Friday, October 28, 2016

Top 9 Reasons to Read the Seekerville Blog Every Day

with guest Melanie Dickerson.


It’s always fun to be a guest in Seekerville. Thanks, Tina, for the invitation! And yay to the Seekerville ladies for another year of greatness!

I consider Seekerville to be a wonderful resource for learning about how to be a better writer, as well as how to learn the ins and outs of this business, whether you wish to be published by a large traditional publisher, or you decide to go it on your own and be an indie author. And that is why, when someone asks my advice on writing, I always send them to Seekerville. It’s also at the top of my file entitled “Writing Websites” that I hand out when I teach writing. And here’s 9 reasons why.

1. Friendly, helpful experts.

Learning to be an author of novels is a lot of work. There’s a big learning curve. It’s like doing the coursework for a four-year degree without the benefit of a college or classroom. It sure would be nice to find a panel of friendly experts with whom you could converse and ask questions. And in the Seekerville comments section, you can!

2. Articles on every aspect and subject about writing novels.

 Sometimes when you’re learning something new, you don’t even know yet what questions to ask. Seekerville can help with that too. Just start reading Seekerville’s archived articles. There’s even a list of subjects on the right side of the screen if you scroll down. The helpful topics include things every writer needs to know about:  

Character Arc
Editing and Revising
Show Don’t Tell
Traditional, Indie, Self-pub, Hybrid
Black moment/Climax
Hooks, and lots more. You can go right now and read multiple articles on each topic. Isn’t that exciting? And it’s all FREE! So it’s even better than a college degree! Unless you want to be a neurosurgeon. Then the college degree is better.

 3. Contest Updates.

A writing contest can be extremely helpful to writers, not only for the feedback and learning opportunity it provides, but it can even help you get published. Seekerville keeps unpublished writers abreast on contests that are coming up. Once a month there’s a Contest Update, listing the contest, its deadline, and the judges, such as when an acquiring editor from a major publisher is slated to be the final round judge. This is helpful information. 

Seekerville also lists contests for the published author, which is great for someone like me who is allergic to spreadsheets and is unorganized and never remembers contest deadlines but does remember to check the contest updates on Seekerville.

4. No bad language and lots of wholesomeness. 

 I feel perfectly safe sending all my young teen writers to Seekerville. I know all the posts will be profanity-free and safe for all ages. I often have 13-yr-olds who write to me and ask for advice on what to do when you’re stuck or have writer's block, and I tell them about Seekerville, where they can read great articles to help them and find supportive people. And with the healthy spirituality of people like Debby Giusti, who will pray with you at the drop of a hat and are always so uplifting, wise, and kind, I know they are in good hands.

And while it is true that Julie Lessman’s kissing scenes and advice might be slightly on the PG-13 side, I know she will just as quickly show them God’s way of doing romance, so it’s all good. 

5. Holiday awareness.

For the very, very oblivious writer who rarely pokes her head out into the real world and therefore rarely realizes when it’s a holiday, Seekerville can keep you from making a dry run to the post office, since Seekerville is closed on major holidays. 

6. Making new friends.

 You might make a friend in the comments section of Seekerville, like Carol Moncado, Patti Jo Moore, and many others. And certainly, the Seekerville ladies will consider you a friend just for commenting, especially if you comment often, and will sometimes give you a shout-out when you final in a contest or get your first contract! And let’s face it. Being an author can be very solitary and lonely, so it’s nice to make friends you will likely meet face to face someday at a writers’ conference!

7. Giveaways. 

Seekerville gives away something for every single new blog article, which is several times a week, as well as on Saturday on the Weekend Edition. So you can win books, gift cards, and other goodies—even a critique! This is valuable stuff. So you definitely want to comment often.

8. The Weekend Edition.

The Weekend Edition lists links to important information from around the internet that can be helpful to any writer. Stay informed!

9. The daily comradery.

The comradery might be the best thing about Seekerville. It’s a safe place full of genuinely kind and helpful people. And it’s funny to read the friendly jabs between Mary and Ruthy especially. You know they are both really sweet people, so when they insult each other, you don’t feel guilty for laughing. And guilt-free laughter is my favorite.

So there you have it. The Top 9 Reasons to Read and Comment on Seekerville EVERY DAY. Do it. Read it. Every day. Because it’s good for you and it tastes better than broccoli.

Now tell me your favorite thing about the Seekerville blog, and if you can’t keep it to one thing, go ahead and tell me two. I will give away a hardcover copy of The Silent Songbird, which releases November 8th, to three select commenters.

Melanie Dickerson is the author of fairy tale retellings set in Medieval Europe and a new Regency Romance series. Her books have won a Carol Award, two Maggie Awards, a National Readers’ Choice Award, and two Christy Award finals. She lives in north Alabama with her teenage daughter (the other one is a college freshman) her husband, and two guinea pigs, Cecily (named after a character in The Importance of Being Earnest) and Ellie (short for Eleanor, I am told, from Sense and Sensibility). She enjoys watching movies based on Jane Austen’s books, and she literally has no other hobbies, as she’s always writing. Or editing. Or a combination of the two.


Evangeline is gifted with a heavenly voice, but she is trapped in a sinister betrothal until she embarks on a daring escape and meets brave Westley le Wyse. Can he help her discover the freedom to sing again?

Desperate to flee a political marriage to her cousin King Richard II’s closest advisor, Lord Shiveley—a man twice her age with shadowy motives—Evangeline runs away and joins a small band of servants journeying back to Glynval, their home village.

Pretending to be mute, she gets to know Westley le Wyse, their handsome young leader, who is intrigued by the beautiful servant girl. But when the truth comes out, it may shatter any hope that love could grow between them.

