Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Nine Ways to Promote Yourself

Are you like me and prefer to give away your books rather than try to sell them?  I know, its tough because as an author, you are really talking up and selling yourself. Get over it. You have to think of yourself as a business. You are an author.

Sandra here today to talk about some innovative ways to self-promote your wonderful novels. 

Some RV parks  have one day a month we can sell things from our campsites. 

With the new paradigm in the industry, it is just as important for authors of traditional publishers to market themselves as it is for indie published authors. Self-promotion platforms are expected because frankly, traditional publishers are exploring the why and how to get their books known just as much as the indie published authors. With thousands of books available now on the Internet, how do you get your gem recognized? That is the million-dollar question. Today I will share nine ways I’ve used in the past. Please take a look and if you’ve tried something else, please share with us what you’ve tried and we’ll have a lovely repertoire to use when our next book comes out.

  1. 1. Autograph party. This is very effective in your hometown when your first novel debuts. Local bookstores love featuring the home-town success. If you aren’t published yet, you can assure a successful autograph party by supporting your local bookstores now. Shop local and get to know the managers and workers in the bookstore. Tell them you are writing your novel and have them search for the type of books you are writing. This will make them feel like they are part of your success.  No bookstore in your town? Then try the grocery store or drug store where books are sold. When I debuted my first novel, I was visiting my mom at Lake Tahoe and we arranged for an autograph party in Ralph’s grocery store. It was a hoot. The local paper featured my party and authors from the area came to meet me.  I formed some lasting friendships and even found a wonderful critique partner in the process. Debby does a great job of hosting autograph parties in her area and offers the proceeds to a  charity.  This works really well to get people out there.
Many friends came to  my debut autograph party hosted by the Christian bookstore in Tempe.

  1. 2. Press Kits.  As mentioned above, the local newspaper featured my debut novel and autograph parties.  They don’t usually feature autograph parties, but they love the news of a debut release. So if it’s your first book, take advantage of that interest.  In fact, prepare your press kit now even if you aren’t published yet so it will be ready when you get the call. Press kits can also be sent to the local news media when your novel features or hinges around a news event. Tara Taylor Quinn uses this technique and received local press when her novel revolved around domestic violence. She is a supporter of the Domestic Violence Hotline and those ties interested the media and they interviewed her, which gave her publicity for her series.  A good press kit includes a professional photo of you. Short author bio. Contact information. If a debut novel or new novel out have a photo of the book cover. Blurb about the book and quotes from reviewers if you have them. Many authors have a press kit page on their website with all of this information on it. 

  1. 3. Social Media  There are many articles in the archives of Seekerville with hints and suggestions of how to make use of the social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram.  This is the media you’re going to reach the most people for the least amount of money. Whether you are published or not, start using these media so when you have something to report like the release of a book, you will have an established audience. 

  1. 4. Blogs.  Blogs are a wonderful way to develop a base of followers who can act as a support team to get the word out there about you and your books. Blogs do take a lot of time. The Seekers found it works well to have a group share a blog.  We started our blog before we were published which is good advice because you can go through the learning process without a big audience. And by the time you have debut novel coming out, you have a venue to announce your news. We saw that yesterday in Tina’s review of “The Call” parties here on Seekerville. And our Weekend Edition is a great place to announce the releases coming up. There are many blogs of reviewers and it is wonderful to have a blog tour when your book releases. This gets the word out there and provides wonderful reviews as well. 

  1. 5. Teach Writing Classes. Teaching writing classes gives you exposure to a new audience who will enjoy your class and become possible readers. Many groups are looking for classes and to volunteer to teach a writing class will give you a new audience. Be sure and ask your students to pass your name along. When I teach a class I bring copies of books to sell. I also give away a book each session. Great advertising. Places to teach include: Church, Parks and Recreation, Senior Living Resorts and or homes, Libraries, Women’s groups, RWA or ACFW conferences, local writing events, Book Fairs, etc. 
Hosted a table talk at the Desert Rose RWA meeting. Taught about business licenses.

  1. 6. Library Workshops In my community, the public library hosts writing workshops and the public is invited to take workshop classes from local authors. Local authors are invited to submit class proposals and when selected, they are assigned classrooms in the library and are also allowed to sell their books. I’ve also been to library Author Days, where local authors are featured and they are allowed to sell and autograph their books. The events I’ve attended, the authors were assigned tables throughout the library and the public were allowed to visit and buy books. 
Presentation at the Tempe Public Library when they featured local authors. (I was actually home LOL)

  1. 7. Speaking Engagements. I list on the local RWA website as a speaker and can be invited by local community groups to speak. At most of these events, authors are encouraged to bring books to sell after the speech. The same organizations listed above for teaching classes can be contacted for public speaking. One of my favorite venues is to be invited to a Book Club that has read one of my books. ( Waving at you Maridel who invited me to her book club)  That is always fun to hear what readers get out of their reading experience. It is often so different from what you expect
Signing at RWA conference

  1. 8. Craft Fairs: We travel a lot and many of the parks we stay in have craft fairs. Since writing is a craft and I sell the books I wrote, I qualify to sell at the craft fairs. Community parks often have craft fairs, and many organizations feature craft fairs during the year. These are great places to sell your books and talk to readers. Be aware that you may be required to have a business license. Most fairs sell the books for you and you give them a percentage. I just figure that into the price. Saves having to buy so many licenses. 

Selling at the craft fair in Verde Valley TT RV Park

  1. 9. Book Fairs:
    Many states and cities have book fairs. I always participate in the Tucson Festival of Books. In the archives are a couple of posts about my experiences. Over 100,000 people are coming to buy books and meet authors. This is a wonderful venue to get your name out there. 
LeAnne Bristow met me at the Tucson Festival of Books

So authors:  Here are nine ideas I’ve tried. Whenever I’ve done any of these, my sales go up. When I do nothing, my sales do nothing. So we really need to be pro-active if we want to make a go of it in this business.

I have made gorgeous flyers to hand out at all of these events. You want your name known and remembered. Often readers don’t buy the books, but they take the flyers and buy ebooks when they get home.  Check out this post from the archive for information on the flyers. Scroll toward the end of the post and it will show you the flyers I hand out.

Please add in the comments other ways you’ve use to promote and be eligible for a lovely prize.

