!


  13. Tina, thanks for the yummy french toast and maple syrup. I've brought sausage links and bacon, a little protein to balance the carbs. This is a perfect start for my day!


  14. Congratulations Diva Christy!

    And Congratulations, Tina on your book release and short story with Woman's World. I can't wait to get my copy of the magazine in the mail!

    As always, terrific contest update.

  15. Christy, how interesting to read your post right after I read the entire contest list. I'm inspired now, but working on Speedo. Congrats to you.

    Tina, kudos to your on your latest sales and publications. You amaze me in how much you have accomplished. Do you ever sleep? Tee hee! Keep on doing what ever you're doing, it's working for you.

    Blueberries are in season and my hubby is making blueberry waffles to add to the carbo mix. Have a good writing day everyone.

  16. Oops! I forgot to thank Tina for the great list of contests. Thank You.

  17. Thanks Tina For another contest update. Yay contests.

    Congrats to our diva. Always inspiring to hear another writer's story.

    Go Speedbo

    Happy writing.

  18. Well I was going to stay away from the french toast even though I love maple syrup and then Suzanne had to come along with blueberry waffles. Oh my. There goes the diet. smile

  19. Christy. Wow. Thanks for your story. I need to enter more contests. Congrats on Diva-ness.

    TINA: you are awesome. Thanks for compiling the contest lists. I'll be looking for that Women's World issue next week. Need to purchase it.

    Now to look through that list again and see if I've got anything to enter. Good thing it's Speedbo. I need to get writing. I'm missing out on so many opportunities.

    as Ruthy says: DO or DO NOT, there is no TRY

  20. Congrats Christy as March Diva!

    Good Luck in the contests!!!!! RUTHY, thanks for the delicious French Toast!


  21. I made french toast for my boys this morning before shooting them out the door, and it was delicious. Now I am heading down to write with my cup of tea, scones, and banana bread. Anyone else want some?

    Looking at the dates for the contest there is no way I will have anything polished enough to enter this year, but maybe I will make it my goal to enter ad many as possible next year. Unless God really rocks my world with a feast track to publishing, I doubt my first novel will be published this year. I am still intimidated and unsure of the whole process. Good luck to any who enter!

  22. Ruthy is contesting again. This must be a sign of the end of the world. Must gather my chocolate now.

  23. Protein shmotien. Sugar rules the world.

    Any other published authors diving into the contest waters????

  24. You are all welcome for the contest list. Pausing in my Speedbo endeavors to contest a bit.

    Rose, you subscribe to WW too? Do you get yours on Monday's? That's when my copy arrives. So should be in this Monday's mail.

  25. as Ruthy says: DO or DO NOT, there is no TRY

    Yoda says that. I know they look a lot alike but Yoda is shorter, DebH.

  26. Congratulations Christy! Thanks for the contest update - I have almost missed the Genesis deadline. Too busy Speedbo-ing, I guess. Did I just make up a new word?

  27. Pass those scones, Crystal. I never met a carb I didn't like. I am on day two of revising chapters 1-3. HELP!!

  28. Is it me, or is there more great opportunities out there this month?

    Christy congrats on being the contest diva. Sounds like you received a lot of valuable feedback. Priceless!

    With just starting Speedbo I know I shouldn't get distracted w/contests. Hmm. We'll see if I can resist the temptation.

  29. Speedboing is good but you gotta multi task or those opportunities slip by. You still have 12 days to enter the Genesis Cindy R.

  30. Thank you for the sweet comments, ladies!

    This is an incredible list of contests with so much opportunity. Happy contesting to all.

    Janet Dean, you asked about genre. Both contemporary and historical have aspects that I absolutely love, but I think I'm leaning more toward historical now. I LOVE the research part, and the colonial period has always been one of my favorites.

    Suzanne Baginskie, you asked about sleep. I do sleep, although sometimes not enough. (Oh, wait. That's most of the women in America.) :) Sleep is a wonderful thing, although sometimes it's so worth it to give a little up to spend time with my characters.

    Thanks to all for commenting. Enjoy the breakfast!

  31. Congratulations Diva Christy! The tiara looks beautiful on you!

    Tina, thanks for the contests update. I entered the Fab Five contest last month, and I'm planning to sub to at least one this month. These will be the first contests I've entered that weren't hosted by Love Inspired. Won't be entering their contest this year since I don't write historical romance.