In this loose retelling of The Little Mermaid, more than Evangeline’s future is at stake as she finds herself entangled in a web of intrigue that threatens England’s monarchy. Should she give herself up to protect the only person who cares about her? If she does, who will save the king from a plot to steal his throne?


  1. And sometimes you friend someone who becomes a NYTimes BESTSELLER!!!

    Congratulation, Melanie!!! WOOT WOOT!!!

    Knew you "when" - WOOT WOOT!

    Couldn't agree more with what you shared and I'm laughing about the holiday point. HA!

    Only thing I'd add is sometimes you meet Seekers AND Villagers who will write your blurbs. How great is that?

  2. I LOVE this one! Every point is correct! Another one...learning about new books! There were quite a few books I've read or added to my TBR shelf from reading about it either in passing or as a giveaway. So thanks!

    I love meeting new friends on the posts and in the comments whenever I have the chance to chat.

    1. Oops..forgot to congratulate Melanie here! Woot woot! Yay! Hahha. I know you heard me enough on happy for you!

  3. And MELANIE'S in the house!!! NY Times best selling author....wowser!! Congrats!! This is also one of my favorite parts of Seekerville, learning of exciting things like this for an author so we can celebrate with them :-) Happy dancing!!!

    I love Seekerville for all the reasons you listed here Melanie. I'm a reader, but I've been made to feel like one of the "family", everyone is so warm and inviting....and even share some delicious food with you, lol! And the laughter I get almost everyday from reading the comments, the witty banter (all in fun), friendly jabs, or simply laughing at themselves. I also love the deeper posts, where we talk about the things of God. I'm always encouraged by these posts, they're so uplifting to me! I'm learning new things everyday in what it takes for the authors to bring us their stories, how they hone their craft, where they get their inspiration, and even some of the pit falls of being a writer. I also see everyone helping someone who is downcast, encouraging them, gently prodding them onward, giving advice and never have I read anyone putting them down. We all struggle with things in life sometimes and it's very refreshing to have people come along beside you to help carry the burden :-) The flip side of that, is they don't let you stay wallowed down for too long...they give you a friendly kick in the pants to get you going again!! And most of all, I KNOW every one of you pray for each other in your journey in life, whether it's in your writing or family situations or whatnot. Because first and foremost, we are a family of God and need each others prayers :-)

    So many things to be thankful for here! I'm so glad I discovered this blog and was immediately made to feel right at home. Thanks for a wonderful post Melanie, it made me think of all favorite things I love here. Please tuck my name in the songbook for 'The Silent Songbird' , which by the way, is a most anticipated novel by me! Thanks so much and blessings to you....congats again!!!!

  4. YAY for readers like Trixi who make it all worthwhile! :)

    Have a great Friday everyone.

    Asking for prayer as we serve 25 wounded warriors AND their families Saturday thru Wednesday with the Joni & Friends Wounded Warrior Getaway. Prayer is needed! Thanks one and all!

  5. Welcome and Congratulations, Melanie.

    We actually did know you back when. How do you like that? And you still hang out with us.


  6. Spot on Melanie! I've learned so much from the Seekerville gals and the villagers. But one of my favorite things about Seekerville is how welcome everyone makes you feel. I rarely see these gals but I think of them as friends.

    Congrats to you on your NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR status. Wow that is awesome.

    Congrats to Tina on her four book deal!

  7. Praying KC.

    Also asking for prayers for Villager Anna Weaver Hurtt, whose daddy had a heart attack tonight.

  8. Hi Melanie:

    I know this is more than one or two things but I've kept the wordage way down (for me.:))

    Intellectual and spiritual growth
    Affirmation & Encouragement
    Outlet for your own creative ideas
    Entertainment with a purpose
    Prayers willfully given at our most critical challenges
    An unlimited amount of surprising attributes to discover

  9. I always enjoy my visits. Something new to learn each & every day.

  10. I've been hanging out at Seekerville for a few years, now and love it! Lots of helpful articles and friendly folks, always ready to help you out and cheer you on. Thanks for all you do, gang!

  11. Wonderful posts, Melanie!

    I LOVE Seekerville! It's one of my favorite places to visit. It's educational, and I love the people!

  12. Lots of love in the room. With love, we should have food. Don't you think?

    Since Jan, my walking buddy (when I walk-I'm a slacker...) is here, let's bring out the Panera bagels and cream cheese!

  13. Hi Melanie! I loved this post and everything you said is true. I would add that everyone here at Seekerville is inspiring and they will pray for you when it's requested. I had MAJOR surgery in January and had one smaller surgery in June and then another small surgery last week. I reached out for prayer and I tell you what, I felt the prayer covering. The wonderful people here at Seekerville truly care about their peers and their readers and I believe we have all been blessed by them.

    I love the cover of your new book Melanie. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

    Many blessings to everyone today.

    Happy Birthday Seekerville!

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.

  14. Good morning Seekerville!

    Melanie, congrats on your new book. What a beautiful cover!

    I come to Seekerville every day for all of the nine reasons you listed. I've learned a ton over the years, but I think the friendships are the best part of Seekerville. These women are so generous and loving, and I love stopping by as part of my day.

    Melanie, thanks for joining us today and sharing!

  15. Hi Melanie!
    Congratulations on your book...great cover!
    For many years, I've started my day with Seekerville. I always come away with a new tidbit or boat load of knowledge and for that, I'm grateful. I've laughed and cried (critiques by Tina, Ruthy and Camy) but most of all, I've felt the love from all of the lovely Seeker women. You rock!
    Great post, Melanie!

  16. Congrats on your book!

    Seekerville is an amazing resource. I spotted a reference to the website in someone's book dedication or end of book material several years ago. Now I read every article, even if I don't comment. Happy birthday and thank you for the inspiration!