Readers, you can be the biggest help and asset we have. What always works is a grass roots recommendation from a friend. Usually you know what kind of books your family and friends like to read. And if you come across a book you think they would like. PLEASE TELL THEM ABOUT IT. Please share ways you’ve helped support an author and also be eligible for the special surprise.

Authors and readers alike, please remember that an autographed book makes a terrific gift. With the holidays coming up, you will want to have a supply of gifts to hand out. Often a book costs less than a card and look how much more rewarding?

Glynna Kaye and I gift autographed books. She gave me her latest Love Inspired. And I gave her my newly printed novella. We had such a fun time together. 

Look for your local authors and go meet them, buy their books and help support this industry we love so well.

Now for that special gift and surprise . With trick or treat coming up and knowing how much you all love chocolate, I’m gifting this lovely blown glass candy kiss.  The gift is a glass candy kiss, but I have a huge bag of candy kisses to snack on today. All the different varieties. My favs are the almond filled kisses.

I also put my two novellas that were out with the Seeker collection into print copies which do make lovely stocking stuffers or gifts for a teacher or friend. Winner will get autographed copies of those two books. They are available now on in case you need to shop early for Christmas.

Debbie fell in love with surfer, David Martin. Against her parent’s wishes, she married her first love. Would the help of an angel and the influence of the Christmas season bring forgiveness and redemption?

Elena Delgado loves her father’s new business partner, Stephen Edwards, and wants marriage and a family. As they work together, will Stephen notice her? Or is he still in love with the fiancée who left him?  

Sandra Leesmith writes sweet romances to warm the heart. Sandra loves to play pickleball, hike, read, bicycle and write. She lives in Arizona with her husband and during the hot summers, she and her husband travel throughout the United States in their motor home where she enjoys the outdoors and finds wonderful ideas for her next writing project. You can find Sandra's books here on Amazon. Three of Sandra's most popular books are also audiobooks at Audible.  

You can read more posts by Sandra here.


  1. Happy Birthday to Seekerville! And I love it that you are here today, Sandra. I will be back later to look at all the lovely pictures and read your post, but just wanted to get my name in the hat for those books. Or is it a cat dish, or?

  2. Good evening Sandra! Boy I wished I lived closer to you because I'd love to be in the places you are when you do any kind of author party, or book signings at the library or whatnot. I bet you have lot of fun with those events. Book got my reader heart pumping with excitement!! I love that picture of you and LeAnne at the Tuscan festival of books....I can't imagine over 100,000 people coming out to buy books and meet the authors!! That sounds awesome!!

    Living in a very small town, we don't have any kind of events here like those you've mentioned. We do have a public library, but I don't know if they do any kind of event for authors. They do have an annual book sale though, which I go to every year. I mostly find older Christian fiction books or even some kid ones for my grand-girl.

    To meet an author I know, would be a dream come true! I do "book talk" with my sis-in-law, she's an avid reader like myself and we recommend books between us. I also pass on my books to her when I get done reading them.

    Ways I support authors? Well, I love coming here on Seekerville and encouraging all of you. I'm also part of many street teams where I help promote a writers book by reading, reviewing on various sites, promoting it on social media, and generally talking them & their books up! I'll even read books just for "fun" and still leave reviews :-) Gosh, there's many ways to support authors & the best way (I think anyway), is to PRAY for them. Because aside from writing, they are fellow Christians plugging along life just like I am and need prayer just as much as I do.

    Such a great post Sandra! I loved seeing all your pictures and learning of all the ways you promote yourself....even living in an RV!! (I say, God can use you anywhere) :-)

  3. You're a natural born saleswoman, Sandra. Mary Connealy is the same way. I have seen her work a room several times.

    It's a talent.

    Lots of excellent ideas.

    And I do love your novella covers!

  4. Those are great ideas, Sandra! I would love the chance to meet more local authors, so I know that people in your area must be thrilled when you show up in person at different events!

    And mmm... kisses and stories--nothing better ;)

  5. I've just had a garage sale, so even as a reader I can totally relate to promotion here today. I actually asked people how they found me - for future reference. Facebook was the surprise winner. I don't even like facebook. That was just a last minute decision.

  6. Sandra, these are great tips. I love that you're using your opportunities to your advantage!

    And the candy dish is gorgeous! What a great idea! I'm leaving fresh coffee and snagging a few of those almond kisses!!!

  7. And Sandra!

    Your novella covers are beautiful!

  8. Thank you for the great post Sandra. One thing I like to do to promote an author (outside of reading their books and posting reviews) is to talk about the book, not only to family and friends but also to strangers. I love to approach someone who is looking at a shelve of books and offer my suggestions. You would be surprised how many people listen and then walk away with one or more of the books I have suggested.

    I would love to be in your giveaway. Thank you for your generosity!

    Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  9. Great list, Sandra! Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom and experience with us.
    I always love your posts, they make me feel like I've taken a little trip. :)

  10. SANDRA, thanks for the savvy tips on promoting our books. I've done several of them, but not all. I've taught craft for a local writer's group. Most are not writing romance so I'm not sure I've increased sales, but I love being around writers and helping them if I can.

    Thanks for the reminder to readers that they can make a difference by talking up books and I might add, writing reviews.


  11. CINDY W, you're a natural born saleswoman. Great job!


  12. SANDRA, your adorable novella covers gave me the first thrill that Christmas is coming. I love Christmas. I love reading Christmas stories, especially novellas.


  13. TRIXI, you're an author's dream reader! Thanks for all you do to promote books! But especially thanks for the prayers.


  14. Sandra, what great tips. You're amazing.

    My dad can work a room. Last week we attended Heroes, Saints, and Legends and our new KY bishop spoke first. When it was over we were going to take a family picture, and we started looking for my dad. He'd walked over to meet the new bishop, and when we spotted him we had to laugh. There are no strangers to my dad, and people always come up to me and say how much they enjoyed meeting him. We all need to be more like Sandra, Mary C. and my dad. Sandra thanks for the great tips.

  15. SANDRA!!!

    LOVE the new novella covers, my friend!!

    And, WOW!!! You've given me lots of great ideas for promo that I've never even thought of! As you know, I recently moved to Lake of the Ozarks, and I'm pretty sure there are lots of things I haven't explored down here yet, ways to promote some of your suggestions. So thanks for the kick in the butt, I really appreciate it :)

  16. Wonderful ideas, SANDRA! Thank you! I know you do these types of things throughout Arizona and at out-of-state locations in your RV travels. How do you handle the state & local sales tax at these different locations?