    Home sick again today. Feeling much better, but thought I should stay indoors again today since it's supposed to be windy and rainy all day. Didn't make much progress on my Speedbo project yesterday because the meds make my brain fuzzy. Hopefully, I'll be a bit more clear-headed this afternoon (after another round of meds and a nap) and can catch up a bit.

  32. Thanks for another great update, TINA! I see one I should probably reconsider, though I've been trying to cut back. Entering contests as a published author is a whole different ballgame, and not reaching the finals can be disheartening in brand new ways. The biggest consolation is knowing my book has been read by four or five readers who might not have picked it up otherwise. Maybe they'll like it enough to pass the word!

  33. Thank you for sharing your story, Christy. I entered several contests this year, as well. I agree that it's a great way to get feedback from unbiased readers.

    I do have a question regarding submission etiquette, though. If an editor has asked for revisions to my manuscript, should I stop entering contests with it? It's still unpublished, but I'm in dialogue with the editor. Thank you for your post.

    Now, who said they had blueberry waffles? Gotta carb up for Speedbo.

  34. Feel better former Diva, Rhonda.

    Congrats for going forth and contesting.

  35. Thank you for sharing your story, Christy. I entered several contests this year, as well. I agree that it's a great way to get feedback from unbiased readers.

    I do have a question regarding submission etiquette, though. If an editor has asked for revisions to my manuscript, should I stop entering contests with it? It's still unpublished, but I'm in dialogue with the editor. Thank you for your post.

    Now, who said they had blueberry waffles? Gotta carb up for Speedbo.

  36. Renee McBride. Stop nothing until you have sold. The revision process could end no where or it could take months.

    However, money wise I would sub another manuscript, just to save some mula since you already have a nibble on the one manuscript-no use throwing money away.

    There is nothing more wonderful than a Golden Heart winner who announces on the stage that she has already sold the manuscript.

    1. Great advice, Tina. I'll dig something else out of the drawer and start polishing.

    2. Great advice, Tina. I'll dig something else out of the drawer and start polishing.

  37. CHRISTY, congratulations to our March Contest Diva! Yes, we can get too close to our own stories to see the weak spots, so the feedback, especially from professionals, is invaluable. Keep knocking on those doors!

  38. Myra, that's the biggest reason to contest a published book. Get the word out there.

  39. I truly enjoy the community that Seekerville and Speedbo provides. It's a great blessing and extremely helpful. The encouragement is outstanding, and it's inspiring to be a part of the village. Now, to just get my butt into gear and find my first contest fit!

  40. SPEEDBO. I have a chapter. It's not a good chapter and I wouldn't read it if it were by anyone else, but it's a chapter.

  41. Wonderful to see you here Diva Christy. Thanks for sharing your writing journey. Contest feedback is invaluable and good enough reason to enter one. Congrats on your wins in the ACFW contest. Thank you for the monthly list, Tina. Will look for your upcoming stories in WW. I'm about to submit another one to them. Delicious French toast with syrup this morning.
    Pat in Philly

  42. KRISTY!!! Super Congrats on being our March Contest Diva, girl -- you ROCK!!

    And, yes, I am one of those nodding like a ceramic dog in the back windshield over your comment about marriage and kids derailing your writing. Fortunately for you, you got back to it a LOT sooner than I did, girlfriend, because I didn't start writing till my 50s. Figured if Grandma Moses can do it, I could. ;)

    All those contest wins and finals bode well for you, my friend, so I'm saying one right now that they blossom soon into a contract!


  43. Hey, Tina,

    LOVE THIS QUOTE: "Indecision is the greatest thief of opportunity."

    Which is why the Nike slogan was so incredibly popular and dead-on: JUST DO IT!!

    One of the favorite things my husband always reminds me is that: SOMETIMES DONE IS BETTER THAN GOOD!!

    Thanks for all the great research you put into these contest updates, Tina!


  44. Congratulations to Contest Diva, Christy! I'm so impressed that you've won First Impressions twice. And even more impressed that you did so with both a contemporary and a historical story. Talk about versatile. That's you. =)

    So many great contests to enter this month. I hope Seekervillagers send in lots of entries and go on to final and win. I'm published today as a result of a contest, so I'm a big fan of them.

  45. Christy, I love the Colonial period too. I live about an hour from Lexington and Concord, and also Boston, so it's right in my back yard. I love the whole against-the-odds thing, that a ragtag band of colonists was able to bring the British Empire to its knees. Nobody EVER did that before.