  17. Wow!! Congratulations on your success! Blessings abound!!

    I have always loved the weekend edition. I love seeing what is coming up and I love all the links to other sites with news and info. I also think the jovial banter from everyone is delightful. Seekerville is definitely one of a kind.

  18. Melanie, I am so thrilled about your success!!! NY Times Bestselling Author!!! And you're on the list for the second time and this time for two weeks straight, right? Woot!!! God has blessed your work abundantly. Our youth need the wonderful stories you write. So do adults!!!

    Tina's right. We knew you when!!!

    I'm cheering in GA. Can you hear me?

    Hugs and love and prayers...always! :)

  19. Congratulations on your success Melanie!

    I only discovered Seekerville this summer when I decided I was going to write a book. I'm not exaggerating when I say Seekerville played a HUGE part in me finishing the book and entering it into contests and becoming a finalist in them! The encouragement, friendship, support and education I've been blessed with through this blog are beyond anything I ever thought was possible for someone who knew very little about writing and publishing! When I had no clue what to do, TINA, JAN, RUTHY and others were there to point the way (and often draw out a detailed map on how to get there.)

    The women behind Seekerville are sincere, passionate and dedicated, to our God and to our craft. THANK YOU Seekerville and happy birthday!

  20. Plus, Mel, I love your post today. Seekerville brings the Seekers so much joy!!!

    Writing can be so lonely! The best part of each day is when I logon to Seekerville to connect with the friends who are my writing family! That family includes the whole Seekerville community!

    Love you all!!!

  21. Melanie,

    Really cute post! And all TRUE!!!!

    I love the contest updates. Even if I'm not entering, I love perusing them.

  22. Melanie, Welcome. You are the star today. Kudo's to you on making the New York Times bestseller's list. It's nice to see you are down to earth and still appreciate the Seekerville community. I love your list outlining the greatness of this daily blog that features everything a new or old writer needs to know. The best part is it helps us keep our chin up when we are rejected. It also gives us the strength to continue our writing and alerts us to the latest writing news. Like group therapy we can identify with other writers and I really appreciate how they instill us with the courage to keep on writing. Thanks for being a part of this special group.

  23. Happy Birthday to Seekerville on this 28th day of October. Today I offer a pecan raspberry danish and Cupcake coffee. I found some maple tea for you tea drinkers. It is wonderful.

  24. Those are great reasons, I agree! I love the encouragement I find to be closer to the Lord and to remember where my work and heart is from! Thanks, Melanie!

  25. "And it’s all FREE! So it’s even better than a college degree! Unless you want to be a neurosurgeon. Then the college degree is better."

    This is the humor I've come to know and love at Seekerville. CONGRATS NY Times Bestseller Melanie!!!!! *Kermit the Frog arm flail of happiness*

    I LOVE Seekerville for all the reasons you wrote as well as the opportunity to learn about authors I would otherwise know nothing about. AND, getting to see Villagers become pubbed and successful authors too!!!!

    There are quite a few Seekerville author offspring running about the internet and beyond. We're spreading the love and inspiration, imho.

    Bottom line: the Ladies of Seekerville are the biggest blessing to writers everywhere!

    Just sayin...

  26. Melanie Super Congratulations for being on the best selling list. And I'm so not surprised. And as others have said, we did know you way back when. You have been as encouraging to us as we have been to you.

    Yes, Seekers, we are equally blessed by all of you. Your words bless, encourage and help us also. As Debby said, writing can be lonely. It is wonderful to be able to reach out, share, laugh and love one another.

    Thanks for sharing today, Melanie. You have truly blessed us today.

    Have fun.

  27. Suzanne the raspberry danish are yummy. Thanks a bunch.

    Folks, I have some lovely fruit to add to the goodies. Always good to have something healthy with all this candy around this time of year. LOL

    But who minds chocolate???

  28. Vince Hey, you did write concise and to the point with VERY FEW WORDs. LOL I'm proud of you. Thanks for what you said. You always encourage us as well. smile

  29. Trixi It always amazes me how much readers love to read about our craft and struggles. We are thankful for your support because the reason we write is for you--our readers. smile Thanks for the encouraging words.

  30. MELANIE, good points. I'm on here as often as I can be. I love it that the Seekers really want to see other writers succeed, and that they have all, sigh, been there. And are sometimes still there, as they share the frustrations that published authors face. We all think it's easier on the other side of "The Call," but apparently it isn't and we need to know that.
    Seekerville is more practical than a college degree. I have a bachelor's in English with a concentration on creative writing. Colleges focus on literary short stories and novels, nothing wrong with that but it's not, alas, what I do. You can't take an historical romance novel to a college writing class, they'll laugh at you, and forget about Christian fiction. It's literary or the highway.
    MARY C. reached out to me through a contest a few years ago. I started reading and posting here, it was the best social media decision I ever made.
    Back later,
    Kathy Bailey

  31. Cindy W. Big hugs to you!

  32. LOLOL. Jill Weatherholt.

    I love that our critiques made you laugh and cry. We try for emotion on every page. LOLOL

  33. So many kind words! Thank you.

    C U P C A K E C O F F E E!!!!!!!!

  34. Kaybee, did you know that Jennifer Crusie wrote her dissertation on romance fiction? She planned to expose the irrelevance of the genre, but after reading 30 or more stories, she was hooked! Not sure how her professors felt about the topic. :) But Jenny went on to become a NYT's bestseller, just like Mel!

  35. Suzanne, how many calories in cupcake coffee? :)

  36. Seeker ears should be burning today. Thanks for all the kind comments. My heart is smiling! And, yes, my ears are burning.