    I know it's still 2 months away from Christmas, but can I help it that I'm already diving into your Christmas novella, "A Heart Full of Hope"? :)

    I sure did enjoy our visit a few weeks ago and that pic brought back happy memories!

  17. Sandra,

    Terrific, terrific ideas!

    I'm going to print this out.

    Nice novella covers too!

  18. Yay Marianne, You were first. But do come back and give us some good ideas from an avid reader.

    Are you heading South soon? Lots of Snowbirds have already arrived. Several from Canada. Yay.

    Do you know there are so many Canadians in our RV resorts here in Arizona that they fly the American flag AND the Canadian flag. And at the pickleball tournaments, they sing the National anthems for both the US and Canada. I love it.

  19. Sandra, great post. Loved your pics and your tips!

    You need to do a blog on business licenses. Do you get one for each state? Or for each event?

    Congrats on the repackaging of your Seekerville novellas. They look great. Plus, you've reminded me that Christmas is just around the corner. Does that mean I need to go shopping? It certainly means I need to buy books to give to my family and friends.

    I teach a local writing class. It's been rewarding and I always learn as I teach so a win-win for students and teacher alike.

    Pouring a second cup of coffee and taking a kiss for later.


  20. Hi Trixi Thank you so much for the prayers. I think those are what we need the MOST. smile

    And I love that you are working on several street teams. I am interested in learning more about those as they seem to be happening more and more as a great marketing team to promote an author. What do you like about street teams the most?

    Thanks again for sharing.

    And do join us any time.

  21. BTW, I'm a writer who would prefer giving a book a way rather than having to hawk my product. Shame on me!

  22. Oh Tina Snort snort, I'm about the most unnatural sales woman there is. But I did learn to work a room from Pamela Tracey. You should see here at book sales. I follow her example. People walk by and I ask "Do you like romance novels? MIne are clean and wholesome. No shades of gray." And that really stops them and they come over and look. Pamela tells every person that walks by that her books are Christian. She smiles so cute and people just want to stop and talk. So what I learned, I learned from her.

    Oh yes, I usually have bookmarks from friends who write mysteries because when I ask if they like romance, many say no and then I ask what do you read and ninety percent of those say mystery so I hand them a bookmark. I have some for historicals too. And I always hand out seeker info.

  23. Hi Fedora Yep nothing better than candy kisses. The best thing about this coming holiday is all the chocolate filling the aisles in the stores. LOL

    Have a great day.

  24. HI Mary P. How funny that people found your garage sale on Facebook. That shows the power of social media doesn't it?

    Well now you know what you need to do for that book when it releases.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thanks Ruthy You're the one who found the little angel. She's so cute. I liked her on our Seeker novella also.

    Hey, I popped over to Sherida's Tuesday Tea blog and read her review of Home on The Range. I love her blog for reviews, don't you? She did a great review.

    Enjoy the kisses. As much as you love chocolate, I know you will. LOL

  27. Hi Cindy W. Wowza, I love that you tell shoppers about great books. That is so cool. I know when I'm looking at books in the store, I love hearing from someone about a book they've read. Its so much more info than you get on the cover.

    Thanks for doing that.

    Have a great day. And yes, your name is in for the drawing.

  28. I am loving the kisses, and yes, I just saw you over at Sherida's blog! So glad you stopped in there, thank you!

    And that little angel.... LOVE HER!!!!

  29. Hi Jill, I love that you feel like you've been on a trip. My great grandma came west in a covered wagon so I think I must have inherited my love of traveling in an RV from her. chuckle

    And how sweet of you to say I'm wise. I'm going to have to show this to my family. LOL

  30. SANDY, these are good tips. More and more I am reminded of the need to promote ourselves. We can't depend on anyone else. I am willing to try ALL of these as soon as I have a book.
    It is a brave new world out there, and we have to be brave too.
    I would love to win your books. Pass on the candy, I've already got a freezer full that I'm not supposed to be getting into.
    Kathy Bailey

  31. Hi Janet weren't you will the group of Seekers who presented a workshop at the National RWA conference a few years back? I'm pretty sure you were. We had so much fun doing that presentation.

    And helping other writers is truly a pleasure and gift. That is what I love about the Seekers. We started out wanting to share what we had learned because back in the day, it was tough finding answers and we just thought that was unacceptable. And sharing has blessed us as well as others. smile Happy birthday to us!

    1. SANDRA, you've got a good memory. I loved being part of that workshop!


  32. Blog tours are brilliant. You can reach tons of people without leaving home, which leaves you more time for writing.

  33. HI Jackiej Your dad sounds wonderful. It would be fun to meet him and meet you. Just keep watching him and you will get your turn. That's how I learned. As I said earlier, I learned from watching Pamela Tracey. She's amazing at this. I'm just an amateur, but I try. And it is difficult. I would much rather just give the book away. LOL

  34. Hi Julie I find it hard to believe I've taught you anything about promotion. You're the promotion queen as far as I'm concerned. You've done it all. But it tickles me that I gave you some new ideas. smile You're always giving me ideas, so I'm thankful I can finally reciprocate.

    Happy writing, dear friend.

  35. Good morning Glynna Good question because you do have to be careful when out of state. Some states and communities allow you to buy a one day license. But the easiest thing to do is to talk to the person running the craft fair. They usually have a license and I sell through theirs. I give them a portion, but most just take a free book. smile That works for me.

  36. HI Rose Glad to be of help.

    Happy writing. smile

  37. Yes, Ruthy And my computer was so slow, I thought it hadn't sent the comment so I wrote another. LOL Now there are two. Oh well. You do know that I'm tech challenged. ha ha

  38. Hi Sandra: What a great subject to blog about today. Promoting yourself is one of my greatest fears. I guess there is no way to disappear into the woodwork. Smile. I liked your nine tips and how they make the whole idea of putting yourself out there less scarier than I thought. I admire your courage too. Great idea to pair up with another author. Thanks for all those helpful tips. Glad you shared this column today. Good luck for n your career.

  39. Great post there! So many great ideas, love the oress release one and of course the blogs part 😉. I actually don't see a lot of authors at crafts fair, though I think it's a great idea! Also entering the many book fairs/festivals out there!

    Happy Birthday Celebration Seekerville!

  40. Happy Birthday to Seekerville on this 26th day of October. This month is going to fast!! I am hankering for apple fritters and French vanilla coffee this morning. Yum.