  46. "Sometimes done is better than good." Yes, I like that one, too, JULIE! I've been going through editorial revisions on the next book in my Flowers of Eden series, and it's just like always--no matter how many times I read through it, I can always find something else to tweak. :-/

  47. Congratulations, Christy. And thank you for sharing your story! I'm so looking forward to seeing those books that come out of SPEEDBO and the other contests in print!

  48. Great list of contests, and I love the quote: "Indecision is the greatest thief of opportunity." For many years that quote was the story of my life. :(

  49. Christy, I'm fascinated with research, too. I love the history of the Colonies and the American Revolution. I've visited Williamsburg, VA, many times and never tire of it, but I've never set a book in that time period. Wishing you all good things with your writing!


  50. I am praying that I will be better in time to enter the Genesis contest. I still have to write the synopsis which is a new thing for me. Now if I can get better. I don't like being sick. I am not any better so at the moment I am waiting on a call from the nurse as to the next step.

    I am bummed out that I have not been able to do anything for Speedbo yet. I was so excited about participating until this bug waylaid me.

    I hope everyone else is doing well with both speedbo and entering contests.

  51. Congratulations, Christy Distler for being this month's DIVA. :) How exciting to read about your win and semi-final. :)

    Great Update this month. I think I'm going to enter Touched By Love contest.

    WILANI, if it makes you feel better, I haven't done anything for Speedbo yet either. I'm hoping to get moving today.

    RUTHY—thanks for the coffee. I NEED IT, like a flower needs sunlight!

  52. Which is why a crappy chapter is better than no chapter, Kaybe AND Julie.

  53. Go Pat Jeanne! We can't get a contract if we don't keep subbing. Right???

  54. Alright, I have been distracted as I think about the possibility of adding a side bit to my Speedbo goals. I am praying about and considering entering some of the above mentioned contests. The problem is I have never done a synopsis, query, or anything of the like. Does anyone have any good resources that would be helpful? Thanks! Back o writing now....

  55. There are a few of you sickies out there. When you feel better you get it in gear. Speedbo is ALLL MONTHS!!!

  56. Congratulations Christy on your success and on being the March diva! I'd love to have a chance to win the 2k to 10k book.

  57. Tina is gathering chocolate! YES!!!!!


    I'll tell youse why someday, but it wasn't for any reason you'd figure....

    So yes, a TURN-AROUND has occurred!!!!

    I'm willing to take it on the chin as I have so often in the past!!! :)

  58. Renee, I agree with Tina.

    Do not slow down. Do not stop entering. You're creating your momentum.

    Keep it goin'.

  59. Jeanne T, good for you. Good luck getting it sent in and in the contest!

  60. Wonderful update, Terrific Tina - - thank you!!
    I've entered 2 contests so far this year and am preparing to enter 2 more this week (yes, this is a record for me, LOL). ;)


    And I have to say that even though I'm "hearing bells" now (haha!) I loved all the
    reminders of OPPORTUNITIES at the end of contest blurbs. :)

    Back to SPEEDBO, and I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.
    Please enjoy the peach pound cake I just baked (after your energy from Tina's French toast is used up as you write)!

    Hugs, Patti Jo

  61. Congrats to Diva Christy!!

    Can't wait to read Tina's story in WW!!!

  62. Patti Jo! Good for you. You and Rhonda are burning up the contest road. Keep those diva tiaras firmly in place!!

  63. Thanks to all our reader fans for supporting us. Trixi, Mary Preston, Caryl and Jackie today! Did I miss anyone??

  64. Diva Christy, congratulations on all your contest success! Stories of each person's experiences are so inspiring to read. I appreciate your advice.....especially your thought that the feedback received will help make a good story great. Excellent!

    I faced my fear of learning Word 16 and of waiting for perfection. I've submitted two stories this week....contemporary and historical. Thank you, Seekerville, for the encouragement to grasp the opportunity. (Then right after submitting, I did find an error in each one......left out a CRITICAL word in one, but I'll learn from the experience.)

    Thanks to Speedbo, I was prepared enough. Thanks, as always, Tina, for the contest update! Seekerville is the best! Good luck to all who are contesting this month!

  65. Sherida!! Good for you. I leave out a critical word all the time. Usually the word TINA.

    Oh, well. They'll get over it.

  66. Word 16. I thought I was doing well on Word 10. Not ready for it. Every time I upgrade I have to pay for upgrades to my plugins. Not doing it for another few years. I just paid for the update to PaintShop Pro and Particle Shop.