  37. Congratulation Tina - SOOOOO well deserved. I can't wait for more Tina books!!

    Melanie - Congratulations to you too! Thank you for a fun and wonderful post. I LOVE Seekerville right along with you.

  38. Good morning, Melanie!

    I couldn't agree more that Seekerville is a safe place to learn and provides comraderie in such a solitary endeavor.

    Congratulations on your ranking with the NYT Best Seller list! I love your blurb for Silent Songbird and can't wait to read it.

  39. I don't drink coffee, so I try to start everyday with a dose of Seekerville.

    It's always encouraging, educational, or a good kick in the pants.

    Where else can you go to get your own personal cheering team for getting published?

    Thanks to many years of all that and more.

  40. And Melanie, your book sounds delightful! Beautiful cover to boot.


    I enjoy interacting with the authors and those soon to be published here in Seekerville. It's a wonderful place to hang out with my bookish friends.


    Please enter me in the drawing.

  42. Thank you, Tina!
    Will add this to our prayers as well!!

    "prayers for Villager Anna Weaver Hurtt, whose daddy had a heart attack tonight."

    Take care everyone. I'll be out pretty much until Wednesday evening...

  43. hehehehehehehehe Connie Queen rocks. A large cup of Seekerville, easy on the sugar, heavy on the sass. Coming up.

  44. HEY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I'm so sorry I'm late getting here. Say a prayer to cast out the evil in my stomach. (Groan) Not feeling very well, and I can't be sick, since my precious college girl is home for a couple more days for fall break!!! (It's nothing contagious, but ugh. :P)

    KAREN (KC) I am so happy to have gotten to know you too! It's a crazy journey, isn't it? It's wonderful to have friends like you and your sweet schnauzers! (Sic)

    ANNIE JC (otherwise known as Just Commonly) thanks so much for your supportive, sweet self!!! Love your blog and your reviews! Seekerville just feels like a fun meeting place, like a coffee shop where all your friends hang out, doesn't it? :-)

    Wow, TRIXI!!! You said it perfectly! Seekerville is the BEST! And you are the SWEETEST to celebrate with me. I was really shocked to get the news about making the bestseller list. Truly, as my agent said, it was "divine intervention" mixed with some savvy and hard-working marketing people at Zondervan/HarperCollins Christian that made it happen! I am thrilled, though. ;-)
    But I just love what you've said here about Seekerville. It is truly a blessing from God!

  45. You know often we do and say things that we don't even realize how the Lord is using us? It's been an eye opener to hear so many talk about feeling safe here. Goodness, is it that scary elsewhere? I'm so thankful you feel that way here because we really do love all of you. smile

    Now we're feeling safe even when we get those kick in the pants??? LOL (I'm ducking Ruthy) She's got the most powerful kick. She's hustled me out of doldrums more than I care to count.

  46. KC, God bless you in your work with the Wounder Warrior project! I pray it is a very blessed and anointed time of comfort and love for these families. Bless you!!!

    TINA, yay on the huge 4-book deal!!! Congratulations!!! You rock! But we already knew that. ;-) Yeah, I still like to hang with you guys. I'm just humble like that. (Bahahaha!)

    TERRI, thanks so much!!! And you are so right! The Seekers and their Villagers all feel like friends, and you know what? They ARE your friends. :-)

    LORD, please be with Anna Weaver Hurtt today and bring healing to her father, through the power of Jesus.

  47. Love this, Melanie!!!

    And CONGRATULATIONS on the NYT Best-Seller status!!!!!! You rock, girlfriend!!!

  48. Melanie, loved #5 - Holiday Awareness! lol So true! More than once I've made that trip to the PO only to realize they're closed.


  49. Yay, VINCE! That was very succinct and accurate! I LOVE that list!!!

    Yes, MARY! So true! And I love your profile pic! :-)

    Yes, JAN! So glad you're here. I don't hang out as much lately as I used to--deadlines keep me hopping, but I still like to keep up with what's going on. I visit more than I comment.

    RHONDA, you are right on!

    Thanks, TINA, for the bagels and cream cheese! And speaking of Panera, it's a great place write when you're feeling distracted at home. Just sayin.

  50. I just realized my mall...that has Panera's also has an outdoor deck with tables and umbrellas. Tis the season for outdoor writing. And coffee available close by.

    If the cats keep bothering me, will head there with earplugs.

  51. Prayers for you to feel better, Melly.

  52. Trixi is spot on. There's something for everyone in Seekerville. Some of us are dry as last year's birds nest and do all that crazy analytics stuff with spreadsheets and charts making Ruthy twitch, then others are so crazy fun and FUNNY (Mary) that I just DIE laughing all day. And then there's Vince. When I see Vince post, I'm like, okay, wake up, clear your brain and concentrate because this is going to be DEEP.

  53. Okay, there should be a rule somewhere that NYT Bestselling Authors DO NOT get the stomach crud! Feel better soon, Melanie!

  54. Thank you, CINDY! Isn't it amazing and wonderful to find friends here on Seekerville, real people, who will pray for you? What a sweet spirit there is among those who will always pray for you. I hope you are doing well after your surgery!

    JACKIE, thank you! I love this cover too. I am blessed to have beautiful covers! My publishers have always gone above and beyond, which I so appreciate. And so glad you found Seekerville!

    Aw, thanks, JILL! Isn't Seekerville a great place? You have been here a long time too! I'm glad you have benefitted from it!

    BETTIE, you are a wise woman! For years I read every single article too! Just in the last couple of years I've gotten too busy, but it is a treasure of knowledge!