  41. Hi Debby, Yes, as I answered Glynna, you need to find someone who has a license or offers to sell for you as buying licenses for each state can be pricey and time consuming.

    Most people doing book fairs are getting savvy (because the authors inform them which is what you might need to do) that they need to get a bookseller at the event to sell the books for a percentage. Usually someone putting on a book fair or craft fair get an independent book store out there to sell the books. They get 20% of the sale and they file the tax. Well worth it. You don't make as much money on the sale of your book, but you get your books and name out there. I don't actually sell that many hard bound books at these events - not like we used to. People are reading electronic more and more. But I do hand out those flyers and my kindle sales jump up after these events. After meeting me and seeing my books, they go home and order them online. And I don't need to worry about sales tax on those either as Amazon deals with that when they ship.

    You are funny. And I know for a fact you do give out many books. You're as bad as me. LOL

  42. HI Kathy You are right, blog tours are fun, but they do take a lot of time. Each person who reviews you on their blog sends out questions and/or an interview. But that is what makes the blog post so fun and interesting. ANd you can do them from home which is nice too.. smile

    So even thought you aren't published YET, you can get started on your social media presence. Attend book fairs etc, and book stores and the library and get familiar with these people. You will be delighted with the way they support you when your first book releases.

  43. Hi Janet It really was fun wasn't it? Not so scary either when you had friends helping you teach the class.

  44. Just Commonly Thanks a bunch. Yes, craft fairs are really a great way to get your name out there. And people come to those with the idea of buying stuff. yay

    Thanks for the birthday wish. I can't believe we're going into year TEN. wow. Time flies.

    Happy writing and reading.

  45. Hey Suzanne If you find some apple fritters, send some our way. Now I'm hungry too. LOL

    And yes, it is always fun to do these events with other writers. Much less scary and in between sales, you have someone fun to talk to and share with.

    It never hurts to get familiar with these things before you sell your first book. Maybe help another published writer with their book sale and then you won't be so terrified when its your turn. smile

  46. Sandra this is a great list.
    I'm going to find a few folks who can really use this specific list and send them over. (I always send people over, this is just a targeted thing!

  47. The two new novellas are great. I love the new covers.

  48. Thanks Mary Your name keeps getting mentioned as a super saleswoman also. You do make it look easy peasy. smile

    Thanks for sending folks on over.

    Happy writing.

  49. hi Sandra
    All these ideas are pretty cool. Some even look doable for a promo-phobe person like me. I've been surprised at how many people ask me about a book if I happen to have one in my hand at places like my son's baseball practice or at my volleyball league. I've been tempted to take a book or two I'm not reading just to promo the Seeker. I guess I'm surprised that people actually want to know my opinion.

    This is a cool post. And Guppy still loves the Cody book. He showed it to his best buddy the other day and said "My mommy's friend wrote this. Isn't it cool?"

  50. Oh Deb H that just tickles my heart that Guppy shows off his book. How fun. And yes, it is easy to promote other people's books. What's tough is doing your own. LOL. But thank you for doing so. That really helps and makes a difference for all of us.

    Happy reading and Happy writing.

  51. SANDRA, wow! What wonderful tips and ideas! I love your creativity and unique ways to put ourselves out there. Definitely taking notes for when that time comes. Thank you! :-)

    JULIE... You moved to Lake of the Ozarks??!! You're now only about a two and half hr drive from me. We live a stone's throw away from the Spfld/Branson area. :-)

  52. P.S. I did want to add a BIG thank you for all the fabulous posts here. From someone who blogs twice a week, I well realize the time and effort that goes into a committed blogging schedule. Not easy. Appreciate ALL that you do!

  53. Good morning, Sandra!

    I just got done reading A Heart Full of Hope and posting a short review. Your setting whisked me away to a beautiful exotic beach on a horse, no less. I was hooked from the first sentence and read it in one sitting, which I rarely do. I can't wait to read Holiday Homecoming.

    Thank you so much for your tips on promotion today.

  54. I still hate the thought of promotion. I could do a facebook advertisement as long as it didn't bombard people, and I would feel fairly comfortable out our local library because it's small and my mom used to work there.

    What am I afraid of? I have no idea.

    Thanks for all the great reminders Sandra.

  55. Oh Cynthia Don't you dare tell us you're meeting up with Julie or I'll turn green with envy. smile

    Glad these ideas will be of help when that time DOES come. Hang in there because you can see from reading all these posts that hanging in there eventually pays off. It just gets frustrating sometimes.

    And thanks for the compliment. Yes, you would know how much work this is. We have to thank Tina because she is the tech guru among us and kicks our behinds into gear. chuckle. I thank God for Tina every day.

    Happy writing.

  56. Renee You've touched my heart with your comments. Thank you so much for the reviews. They are much appreciated and of course I LOVE that you couldn't put the book down. That is what every author appreciates hearing.

    Happy writing and reading.

  57. Connie Jean it is natural to fear the self-promotion thing. Our culture and Christianity teaches us to "do for others" so it really grinds on us to yell out there "Look at me. I'm so great." LOL This is really really tough. But you have to just think of it as promoting a BUSINESS. Your book is a product of your business. That helps. But trust me, it isn't easy.

    So don't worry about the fear. You will have it. And you will overcome it. smile

  58. Did you mean Connie Queen? LOL.

    I have a friend named Bonnie Jean...Truly.

  59. Oh Connie Queen I do mean Connie Queen. So Sorry. And guess what? My sister is Bonnie Jean. How funny is that?

    Thanks for correcting me. I don't like getting names wrong. Goodness.

    Have a wonderful day.


  60. I have printed this out so I will have it when I need it. I am the type that would rather give then sell.

    The way I was first introduced to Mary Connealy was by reading the CBD catalog. Just seeing the covers of her books and the titles along with the description made me want to read them and the books went on my wish list. I didn't have the money at the time to buy them but Oh did I want to read them. Now I am getting my chance.

    I am so glad that you are printing the stories from the Seeker collections. I love the seeker collections. I will see about putting up a review

    Please enter me in your drawing.

    Have a wonderful writing day everyone!

  61. Sandra, great list!
    As a blogger, I really appreciate authors who take the time to keep an updated press kit on their website. I want to promote as many authors as possible and it saves so much time when the latest information is right there waiting for me.
    I also love participating in blog tours! Plenty of advanced notice is best, with so many wonderful books to read and days, weeks, and months fill up fast.