  67. We are surrounded by opportunities. I'm packing for a move from farm to town. More write and to incorporate everything into story situations. God is so good! You are all amazing!

  68. By stories, I should have said contest entries.....after three years of no contesting. God must have been with me helping to format headers and page numbers......because I'm SO computer phobic.....another fear faced....but I think I did it correctly. ;) Thanks, Tina!

  69. Tina, thanks for the contest updates! Must get busy. Quite a few mid-March contest deadlines for published works of fiction!

    Christy, thanks for sharing your writing journey! I put writing on the back burner when my children were young, so I was nodding along with many others, no doubt!

    What medical publication did you work with? I wrote for Advance of Administrators of the Laboratory and served on their editorial advisory board for 12 years. Loved every minute! :)

  70. Thanks for the contest updates Tina! I saw a new one I'm considering now...

    In keeping with preparing my new website materials, I've just finished my Stories of Resilience And Sparkle (demo reel) and would appreciate your comments. It's on my current YouTube channel here: or my Author Facebook here: Thanks to anyone who pops over and leaves a comment! More coming soon.

    Special thanks for this encouragement. Just keeping lists of what I want to finish is helping so much. Best wishes everyone!

  71. Lots of great contests! Thanks for keeping all of us informed.

  72. Good for you, Elizabeth and they can pop over AFTER they leave a comment here in Seekerville. Glad you are keeping up with their Speedbo goals.

  73. Rebecca McLafferty!!! BRAVA! Take a bow. No guts, no glory!! WAY TO GO!!!

  74. Definitely would be interested in the 2K to 10K book. I have learned some tricks from authors but would like to see what this text says. Hope everyone is doing good with their Speedbo goals thus far. I'm on track! Oh, and I have entered four contests this season. That's up from one.

  75. Go Paula!!! Four contests as well is FABULOUS!!

  76. I'm sorry, Crystal, we didn't answer your question. Go to the far right of Seekerville and look at the topic tab and you will see those items mentioned.

    Or go to the tab at the top and it says LIBRARY. Click on it and it has the BOOT CAMP with links to all those topics.

  77. Yay, DIVA CHRISTY! What great successes and lessons! Thanks for sharing and it's nice to know your feedback has been so helpful.

    I have contested this year - Golden Heart, Genesis and Manuscript Matchmaker. That's it for now. At least until I'm done with the Koalas and Kangaroos. I leave tomorrow night! Hope to write while on the plane. Might miss checking in here, but know I love you all!

    TINA,thanks for the contest update!

  78. HOW exciting! SO excited for more than one of these contests. Thanks for sharing all these!
    (And thank you Tina for the comment on my blog!)

  79. My pleasure and I do mean that. I LOVE Captain AMERICA!@!!

  80. I went to the doctor this afternoon. I am on a new antibiotic. I have pharyngitis, bronchitis, and ear infection as well as a hefty yeast infection in my mouth. He said I am a difficult patient seeing as the course of treating one will make another worse. Sure hope I feel like reading soon. When I don't want to read it is a sure sign something is wrong. I miss writing as well.

    Cheering everyone on!

    I do see a new contest I am wanting to enter.

  81. Lyndee, safe and fun travels!!!! God bless you!

  82. Thank you for updating us on the contests. Another great reason to follow Seekerville.


    And feel better Wilani.

  84. Thanks for such a great Contest Update, TINA! Lots of interesting info and wonderful opportunities there! Ding, ding, ding, indeed!

    And congratulations to Contest Diva, CHRISTY! Thank you for sharing your story!

    Praying for you Wilani.

  85. Christy, Wear your tiara proudly. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your story.

    Thank you for the contest update. Am going to put all the deadlines on my calendar to remind me.

    Oh, and please don't enter me in the drawing for Rachel Aaron's book. I have it on my Kindle and I enjoyed reading it very much.

  86. Thanks for the kudos,Laura and Tanya. Now go forth and contest~~

  87. Thanks for the update, y'all. :)

    My Speedbo update--with the good Lord's help I've gotten over 1K the first 3 days of March. :)

  88. Diva Christy! Congratulations on those contest placements!

    Your 'journey story' is wonderfully inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

    Good luck to all of you who enter contests!!!!