    SHERRINDA, you see things the way I do! :-) It's good to see you here again! Just like old times! :-)

    Aw, DEBBY, you are just the sweetest!!! I do hear you cheering, so thank you. It really touches my heart. :-) You are right. God has really blessed my work. I feel blessed and thankful for him to use it for his glory. And to get paid for it is also a needed blessing!!!

  55. I like the giveaways, but mostly I like learning about authors that I have not heard of before. My to-be-read list keeps expanding and I can't seem to find enough hours in the day to complete it.

  56. Aw, JOSEE, what a heartfelt tribute to the Seeker ladies!!! I'm so glad you found your way here and have been so blessed. Writing is an amazing journey, so live it well! :D

    Yes, DEBBY, it really is like a family!!! Or like that old show, Cheers, but without the bar or the drinking or . . . okay, it's not really like that except that we come here to see our friends. LOL!

    ROSE, yes, it's a great way to keep up with the contest and gives you something to shoot for!

    Yes, SUZANNE!!! Encouragement is soooooo important! In life and in writing, it's easy to feel beaten down (and beaten up!) with rejections and frustrations, but Seekerville is a great place to get some "group therapy" of sorts. :-) Great point!
    And thank you for the danish and coffee!!! Raspberry danish! YUMMM!

  57. Thank you, Melanie for a great shout out. TINA does an awesome job.
    Congratulations on making the NY TIMES BEST SELLER LIST.
    Hugs to Anna....a girl is never to old to need her daddy. Sorry about your loss.
    I've heard so much about Pandora, I'm going to have to check it out. And I'll never go to that mall again without checking to see if your cats kicked out you, TINA!
    I read every post, but I don't always come back on Fridays....huh that's how I keep track of the days. During the summer atleast it's posts from the archives

  58. Nine years ago, Mel, did you ever think your stories would make the New York Times Bestseller list?

    My advice to writers: DON'T LIMIT GOD!

    We don't know the plans he has for our future, as Scripture tells us!

  59. YES! There is so much truth in this post. I floundered for years feeling like I had no idea what I was doing, feeling like a complete impostor, and having no clue how to structure a novel or develop characters effectively. And I would hyperventilate any time I even thought about queries, proposals, or publishing. Seekerville has been a breath of fresh air, an incredible resource, and an encouraging and safe community for me! I went from mumbling, "Yeah, I write sometimes..." to confidently saying, "I'm a writer! And I love it!"

    I live in the Mountain Time Zone, so most nights I wait up until 10pm just so I can check the new post right away when it goes up. It's amazing to me what God has done through the Seekers for so many writers and I'm so glad I found you ladies!

  60. Hello, Melanie! How terrific to have you here! My second daughter turned 15 a couple of weeks ago, and we gave her the kindle version of your Fairy Tale Romance Collection. She dove right in and has just now come up for air at the end of the five books. It was her favorite gift! Thank you!

    What a terrific post! I agree with every single one! I particularly enjoy the friendship and fellowship found here with every post, and it made ACFW that much better to be able to spend time in person.

    Okay, another one. :-) I also particularly appreciate the support and shout-outs for new authors. Very generous and sooo helpful!

  61. Thanks, FEDORA! So glad you found Seekerville!

    Aw, thank you, DEB H, for that Kermit arm flail of happiness!!! :D And yes, it is really inspiring and exciting to see Villagers--LIKE ME!--who have gotten published, due in large part to help and info and encouragement received here at Seekerville! I honestly believe this blog and its bloggers deserve a lot of credit. This place has been an oasis of encouragement and source of knowledge for me, for years before I got published!

    Aw, SANDRA, you're so sweet!!! Love you, lady! And did you say chocolate? I'll take some!!! Chocolate is my favorite food group.

  62. KATHY, you are so right!!! I do believe Seekerville, for a commercial novel writer, is more practical than a college degree. And I love practicality, as long as it's coupled with creativity. ;-) Yep, you are in the right place.

    Wow, DEBBY, that is amazing about Jennifer Crusie! LOL! Yeah, romance is pretty powerful. ;-)

    CINDY R, thank you!

    RENEE, thanks so much!!! I really hope you will read TSS and like it! I'm always so nervous about a new book--more so with every new book, I think! I just don't want to disappoint my readers. LOL! The insecurity never ends, I guess.

  63. MELANIE, Great to see you and your beautiful smile back post side in Seekerville! My favorite part of Seekerville is the fun, the connection to readers and writers. Like you say, writing is a solitary pursuit. Who wouldn't love to share food with friends and chat about stories?

    Something that comes in a close second is seeing writers like you achieve success! Congratulations on all those great books and being a NYT Bestseller TWICE!!! I remember seeing your name ages and ages ago when you won the Opening Gambit contest in my RWA chapter and I was the coordinator. You've come a long way since those days.


  64. Well done, Melanie! And congratulations on making the NYT bestseller list!

    My favorite thing about Seekerville is the nice people :) The sense of community and kindness too.

    Please enter me in your drawing.

    May God bless you and all of Seekerville!

  65. CONNIE, I don't drink coffee either, but I'm on my second cup of hot tea! I will share with any other non-coffee drinkers. I have peach flavored black tea and Coconut Macaroon rooibos tea!
    And you're so right! It really is like "your own personal cheering team for getting published."

    CARYL, thank you!!! And Happy Friday to one and all!

  66. Congratulations, Melanie, on making the NYT bestseller list! I'm thrilled for you.

    This reminds me of another reason to love Seekerville. The Seekers and Seekervillagers love to celebrate the successes of others. It's lotsa fun to party here.

    Seekerville rocks!

  67. Congratulations Melanie on not only making the NYT bestseller list, but the number one spot, so awesome!

    My favorite things about Seekerville? I agree with many of the reasons already listed, so I'll add a few new ones.