  62. Great list of ideas, Sandra! I am just horrible at self-promotion. It does take some effort and planning, and it's always a HUGE step out of my comfort zone!

  63. Sandra,

    I'm joining in with the "I'm going to print this out" gang!! And, I'm going to share with our writer's group!! LOTS of great ideas!! Thanks.

    I find it easier to promote others than myself...Our Art Gallery...on the second floor of the Antique hosting a children's book illustrator next Sunday afternoon! She'll come in costume, kids can come in costume, she'll read a little and do a craft with them. The book will be for sale....and she's serving cupcakes!! She designed a cute flyer to hand out. We always welcome our new artists with a reception, but this is the first "book" event we've hosted!! We're all excited!!

    Thanks again and looking forward to reading your Christmas books!!

  64. Hi Wilani What kind words today. We would love a review, especially if you've already read the novellas. When they took down the novellas, we lost all the reviews that were there so we have to go find new ones. Thanks a bunch.

    Its always so good to see you. Have a blessed day.

  65. Hi Beth Wow, great to hear that you read and use those press kits. When I posted this, I realized I don't have one on this website. yikes. Better get busy.

    ANd yes, blog tours are terrific. Thanks for the support and suggestion.

  66. Hi Myra I so know the feeling. Way out of my comfort zone also. You just have to do as Ruthy says and "Do It"

  67. Good morning, Sandra! I always so appreciate your posts about marketing. You're a marketing guru! I'm saving to Evernote, and then I'll work through them one-by-one after my edits are done. Thank you!!

    Although it wasn't a part of your list, I adore the idea of a book instead of a gift card. Most of the time, I don't like to buy cards simply so that someone knows who gave the gift and then it gets thrown away. (If there's a personal note or real meaning, then cards can be great.) But that's what everyone expects. But you're right about the price! A LI at Wal-Mart is cheaper than most cards, and then the recipient has something of real substance. How would you label the gift, then, so that the recipient still knows it is from you? A note inside the cover?

  68. As a reader I definitely see how my word of mouth goes far with family and friends. They all know I read and review - thus they trust me to know my way around books.(not that I actually do, LOL) It definitely is a huge part of getting your name and books out there. I love going to author events at my local bookstore - I know how much work you authors put into those and I want to support my favorites when I can!

  69. Hi Kathryn Thanks so much for your support. And I'm happy you can share the info. That's what we love to do is share info.

    Happy writing.

  70. Hi Meghan I'm so happy you like the idea of books instead of cards. You can always write what a card says on the inside cover of a book and then your friend has a book to read. Yay.

    Happy reading

  71. That's a great post, Sandra.
    I LOVE talking books. For five years I had the dream job of phone sales for a book distribution company. I had no trouble selling books the customers didn't know they needed when they first called!😄
    Now I love going to anything book related, including Glendale's (Arizona) Chocolate Affair. Oh, and meeting local authors at the Cracker Barrel for lunch or breakfast (not sure if that helps promote books but I love it)
    That is all besides my first love of reading. Then I post reviews on my blog, Facebook, Goodreads and a few retailer pages!

  72. Hi Susan P. I'm so glad you enjoy the author events. It means a lot when people come and talk to us while we are there. Thanks a bunch.

    Many times people don't want to come to an author who is sitting by themselves. So it helps when readers go over and strike up a conversation. Then others feel comfortable coming over also. That is one reason I always sign with a friend when I can. Then we aren't sitting there all alone and unapproachable. When that does happen that I'm by myself, I get up and walk around and hand out my flyers. It breaks the ice.

  73. Hi Marianne You're the guru of book reviewers. How interesting that you worked to sell books on the phone. I can just picture you talking about all those books. smile. We really appreciate all your reviews. Thanks so much.

    And yes, the Chocolate Affair is way too much fun. That is one of the book fairs I like to go to with all the other romance writers. Authors fly in from all over the US to participate in that fair. They always have it around Valentine's Day and feature chocolate and romance. smile What's not to love about that?

    And lunches with you and your mom are the best part. smile Give her a hug for me.

  74. Love the new covers, Sandra! Puts me in the mood for Christmas! :)

  75. Sandra,
    Thanks for nine great ideas for book promotion. I love the idea of the crafts fairs and would never have thought of it. My favorite promotion from Seekerville is the bookmark. I use mine all the time, read the prayers and think of the seekers.

  76. Sandra, great idea to contact the fair rep and use their license. I like to work with booksellers, then I don't have to worry about taxes!

    God bless booksellers!!! Still bemoaning the closure of my local independent seller. Boo Hoo!!! Karen was a dear friend and a great promoter of authors. I miss her and her store.

  77. What a practical post, Sandra! So many great suggestions! :)

    Well, I'm not published yet. I don't do much in the way of self-promotion. I have been focusing on my blog, and slowly building a following there. I hope, that as I, Lord willing, become agented and one day published, that this will be a good foundation. I can share news and hopefully have people get on board to help me promote books.

    I've seen authors use their newsletters to drum up excitement about new releases, offering free downloads (of a novella or short story) or drawings.

    This is a keeper post for me!

  78. I try to engage with the people at the event as well. Even if they don't buy a book, I hand them a bookmark, or at least offer them one if they're not close enough for me to collar them. :)

    Trixi, you mentioned living in a small town. I live 5 miles from the nearest teeny town and 10-20 from four others that are big enough to have a Walmart. The nearest city with a bookstore is over 50 miles from me.

    But since I am in such a rural area, small festivals are really popular. I don't participate in nearly as many as I'd like to, but will be at the Sebastopolooza (Sebastopol, MS) this Saturday. Since this is my home turf, I usually sell 20-40 books there, which is really nice. I write historical romance with lots of cowboys and country living, so I've signed at the stockyard and at the Wildlife Jamboree which usually has about 5K attend. The jamboree is held in the local coliseum and is a great venue.

    Now, here are a few tips I implemented from my first signings to the next year. A presentation that fits your style and your writing goes a long way. A "tailgating" tent doesn't cost much, less than $100 bucks and gives your space a real feeling of space. You're not just sitting out there at a table.

    Again, since I write historicals and shabby chic and burlap is in, it's easy for me to go all out and decorate my booth. I've used hay bales and old doors, burlap dividers ... great for giving a bit of privacy from one booth to the other OR for blocking the sun.