    Nancy C

  89. Congratulations, Christy!! Very encouraging, too. :)

    I've entered contests and, for the most part, have had incredible feedback that has only made me better. :) I've promised myself no contests for 2016 for a couple of reasons, but this listing is making me all itchy to send a manuscript in!!

  90. Tina, I get my WW at Walmart on Thursday or Friday. Can't wait to read yours. See a contest I am thinks out entering my historical picture book. Don't have enough of my book yet to enter another one, but might hit one.

  91. I've never entered a contest yet but I'd like to give a try. I do have a manuscript I could submit, though I know it needs work. My biggest problem lately has been getting enough good ideas together to really get going on a new story. I've started a bunch only to give up when I felt I wasn't going to be able to make them work and started second guessing everything I'd written. (Though I often come back to them.) On that note, this is my first time trying anything like Speedbo, and I have to admit that today was not a very encouraging day. At what point does it become futile trying to force a story along? Maybe I'm just not feeling the inspiration today ... Writing quickly has never been my strength. I feel like I need a lot of time to let the ideas stew as I try to find the perfect course for my story ... And too often, rapid writing for me means poor writing. I'm afraid I'm not going to be making m quota today. Hoping tomorrow goes better. And wishing you all the best of luck!

  92. Congratulations! Most inspiring.

  93. Congratulations Christy! Happy March Diva! Woohoo! And would you look at ALL those opportunities?! Enter enter away.

    Thanks! Please enter me in the reader giveaway . Many thanks!

  94. I know I need to enter some more things. However, I feel contested out.

  95. Lara, try this. Write the scenes you know will happen. Don't force it. Just have fun with it. This doesn't need to be anywhere near clean copy. That's what April is for. You can write from A to D then skip and write F to P. Who cares.

    For folks doing a genuine Book in a Month...What you are proving this month is that you can be a consistent writer and stretching beyond what is comfortable for you.

    All that matters is that you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. If it's comfortable you haven't done anything new.

    You are very analytical. It's hard to do a BIAM when you are. I am that way too.

    Don't focus on what you can't do. Focus on what you can. If you are stuck, WRITE XXX GOES HERE and move on to a scene you absolutely know will be in this book. Or take a day off to review your synopsis or outline or scene cards or whatever plan you have for this story.


  96. If you are burned out, take a break Walt. God knows you have done your share.

  97. LOLOL Mikal, that list makes me itch to enter too. AND I HAVE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

  98. JC you are entered.

  99. Janet Kerr, how is your Speedbo garden growing???

  100. Crystal L. Barnes!!! WOOOOOOTTT!! WAY TO GO!!

  101. LYNDEE, safe travels and have fun!!
    And to all those who are sick right now (don't want to leave anyone out) - - prayers for good health!!

  102. Nora Roberts quote for you. “Every time I hear writers talk about ‘the muse,’ I just want to slap them. It’s a job. Do your job.”

  103. One more quote..or maybe more. I'm feeling quote happy.

    “If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.”-Nora Roberts

  104. Great contest update!! Thank you! Exciting opportunities shining all over the place here! :)

  105. What a great list!! I'm definitely going to pursue some of these opportunities! Thanks for compiling them in one easy place for us :)

  106. Thanks, Natalie,

    Megan, we do this once a month. Usually the first week of the month here in Seekerville. And we keep them easy to find again. See the tab up above under the row boat?? So you can check them out all month long.

  107. Just finished working on my story for today. Put in the hour I committed to, plus an extra hour, because I was on a roll- Yay! Being out West means by the time I'm ready to go to bed, Seekerville has already uploaded tomorrow's post. Hope this late comment is still eligible for the prize vault. Speedbo is just what I needed to get back in the swing of things. Thanks!

  108. You are of course in the draw, Jan. Congratulations on such a productive day!!

  109. Tina, Thanks for the encouragement and advice. I'm praying that none of us will be paralyzed by discouragement (or perfectionism).

  110. Many thanks to everyone for welcoming me! This has been so much fun. I'd planned to respond all day yesterday, and then my computer Blue Screen of Deathed me. And I'm on an editing deadline. :) Got the old computer running (sort of), and off to the computer guy (AKA my brother) today. Best wishes to everyone on their writing and contesting! If you asked me a question and I didn't answer, feel free to friend me on FB!

  111. I was so busy Speedboing I missed this. I wanted to stop and say congratulations Christy.

    And Tina, thanks for this great list!

  112. Oh wow, thanks so much for the 20 page critique! Congrats to all the other winners as well.