    *writers love to write, and readers love to read, so we have a bond, a match made in heaven

    *In addition to my love of books, I enjoy seeing new places, mostly armchair traveling lately, but the Seekers have taken me all over the country. I've been to places like Paradise, Hunter Ridge and Hawk Ridge, Eden, Greys Glen, Wisdom, Appleton, Skull Gulch, Amish country, Leeza Island, Newport, Gnaw Bone and Isle of Hope, to name a few. Loved them all!

    *disclaimer-I'm about to gush, Seekers, so if you can't handle it, look away now.

    Seekers are SO MUCH MORE than a community of talented writers sharing what they know and lighting the path for others. That's what they do, but it's not who they are. They are truly amazing, caring and loving women. When I lost my dad last year and was MIA for awhile, I got an email from Tina asking if everything was okay. Like a shepherd gathering in her lost sheep she sought me out. I was beyond moved, it was just what I needed to get going again. I recieved a hand full of the nicest sympathy cards from other Seekers once they found out. They went the extra mile, just because that's who they are, women with huge hearts, who write! Enough said, I'll stop now.

    I guess that makes me just one of many Seekerville fan club members, happy birthday Seekerville!!!

  68. TINA said: A large cup of Seekerville, easy on the sugar, heavy on the sass.

    Bahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! LOVE.

    SANDRA said: You know often we do and say things that we don't even realize how the Lord is using us?

    A lot, Sandra!!! He uses our books in ways we haven't even thought about. It's so humbling. And He's using you and everyone who blogs and comments here. It's a beautiful thing.

    Aw, MYRA, thank you!!! You are so sweet!!! ;-)

    PAM, right??? I hate wasting those post office trips because I didn't check Seekerville to see if it was a holiday!!!
    And I so agree on the something for everyone!!! And the stomach thing is a chronic thing that rears its ugly head all too often.

    TINA, thanks for the prayers! And I've written at Panera several times, using when I'm waiting for my daughter.

    KLKFROG, it is great to find new authors! And an overflowing TBR pile is a blessing. :-)

  69. I am working on a new logo right now.

    "Better than Broccoli."

  70. Congrats to TINA for her new book deal, WOOHOO!

    Congrats to JILL Wheatherholt on her Love Inspired cover reveal, adorable cover, can not wait to read it!

  71. Melanie Yay, yay, yay!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

    Neurosurgeons Thank you for going that extra mile with the college degree.

    Seekerville is a great place for readers to learn about all the work and love that goes into the books we adore!

    Plus peopleing is less stressful via internet :)

  72. MARIANNE, Yes!!! So agree on the fact that TINA does an awesome job with this blog! Love me some Tina. ;-) And thanks for the congrats. :-)

    DEBBY, I am a dreamer, so yeah, I was dreaming about hitting the NYT bestseller list. LOL! I was not sure I'd ever make it, but I was dreaming. And I've definitely prayed it would happen. Dream big and PRAY BIG! And work hard. That's my philosophy. My God is so big! My daughter's school honor choir sang an old spiritual that says it just about right--My God is so big, you can't get around him, so high, you can't get over him, so low, you can't go under him, you have to get to him through and by the Lamb.
    Or by praying. ;-)

  73. I enjoy reading the authors and reader comments each day. The information the authors share is so interesting as a reader to see just what goes into getting their story out. It's certainly an uplifting place to visit!
    would love to read another of your books :)

  74. Aw, MEGAN B! I'm so happy you found Seekerville! May God bless your writing!!!

    MEGHAN C, I'm so happy your daughter enjoyed the books! Please tell her happy birthday from me!

    JANET, you are so sweet!!! I am so blessed to have been able to hear your cute voice in person, I can hear your words in my head! :D Ah, the contest days. What a roller-coaster ride writing and publishing is!

    Thanks, PHYLLIS! You are in the drawing!

  75. Hi Melanie,
    Great to "see" you here at Seekerville! I think it would be easier to list what I don't like about Seekerville because there is nothing I don't like! This is such a fantastic blog, full of helpful information and encouragement. I love the comradery, the Weekend Edition with all the fantastic links that Tina gives us, etc. The Seekerville blog is the first thing I look for when checking my email every morning.

    Please enter my name in the drawing.


  76. KELI, thank you, my sweet friend!!! You are so right! The Seekers are excellent celebrators and party-ers! :D

    TRACEY said: *writers love to write, and readers love to read, so we have a bond, a match made in heaven

    Wow, you said it, girl! And oh my goodness, how sweet that was for Tina and the other Seekers to reach out to you!!! The hands and feet of Jesus, for sure. What a sweet story, and I'm so happy God used it to help you get through that painful time. God is amazing, and so are the Seekers!!!

  77. BETH ERIN, I literally laughed out loud when you said: Neurosurgeons Thank you for going that extra mile with the college degree.

    Bahahaha!!!!!!!! Yes.

    DEANNA, I'm so glad you enjoy Seekerville! Where would we be without readers? Thank you!

  78. Aw, EDWINA, my old friend!!! (Old, as in we were bumping into each other here and other online places so many years ago!!!) Great to see you too! God bless you in your writing!

  79. Squeals from my daughter, Melanie! She says thanks for the birthday wishes!

  80. Congratulations, Melanie!

    Praying, KC.

    That's an awesome love-list! I adore Seekerville because they serve non-caloric scrumptious food!!! It's the place to go for some snarky humour or a good kick in the pants. :-) Seekerville has introduced me to new and new-to-me authors who have fast become my go-to authors. Motivating posts. Inspirational posts. And they own an island even if no one lives there anymore.

  81. Yay for Melanie! NYT best seller list! Woot! Woot! Woot!

    I'm on a deadline...or two... but I still make time to come to Seekerville every day. I read the post, even when I don't have time to comment.