    But I'd say my biggest tip was when I set up a display NEXT TO MY BOOTH at the jamboree last year. The year before I'd done well and had a lot of people to stop by my booth, chat, buy books, but a lot of them tended to be people I knew. I'd see people walking by, eyeing my booth, but they wouldn't stop. Who wants to be guilted into buying a book if it's not your cup of tea?

    So, I created a display off to the side just a bit, using two old hinged doors (these things have seen more weddings, showers, and events than all of us here combined, methinks!) two bales of hay, my grandmother's old metal suitcase and some burlap. Add some signs and stacks of books and I was in business.

    More than once, I'd see a couple of gals walk by, then circle around and while I was busy talking to someone else, they'd come back and look at the books on the side display. Some would then buy.

    Since the Wildlife Jamboree is a bit of a family affair, it's totally fun. My parents, husband, kids, brother & his wife, lots of family friends and former co-workers turn out. It's one of the rare times that I actually GO somewhere, and if I'm there, I'd like to be selling books. :)

    Here's a picture of that display from last year. Pam’s Display

    PS... all these props seem like overkill. In a way they are, but I only do this 2-3 times a year, and the events are close to home and I like having a authentic-looking, eye-catching booth. The day of the Jamboree, hubby helps me load up, then if he can't be there, I can usually ask a couple of guys to help me unload my stuff. All I need after that is to ask a couple of people to help me set up the tent. One person CAN do it, but it pops up much easier if 4 people can pull it out. Tear-down is quick and easy as hubby and family are usually there by then.

  79. Hi Barbara I'm so tickled to know you like those bookmarks. Julie's hubby designs them for us. Aren't they nice? I too read the Bible verses and pray for all the Seekers and our friends here on Seekerville.

    Happy reading.

  80. Oh Debby That bookstore that I have a picture of in the blog is closed now also. Makes me sad. I love bookstores and they loved me too because I never got out of one without spending a fortune. smile

  81. Hi Jeanne What a great idea to get started on your blog now. That way you will have a venue for your debut release. I have heard of people getting their blog folk involved in the writing of the book even before they are published. Like they might post photos of the setting. Or they might ask their readers about a plot twist idea or about the name of a character. Its a great way to get them really wanting to read that book as they've had a part in planning it.

    You might want to start a newsletter list also with the same ideas in mind. Reporting progress on your book.

    Why not?

    I have to admit, I'm terrible about a newsletter myself. sigh

  82. PAMMERS!!!! You are the guru of self promotion. What terrific ideas and what a great way to use your small town venue to interest those in your community. Way to go girl. I LOVE the idea of making your booth all country with the hay and western stuff to fit in with your historical novels.

    And really a great idea to have the table on the side for those who are shy to come up to you. Some are like you said, worried they will be pressured to buy a book. That is why I get people around me, so a person doesn't feel obligated.

    I like the tent idea also. Most of the time I do the craft fairs in the RV parks, we get a tent covering to keep that sun off. It can get pretty toasty, esp in the summer.

    Thanks so much for sharing your fun ideas for self-promotion. Way to go girlfriend.

  83. Oh yes, I can't believe Christmas is around the corner. Starting to see decorations in the stores. You know its getting close and the way time flies nowadays....LOL

  84. I love books & I do my share of buying for the Grandchildren.. & yep for me too.. I do enjoy blogs & FB chats to meet authors.
    :) chocolate kisses! I like to buy the cherry kisses at Christmas time..

  85. Sandra,

    Thanks for the great tips! I especially like the one of having a book selling table at arts and crafts fairs and this is the perfect time of year to do that!

    Please put my name in the drawing!

  86. Hi Deanna Where do you get your cherry kisses? I have to get these when I visit my niece in Pleasanton. There is a very nice novelty shop there. I've never seen them anywhere else.

    Do you like the FaceBook chats? The FHL group is featuring them and I think they are fun. I wondered what others thought of them.

  87. Hi Edwina Let us know how it goes at the arts and crafts fair. Be sure and check out Pam's comment. She had some great ideas for setting up your booth.

  88. Sandra, I love your nine ideas! I will save this post for when I do have a book out in the world. I like blog tours *smile* and buy books as gifts for friends and family members. Our town museum features local authors once a year. Always fun and informative! Thanks for your post....and the almond favorite!

  89. Well ... I don't know if these qualify as promotion ... as a reader, after I buy a book I donate it to my local library. It's fun to see one of those books on the 'featured' table, especially fun to see someone pick it up to check it out. I also give books I've read to friends who read them and then donate them to their church library. When my book club has our annual book swap at Christmas time, I give a Seeker book. And when I'm reading a book in public, I make sure the cover is visible.

    Sharing books definitely works to spread the word about an author. Several times someone who has read a book I gave them tells me about the author's next release :-)

    Thanks for all these tips, Sandra -- and commenters. Saving this for when I have a book to promote.

    Nancy C

  90. Thanks for the tips, Sandra!
    Question, do these methods also work for indie/small pub authors? I've found that my local library and bookstores aren't real welcoming to a publisher name they're not familiar with.

    Thanks for the giveaway! Long live Seekerville!

  91. Great tips, Sandra!

    Reader here and I help out by telling friends (word of mouth) and writing reviews (though I only write reviews for the books I'd give 4-5 stars). And I pass my gently used books on to my mom, who runs a free Christian lending library in a poor county and most of her patrons love to read but can't afford to buy books.

    Thank you for offering such a nice drawing. Please enter me.

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!

  92. Hi Sherida Yes, blog tours are great, especially blogs like Tuesday Tea. smile You did a really nice job on Ruthy's book Home on The Range.

    Great idea to do a historical in the museum. Hadn't thought of that. Thanks.

    Blessings to you also.

  93. Hi Amber It depends on the store and the store manager. We have one Barnes and Noble in the Phoenix area that really loves romance novels and she features local authors all the time. But the others don't. We had a Borders store in Tempe that always supported local authors when the other Borders stores didn't really care. Small independent bookstores are fun because its usually easy to meet the manager/owner and talk to them about what you are doing.

    the same with libraries. It helps if the library has a writing program and the librarians get involved with the authors. If they are involved, they are more inclined to support you. One way I'm meeting librarians is when I go in for research and I tell them its for a book I'm writing.

    This is why I recommend you foster relationships with librarians, bookstores and anyone really in the publishing business way before you are published. support their business. That way, you have paved the way for when you do get published. Unpublished and indie writers can give workshops, teach classes on writing, and generally get people involved and invested in your work. Keep trying. You might find someone out there. It may not be the bookstore, but like Pam who sells in the country fair.