    Where would I be without all of you? Both Seekers and Villagers are among my favorite people :)

  82. I feel like I am among friends when open up Seekerville every day. I also find the help, advice and encouragement I need. Not to mention the prayer when life throws the little curves, Thank you Seekerville!

    Melanie, every part was spot on. Great post. Please enter me for a copy of your book.

  83. I mean right, Kav? WE OWN AN ISLAND!! Come on. Who else owns an island???

  84. LOLOL, Beth Erin.

    You are a funny girl.

  85. I love Seekerville. I love to learn, and that is promoted here. I do not write as a profession, but I learn so much about expressing myself through the written word by reading Seekerville. I also teach writing to my kids (home education) and Seekerville has helped me be a better writing teacher. I love finding out about the authors and their books. I have expanded my reading list through Seekerville! I love

    Thanks for the great article. I love stopping by Seekerville each day.
    PS Of course I would love to win a copy of your new books. My daughter and I love them.

  86. MELANIE, I'm delighted you still remember that call. It's good to hear that the voices in your head are positive ones! That's what we all need. God gave us talent and He'll work things out for His glory. As He's done for you. May you never run out of fairy tales!!!


  87. TINA, cruise ship companies own islands. Even individuals own islands. I know the latter as I've watched HGTV and seen them for for a few million. :-) But who owns an island and shares it with aspiring writers working hard so they can sail off Unpubbed Island to the mainland? Only us.

    I think...


  88. I love Seekerville! I have been coming here for almost 2 1/2 years and I look forward to it everyday. I feel like I have made so many friends. Many have become Facebook friends, so I get to know them even more that way. It has given me so much encouragement in my writing.

    Congrats on the Bestseller List Melanie. And I do hope you feel better soon.

  89. Melanie, congratulations on the NYT Best Selling Author! I can only add one thing to your super list ... I get to find out about 'new' authors to me. Well, and one more thing ... I always leave Seekerville with a smile on my face. (Gee, I hope I didn't miss those in your list lol)

    Nancy C

  90. Also wanted to mention that I completely agree with reason #4, Melanie! My 11-year-old granddaughter (also my biggest fan!) loves to write stories, so I feel very comfortable sending her to Seekerville when she has writing questions.

  91. I forgot to add that I want to have my name in the draw for your newest book. Looking forward to reading your take on the Little Mermaid. As always, you do have the COOLEST book covers. Whoever your publisher has doing them is certainly an expert in their craft! (as a graphic artist, I drool over your covers and confess to a bit of "wish I could get paid to do that")

    prayers for your general ick to go away.

  92. I love all of the great writing tips and I find encouragement from everyone's stories of their journeys to publication. The giveaways are awesome as well. :)

  93. MELANIE!!! Love, Love, LOVE it when you're here, girlfriend, and I just saw Disney on Ice with my grands last night, and my favorite part of it (other than Frozen) was The Little Mermaid, so I'm excited to read your latest, my friend!

    You said: "And while it is true that Julie Lessman’s kissing scenes and advice might be slightly on the PG-13 side, I know she will just as quickly show them God’s way of doing romance, so it’s all good."

    LOL ... "slightly"? There are several one-star reviewers out there who would beg to differ ... AND "beg" to burn my books! ;)

    You asked what our favorite things about Seekerville are, and although this fits into your points #6 and #9, my spin on those is a wee bit different. My favorite thing is "the family feel" of Seekerville, both among the Seekers themselves AND the Seeker friends. You never feel alone here, and if you're hurting or in need of encouragement or advice, just like family -- this is a great place to be. There's a closeness, a unity here that you can't find on too many blogs, and yet it is so much more! We Seekers refer to the other Seekers as "Seeker sisters" and it really is true. We have each other's backs. Of course, just like siblings, we spar, too, (a la Mary and Ruthy) over the best ways to do certain things or other opinions.

    JUST as important are the "family" relationships with Seeker friends, many of which are as close or in some cases, closer than family to me. The Seekers may be the "heart" of Seekerville, but the Seeker friends are the lifeblood, and we couldn't live or thrive without you.

    And then it goes without saying, there are the primo GUESTS like YOU, my friend, who make our job and our blog SO much better, so THANK YOU!!

    Hugs and more hugs!!

  94. Light Bulb Moment!

    It just occurred to me that the first 13 reasons to read Seekerville everyday are:

    •Audra Harders
    •Cara Lynn James
    •Debby Giusti
    •Debby Giusti
    •Glynna Kaye
    •Janet Dean
    •Julie Lessman
    •Mary Connealy
    •Missy Tippens
    •Myra Johnson
    •Pam Hillman
    •Ruth Logan Herne
    •Sandra Leesmith
    •Tina Radcliffe

    And this is not just because of what they do, as wonderful as that is, it's because of who they are. From this all else follows.


  95. Hehehe, Vince. Way to go.

  96. Oh MELLY!!!! What a wonderful post - - and soooo very true. :)
    I love (and agree with!) all of your reasons to read the Seekerville blog every day
    If I had to sum up why I love this blog so much in only 2 words, it would be LEARNING and LAUGHTER. I've learned (and continue to learn) so very, very much from these wise ladies and their guests. And the laughs I've gotten from various comments (and good-natured ribbing back and forth, LOL) have often given me a lift for my day. And of course under the "Laughter" heading comes friendship, because I genuinely feel these ladies are my friends, along with lots of other folks I've met thanks to this blog. (By the way, you've MADE MY DAY with your mention of moi in your post, dear Melly - - I'm smiling!!) :)

    CONGRATULATIONS again on your NY Times BESTSELLING AUTHOR status - - YAY MELLY!!!!
    Hugs and peach cobbler from Georgia, Patti Jo :)

  97. Thank you, Vince! You're such a dear man and good friend.


  98. Melanie, so glad you didn't limit God!

    Love your philosophy...