  94. HI Phyllis What a good idea to pass those books along to your mom. I'm like you. I won't write a review unless I'm really excited about the book. I would hate to write negative things even though there have been books I haven't enjoyed.

    Thanks for telling your friends also. Word of mouth is key to promotion.

    Your name is in the drawing.

  95. Pam, I like your idea of having a nearby display of your books! Great tip. Thanks!!!

  96. Thank you, Sandra!! I'm saving this post to visit again after I'm published someday. Love these tips. I would never have thought of the Craft Sale idea - such a good one!

  97. Hi Laura I sell a lot of books at the craft fairs. They are really fun also. Check above in the comments and look for Pam's. She had some great ideas for the craft fair.

    Happy writing.

  98. Hi Phyllis Just checked out your website with the photography. You're quite talented. What great shots of the hawk. Those photos are super. You will be able to use them to make your own book covers. smile

  99. Oh Nancy C I'm so glad I went back through the comments. I missed yours. What a super idea to donate the books to the library and church library. Passing books along gets those names out there. smile And you are seeing the results.

    And thank you for buying Seeker books for gifts. That tickles or hearts. smile

    And yes, it is best to be prepared for that debut book. Take advantage because the first book is big news. Get your press kit ready now so you aren't scrambling at the last minute. I'm looking forward to the big news. Yay

  100. Thanks for the reminder to get my game face on... someday. So much to do- Ah!

  101. Sandra,

    You've covered most of what I do already, and more I am not (and need to)!! Love the idea that the RV parks allow y'all to sell crafts you create. Didn't know that! What FUN it must be to see what your neighbors do, etc. Love it.

    Since I sell mostly hardcover books, not e-books (I write middle grade adventure) I need venues where physical books are sold.

    School visits are a great way to introduce your work to students. Craft fairs are usually where I find teachers, librarians, principals, media specialists and parents who would be interested. They'll call me or email and we'll set up the date, at least a month out, sometimes longer. Unlike many authors, I don't charge to come but I do ask for transportation funds, which may include hotel. That works quite well for me. I've been so far through middle Tennessee, northern Georgia, central Colorado, Houston and even Calgary (accompanied my DH on a biz trip and one of his co-workers set up the event. Didn't take my Schnauzer companion across the border though!)

    Since I taught 5th grade, I'm an experienced classroom teacher (as are you!) and offer to teach a class from 3rd grade and up on POV. It's been well-received but I still am working on making it better and better. The school hosts me for the day, typically and if we can coordinate with Family Reading/Literacy Night, so much the better. Sales range from $250 to as much as $900 for the day. I offer to partner with the PTA/PTO in case they want to do that, or else I offer a nice discount for students.

    Otherwise, I'll do an assembly for 3rd and up where I talk about our books, creating them and story ideas) and then read a chapter aloud. They seem to love that since I do all the voices and animal sounds.

    With the craft fairs, I partner with a local pet treat company. She gets a % of my sales but she handles all the fees and has all we need for set up (tent, tables, decoration, camper if needed, etc). We've been doing this for 6-8 shows a year for several years now and we have a great time. LOTS of work, but oh so fun. And I'll tell you, the Lord brings someone to me each and every craft fair who NEEDS our first book. I'm totally serious. It's amazing. My craft fair buddy keeps her eye out for "the one" too. That's such a blessing.

    Completely agree with you regarding promotion. If we don't toot our own horns, no one else will (dependably anyway) with Seekerville being a notable exception! I've been self-employed for over 30 years so I brought a lot of biz experience with me when starting this whole writing thing. It's been helpful in some aspects for sure.

    Thanks for a super post. You have several things here I need to try! And thank you too for writing the blurb on May's 4th book. SO APPRECIATIVE!!

  102. I have forgotten about a few of these. Time to get busy, and I believe he Lord is leading me into teaching and speaking. Who would have thought that possible? Certainly not my public speaking teacher.:)

  103. Hey Boo Never hurts to have the game face going. Never hurts to be prepared. Thanks for stopping by. Always a pleasure.

  104. Hi KC I would have LOVED having you come to my classes when I was teaching. That is why I think your books are so great and important. Its tough finding g-rated books that interest the boys especially and we were always looking for good authors when we had author day.

    And having classroom experience is especially great benefit. Some people just get terrified in front of all those kids. LOL.

    Thanks for reminding us that schools are a great place to sell books also. I've done that with my children's books, but don't write them anymore so haven't done it in recent years.

    Thanks for doing it free also. Most schools simply don't have the budget for an author day, but in the long run you usually sell enough books to make it worth while.

    Partnering with the feed store is genius. Great idea because they have the licenses, etc and they bring in customers that will be interested in a dog story. Good thinking and sounds fun too. You and Pammers sound like you have the local country venue nailed.

    Happy writing.

  105. HI Christina Its always fun to show someone who said you couldn't that you could. smile. That's God's grace isn't it?

    i'm glad you are thinking of doing some speaking. It is great fun and you will be amazed at what you learn as you teach. smile

    Have fun and best wishes.

  106. Sorry I'm late... again. first there was school, then college, then youth group... Where is all my time going?!

    Once my newest (AKA my second) book is finally published (I should be getting my first hard version- cover and all- tomorrow. Uber-Excited!) I plan on doing a book signing thing at the Half Price Books in our town. Right now I'm doing a blog tour, which not only promotes my book by having everyone who views the blogs that my baby is featured on finally know about me (Yes! I'm famous! MwahaMwahMwahaha) but it also gets me reviews (something that I find myself lacking greatly)

    It's a win/win for team Nicky.

  107. Great and helpful post, Sandra - - thank you!
    Loved seeing all those photos with your sweet smiling face - - I'm sure folks at those craft fairs and signings enjoy visiting with you. :)
    One of my dearest friends recently moved to Tucson, so I need to make sure she knows about their book festival! (That would be fun if she met YOU!).
    Thanks again for this info. - - going into my Keeper File.
    Hugs, Patti Jo

  108. Hey, Nicky Wow, congrats on your book and wow, you're having an autographing at the local book store and a blog tour. Way to go. Best wishes for success.

    Have fun too.

  109. Thank you, SANDRA, for directing me to Pam's comment, and thank you PAM, for such wonderful ideas, and thanks for including the photo - love that!!

  110. SANDRA....sorry so late in answering, it's been a very busy day so I am typing this between supper & before we leave to go to Bible study.

    Your question was "what do you like about street teams the most?". Several things really, first and foremost, I feel like I am able to give a small portion back to the authors hard work & dedication. By putting in my time and effort in promoting/reviewing their books, I'm helping get the word out to other readers and add to the excitement. I feel a part of a team with both the author and other readers!

    Secondly, I can pray more specifically for that author. They usually have a private group page on FB where they share things about their books and sometimes even personal family happenings. So if I know there is a personal need, I can know exactly what to pray for. That's the best part for me! They also ask if any of us need prayers for anything. It's a whole community of people supporting each other through prayer.

    And lastly, I get to read the book ahead of release day! So when they start posting pre-order links or book graphics or whatnot on FB, I can then share them and tell everyone that the book is a great read :-)

    It's the best feeling in the world knowing that I'm part of a bigger community of readers who support the author. I know sometimes a writer's job can feel somewhat isolated and alone, but when they have a whole team behind them, I think it helps to encourage them & let them know we're rooting for them! And most of all, PRAYING for them :-) Hope this answers your question.

  111. Oh Trixi, You did answer my question in a wonderful way. I'm so impressed. I think the street team sounds like a fun time. And very beneficial. Not just to the author but to you as well. How fun is that? And I love that you pray for each other. That is so special.

    Thanks for sharing all of this with us here in Seekerville. I really appreciate it. I sure would love to chat with you more about this.

    Enjoy your Bible study

  112. HI Patti Jo Thanks for joining us. And visiting with everyone is really fun. You will find out. smile

    I bet you will miss your friend. You may have to go visit her during the festival. Here is the link for the Tucson Festival of Books

    Hugs back at you.

  113. Great ideas Sandra, I hope to use a few of them. Thanks for sharing.

  114. Thanks Terri Glad they gave you some ideas.

    Happy writing.

  115. Hi Sandra:

    Thanks for this excellent post on marketing! You've given some very strong marketing ideas. I would like to add one more idea and this is not to forget the premarketing. It's helpful if you can get your fans to become invested in your upcoming stories at the inception.

    Many authors are doing this now with very personal and chatty newsletters that are far more like personal emails than they are advertising flyers. The newsletters tell about research, proposals sent in and edits coming back. I've even been asked to vote on three different covers for a new book. Doing these things makes the fan a part of the book's early life. It's never too soon to work on your personal newsletter.


  116. Lots of good ideas, Sandra! I'm sorry I didn't get by earlier today. I was traveling.

  117. Thanks Vince for the insightful idea. I've been getting interest in doing this from some of the other comments also. I can see the value of getting the reader involved in the book as its being written. Thanks for suggesting this.

    Happy writing.

  118. Never too late Missy Hope your travels went well. It always feels good to get home. smile

    Happy writing.

  119. Well folks, Tina is on board now and its time to find my pillow. I can hear it screaming at me. LOL

    Thanks for all your great ideas today. What a fruitful day full of new ideas for all of us to try.

    Be sure and visit on Sunday (Our last birthday Weekend Edition this year) and find out if you're the winner of the glass candy kiss.

    I wil check for more comments in the morning before I stir up the bowl of names.

    Thanks again and have a wonderful week.

  120. Back again.

    Just a wee correction, not a feed store but a pet treat bakery. They have a fabulous mission since it's turned into a special needs jobs training program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Here's their website:

    As far as selling in schools - I go with the attitude that I'm there to teach and get kids fired up about learning/reading/writing/illustrating. If we sell books and plush, great! It's very low key. All that being said, many schools these days I understand have some (or a lot) of grant money so I let them know I just ask for transportation funds and I've yet to have one turn me down. In all seriousness, I've looked up some author websites and noticed they charge from $1000 to $1500 and UP for one day. No kidding. Wshew.

    It's a personal thing, but I'd much rather go to small underserved schools. THOSE are the kids who really really will benefit in my opinion. Most are so surprised I'd even consider coming to visit. So, water's warm y'all. C'mon in! :)

    Thx for your kind comments.

    Hope you have a good rest. I'm still up so will check the next offering in Seekerville. Tina huh?! YAY!

    You AZ ladies are back to back huh?!

    Bye for now and happyyyyyy 9th barkday!

  121. Makes me want to get an RV and head out. Very useful stuff. Thanks for sharing. We have so many of those events here in the big city. Time to get out my calendar and coordinate dates. Thanks for the information. I love doing book reviews for other authors. I topped 100 reviews on Amazon awhile back. Reading is a joy to me so being a reviewer is fun. I have had very positive responses from those same authors for endorsements and book reviews for my upcoming debut novel.

  122. Hi Sandra. This lesson was brimming with ideas. When the time comes that I have something to sell, I will pull out these's going in my "marketing ideas" file. Many thanks and blessings to you. How I love Seekerville!

  123. Great ways for authors to promote themselves.

  124. I enjoyed all of your tips but I especially like #6 and #9. When I was an Adult Services Librarian, I was always eager to book authors for special programs. I hope to read your books soon!

  125. Hi KC Thanks for correcting me. I guess I was thinking of Pam's venue. The pet treat place sounds really special. Thanks for sharing.

    Yes, I think its a shame when the authors charge money. That means only the schools with money can have authors. What a blessing that you go without charge. That is a real gift, KC and I"m sure it pleases our Lord. smile Thanks for your service.

    Thanks again and happy writing. Give the pups a pat from me.


  126. Hi Rebecca Thanks for joining us and sharing. You are very smart and proactive to be making a file now for marketing. Be sure and get started with some of these ideas, like fostering friendships with book store owners and setting up social media. You will have everything ready when you need it.

  127. Hi Jubilee Writer, That is terrific that you are doing so many reviews. Reviewing books helps you see the kind of writing you don't want to do. smile. And it helps to learn good writing and gives you a sense of story for when you write. Great going.

    Thanks for all those reviews because they really do mean a lot for promotional purposes.

  128. Hi Jubilee Writer, That is terrific that you are doing so many reviews. Reviewing books helps you see the kind of writing you don't want to do. smile. And it helps to learn good writing and gives you a sense of story for when you write. Great going.

    Thanks for all those reviews because they really do mean a lot for promotional purposes.

  129. Thanks Abigail I thought they turned out great.

  130. Thanks Connie We love librarians who support local authors. thanks for doing that. I'm sure your authors were appreciative.