    Mel wrote: "Dream big and PRAY BIG! And work hard."

    Great words to remember.

    Hugs and chocolate kisses!

  99. I just got my copy of The Silent Songbird, Melanie. I LOVE IT!!!

    And so super crazy mad quintuple exponential to the 10th power excited for you with the Best Seller List!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  100. VINCE, your sweet comment blessed me. Thanks!


  101. PATTI JO, your peach desserts are a treat we can always count on in Seekerville! Thanks bunches for just being you!


  102. I like the G rating and the giveaways.

  103. There you go, Michelle F. And we made a rule years ago, Seekers don't get to win prizes. I have regretted that since DAY 2.

  104. And while they do give away prizes, the advice received in Seekerville is a prize in and of itself.

  105. Love this post, and the Seeker ladies!!! I first found this site (about a year ago) because an author mentioned it in the acknowledgement section of her LI book. I remember thinking, "What is this Seekerville you speak of?" I loved this place from day one!! The value of the prayer and encouragement received here is immeasurable.

    And I agree with WALT: "The advice is a prize in and of itself." Thank you ladies, and thank you to all the Villagers -- I've learned a lot from all of you, too!!

  106. Seekerville is a wonderful community, that even welcomes lurkers like me. And you all are so generous in your prizes and your advice.

  107. Melanie, I'm coming VERY late to the party, but I love your post! So fun! I agree with all of your points. And, it's probably already been said, but Seekerville is one of the most encouraging sites around! I started visiting when I was a very new writer, and the ladies here answered my questions and encouraged me to keep at it. I heard just what I needed to (still do!) especially in those early days of writing.

    I still learn a ton here. :) And I love all the people I've met in the comments section. Meeting them in the comments was second only to meeting some of them in person.

    Thanks for reminding me about all the fabulous things about Seekerville! :)

  108. Oh, I've been away for a day, but I'm so glad that I got over here tonight to say hi to my pretty buddy Melanie!!!!

    I knew the FIRST TIME I got her work in a contest years ago that she was going to make it big... that she would shine.

    And she's done exactly that!

    (Of course the fact that she's saying Nice Things About Us is wonderful!!!)


    Thank you, lovely lady!!!!

  109. I think that my favorite thing about Seekerville is the feeling of acceptance. Yeah the giveaways are fun and the advice is awesome, but I like the acceptance the best. Even though I am far younger than most of the ladies on Seekrville they still treat me with respect like they would with someone twice my age. So thanks!

    P.S. I was personally offended by your mention of broccoli (just kidding) but still... that stuff tastes super awesome (so don't Brussel Sprouts too, though). When I was a kid broccoli was my favorite thing to eat- no kidding.

    Please enter my name in the drawing for your book. My mom would be desolate if I didn't win ;)

  110. Trixi, what lovely things to say!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

    And Vince... what a nice bunch of attributes. Thank you, my friend. Your good opinion makes us all smile.

  111. Are you younger than us, Nicky? No. You have an old spirit. I have an old body. You have a young body and I have a young spirit. So we can hang together.

  112. YES! Seekerville is all good things. I was initially drawn to the site for the giveaways, but now it's the camaraderie and wide variety of excellent posts that I just love. I still love a great giveaway too ;)

  113. Melanie, this was a great post!! Thanks for the fun topic. :) My favorite aspect is the camaraderie, the new friends we make!

  114. Congratulations Ms. NYT Bestseller!!

  115. Laura K, that's so cool that you found us by reading an acknowledgement in a book!! :)

  116. What sweet comments from all of you!! We're so thankful that you take the time to hang out with us here on the blog. :)

  117. VINCE SAID: "It just occurred to me that the first 13 reasons to read Seekerville everyday are:

    •Audra Harders
    •Cara Lynn James
    •Debby Giusti
    •Debby Giusti
    •Glynna Kaye
    •Janet Dean
    •Julie Lessman
    •Mary Connealy
    •Missy Tippens
    •Myra Johnson
    •Pam Hillman
    •Ruth Logan Herne
    •Sandra Leesmith
    •Tina Radcliffe

    And this is not just because of what they do, as wonderful as that is, it's because of who they are. From this all else follows.

    VINCE!!! There are SO many reasons to love you, but this is one of the sweetest, my friend. Seekerville would not be the same without you!!



  118. I love this post, so true! I guess thats what i love about it, all of the info we can get from you professional authors! And i love the giveaways. ;) They're always great! God bless.

  119. There is always something new. Even things I know are presented in a new way. Not to mention learning about new books out there to read. Real community. So fun.

  120. Melanie, I agree with you wholeheartedly! I only discovered Seekerville recently but,at each visit, I never fail to learn something new, discover a new author or just receive encouragement and motivation!
    Thanks Seekers!

  121. Seekerville is my top go-to-website for all things reading and writing. Plus, they have the best imaginary food and awesome giveawags. :)

  122. Better than broccoli? But, I like broccoli. So that means this place is crazy awesome!!! Right?! 😄 I love reading all the articles and posts here. Keep it up, ladies!

  123. Wow, congrats on being a New York Time's bestselling author! Your story looks very interesting and I love your point about holiday awareness ;)

  124. Sorry I couldn't make it back to answer everybody's comments, but I love and cherish them, and love and cherish all you Seekers and Villagers!!!

  125. Thank you for your post, Melanie. Seekerville is like visiting family...kindred spirits with so much wisdom to share. What could be better than writing for Christ than finding like-minded friends who cherish the same things? Heaven on you all!
